Your Honor (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Part Six

Previously on Your Honor
I got this baby
with holes in his heart
where his family used to be
and a mob boss motherfucker
with a blowtorch.
Baxters got to pay.
They will, little man.
But Big Mo play the long game.
I don't know who killed your son,
but it sure the fuck wasn't Kofi.
If you want a war, I can give you a war.
I want to know what happened to Kofi.
I need a second autopsy.
To do that, I need the
signature of a relative
who's over the age of 18.
I know you, right?
Oh. Rocco's memorial.
Tell me about an experience that's
had a big impact on you recently.
I-I just met a really cool girl.
Either of you know how
to trace a burner phone
to where it was purchased?
It's all there. All the evidence we got.
911, what's your emergency?
The operator called back.
This is the 911 operator.
- You filled up. Now fuck off.
- That monster who killed our son
- was getting gas.
- The 911 call?
Came from a cell tower in Chalmette.
There's three gas stations.
He came here, wanted to
see the surveillance video.
You still have the footage?
It got erased.
- He deleted the footage?
- Yeah.
I need to tell you something.
- I-I don't have all the money yet.
I need more time!
You're out of time, man.
You never see it coming.
You can go for months,
months and months,
and then there's one that just
just hits you right in
the belly, you know?
Single mom,
mother of four,
two completely unmanageable,
two jobs, rescue pit bull.
I mean, she's a good person,
which makes her a mark.
So, some guy comes sailing in,
claiming to be the man
that this family has needed,
and then starts punching her.
- Ever call it in?
- Oh, no. No, she doesn't,
because of course he
comes groveling back,
promising to change,
doesn't, happens again.
God, I'm sorry. Uh
You, of course, know better than anyone.
NOPD doesn't get involved.
They can't. It's they're unaware.
Until one night, when Mom
decides to fight back.
And he calls it in.
Now, you all haul her away on assault.
Her PD suggests that she
pleads out, and she does.
And so, by the time that she's released,
she's lost her jobs, her home,
her kids are in temporary custody,
veering on permanent,
and that loser ex has left with the dog
and every penny in her account.
- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.
Now, that's not even the good part yet.
So, when she files a
report for the theft,
she learns that this guy
has been using a fake
name the whole time.
I wrote down what she has.
A-And I wrote it down
because I thought that s
maybe somehow I could, I could help her.
Wrote down what?
Here. Yeah.
- Green Toyota Camry.
- Yeah. That's all she has.
And these are the first three
numbers of the license
Right, that's all she could remember.
And I don't even know if that's
enough to trace the car or
You know?
You know, I bet if I punch this in,
it'll spit out five names, give or take.
How much you want to bet
one of them has a record?
Squeaky clean, all four of them.
Could I have them anyway?
- They're private citizens
- And one of them
is a violent, woman-hating piece of crap
who's probably just smart enough
not to get caught so he
doesn't have a record.
Nancy, this poor fucking woman
just doesn't have a chance.
But we can give her a-a leg
to stand on in-in family court
and maybe she doesn't lose her kids.
Jesus, listen to me. Holier than thou.
Asking you to bend the law
I'm complaining no one upholds?
God, what a hypocrite.
Hypocrisy is probably the last thing
anyone would ever accuse you of.
I got to go to the bathroom.
Keep an eye?
Are you sure about this, Jimmy?
A judge?
Are you looking at my cool T-shirt
or-or at my breasts?
It's Rocco's. He loved it.
There he is.
W-What was the last big
conversation you had with him?
Um, he had a plan, for his life, really.
He told me about it.
What was the plan?
Shoot for the moon, basically.
Um, Paris for the summer.
And then, uh and then
art school in London,
probably living in Clerkenwell
or Hoxton with the French girlfriend
he probably met at some Left Bank Café.
He was planning that?
Some of that's me
keeping his future going.
Um, what about you?
Last big conversation.
Uh, we never really got
to talking like that.
No, I-I mean with your mom.
Oh, uh
Yeah, I'll-I'll always remember
the last thing she said to me.
We were in the car, and sh-she
turned to me all solemn
and she lowered her voice
a little bit, and she said
"Did you fart?"
- Yeah.
- Oh.
And I-I got out of the car
and went into school, and
never saw her again.
So, did you?
- Did you fart?
- No.
- It was, uh, my dog. Django.
- Uh-huh.
My mom just liked messing with me.
Maybe it was her.
You mean the-the last thing
my mother did in my presence
before she died was fart?
Is that what you're saying?
I'd give anything to have been with him.
I keep replaying his last morning.
I don't want it to, but it
forces its way to the front of my mind,
and stays there
like that's all that exists
in his 17 years of life.
All the moments before,
thousands of moments we shared,
just get squeezed out like
they're not important.
That's what the guy
who killed Rocco did.
He didn't just kill my brother.
