Sky Rojo (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Thinking with your D**k

[suspenseful western music playing]
[intercom buzzing]
I guess you're here
for Gina's follow-up visit?
- [Coral] Oh, yeah, that too.
- Hey, get the fuck down here, Alfredito.
- It's serious. Come on.
- What are you talking about?
[Coral] When someone wakes you up
in the middle of the night
and shows you
a dying man in the trunk of a car,
it's normal to feel a bit,
shall we say, confused.
You only said "serious,"
but this man has a bullet in his head.
[Coral] And the real confusion
comes when you realize
you're gonna have to extract the bullet.
And doing so will make you an accomplice
in a war between hit men and prostitutes.
Men who wouldn't hesitate to shoot.
- Do you want us to tell your wife?
- Oh my God. Tell her what?
That from time to time I enjoy taking
huge strap-on latex dicks up the ass?
I'd rather just tell her
than become some hit man's accomplice.
You know what?
That's it. I'll tell her myself!
[intercom buzzing]
If you don't do it out of principle,
we'll have to force you to.
[intercom connects]
Alfredo, what is it?
It's nothing, I just,
uh, I just buzzed you
because, uh, I'm gonna be
out for a while tonight because,
well, uh, because of an emergency
that's come up with a Saint Bernard.
Uh, it's gonna take me a little,
well, a little while.
["Me gusta" by X-Ray Dog playing]
You like it ♪
Came to my party
'Cause you like the hookah ♪
Who are you looking for?
Of course it's me ♪
Ain't nobody on my level in this party ♪
You wanna sit with me
You wanna be with me ♪
Because I'm a tiger
That'll set you free ♪
Mami, with me say hello to the good life
Get ready, it's gonna be a long night ♪
[in Spanish] I like, I like ♪
The way she moves her waist ♪
I like, I like ♪
The way she moves her waist ♪
[fades out]
[walker rattling and person limping]
[Wendy] There's always
collateral damage in war.
Each side sustaining its own.
["California Sun" by The Rivieras playing]
Ours had a name, Arcadio.
And we fought up until
the very last minute to keep him alive.
Black patch there. Red patch.
Green, yellow, black, red, green. OK.
[Wendy] Theirs died a few hours earlier.
And he was never given that opportunity.
[Gina] At the very least,
ours left this world
looking at three beautiful women
who had fought incredibly hard
to save his life.
- [ECG machine beeping]
- What's happening?
Where the days are short
And the nights are long ♪
Where they walk and I'll walk ♪
They twist and I'll twist ♪
They shimmy and I'll shimmy ♪
They fly and I'll fly ♪
Well, they're out there a-havin' fun ♪
In that warm California sun ♪
Yeah, they're out there a-havin' fun ♪
In that warm California sun ♪
[music ends suddenly]
[Coral] But let's be honest here,
the three of us were no angels either.
We already made up our minds
to become predators,
the foxes in this hunt.
[sinister music playing]
[Coral] And those casualties of war,
were the reality we needed to remind us
that at this point,
there was no turning back.
[Gina] Neither for us
or for Romeo.
[Wendy] Who went back to the brothel
like a wounded soldier after the battle.
and hungrier than ever for revenge.
[Coral] Because he had suffered
more than just collateral damage.
He had lost
the vital core of his existence.
[dance music playing]
[Romeo] All the things that I've achieved
in this life, I've achieved with my dick.
Everything I've built
was brought to life
by the creative muse that is my penis.
Now my muse is dead.
[walker rattling]
You can't think about that right now.
Come on, the little guy
will come back real soon.
If you keep up with your physio.
Like everything else will, man.
[Moisés] Romeo,
you have a fucking awesome brain.
And that's what
all these big things are made with.
- With brains.
- No, Moisés.
People say we think with our dicks
as if that's some kind of bad thing,
but humanity's greatest achievements
were thanks to the dick.
I mean, why do you think
Columbus went to America?
He was imagining
how many native women he could bang
without having to give explanation
or care about decorum.
The most iconoclastic French paintings
were created in a brothel.
Greek sculpture, for instance.
Or The Three Graces. Goya's Nude Maja.
The entire history of the arts
is intended as inspiration for wanking.
[dance music continues playing]
Even Neil fucking Armstrong
stepped onto the moon
because he knew that when he got back,
he'd be swimming in pussy.
