One of Us Is Lying (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

One of Us Is Dead

I'm sorry, I forgot
you're friends with them.
No, trust me, I'd rather forget, too.
Video games used to be our thing.
The one thing that I
wouldn't be able to take
is you lying to me.
Hey, babe.
- Hey.
- Cooperstown.
Would you just
settle this for us, okay?
Would you wear a fucking mustache
and a unibrow for Halloween?
Would you do that?
You would only have
to wear the mustache.
- I'd be wearing the unibrow.
- Well
We're gonna be Frida
Kahlo and Diego Rivera.
They're an iconic duo.
Aren't you both a little
too white to pull that off?
See? That's what I said.
That's basically a de
facto vote for the magician
and the bunny in the hat, so we're good.
So couples costumes, huh?
Are you okay?
I woke up this morning,
you had just disappeared
without saying a word, so
And late last night,
you sent me that text
message that you deleted.
What was that?
You okay?
It was just a funny meme
of a dog wearing a sweater
speaking in a stupid voice.
- It's just me being silly.
- All right.
Oh, I invited Keely to
the party, by the way.
Maybe you can bring
your relationship back
from the dead, and quick, man.
'Cause people are talking nonsense
about your breakup and you.
Just just trust me, nonsense.
Don't worry about it
because people have bigger
things to worry about.
Like, what the fuck is he doing here?
How did he
Fucking Rojas.
Okay, I guess you want me to apologize
for getting you out of
jail, only I won't because
Yeah, I'm at school.
Can't you hear the hormones?
Okay, bye.
That was my parole officer.
She calls twice a day to
make sure I'm either at home
or here, so basically I'm still in jail.
- Seriously?
- Well, no.
I mean, if I was still in jail,
I wouldn't have to worry
about paying you back.
Also, how do you think
Yale likes students who
bail out murderers, Bronwyn?
Oh, I'm still going to Yale
because we're going to
prove you're innocent.
We will catch the asshole who did this.
Simon didn't kill himself.
My lawyer told me how the cops know.
He brought extra EpiPens
to the nurse's office
on the first day of school
just a few hours before he died.
Same ones that showed
up later on your bike.
Why do that if you wanted to end it all?
Exactly. But he did set us up.
He wanted us there.
And I think he put the
peanut oil in the cup himself.
What, so you're saying Simon wanted us
to find the EpiPens
in the nurse's office,
but something went wrong?
Nothing went wrong. Somebody stole them.
Somebody who knew what
was going to happen.
Somebody who planted the phone in my bag
because Simon didn't get
close enough to me that day.
Nate, he had an accomplice.
Maybe the same person who's
been stalking us, framed you?
Did that asshole have any
other friends apart from Janae?
I have no idea, but
here's what I do know.
Addy texted the group last night.
Yeah, she deleted it.
I took a screen shot
right before she did.
It was a picture.
- See you later.
- Yeah.
Hey. Addy.
What is this?
Were you with Jake last night?
Is this his? Was he friends with Simon?
You don't have to be friends
to kill aliens together, right?
Doesn't it seem a bit weird to you?
I'm sure there's an explanation.
- Well, did you ask for one?
- It's not easy, okay?
Pretty sure that
confessing to your boyfriend
that you spied on his chat log
is not the best way to rebuild
a healthy relationship, you know?
And I thought we were done
with all this Scooby-Doo shit.
Well, I'm not.
Maybe you have the luxury
of forgetting about this whole thing
so you can enjoy walks on
the beach with your boyfriend,
but Nate is awaiting trial, remember?
Yeah, I remember.
I also remember what happens
every time we play detective, Bronwyn.
TJ, Vanessa, Ms. Avery
got fired or worse.
I'm not losing Jake, too.
And Addy has left the group chat.
Cooper just wants to move on.
Oh, and I'm not sure if Nate
is ever going to forgive me
for getting him out of jail.
Okay, breathe.
I'm here. And I'll always be here.
Until I turn 18 and move to New York
and none of you losers
ever see me again.
And, hey, fuck Addy. I
mean, it's not personal.
It's not like you hate Jake or anything.
No, I mean, I don't even know the guy.
We only have this one class to
Okay, so hear me out.
I only have one class
with Jake, Ms. Avery's.
Simon wasn't close enough to me that day
to plant the phone in my bag,
but Jake
What are you saying?
