Ringer s01e06 Episode Script

The Poor Kids Do It Everyday

My name is Bridget.
I witnessed a murder.
Get up on the stand and tell the judge what you saw.
- We'll protect you.
- You don't get it.
Bodaway wants me dead, I'm dead.
I ran to my sister, Siobhan, for help.
Siobhan killed herself, and I assumed her identity.
It was so easy.
I saw a way out, and I took it.
They all think that I'm her.
Her husband.
Her lover.
Your wife knows about us.
- Her stepdaughter.
- I want to go home.
There's a lot about Siobhan's life I don't know.
Everyone's going to know who you really are, How long have you been pretending to be her? Can you come? I need to talk to you.
- It's an emergency.
- Gemma called, asked me to come over.
- Can I come in? - No.
We have a problem.
Bridget's still alive.
What took you so long? - You were going to grab some aspirin.
- Yes, sorry, I got sidetracked.
By? Gemma, she called as I as leaving the drug store.
Asked me if I could come she had something important to tell me.
When I got to the Butler's, Henry told me she wasn't there.
That's a bit odd, right? She sounded off when we spoke, and so did Henry for that matter.
You have an idea what she wanted to talk to me about? Not a clue.
You should give her a call in the morning, make sure she's okay.
I will.
net & Ringer Team présentent The Poor Kids Do It Every Day You've reached Gemma.
Don't be boring.
Gemma, Andrew told me that you called him last night.
I think of one thing that you would want to talk to him about.
I thought we came to an understanding.
I know the last few days have been overwhelming to say the least.
But I meant what I said.
I would like to be the friend to you that my sister never was.
If you'll let me.
Good times, all the time.
Would you tell her that's not appropriate attire for a first day.
It's a little fabric challenged.
Number one, today isn't the first day, it's like October.
Number two, it's public school.
Which means I can wear whatever I want.
The poor kids do it every day.
It's your first day at school.
So you might want to put your best foot forward.
You go get the car, and I will put on jeans or something.
Thank you.
So you don't go tossing my room again while I'm gone.
This is the last of it.
Best foot forward, right? Right.
You've reached Charlie.
Leave a message.
Hi, Charlie.
It's Ms.
Anonymous from N.
I really need to speak to someone in person.
My sponsor is out of state.
My stepdaughter surrendered her stash to me.
I know I should just throw it away, but I've had a really tough couple weeks, and I I just can't seem to do it.
Anyway, you should have my number now, so if you have a minute, will you call me? Thanks.
Morning, Ms.
This is Stanley in the lobby.
I have a guest here to see you.
Maddie Smithfield from Gemma Butler's office.
Send her up.
Martin, nice to see you again.
Likewise, Maddie.
I'm here to drop off our keys to the loft.
I was so sorry to hear we are pulling out of the project.
It's such a beautiful space.
Yeah, we were sad, too.
Gemma's amazing.
Thank you.
Have you by any chance heard from Gemma this morning? No, I haven't.
Why do you ask? She wasn't at the office when I got there, I haven't been able to reach her at her home or on her cell.
When I got to the Butler's, Henry told me she wasn't there.
I'm sure it's nothing.
She's probably at the design center.
Yeah, thank you for coming, Maddie.
Today's my first day.
Try to relax, Ms.
It's a better school than it looks.
How could it not be.
All right, everybody, take your seats.
Here we go.
Settle in.
Rich girl, can I borrow five bucks? We're going to be going over of Shakespeare, Taming of the shrew.
- Are you deaf? - I hope you're interested.
- All right - I said I need five dollars.
I'm going to write out a couple things.
I want you to go to chapter seven.
Page 48.
Now you and your family can eat for a whole month.
Is there a problem, Tessa? No, Mr.
Teach away.
You've reached Gemma.
Don't be boring.
Gemma, I'm outside your house.
No one can seem to get a hold of you.
If you get this, will you give me a call? Get inside now.
- What's going on? - Where is she? - I don't know, that's why I'm here.
- Cut the crap.
I saw the blood on the walls, the broken vase.
Why don't you tell me what happened.
Tell me what you did to my wife.
What the hell do you mean, what I did to your wife? When you hunted me down yesterday, and you told me that Gemma was a threat to your perfect marriage.
She wants me to lose everything too, my family, we can't let her do that.