[whispers] God.
The dick makes the world go around.
[Coral] Romeo made sure
to lecture all his girls
to worship the dick as much as he did.
But for us, it wasn't a beacon
that illuminated the world.
[Wendy] It was
an absurd-looking tool of the trade
that we used to pay off our debts
and regain our freedom.
What do you have to do
to earn more money here?
Oh, well, there are so many ways:
golden showers,
lesbian threesomes, rim jobs
Letting them whip you on the ass
while they're also nailing it.
[Gina laughs]
Can I whip them instead?
Some guys like that stuff, you know?
Great, I want all of those.
[laughs] Yeah, well, we all want those.
Just use your words.
Sex is in the mind, really.
Also in the dick.
[laughs] Yeah,
but that head is ruled by the other.
Talk dirty to them.
- Dirty like what?
- "Mmm, finger my asshole."
"Ooh, right there."
"Right there. Go on, break me. Come on,
you bastard, tear me in two. Mmm."
Ah, well, I don't want them
to stick their finger in my asshole.
You will.
It's the quickest,
easiest way to get 'em off.
More clients, more money.
There you go. Hmm?
[music playing quietly on the radio]
And what do you tell them?
I let myself fall onto the bed
as if I were a corpse.
And I say to them,
"You can do whatever you want, honey."
"Sodomize me, humiliate me, piss on me."
"I've been a bad girl,
and I deserve to be punished."
What's wrong with you? [laughs]
[Coral] Nothing, honey.
My self-esteem is so fucked
that I'm thankful for every thrust I get.
Also, sex has never really interested me.
Girls, any more mojitos? Pretty please.
[dogs barking in the distance]
Mm, Coral. So when you killed
that person that you killed before,
how did you get rid of the body?
- Uh, if you wanna tell us, I mean.
- My mother-in-law?
They took her in an ambulance.
[clears throat]
Why did you want to
kill your mother-in-law?
It wasn't her I wanted.
I wanted to kill my husband,
but the plan backfired, and, well
She died instead.
[sniffs and sighs]
I had been sprinkling
some oleander
and St. John's wort on his food
in undetectable amounts for a while.
I worked at it really hard.
He'd say it was bitter,
so it wasn't stealth,
but it gave him arrhythmia
like a motherfucker.
He would wake up at night sweating
with his pulse racing
at 160 beats per minute.
It was going fine until,
one day, that poor woman came home
and ate two whole bowls of soup.
- Chickpeas.
- [Wendy] Ugh.
I found her asleep in front of the TV.
I mean, the woman
didn't even make it to the sports news.
To my mother-in-law.
[moans and inhales deeply]
[exhales deeply]
why did you want to kill your husband?
Remember when we talked
about my self-esteem?
Well, that's the reason.
[laughs quietly]
With him, I kept falling
into a pit that got darker. [sighs]
I kept getting buried so deep,
I looked up
and couldn't see the light anymore.
When I reached rock bottom,
I I wasn't even a person.
[melancholic music playing]
[laughs] I didn't see it coming.
At first, I found
all his overprotectiveness amusing.
"Hey, hon, don't put on that makeup.
You look prettier au naturel."
"You shouldn't wear a bikini.
A one-piece suits you better."
And after that,
he stopped saying "honey"
in each sentence.
Then come all the insults, the harassment,
and in your gut,
you start feeling this growing fear.
You stop wearing makeup. [sniffles]
And you start giving up.
The bikini, your friends,
your job, and the city you love, and, uh,
you become an amoeba. [laughs]
You might be
living, but you don't feel anything.
So from there, it was actually pretty easy
for me to become a hooker, or
[sighs]a junkie,
[hesitates] Or a real piece of shit.
[phone vibrating]
[rejects call]
[Alfredo sighs]
[sighs] I'm really, really sorry, Coral.
I never knew all that happened to you,
but, girls, we need to
You say you never knew, but did you ask?
Sorry, what?
She's asking if you ever wonder
how the person who uses a strap-on dick
to sodomize you might be feeling?
- [rejects call]
- We have to get him out, ladies.
- My wife is calling me on the phone.
- Why don't you ask her to do that to you?
My wife and I have
a different kind of relationship.
