Notre-Dame (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

The gallery that links
the two towers is unstable.
If we can take up position there
with the hoses,
we'll have an effective point of attack
in order to reach the fire from there
and stop it spreading to the belfry.
Our plan is to let the fire
consume the entire frame
until it's completely starved of fuel.
We hope that will ultimately stop it
from spreading.
The measurements
from the rangefinders are clear.
The corridor has been damaged.
Don't doubt for a second
that it could fall.
It's a huge risk, Mr. President,
but it's a risk
my men and I have agreed to undertake.
The Château d'Eau command post
and the Sévigné-Rousseau fire truck,
- front line, on reconnaissance.
- Understood.
That's it!
The flames consuming Notre-Dame
have been broadcast around the world
and touched people well beyond France.
Messages of support and sympathy
have flooded in from across the globe.
All EU state representatives
have expressed their solidarity.
The fire that has been raging
at Notre-Dame has forced us to
Excuse me,
can I have a scratch card, please?
- Here.
- Thanks.
And Notre-Dame,
a symbol of European culture,
has been badly damaged,
as Angela Merkel states in a tweet
posted by her spokesperson.
On the other side of the Atlantic too
- Hello.
- "Hello, sir."
- Hello, sir.
- And "thank you, sir."
Because the gentleman took a beating
so that Daddy can buy you toys.
- So, "thank you, sir."
- Thank you, sir.
That's it. Let me take a look.
Oh very nice.
The ladies are gonna love that, eh?
So what you gonna do
now you got your head kicked in?
I haven't decided yet.
I just wanna know where she is.
It's for you.
Hello? Rico?
It's me, your father.
Victoire, I've been looking
for you everywhere, all night.
What do you want?
Your mother relapsed six months ago
All right, all right!
She relapsed six months ago.
We thought she'd get better
like the first time, but
Your mother's going to die, Victoire.
Tonight, tomorrow,
the day after, I don't know when.
I don't know how much longer
she can hang on, but
Not true. She's not sick.
Before she goes, she she wants
She just wants to see you, Vic.
- I don't believe that. It's bullshit.
- Vic, listen.
I don't believe you.
You're just saying it all
to get me to come see you
so you can tell me I'm shit.
- No, Victoire, no.
- I don't believe it.
I'm not lying, Victoire.
She's at the Hôtel-Dieu hospital.
- You have to come!
- I don't believe it.
She's in the hospital,
for fuck's sake, Victoire!
She hung up.
Remember what you were doing
the day Michael Jackson died?
No, I don't remember.
I do.
I remember it well.
I was with her, with Victoire.
We got on well back then.
I despaired. I don't know what happened.
I don't know if it was my fault. I mean
All I want is
to try to find her and hold her.
Tell her I love her.
take her back to her mom.
That's all I want.
I'm I'm sorry about your wife.
That's rough.
I guess that
we all cling to something, like
some people cling to Buddha.
Others follow Krishna.
Others cling to Jesus or Mohammed.
I cling on to money, see?
But it's not enough.
Don't we need something else
to believe in?
Don't we need to believe that I dunno,
that we're gonna make it together?
You know, all of us together?
Believe that, I mean
we'll be together again,
one day,
here, some place else, I dunno.
What else can we do, though?
Give up?
She's getting high in the 20th district.
That's the address.
Don't look, don't see
Don't beg in need ♪
The tension ♪
Don't waste no time ♪
To tell me lies ♪
Protection ♪
Don't wait for me ♪
Don't look, don't see
Don't play with me ♪
You're not staying?
The tension ♪
Don't waste my time ♪
Just tell me why ♪
Desertion ♪
Don't wait for me
There's nothing here to capture ♪
And all I wish for you
Is to go and watch her ♪
She say where she was going? Tell me!
Soon as she's paid for it,
I don't give a fuck what she does!
All right, guys, enough.
It's all good, enough.
Haven't you been
beaten up enough tonight, huh?
Don't wait for me
There's nothing here to capture ♪
All I wish for you
Is to go and watch her ♪
Fucking car
You gonna be okay? What's wrong?
