Human Target s01e08 Episode Script


1 Hey, got a couple bucks? Go away.
Hey, buddy.
You hear me? Right.
So this is a mugging, then, is it? Your money.
Really? Look at how I'm dressed, mate.
How much money could you possibly think you're gonna get from me? Use your head.
Give me your money.
And the watch.
You know, a man's watch is a very cherished thing.
You steal that, might as well be stealing his soul.
Do yourself a favor, sweetheart.
Run along.
Now! You'll have a hard time killing me with all these witnesses.
I don't care.
Oh, you care.
Too much, actually.
You shoot me, those cops over there will start firing at you.
Bystanders will get cut down by the crossfire.
People start falling off of the platforms onto the tracks.
Be a veritable stam-- Stampede.
And even if you survive, I know you.
You'll be haunted forever.
The train gets here in four minutes, Baptiste.
Soon as everyone boards, there'll be nobody left to get in the way.
What? You gonna shoot me? In cold blood? You know, at might be worth hanging around for.
Because I'm really curious whether or not you still got it in you to do that.
Well, I guess we'll find out, won't we? Not like him to leave a body just out in the open like this.
We weren't supposed to find it.
Which one of you is Winston? S.
I'm Winston.
This is Seaver.
Thanks so much for holding the scene for us.
seemed strange enough, I had to run it.
When I did, your name popped up from an old S.
John Doe, no I.
Fingerprints appear to have been melted off by some sort of acid.
High-caliber entry wounds, no exit wounds.
Coroner's gonna try to pull a slug to trace it.
He won't be able to.
This is a polymer-tipped, reverse-tapered jacket.
It's custom-made.
You won't find it at any gun shop.
Left the ring, took the watch.
Found the body in a dumpster? Yeah.
Total fluke we found it.
Hobo over there went dumpster diving, came across it.
Look, am I dealing with some kind of a serial killer here? Not exactly--our guy's an assassin for hire.
Dispose of the body so that, even if it were found, wouldn't be able to I.
it for at least 24 hours.
He makes sure of that by dissolving the prints.
This guy has a thing for contingency plans.
And wristwatches.
It's Baptiste.
So if this is an assassin, isn't his job finished already? Oh, no.
He's just getting started.
Thanks so much, detective.
Call us if you find anything.
So we got an assassin that likes high-value targets, on the loose in a city full of high-value targets.
And he's got a six-hour head start.
Told you he'd pop his head up again.
When he did-- I know, I know.
Hey, look, man, I know what this guy took from you.
I know what you want to do to him, And I don't think there's a person in the world who'd blame you for it.
But No buts.
Whatever you want.
Come on.
You! Me.
You look great.
What are you so dressed up for? Uhh! Ohh! You're under arrest.
For what? Knocking on your door? Try obstruction of justice, for starters! You were party to what happened at the embassy, and you fled! There was no one to corroborate my story.
No one believed me! What difference does it make? We got the bad guy.
I was humiliated.
Two-week suspension, loss of pay, permanent reprimand in my file.
I'm sorry.
Is everything all right in there? Hey, how's it going? Ow.
Emma, what's going on here? Everything's under control.
But can you grab my handcuffs? They're in the bedroom chest, bottom drawer.
You keep your handcuffs in your bed-- Ohh! Shut up! Listen, this is fun and all.
but I've got a problem that's a little time sensitive.
So, Emma, looks like you're in the middle of something here.
Thanks for understanding.
Sorry, it's my job.
Rain check for Saturday night.
Citronelle, my treat.
I'll call you! Can we talk about my thing now? Unh! I wouldn't do that.
You turn me in, somebody very important dies tonight.
Who's "someone very important"? I don't know the target, but I know the assassin.
His name is Baptiste, And he's here in Washington tonight.
This is the case of a lifetime.
I'm just handing it to you.
Give me couple minutes to explain.
Prime minster of Argentina.
Senator Stanton's plane crash about six years ago.
What do they have in common? Accidental deaths that were rumored not to have been so accidental.
Not accidents.
Flawless hits.
Baptiste hits.
That's why they're paying the big bucks.
He doesn't make mistakes.
There's no trail.
It's like he doesn't even exist.
