Seraph of the End (Owari no serafu) (2015) s01e06 Episode Script

New Family

1 "New Family" Do not come out from under the bed! What? Sister! Hey Lacus, headquarters' calling.
Hm? Oh, OK.
Rene, have you already eaten? Sister So, Yoichi Saotome.
Right now I'm replaying your deepest memory Huh? Sister, you're alive? She died, of course.
Hm? Did I wake you? Sorry, Mirai.
How are you? I'm fine, I feel good today.
I see.
Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat.
Brother, um, if I'm just dragging you down, then you can-- Be quiet, idiot! Of course you aren't dragging me down! But at this rate, you'll also-- No buts! If we die, we die together! No, don't say that.
You cry every night about how hard it is, how you want to leave me.
Why would you say such Because you're a selfish human being who only thinks of himself, Shiho Kimizuki.
You're the demon.
I am, but this isn't a hallucination.
I'm just using your memory.
This is the truth that's inside of you.
Don't fool around with me! Hmm Well, it looks like he will get through it.
Hey, Yu.
Yu, who abandoned us and ran away.
Quit imitating my precious family.
Oh? I thought I was touching on your softest part, "Welcome, Yuichiro" "Welcome Party" but you aren't rattled at all.
That's strange.
I wonder why? I know how you demons are.
Just shut up, give up, and gimme your power.
Mika! Oh, I see.
You've already come into contact with a demon once.
You think you can beat me just because you've dealt with a low-rank like Myo-o? I can tinker with your little heart whichever way I want to.
Shut up.
I said, gimme your power.
Your power's mine! Hmm.
Why do you want power so much? Is it for your revenge? Yes! Because you lost someone important? Yes, I lost my family that I got for the first time.
That must have been tough.
If you want power for revenge, I can give you unlimited power.
Then But it's still not enough, Yu.
I can't give you my power unless you dedicate yourself to revenge.
Yeah, she has a point.
I can't give you my power.
Hold on! Yu.
Are you going to leave us again? Are you going somewhere just by yourself again? Brother Yu wouldn't do something like that, would you? You'll live with us again, right? Right, Yu? Get rid of love, Yu.
We hate it the most.
We love lust, but we hate love.
Yoichi, Kimizuki, Shinoa, friends Come on.
Are you going to make friends and be the only one living happily ever after? U-Um You're the only one who survived.
It's not fair.
Leaving us behind, running away, going to school making friends, completely forgetting about us No! I haven't forgotten about-- Then get rid of your friends.
We're your only family, Yu.
Stop it.
You're going to avenge us, right? Stop it.
You're going to live for revenge, right? Stop it! Quit your yapping! Just shut up and gimme your power! I I need enough power to protect everything! Jeez, an incredible contradiction of love and lust intertwined.
This is why humans destroy the world.
Fine, I like you.
As long as your heart's strong, I'll follow you.
But if I think your heart's weak even for a moment, I'll take over your body.
Sure, no problem! My name's Asuramaru.
Call my name when you need my power.
Oh, and one more thing.
I want to give my new master some information.
Information? There's something a little odd mixed in you.
You're already about 10% nonhuman.
Could it be that the humans are doing some bad experiments on you? Huh? What does that-- Don't trust humans, Yu.
Humans are scarier than vampires or demons.
Hm, saying that to a human feels a little weird.
Hey, what exactly are you talking about? Well, the contract is complete.
I'll lend you my power.
Open your eyes, make your strong desire stronger, and open up a new path to the world, Yuichiro Hyakuya! Oh, did it go well, Yu? Guren.
Of course it did! Don't get too cocky.
You took your sweet time subjugating it.
Did you succeed, too? Of course.
How about Yoichi? Who are you? You called for me, right? You wanted a Cursed Gear to avenge your sister.
Oh, yeah.
I was in the middle of contracting with the demon.
So you're the demon? Yes.
That's a mean form to take.
Well, you have a stupid-looking face.
I get that a lot.
So, you want power? What? I touched your heart but couldn't find a strong sense of vengeance in it.
All I found were stability, gentleness, and love for others.
All the things I hate.
Th-That's not true.
I want to avenge my sister's That's a lie.
You're glad that at least you were saved.
N-No, that's not And you hate conflict.
You don't want your friends and your family to die No, you don't want to kill anyone.
Vengeance that can't kill? Give me a break.
You don't have enough vengeance in you.
And I hate people like that.
So I'll get your revenge for you instead.
Hand me your body, human! You don't even have enough desire to fight back.
