Cruel Summer (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Happy Birthday, Kate Wallis

Previously on "Cruel Summer"
I used to really dislike you.
I don't hear that very often.
Yeah, I'm starting to get why.
- This was taped to the front door.
- What the hell is this?
JOY: It's pretty self-explanatory.
- You believe your sister?
- I just know Jeanette wouldn't lie
about something this serious.
I wish I knew Kate like that.
Have you ever heard of Berenice IV?
A therapist is not a sister.
- KATE: Neither are you.
- ASHLEY: I'm trying to be.
JOY: We have to be careful.
She's starting to nose around.
I guess my advice would be, family stuff?
Just choose your battles.
Step right up, Miss Wallis, for
the chance to win a grand prize.
Sylvia says listening to your
own tapes can be really scary.
My own memory of my time down there
is the only reference I got.
- SYLVIA: Who is Annabelle?
- KATE: I don't I can't remember.
(modem beeping, buzzing)
(Gabrielle playing "Dreams")
They can come true ♪
They ♪
They can come true ♪
Happy birthday, Kate Wallis.
(pensive music playing)
(computer chimes)
ROD: Happy birthday, sweet girl ♪
We have just the best
birthday present for you!
The Marsha Bailey Show
has invited you to be a guest!
If you want to
- I don't.
- Kate
Since the police have the
audacity to not charge Jeanette,
people may question
your side of the story.
But if Marsha Bailey interviews you,
with her trustworthy nods
everyone will be cemented on your side.
I don't care what people think.
I know what happened.
Well, of course, but
I'm going back to bed.
Okay, uh, the birthday girl's
done talking.
Oh, did I say happy birthday?
Happy birthday, baby.
(door closes)
(energetic rock music playing)
Eyes hurt.
That's the sun.
Mouth's dry.
That's the weed.
- I'm still sleeping!
- No, come on, please.
Please, get up. Please, please, please.
- Please, can you please get up?
- Okay.
Happy birthday!
Happy friend-a-versary!
MARTIN: I'm not going
to force myself in.
You force me to live down here!
MARTIN: I roasted you a chicken.
KATE: Go away, I don't want it.
MARTIN: You can't survive on
protein bars and vegetable juice.
You need something real to eat,
and someone to talk to.
I'll do plenty of talking
when I get the heck out of here
and tell everyone what a sicko you are.
MARTIN: I wasn't gonna tell
you this, out of kindness
People have given up on looking for you.
Your family, your friends, the police.
Even Jamie.
You know, he's he's dating
Jeanette Turner now?
Skylin has moved on from Kate Wallis.
Get comfortable.
This is your world now.
Uh, looking forward to the replay
of the Endeavour launch later. You?
Any interest in outer space?
I don't know much about it.
Jamie, Jamie, Jamie!
You are missing out!
I'm planning on giving Kate
a promise ring for her birthday.
That's a pretty big commitment at 16.
Yeah. You know, at home,
it's just me and my mom and
You know, she's Superwoman, but, hey
I want to build a big family one day.
I do see my future with Kate.
JOY: Darlin', if you don't save Jamie,
Daddy'll drown him in NASA trivia.
I'm almost ready.
God, it looks like you're
already Belle of the Ball,
and dinner's not even until 7:00.
7:00 sharp, by the way,
so don't keep our family friends waiting
by dawdling with your little
pals at the mall.
(doorbell rings)
Oh, that must be Scott with the flowers.
You know, to a casual observer,
it looks like you're trying
to impress a specific someone.
Surely you remember
what happened last time
you snooped your way
into forming a hollow hunch.
So why don't you finish getting ready
instead of ruining your own
birthday by picking a fight?
(doorbell rings)
Happy sweet 16!
Whatever you're sellin', we're
not interested, honey, okay?
You came.
Come in!
MALLORY: Wow, so this is
how the other half lives?
With lace bed skirts?
I guess so, yeah.
Hey! What are you thinking
for a birthday snack?
Oh, hey there. Uh, I'm Rod Wallis.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the whole
country knows who you are.
I'm Kate's dad.
I'm Mallory.
Hardly anyone knows who I am
and I love snacks.
I'll whip up a surprise. (chuckles)
It's your birthday?
And I'm who you invited over?
Well, if the snacks are
on the same level as the decor,
then I expect a feast.
I haven't really had much
of an appetite these days.
I may have a remedy
for that particular ailment.
(switch clicks)
SYLVIA: Do you wanna try
and revisit Annabelle?
Good, are you done?