He killed my life with my brother.
I'm just delivering
groceries for apartment 200.
Edward or Edouard Lincoln, I believe.
I'm with Good Egg.
It's a nonprofit providing
healthful foods
for those in need.
Those in need?
Sounds like you write hymns
in your spare time.
I don't have any spare time.
This is my whole life.
You got some grub, bub.
Edouard, I-I I've got
some groceries for you.
Well, I'll be dogged!
Nobody told me you were coming.
Yeah, well, I-I tried to call,
but then I thought I'd just show up.
Was that phone busy
or just ring e-eternally?
They wheel me out to
the phone once a week,
but the nurses are always
tying up the lines
jabbing with their boyfriends.
How's Tampa?
Oh, uh
Hot as all get out.
Well, the Lord done rain down his wrath
on our little armpit, don't he?
You talk to the other cousins?
I don't much.
They tell me I got the dementia,
so I probably wouldn't
remember even if I did.
How's Tampa?
It's hot, Ed.
Now, look, uh
You got everything now, so I'll
I'll-I'll see you some other time.
You're leaving?
Jesus H
Danny, you just got here.
Look, rest your bones.
And how you been?
To be honest, Ed
I've been better.
It's hard all over.
But if you can't bare
your soul to family,
then I don't know what's what.
I just
I just feel so much
pressure, you know?
It's like a 100,000 fucking pounds of
steel just pressing
down on my shoulders.
I've got a man trying to ruin my life.
I've got secrets I can
never tell anyone.
My son
My son.
Children are God's gift.
But that level of love
can just crack you open.
Make you someone you
never thought you'd be.
You remember when Trevor was born?
Everything about him was wrong,
even in the womb.
Kicking like he couldn't
wait to get out of there.
What's that term for wrong way round?
Lorraine, she had a terrible
time getting him out
'cause he was ass first.
Sixty-seven cigarettes.
I counted every one of them.
Pacing in the hall outside
the delivery room
till someone come
and said I was a father.
Your son.
My one and only son
fucked up before, during
and after he was born.
- Breached.
- Huh?
- Ass first.
- Yeah.
And ever since.
He's still troubled?
Dolly Parton sleep on her back?
Though I wouldn't know.
He don't visit.
I talk to the nurses, but
Ed, Ed.
He-He's living in Algiers now, right?
Got a job driving?
He stole my Camry.
If you see him, you tell
him I'm calling the police,
the real police.
I liked that dress she wore
to the Grammys in 1977.
Pink was pink back then,
and nobody did pink like Dolly.
why don't we get you in this chair, huh?
And, I don't know
have a little outing?
Thank you!
There we go.
There we go. Oh, geez, Ed.
Wait a minute, I'll be right back.
I-I forgot my keys.
Sixty-seven cigarettes,
and that ass-first motherfucker
steals my Camry.
Turn off your phone.
No phones in Wonderland.
You good?
Hey, so, um, I'm sure you
checked me out online.
Don't lie. Don't ever lie to me.
Y-Your dad
He came from nothing.
He started working when
he was nine years old
to support his mom and his
younger brothers and sisters
and he made it.
Now he own restaurants and hotels
and sell oysters to every
oyster joint in the city.
When we were young, he used
to wake us up every morning
with the same words:
"The world is your oyster."
You love him.
Whatever you read about him is lies.
My older brother
Thanks, man. Have a good night.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa. Hey, hold on, hold on.
Listen, sorry, I called for a car,
but, uh, my phone died,
and, anyway, I-I've got a 50,
and I j I need to get to
a place called Buffa's,
on Esplanade, or Esplanaid, or
You know what I'd really like to
do with my time while I'm here?
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
Are those boat tours worth it?
Eh, most of them are scams,
but I know a few guys.
What, uh, what you want to fish?
Oh, I-I don't know. I'm-I'm an amateur.
You know, maybe some, just, deep water.
Hell yeah, man.
Deep water's where it's at.
You got your yellowfin out
there, you got you marlins,
your wahoo.
I'll tell you what, you
get a guy with a boat
knows what he's doing, get
some some cold beers
- Tuna. Oof.
- Yep.
They get pretty big.
- You ever catch one of those?
- Oh, yeah. 'Course I have.
Biggest I ever caught
was about 168 pounds,
but my friend set the record
last year with 242.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
And I'm gonna break that record,
once I get my own boat.
- You're getting a boat?
- Yep.
She's sitting down at Boat Stuf
in the marina right now.
2020 Sea Fox 328 Commander,
in Bahama Blue.
Talking about 32 feet of
featherlight fiberglass.
And when I'm not in this seat,
I'm gonna be sitting in that one.
What's that gonna set you back?
Over 200 grand.
Uh, listen, w-we must be
getting kind of close, right?
