Average Joe (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Ride or Die

- This program is rated
TV-MA LV and is intended
for mature audiences.
Viewer discretion is advised.
- Give me another one.
- OK, say "Good morning.
Can you please take
me to the airport?"
The airport.
The airport.
- Hey, can I get my ball back?
- What did she say?
- Can I please
get my ball back?
- Yeah.
- Mm.
- I love you too.
Oh, dear.
- Joe.
- You gonna be all right.
- You gotta find her, Joe.
You got to bring her
back, you hear me!
- I will. I will. I will.
Ange, no!
Ange, wake up!
No! No!
Wake up!
Baby, no, wake up!
- I'll call an ambulance.
- No time.
Get her to my car.
- Come on.
You'll be all right.

Come on. Come on.
Oh, baby, come on.
Find Touch!
Tell him what happened.

- Hold on, baby.
Hold on.
Hold on. I got you.
We almost there.

- Nothing.

- Come on, baby.
Come on.
Breathe, baby, breathe.
- Shit.
- Baby, breathe, breathe.
Don't you fucking leave me.
Come on.
- There's no heartbeat here.
I'm very sorry.
- No, no, there has to be.
- Oh, there you are.
There we go.
- Could you tell me if it's a--
- It's a boy.
You're having a son.
- Baby, breathe.
- We're almost there.
- Breathe, breathe,
fucking breathe.
There you go.
There you go, baby.
There you--there you go.
There you go.

She's going to be OK.
She's strong.

- I need you to help
me find my daughter.

- Touch!
- Yeah!
- --are you in there?
- Lee, I'm here!
Help me!
You got to come through
the window in the back.
- Window?
What the fuck?
- Yes!
Come on!
I'm in here.
- What in the fuck
happened to you?
- I got drunk.
I called a hooker.
I-- I passed out.
And then I woke up cuffed
to this fucking thing!
I think the bitch robbed me.
Get me out of here, man.
The keys are in that brown
bag on the counter over there.
- Yeah.
Oh, god.
Oh, shit!
- Hurry up and get dressed.
We need to get back
to the hospital.
- What do you mean?
Why the hospital?
- Shit, I forgot
you have no idea.
OK, hit bitch kicked my
ass, kidnapped Angela.
Joe got her back.
Detective Pam showed up.
I think she's on our side.
But now the Russians have Jenn.
A lot of shit happens when
you get fucked up, Touch.
You might want to think
about that moving forward.
- Wait, wait, wait, Jenn?
Why the fuck would the
Russians have Jenn?
- So Jenn called
Ange's phone trying
to trade herself to Nicolai.
And of course, Nicolai's
going to trade anything
to get Dimitri's child.
I can't believe
my baby's having a baby.
- Is that everything, though?
- Yeah, that's everything.
- Shit.
You know, it's a miracle
you're even still alive.
- So what do we do?
How do we find Jenn?
Well, Nicolai
has only got so many moves.
one of them is,
he could try to fly her
to Russia.
- Fly her to Russia?
So why don't we just shut
down the fucking airport?
- He won't fly
out of an airport.
He'll use a landing strip.
And Lord knows where
that's going to be.
- OK, so what do we do now?
Like, where do we even start?
- Angela was just with him.
We'll start with her.
- Jesus Christ, Joe,
I'm so fucking sorry.
Leon filled me in.
Where were you, man?
I fucking needed you.
- I know. I know.
it's a long story.
- He was working for me
tracking a lead.
Did you find what
you were looking for?
- No, nothing.
- Mr. Washington?
- Yeah?
- Your wife's asking for you.
- He's a psychopath, Joe.
Our daughter
is with a psychopath.
You know those two boys
that found Dimitri's head?
- Yeah.
- He beat them to death
right in front of me.
We got to find her.
- We will.
I promise.
- I'm-- I'm so sorry, Ange.
- No, Leon.
It wasn't your fault. There's
nothing you could've done.
Hey, Ange.
- Hey, Touch.
- Sergeant Talford's
going to help us.
- Hey.
So anything you can remember
is helpful to us-- anything.
Do you remember where you were?
- No, I was in the trunk.
And I was sick.
I don't-- I don't
remember anything.
- Did you hear anything
or smell anything?
I can't-- I don't remember.
I'm sorry, Joe.
- It's OK, baby.
It's OK, baby.
It's OK.
- Wait, um, pierogies.
- Pierogies?
- Pierogies.
Yeah, Nicolai was-- he was
stuffing his face with them.
And he kept going on and on
about how good they were
and that he was going
to send his guys to pick up
a big order before he left.
- You don't know the name of
the restaurant, Ange, at all?
- I think it--
I think it started with an M.
Maybe Molly's, maybe?
- Millie's?
- Yeah, yes, Millie's!
- Yeah, I know that place.
It's out in Polish Hill.
- That's a long shot.
- It's better than nothing.
I can go, take Lee with me.
- Hell yeah.
I'm in.
- No.
No, neither of you are going.
That's way too dangerous.
If you run into Nicolai or
his men, they will kill you.
- Well, we've done OK so far.
- This is my family
we're talking about.
You know about family, right?
How long have you tried to
prove your mother's innocence?
- 10 years.
- Why?
Because it's your mom.
And she's family.

