Pumpkin Scissors (2006) s01e06 Episode Script

Fruitful Times

Aoki hikari wo tomosu sore wa hakai, nemuri, sosei GESHUPENSUTO IEEGAA Kizutsuki samayoi fumidashita tashika na shinobiai GESHUPENSUTO IEEGAA Aa sono senaka wa Hane wo mogitorareta ato ga aru Chiisana nanika wo shinjite mou ichido tsukamou! Akaku moeru kodou no hagane, itami, soshite yureru GESHUPENSUTO IEEGAA lkana gaihi wo mo kirisaki tachiwaru tame tachiagare GESHUPENSUTO IEEGAA Hokori wo mochi yaiba furiage Watashi yo (Anata yo) Sono te yo (Kono te wa) Yasuragi wo shitteiru! NON Sore de ii NON Kibou nanda Semete (Tsuyoku) kimi no (Daite) Hohoemi mamoru yo There's enough for you guys, too.
H-Hey, you guys! A Fruitful Time She's angry.
It's hard to believe the corporal's late, too.
I guess strange things do happen.
Corporal! Good Mor- Corporal! Good Mor- Uh, huh? Uh, excuse me.
Somebody left this over there.
I-Is it dangerous? Huh? Oh, it's not a bomb.
A bomb would've been a LOT better than this.
Tell me about it.
Warrant Officer Oreldo! Exactly how many times have you been late this month? Um, let's see.
Five No, six times? Military officers should be strictly punctual! State your reasons! Are you sure you want me to state them? This is exactly why we're laughed at and called a "cheery little unit.
" Let us recite now the manner in which we should conduct ourselves! Everyone repeat after me! Us, too? I guess so.
Ready, and! We are! Breasts! Ah, Lieutenant! I need some breasts! A baby! It's a baby.
What the Wow! It's so cute! An abandoned baby, huh? It says, "His name is Dieter.
" "I would like him to be raised by a fine military person.
" Oh, no! I get it.
In this world, one of the only places that has money is a military facility.
The mother must've been too hard-pressed to afford to raise a baby, so she abandoned him.
Well, it's just an inevitable tragedy of these times Preposterous! How is abandoning a child ever "inevitable"? Blaming it on the times or saying it's inevitable Those are just excuses! We have to get society back to where people can't use "inevitability" as an excuse for abandoning their children! Hey, baby, why are you crying? Did I say something to upset you? Come on, say something! What's wrong? Why don't you just hold him? Hold him? He's probably crying because he misses his mother.
If you hold him, he'll stop crying.
His mother, huh? That's more like kite-flying.
There, there, baby.
Don't worry.
Your mother may not be here, but at least you're in the warm embrace of State Section 3.
I'm holding him, but he won't stop crying.
This is hilarious! You're not exactly being discreet, Oreldo.
Alice, please leave this to me.
You have to handle babies with love! Come here, you little angel.
Huh? That's weird.
Look, it's Big Sis! Cute little baby! Here.
Love, love! Cheek, Cheek! Sergeant Major, I don't think that's how you show love.
Go to sleep Go to sleep In mother's Go to sleep! Go to sleep In mother's arms Why? Why won't he stop crying? Either he's hungry or his diapers are wet.
Probably one or the other.
I see.
You certainly are familiar with babies.
He just drank some milk, right? I bet he peed himself.
Hey kid, change his diapers.
But he's a boy.
It'll be educational, don't you think? N-No way Oreldo, you take care of it! Me? All right.
Martis, do something! Big Guy.
You found him, so take some responsibility! What, did State Section 3 start running a nursery or something? That's great.
It's the perfect mission for that cheerful little unit.
You mean you don't sell milk or diapers? Of course not.
What kind of store do you think this is? But an exchange should have all the items necessary for daily life in I see your point, but Why is there a baby here in the first place? It's possible for a baby to be in a military unit, is it not? See? Here's one.
No, it's usually not possible.
Well, aren't you the stud? Stecchin said that what we have will only last one day.
Stecchin said that what we have will only last one day.
Huh? Stecchin said that what we have will only last one day.
Stecchin said that what we have will only last one day.
Is that your child? Stecchin said that what we have will only last one day.