Because therapy tapes
aren't exactly a birthday treat.
I found it.
More Annabelle info?
Listen with me?
SYLVIA: Do you wanna try
and revisit Annabelle?
You mentioned her a few sessions ago.
KATE: I'm sorry, uh
who is Annabelle?
SYLVIA: You said you met her.
Before your rescue.
KATE: Uh no.
But, um I don't want to
I don't remember.
(Kate breathing unsteadily)
Deep breaths.
Deep breaths.
In and out, try to breathe through.
I wanna stop!
How can an entire memory
just fall out of my head?
You know, why else
can I not remember it?
And who the hell is Annabelle?
You need to give yourself a break.
Jeanette's lawyers won't.
Jeanette doesn't matter today.
It's your one-day vacation
from all things shitty.
I have a surprise planned.
Is it a good one?
Oh, happy birthday, Katie Kat.
Just real quick, the lawyers are looking
for a little bit more meat
on the bones for your defense,
especially after Tanya Peterson's
deposition amounted to nothing.
Ms. Wallis has employed me as the
keeper of her birthday today.
- The what?
- And as her birthday keeper,
I am here to inform you that Ms. Wallis
will not engage today
in any discussion about court or lawyers
or anything legal or unpleasant.
Okay, well, time is of the essence
because court is
right around the corner, so
Hmm! That sounds distinctly
legal and very unpleasant.
Are you ready for your present?
Yeah? Okay.
Jamie, what are you doing?
Oh, no.
No, relax. It's just a promise ring.
Just a promise ring?
And it means I am all in on us.
- (girls giggle, shriek)
- RENÉE: Oh, my God!
Happy birthday, baby.
KATE: This is a magical
magical gift.
(girls chuckle)
Are nachos like the perfect food?
These nachos are, yeah.
(girls laugh)
I haven't loved food this much or
- (door opens)
- eaten this much since
Happy birthday!
You're eating!
Do you want some nachos?
Or a nacho?
Uh, are you two high?
What, are you gonna narc on me?
I dabble myself.
You wanna dabble
and watch a movie with us?
You don't have to invite me.
It's just a movie.
- (bell rings)
- Welcome to Rent-2-Night.
Oh, classics.
I'm sorry, what is happening right now?
You also have other friends
including Jeanette.
I've always been friends with Jeanette.
Okay, but you and Kate Wallis?
Mallory, that's like pure Twilight Zone.
What about this one?
It looks oldey-timey and
weird and cool.
I'm in.
Are you just saying that
because it's my birthday?
Do you know me to be full of shit?
(melodramatic piano music playing)
- I'm a fan of the Wallis girls.
- (chuckles)
(melodramatic piano music continues)
Hopefully not all Wallis girls
My mom wants me to go on TV to
talk about me getting kidnapped.
Kate, she's being really insensitive.
Maybe you had the right idea
about who she really is.
Or maybe we both had unrealistic
versions of her in our heads?
Why isn't she running faster?
'Cause she's running in heels.
- No, she's not
- (gasping)
Run faster!
He's gaining on you!
He's gaining on you! Go, run!
He's gonna get you!
Uh, do you want water or anything?
No, no, I'm fine.
Stoned paranoia is very real.
Yeah, so is PTSD.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to
It's just the truth.
I'm good with the truth.
Is everything all right?
I heard screamin'.
Just a movie.
Um I actually have to go.
I'm starting a new gig
at the roller rink.
Happy birthday, Kate.
Kate, I wanna talk to you
about The Marsha Bailey Show.
I said no.
(door closes)
I'm gonna go check my email.
Baby, this is an opportunity.
It's an honor.
She's interviewed presidents!
And Whoopi Goldberg!
And and Miss Piggy that one time.
(laughs) She did.
it sure is nice to see you smiling.
Are you high right now?
This is not a good look.
To who?
To everyone that matters.
Going on The Marsha Bailey Show,
on the other hand,
is a very good look.
It's a chance for you to
Can you please leave me alone
so you don't make my birthday
suck as much as it did last year?
TENNILLE: Happy birthday, beotch.
We're celebrating, right?
TENNILLE: Exactly.
(girls giggle)
Seriously? What's with the food parade?
Hmm. I took up cooking
after you went missing.
I needed something to do with my hands.
And my mind.
I baked a mess of muffins
and then I realized no one
in this house had an appetite.
Anyway, your mom gave away
the muffins at church.
What a saint.
Just like she wants me to go
on The Marsha Bailey Show
like it's for my benefit.