Why-why don't you just pull over
and I'll-I'll walk the rest of the way?
- You sure?
- Yeah.
Oh. Hey, Ms. B.
Hey, Mom.
Veggies, for Chef from
the farmers market.
I'll make sure no one
bothers you, sweetheart.
Thanks, Mom.
It's gonna be the hottest shit in Nola.
We're gonna turn 150 grand
into half a mil.
Then we're gonna do it again
and the whole waterfront
and every casino
will be Baxter-owned
and my father will see
that I was fucking right.
- Try this.
You're my guinea pig, Joey.
Um, are you gonna get that or what?
It's not mine. I
I think it's coming from
- Hello?
- Trevor.
Noon tomorrow.
Venice Marina. If you want your money,
you'll be there.
Unarmed and alone.
W-Wait, uh
You sure?
Y-You can drop me here.
Is this your house?
Uh, no.
So which is yours?
It-it it's around the corner,
- but
- Wait, wait, wait.
What, are you, like, embarrassed?
You don't want your dad to see me?
- No
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I'm right. Okay, I'm gonna do this.
Do what?
I'm gonna stop right
in front of your house,
lean on the horn and kiss you
like you've never been
kissed before in your life.
Right or left?
Right or left?
Don't lie to me.
Both of them?
I ever tell you the time
when I first met your
mother in New York?
She was at NYU,
living in the West Village,
and I was at Columbia,
in a two-bedroom,
sharing it with three other guys,
six-floor walk-up in Harlem.
But for some reason,
we found ourselves studying
at the same café in the East Village.
And, oh, boy, I wanted to talk to her.
I really did, but I-I thought
maybe I never would.
I don't know, maybe it was
shyness or
I was intimidated.
She was so beautiful.
One day she walks in,
and she is wearing
this blue knitted scarf,
and she's so poised.
And suddenly it was possible.
So I just walked right up to her table,
and I said what I had to say.
"I like your scarf?"
It came out like a question.
Wha I-I don't know. Don't ask me.
But she starts laughing uproariously,
and when she stopped laughing,
she looked at me
with a look
that was the sweetest
most perfect thing
I have ever seen on a human face
before or since.
Kindness and
I asked her if she
knitted the scarf herself
and the next 30 years began.
- 32 years.
- Mm.
You remember that game we
used to play on long car rides
where you'd have to pick
a couple and try to say
- which one of them scored?
- Mm, uh-huh.
So you and Mom?
What do you think?
That would be me.
You never know when
life is gonna line up just perfectly
and walk you right into your future.
That's what I want for you.
That's what New York can be.
New Orleans can't do that?
Leaving will be good, Adam.
Really good.
We should get a dog.
I've been begging you for one for years,
and you want to get one the year
before I leave for college?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What do you mean, leave? Leave?
- Mm.
- Huh? No, no, no, no.
You're gonna go to Tulane
and live here,
and then you're gonna graduate
and get married, have kids,
- and still live here
- Okay, stalker.
Rottweiler or Chihuahua?
Do I look like a Chihuahua guy?
Um, Great Dane or Newfoundland?
Mm maybe cross the two.
- Leonberger or a sh
- What's a Leonberger?
It's, like, a lion, only a dog.
Ooh, ooh, let's get a lion dog.
I love you.
So, who is this guy?
- He's great.
- Hmm.
That's it?
I don't know that much about him.
What does his father do?
Dad! Are you serious?
Oh, what are his prospects?
Is that your next question?
What are his prospects?
Why don't I just get him over here
so you can call him into your office
for a man-to-man?
Good idea.
Shinin' ♪
Just like gold ♪
- Back there.
- Why don't ya hear me cryin'? ♪
Whoo hoo ♪
Whoo hoo hoo hoo ♪
Whoo ♪
Meet My Lai.
Fresh out the Golden Triangle.
I'm asking 100 a kilo,
and I got six to sell.
Shit's so dope,
you'll double your bills.
So try it, spread it around,
let me know when you're ready to buy in.
Whoo hoo hoo ♪
Y'all ain't the only
one uppin' your game.
That's 200 Gs.
Why we need samples when
your boy's all muddied up here?
Whoa oh ♪
I'm not carrying product.
Where did ya ♪
Stay last night? ♪
Come back in a few hours?
- Whoo hoo ♪
- Yeah.
We know where to find
your shiny white ass
if you don't show.
Whoo ♪
Whoa oh ♪
Stop your train ♪
Let her ♪
Father and son.
Divide and rule.
Whoo hoo ♪
Whoo hoo hoo ♪
I could have sworn my lawyer
was a fat white lady.
Kofi Jones. I'm his attorney.
What's that got to do with me?
According to the coroner's report,
you were interviewed by SID.
Yeah, and I already told
those pigs I don't know shit.
I'm asking again.
For the family.
Way I hear it, ain't nothin'
left of that family.
