Snoopy in Space (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

Space Sleepwalking

I still can't believe my dog's an astronaut.
He's a hero.
He's brushing his teeth.
How is that heroic? Because he's doing it 253 miles above Earth, while traveling at 17,500 miles per hour.
I don't feel so good.
It's okay, Charlie Brown.
He'll be fine.
No, he won't! Just look at that technique.
Brush away from the gum line.
Time to get some rest, astronauts.
Allow me to direct you to your sleeping quarters.
May I recommend something else? These sleeping bags are attached to the wall so you can't drift away.
Sweet dreams.
I'm awake! I'm awake! The station's biometric sensors are reporting that we're short one astronaut.
Snoopy! Snoopy, wake up! Let me try.
Breakfast, banana nose! You're welcome.
Woodstock is missing! There he is.
It's okay, Snoopy.
Woodstock's just outside.
Outside? How can I be of assistance? Oh, my circuits! Woodstock appears to be sleep-spacewalking! That's a real thing? It is now.
But Woodstock couldn't possibly have gotten out on his own.
There are so many steps and procedures.
Replaying archived footage.
First, he'd have to get out of his sleeping bag and put on a liquid-cooling suit to regulate his body temperature.
Then he'd have to put on the Extravehicular Mobility Unit to protect him from space.
But he'd still have to seal himself in the air lock, attach the tether, decrease the pressure, then pull himself through the outer air lock hatch onto the payload bay.
What? What are the odds? Approximately 3,000,537 to one.
Astronaut Snoopy, you are the only one who can retrieve him.
Don't worry.
We have the perfect tool to perform a cosmic catch.
That operates the Canadarm2.
They use it to perform maintenance, move supplies, and capture vehicles.
Or in this case, Woodstock.
Good one, sir.
Alert! Alert! Alert! There is still a way to retrieve Woodstock.
Snoopy? Stop! Snoopy, you need a space suit.
Space isn't like Earth.
There's no air to breathe, and there's nothing to protect you from space debris.
Don't forget about radiation from cosmic rays.
Snoopy, space suit, now! It's okay, Snoopy.
The tether will keep you safe.
Like the one Woodstock had before you cut it.
Excellent idea! You can use your SAFER to jet pack out to Woodstock.
Jet pack? How is that safer? Oh, SAFER's just the name for the pack.
It stands for Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue.
It's actually far more dangerous.
Good grief.
Yay! Oh, no.
Snoopy's out of fuel.
How are they gonna get back to the station? Hooray! That was an excellent performance, Astronaut Snoopy.
Tomorrow will be another big day.
You should get some sleep.
Oh, I forgot to inform you, the space station orbits Earth so fast that the sun comes up every 90 minutes.
Good morning!
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