You thought I was talking about hurting her? Not at the moment, then I came home and I saw the blood and the broken vase.
- What blood? - It is just us right now, so please, drop the act.
I was going to call you last night, but I realized there had a reason why you didn't call me.
You didn't want our records showing that we were in contact the night that Gemma went missing, right? I swear to you, I have no idea what you're talking about.
I don't know where Gemma is and anything about blood.
Then let me refresh your memory.
There was blood, Siobhan, right here! And there was blood there! At least there was until I cleaned it.
- What? - I cleaned it.
With bleach and a few old rags.
And then I took Gemma's car, I dumped it in long-term parking at JFK so that when everyone realizes that Gemma's missing, the police won't figure out that this is the place - that she was taken from.
- Why would you do that? Because in spite of everything that you have put me through, over the past few weeks, my first instinct was to protect you.
Then you made a mistake.
Because I was with Andrew and Juliet last night.
And I would never hurt Gemma.
Stop! Stop lying to me, Siobhan! Where she is? It's funny.
You trying to convince me that I did something to her when you clearly look like the one that snapped.
You're accusing me of hurting her? I don't clean up crime scenes.
No, but you are the one that talked about killing Gemma and Andrew.
- I love you.
- I love you, Siobhan.
I wish that we could just disappear.
- I wish they could disappear.
- Yeah, maybe the market will crash and Andrew will jump out a window, land on Gemma.
Or we could take matters into our own hands.
I'm just saying.
We could finally be together.
No more sneaking around.
My God.
You're serious, aren't you? Want me to be? God, I'm joking.
You're gullible.
It's good you're so adorable.
You tell me you don't remember.
I don't.
- But even if I did, I would never - Never what? Never sleep with your best friend's husband, get knocked up by him, kick him to the curb? What would a woman like you never do? Say something to me! Where is she? All right, I'm sorry.
Come on.
I'm trying to help you.
You know me.
No, I don't.
I don't know you.
And I never did.
Sponsor reported him missing when he didn't show for an meeting.
Reached out to you in New York because I thought he might've joined our old friend Bridget Kelly on the lam.
Figured maybe he left a trail to her, a couple unis found his car over there.
And signs of a struggle.
Wherever Malcolm ward is right now, I don't think he's with Bridget.
Last week, I saw his number in the phone of Siobhan Martin, Bridget's sister.
- There's a connection? - I don't know yet, but I will.
I still owe her for clocking me.
Bridget Kelly For this.
If I were you, I'd be more worried about the gun she stole from you.
Yeah, either way, I don't know how it's been going in the Big Apple, but believe me when I say no one wants you to find her more than me.
What is it? This is where they waited, they watched for him, and then they took him.
- Bodaway Macawi's men.
- What if they realized Malcolm Ward is more than just Bridget's sponsor? Have your CSU check these for DNA, see what they find.
In the meantime, I think we go see Macawi.
Come on, prof.
You tell us where Bridget Kelly is, and we'll give you what you need.
Go to hell.
Nothing quite like that smell? Nothing quite like that sound.
Bet you can almost taste it.
You were on our best stuff for days.
You took a couple days off.
I'm thinking you're in a whole nother world of hurt.
Maybe tomorrow? Wait.
I'll tell you I'll tell you everything you want to know.
Don't tell me you burned through that 20 already.
I'm not here for your money.
I'm here to let you know, that you made a serious mistake today.
I didn't park in your space? No, wait the short buses don't have spaces.
You know what? I have friends here, rich girl, and you don't.
You want to keep shooting that rich girl mouth off? The only thing I'm sure of is that I don't like people hitting me up for money in class.
You apologize for that, and maybe I'll apologize for everything else.
Here's your apology right here.
Fight! Fight! Break it up, people.
It's over.
Come on.
Come on, take them away.
Come on.
You've reached Gemma.
Don't be boring.
Stop it.
The last thing we need is for your neighbors to call the cops.
Listen, I'm not going to hurt you.
I just want to talk, okay? I'm serious.
Promise if I let you go, you won't scream? I'm sorry.
After you left, I didn't know what to do.
How the hell did you get in here? I used this.
You gave it to me, when we were together.
I came in through the back.
I just want to talk.
So you can accuse me of murder again? No, I believe you.
I thought about it, and you're not going to lie.
But I also need you to believe me: I would never hurt Gemma either.
- Then who did? - I don't know.
