The Lost Symbol (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Diophantine Pseudonym

on "The Lost Symbol"
Put aside regrets
and do what you do best.
MAL'AKH: This belonged
to his son.
NUNEZ: My friends are gonna give
your boss everything he wants.
They get Peter Solomon back,
and everybody wins.
He can't go back.
- No!
- (groaning)
KNOPP: Leviathan exists
to protect a secret.
We must ensure the mystery
remains unsolved.
Freeze right now!
- Hands on your head!
- (gun fires)
You seemed real eager
to tell Blake.
MAL'AKH: Here, you will solve
the great mystery.
If you don't, you will die.
(deep breathing)
♫ ♫
(echoing gunshot)
♫ ♫
(sharp breathing)
(sharp breathing)
(sharp breathing continues)
(breathing deeply)
♫ ♫
(breathing deeply)
(bullet drops to floor)
(inhales deeply)
♫ ♫
!!! Hope you enjoy the show !!!
BLAKE: I don't know
where this falls, exactly--
between insubordination
and treason--
but suffice it to say
I could have you charged.
Maybe that's what you want.
Maybe this is some guilt-fueled,
self-fulfilling prophecy
that you wind up in a cell
just like Zachary Solomon.
I'm not gonna apologize for
trying to do the right thing.
We're not in
the "right thing" business.
We are in the geopolitical
life support business,
and we are pulling
our own plug if we don't do
everything possible
to stay one step ahead.
And some ancient myth
is gonna do that?
Last year, pharmaceutical
companies spent over $90 billion
searching for a new molecule
so someone's grandpa
could have a softer stool.
So I think, relatively speaking,
our search for this thing
is time and energy well spent.
I'm revoking your clearance.
You're no longer part
of this operation,
because you're gonna
take an early retirement.
Second prize was federal time,
so consider yourself lucky.
Rookie move, by the way--
the security cameras.
NSA captures that entire system.
Your hack trigged red flags
within seconds.
How do you think I found out
about your little operation?
♫ ♫
I'm sorry.
♫ ♫
(line ringing)
ISABEL: (recorded)
Hello. It's Isabel.
I'm away from the phone.
- Please leave a message.
- (beep)
Mom, it's me.
I need to talk to you, um
I don't have my phone,
so I, um
I'll try in a bit.
Any word? Is she alive?
I don't know.
There's no listing
of a Sophie Bastin
at any D.C. hospital,
and there's no record
of the 911 call I placed.
- How is that possible?
- It's not,
unless someone's trying
to make it disappear.
And you know who's really good
at making shit disappear?
The CIA.
Well, then she must be alive.
Why make her disappear
if she's dead?
They'd just call it
a suicide or something, right?
You're getting really good
at this cloak-and-dagger stuff.
The one person who might know
where Dad and Robert are,
and she's gone.
He always taught me
that when you hit a dead end,
you go backwards,
look for the path you missed.
You think we missed something?
I need to get to my lab.
KATHERINE: What happened to you?
Got any new leads?
NUNEZ: What about Sophie Bastin?
SATO: The janitor's wife?
We think your people
have her holed up somewhere.
If they do,
you can find out where.
Maybe I could
if I still had clearance.
I'm out.
- Out?
- For all intents and purposes,
my CIA career is over.
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
I can't be who
they want me to be anymore.
I have something for you--
Zachary's letters.
(car door opens)
(car door closes)
Did they help?
SATO: They confirm Zach had
contact with that other inmate,
but I can't go
much further with it.
'Cause you can't
investigate now.
Not without the international
resources I'd need.
KATHERINE: But you still think
they're the same person?
Mal'akh and this other prisoner
that Zach was with?
I don't know.
I'm going to help you
get your dad and Robert back.
- How? You've been benched.
- Right.
So if you think about it,
I kind of have nothing to lose.
What'd you have in mind?
Your wife called,
said it's important.
But if you don't leave now,
you'll be late
for Bristol Myers Squibb.
- I'll call Emily from the car.
- (cell phone vibrates)
Actually, I'm gonna need you
to reschedule.
Now? But the meeting's
in 20 minutes.
SATO: So who is
the widow's son, anyway?
Sorry to use
your Masonic Bat-Signal
when I'm not part
of the brotherhood,
but it was urgent.
Who are you?
This is a CIA file
on the Leviathan Group.
Diplomats, defense contractors,
Nobel scientists.
It's a real who's who.
Ever read Hanan Mansour's
"Times" series
on the Arab Spring?
No? Won a Pulitzer.
There was a podcast, too.
Really good.
That reporting wouldn't exist
without my intel.
If you know half as much
as you claim,
then you know how far
our reach extends.
Your "Times" exposé
would be buried,
and you with it.
I'm already buried.
I want to locate someone,
and your reach
is what I need to do it.
