Snowdrop (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

I told you I decide who gets to leave.
You leave.
This is our dorm.
This is our dorm, you stupid communist!
Oh, my goodness.
Keep your heads down!
You don't know who I am, do you?
Why can't I hear them?
I think she's speaking too quietly.
Turn the volume up then!
Yes, sir.
I'll tell you.
the daughter of the director of ANSP.
If you don't believe me,
go check with them.
Eun Chang-su,
the director of
the Agency for National Security Planning…
is my father.
-I can't hear her. What's she saying?
-Why is she whispering?
I don't know.
Let them go.
Let them all go!
It's working again.
You will never…
get a chance to be released again.
Since she doesn't want to leave,
only nine will be released.
You evil bastard.
Release one more person
since I'm not leaving!
Who do you think you are?
To me, you are…
a human shield.
Comrade Joo.
Have her stand by the windows.
Ms. Hall Director.
The daughter of the ANSP director
has been living in the dorm.
That must've been bothering you.
Why are you asking me that
out of the blue?
I heard the ANSP director is
one of the most
powerful people in the South.
And such a person's daughter
living in the dorm?
Did Yeong-ro tell you herself that she is
the daughter of the ANSP director?
She was quiet about it
even when she was
being kicked out of here.
Kicked out?
It was decided she leave the dorm
as a punishment for hiding you.
She hid him?
Hid the communist spy?
Your daughter really did it?
She helped you because she believed
she was doing the right thing.
So he was willing to accept any punishment
without any regret or reflection.
But her courage and sacrifice ended up
putting everyone in the dorm in danger.
So imagine
how Yeong-ro must be feeling right now.
If you can understand that
even just a little bit,
it's only right for you
to release as many hostages as possible.
That is…
the least you can do for her,
who saved you risking her life.
I think I made it very clear
that only nine hostages will be released.
You were her partner at the Open House.
I remember that you seemed quite nervous.
Was it all for show?
To take full advantage of Yeong-ro?
Let's go.
I need to go to
the bathroom first.
Eung-cheol doesn't look good.
Can we
trust that doctor?
The hall director's in the restroom.
Bring her when she's done.
What are you doing? Hurry up.
Just give me a second.
I can see the students are safe.
Now I need to see
if my team leader is okay.
Where's he now?
Not now.
He can't have surgery
until his fever breaks anyway.
I mean, the doctor's doing nothing, so how
about my team leader get surgery first?
He has a gunshot wound.
He needs surgery as soon as possible.
-What's wrong with treating him while--
Are you kidding?
He shot at me,
and you want us to let him get treated?
Keep your word.
You promised to release hostages,
let me check the students' safety,
and let the doctor do surgery
on my team leader.
I brought Dr. Kang here
because you agreed on those terms.
You've fooled us twice today,
and what? Promise?
I'll kill you first if anything goes
wrong, so don't mess with me.
How is he?
His temperature's still 38°C,
and it's not going down.
It's because the infection caused
a high white blood cell count.
I gave him a fever reducer,
so it'll go down in two to three hours.
SWAT team breaking in soon.
The whole dorm is being wiretapped.
Then why don't you treat
their team leader until then?
I think that's better as well.
The ANSP team leader
will be treated first.
Treat him? We should be killing him.
For now, it's most important
to maintain mutual trust.
Their goal is killing us.
How can we trust them?
Just keep an eye on the hostages.
That's your job.
Especially those by the windows.
No problem?
No problem?
Didn't you say
there was no problem with her?
Yes, according to
all those weekly reports!
That damn Pi.
She even went through
water and electric torture.
How dare she stab me in the back?
My goodness.
I got to say,
you are indeed a liability.
A liability to us.
Even your child
has become a liability now.
Oh, right.
-Hey, An.
-Yes, sir.
Does hiding a communist spy
count as espionage?
To be precise,
it's aiding and abetting espionage.
My God.
The ANSP director
should be in the vanguard
of anti-communism and counterespionage.
You're a disgrace to our country.
Don't you think?
I was just kidding.
By the way, ma'am,
I know he said
it should be 13 young virgins,
but does it have to be exactly 13?