What makes you so sure he's gonna strike tonight? A John Doe shows up dead a few hours ago, one of Baptiste's custom-made bullets inside of him.
No I.
, fingerprints burned off.
He's wearing a huntsman's suit from Savile Row.
He's got a shirt from Bergdorf's on fifth avenue.
He's got a coat check slip from the Rose Cafe on 44th and First Ave.
44th and First? You know what's across the street? The United Nations.
Baptiste stole the identity of a european living in New York who works for the U.
So Baptiste killed him for access.
Which means he is here to assassinate a foreign dignitary.
Look, he's already got a head start.
His cover is airtight.
He's already dissected the patterns, the personnel, the vulnerabilities of the target's protection detail.
He's planned for every contingency you could imagine, and probably some that you can't.
He will not fail, unless we stop him.
So this guy's so good that he takes out heads of state and nobody even knows it was a murder.
He's a ghost.
Somehow, you know that he's here.
You know his methods.
You know his resume.
How is it that no one else in the world knows this, but you do? Because I trained him.
Human Target 1x08 Baptiste I don't get you.
We were a good team.
And then you have to become all Dudley Do-Right.
"nobody deserves to die.
" Everybody deserves to die.
As far as someone is concerned.
That's human nature.
And you taught me that.
I was wrong.
And then what do you do? You turn around and you start some crusade.
To save people.
You don't even get the irony of it, do you? The sad irony that, with all your effort, the people you cared most about saving, they're the ones that got hurt the worst.
And if there was ever any doubt about that, I think this evening's unfortunate events have put that to rest.
Haven't they? You trained an assassin? Yeah.
Okay, and one would have to assume that in order to train an assassin, one would have to be an assassin.
Look, that's not the point.
I'm trying to save somebody's life here.
The point is whether or not I can trust you.
I don't even know your damn name! It's Christopher Chance.
I'm sorry to interrupt, but we're kind of running out of time.
I remember you from the embassy! Hey.
Nice dress.
What the hell are you doing? Just unlock it.
Hang that for me? Sure, why not? Are we all here now? Excuse me, it's kind of heavy.
Going right there.
Who the hell are all these people? What is going on? Uh, Guerrero, Winston, new girl.
There you go.
We ruined her company, thought we'd give her a shot.
Least we could do.
This is Agent Barnes.
Hi! How you doing? Hey.
I'm gonna go ahead and set up right here.
What are you talking about? Don't touch that! You got any idea what Baptiste's plan is? Well, I was thinking it was some version of a West Point, but then there's no way he could get the uniform in time.
Then I was thinking maybe a reverse lifeboat? Yeah, um, listen About You want to make us a pot of coffee? I saw the way you were looking at her at the embassy.
Okay, this is all in your head.
Sure it is.
Listen, all I hope is that this woman has the good sense to keep you at arm's length and treat this case with the same kind of objectiv-- Oh, dear God.
Looks like a teenage girl's locker.
She went a little heavy on the chin, don't you think? This is an ongoing F.
Do you mind? What do you guys want from me? How about the white list? Uh-- The white list? Uh, the minute-to-minute itinerary of visiting dignitaries.
I know what the white list is.
I don't have access to it.
Deputy Director Lynch does.
And what do you want me to tell her? That the ghost that I've been hunting since the russian embassy is in my apartment, and he says that there's an assassin who doesn't exist that's gonna kill somebody tonight, unless I stop it? I think that's a terrible idea.
I was thinking we just break into her office and take it.
You think I'm gonna help you break into the J.
Edgar Hoover Federal building? Well, technically, your I.
gets us into the federal building.
We just want to break into her office.
You're insane.
Okay, listen.
I know I screwed you over at the embassy, and I'm sorry.
But do you really think I would risk being hauled off to jail if I didn't think that lives were in danger? Baptiste is on the hunt.
He's got U.
N credentials.
This is not an accident.
Protection of foreign diplomats is the job of the F.
, Not the U.
That's why he's gonna use his cover to convince somebody high up in U.
security that there's a threat, then he can gain access to the F.
Yes? May I help you? Monsieur Lecavalier I trust Pauline and Claire are well? When last we talked, The twins were just starting university, no? Yes, they're very well.