- (scoffs)
- What about protecting the wisdom?
Assuming that's still
your prime directive,
I could help.
You get me what I need,
I'll get you your pyramid back
and the capstone.
You find a new hiding place
for them,
it'll be like
all this never happened.
If you don't deliver,
there will be consequences.
♫ ♫
♫ ♫
♫ ♫
Eyeball carving in the box.
It's a symbol, a circumpunct.
Suspect it's another clue.
A circumpunct
symbolizes many things,
most commonly, uh,
the eye of God.
It's a symbol for
the Egyptian sun deity, Ra.
Sun is light.
It's-it's, uh
it's enlightenment,
spiritual insight.
The sun.
In kabbalah,
the circumpunct is the Keter,
the divine superconsciousness.
In the Hindu tradition,
it's the Ajna chakra,
second sight, third eye.
The ancient mantra says
true enlightenment is gained
by looking through
the third eye.
"Omnia revelantur gradu 33."
"Omnia revelantur gradu"
- "Omnia revelantur gradu 33."
- (writing with pencil)
"All will be revealed
at the 33rd degree."
♫ ♫
Hey. Hey.
You want this to go any further,
I'm gonna need
something from you.
Robert, my time is running out.
This software is used
in assessing
instrumental transcommunication,
EVP analysis.
Uh, electronic voice phenomenon.
EVP, yeah,
like in "Ghost Hunters."
So that's real--
getting messages
from dead people
through toasters and shit?
KATHERINE: I didn't say that.
It's a subject we're trying to
better understand with noetics.
- Right.
- (video rewinding)
- Ness no
- (taps keys)
- "Onsen"?
- Yeah, apparently
it means "hot springs"
in Japanese,
which helps us not at all.
Wait, but he said something
before that.
(video rewinding)
(garbled phrases)
(video rewinding)
- "Corp."
- Onsen Corp?
Some element containing water.
An element containing water.
- What?
- A tank.
- I don't understand.
- Onsen.
- I didn't even think of it.
- I'm confused.
They make water tanks.
Pods for floatation,
sensory deprivation.
The skin on his hands
and neck is inflamed,
which could be from
prolonged exposure to moisture,
and his bloodshot eyes,
cracked lips-- if they weren't
- properly protected in the water
- Hey, hey. Hang on.
S-Slow slow down.
So you're saying this guy
had your dad floating in a tank?
But why?
What was he doing to him?
(door opens)
(door closes)
PETER: Where is Robert?
MAL'AKH: Your concern for him--
it's touching.
He has nothing to do with this.
He's been locked up for one day.
Zachary was confined
for months before he died.
Where was your concern then?
He says he requires you
for the task.
(keypad beeps)
(door opens)
MAL'AKH: Let's hope this
reunion is productive.
If not, I have ways
to motivate you.
Just ask Peter.
I'll be watching.
(lock clicks)
It's okay.
No, it's not okay.
The only reason you're here
is 'cause of me.
We're together. We're alive.
- That's what's important.
- He knows we have a bond.
He knows other things, too.
Peter. Oh, God.
Are you in pain?
A little.
He had me under
some kind of sedation.
He says he killed Zachary.
He says he knew him.
Is it possible?
Tell me.
We think he was
in that prison with him.
We're gonna get out of this.
With these.
You found them.
With some help
from Warren Bellamy.
He took some convincing.
And Katherine helped, as well.
She's okay.
Did she see the video he sent?
Yes, she did.
There's a lot
to catch you up on,
starting with this.
"All will be revealed
at the 33rd degree."
Look through the iris
into the light.
It's a clue. It's how I got him
to agree to put us together.
You're a 33rd-degree Mason.
I think it means I need you
to help me solve this.
Solve it? No.
We have to figure out
the remaining clues,
- give him what he wants.
- No, I can't.
- Peter, if this is about your oath
- It's about more than that.
The wisdom must be protected.
I can never
- (groaning)
- (electrical crackling)
- PETER: No, no!
- Oh! Oh!: (screams)
Stop! Stop!
All right. All right.
We will give him what he wants.
(indistinct announcement
over P.A.)
This city's a damn puzzle.
Can't solve it to save my life.
Tell me what you're looking for.
Maybe I can help.
Needle in a haystack.
What kind of needle?
Very old.
Very sharp.
Gonna need half up front.
(phone beeps)
- (phone chimes)
- Done.
♫ ♫
Using Dürer's magic square,
I unscrambled the letters
on the pyramid.
"Jeova Sanctus Unus."
"The One True God."
And then there's this.
You have cracked riddles
that few people alive could.
Warren said it was a map.
Mal'akh thinks it will
lead him to apotheosis.
He thinks the myth is real.
What if it is?
Not relevant.
"Not relevant" isn't
the same as "not real."