Well, this is my family.
And we're going to do it
with or without you.

- OK.
OK, Joe,
you and Leon go to Millie's.
Touch and I will check
up on another lead
we've been working on.
Anybody get any kind of
hit, we'll call each other
and go from there.
- OK.
- Get her back, Joe.
- Hey.
Hey, you want to
tell me why the fuck
you chained me to my radiator?
- You're a junkie, Touch.
You're no fucking help
to me or anyone else
as long as you're using.
- I think I've done all right.
- Yeah, a 50-year-old beat cop.
Charmed fucking life.
- Fuck you, Pam.
- Would you rather I
outed you to your friends?
They need your help now.
The worst of the detox is over.
So what do you want to do?
You want to help your friends?
Or you want to get high?
- Shit.
This stays between us.
All right, when your case gets
cold, go back to the beginning
and see what you missed.
What did you miss, Joe?

- Tow truck registration cards?
Who in the fuck
is Eddie Philsky?
Oh, not for you.
Got to keep my grandson sober.
- Toast.
- I did what you asked and
found who killed your son.
You chose to take
his daughter instead.
My job is complete.
Now, you are either going
to bring me my daughter back
or I will use the champagne
glass to cut your grandson out
of that girl's belly
and feed him to you
one fucking piece at a time.
Do you understand?
- Mm-mm-mm.
- Not for you.
- What are we even looking for?
- I don't fucking know, Lee.
Anybody coming out of
there with a big order,
any big Russian-looking
motherfucker, or anything
suspicious, I guess.
I don't fucking--
- Like us.
- Exactly like us.
- Look, I don't know
what the protocol is.
So I'm just going
to say it, man.
- Congratulations?
- Yeah.
- What the fuck
are you talking about?
- Jenn's--
- Jenn?
- Yes.
- Why the fuck would
you say congratulations?
- I mean, congratulations, man.
I know the timing's
not exactly right.
- That is some
fucked-up shit to say.
- I know you always wanted
to be a grandfather.
- But why would you-- why
would you think that I would
want it this fucking way?
- I don't fucking know, man.
You are, OK.
- But like this, nigga?
- I don't know what
else to say, OK?
So I just said what
the fuck I said, OK?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- It's Cat.
You mind if I--
- Mm.
- Cathy, baby, how you doing?
Where are you?
- Oh, my god, Lee,
you all right?
I was so fucking
worried something
was going to happen to you.
What about Joe?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Joe and Angela are OK.
- Thank god.
I thought for sure Joe
was a fucking dead man.
- Yeah, no, he's fine.
- Joe was out there trying
to be on some hero shit.
I got so fucking nervous.
I was waiting on you to call.
And when you didn't--
- I know, I know, Cat--
- --I thought that
something might be wrong.
- Cat, if you just--
- What?
- Cat, baby!
- No, I'm here.
They have Jenn.

I'm coming back.
- No, you stay on mission.
You find the money.
- Yeah.
- OK, Joe and I,
we're going to find Jenn.
- OK.
- We're going to get her back.
- Yeah.
- I love you.
- OK.

- Don't you puke
in my fucking car.
- So are you going to
give me my gun back now?
- Can I trust you with it?
Your hands are shaky as fuck.
- Yeah, well,
whose fault is that?
- Yours.
It's in the glove.
- So where are we going?
- Family reunion.
The only person that might
know more about Nicolai than me
is my mom.
Maybe she can give us a name
or an address or something
we can use.
- Why didn't you
go see her sooner?
- I did.
She basically told me to
fuck off and never come back.
- Well, this should be fun.
- What's so funny?
- Just remembering Jenn
when she was a little.
Like, four or
five, she, uh-- she
couldn't say the word "fork."
She would always say "fuck."
Ange used to try
to correct her.
- Mm-hmm.
- She'd be like,
"Sweetheart, it's 'fork.'
And she would always
be like "fuck."
It used to drive Ange crazy.
- I'm sure.
Let me guess, you was teaching
Jenn to say "fuck" instead
of "fork" behind Ange's back.
- Every chance I got.
It was the most
hilarious shit ever, man.
- I bet, man.
- And I used to bribe her, too.
I'd bribe her.
I'd be like, "Hey,
how many fuck's can you
say around Mommy?"
and then slide
her a pile of candy and shit.
- Get the "fork" out of here.
- Get the "fork" out of here!
- Oh, my god.
- Oh, man.
- How-- how did Ange
finally find out?
- One day Jenn walked
in the kitchen.
And she was like, "Mommy,
Daddy wants to know where
all the fucking forks are at."
She put two and two together.
- Hey.
We're gonna get Jenn back, man.
- Yeah.