Okay, so I have some grave news.
I have discovered a security breach in operation olive branch.
This operation is classified, eyes only.
I'm the only one at the U.
that's supposed to know about it.
And I only learned of it a few days ago.
I came across an intercept of an unnamed assassin.
He was hired out of Europe, And olive branch is his target.
Why did you wait so long to inform me of this? It took a while to confirm my intelligence.
I had to be certain, no? I have to alert the F.
Of course.
Jean Lecavalier for Deputy Director Lynch on a matter of urgent importance.
Thank you.
Hopefully, we're not too late.
Director Lynch.
I have Rene Dupont here.
He's from our New York office.
He has brought to light some legitimate concerns regarding this evening's operation.
In person would be best.
We are leaving right now.
We have to go quickly.
Oh, I don't need to bother you with this any further.
No, no, this is the way it's done.
That is a very nice watch.
Au revoir.
Hey, Tim.
Just have to run through some mug shots with him.
Detective Seaver.
You need to leave the case here, detective.
There you go.
Okay, we are in their network.
Gonna link you up to the security feed.
And then I'm gonna work on the card readers.
So I'm looking at what they're looking at, live? Impressed yet? Getting in's the easy part, guys.
Getting them out again, that's what separates the pros from the amateurs.
That's not yours.
Yeah, good luck getting through to him.
This your first time freelancing? Uh-huh.
Why? Oh, here we go.
Well, we don't get benefits, there is no job security, and nobody gives you a cake on your birthday.
The upside: Freedom.
Whatever's in the fridge is fair game.
Yes, chapter one of the freelancer's manifesto.
"how not to get invited back.
" Industry standard, dude.
Define "uh-oh.
" I think they know I'm here.
Ooh! Okay.
Yeah, they definitely know I'm here.
Trying to get through my firewall.
Unraveling my traceback redirects.
Thought you said you knew what you were doing.
Didn't your old outfit, Sentronics, help design the F.
security architecture? Turns out the F.
has made some upgrades since then.
Okay, I can hold them off.
But it's gonna slow everything else down.
What are we waiting for? Lynch is on the sixth floor, right? If I push that button, there's no turning back.
Aiding and abetting a known fugitive, trespassing on federal property.
Breaking and entering on federal property.
Violation of the espionage act of 1917, and conspiracy to commit treason.
Could you be a little more dramatic? So what was that-- your third, fourth date, Something like that? Excuse me? That guy in your apartment.
And I'm fairly certain that's none of your business.
What makes you think it was a third date? OhNothing.
Didn't sound like nothing.
Your bra.
My what? Yeah, it was like a third-date bra.
It was black with the little lacey thingy.
It was the kind of bra that looked like it was going to be making an appearance.
I noticed it when you were assaulting me.
It was a first date.
Rene Dupont to see Deputy Director Lynch.
Elevator's over there.
Sixth floor, sir.
You know what never made any sense to me? When you left It wasn't for principles.
Or money.
It was for a girl.
Carrie or Kelly or-- Her name was Katherine.
That's right.
And you took it so personally.
Like you really thought I took some pleasure out of killing her.
You gotta believe me, mate, it was completely the opposite.
I was embarrassed.
'cause we'd always had each other's back, and then there I was, cleaning up your mess.
I can see how that'd be difficult for you.
You gotta tell me How does a man throw away everything for a woman that he barely knows? I've lost sleep trying to make sense of it.
And then here we are, six years later, and you've done exactly the same thing.
I hope there's not gonna be any hard feelings this time.
Because what happened to Agent Barnes that's entirely on you, mate.
You brought her into this.
Not me.
I'm beginning to think this is a really bad idea.
Speaking of bad ideas, that whole "you're under arrest" thing, That was just to prove a point, right? Yes, the point being you're a criminal and you belong in jail.
This is Lynch's section.
There shouldn't be anyone here.
Guerrero, how we doing on those permissions? New girl-- Layla.
Layla's almost got 'em transferred.
How long? T.
, dude.
Security's gonna figure out we're not supposed to be here.
He'll get it.
Come here.
Listen, just a few things to recommend me.
I've got a decent taste in music.