When your phone went missing
that day, was Jake around?
Jake's always around. He's my friend.
And he's always around Addy.
And she always has her phone out.
So he could've set that
alarm on her phone easy.
What about Nate?
Anybody could've jammed
my locker, Bronwyn.
- I'm sorry.
- Okay, but there's more.
- Nate, wait up.
- Just drop it.
Oh, my God.
Okay, what the fuck?
Sorry, um Nate.
Do you know what's so weird
about Simon and Jake
using the Xbox to chat?
I'm not sure why I'm
finding this kind of sexy.
What did Jake take from
Simon's room at the wake?
His Xbox.
What if they planned this whole thing
using the Xbox chat, and
Jake was taking evidence?
Don't give me hope, Rojas.
Okay, let's say that's true.
He probably would've hammered
the thing to pieces by now.
I wouldn't.
Because that would make
me look very suspicious.
I trust the criminal on this.
All right, look, if
he still has the Xbox,
maybe we can get our hands
on it and look at the chats.
We don't have the password.
I don't have it.
But I can guess it.
And I guessed right with "About That."
Where's the Xbox?
In his bedroom at his dad's house.
Is that where he's gonna
throw his Halloween party?
So we could use the party
to get access to the Xbox
and maybe see what the
chats were about, right?
- Yeah.
- If you invite us.
Are you fucking kidding me?
You guys seriously think
Jake has been stalking us?
He's behind the creepy
Simon Says messages?
Well, remember what Janae said.
Simon hated Cooper, Nate, and
me, but he didn't hate you.
So whoever was working with
him brought you into the fold.
He hated you.
What if he hated you so much,
he tried to frame you with the EpiPen?
And when that didn't work,
he used it as a distraction
to frame the most likely suspect.
- No offense.
- I've been called worse.
Why would Jake hate me before
he even found out about TJ?
What if he knew before that?
Wait, so you're not only
calling him a murderer,
but also a total fucking psychopath
who knew about my secret
all along and pretended
and he didn't for, like, what, weeks?
- For what?
- Addy, I really don't know.
But clearly you also had some questions
if you sent us that pic, deleted it,
and then lied about it.
Look, if there's nothing on
the Xbox, at least we know.
We did do the same thing
with TJ at homecoming,
and that was your idea.
Look at how that ended up.
This is insane.
It's Jake. And he's waiting for me.
Addy, Addy.
Addy, Jake is a controlling sociopath!
I mean, can't you see
look at the way this
man manipulates you.
He chooses the fucking
flavor of your pancakes
that you don't even like, okay?
Addy, he doesn't love you.
He loves having a puppet.
That's what Simon was to
him before Simon saw him
for who he really is
until he didn't, I guess.
What the fuck is going on here?
Study group.
What are you doing to my girlfriend?
Why were you talking to Simon on Xbox?
Addy told us you saw
the whole chat history
with Anarchi$K.
You think that was Simon?
No, no, no, that was just
some random "Fortnite" kid.
I mean, unless
Was I being catfished by Simon?
It was some weirdo who was just
asking me a bunch of questions
about people that he knew at school.
I mean, was he looking
for dirt or something?
I well, I didn't give him anything,
if that's what you guys are thinking.
Simon would never do that.
Right, destroying people's
lives is just fine,
but of course he draws
the line at catfishing.
Come on, I mean
Wait, what exactly am
I being accused of here?
I think you know what the fuck we're
We were just looking
into Simon and then
Now you're looking into me.
Jake, come on. Jake!
Stop, stop, I told myself
that if this was gonna work,
I was gonna have to learn
how to trust you again.
And then I
and then I find out that you
you been spying on me, Addy?
No, it wasn't like that.
Jake, I just saw it
by accident and, yeah,
I thought it was weird, but
then you explained it all
and it makes sense that Simon
was a total creep and did that.
Look, it's either me or the people
that have been filling
your head with shit.
It's your choice.
So first you crash my party,
and then you badger my girlfriend.
We were just chatting about you
and how you are definitely not
a total and complete piece of shit.
Oh, yeah, we've gotten
funnier with the years, freak.
- I'll tell you that much.
- You have.
Especially when you try and act tough.
So what'd you say to her?
- What the fuck?
- Tell me right now.
- What'd you say to her?
- Jake, what are you
Hey, aren't you friends
with that Janae chick?
