Hello Tomorrow! (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

The Gargon Mothership

Status check.
[PILOTBOT] Lunar cargo
return. Baker Zulu nine three.
Touchdown in 22 minutes.
Approaching atmospheric reentry.
Hold on to that stick, pal.
Here comes the big boom.
[BUCK] Oh, you're coming.
I'm seeing you dead, you Gargon scum!
There it is. That's where he's headed.
- Start the car.
- No.
I think we're gonna stay
here and talk a minute.
When that goes in the other
direction, kids, we are on it. [LAUGHS]
[GROANS] Not built for war.
Oh, shit.
Where's Where's the bag?
Where's the bag? Okay.
[GROANS] Shit, shit.
Okay, where's the bag?
[SHOUTING] Where's the bag?
- Hey, Mr. Porter. You see that?
- [HERB] Hmm?
I know it is old hat to you,
but what a magical sight, huh?
Oh? [CHUCKLES] What is?
- That's good.
He act like he don't
know his own rocket.
Herbie, you heard him.
That's your rocket.
[HERB] Oh.
Possibly it is.
What makes you think
you can build this thing?
'Cause I know you're not just stupid.
Surprise me, Jack.
Look, you're the only one in the
world who's ever gonna know this.
Or ever needs to.
It's amazing what we've
been able to do together.
Whatever is thrown at us,
you can hang your hat, your coat,
your whole goddamn future
on us figuring out
And I'm so grateful to
have you as a partner.
- I want to keep that go
- No.
No, goddamn it.
- What?
- Say it.
- You have to say it.
- Shir
- Shirl.
- Say it.
It was all me.
There's no Jenkins.
Or if there is, it's me.
Which is why the smart money is on us
taking this as far as we can dream.
We've got people who believe
You don't know this,
but we've got land, we got
transportation, we got enough money to
[BREATHES SHAKILY] You're too smart
not to see this opportunity, Shirley.
I'm sorry!
You've been nothing but loyal
to me, and I lied to you.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I can't do this without you.
Well, you should've
thought about that before.
You made me lose my mind.
I will do whatever it
takes to make it right.
- Partners, right down the middle.
- You can't stop, can you?
It's sick.
You got no idea what's real anymore.
Who does?
We turned people's lives around.
What's that?
What is life without a dream
to make it go down easy?
Whatever the hell that means, Jack.
You're on your fucking own.
No, no.
No, no, no. No, no, no!
[STAMMERS] Shirley. We're so close!
See that up there? Right there.
- That beautiful glow? Our rocket.
- How beautiful. A glow, really.
Which is actually one of our rockets.
So some of you should
feel a little sheepish
after all of that doubt and sour grapes.
- It's a return trip from the Brightside.
- Coming on home from the Brightside.
- And we're gonna watch it land.
- Ready to wash our hands.
Watch it land.
Washing our hands is very important.
But let's also watch it land.
Y'all listen to this man, now.
That is the God's honest.
I seen every bit of it myself.
Thank you, Mr. Mason.
Now, follow us for a
great customer experience.
- Mmm.
We have to go and see. It's
gonna be a disaster, right?
No establishable
connection to the entity.
No establishable passenger
sanction on the vessel.
But it does seem to have
"paficied" the crowd.
Joey left these behind.
And since it is a company car
- You're great in a crisis, Bun Bun.
Herb, have you seen a-a bag of money?
Or any crooks looking
fucking smug at my expense?
I'm in I'm in very deep trouble here.
Come with us, Ed.
It's an exciting time for the company,
and there's actually a perfectly
great explanation about the money.
[STAMMERS] Why would you
have an explanation? Herb!
[PILOTBOT] Ten minutes to touchdown.
Initiate launchpad reorientation.
Doesn't get any easier, does it?
I swear, I will bring you in safe.
time, try American made!
For the good of the fucking company?
What fucking good has the
company ever done you, Herb? Huh?
What kind of a bootlicking patsy
gives his hard-earned money back
to the people that he hard-earned
it from and calls that "good"?
Well, Eddie, I
"Well, Eddie, I do.
Because if I live a stunted
and pathetic enough life,
gargling down the boss's crotch-sweat,
Mommy might pat my little
head and give me a sweetie."
- I took your money, you big jerk!
So stop hitting him!
You? Uh, well, I should've known, huh?
I mean, who's more base and conniving
than Little Miss
Prim-and-Perjured Twin-Faker?
