Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance (2006) s01e08 Episode Script

Webisode 8

All I know about the temple is that you blew 10 innocent people to pieces.
It might be hard for you to believe, but we all feel sick about it.
It's tragic.
There's no other word for it.
The Centurions overreacted.
But I think if you're honest with yourself, you'll admit that the shooting wasn't entirely our fault.
That's bullcrap.
We have always left your temple alone.
Never dreamed of sending Centurions there until someone decided to hide weapons in it.
We didn't shoot those people, you did.
I accept full responsibility for that.
But bringing instruments of death into a house of worship is a sin.
Don't you agree? Think about it, James.
Whoever hid those weapons in there must've known we'd catch wind of it.
Maybe they even leaked the information to us, maybe they wanted it to happen.
Why? Because some people are afraid of peace.
Afraid to stop fighting, afraid of what they might be without it.
But you're not one of those people, are you, James? You'd like to put all this bloodshed behind you.
Get a place of your own one day, a farm, maybe.
A wife, kids, a life.
Well, who wouldn't? Well, it's not impossible.
It could happen.
It could happen for you, for me, for all of us.
How? Individuals like you and l have to be brave enough to demonstrate that there's a better way.
Others are already doing it.
That juice comes from farms right here on New Caprica, where Cylons and humans are working together, growing things instead of killing each other.
The power grid's almost complete, so is the water system, thanks to your engineering teams and ours.
And when we can finally have human beings policing the streets instead of Centurions, we will So that's what all this is about? You want me to join the New Caprica Police? That's never going to happen.
I'm not a frakking collaborator.
I'm not asking you to be.
All I'm asking is that you help me prevent another tragedy like the temple shooting.
And why am l supposed to do that? Show this at the gate, they'll let you in to see me right away.
If you hear of anything that might lead to more bloodshed, get hold of me.
Maybe the two of us can find a way to stop more innocent people from being killed.

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