She's, like, totally fucked up.
You should probably come help.
Yeah, yeah. Jake, Jake.
- What's up with the smirk?
- Jake, get off.
Man, I want to know. I
think you should tell me why.
- Jake, Jake!
- I said why?
She's cheating on you, genius.
Look, man, you know I don't lie.
Hey, babe, I heard
shouting. Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine, babe.
What's up?
Come here, come here.
Mm, don't leave me out there.
I don't believe him.
Do you?
Well, all right.
If we want to crash this party,
we're gonna need costumes.
All right.
Thanks so much for
helping us so quickly.
Okay, so we need to find something
to cover our faces, right?
And when we get there,
you guys are too famous
to be taking off your
masks then saying shit.
Okay, so y'all are trying
to be Ocean's Eleven
on a killer on Halloween?
It's cute.
If it was a movie, I'd
watch the shit out of it,
but this is not a movie, y'all.
This is real life, real consequences.
Sounds crazy what y'all trying to do.
It's insane, actually.
Yeah, but this could be our only chance.
He knows we're onto
him, and he's not gonna
hold onto that Xbox forever.
We need you 'cause
we can't just sneak in
through the front door, but
you've got an invitation.
Okay, but what if Jake clocks me?
I mean, he's not exactly
a big fan of me right now.
Use your Southern charm.
Right, so we're fucked.
Do you want Nate to go back to jail?
I don't care about Nate. No offense.
I'm starting to get a little offended.
I'm doing this for
Simon. What about Addy?
I mean, what if she's going to bed
every night with a fucking psycho?
Well, then, I can't win in this shit.
It's like either my
best friend is guilty,
or he'll probably figure
out what I've done,
and I'll lose him too.
I don't have that many people.
You have us.
Unless you, like, fuck it up.
Then you're on your own, champ.
Fuck you, boy scout.
What the fuck do you want?
I want you to write a post about Addy.
I want her to suffer.
I want her to sweat.
Have you thought about,
I don't know, breaking up with her?
No, she knows that the one thing
that I can't stand is a cheater.
She knows how my dad
ruined my mom's life,
how it completely fucked
us, and she still just went
right ahead and fucking
took me for a fool.
You cross me, I'm gonna
teach you a lesson.
Well, why would I help you?
I mean, you remember the days
when we would just daydream
on all the ways we'd get
back at the high school,
you know, jocks and posers.
I also remember the summer
you got a gym membership,
grew abs for brains,
started hanging out with some jocks.
And I remember deservedly
making fun of you for it.
And then you never spoke to me again.
I either prayed at the altar of Jake,
or I didn't exist.
Well, I did,
but only to be made fun of by
you and your new jock buddies.
You're the biggest fake I know.
I'm not you, Simon.
I'm not
I'm not strong enough to be different.
Well, that's why we're
not friends anymore.
You're gonna have to
find someone else to help
with your little revenge plot.
How about this?
What if I dare you?
We're not 12.
And I remember how
much trouble we got in
when you used the magic words.
Oh, come on, man, it was
a blast and you know it.
That one time we changed
every desktop wallpaper
in the library to
pictures of what was it?
- Hemorrhoids.
- Hemorrhoids.
It was assholes for the assholes.
You remember the time you dared me
to take peanut oil in gym class?
Make it look like a jock poisoned me?
- Too bad you chickened out.
- Yeah, well,
it wouldn't have worked anyway.
Poisoning is far too
sophisticated for those idiots.
Maybe that idea was just
too ahead of its time.
I mean, think about it,
nobody would've believed
that they wanted to kill you back then.
But now?
Now what?
A lot of assholes hate you, Simon.
I'm sure there's a few
that you hate right back.
I've certainly got a
candidate on my list.
Yeah, after your party,
I can think of a few.
But we're not 12.
Exactly. Now we're old enough.
We're smart enough to do it right.
I dare you.
You're sick.
Missed you, too.
I said I'd come pick you up.
It's okay. I like riding my bike.
Yeah, but people see you on that thing,
they're going to think
that I'm an asshole
for not giving you a ride, Addy.
Anyways, you look amazing.
- Mm.
- And I was thinking,
what if we both look amazing?
What if we both dress as magicians?
Yeah, I brought my own costume.
We could be like
Houdini and Ms. Houdini.
Addy, we're going to look
like a couple of penguins.