As a matter of fact,
I was dying to know about that all night,
so I called the fortuneteller
first thing in the morning.
What did he say?
He said it should be
exactly 13 virgins.
No more, no less.
Exactly 13.
Then it's very unlikely.
I mean, how will the spies kill
exactly 13 as if they know about it?
There are more than 70 hostages
in the dorm.
My goodness.
That many?
That reminds me.
They're supposed to release
some of the hostages today.
How many?
Well, as many as the spies want, I guess.
Yes, I guess so.
What kind of man is
Eun Chang-su, the ANSP director?
Do you want me
to brief you on my boss?
Brief a Northern spy?
I'm holding tens of students hostage,
yet he's fooled me twice.
Is he foolish enough
to try to fool me again?
Was Cheong-ya caught?
Was Han-na caught?
The ANSP director is
dealing with you himself?
A mere Northern spy like you?
The director himself?
His daughter is being held hostage,
so I'm sure he ran over in a rush.
The director's daughter?
The whole building is
rigged with C4 bombs,
from basement two to the third floor.
If you try to deceive me again,
the bombs will go off all at once.
Check if it's true.
If I push this button,
you, I,
and the 70 hostages
will all die.
Director Eun Chang-su
won't even find his daughter's body.
How dare that bastard
threaten him like that?
Wait, Eun.
Don't tell me you believe that bulls.
I should.
If the bombs explode
and the students get killed,
what will you do?
You'll blow yourself and your men up?
Aren't you their leader?
Is Geum-cheol's death not enough?
Are you going
to lead the rest to death too?
I'll do anything for my men's honor.
I won't let them die as traitors.
I'd rather blow ourselves up
to die heroes for my country.
What is this?
Don't tell me
what he just said is scaring you.
My goodness.
You're too chicken to serve the country.
We can just get them all at once
before they blow themselves up.
Get them all at once? How?
I knew this might happen,
so I already put another plan into action.
Dr. Kang will knock out two
of the communist spies with injections,
so all you need to do
is get rid of the booby traps
on basement two.
Then our SWAT team
will go in secretly and kill
the last one.
I understand, sir.
I call it
"Operation One-shot-two-kills."
Saving your daughter and getting them
at the same time. What do you think?
Isn't it a good plan?
Are you insane? They'll blow themselves up
if we fool them again.
But what?
I can't believe this.
My, this is so frustrating.
Teaching at the Military Academy
suits you better.
Why are you even the ANSP director?
Mr. Lee.
Are you all right?
Let go of him!
A gun in the medical kit.
SWAT team breaking in
via an emergency exit.
Are you all right, Mr. Lee?
Are you okay?
How could you make him suffer like that?
He's your hostage.
Is this really necessary?
Didn't you people kill Geum-cheol?
No, we didn't.
He took cyanide and dropped dead
according to that stupid manual of yours.
Drop dead?
Don't speak ill of our late comrade.
Do you understand?
You idiot!
Didn't I tell you
to always keep your temper?
Are you stupid? You're not even armed.
Don't cross the line.
If you want to maintain our mutual trust.
Should I see his wound?
You follow me.
I'll release some of the hostages.
Don't shoot!
You can come out.
It's all right.
It's okay. Don't worry.
Let's go!
-The hostages are coming out. Move!
-Help them to safety!
Go, go.
Hurry up!
Get them into the ambulance
and the rest into the van.
Yes, sir.
Move it!
-Hey, leave right away.
-Yes, sir.
-Get them in now.
-Yes, sir.
They're all being moved.
Make sure they all keep their mouths shut.
Yes, sir.
Well, I sent five injured students
to the ANSP-designated hospital.
And as for the remaining four,
I sent them to our agency for questioning.
Thank you for your hard work.
-Hello, ma'am.
What a surprise.
You guys must not have had anything to eat
since last night.
Hello, Mr. Nam.
We were starving, actually.
Oh, my, ma'am. It doesn't look like food.
It looks like artwork.
It's too pretty to eat.
I must say,
you sure are full of surprises.
You have such a considerate wife.
You're so lucky.
All right. Let's dig in.
In any case, some of the hostages
have been released.