- They weren't fake.
They were optimistic.
- Now, Betty's going to stop this car
- [BETTY] Mmm.
and I would like for you to get out
so I could fulfill my
professional responsibilities
without any more distractions.
Well, just added this to
the list of charges, Herb.
I hope you find a comfortable ride home.
Grand larceny, plus assault
and battery now, okay?
- Gun it, Bun Bun.
Bun Bun. Gun it, Bun Bun."
Plus, I lost a button on my coat, Herb!
Goddamn it.
Walt! You in there?
Can you hear me?
I think you may have someone on
the loose in there. [CHUCKLES]
Let me come in and and
take 'em off your hands.
You shouldn't be in here, Jack.
If he stays where he is,
he's gonna get burned up.
Please, Walt!
[WALT] Touch that fence,
you'll get yourself hurt.
Do what you've gotta do!
- [PILOTBOT] Cleared for
[VIDDICON VOICE] Message, 7:05 p.m.
Hey, kid. [CHUCKLES]
I know you're upset. You got
every right in the world.
I just wanted to call
to tell you that, uh,
I made the deal that I
was telling you about,
and it is gonna change everything.
We're right where we need
to be, right on time.
And your job your job
is here waiting for you
whenever you're ready to
come along for the ride.
[SIGHS] And don't be a hero
about the hospital bills.
I'm the reason you quit your damn job,
so let me make sure it
doesn't sink you and your mom.
least I could do.
Talk soon, I hope.
All right, take care, kid.
Buck! Hey, it's Jacky boy!
Come on down!
What's wrong with him?
He's nuts.
Stays up there, he'll be dead too!
This is not good, Jack! That
thing's about to land on you!
[JACK] Buck!
Are we going in, or what?
Yeah, right. Don't we
get to go in and see?
Wait, sir. For your own
safety, stay right there.
[HANK'S CHILD] Papa, up there.
Now, I'm sure you've all
heard of a safety radius.
And I'm sure none of us
would want to violate that,
which would mean
violating our own safety.
Excuse me, sir.
Respect the radius.
One shot, Sheriff,
so our children and
grandchildren grow up free.
- Buck!
Oh, Jesus, Jack. Goddamn you.
[SCOFFS] Gargon mind-fogger.
Now, everyone, please
enjoy the wonderful view,
and take a moment to
consider your upgrade options.
Whoo. Whatever you are
selling, sign me up.
- [ONLOOKER] I'll take one of those.
- For you, sir. Be safe.
- Thank you.
[BETTY] Okay, and one for you.
Damn it, Buck! That rocket
right there, it's gonna fry us.
[GRUNTS] I'm here saving mankind.
Don't let this be your funeral, Sheriff.
You're damn right! "Sheriff" to you!
Whoever you are.
Now, get!
[WALT] Jack, what the
hell are you doing now?
[PILOTBOT] Deploying landing gear.
They can't land that here, can they?
Looks like a real rocket.
It does appear real.
[JACK] Sheriff, can you hear me?
[SHOUTS] No, no! Stay back! I'm
about to unload a QuarkStorm!
[JACK] Whoa, Sheriff. I am on your side.
Sheriff. You blasted the Gargon fleet.
You did it!
The gas attack, it screwed your memory.
I was protected by my
Trinnium Suit thanks to you.
But we have got to get out of
the blast zone now, Sheriff.
I don't trust rogue agents.
I never thought I'd get so
up close to see one like this.
On TV, but, yeah, this is much better.
Sheriff, you saved us.
Maybe. I don't know
a damn thing anymore.
All you need to know
is that you're a hero.
Pride of the galaxy.
I, uh, can't argue
with justice. [SHOUTS]
That's right.
Now, let's get you back to the ranch.
- [BUCK] Run!
- Go!
[PILOTBOT] Initiating landing
sequence. All systems go.
There you are.
I've been dreaming all about you.
- It's so pretty, Papa.
- Oh, yeah.
But it's not half as pretty
as where she's gonna take us.
There it is, Les. Right there.
I guess I didn't think
It's highly "unpexcepted."
I really wanted it not to be there.
I wanted it to be a lie.
Finally had someone to blame
for the mess I made of my life.
Mrs. Mayburn?
Maybe we just went a little nuts.
We were both lonely, looking
for something, and we found
We found
I don't know.
Maybe I've been fooling
myself a lot lately.