But isn't it more normal to ask your wife
than someone
you hardly know and have to pay?
Look, I always made sure
to treat you with respect.
Yes, I go to the club,
we talk, we have a drink,
we laugh, and we do what we do.
- You sometimes even have an orgasm.
- [scoffing and laughing]
I'm sorry,
but I'm not to blame for your situation.
Actually, you are.
Because you pay for sex.
Do you really think we do it willingly?
Do you really think it's pleasant for me
to put Vaseline in your asshole?
Or when someone wants to
put cocaine in my vagina for fun?
Do you really think
we want to be doing that?
[Gina] Without all the people
willing to pay money to fuck,
there wouldn't be girls
getting kidnapped out there, like us.
[phone vibrating]
- [melancholic music playing]
- [rejects call]
You have to get him out of here.
Do you hear me?
My wife could come down at any moment.
Forty percent of Spanish men
pay to have sex according to this survey.
That means, out of every ten men
you see in the street,
four of those men go whoring.
That's almost half of Spain now.
- Those are good numbers.
- [Romeo] They're not bad.
how frowned upon this habit is.
We're being dragged through the mud.
Customers are even having to
come to the club in secret.
Imagine what we could achieve
if fucking some hookers each month
was considered an acceptable hobby.
[Christian] We need to
dignify the profession.
And whatever we do, we gotta protect
the customers' rights and freedoms.
Yeah, we do!
How do you change how you're viewed
by a capitalist society, Romeo?
With advertising.
["All About You" by SaraoMusic playing]
But they ain't you ♪
I'm in a world full of lies
But I stay true ♪
Head over heels, I blame you ♪
What the fuck did you do?
You love it when I'm playful ♪
Guys, what are those?
[Moisés] You like it?
[Romeo] Of course I fucking like it.
I don't believe it.
[Christian laughing]
It's all about ♪
[Moisés] And the next thing
we're gonna hit up is television.
The first ad of the year
everyone in Spain sees
after 12 chimes on New Year's Eve.
Yeah, that's gonna be us.
Yeah, man. We're gonna take that slot
from motherfucking Coca-Cola!
[all laughing]
And then, by the end of next year,
we'll be doing so well
we'll be the first commercial
in the fucking Super Bowl.
- [Romeo laughs]
- [Moisés] You really like it?
["Spring Wind" by Greg Brown playing]
I lived awhile without you ♪
[Coral] All wars leave long-term damage.
Darn near half my life ♪
The damage for hookers
is that they stop feeling.
[men laughing]
Psychologists call it "dissociation,"
but it's just a defense mechanism
evolved from necessity
to put up with being fucked
over and over again by strangers.
Without feeling fear, disgust,
or pain.
[Wendy] When you don't wanna fuck,
a sexual act becomes rape.
It's another day ♪
No tenderness or affection.
You need to flick a circuit breaker
inside yourself to bear it.
[Coral] Switching off.
Not caring about anything.
[Wendy] Every girl destroyed by Romeo
brought him a profit
of about 250,000 euros in two years.
After that, we were all dog meat to him.
We're a cross between our parents ♪
[Coral] Seeing those billboards
publicizing the club,
I wondered how much money he had made
out of me over the last 15 months.
Without having to
stick a single dick in his mouth.
And then,
I knew what we had to do.
We needed to lift our spirits.
By going to Club Las Novias,
as the billboard suggested.
Wendy, let's go there.
I look at that river and smell it ♪
And it makes me wanna cry ♪
Oh to clean our dirty planet ♪
Now there's a noble wish ♪
And I'm puttin' my shoulder
To the wheel ♪
'Cause I wanna catch some fish ♪
Love calls like the wild birds ♪
It's another day ♪
A spring wind blew my list of
Things to do away ♪
[clears throat]
We have to do something they don't expect.
Up till now,
what have they expected of us?
We run away. What don't they expect?
We go back to the club
and set a fucking trap.
Mm, no, I don't follow you.
Must be the amphetamines.
- [Wendy] What trap now?
- One that's very deadly.
We have to think it through, but
Basically, we're gonna set a trap.
We're gonna take back
what's rightfully ours.
We're gonna steal
the fucking money from the club!
[bangs the table]
[gentle sitar music playing]
What was it you said back there?
That people look down on
men thinking with their dicks?
