Stargate SG-1 s01e06 Episode Script

Cold Lazarus

Colonel O'Neill.
What've we got here, Teal'c? I do not know.
Wow! It may indicate a|civilization of some kind Well, let's spread|out and take a look.
I think there's a|way down over here Crystalsgranite|not volcanic.
I don't see any|that aren't broken.
These pieces|might fit together.
Here's a whole one.
Looks like they've been|blasted apart by something.
It's damaged.
HmI don't see any|other whole ones, do you? Where's the Colonel? Jack, we've finished our recon, loaded up FRED|and we're ready to head back to the gate.
is thisam|I using this right? We're ready to head out, sir! Colonel! Radiation level check all clear.
Welcome back SG-1.
Debriefing will|commence at 09:00.
The samples we brought back are being analyzed|"Cold Lazarus" and we explored a ten kilometer|radius around the gate without finding any sign of recent|Goa'uld mining activity.
In fact there is no indication that Goa'ulds or anyone|else have been through that gate in a thousand years.
Tell me about these crystals.
Uhm, we found thousands|in a pit near the Stargate.
Since we didn't find them anywhere else on the planet,|it's likely that they were gathered and put there.
Why? Early Greek cultures valued|crystals and gemstones, perhaps the pit has some|religiousor ceremonialsignificance.
You're report doesn't|mention any local population.
There's no evidence of a developed culture,|no roads, villages, settlements, nothing I'm with Daniel we didn't find any|unbroken crystals but we have this one and pieces of a|few larger ones back in decon right now.
Flag this one, Colonel.
SG-1 is on stand down until|your next mission comes up.
Hey, Colonel.
Listen, no offense,|Colonel, but this becomes the|women's locker room in well, now.
You know how I hate|those sandy planets.
You don't have to|hurry on my account.
Nice you have a family.
I'm an auntie myself.
My brother moved to San Diego,|so I don't get to see him much he has two kids|now, boy and a girl.
God, I miss 'em like helldon't|get there near enough.
I can see you|feel the same way.
Good-Bye Sam.
Jack seems veryfocused.
Yeah he was looking at pictures of his family.
|He must be in a hurry to get home.
I didn't even know|he was married.
Oh, he isn't.
umhe was but they|separated after his sondied.
Colonel O'Neillyou|are departing? Yes.
You said one day you|would show me your world.
- I would like to see it now.
|- Another time.
I've known the man for months and he doesn't say|word one about a life outside this place and I'm thinking he|just doesn't have one.
What else don't|I know about him? Well, he doesn't really tell you|much until he gets to know you.
Yeah, that's an|understatement.
All right, what|do we have here? Passed all the|decontamination protocols, but I noticed it's got a low|level EM field you should check out.
Either that or my fridge magnets|fell of the wall by themselves.
- I'm sorryEM?|- Electromagnetic Energy.
So umtell me more about the|Colonelwhat happened to his son.
Charlieaccidentally killed|himself with Jack's personal gun.
Oh, Godthat's horrible Jack never forgave himself.
He holed up and turned his back on the|rest of the world for uha long time.
Yeah, I can imagine.
I|don't know what I'd do.
What about his wife? Sarah? I don't think they've seen|each other since he joined SG-1.
He hasn't said anything about|a visit but like I said - He doesn't tell you much.
|- Right.
|- Right.
Look at this See the edge of this crystal here how|its glassy likes its been melted? Can you tell what did it? For me it might shed a little light on what the|significance of the pit was and whoput them there.
It would take extreme temperatures|to melt quartz crystal.
- Lightning?|- Maybe but it's too|precise, too clean.
I think I've seen a cut like this|beforehere in this facility.
Dad, I left some ice|tea in there for you.
Hello, Sarah.
Hello, Sarah.
It may be time to face facts, Dad, this old thing|has seen better days.
A girl shouldn't be so quick to give|up on the agedmakes a father worry.
Come on, Dad, I'm serious.
If I keep Hello, Sara.
Been there long? Yes.