Wait a second, you're not
Nah, what I'm not is a snitch.
Yo. I'm done here.
Here you go. With grits.
Thank you.
Morning, Louise.
Morning, Charlie.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Mm.
- Yeah.
One too many last night?
It's a
big day for your godson.
- Interview?
- Mm.
- NYU.
- Ah.
You got him right, Charlie?
I mean, if
something should ever happen to me.
'Course I do.
All right.
You good, Michael?
Yeah. I'm good.
If someone killed you in here,
wouldn't you want someone
like me to find out how
and why?
So your family could have peace?
But I got to live, yo.
I talk to you, I'm asking for trouble.
Danavian Lewis, 36.
Two counts of aggravated
assault with a firearm,
armed robbery with a firearm,
illegal possession of stolen
Jack one car, they charge
you with all that.
Land of the free.
So let's see. We're looking
at 15 for the robbery,
five for the firearm,
plus up to ten for each assault.
I was messed up.
You got anything else
I could give the judge
at your sentencing?
So we could get your years down?
My firm charges about $1,000 an hour.
I might be able to do this
for about $1,000 cheaper than that.
My cell
my cell's by the door to C Block.
I saw Jones pass by
that night, and, uh
I heard he was supposed to be meetin' up
with another inmate.
Few minutes after he passed,
I heard the guards yelling.
Jones was dead.
Do you know which
inmate he went to meet?
See, at mess, I like to be by myself.
So I could read.
There's one guy, he come
up to me real quiet,
asking me if I know who Kofi Jones is.
I just look at him and
get back to my book.
White dude.
He was just there for the
night, passing through.
Do you know his name?
I do.
Can you give it to me?
Carlo Baxter.
You'll be great.
You think?
Actually, no.
You'll be inarticulate as hell.
They'll probably take you anyway
'cause of your good, clean,
all-American looks.
- Mm.
- Mm.
Hey, I'm not sure I want to do this.
Here's what you do.
When they ask you a big question,
you stare at the ground.
Like, forever.
Like, let the silence run until
it's actually uncomfortable.
And then, you say
you've never been able to
talk about the thing you love.
In fact, it's really important
not to talk about it,
for fear of losing it.
Then you quote Robert Frank. Uh
"Things move on, time
passes, people go away.
Sometimes they don't come back."
Only the pictures remain.
Yeah, but if I get in, if I go, I
I mean, I'd miss New Orleans.
But you got to, you know,
shoot for the moon. Right?
You have a suspect yet?
Not enough to make anything happen.
Would DNA help?
Hello, this is Lee Delamere
calling for DA Robinson.
Okay, can you please
tell him that I called?
And I need him to call
me back immediately.
Yeah, look, I can't talk right now.
- We got him.
- What?
We got Carlo Baxter's DNA on Kofi.
Oh, that's great. That's great.
Look I got to call you back.
Uh, no
Okay, come on, come on.
Go on.
It took time to figure out how
to deal with a lowlife like you.
Someone who takes advantage
of other people's pain.
A child's pain.
Wait a second.
What-what is she doing here?
I had it brought down.
Holy shit, you bought me the boat!
Trevor, I'm a judge.
If there's one thing I've
learned about blackmailers
is they always come back for more.
So, no, I didn't buy you a boat.
I financed it.
But it's mine?
If you stick to our agreement,
I will make the monthly installments.
If you ever come back
to me for more money
or that video sees the light of day,
the payments will stop,
the bank will repossess the boat
and you'll go back to living
your selfish little life.
While your lonely demented
father wastes away in his room.
Do we have an agreement?
Trevor, do we have an agreement?
Fuck yes, we have an agreement.
Paperwork's in the car.
Paperwork's in the fucking car.
You know what, you should, uh,
you should come out
with me sometime, man.
No, I'm serious,
I mean, we-we'll, uh, uh,
we'll get good beer and everything.
It'll be frigging aw
Uh, there-there must be
a misunderstanding here.
No. No.
No, the only misunderstanding
is that you left my son to die
alone in the gutter.
What I can't understand is
how anyone in their right mind
could do such a thing.
I don't-I don't know
what you're talking about.
Here's-here's what I know, Judge.
I know your car was stolen the
day after you killed my son.
I know you deleted the
gas station footage.
I know you had the car crushed.
So let's just skip you're
denying everything
and get to where I shoot you
- in the fucking head.
- No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, please, no, no, no Carlo!
Carlo. He's he's about to be arrested
for the murder of Kofi Jones.
It's Yes.
And he's-he's going to
stand trial for murder.
They-They've got video evidence
and-and-and DNA
No, no, and
I-I can make sure that
that hi-his case is in my court.
I can make sure that he
walks out a free man!
- Jimmy?
- You shut up!
Shut up.
Let me think.
What does this person know?
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