Let's eat and get back
to fighting those spies.
All right, guys. Let's dig in!
-Thank you for the food!
-Thank you for the food!
Thank you, ma'am.
Come eat.
-What is it?
-You should see the news.
Controversy arose over Professor Han
-who was found dead on a Northern
-spy boat.
-It's Gal.
There was a suspicion that the economics
professor tried to defect to the North,
but decisive evidence has been revealed
that the North in fact
tried to abduct him.
According to the Catholic Priests
Association for Justice,
Priest Kim Hyeon-seung received
a tape recording from Han I-seop,
and the tape contains the voice of the spy
who tried to abduct him on November 27.
What did you just say?
Where did you say my son is?
He's studying in the US.
Your son isn't in Boston.
He's in Pyongyang.
In Pyongyang?
Who are you?
Who are you people?
Did you kidnap my son?
If you want to save him,
come with us to Pyongyang.
Stop the car!
Stop the car!
Stop the car! Now--
Saying it was likely to be
the spies' second attempt to abduct him,
the CPAJ denied the rumor
about him defecting to the North.
And the opposition party is claiming that
the current administration is behind it,
so it's expected to have a huge impact.
Reporting from Yeyeon Cathedral,
I'm Gal Sang-sik, JBC.
You son of a b!
Why me, sir?
I'll fix it.
What do you mean, fix it?
It's in the news!
How will you fix it?
You bastard. It's hot! Stop right there!
-First, I'll sue them for defaming ANSP.
-Come here. Why you…
-Come here, you bastard.
-And, sir,
I'll issue summonses against
the CPAJ and that bastard Gal Sang-sik.
-What? You idiot!
-Stop the nonsense and get out!
-Everyone, out.
-You should go home.
Get out.
Where are you going, you idiots?
Come back here!
Are you crazy?
Why did you tell them to leave?
We must press charges, make up evidence
that he was defecting, and make it public!
Did you find anything useful in Han's bag?
Well, we found a letter
from his son in Pyongyang--
Why have you still not used it?
Make it public now!
Fabricate evidence if necessary!
Shut up!
"Shut up"?
Fabricate evidence?
We've given the press guidelines
every morning trying to shut them up,
but it didn't work!
They have hard evidence. You think you can
cover it up with fabricated evidence?
Then what?
We just let the opposition party
have their way?
Our candidate will lose the election
for sure at this rate.
Pick it up.
Eun Chang-su speaking.
It seems plan B also failed.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'll find the--
Come in by five with a solution.
Yes, sir.
-What did he say?
-To come in by five.
What? What do we do?
This is bad. We'll catch hell
if we go without a solution.
Wait, Eun!
-Then we should…
come up with a solution.
We should let the press know
about the hostage situation in the dorm.
Are you crazy? Yeong-ro is in there.
If we also reveal the fact that
they have the ANSP director's daughter,
I doubt they'll hurt our Yeong-ro.
But they already know she's my daughter.
They're still willing
to die with the hostages.
If they find out we've told the press,
they might blow themselves up.
Then we should
make the North order them
not to blow themselves up.
That's impossible.
They want us to send them back unscathed.
We have bait
that's worth 300 million dollars.
Will Lim Ji-rok
give up the 300 million dollars
just to save those expendable spies?
The presidential election is in ten days.
You can take care of this
after the election's won.
If we make this drag on
and be in the news every day
up until the election,
nobody will pay attention
to Han I-seop's case.
Hoping to fight against the Northern spies
holding the girls hostage,
I'm sure people will vote
for candidate Park Mu-yeol.
I'll talk to Lim Ji-rok then.
Withdraw the SWAT team right away.
I'll take care of that.
So you go do your job.
Hurry up. We have no time to lose.
Hey! Get me the radio!
SWAT team, stand by. Don't do anything!
Anyone move a finger,
and I'll kill that bastard myself!
Get dressings ready.
Give me the gun.
This is bad.
I totally forgot about it.
I'm supposed to meet Antonio
at Rome Coffee Shop at five.
What if he thinks I stood him up?
Are you serious right now?
What about your lovers here?
Are you seriously worried about that now?