Is that your child? Isn't there anything you can do? No, he's not.
Isn't there anything you can do? No, he's not.
I understand, but I understand, but He's sleeping so peacefully.
I understand, but He's sleeping so peacefully.
Say, why don't I try asking the stores in town? Say, why don't I try asking the stores in town? Do you have any experience raising a child? A good idea.
Would you do that for me? No.
Hey, let me hold him a minute.
He's so cute It looks like he only wants to be with Daddy.
"Daddy"? Put the warmed milk on your wrist to test the temperature How long are you going to keep holding him? Well He doesn't really have a choice.
The baby won't stop crying unless the corporal holds him.
Still, that doesn't make sense to me.
Why does he only stop crying when it's the corporal? It should feel so much better being held by a woman like me! Is that right? That's right! Oh.
Could it be imprinting? Look, the corporal was the one who found him, so the baby mistook him for his parent.
He's not some duckling.
Heck, maybe the Big Guy IS this kid's father.
Is that true? Of course not.
He doesn't look like the corporal at all! Wait.
Could it be he really is the corporal's child? There's no way.
H-He's right! Anyway, what do you plan to do with him? We can't keep him here forever, you know.
This is true Should we send him to a proper facility? If he stays here, it'll interfere with our work.
I will look! Huh? I will look for his mother.
Are you serious? For a mother to abandon the baby she went through the pain of giving birth to is unforgivable! I will search every nook and cranny for his mother and admonish her for her misguided actions! Misguided, huh? Yeah, that's not so bad.
Very well.
Carry out your mission.
Boss! We've got a ton of work to do, so why are you sending us out to look for some abandoned kid's mom? Well, this is part of the war relief, too.
No slacking off.
But, sir What? What is it this time? I just wanted to go to the latrine.
Carry him with you! Carry him! Uh, right.
It seems he's taken quite a liking to you, Corporal.
There, there.
There, there Commander, are we really going to try to find his mother out of all these people? Of course.
This morning, a sentry saw a suspicious woman head from the front of Army HQ toward the black market.
He remembered her clothing and body type, too.
That's the only clue we have? It's better than nothing.
Uh, hold on.
We're from State Section 3.
We're after some information.
What would you fine military people want with me? We're looking for someone.
Have you seen a young woman carrying a baby in a basket? I wouldn't know about that.
She should be thin and wearing a dark shawl.
I'm telling you, I don't know anything.
What about you over there? We're looking for a child's mother.
Any information will help.
If you know something, please tell us.
Let's go.
I'm telling you, these guys really don't know anything.
Let go! I'm not finished! Commander! Take a look around.
We're interrupting their business.
He's eating baby food, which means he's Hmm, I wonder how many months old little Dieter is.
There, there.
There, there Just give it up and keep holding him, Daddy.
How uncooperative these people are! It's outrageous! The people around here are tight-lipped.
We're only looking for a child's mother.
What need is there for them to keep it secret? They're suspicious people.
Everyone here's treading dangerous waters.
Dangerous waters? These days, if you try to obey the law to a fault, you'll never do any business.
Are you saying they're involved in crime?! Shhh! This place is out of our territory.
If you say something reckless, there's no guarantee you'll make it out alive, even if you are a soldier.
Ridiculous! Do you really think I fear the blades of criminals? I don't.
That's what has me worried.
Anyway, please leave this area to me.
If we go one store at a time, who knows how many years it will take? Are these black-market military goods? What?! Now, now.
Let's be understanding.
Our priority is finding the baby's mother, right? What can I do for you military folks? It's been a while, Pops.
Oreldo, huh? So the rumor you joined the military was true.
Well, these are the times we live in.
It seems they know each other.
Well, these are the times we live in.
Well? What do you want? Actually, we're looking for someone.
I thought you'd probably know I don't know nothin'.
Don't worry, the person we're after isn't into anything shady.
It's the mother of an abandoned baby.
An abandoned baby? He was left by the gate of a military building this morning.
Would you happen to know anything about it? I don't have a single thing to tell the military.
You're interfering with my business.
Could you please leave? Any information would help.
Won't you please talk to us? Who're you? We are State Section 3.
We'd like to request your cooperation.