- Hm?
- No, no, I'm fine.
- What are you doing? You coming?
- Yeah.
- Grégoire's over there. I thought
- No, leave without being seen. Let's go.
I told you, I want you on screen.
To tell the world what happened,
what you went through in the nave
when it was on fire. Everything.
- Elena?
- Huh?
BFM, 15th district, please.
So, that man
What man?
The fireman who was holding you
in his arms.
Did you think it was
the Bastille Day ball, or what?
He's someone who I know from back home.
What do you mean "home"?
Back there in Réunion.
Is he the one
who got you into the cathedral?
Well, kind of, yeah.
You all right?
You're gonna nail it, huh?
It's our last chance.
If the fire isn't contained
in the next half hour
- It all comes down.
- It all comes down.
- Colonel?
- Yes, General?
First off,
the fireboats have finally arrived,
so we'll be able to attach your hoses
in a few minutes.
Copy that.
We'll be in the Chimera Gallery
in under two minutes.
It can't be.
- Varèse.
- Yes, General?
Is Adamski with you?
Adamski? No. Of course not.
- I need you to check, please.
- I'll check.
Go see if Adamski's with us.
Yes, Colonel.
No. No Adamski.
Negative. She's not with us.
I repeat, Adamski's not with us.
Are you sure?
Yes, General.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, I saw her.
- I'm sure I saw her with you.
- Oh man.
Listen, we both know
what she's trying to prove.
- I'm on my way.
- What do you mean you're on your way?
General, your place is at the command post
and with the politicians.
My place is wherever I decide.
- I'm coming with you.
- Certainly not now.
You can't go alone.
You know it's against all of the rules.
Yeah, but sometimes
we have to improvise. Listen.
I need you all here.
So let me take care of Adamski, all right?
Varèse, where are you?
We've just arrived.
The situation's developing.
The fire isn't just at the base.
The flames are now reaching
the top of the belfry.
To all crews in the field,
massive offensive on the beam!
We have to stop the flames
reaching the belfry!
Team two, copy!
General, visibility's too low.
Too much smoke!
The flames must have got in
through the vents.
I'm going into the belfry.
There's flickering up there.
I think the fire's got in.
You think or you know?
I know. The beams are starting to char.
The fire's spreading fast.
We need to set up new hoses!
General, I'll do whatever I can
from here inside,
but I need additional resources.
We need to approach the fire
from the other side,
attack right onto the east facade
from the outside.
You can't hose down
the eastern facade from the gallery.
I know.
We need a team on the walkway.
Attack from the inside
and stop the fire from spreading.
For the outside, we'll try to position
a hose on one of the overhead arms.
General, this is Antony.
We've already tried. They're too far away.
It's the only solution we have
to save the belfry.
Just one hose
could make all the difference, General.
I'm scared.
It's going to be all right.
Try to get some sleep.
I won't be able to.
Rest. I'll stay awake.
Tell me a story, then.
A story?
A story with a happy ending.
Her name was Shérine,
and she was my wife.
She was with me when we made the crossing.
And I fell asleep, just for a moment.
when I woke up, she was gone.
She passed that day.
And you, well, you look a lot like her.
I'm starting to forget her face.
I try, and it leaves.
I try drawing her,
but that doesn't work.
When I saw you,
I felt like she'd come back.
That she was here,
right in front of me again.
I only came here to see your face.
And then
to ask you
may I draw a portrait of you?
We'll be back on air
in 30 seconds.
Everyone get ready, please.
No, no, no. No makeup.
I want to see the exhaustion.
- Are you ready?
- Yeah, yeah.
Ten, nine, eight
Come on, Billy.
No, it's not true. She isn't sick.
It's not true.
You're lying, like always.
No, it's not true. It's not true.
I don't know, I don't know
how much longer she can hold on.
Please, you have to believe me.
You have to believe me.
Your mother needs you.
I need you.
You have to believe me, please.
You have to believe me.
Let's go, Billy.
Where to?
Aren't we gonna wait for a cab?
- Aren't you taking me home?
- No.
- I wanna go home! I'm exhausted!