- Could've said something.
|- I did.
Rightyou did.
Something wrong? I think it's the ignition but you didn't|come about the car.
So, whatyou decided|you'd just show up, waltz back into|my life? Is that it? Yes.
I need to find|Charlieis he here? I need Charliethat's|his bicycle, isn't it? - I kept some of his things.
|- Yes, I know.
Jack, what are you|doing? You're scaring me.
It's important, Sarah.
Don't!Let go of me what the hell is wrong with|youis this your idea of a joke? Just get away from me.
I don't understand.
Son, if upsetting her is your way|of trying to win a woman's heart, it's a stupid one.
Anyone ever tell you that? I think you just did.
Come on in.
PA: Attention to all new personnel: Report to the|Auditorium, sublevel one, for orientation at 1430 hours.
after last night's rally turned ugly|and protestors clashed with police, police have announced that a|dusk to dawn curfew is now in effect.
No word yet on any casualties.
And in financial news, the bull|was annihilated today with bears leaving a sea of|red behind them for the third straight day and no one on either|side could say how it started in the first place.
Teal'cwe need your help.
Your world is a strange place.
So's yours.
Listen, uh, we need to stop by the armory|and sign out your staff weapon.
- Are we being deployed?|- No, Noit's okaycome on.
Parent's shouldn't outlive|their childrenit isn't natural.
He loved to laugh.
Yeahsometimes I can still hear|him laughing at one of my bad jokes.
Sarah kept all his things like that bike outside.
I guess it's her way of|keeping him around a while.
I thought I would|find Charlie here.
Look around, you still might.
He's gone.
What do I do? Sarah comes up here and talks to|him sometimes and it helps her.
If it helps youI'm-I'm|glad you're here.
You know, Jack, for an Irishman|you never were much of a talker but that never mattered.
I'll give you|that muchyou married my daughter.
Say what you need to Charlie if|that's all you've come her for, but Sarah is not|over you yet, so you break her heart again and, God help|you, I'll make you wish you never did.
ohh, wow! How was your day? Fine oh, look what came|home from school today.
Ahis Charlie about ready? Yeah, he was running around|her a few minutes ago There's a good one.
What's going on in there? You received permission for me to fire|my staff weapon in the gate room? - Ohyeah.
|- Absolutely.
Now, I noticed that the glassy edge where|the crystal was melted looked a lot like the walls|of the gate room after Apophis and his serpent|guards came and shot up the place.
Now, take a look at this.
We did a complete|study trying to figure out what they used.
We kept a few pieces|and that gave me the idea.
Since your energy weapons are the same as the ones Apophis|used, we can compare the blast marks on the two crystals.
Now, I'm telling the computer|to build a simulation model.
We should see if the energy|signatures are the same or not.
Heh, It matches up.
It was Goa'uld technology|that destroyed the crystals.
Yeah, I'd say a whole mess|of the staff weapons did it.
We haven't talked about|Charlie since he died why now? What were you doing up there? Do you remember how much fun Charlie|used to have playing thatgame? - Baseball?|- Baseball He loved that game.
He loved playing with you.
I have to get back|to the Stargate.
- Back to what?|- Stargate it'sabig roundmetal object a ringof energy You always could spin a line|of bull to avoid talking to me.
What's wrong? I've been crying,|that's what's wrong What's with you? UpstairsI've never|seen you like that before.
For a second, I thought|you were gonna cry.
Where's all that|O'Neill military bravado? I don't think I have it.
- What?|- Smoke? Oh, my God! Mike left|a casserole in for me The energy signature looks like|some kind of gas plasma laser.
Wow, I'd love to get this into|the spectrometer at Stanford.
What is a Stanford? Hey, did you see this thing inside of it?|I didn't think that was there before - Whoa! .
uh, Captain Carter! Teal'c!|- Yeah? Thatwas me.
It was me Are you OK? Justlook My reflectionso? Closer Holy Hannah! Help us.
Oh my God.
Why's it spinning|up? No one's due back.
It was trying to|communicate with us.