Lee, check it.

- You think those
are Nicolai's guys?
- Well, they definitely
are Russian-looking.

- That's a lot of
fucking food they got.
- Mm-hmm,
enough to feed an army.
- A big Russian fucking army.
Here we go.
- Who the fuck is this?
- He's a cop.
Nikolai took his
friend's daughter.
We're hoping that maybe
you'd know something--
anything that
might help us track
where he might be holding her.
- I don't know shit.
- And even if I did,
I'd be good as dead
in here if anyone found out
that I was helping police
and fucking with Nicolai.
- I can protect you.
I can get you transferred.
- You know that man.
You can't protect shit.
- What in the hell
is wrong with you?
We're talking about the
life of a young girl here.
- Are we done?
- Sit down
and give me something
or I will make it
known to every convict
out there you're a snitch.
Have been for a long time.
- You know lies like
that can get me killed.
- Then give me something.
- You want me to
give you something?
- Damn straight.
- OK, I'll give you something.
I killed my partner.

- That's not true.
No, you were set up.
- Officer Samuel Banks,
badge number 5791--
my partner.
I killed him.

You know, we were on the take.
Gonna give information
to Nicolai on rival gangs.
Sam couldn't do it anymore.
He said he wanted
to make a deal.
And he was going to
rat me out to IAD.
Well, I couldn't have that.
So I did what I had to do.
I walked up behind him,
and I shot him in the head.

- No.
Mm-mm, no.
- Hey.
Hey, listen to me.
You need to pull
yourself together.
We got to go back in there
and get something from her.
- She fucking did it!
She fucking killed that man.
I can't-- fucking--
she's not my mother.
Why don't we go back--
- No!

Oh, god.
- You all right?
- I'm fine.
You don't know where
he's holding her.

I'm so sorry
he took your child.
What was her name?
- I don't know.

- It's not too late
to call the cops.
- If Jenn is in there
and they see police,
ain't no telling what the fuck
they're going to do to her.

Come on, let's do this
at the count of three.
One, two--
- Is that Jenn?
- Jenn!
- Help me!
- Daddy!

- Oh, god!
Jesus Christ!
I almost Swiss-cheesed
a couple of kids.
I haven't seen
you run like that
since you were floating through
the A gap in high school.
- That was our only
chance to find Jenn.
That was our
only fucking chance!

- Shit.
Just give me a minute, OK?
Do not open this door
unless I tell you to.

- I said all I was gonna say.
- You lied to her.
I know you did.
What really
happened that night?
- I ain't got shit to
say to you, junkie.
That's right.
Saw it as soon as I came in.
Hands all dry.
Sweat marks around your head.
And them fucking eyeballs.
I ain't got shit to say.
- No, no, guard ain't coming.
Hey, sit your ass down.
Sit down!
What about you, Gladys?
What are you hiding?
You're so worried about what
the other inmates are going
to do to you,
but nobody's fighting
anyone with a fresh
goddamn manicure, are they?
Your skin looks good.
That ain't prison
soap I'm smelling, is it?
You're eating right.
See, former cops like you,
they don't usually do very well
in places like these.
So what really happened
that night, Gladys?
Who's protecting you?
- Just-- just leave
it alone, boy.
- You killed your partner.
- I killed him.
- God damn right you did.
But you did it to
save Pam's life.
Talk to me.
Tell me what
happened that night.

he sent me a picture he took
standing outside
Pamela's apartment,
her in the living room.
He said he was going
to walk in there
and shoot her in the head
unless I killed Sam.
I didn't even think about it.
I just walked up,
and I killed Sam.

He would have died for me.

I killed him.
- I know.
- I'm sorry, Gladys.
- I'm so sorry.
But we are running
out of time, OK?
And just like Nicolai
was going to kill Pam,
he is going to do the exact
same thing to my best
friend's daughter.
So I am begging
you here, please.
I'm asking you for
anything, any clue
that you can give me as to
where he is holding her.
You could save her life, too.

Just talk to me.