I guess you haven't heard yet.
She and Gwang-tae are through.
And she's started seeing Antonio
this month. To learn Italian.
Oh, no.
The criminal law final is tomorrow.
They must know
we're being held here, right?
They won't hold the exam, right?
Did she just laugh? Hey.
What's so funny?
You leech living off the tuition we pay.
"Leech living off the tuition we pay"?
What? Am I wrong?
That's what you are.
Don't you agree?
Hey, Polka Dot.
Shut your trap.
You confidently promised to get
300 million dollars from them in ten days.
Rescuing your son
as well as getting 300 million dollars…
Will that be really possible?
Despite knowing it's impossible,
he's trying to buy time.
The almighty Lim Ji-rok is also
just another father who loves his child.
Lim Ji-rok speaking.
Mr. Lim.
I'm sorry about last time. I apologize.
It was so urgent that--
When on earth are you going to send
our agents in the dorm back to us?
It's been exposed that Han was abducted
and not defecting to the North.
So Aemin Party is
in a tough spot right now.
That's your problem.
Send our agents
back to the North right away!
I'm sorry to tell you this,
but we have no choice but to make
the hostage situation public.
The hostage situation?
What on earth is your big plan
you want to carry out?
As for the spies, how about we kill
all three?
Kill all three?
Are you seriously
thinking of killing them all?
Sir, it's just three spies.
If you sacrifice them,
you'll get 300 million dollars.
Just three spies?
Send our agents back to us unscathed!
Send them back right away! If you don't,
there will be war! You hear me?
Send them a message
that they must come back alive! Now!
Yes, sir.
the Secretary's Office wants
to see you right now.
Right now?
Mr. Lim?
This is Choi Su-ryeon,
the deputy director of MSS.
I see.
You'll have to negotiate with me
from now on.
I'm sure
our spies consider
dying for our party honorable.
Kill them.
Comrade Choi Su-ryeon just told
the South to kill all of our spies.
What's going on?
You did well.
Could you put the rifle away?
Don't you know
about the Geneva Conventions?
Even during war, you can't attack any
of your enemy's medical staff or hospitals
that wounded soldiers are in.
What did you do to him?
Why isn't he waking up?
Midazolam is
a sedative you use before surgery.
Hold on.
Stand up.
Look. How could you suspect the doctor?
If they wanted to kill you,
they wouldn't have sent in a doctor,
but an armed agent.
Calm down. She's just a doctor!
What's going on?
Why is there music playing?
Why? Fix it! Now!
Fix it! Hurry up!
Why is there music playing? Fix it!
Fix it, you bastards!
I didn't know. I swear!
I didn't know about it.
I found a pistol in her bag.
A pistol!
You found it, so let it go.
They've deceived us three times,
but what? "Let it go"?
They're looking down on us
because you're so soft!
What the hell are you doing?
It's an emergency.
The doctor's in danger.
It's an emergency. The doctor's in danger.
Which sniper was that?
-Which one?
-It was number 14.
-Go find out where it is. Now!
-Stand by!
It's the back side of Mount Ogong.
Stand by!
You've deceived us three times!
You're forcing us to kill her!
Come here!
Don't shoot!
Please don't!
Don't shoot!
Sniper… Sniper!
Hey, kill that communist bastard
right now!
But the doctor's in the way.
That little… That piece of…
How dare those bastards try to harm my…
You have to save her!
-At all costs!
-Yes, sir.
-You bastards.
-I'm sorry, sir.
If you fail to save Dr. Kang,
I'll kill all of you.
-Save her! At all cost! Understand?
-It's dangerous.
You bastard!
Are you insane?
We need her to save Eung-cheol!
Let go of me. We need
to teach them a lesson right now.
Comrade Joo!
Ma'am, please do something.
Come! Now!
Come here!
I'll kill her!
Let go!
Let go.
Let go!
Calm down.
Stay away!
Put it down.
Oh, no. Yeong-ro's in danger.
-This is bad.
Put the gun down. Now.
Or you'll get hurt.
Let the doctor go. Now!
Do you want to die?
Your teammate…
No! Easy, easy.
Your teammate
hasn't been treated yet.