I don't know the|magic password.
Do you? That's the gateincoming.
Off world activation|this is not a drill! - I didn't think anyone was due back|- No one is Off world activationthis|is not a drill! All units report to stations.
This is not a drill! - Where's the iris?|- Someone used a remote.
- Who? we're all here.
|- Well, whoever it is has our codes.
Heads up people! Hey, what're you guys|doin' leavin' without me? What's with all the ordinance? Who are you? What do you mean, who am I? What the heck's goin' on here? Good question.
Take|him into custody.
Come on, get me outta here! Tell you what, let me put it nicely Get me the hell out of here! If that isn't O'Neill, I wanna|know who the hell we're looking at.
We're searching the|facility now, sir.
I'm waiting for you to say I'm sorryor I want to get back|together or just whatever's on your mind,|anything, just talk to me.
The first time we were|togetheris this where we came? - You're angry|- Angryat you? NoI'm not angry.
Good - You were.
|- When? When Charlie died that's why I left.
Uhyou son of a bitch you walked out on me back then because|you thought I was mad at you? - You trying to tell me it's my fault?|- No.
Why didn't you talk to|me, why didn't you ask? I should have but I didn't.
So, you were angry? NoYes What did you expect? It|happened in our house.
It was you're gun.
I know you blamed yourself.
But if you just|opened up for once and let me through|that armor of yours we could have|helped each other.
I needed you.
I know.
You know? And you can say|it.
Just like that? After all this time? I'm sorry it took so long.
|It should've been said sooner.
Is that what you|came to tell me? There's no way to make you|understand what I came here to do.
- You couldn't understand.
|- Try me.
I thought if I could bring|Charlie back through the Stargate Just shut up about|that, would you? Charlie is gone, Jack.
We should be talking about us|and what happened and not Jack My God Jack? Jack? What is that?|What's happened to you? We've got to get|you to the hospital.
The MRI was negative.
The DNA screen matches|what we have on file.
Uh, physical examination of|the body shows some trauma - otherwise he seems perfectly healthy.
|- Healthy doesn't cut it.
Well, the evidence says|he's Colonel Jack O'Neill.
- Thank you Doctor.
|- Then how do you explain the other one? What other one? What? Ok, so that's not possible.
I|didn't come back with you guys.
What the hell is that thing? The EM energy in the one intact crystal we|brought back from P3X-562 may hold the key.
The electromagnetic energy in the crystal|has the ability to mimic things.
It recreated Daniel and I.
It cloned us electronically,|at least part of us.
It seemed to read our thoughts|and speech and mimic them too.
Now, what if the other O'Neill is energy just like|the thing Daniel and I found in the crystal only a more powerful,|more evolved form of it? One powerful enough to|copy a whole person and not just faces? - Is that what we're looking at?|- Could be.
And it tried to|communicate with you? It asked for our help.
This may not work.
What are you? Energy.
You|would describe me thus.
You asked for help.
If I remain here, my|energy will disintegrate.
I must return.
- Why, did you not speak before?|- Fear.
Fear of what? The Goa'uld came to|our planet long ago.
We were not afraid then|and we tried to greet them.
One of them touched us as you did|and was destroyed by our energy.
Well, that's some kind of|welcome wagon you got there It almost killed me.
The Goa'ulds must have come|through the gate exploring That's why it was afraidwe|look just like them.
One of the|Goa'ulds was killed? They gathered all the Unity|in one placeand ended it.
We confirmed Goa'uld|energy weapons did it.
Then that pit wasn't a|ceremonial place at all it was some kind|ofmass grave.
I can no longer|sustain this form.
What was that? Any ideas? Any theories? Explanations? Uhuhanything? If you thought that your entire|race was destroyed by the Goa'ulds as punishment for|harming one of them, what would you do if you|thought it was going to happen again? Sir.
O'Neillthe other|guyis nowhere in the mountain.
Okwe've got a problem.
I ran some tests on the|crystals in the lab whatever the energy inside the|crystal isit's starting to decay.