Her heart is in the right
place this time, Kate.
I promise.
You always take her side.
I did, last year.
I thought
you know, let Joy call
the shots with her daughter.
But, Kate
You're my daughter, too.
Since the day I met you.
And I will never forgive myself
for not making that clear last year.
How did you forgive her?
Losing you was an earthquake.
Everything else felt like a speed bump.
Do you think I should go on
the stupid Marsha Bailey Show?
I think you shouldn't discount it
just because it's Mom's idea.
JOY: Kate, Rod, turn on the news.
ANCHOR: Kate Wallis
was not the first minor
Martin Harris had his eye on.
How is this pervert still getting
air time from beyond the grave?
An unnamed teen from Widow Falls, Texas,
is alleging she had a close call
with the now-dead assistant principal
long before his move to Skylin, Texas.
Oh, but I loved that skirt
that you got at Contempo.
Oh, it was such a cute one.
I think I'm gonna wear it
on the first day of school.
- (Jamie chuckles)
- I'm gonna take that back.
- Uh, no.
- (chuckles)
Can I see the ring on your finger?
It is so pretty.
Are you drunk?
Uh (laughs) Drunk?
He's a little drunk.
- Drunk!
- I swear!
- (girls gasp)
- Oh, my!
- KATE: Jamie!
- JAMIE: I am so, so sorry!
Uh I-I-I will get you a napkin.
- Can you hurry? I have to get home!
- Nap Yes, yes!
Oh, my go
Oh, my gosh!
JOY: (sighs) I need an aspirin.
How many lives did that monster damage?
This other girl shouldn't just equate
what happened to her with
what happened with me.
The way the news is framing it,
it's a wild exaggeration.
And what makes you think that?
Martin told me
about the other girl from Widow Falls.
JOY: The other girl he abused?
No, it was nothing like that.
He just helped her after class.
Uh, Kate, um
No, he literally was just her tutor.
And this other girl shouldn't
come out of the woodwork
for just 15 minutes of fame.
Honey, take a breath.
No, it's wrong!
Then right the wrong.
Go on Marsha Bailey
and tell the truth to everyone.
I'm not gonna give this girl
any more attention.
You don't have to talk about her.
That girl might be lying and
Jeanette Turner is absolutely lying,
but you know the truth.
JAMIE: day to you ♪
Jamie, come on,
can you please walk faster?
It's already past 7:00
and my mom's gonna flip.
Well, we can drive my car.
You're drunk, and you dropped
your keys in the fountain.
I'm so sorry, okay? Listen (groans)
Whatever was in that flask
was like strong.
Come on.
But it's your birthday, Kate.
We're gonna celebrate you.
So, what is your favorite present?
- Um
- Hmm?
I don't know, probably an original print
that my dad gave me
of The Talented Mr. Ripley?
- Hey.
- Oh, um
No, no, uh
I thought that you meant
my second favorite gift,
after the promise ring.
- Really?
- Yeah.
So, what's The Talented Ripples about?
The Talented Mr. Ripley?
It's about a con artist who lived a lie.
It's creepy stuff, but it takes place
on this beautiful island in Italy.
I always wanted to go to Italy.
What about you?
What do you really want in the future?
I really wanna buy you
a big old house
and have a big old family.
Just like your parents.
That's the dream, right?
Yeah, come on. Let's go.
(girls giggling)
You know, you're the only
person I would trust
to ever blindfold me.
Mal, come on, where are we?
(circuits clang)
Oh, shit, you think it's lame?
No, I
After my last two birthdays,
I'd pretty much given up
on ever having a good one ever again.
I honestly don't know how
I'd still be standing
without you, Mal.
But how did you manage to do this?
Because this place is always packed.
Well, you happen to be looking at
the new assistant manager.
KATE: (laughing) Dude!
Hell yeah!
Thank you, thank you.
The perks are extremely limited,
but it does include a set of keys
and the ability
to close for maintenance.
Oh, well, let's roll!
Today is the greatest ♪
Day I've ever known ♪
Can't live for tomorrow ♪
Tomorrow's much too long ♪
I'll burn my eyes out ♪
Before I get out ♪
I wanted more ♪
Than life could ever ♪
Grant me ♪
Bored by the chore ♪
Of saving face ♪
Today is the greatest ♪
Day I've ever known ♪
Can't wait ♪
Come on, let's go!
I might not have that long ♪
Oh! Be patient!
One for you.
- Thank you.
- One for me.
MALLORY: I'm not actually
very good at this.