He'll die if he doesn't get treated.
For sure.
Comrade Joo.
If you kill the doctor, they'll never
send in another doctor.
You've been fooled three times.
Shouldn't you take advantage
of this chance?
They have no choice but to do what you ask
because you might blow yourselves up.
Oh, right.
To get out of here safely,
you also need
a means of transportation. Right?
Comrade Joo.
Lower the gun.
Those damn bastards!
I'll kill you all!
Hey! Don't fire back!
Everyone get down!
Hold fire! Don't fire back!
Come on!
Stop wasting the bullets.
Take your hands off the door.
The SWAT team is standing by outside.
Take your hands off it
if you want to live.
Even if you shoot me, they'll break in
since I disabled the booby trap.
You know what this is, right?
If I push this button, you and I,
as well as the hostages, will all die.
You want to save your team leader,
don't you?
He even got shot to protect you.
If you want to save him,
go out and stop the SWAT team.
SWAT team, go in! Now!
SWAT team, go in!
SWAT team, go in!
SWAT team, go in! You bastards!
Hey, are you sure
the wiretapping is working?
Why can't I hear anything?
Turn the volume up!
Turn it up!
Turn it up, you idiots! God damn it!
Eun, how did it go?
Did you talk to them?
See? I told you.
In any case, I'm worried how much more
Lim Ji-rok will demand this time.
He's not in charge anymore.
We negotiate with Choi Su-ryeon now.
What? Why?
What's going on?
Why are we not sending the SWAT team in?
We must send them in!
How dare you--
It's me.
You said you'd send us
back to the North safely,
but you're sending the SWAT team in?
Sending the SWAT team in?
Hey! It's all a lie!
Our agent lied to you!
She lied to make you surrender!
Give it!
Listen. First, let Cheong-- No.
Let the doctor out.
Let Dr. Kang out right now, you bastard!
How did you find out your agent talked
about the SWAT team in the tent?
He wants to talk to you.
The hostages' lives are
at stake, but what?
It's all a lie?
All right.
Get her out of here!
Yes, sir. Come out here.
Hey, Choi.
Come here.
Let go of me!
There must've been
a misunderstanding.
We didn't try to send them in.
-We just wanted to send you back--
I bet all you're thinking about
is killing us.
If you don't believe me,
check with the North.
Check the instructions.
You tell me to check the instructions
whenever you're cornered.
Last time we followed the instructions,
we got shot at upon getting out.
That was because of the engagement
on the West Sea. I told you!
Does the leadership in the North
know that you tried to kill us?
They do know all three of you are alive.
Seeing how you know our rendezvous point
and the goal of this mission well,
you must be in close liaison
with the leadership in the North.
What kind of deal did you make?
You'd better be honest with me.
Your daughter's in my hands.
You know that, right?
You are
a spy who must obey
orders from your country.
So check the instructions right now!
I wanted us to talk it out
before I make you pay for fooling us.
But it's not working.
Listen carefully.
I'll pick a hostage at random
and kill them in ten minutes.
And that student's death
will be all on you.
Turn the volume up!
Turn it up!
"Student"? He definitely said student.
Are you really going to kill them?
I should.
Who do you think we should kill?
The one who called us communist bastards…
Shouldn't we kill that one first?
So you're saying
we should kill Eun Yeong-ro first, right?
Kill her.
It's not working, is it?
Why can't I hear anything?
The wiretapping in Area 2-4 is cut off.
Eun Yeong-ro's
the daughter of the ANSP director.
Which means she's our lifeline.
-Area 2-4…
-Area 2-2 is cut off.
-Can any sniper see her?
I repeat. Area 2-4--
-Hey, An!
-Yes, sir.
One moment, sir.
Area 2-3 is not working as well!
Forget that.
Area 1-1 is not working as well!
Don't just say that!
Find the ones still working!
Check if there's any working!
Hurry up.
What the hell are you doing?
Damn it.
I got rid of all the bugs.
You can talk freely now.
What's going on?
Lim Soo-ho?
This is the ANSP director.
Comrade Joo Gyeok-chan.
You were fearless and worthy of the Order
of Military Service Honor you got.