[JACK] Hey, this will
warm you up. [CHUCKLES]
I'm sorry I brought all
this trouble your way,
but for what it's worth,
it's great to see that you're
still flying. [CHUCKLES]
I don't need any of this.
- I get it. I get it.
Who you working for, anyway?
Cargo runs. Mostly booze and trash.
So I guess it's up to you
if you want to live half a life,
shut the world out,
pretend it's peaceful,
but you don't look happy.
You're way too brilliant
to waste away out here.
I got good work for you.
When you're ready, it's
something big. Think about it.
I heard that pitch
before, from your old man.
This time you deserve it coming true.
[JOEY] Hey, Shirl.
Hey, Joe. Thought you were done here.
Uh [STAMMERS] yeah.
H-Hey, do you know where Jack is?
Uh, because I thought I owe it
to him to, you know, hear him out.
Roped you back in, huh?
- No, no, it's it's not like that.
- I know what it's like.
All you want is to believe in him.
Well, turns out that's
a pretty shitty ride.
Okay, well, I guess I'll have to
see for myself, right? [CHUCKLES]
I mean, who knows?
Well, maybe he'll be different with you.
Since you're family.
You'll probably never hear this
from him, but it's better you know.
He's your dad, Joe.
Just don't waste your life waiting
on him to do the right thing.
You're better than that.
Come on, now.
It's gonna be all right.
Just hold on.
Uh, sorry about that
mix-up a little earlier.
Um, hoping my seat's still reserved?
Great decision, sir.
Your brighter tomorrow starts today.
Papa, who's that?
That is Mr. Billings and
the Space Sheriff, honey.
- A pair of heroes.
Welcome home, Sheriff. The
galaxy is in your hands.
- Hey, Jack.
- What the hell's happening here?
Well, there are a few
upgrades pending, and, uh
I guess I made my own turf.
They'd love to hear from you, sir.
- [ONLOOKER] Yeah, look at 'em!
- [ONLOOKER 4] Oh, yeah!
You did great, Herb.
- [ONLOOKER 5] Welcome back, Herb!
- [ONLOOKER 6] You did great!
Hey! It's a p pleasure
to see you all. [CHUCKLES]
The Sheriff is back
down on urgent business.
Flew down from the Brightside
in luxury and style,
so let's give him a warm welcome.
- It's the Space Sheriff!
- Yeah! [CHUCKLES]
That's right, and we will see you
all back here for blastoff in no time.
There's your ride, by the way.
Look at that. She's a beauty, huh?
Oh, God, wait till you see the inside.
[BUCK] Ain't no law in the stars but me.
I'm just gonna go see wh
what they're all talking about.
Oh. [STAMMERS] Y-You know
- [ONLOOKER] Thank you so much.
I have noted "mulpitle" violations.
- I got 'em all. Right?
- [SIGHS] You got 'em all.
I could smell the grave.
You don't know what it's like, son.
Every day [STAMMERS]
if you slip an inch
the whole goddamn universe
goes to ruin.
- How do you do it, Sheriff?
How do you
How do you pull it off?
I just tell myself
"One day, I'll be dead."
- And what then? [BREATHING SHAKILY]
[BARBOT] Good evening, sir.
What good's the moon anyway, huh?
The fuck happened to you?
Um, I know you didn't like
me too much with money,
I took care of that.
Well, I'm making some changes too.
Yeah. Uh-huh. [SIGHS]
About done here.
just came in here to warm up,
maybe find a friendly face,
but strikes me I could do that
just as good with you in your car.
You might end up going for a ride.
[CHUCKLES] Shirley,
the longer the better.
- Shut up.
Come on.
[VALETBOT] Good morning, guest.
Would you like me to assist
you with transportation?
Well, I got our sheriff
home safe and sound.
Won't happen again. You
weren't worried, were you?
I do make a habit of
underestimating people.
Well, that can't be fun.
I signed your little paper.
- It was as easy as lying.
[SIGHS] Well, I guess
the galaxy's in our hands.
We did it! We did it!
We closed the deal.
[CHUCKLES] And we are gonna
build it. You and me. Partners.
Why, Jack?
Why me?
Wha [SIGHS] Be
Because we're great together.
- I care about you, kid.
- No, you don't.
You don't give a fuck about me.
Not when you left us.
Not when you came back.
And not when you lied to my
face every single fucking day.
I don't care who you
think you are, Jack.
You're not my dad.
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