Well, you know where else
you hear that bullshit?
When people talk about addictions
as if addictions were bad things.
They're fucking not. No.
If something creates addiction,
it must be for a reason.
- 'Cause it's cool.
- Yeah, 'cause it's cool.
'Cause people don't become addicted
to shit like going to church
or to hard work,
mainly just sex and partying.
- [laughs]
- Or heroin.
But if something's addictive,
you'll find me there.
- I'll be first fucking in line.
- [laughing]
'Cause at least I know
it'll be for something fun.
[all laughing]
[laughing] Am I right or am I right?
[whispering] Thank you so much, guys.
Fucking thank you.
You don't need to fucking thank us.
I would do anything for you, Romeo.
Just like I would for my father.
[knocking on door]
[Beefcake] Romeo?
- It's Beefcake.
- Psst, psst. Hey. [laughs]
- [Moisés] Come in.
- A guy just came in, he's
[Christian exhales deeply]
Come here.
Get in the Jacuzzi.
Come on, be a man.
[Moisés] Three's an odd number.
- Uh, another day.
- [Romeo] Beefcake.
I'm your employer.
I'm crippled now.
[sniffs] I had a shitty week,
and I'm asking you to take a bath with us.
[Romeo] In what other job would
your employer ask you to get in a Jacuzzi?
I mean, you don't think
we're queer, do you?
Take your clothes off, bro.
Didn't you hear?
Hurry up. We don't have all day.
Aren't you going to
take your underwear off?
You're gonna take a bath
with your fucking tighty-whities on?
All right. And now.
Now can you tell me
whatever you came to tell me?
Downstairs, there's a guy who wants
to talk. He said it's about three girls.
[dance music playing]
[woman] Mmm. [laughs]
Hello, Fernandito.
So, want me to go upstairs
and plug your asshole?
Huh? No. Um, no, Lupe.
I'm not here for that, but thanks.
Aww. OK, then. Call me.
How many girls at the club?
- Thirty?
- [Wendy] Thirty.
- Thirty.
- [Wendy] Yeah.
How many customers
do we do every night? Ten.
- What do I write?
- Thirty. Ten.
- [Coral] Ten.
- 300.
- Oh, my God, I love this song. [vocalizes]
- [Gina] It's a good one.
- Yeah, yeah. Go on. Focus.
- OK.
Ten clients every night,
at 100 bucks a pop.
And not counting drinks,
golden showers, or any of that extra shit.
Multiplied by seven. How much?
I'll tell you. More than 200,000 bucks.
And where's all that dough?
In the safe of dear old Romeo.
[Coral] And we have the fucking code.
And that is, 1404!
[bangs table] 1404!
- [Coral shouts] 1404!
- All right, 1404.
The real question is
how are we gonna rob the safe
while Moisés and Christian
are inside the club?
Hey, ladies.
You doing homework or something?
We're just calculating how much money
we're gonna make if we rob our boss.
- Coral.
- [Coral laughs]
Ex-former boss.
Well, that sounds like
it calls for a toast!
Hey, why don't you
go put your dick on ice or something? Eh?
- And leave us the fuck alone. Gracias.
- [Coral] Yeah, yeah.
[Gina] Jesus, girl. You were such a bitch.
That guy was super cute,
and he even asked us nicely, you know?
There's no reason we can't
plan a heist with a huge payload
and drink ourselves stupid on the house.
Hey, hot guy! Let's celebrate.
- [Fernando] Thank you for meeting with me.
- I'm listening.
- Fernando, no?
- [Fernando] Yes.
[clears throat] So, uh,
I want to pay for Gina's freedom.
I know she's run away,
and I know she owes you money.
I want to settle that debt
so she can create a fresh start.
And may I ask the reason
for this good deed of yours?
We're together.
We're in love.
[faint dance music
playing in the background]
Well, that's wonderful news, really.
[Romeo and Christian laughing]
- [Romeo] Isn't it, boys?
- Yes.
I'm really happy for you both.
Well, just let me crunch some numbers
and check my accounts
to get a final tally on Gina's debts.
And to, uh, accurately estimate
how much I won't be able to make off her
over the next nine months,
which is, uh, when her contract expires.
[Romeo] Beefcake.
This'll only take a second.
Take the gentleman to the club
in the meantime, please.