- Maybe she walked in on a burglar.
- And he took her with him? I don't know.
Do you really think it was me? She's the mother of my children.
I know that you may not love me anymore, but please tell me that you still know me.
Tell me that you know I would never hurt her.
You need to call the police.
You need to tell them what you saw so they can start looking for her.
And how exactly do I explain the fact that I cleaned up all the blood? I couldn't look more guilty.
I could.
I called my attorney yesterday, to pull the trigger on a divorce.
So Gemma is reported missing, how long until the cops figure out that I was having an affair? And how long until they figure out the other woman was you? You need to go.
Come on, listen, I need your help.
We're both in this together.
We got to protect ourselves.
We have to figure out what happened.
I'm sorry.
I just I need some time to think.
- Thank you for meeting me.
- It's okay.
Did you bring it? Yeah.
Am I just putting you in the same predicament I was in? "E.
" This was never really my bag, so to speak.
But just to be safe Now why couldn't I just do that? It's okay.
It's okay.
What's important here is that you realized you needed help and you reached out.
And you can wake up in the morning and you can look her right in the eye and you can say you have no regrets.
Are you okay? You look like you're lost or something.
I just remembered I have to be somewhere.
Thank you again, for taking the time.
So much for staying out of each other's phone records, huh? I believe you.
You didn't hurt Gemma.
But you did cover up the evidence that you found.
I told you.
I did it to protect you.
Where did you put the rags? The dumpster, behind that new French place on east 23rd.
Why? I'm make sure that you covered your tracks.
If the police identify you as a suspect, then it's only a matter of time before they connect us.
I can't let that happen.
The name Malcolm Ward, Does that mean anything to you? No.
Sure? Friend of Bridget Kelly's? You remember her, right? You choked one of your dancers to death in front of her, she was supposed to testify against you in court, but then she got cold feet and she took off.
You don't? Mr.
Ward, was reported missing just a few days ago.
And my colleague, detective Kemper, and I were just hoping we could maybe take a look, see if he ended up here.
- You got a warrant, chief? - Why? You got something to hide? Sorry.
No warrant, no search.
Feel free to stay for the show.
We'll even buy you pales a dance.
Look, for the last time, I did not start the fight.
It was that other girl, Tessa.
I'm sorry, but that's not what I'm hearing from the students.
You do get that today is my first day here, right? You understand why I wouldn't have anyone rushing to my defense.
- What's that? - Your last school was kind enough to pass along a file they kept on you after you enrolled here.
Most people would call this a permanent record.
It reads to me more like a rap sheet.
It's not the first time you've engaged in a physical altercation, correct? No, but And you were expelled from your last school because you were found in possession of illegal narcotics.
Yes, but that's Yes, miss Lasky.
- Mr.
Martin's here to see you.
- Send him in.
Thank you.
Daddy, they're saying I started a fight, but you know I I thought perhaps you and I should speak in private.
What? No! I want to tell my dad what happened.
You heard what the principal said.
Wait for me outside.
Oh, my God.
You don't believe me, either.
NYPD tip line.
I read that these calls are anonymous.
Is that true? In that case, I'd like to report someone missing.
Gemma Butler.
I think she was the victim of foul play.
And I can tell you where to find the evidence to prove it.
Henry Butler? Yes.
I'm detective Saldana.
This is detective Towers.
Your wife is available to speak with us? No, she isn't.
She's actually She's been out all day.
Is there something wrong? Would you mind if we just came in for a minute? We have a few questions we'd like to ask you.
Yeah, of course.
I don't know.
I was asleep when Gemma came home last night.
And then she was gone by the time I woke up.
Are you aware that she didn't show up at her work today? She's an architect, so she works a lot on-site.
I'm confused.
Are you under the impression that something's happened to my wife? We received an anonymous tip about her.
The woman who called seemed to think something happened to her.
What? Mr.
Butler, you wouldn't happen to know anything about a bag of rags we recovered from a dumpster behind a restaurant on east 23rd, would you? Mr.
Butler? No.
I'm sorry.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
Would you mind if we continued this back at the precinct? I've got some photo I'd like you to look at.
Just checking in.
You left that cafe in a hurry.
Sorry about that.
I really appreciate you taking the time to meet me.
Any time.
If that offer's still good, I'd like to take you up on it.
I want you to be my new sponsor.
All right.