- Come on!
The light's red.
We're gonna get killed!
The fire, the lead
I-I mean, the ironwork, the stone.
I really thought that
I mean, I didn't think I'd make it out.
Elena, you really risked
your life to bring us this information.
How and why did you find yourself
at the epicentre of the action,
at the epicentre of danger tonight?
For the audience.
BFM-TV management
wanted a buzz at any cost.
I'm a journalist, so, what I mean is
at the time, I didn't think.
I just did what I was asked to do.
You mean you risked your life
to bring our viewers the news.
Is that what you're saying?
Well, sure, if you like.
But in reality,
I didn't have a right to be there.
- What is she doing?
- In the central nave.
It was totally reckless.
It makes no sense.
Except that I knew that was
what the network wanted.
- Fuck!
- I wanted to make people happy.
So I, uh, I stepped up to the challenge.
- What is she doing? What's she up to?
- Standby.
Although, you know,
I had every opportunity to say no.
Um, so I'm partly to blame.
There's no hiding from that.
- Ask another question!
- And I risked my life.
So you feel a sense of duty
to our viewers?
Well, I was being paid.
I'm paid freelance.
And, well, to be perfectly honest,
it was an opportunity for me
to show who I really am.
So I did something crazy and badly judged.
And I risked my life
for a few shots.
For news, for our viewers.
Actually, uh
when I think about it, it's been
I've been so so selfish for years.
Selfish and obsessed.
Ever since I came here.
We can see how upset you are.
And after the night you've had,
that's totally understandable.
In fact, I
grew up in Réunion.
I spent my my whole
my whole childhood there, you know.
All my my teenage years, I
just had a normal life. Just
I lived with my parents and my sister.
I didn't want for anything.
Friends, I mean.
I had a I had a fiancé.
And I wanted to to drop everything
because, I mean, I was, um
was searching for glory, you know,
riches and so on.
And I realize now it was a mistake.
I think we've all got it wrong, really.
Elena, wait.
How about we take a look
at the incredible images
that we get to see thanks to you.
Let's take a look at the firefighters
who were with you
Keep away!
Aim the hoses higher, above the bells!
the water won't reach all the way up!
We have to stop the beams
that support the bells from collapsing!
We've got this!
We need to get
as high up as we can!
Let's move, let's move!
Yes, Colonel!
Come on, move! Move!
Take my hand!
Come on!
It's okay!
The bells are gonna come down.
We need to get out of here, Colonel.
No, if we leave,
we'll lose the belfry.
If we lose the belfry, we lose everything!
I need more hoses operational! Now!
Colonel Varèse, it's Adamski.
I'm in position.
More hoses, I need them now!
Varèse, it's Adamski. I'm in position.
Adamski? Can you hear me?
Adamski, where exactly are you?
I'm on the walkway.
I can see the east facade in front of me.
But I need help to keep
the hose steady and maintain water supply.
Negative. Fall back immediately.
Do you copy?
Colonel, can you hear me?
It's all coming down. I'm coming to you.
No way.
Fall back. Do you hear?
Varèse, I'm close to her position.
Copy that.
We've reached the top of the belfry.
Alice, can you hear me?
I forbid you from going to the belfry!
Stop. That's an order!
You're in no fit state.
All of the men we lost on my watch
I don't want
the same thing to happen to you.
Do you hear me?
The brigade,
your friends, your family,
they all need you.
That includes me.
Didn't you hear
that they need hoses up there?
General, everyone's fighting.
I can't stay back.
Come on, not now.
I wanna do my job as a firefighter too.
I beg you, please.
Let me help you see all of this through.
For Ben, and for me.
Fall back! Fall back!
This is where it's happening.
I need backup!
Colonel, all the hoses
are being deployed on the outside.
The General and Adamski
are on their way to you.
Left, left! This way!
The beam
is holding the bell above it!
Left, left!
Higher, higher!
Keep going! That's it!
Keep going!
There! That's it.
Higher, higher!
Sorry. Excuse me.
I need to get to the hospital.
- No, that's not possible now.
- I need to get to the hospital, please!