Something has changed in you.
Katherine and I,
we found this old film--
a hundred years old, maybe--
it had a murmuration of birds
and a man standing beneath them.
The Teldar starlings?
It is part of the lore,
but to have actually
laid eyes upon on it
You know, Peter,
I-I actually have
some other theories on this
- I'd love to get your eyes on.
- Oh?
It's complicated.
There's a school of thought
in hermeneutic philosophy
which says
that any text or message,
like this one,
has multiple interpretations.
So, to fully grasp it,
you have to see
all the layers, not just one.
Are you familiar
with that theory?
I-I can't say that I am.
I'm still thinking that even
the clues we've already used,
there might still be some
hidden meaning left in them.
Do you have any idea what
that hidden meaning might be?
It's okay.
We are gonna solve this,
you and I.
NUNEZ: So people buy
these tanks?
it stimulates theta waves.
A theta state
can increase creativity,
memory recall, insight.
Augmented with certain drugs,
those states can be enhanced.
Drugs like ketamine?
Yes, Nuñez. Yep.
I need someone
to dig up some stuff
on a company called Onsen.
Yeah. If you could do it
within the next hour?
Yeah. At this number, yep.
♫ ♫
(door opens, closes)
KATHERINE: He always dotted
his "I" like that-- a slash.
I remember
telling him once that, um,
graphologists say a slash to
the right indicates irritation.
That irritated him.
(soft chuckle)
How'd it go
with that Leviathan guy?
Are they gonna help us
find Sophie Bastin?
They agreed to my terms.
We'll see what comes of it.
PETER: "All will be revealed."
"All will be revealed."
There must be something
you know that I don't know.
Knowledge that-that only a
33rd-degree Mason
would possess. Think.
I am trying to think,
but I cannot focus.
My mind is full of
There's too much noise.
I was having trouble
with my recall,
and she "elicited my
frequency-following response."
And despite your skepticism,
it worked.
The ring.
Custom-forged for the conferring
of the 33rd degree.
With a pi cipher, yeah.
PETER: Not only that.
It had a very special
♫ ♫
That's it.
Now, I had always thought
the symbol
was for use with wax seals.
Now I'm not so sure.
(sighs) "All will be revealed
at the 33rd degree."
33 degrees is
the measure of an angle.
- So turn to the 33rd degree.
- (clicking)
♫ ♫
This will take us
to the final stage.
A dagger touched by the heavens.
All that is required is blood
from the instrument.
- (beep)
- (door buzzes, lock clicks)
I'm here to visit the patient.
ID, please.
What, no gift shop?
I forgot flowers.
Has anyone spoken to her yet?
No. She was in pretty bad shape.
Hasn't said a word since
she regained consciousness.
(monitor beeping steadily)
Ms. Bastin.
I'm Larry Carter.
I work in Operations.
You're in a secure
CIA medical facility.
(groans softly)
Now, I know
you don't want to talk,
so I brought this-- amobarbital.
Indicated for anxiety,
epilepsy, insomnia.
You're a pharmacist.
You know that.
(Sophie groans softly)
What you may not know is that
it has a potent off-label use.
(Sophie groaning)
The right amount of this
in your IV,
and you'll tell me everything.
(exhales slowly)
CARTER: Sophie?
Where's Mal'akh?
(grunts softly)
I don't know.
I don't believe you.
Are you lying to me?
(Sophie's breath trembling)
(shakily) He's careful.
Only m-my husband--
he knows.
What about other names?
Aliases he uses?
- Christopher.
- Christopher.
- Christopher what?
- (exhales)
(rapid beeping)
Sophie? Stay with me.
It doesn't matter
what you know.
The CIA can't stop him.
You don't have to worry.
The CIA will never know
what you just told me.
That or anything else.
(computer beeping)
(monitor beeping rapidly)
(monitor flatlines)
SATO: Every tank Onsen
ships to the eastern U.S.
comes in through
the Port of Savannah.
From there, they're farmed out
to various trucking outfits.
We'll start within the DMV.
You get D.C.
You get Maryland.
I'll take Virginia.
Wait, I have a shipping address
here in Georgetown
to a company
called Somafree Inc.
Right. We're gonna see
a lot of that.
We'll have to run down
who owns any of these companies
or shell corporations.
Why are you here?
You've already lost
your career over this.
I told you, I want to help.
But why?
- Langdon is being held
- Wasn't your fault.
That was your boss.
And I get it-- he's CIA.
He's not supposed to give
a shit about my family.
And neither are you,
and yet here you are.
Did you know my brother?
You said something before
about how he was someone
trying to do the right thing
in his own way.
You knew him.
In Turkey.
I was stationed there.
He got in some trouble.
The drugs.
SATO: No. Before that.
He was running
with some young, rich,
politically connected people.