I'm good with animals and kids.
I'm not a great cook, but I'm learning.
If you give me a few hours, I could just lay all this out for you.
Maybe dinner.
I'm sorry, y-y-- You wanna go out on a date with me? Well, it's a little early now, but, I mean, if you're asking Sure.
I'm not asking.
Okay, tell him to try it again.
Go ahead, Chance.
They're ready.
Told you.
Holy moly.
So much for no one being here.
Barnes, what are you doing here? You're not on this detail.
Were you read-on to protocol 337? No Exactly.
It's above your pay grade.
Lynch assigned me last-minute.
Who's this? Oh, Patrick McManus, U.
Just here to help out.
It's a restricted operation.
I'm gonna have to run him.
Yeah, of course.
You're not in the system, are you? Not yet.
Guerrero? Yeah, Chance, I'm on it.
Get this back in the system, quick.
Who's Patrick McManus? He's a cover we've used before.
Come on, we need you to get him into the security personnel database.
That's not nearly as easy as it sounds.
They know I'm here.
They'll find me in a few minutes.
Yeah, well, they're gonna shoot Chance In, like, 30 seconds, so I wouldn't worry about that right now.
That kind of pressure doesn't help.
I have complete faith in you.
They don't do covert protection details unless it's a big deal.
It's big enough to bring in Baptiste.
We just need to find out who they're protecting.
Is that MacManus? M-a-c? Yeah, just try all the variations.
They always mess it up.
They're calling this operation olive branch.
H-hour is midnight.
It goes till dawn.
Sounds like a long meeting.
I have a theory.
You first.
The fax machine: Letterhead from the chinese embassy.
I heard an agent speaking in a Taiwanese dialect.
Big protection detail-- something sensitive, secret, Worthy of disrupting.
Taiwan and China are having a secret meeting somewhere in D.
We just got to figure out where.
He's good to go.
Off the books meaning somewhere in the D.
Be somewhere inconspicuous.
Someplace they could close down quietly.
Call it a gas leak or something, So nobody's paying attention.
I'm gonna call one of my guys down at Metro.
See if he's noticed any red flags.
You know, I don't get it.
What would someone have to gain from attacking that meeting? Yeah, why would anyone want to stop two countries that spend over $60 billion a year on defense from making peace? They'll prep several sites for the meeting.
Nobody but Lynch will know the final destination till right before midnight.
He's here.
You pull a gun in here, you'll be dead in three seconds.
What the hell is Barnes doing here? I don't know.
She said she was clear.
Not by my office.
Excuse me.
He's on the run.
Let's go.
Get Barnes over here.
We should just come clean.
By the time we convince them, Baptiste will have completed his mission and moved on.
I gotta stop him.
You're either with me or not.
It's up to you.
Chance, I just saw Baptiste leave the building.
He's in a silver sedan, headed east.
Baptiste must have gotten the address from Lynch somehow.
Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll cancel the operation.
You gotta think it took years to get these guys to sit down together in the first place.
They're not gonna cancel unless it's absolutely necessary.
Baptiste is counting on that.
Hello? I should really apologize.
This is inelegant.
And ordinarily, I'd never even consider indulging the impulse.
But there's something I really need to know, darling.
Who the hell is this? Our mutual friend there.
He's fallen into some very self-destructive behavior.
And just as we got past the whole Katherine Walters fiasco, I'm really worried that he's going down the same road with you.
So I suppose what I'm asking, and you really must forgive me for prying, but are you two an item? It's been a while, Baptiste.
Speak of the devil.
We were just talking about you.
Yeah? Maybe we should meet up and continue this conversation.
Funny you should say that.
I was just thinking the same.
Watch Out! In all fairness we should be the ones angry at you.
He's using you.
He used me.
It's what he does.
Used you? The old man took you in when you had nothing.
He taught you a trade.
He treated us both like we were sons, and what did you do? You betrayed him.
But it wasn't enough just to leave, was it? You had to take that name.
That name.
You broke his heart.
I should have broke more than that.
See, me he respects.
But you were his favorite.
And when you left he took it very badly.
How do you think that was for me? Trying to figure out what the hell happened to you while trying to keep him in check.