(giggles) But you work here.
(laughs) Let's try.
KATE: You got it.
- Yeah.
- Hey! (laughing)
- Very good.
- Good? (laughing)
Best birthday ever?
Best birthday
Jamie, hurry up, somebody's coming.
(door opens)
Hello? Who's there?
- Jamie?
- Hi.
Are you okay?
Shit. My bad.
- MARTIN: Kate?
- I'm just gonna
MARTIN: Kate, is he okay?
- KATE: Uh
- (Jamie groans)
Yeah, he's
he's just a little drunk.
- I'm so sorry.
- Do you wanna come inside?
Call your parents to pick you guys up?
Oh, no, no, no. It's okay.
I'm just a few blocks away
and I gotta get going.
I'm already late.
I don't think he's walking anywhere.
And I can give you a ride if you'd like.
Thank you, it's very cool of you.
Let me get my keys.
My mom is gonna be so pissed.
I've kept an entire dinner
party of guests waiting.
We're only human, right?
She has pretty high expectations
when it comes to rules.
Even if she breaks them herself.
Remember when I said that
I had a big family secret
that's been eating at me?
Yeah. Has it gotten any better?
And I know that you said
that I should choose my battles,
if I don't unload this,
I think I'm gonna explode.
Sounds like it's time
to shed some light on the situation.
KATE: That's exactly
what I needed to hear.
Any time.
Well, look who decided
to finally show up.
Reekin' of cheap booze.
What has gotten into you lately?
Where is everybody?
Everybody was here at 7:00.
While your bony little butt was
off doing Lord knows what.
I sent them all home, told
them you had food poisoning
and that you were puking your guts out.
From the smell of it,
that still might be true.
Kate, this is a very dangerous pattern.
Mama, I wasn't the one drinking.
And why should I even believe you?
I'm not the one in this family
with a honesty problem.
What on earth are you referring to?
Hey, everything okay here?
The night after the garden club party
you thought I was sleeping and
I came down for some water.
And I saw you.
Saw her doing what?
Katie Kat
you know, you and I
have never fought before
so we're just no good at it.
Let's stop this before we
say things we don't mean.
What did she see you doing?
I have no idea.
KATE: I'm so sorry.
I saw Mom kissing Scott Jones.
JOY: Oh, my (laughing)
- What?
- I'm as shocked as you are!
I mean, she's lying
for attention, clearly.
WOMAN ON TV: Plenty of sun catchers
out there the rest of the day.
Our normal high in the mid to high
NARRATOR: As you can see,
it takes patience
and much perseverance in order to
REPORTER: Protestors
lined the streets today
in connection
with the Rodney King beating.
I'm glad Kate didn't
dismiss Marsha Bailey
just because it was Mom's idea.
Like I'm the Wicked Witch.
I'm sorry you heard that.
And if you were the Wicked Witch,
we wouldn't be married.
Go ahead.
Say whatever it is you're holding in.
Well, it's just
I'm her mother.
And I'm her father.
I didn't say you aren't.
I love you, Joy Wallis.
I do.
You have an affair,
you lie to me about it,
and we fight tooth
and nail to survive it.
Lower your voice or you'll
open the whole thing again.
If you ever so much as imply
that I'm not our daughter's father,
just because blood doesn't relate us,
ever again
baby, we will not survive that.
Somebody start talking to me.
She was accusing you of having
an affair only a few weeks back,
so don't get on your high horse.
Kate, is that true?
- Well, I
- JOY: See?
Her imagination is just really
running wild.
I did misunderstand something.
I'm so sorry.
JOY: Your father and I are going
to discuss your punishment
for these baseless accusations.
No, Daddy, please listen to me.
I've been keeping this
secret in all summer
and I can't anymore.
Kate! You stop running your mouth.
I hardly recognize you anymore.
You are being such a little brat!
And you're being a bitch!
- Joy!
- Rod!
My daughter is lying
and calling me names.
And I will discipline her as I see fit!
KATE: Oh. I am starving.
My calves are killing me.
Roller skating is so much
more cardio than step class.
this was in the donations box,
and if you're giving it away,
I could really use a printer.
Yeah. Yeah, that was just our backup.
I don't even
know if it's broken.
It's just jammed.
What do you think that we
should do for your birthday?
Because I vote the same thing
because that was bad.
Holy shit.
I know, I'm a genius.
No, um
I have to violate
my own rule for your birthday.
I just found something very unpleasant.
This is what was jamming the printer.
Holy shit.