In some cases, very connected.
One of them died in a car crash.
There were drugs involved.
Zach's drugs.
I used it to recruit him.
Recruit him?
I don't understand.
She flipped him.
Made him an asset.
So you're telling me
what, that he was a spy?
No, he would just keep tabs
on some of those people
he was hanging out with
and report back.
He was good at getting
invited into things.
He could be very winning.
And he was smart.
Really smart.
He was a Solomon.
But he was also an addict.
And I put him in an environment
where there was
a reasonable expectation
that he'd be tempted.
And he was.
And this was your job?
Blackmailing people.
Praying on them.
I'm sorry.
You're sorry?
If everything
that is happening now
goes back to that prison
then all of this
is because of you.
Zachary, my dad, Robert.
He was just a kid.
(phone vibrates)
That's my Leviathan contact.
How's it spelled?
As agreed, when I find them,
they're yours.
Christopher Abaddon.
Got him.
♫ ♫
(high-pitched tone
(tone fades)
The Rose Cross,
symbol of the Rosicrucians,
Ancient and Mystical Order,
the Rosae Crucis.
"The secret hides
within The Order."
- The Order of the Rose Cross?
- Perhaps.
- What's "the secret?"
- Rosicrucian doctrine says
The Order came from
"truths of the ancient past,"
which offer great insight
into a "spiritual realm."
Descartes, Pascal, Spinoza.
- Luminaries of the Renaissance.
- All Rosicrucians.
As was Albrecht Dürer.
- Scientists, artists.
- Alchemists.
The Rosicrucian founder was
a German mystic and alchemist,
uh, Christian Rosenkreuz.
Later revealed to be
Francis Bacon.
Possibly Bacon.
His actual identity--
still in question.
But yes, ei-either way,
"Rosenkreuz" was a pseudonym.
Another thing these Rosicrucians
had in common,
big egos.
Who else would call themselves
"One True God"?
Jeova Sanctus Unus--
is that a name?
A pseudonym hiding
in a Latin anagram.
"Isaacus Neutonuus."
Latin interchanges
the letters "J" for "I"
"V" for "U." Isaac Newton,
who was also Rosicrucian
and an alchemist,
as were the others.
- Now what?
- Now what?
You've summarized this
I don't follow.
LANGDON: Been asking the
same question
over and over again ever since
this whole thing started.
It's just-it's just
one cryptic clue after another,
after another,
after another, after another.
- Robert.
- It always comes back
to the same question, just,
"Now what?"
I've been chased.
I've been gassed.
I almost died twice
trying to get that pyramid.
He took my hand.
He put me in a coma.
Maybe you should've just
told him what he wanted to know
instead of honoring
your ridiculous oath!
Right, because
far be it from you
to believe in anything
greater than yourself.
People have been killed!
Well, why don't we just take
all these and destroy them?
LANGDON: Because then we wouldn't
be able to get out of here!
- (clattering)
- (Langdon and Peter grunting)
♫ ♫
♫ ♫
This is as far as you go.
You need Peter for your ritual.
He's "the instrument."
If he dies,
your whole plan unravels.
MAL'AKH: You won't hurt
Peter Solomon.
He's been like a father to you,
more than he ever was
to his own son.
You've always been sharp,
but you're in my world now.
Raw intellect can only
get you so far.
Raw intellect can only
get you so far.
MAL'AKH: Hopefully he's not
a disappointment
like your son.
Oh, God.
It can't be.
SATO: Let's try this again.
Stay where you are.
SATO: Stop!
Wait, no.
No, it's Zachary.
He's Zachary.
Let's just stay put, okay?
Let these guys do their thing.
OFFICER: Copy that.
They've got them
at the rear of the property.
Uh, I got her.
Thank you.
Oh, thank you.
(indistinct radio chatter)
PETER: You watched the video.
- You watched it.
- (Katherine crying)
My little sundial.
♫ ♫
Don't shoot!
OFFICER: Get down on the ground.
- Get down on the ground.
- SATO: Get down, now.
Do what they say.
There is only Mal'akh.
♫ ♫
(indistinct chatter)
PETER: It is him,
Kate. It is.
- I don't know how, but it is true.
- Dad,
you've been through a trauma,
and your perception is clouded.
PETER: And oftentimes,
to win us to our harm,
the instruments of darkness
tell us truths.
We should get him
to the hospital.
All right, watch your feet.
You're gonna step up now.
Watch your head.
- Careful, careful.
- (grunts)
- NUNEZ: All right.
- Oh.
I won't let him out of my sight.
I promise.
I love you.
(siren chirps)
It's not true.
No. No.
- Katherine.
- No.
♫ ♫
♫ ♫
♫ ♫
I don't know.
♫ ♫
(birds chirping)
♫ ♫
I need your clothes.
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