Uh it was exhausting.
You should have let me finish it.
Yeah, obviously.
Because now, I'm gonna have to hear it all over again.
What a hothead you are-- making it all personal.
Trying to provoke him.
Trying to get him to come after you.
Seriously, I mean, which one is it? Have you really changed? Do you have a death wish? Or did you just lose your edge? Barnes, wake up.
Let's go, come on.
Unh! Chance, you all right? Winston, yeah, we're okay.
We just got t-boned by Baptiste at the corner of Capital and E.
Heading to you now.
All right If you could hack into the phone company's operations database, could you get the numbers to all the disposable cell phones activated in the past week? Sure, yeah.
Um, why would we want to do that? Baptiste uses burners when he's on the job.
If we could find the one he's using right now, I could call and maybe get him to give away his position.
You do realize there's got to be thousands of those things activated in a week? But only one that just called agent Barnes.
Hey, mate.
Hello, dude.
It's been a while.
Yeah, hey, uh Funny story.
A while big this, uh, skinny thug blackmailed me to get dirt on Chance.
Guy wouldn't tell me who he worked for, so I I killed him.
Any Chance you're the one holding the leash? No.
It wasn't me.
Your boss, then? Listen, I'm a little busy here, as I'm sure you'd appreciate.
So no offense.
Hey, no offense at all.
In fact, that's what I'm calling about.
Business proposition.
10% of tonight's take to guarantee your success.
I'm guessing, what, seven figures? I'm sorry.
Are you saying that you're willing to betray our old friend? In this economy, whatever pays the bills, dude.
Anyone else, then, yeah.
But he's the one person that you would never turn against.
Not yet, anyway.
Not until you've lost everything.
Oh, by the way, I never got a chance to congratulate you on becoming a family man.
How old is the little one right now? You know, when we're finished with you, you're gonna beg to return to the fold.
Doesn't look like he gave anything away.
Actually, he did.
OkayIt's time for you to finally start giving me some answers.
You know everything I do.
The guy kills people for money.
We gotta stop him.
It's that simple.
Who's Katherine Walters? I used to work for some bad people.
I gathered that.
My old boss, he found me when I was young angry, alone.
And then he used it.
He told me that what I was doing was right.
That the person on the other side of the gun deserved it.
You know, for a long time, I believed it.
Who's Katherine Walters? She was the last assignment of an old life.
And I couldn't do it.
Why not? She was kind.
She was honest.
She didn't deserve it.
You loved her.
And I tried to protect her, but the guy they sent next was just too good.
If that doesn't make you believe in karma Let's go! Come on.
Apparently, Guerrero got a hold of Baptiste's number, and he called him.
How'd he get that? Looks like that Layla's working out.
Layla? New girl.
Anyway, wherever Baptiste was, Guerrero said he heard church bells ringing in the background.
Church bells? Yeah.
See, that list you're looking at came from my buddy in Metro.
List of red flags in the area tonight.
Only one location where there could be church bells.
Methane leak reported, Sanford Hall.
They'd have evacuated the entire area of campus.
Perfect spot for a secret summit.
We're there in five minutes.
Hey! Hey! Hey! What are you doing? Hey there.
Dispatch called in a problem with the transformers on the south side.
Secret service ordered these covers welded shut! And if there was a problem, I'd be the guy to call it in.
Really? Yeah, that's a good point.
I suppose the good news is, one way or another, I'm gonna get some answers.
Have you really completely changed? Become a whole, new man? Or is my old friend still in there somewhere? Your old friend would have put a bullet in you for what you did.
With complete disregard for the consequences, heh.
You know what's great is if I kill you now, there are no consequences.
I walk away, and this is over.
Oh, we both know better than that.
You kill me, all bets are off.
The old man is coming after you.
He will go after everyone, Everyone you have ever cared about.
He'll burn the city to the ground.
And you know it.
This is the blue line to Franconia-Springfield.
Next stop, Arlington.
I hope this is it, 'cause we're running out of options.
This is it, right here.
The welding on this manhole cover, it's been removed.
That's how he got in.
How do you know that? Security's so top heavy, there's no way he could have gotten in there without being seen.
That's what I'd do.