You really are good for nothing.
You aren't suited to be my master.
Oh, man, this is bad.
Yoichi didn't have enough strength, I guess.
But two out of three passing the Black Demon tryout isn't bad at all.
Huh? What's going on? One, two, three, four little humans.
All with Cursed Gears, too.
This is why humans are a pain.
My bow OK, then.
Since you guys got your Cursed Gears, here's your first job as the Moon Demon Company of the Vampire Extermination Unit.
Yu, Kimizuki.
There's a human-eating demon.
You two will deal with it.
Let's exterminate these dangerous human beings.
Yoichi?! Jeez, I guess a demon's raw power's pretty strong even if it hasn't eaten lust.
Lieutenant Colonel Guren! May I share my opinion? No, be quiet.
But this situation is Hey, Guren! What do you mean deal with it?! Yoichi is our comrade! Huh? That's a demon no matter how you look at it! Kill it now and put him out of his misery! What the hell?! There's no way I can kill a comrade! Don't get smart with me! This is the Moon Demon Company! We walk on the path to hell! Or have you guys come to play revenge?! If you want to get killed, whatever! But Yoichi won't come back! Dammit! If you're proud about being a soldier, hurry up and do what you gotta do! D-Dammit, dammit, dammit! What in the? Yu! Let Yoichi go, you monster! Yes! Idiot! Don't let your guard down! The demon is inside Yoichi, not in the weapon! Stop it! Are you trying to kill Yoichi?! What? You guys can't kill me? Yoichi, snap out of it! Don't let a lousy demon beat you! Weren't you going to kill the vampires with me?! Lieutenant Colonel Guren! This is going a little too far! They're not ready yet.
Please don't make them kill Yoichi! Oh? You always act so cool, but you're nice to them aren't you, Shinoa? Have you gotten attached to them? Lieutenant Colonel! Then you do it.
Save them from the guilt trip.
What? You don't want to get your hands dirty either? That's the first cute side of yours I've seen.
Yoichi, snap out of it! Don't let a lousy demon beat you! Shut up.
Do it.
I won't kill a comrade.
I promised myself that I won't abandon them.
And Yoichi, you can't kill me either.
If you're the same as me If you lost your family in front of you, then there's no way you can kill a comrade! Are you crazy?! So snap out of it now! Stupid Yoichi! Then die.
Yoichi! Are you gonna stay under the bed and watch your family die again?! Just come out of there already and protect your comrades! Yoichi! Do not come out from under the bed! I-I don't I don't want to run away anymore.
That's why the power to protect those that are dear to me The power to destroy all my enemies is what I want from you, demon! Whoa.
No way.
I-Is he back? All right, good job coming back.
You took too long to come back! Wh-Why did you kick me? Y-Yu! Did you anticipate this, Lieutenant Colonel? Shut the hell up.
I don't really give a damn if a kid dies.
You say that, but you looked like you were desperate at the end.
Ow! You have a gift.
But you feel guilty for not helping your sister, losing your desire to live.
But today, you found it, didn't you? Protecting your comrades that saved you today is your reason to live.
Revenge? Don't get hung up on something so small.
Same goes for you, idiot.
Forget about your previous family.
Huh? Don't be silly-- This is your new family.
Put your life on the line for this family, idiot.
There's nothing in the past.
It's the future that has things to offer.
Shut up.
Anyway, since you've got your Cursed Gears and you kinda worked as a team, let's go out to the front line then, shall we? The front line?! Yeah.
We found out that the vampires from the Kansai region are planning on taking back Shinjuku.
We're going to investigate that area.
Then we can hunt vampires?! W-We're going out into the field, straight away? Don't we get a break or something? Jeez, it's such a pain to raise kids.
We will soon be arriving at Tokyo.
Attacks from the Japanese Imperial Demon Army are expected around Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, and Shibuya.
Please be careful.
Did you hear that, Mika? First, Shinjuku.
The blended white, the bird cage in the corner, and flower buds with a heartbeat.
The abandoned voices, dizzy from the shadow of memories.
I need your blood.
I chant, "you read love.
" The red lights struggle.
The sound that I sniffed out and the reason that I forced open simply line up parallel.
Come on, break it down for me.
A river will flow.
The never-ending lust, even though the bell of interest rings.
Even the confession dried out, and the intent played by the quadruple-time is traced back.
The red in the sunshine streaming through the leaves is making noise.
Next time on Seraph of the End, "Mitsuba's Squad.
" "Mitsuba's Squad"
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