I was instructed to come here
to send you back to the North safely.
I'm Kang Cheong-ya, the Chief of Surgery
at Hankuk Central Medical Center.
And I'm also known as Moran Hill 1
in our country.
Moran Hill…
The one awarded the Hero of the Republic?
I apologize. I should have recognized you.
I provoked you on purpose
to fool the others,
so don't worry.
Lim Soo-ho! Can you hear me?
Lim Soo-ho. You and I may
believe in different things in different
situations, but we want the same thing.
You want your men's safety,
and I want
the hostages' safety.
the director of the Agency
for National Security Planning
desperately wants to talk with you.
Pick up the phone!
You can hear me, right?
Let's talk it out! Please!
-Those bastards.
-Lim Soo-ho!
They wiretapped us, and what? Talk it out?
They can hear me, right?
Actually, the ANSP director told me
to check the party's instructions,
so I took you here to check them with you.
Lim Soo-ho.
If you kill any of the students,
you'll be disobeying
orders from the North.
We agreed to send you back to the North
safely in ten days, so check right now.
You bastard! Check the instructions first!
He hung up again!
Stop provoking him!
They're not answering?
Check them.
It has been the basics review homework--
"Reached an agreement with the South."
"Not to kill any hostages."
"Guaranteed to be sent back in ten days."
Will we really be able
to go back alive in ten days?
Last time we were ordered
to cooperate with them, we almost died.
-So from my point of view--
-Your point of view?
Since when did you start
questioning the instructions?
Comrade Lim Soo-ho.
The failure to abduct Professor Han
is all on you.
And because of you,
all of our agents on our ship
were killed.
Your new mission is to go back alive
after keeping the hostages for ten days.
Making a contribution
to make up for your failure
is what you need to do from now on.
I understand.
You should feed the students.
They haven't eaten for days.
She's right.
And Mr. Kim's blood sugar is too low.
Let's do that.
Well, then I should
go make some rice balls.
What ingredients do we have?
Sausages and some tofu…
I should fry them
and cook some doenjang soup as well.
Go back.
That's good. Yeong-ro's still alive.
They must've listened to the instructions.
Then should we let the press know, sir?
We should tell Code 1 first.
Let's hurry. You know
how impatient he is. Let's go.
Yes. And?
What? What are you talking about?
Eun Yeong-u?
How did that happen
to an administrative clerk?
Aren't I just a human shield?
So why?
I'm not telling you to eat for your sake,
but for our sake.
Because the ANSP director's daughter
shouldn't starve to death?
That paper airplane…
Why do you have it?
Don't tell me
you came to the dorm
because of that paper airplane.
Hello. This is JBC breaking news.
During the engagement
on the West Sea around 22:00 last night,
Eun Yeong-u, the son of the ANSP director,
was injured and passed away.
It has been known that the person KIA
was corporate Kim Seong-hun,
but it turned out
that it was marine Eun Yeong-u,
the ANSP director's son, that died.
What's more shocking is that Lim Soo-ho,
the leader of the spies
who killed Eun Yeong-u,
is holding the students hostage
in Hosu University dorm as we speak.
He'd been acting secretly
all over East Germany,
but he disguised himself as an economics
graduate student at Berlin University
and came to Korea
to approach Professor Han I-seop.
This is the shocking truth revealed a day
after the engagement on the West Sea.
We will update you
as soon as we find out more.
Cardiac arrest!
Bring him back.
Bring him back!
So the ANSP director's daughter
hid you in this dorm?
But don't let
your personal feelings ruin our mission.
The doctor?
I never had any personal feelings for her.
We don't intend to hurt you.
We want this to end
without anyone getting hurt.
So you must know
this is the scheme the high-ups of
our countries planned for the election.
They don't intend to rescue the hostages.
That's a bomb, isn't it?
Aren't they going to just kill us all?
Where's Yeong-ro?
Let me out.
The doctor who treated you
is comrade Kang Cheong-ya
also known as Moran Hill 1.
No. Don't get up.
Get better as soon as possible.
To go back alive in ten days.
Am I dreaming right now?
Can you pinch me?
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