State Section 3? Now that's funny! Oreldo, you were assigned to that cheery little unit? Why you Commander, leave this to me.
"Commander"? This little girl? Oreldo It looks like you've completely lost your edge.
You used to be one bad son of a bitch, but you're letting some little girl push you around.
Pops Well? Don't you feel like coming back here? Even after you get into the military, you got thrown into some useless unit.
I won't let you call us "useless"! In the name of war relief, we in State Section 3 work day and night to speed up the process of freeing people from the ravages of war! Didn't you say you were looking for the mother of an abandoned baby? That's correct.
What a joke.
I'm sick and tired of hearing about "war relief.
" Don't think that doing this means you've accomplished anything.
This town is full of abandoned children and war orphans, you know? Are you telling me you're going to take care of ALL of them? Well? Are ya, Commander?! Cut the crap already.
What did you just say? We're trying to be nice, and you're getting cocky on us.
Stop feeding us this bullshit and tell us what you know! Isn't this interesting? You talk pretty big for a little brat, don't ya? You think you can take me in a fight? Try again in another 10 years! I guess you know where I come from now, huh? So it's no good after all.
All that effort for nothing Please don't let this get you down.
Hey! Aren't you gonna drink that? Aren't you gonna drink it? No Then can I have it? Huh? Can I? Can I? Huh? Y-Yeah.
Yay! Yummy! Thanks, buddy! "Buddy"? See? Even without parents, they still grow up strong.
I'm sure that baby will be the same.
All right! Are we going home? We're going to go take another look around! Ah.
Really? Man! My feet are killing me.
So no results, huh? Come to think of it, where is that baby? He started making a fuss, so the corporal took him for a walk.
The corporal has his bad luck, too Come on, he brought it on himself.
We're the ones who're down on our luck here.
I just know my muscles are going to be sore tomorrow.
He finally went to sleep.
Babies are cute, aren't they? Yeah.
We couldn't find his mother.
There's nothing we can do about that.
But so many children have lost their parents to the war.
Even if I do something for this one child, it won't change anything.
Lieutenant Even I know that much.
But now that I've come to know this child, I can't just shut my eyes and walk away.
That's Hey! Your baby is waiting for you! You're Dieter's mother, aren't you? My husband was a smuggler.
He had no other choice.
He'd just returned from war and couldn't find work.
It was the only thing he could do to help us survive.
Why did you abandon your child? You can't say? The goods my husband was smuggling were uncovered during a train inspection.
Was he arrested? With just me and my child left, I didn't know what to do.
I thought he'd be better off being raised by the military instead of me.
That's ridiculous! Did you really think that was the right thing to do? You really thought he'd be better off? I'm sorry.
I did such a horrible thing to this child But You came to see him.
Dieter I'm sorry.
As a member of State Section 3, I can't guarantee that the two of you will have a happy life.
But I will promise you this much: I will make this a world where happiness isn't a luxury.
Between the tears and the apologizing, we forgave her But it wasn't what it looked like.
She wasn't apologizing to us.
She was apologizing to her baby.
I wanted to hold the baby one more time! Kurikuri manako pa pa pa dokkin! Daiji na ninmu yaru zo kennin Mimi wo sumashi chouhou Osara kaburi senkou Maji Nesuru Furifuri shippo pi pi pi zukkin! Anagachi ima wa koi no unki Mokushi ano ko lock on Shippo futte love and roll Zetsurin FAIYAA! L-Launch! Sekai wa manma kiri no naka Kimi no kaori wo oikaketeku Sagashidashite yo Maakyurii Go! Sagashidashite yo Maakyurii Daiji datta takaramono Hey! Daiji datta takaramono Mitsuketara amakami yo Whenever a "Yes" comes out of your mouth, I want to hear "Sir" before and after it! Sir, yes sir! No! Don't, Merc! Next Episode Next Episode Hey Merc, the Lieutenant said she's going to see her fiancé.
I wonder what he's like.
Next Episode Huh? This guy? Next Episode Hmm.
Kind of iffy, I guess.
Next Episode Next Episode Next time: "The One Who Leads and the One Who Follows" Next Episode Come and get us, if you're not scared!
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