But a bunny costume
Yeah, a very, very cute and sexy bunny.
Look, I just wanted our
first party back together
to be picture perfect.
Is that too much to ask?
Okay, look, if you'd
rather us do your thing,
I guess that's cool, too.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, Mother Vanessa.
Oh, don't give me "Mother Vanessa."
You are excommunicated.
You're just taking that bitch back?
Don't call her that, okay?
She messed up once, all right?
I think she learned her lesson.
Well, didn't Ms. Avery learn her lesson?
She's gonna be homeless, you know?
And I am grounded.
I will be grounded
once my parents get back
from Puerto Vallarta.
You want me to talk to 'em?
Parents love me. You know this.
Yes, text my mom.
You're welcome.
Hi, welcome. Who are you?
Hope you're not who I think you are.
You know what? Actually,
you're not welcome.
Don't make throw you out, man.
I was just playing along, bro.
That chick Bronwyn?
She scares me sometimes.
Jake, you were right all along, okay?
I shouldn't have touched
them with a 10-foot pole.
It's too late, Coop.
Bro, I don't even know
who you are anymore.
All right, come on, let's go
Jake, Jake, you want to know who I am?
I'm gay, okay?
That crazy rumor that you may have heard
that you couldn't quite believe,
it's true.
That's why I've been so distant lately.
I know how you'd react.
Do you know how hard it's
been for me not being able
to talk to my best
friend about any of this?
Need a drink?
For you, I'll make an exception.
Double whiskey soda?
You know me so well.
All right.
We already talked about
this. No, stop, Zach.
Seriously, get off of me!
Keely, that's Zach?
But why is your ex here?
Hey, hey, are you okay?
Not your problem anymore, Cooper.
I can take care of myself.
Hey, man.
Look, I appreciate you
being honest with me.
I'm glad you came.
Yeah, me too. How about that drink?
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
I think Cooper said that was his room.
We got so lucky he didn't see us.
You did not need to come here.
- Stop trying to protect me.
- Stop trying to save me.
Why are you risking your
fucking future for me, Bronwyn?
I want to be with you.
Not just because we're thrown
into this weird situation
together, and I think you're hot,
although I do, but you're also smart,
and you're funny, and
you do the right thing
more often than you
give yourself credit for.
And I like that you
never sugarcoat anything,
and your horrible taste in movies,
and the fact that you
have an actual lizard.
And I can't go more than a few minutes
without wanting to kiss you, so
there's that.
It was more of a rhetorical
question, you know?
We've been dancing to
this song all of our lives ♪
When you're here ♪
Oh, what, you are fresh
out of prison, huh?
There's no fucking Xbox in there.
I looked everywhere,
drawers, everything.
- There's nothing.
- Are you sure?
Well, we just gotta keep looking.
If I were him, I would put
the thing under lock and key.
Okay, great, I'll go look downstairs,
and you guys keep looking
in each other's mouths.
Let's let's go this way.
Are you still on that
zero sugar diet or what?
This is a whole lot of sugar.
Hey, just want to say,
it's really good to be
back at one of your parties.
I needed this.
Yeah, me too.
Look, man, if I were you,
I'd talk to Bronwyn.
If she keeps hanging
out with these people,
she's gonna be giving
her graduation speech
in handcuffs, you know?
Tell her to let the
criminal take the fall,
stop playing detective, she
You're just looking
out for her, you know?
Right, right, yeah.
Like you've been looking out
for me since all this started.
What about Cooper?
Eh, whatever, man.
Maybe the superstar needs
to be brought down a peg.
They all do.
Man, I can't wait to see their faces.
It's gonna be fucking hilarious.
You're gonna be there, right?
Well, outside detention just in case?
You know, I don't trust those idiots
to know their way around an EpiPen.
No, no, Simon.
I told you, nothing to
tie me to any of this.
I mean, that's why we're doing this
and not planning over cookies.
I guess I shouldn't have recorded
all of our conversations then.
I'm kidding.
Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.
You know what? I'll, uh
Yeah, I'll be there.
If you make it worth it.
I'm talking epic, man.
No EpiPen in your bag.
They have to run down
to the nurse's office,
run back, they save
you in the nick of time.
And all those assholes
look like true murderers.
Hey, Simon, we'll teach them
a lesson they'll never forget.
I dare you.
Nothing in there either.
We should just keep looking.