Thank you.
[door opens]
[dance music playing outside]
[door closes]
That bastard knows where the girls are.
He's hiding them.
How do you know?
No one pays for someone
unless they know where they are.
Oh, shit, that's right.
We found them with him, right?
At the apartment complex where he works.
Hold on, I didn't know you found them.
[Moisés] We found 'em,
but we didn't want to make a scene
by that guy's swimming pool.
He came with some security guys.
- And then we found 'em again.
- And you let them go again?
What's going on, Moisés?
Is there anything else you wanna tell me?
[tense music playing]
Maybe you wanted them to get away
from the very beginning.
When I asked you at the hospital
"Bring them in unharmed"
and you argued
it'd be better to kill and bury them,
did you really wanna kill them?
Or did you actually wanna
let them vanish without a trace?
More importantly, why?
[sinister music playing]
Before you even think
of lying to me or betraying me,
let me remind you that I've been
your guardian fucking angel.
And the fact that you're not
rotting in prison right now
is only thanks to me.
Because I was there for you
that day when you knocked on my door.
I helped you
with that thing with your dad.
[Moisés sniffs]
I was there.
And that
That deserves loyalty, brother.
[Romeo] Go and find out
what Fernando knows.
And if he doesn't talk, then
put him in a drum full of acid
until he sings.
[sinister music building]
["Going In" by Oakfield Mansion playing]
We're going in, going in ♪
[Wendy] Maybe it wasn't
the wisest idea to get drunk
before facing what was about to be
the hardest battle of our lives.
We're going in, going in
Yeah, the night is wearing thin ♪
Time to turn it up and do it ♪
[Gina] But we thought, "Screw it,
we deserve to have fun for once."
Because we hadn't in years.
To dance
'cause we were having a good time,
to laugh loudly and only for ourselves,
and, more importantly,
because we actually found things funny.
[Coral] After all,
having fun is what soldiers do
the night before the big battle.
Get it popping, crank it up
Let's get wild, raise your cup ♪
Throw your hands into the sky ♪
That's the way we feel alive
Get it popping, crank it up ♪
Let's get wild, raise your cup ♪
[transitions to suspenseful music]
[Gina whispers] Girls.
I have an idea
how to get rid of Christian and Moisés.
[Coral] What?
Hunting them down.
[Wendy] How?
What Coral was saying.
We make a bear trap for them.
["Going In" continues playing]
- Are we really gonna steal a digger thing?
- [Gina] Well, why not?
Of course, girl.
It'll be easy. Do you know why?
Because nobody steals
a humongous heavy thing
which only goes seven miles per hour.
My beats know what's up and down
Only Merc and no Toyota ♪
Never mess around like that
Show us where the party's at ♪
- [dialogue inaudible]
- Get it popping, crank it up ♪
Let's get wild, raise your cup
Throw your hands ♪
[Coral] The only thing we knew for sure
was that this could be the very last thing
we would do in our lives.
But none of us
really had a life to go back to.
So we did it. Yeah.
Like when you rip off a Band-Aid suddenly
without thinking about
how much it's gonna hurt.
The difference was
that if things did end up going wrong,
that night would be
the last of our entire lives.
[engine starts]
["Going In" continues playing]
[Wendy whoops]
[Coral] But who cares
if it's our last one?
If in the euphoria of the night,
we'd go down fighting.
Get it popping, crank it up ♪
Let's get wild, raise your cup ♪
[song fades out]
["No One Rides A Train" by Josef Peters,
Richard Mc Culley, and Ted Kamp playing]
No one rides a train no more
No one rides a train ♪
No meet me at the station
No waiting in vain ♪
No sound of those steel wheels
Rollin' down that track ♪
Taking away my baby
Or bringing her on back ♪
You never hear that whistle blow
From far, far away ♪
No one rides the train no more
No one rides the train ♪
No one writes a letter
With words across a page ♪
People barely talking
In this day and age ♪
Folks don't knock upon your door
Much less come inside ♪
That might slow 'em down too much
They just walk on by ♪
We're all so in touch
But so lonely every day ♪
No one rides the train no more
No one rides the train ♪
Train, train, train
Tell me where have you gone ♪
The world moves way too fast
It's driving me insane ♪
No one rides the train no more
No one rides the train ♪
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