Just one condition It's got to be a regular thing.
Not just when you think you need help.
My schedule's been a bit unpredictable.
May I get back to you on that? I don't know.
Can I trust you not to go back to that cafe, dig through the garbage and look for those drugs? Yeah, you can.
Those are relics of my old life.
Today's about protecting my new one.
You're going to want to get that to go.
Just got off the phone with my forensic guy.
There was DNA on those cigarette butts you found this morning.
CSU ran it through the system, they got a hit.
Daniel Eknath.
Is that name supposed to mean something? But the face will.
I'd say that's grounds for a warrant.
Wouldn't you? One of Bodaway's thugs.
Loyal patrons of Club Caged, I hold in my hand a warrant to search the premises.
If you don't want being caught up in a federal investigation, strongly suggest you take your leave now.
Kill the music.
- Get your tips later honey, let's go.
- Take it easy.
- Drive safe.
- What the hell you're doing here? You asked for a warrant, here it is.
Spelled your name right and everything.
Where does this door lead? Basement.
Strip club with a basement.
Will wonders never cease? - Would you open it, please? - I lost the key.
That's okay.
I brought mine.
You okay? Never better.
I love it here.
Think I may even try out for the cheerleading squad.
For what it's worth I know what it's like to be the new kid.
My dad was in the military.
And whenever he got re-stationed, I did too.
I lived in seven different towns between grades 1 and 12.
He ever call you a liar? Not that I can recall.
Then you're one up on me.
Tessa said I started the fight.
The principal believed her.
So did my dad.
I thought I could take advantage of a fresh start.
But I guess I was just kidding myself.
There's been some sort of mistake with regard to Ms.
I beg your pardon? She said to me she's reprimanded for the fight of the hallway.
But the truth is, she's not the one who started it.
Tessa Banner did.
- You know this for a fact? - I was there.
I saw the whole thing.
You owe my daughter an apology.
Wouldn't you? Know what's funny? I would've sworn I saw you come out of your classroom after Tessa and I had already started fighting.
You didn't really see who started it, did you? For the second time in two years, I've had Tessa Banner in my classroom.
I know what kind of student she is.
But you? Everyone deserves a fresh start.
Can you identify any of these items, sir? No, I can't.
I'm sorry, I'm confused.
An anonymous woman calls you, tells you where to find these things and says they are connected to my wife, and you believe her? We don't know that Gemma is missing.
All we know is that her car is gone and no one's been able to reach her since 8:00.
You have to be missing for 24 hours before you're even considered missing.
Now, I'm confused.
Do you want us to find your wife or not? I do.
Can you blame me for not wanting to believe this? For hoping that this is some sort of terrible mistake? Detective.
Will you excuse us for a moment? We don't have any more questions for you today.
But we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us.
I don't understand.
I thought you said we were going to be a while.
I hope you'll call if you hear from her.
And if we hear anything, we'll let you know.
Are you saying Are you saying I can go? If we think of other questions, we'll let you know.
We didn't find Malcolm Ward.
But at least we ruined a slimeball's day.
Detective Elizabeth Saldana, NYPD.
I caught a missing persons case and found some fingerprints that might be of interest to you.
How do you figure? We ran them through the system and could match them.
Perp's file had your contact info in it.
I'm assuming the name Bridget Kelly rings a bell? You okay? I think you may want to sit down.
It's Gemma.
It appears something may have happened to her.
I just got off the phone with Henry.
I don't have all the details, but it seems that no one's seen or heard from her since she called me last night.
I know you thought she was taking time, but the police have reason to believe she was a victim of foul play.
I don't understand.
You say The only thing that's certain is that she's missing.
I'm sorry.
I knew that something was wrong.
I just knew it.
Olivia's expecting me on a teleconference in 20 minutes.
I'm gonna ask her to reschedule.
Agent Machado, Mrs.
Sorry to bother you at this hour, but I just heard the news about Gemma Butler, and I just I wanted to offer my sympathies.
I know how close the two of you are.
Thank you.
Can you think of any reason why your sister would want to hurt Gemma? Why would you ask me that? We found fingerprints that implicate Bridget in Gemma's disappearance.
I'm out of town right now, but I'm coming back to New York in the morning.
I'm sure I'll see you real soon.
The Gemma problem has been taken care of.
Still there? Sorry.
I didn't want it to have to come to this.

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