- It's ionizing particle radiation.
|- Nuclear radiation? It's not constant and the amounts|are not dangerous, but if O'Neillitstarts breaking|down like the energy in the crystals and it's more powerful|than what we have here then anyone nearby could|get a lethal dose of radiation.
If that's true, we have a very serious|problem on our hands.
Let's hope it's not.
Uh, something else.
I've been|thinking about where it went.
Sir, it was in your locker looking|through your personal stuff pictures of your family Come on, Sarah Come on.
I can't take your call right|now so please leave a message.
I gotta get there.
The lab's running tests but I'm|pretty sure it'd breaking down because Earth's electromagnetic field|is stronger than the one on P3X-562.
The difference is|tearing it apart.
- Can we stop it?|- I don't know.
We checked with the local police.
|No one's at your wife's house.
One of the local hospitals admitted|a J.
O'Neill less than an hour ago.
- Teal'c you'll have to leave that here.
|- I have seen your worldI will need it.
Can't let you take|your weapon, Teal'c.
You, all of you will be operating|in public so you can't do or say anything that reveals the|existence of the SGC or the Stargate.
Chicagothe windy city home of the Black Hawks,|the Bulls and the White Sox.
Don't forget the Cubs.
Heads up Colonel.
Good luck.
Charliethis is the|place we brought him.
Yes, it is.
He died here.
Yes, he did Jack, what's happening to you? I have to get to the|Stargate.
Can we do that? Jack, I know you want to|get to the Stargatebut All right, people!|I need buses up here! I want these people out of|here now! Come on! Move! Move! As soon as Colonel O'Neill's team gives the signal,|I want you to start shutting the power down inside.
- All right?|- All right.
Move it out! Thanks - Go, I'm alrightgo.
|- I'm almost finished.
Alrightkeep moving|peopleeverybody out! I need everybody out|of here now! Let's go! SarahAre you alright? This is my baby.
- You alright?|- Yeah.
OKI wanna hear all about|itbut not noware you OK? Yeah.
- What room?|- Room three.
Colonel! It's OK.
Colonel, it's|buried in the red.
- How we doing' with the power?|- I turned off as much of the grid as possible.
They've shut|down all they can.
It's all right.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Please stay back.
I do not want to harm you again.
My energy is about to The radiation's dropped off.
O'Neillare you all right? I'm OK.
- What's happening?|- We've got 20% emergency power.
Radiation's low enough|We should be all right.
- You have come to destroy me.
|- No.
That's not true.
I know you weren't trying to|kill me back on the planet The Goa'ulds the people who|destroyed your race.
they're our enemies too.
Iunderstand thank you.
Why did you come here? When my energy hurt you I tried to heal you but I did not|understand your injury.
So I looked into your mind.
I saw the mind|of a warrior.
I feared it, as I feared those|who destroyed my race.
I tried to make you well before my mistake|was discovered, before the|others returned to destroy me.
I understand now.
Your deepest pain was not the physical|injury I had caused.
Your pain was from an empty|place in your heart where Charlie once was.
I thought if I could|bring Charlie to you, it would make you well.
I did not understand|his death meant he could no longer|exist as flesh and blood.
Physical death does not have the|same meaning to us.
Are you dying now? Yes I could not bring|Charlie to you.
Charlie's gone.
NoHe'sin here.
You cannot change|what happened that day, just as I cannot change the day|that the Goa'uld destroyed my world.
I'm showing you what of Charlie|is still thereinside you.
The radiation's still low,|but I don't know for how long.
We have to go.
Is Sarah O'Neill still here? Yes.
Delta Five Point Bravo|our ETA is five minutes.
- Chopper's inbound.
|- You guys go ahead.
Oh my God It's not CharlieSarah Sarah|I have to get him back.
to the Stargate.
Whatever that is.
The other guy you know what he said? I have a pretty fair idea.
We were pretty great|together, weren't we? We were the greatest.
Take care of yourself, Jack.
Keep the lights|on.
I'll be back.

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