- No. I'm sorry.
- It's urgent!
I don't understand.
Why are we going to the hospital?
Can't we just
keep looking for my dad instead?
Billy Billy.
- Listen to what I'm saying.
- Yeah?
Your dad isn't here. He was never here.
Do you understand?
Excuse me.
Sorry, sir,
we can't let you through.
I have to get to my wife in the hospital.
I'm sorry, I can't let you through.
For fuck's sake! Don't run off like that.
Just come here, Billy!
It's dangerous.
You can't be on your own, okay?
Look at that! You see?
My dad's a firefighter!
The clothes, they're too big for him.
You can see they're too big.
You can see.
It's a costume, Billy.
No way! You're a liar!
It is fancy dress, Billy.
Do you understand?
This isn't real.
Did he say that he was a fireman?
Because something I can tell you is
you can never really trust your old man.
Do you get it?
I don't believe anything you say!
My dad's not in a costume,
he's really not!
You're dumb!
You're ugly! You're a druggie!
You suck, and you're a liar!
You're right. I suck. I'm a piece of shit.
She's right there in the hospital.
I just walk.
Let me go!
Let her go!
Get back, get back!
Let go, let go, let go!
- Let go of her!
- Victoire!
Let go!
Get off of me!
You get back there!
Hey, hey, hey! Whoa!
That's good!
Keep going, we're nearly there!
Watch out!
Lean to the right!
It's higher up! It's higher up!
- It's working! Getting there!
- Come on, guys!
Keep going! We're holding!
We've got this!
Move the stream forward!
Reduce the pressure! Reduce the pressure!
We're winning!
- We have it under control!
- It's working!
Get the area secure!
Come on!
Do I look that much like her?
I think so, yes.
I've been trying for a while.
I need to achieve it.
I need my hand to remember everything.
Her eyes, her mouth.
I lost her once.
I don't want to lose her again.
Your wife,
did you know her for long before she
Not long, no. Four years.
And, uh, you met her where?
In Syria.
In a small town, Deir ez-Zur.
You wouldn't know it.
Are you married?
Yes, I am.
But you're not wearing a ring.
It's missing.
You can't lose a wedding band.
I lost mine.
It slipped off my finger
when I fell in the water.
What did you say?
You fell asleep.
I fell asleep too.
It was so cold.
And I was so tired.
I don't know how I fell.
I tried to call out for you,
but I couldn't.
That's a bad joke.
Look me in the eyes, Bassem.
You know I'm not making fun of you.
You're dead.
I know.
You can't be here.
And yet, I am.
I don't believe in ghosts.
Me neither.
Post-traumatic hallucination,
psychotic disorders.
You're the doctor. You should know.
If I've been making you up all along,
how did I get into this apartment?
Does that really matter?
Why are you looking at me like that?
I'm scared you'll disappear again.
You wanted to remember me so much
that I can't disappear anymore.
Not now that you can finally see me.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alice.
So, what day is it?
Did you manage to sleep?
I'll be home soon.
Yes, it's true.
We were very lucky tonight.
Need to tell you something important.
No, not now.
At home.
wonderful news.
See you soon.
Let me have it, Mummy!
Come here.
Thanks for being here. It was cool.
Billy! Billy's here!
He's come back! Billy's home!
Come on, come on! Billy's here.
- Where were you?
- Notre-Dame.
What were you thinking?
Didn't you see it was burning?
- I did.
- Why did you leave?
Who's this?
- Hello.
- Hello.
You are?
He was lost, so I brought him home.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
Hey, Max.
I actually think
that my dad might be dead.
Excuse me.
Do you have a lighter?
Have a rough night?
Yeah, you could say that.
We did it, didn't we?
We made it. Together.
Yes, we did.
Forget about Michael Jackson.
I started a new notebook last week.
Yeah, well
In five years, ten years,
20 years, everyone will remember
what they were doing
when Notre-Dame burned.
- Don't you think?
- Yeah.
You and I will remember.
We'll never forget.
Yeah, that's true.
When are you due?
Four months.
All right. To life, then.
To life.
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