- I don't want to hear anything
about how sorry she is.
- Give me your keys.
- What?
- Your keys.
- Why?
- Because your
mom told me where
they might be holding Jenn.
Let's go.

- He was going to kill me?
- He was waiting
outside your apartment.
Hold this for me.
- It's Touch.
- Touch.
Tell him, uh-- shit,
I don't know what to tell you.
- Hey, Touch.
- Hey, is Joe with you?
- Yeah, he's right next to me.
- All right.
Good, put me on speaker.
- We hit a dead end, man.
- No, we didn't.
Do me a favor.
Write this down.
- OK.
- 401 Lentz Road,
New Tripoli, 18066.
- 6-6.
Got it.
- Good, plug it in
and go there now.
- Why the fuck are we going
to New Tripoli, Touch?
- Because I think they
might be holding Jenn there.
- We're on our way.

- Your mom said
there's a cabin close
to an airfield where
Nicolai used to stay
before flying to Moscow.
- We need to call
the airfield and ask
if we can see their logs.
- No, no, no, no.
She said he's definitely
going to have people there.
If we give them any sign
that something's up,
he's going to kill Jenn.
We've got to do this ourselves.
- You better speed
the fuck up, then.
- Damn straight.

- Mr. Philsky?
Anybody home?

Let's get to it.

You don't belong here.

Holy fuck.
Oh, fuck.
- It's about
to go down, down ♪
Uh, it's about to go down,
down ♪
It's about to go down ♪
When you hear that sound,
you can run but ♪
It's about to go down ♪
Down ♪
It's about to go down ♪
Uh, down ♪
Uh, man,
it's about to go down ♪
- There.
We got to get closer.
- Uh-huh.

- Hey.
Give me the rifle.

Oh, shit.
- What?
- No, it's hit bitch.
- Hit bitch?
Keep looking for Jenn.

- She's there.
- Let me see her.
Let me see her.

Aw, there she is.
There she is.
They got my baby.
That motherfucker, there he is.
- What do you want to do?
- I have to get down there.
Look, I'ma go around the sides
and see what I can see,
all right?
You stay here and wait
on Pam and Touch, OK?
- Hey.
- We gonna need the numbers.
- I'm going with you.
- No, no, no.
You stay here, OK?
Keep watch here.
Look, take that.
Anybody that come, blow
their motherfucking head off,
you hear me?
Oh, no, no, no.
You stay here.
- Right.
- All right?
- OK.
- All right.
- Motherfucker, no.
You stay here.
Did you hear what
I fucking said?
- I told you I am not
letting you do this alone.
You need me, and I'm coming.
So shut the fuck up about it.
- Yeah, all right, yeah.
You're right, yeah.
- I know I'm right.
Now walk, motherfucker.

- You have got to be
fucking kidding me.
You got what you
need out of here?
- Yeah, why?
- Police!
Out of the car!
- Get the fuck out of the way!
- Get out of the car now!
Kiss my ass.
- This is the police emergency!
Will you get the
fuck out of the car?
Oh, yeah?
I'm not fucking around here!
- Fuck you!
- No respect
for law enforcement.
Jesus Christ.
- Thank you.
You coming or what?
- How the fuck did you do that?
- Woman down the
street just said bring
it back with a full tank.
- Hey.
I'll give you 100 bucks
to take a ride with me.
- 100 bucks?
To take a ride?
- Take a ride.
- I don't eat ass.
- Jesus!
just get in the car!
OK, I need you
to tell me if this
is good cocaine or shit cocaine
and how much I can get for it.

That ain't cocaine, lady.
That's heroin.
Maybe the best hit
I've ever tasted.
- Is that worth more?
- A shit ton more.
- Holy shit.
Do you know someone
I can sell this to?
- Ask for Bobby.
- Bobby?
- At Palace Lounge.
- Got it.
Thank you very much.
Uh-uh, no.
You can get the fuck out now.
- Ohh.
- Aw.
May I pet your dog?
- Of course, yeah.
That's why we're here.
- Hi.
- I'm Victor.
This is Daisy.
- Hi, Daisy.
She's adorable.
- Well, I mean, we're here
from 5:00 to 10:00 all week
if you'd like to see her again.
I could bring her
by the room if you'd like.
She could sit with you.
- Yeah, I would love that.
Yes, I'm in room 322.
- 322, OK.
Cool, got it.
- Just what I need.
- Bye, Daisy.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good girl.
Good girl, Daisy.

- Shit.
- Look.
- It looks like
they're leaving.
We got to go now.
- What about Touch and Pam?
- Fuck that.
I ain't letting them
leave here with Jenn.
I'm going in.
- I'm thinking maybe we
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