Coming? Where are you going? Upstairs.
I'm gonna find the security detail, give them Baptiste's description, get them to clear the windows in case he takes a shot.
Nah, he won't.
Target this big, this much security, he needs to be thorough.
He needs to take everyone out all at once.
He needs to blow up the building.
Look at this.
It's ethylene oxide.
Extremely flammable, odorless.
He's got it hooked up to the gas system.
That looks booby trapped.
That's probably a safe bet.
It's got a remote trigger.
We need to get Lynch and get everybody out of the building.
Where are you going? The only place with a clean line of sight and a good, strong cell reception.
Agent Barnes.
We need to clear the building now.
The operation's been compromised.
We need to get everyone in that delegation out of here.
Barnes! You've got a lot to answer for.
We need to evacuate.
No, you need to explain what in God's name you are doing here before I have you arrested.
All stations, check in.
Grounds one, roger.
Grounds two, roger.
Spotter one, roger.
We are aware of the threat against this summit.
We have taken all the necessary precautions.
A rep from the U.
debriefed me on this an hour ago.
The man you met earlier was not Rene Dupont.
He's an assassin named Baptiste.
The set this entire building to blow.
You have been increasingly erratic, ever since that fiasco at the russian embassy.
You're done.
Put her under arrest and get her out of here, now.
Send one of your men to the boiler room.
You're making a huge mistake! Ma'am, it's true.
I saw it myself.
Clear the building.
Now! Uhh! Do we have a head count? One short.
Someone's still inside.
Uhh! Hyuh! Ohh! Uhh! Hyuh! Ohh! Unh! Chance! Did everyone make it out of the building? Barnes? She went back to make sure it was clear.
I'm sorry, man.
Where's Baptiste? He's gone.
Guerrero had Layla hack the phone company.
Track all the calls Baptiste made in the last 12 hours.
The last call he made was to Amtrak.
That's his escape route.
I know, I'm on it, dude.
Hey, check out all the nearest subway stations that are closest-- Georgetown.
I know, I'm on it.
Which way did Chance go? South.
Rosslyn station.
Next closest one is Foggy Bottom, to the east.
All right, I'll take that.
Hey, and make sure that you-- Scan the emergency channels.
I know, dude.
Like I said, you'll get the hang of it.
You know, I wrenched my knee a little bit.
Bruised my thigh.
Along with the bullet in the arm and the knife in the chest.
But I can still run okay, If that's what you were wondering.
I'm just not going to.
Although I think that you're hoping I do.
Begging me to do something.
Make a move for you.
Make a run for it.
Anything to give you the excuse to shoot me without it being in cold blood.
But you know what? I don't think I'm gonna make it that easy for you.
You got the power now.
You can resolve this once and for all.
Is it true that no one deserves to die? Or does that always get decided by the guy who holds the gun? So this is it? The moment of truth.
It's over, Baptiste.
Ah, you gotta be kidding me.
She made it out.
Back entrance.
Delegate took a little shrapnel, but other than that, he's okay, as is everyone else.
I got him.
's on the way, place is surrounded.
It's over.
Not for me.
Yeah, just give a second here, please, darling.
You shut up! Put the gun down.
This isn't you, not anymore.
There you go.
You keep telling yourself that you've changed, and that people don't deserve to die.
But you and me, we both know the truth.
You've lost your edge.
Works out perfectly for me, But it's really sad for you.
Take this one in.
Shackles and shotguns, double detail.
None of this Metro crap.
He's in federal custody as of this moment.
Who's this? He's with me.
Get him out of here.
See ya.
I'm glad you're okay.
I, uh, I gotta get to work.
Arrest of a lifetime and all.
Thank you.
About that dinner.
We're done here.
You don't have to do that.
Oh, I don't have to.
So is it always like this? Like what? Well, it's certainly-- It's more stressful than my old gig.
But We saved all those people.
We got an assassin.
I don't know.
It was--it was fun.
It was fun? Yeah.
That's just the adrenaline in your system.
You're gonna crash later.
This line of work, There's nothing worse than the highs and lows.
Nothing's ever what you think it is.
Nothing's ever over.
Ooh, matey.
That's a nice watch.

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