Not too cool for your mama
on your birthday after all?
Do you hate me or something?
Why would you even
ask me something like that?
Did you print this and concoct a story
that someone sent it to me?
Kate, let me tell you
Oh, my God. It was you.
How could you do this to me?
So that, um, happened.
These are, like
I think the softest sheets
I've ever experienced.
And in a dorm room?
- (laughs)
- I mean, I got
I got sandpaper, basically.
I'm gonna go take a shower
before you get all mushy.
Whoa me?
Hey, can I check my email?
(shower running)
A mother will go
to great lengths to protect
Protect? How about manipulate?
You know that my therapist
said that Martin Harris
basically was grooming me from
the moment that he met me?
And I keep thinking, why me?
But the answer is so obvious.
My whole life, you have
been toting me around
like one of your purses.
We were close. What is wrong with that?
I believed everything you said.
I did everything you asked.
And the moment that I questioned you,
you tore into me!
You raised me to be blindly obedient,
trusting and open,
and he took that!
I know he did!
But you teed him up!
And The Marsha Bailey Show.
Whose brilliant idea was that?
You agreed to it!
At your urging, and it got me sued.
Because you went off script!
Because I'm not a puppet!
How come Daddy gets that and you won't?
Do you know what it's been like for me,
to watch you two joke and smile
and enjoy movies like you and I used to?
So that's why you made this letter,
because you're jealous of me
spending time with Daddy?
Lord, Kate, do you think I'm evil?
I'm jealous of him!
Of the fact that you forgave him
but you're still punishing me.
I miss you!
Then why would you send this letter?!
Because you need a bad guy!
That is what motivates you
since the time you were a little thing,
and I needed you to take
this lawsuit seriously!
I didn't protect you from
Martin Harris and I'm sorry.
But I will die trying to protect
you from everything else.
Even if you hate me for it.
I miss you too.
Oh, perfect.
Packing to run away?
God, Kate, how tacky.
Funny, that didn't sound like
an apology for child abuse.
How did you become an obnoxious
teenager just overnight?
You're the only one that's changed.
You're right, you're the same old Kate
and I know you very well,
because you're me 24 years ago.
Naive, simple, boring.
Today's gonna be the day ♪
That they're gonna throw it
back to you ♪
By now you should have somehow ♪
Realized what you gotta do ♪
I can predict your every move.
Go ahead.
Run away.
Go to Renée's or Tennille's,
until you come crawling back with
your tail between your legs.
Backbeat, the word is on the street ♪
That the fire in your heart is out ♪
I'm sure you've
heard it all before ♪
Go on!
I don't believe that anybody ♪
Feels the way I do about you now ♪
And all the roads we have to walk ♪
Are winding ♪
And all the lights
that lead us there ♪
Are blinding ♪
MARTIN: I was thinking
about what you said earlier.
That I was a "sicko."
Me? The
the person who keeps you clothed
and as comfortable as possible.
The person who prepares your food.
Before you go calling me names
and making me out to be the bad guy
I want you to remember
exactly how you ended up here.
but they'll never
throw it back to you ♪
By now you should have somehow ♪
Realized what you're not to do ♪
And I don't believe that anybody ♪
Feels the way I do about you now ♪
And all the roads
that lead you there ♪
Are winding ♪
And all the lights
that light the way ♪
Are blinding ♪
What are you doing here?
Being a big brother.
- Read this.
- What? What is this?
It's Kate Wallis,
chatting with her sister.
- Okay.
- Just read it.
Today's gonna be the day ♪
But they'll never
throw it back to you ♪
(sighs) Okay.
By now you should have somehow ♪
Realized what you're not to do ♪
And I don't believe that anybody ♪
Wait, what?
Feels the way I do ♪
- Oh, my God.
- About you now ♪
And all the roads
that you lead you there ♪
Are winding ♪
And all the lights that
light the way are blinding ♪
(doorbell rings)
There are many things
that I would ♪
Kate, what's wrong? It's ten o'clock.
I did what you said.
I unloaded the secret
that I've been holding.
What happened?
My mom hit me.
Kate, I'm so sorry.
I only meant to help.
No, I just, um
I just don't know where to go.
And I don't want to stay there.
I can't go to Jamie's
or a friend's house,
because if I do, then she'll
find me, drag me home.
Martin, I'm scared.
Come inside.
I'll make you some tea.
JEANETTE: Kate went
to Martin Harris's willingly.
You're my wonderwall ♪
This changes everything.
(door lock clicks)
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