Fuck waiting in line.
There's a bathroom upstairs.
- It's the best one.
- What're we gonna do?
Just for me. Chill out.
You guys are such needy little bitches.
You are not the bathroom.
I'm gonna go to sleep.
- Hey, did you say under lock?
- Yeah.
Is she out?
I think so.
- Okay.
- We gotta hurry up.
How'd you do that?
- Hey.
- No, how'd you do that?
- Do it again.
- Zach, get off of me.
- Seriously.
- You're being so dramatic.
Seriously, just get
the fuck away from me!
Just listen, okay? Keely!
Keely, come here!
I'll be right back.
Hello? Who are you?
Excuse me.
You okay, babe?
Yeah, she just came in.
Okay, who the fuck are you?
- Janae.
- What are you doing here?
Heard really great reviews
about all your Halloween parties.
Yeah, recommended by
nine out of ten assholes.
But you know what? Not really my scene.
Maybe try that again but this
time lose the fucking attitude
and tell me the truth.
I invited her
Jake, before her
little number at school.
I didn't know she was gonna come.
What What are you wearing?
I I was just trying it on.
You said that maybe we could do my idea.
Yeah, sure, if you want to turn this
into a who-wore-it-best shit show.
That's obviously not what I want.
Right, like you have never ever
made me feel like a fool, Addy.
I mean, where would
I have gotten the idea
that you would try to fucking
humiliate me in public?
Maybe by cheating on me?
It's just a costume.
All right, fine, have
fun with your new friend.
How do you like them pancakes, huh?
She's not my friend.
She's not welcome here.
Door's this way.
- Get away from me!
- Come on, just a kiss.
Get off!
Get out, and get the fuck away from me!
Stupid bitch. You can have her, bro.
My ex was a pitcher.
Guess I gained some
muscle at batting practice.
I'm sure he's very proud of you.
He's a bit of a jerk, but
he was right.
I don't need him.
Well, need some ice for that hand?
Yeah? Come on.
All right, do you want
the good news first or the bad news?
Whatever's faster.
Okay, the good news is
whatever's in here is important
- 'cause this lock is the shit.
- Right.
Bad news is this lock is the shit.
I just want to make sure you're fine.
Yeah well, it's kind of weird
feeling but it was worth it
Okay. Here, take this.
Did you see the look on his face?
Stop talking. Get out.
Well, that's just fucking awesome.
Babe. Babe, I'm so sorry.
I'm done with those losers. I swear.
It's okay. You don't
have to listen to me.
I want to.
The bunny costume is much cuter.
I'll go change.
Only if you want to.
I think you may need this.
How did you even find it?
which is funny because I think
I was under a magician's spell.
Now it's broken because of pancakes.
Well, welcome back.
And I promise we're not
gonna screw this one up.
Here you go.
Let's go.
Here. Okay.
What're you doing here, huh?
You think I'm a fucking idiot, hm?
Short answer?
Abso-fucking-lutely I do.
I lost Jake.
No, you didn't.
Jake, what's going on?
- Jake, what are you
- Shut up, shut up.
Coop, shut the fuck up.
- You don't think I will?
- Jake
Get the fuck out of my way.
If I pull this trigger right now,
who do you think the cops
are going to believe, huh?
Me or Murder Club?
Ah, fuck! Ah, fuck!
- Run, come on!
- Ow, shit!
Just get the Xbox out of here!
Fuck, come on, come on.
How do you like my bike now, Jake?
Go on without me.
You're hurt. I'm staying with you.
Addy, Addy!
Come on!
This way. Come on.
You know I know how to use this.
Yeah, Jake, I know.
You always wanted to teach
me. I never wanted to learn.
I hate guns.
I just never wanted to tell you
'cause I always so
afraid of upsetting you.
Not anymore.
You know this is your fault. Everything.
Simon would still be alive right now
if you just hadn't been a slut.
It's on you.
None of this would've happened
if you would've just been loyal to me.
I loved you, Addy.
I even give you a second chance and now?
Well, now look at us.
Really, Jake?
Can I just have my bag back?
Just drop it. Drop it.
Drop it!
Hey, friend.
Always looking out for me?
Just trying to break us apart, man.
So we wouldn't find out
what you had done to us,
to me, your friend.
It's nothing against you, man.
I just wanted to get
rid of the fucking genius
who really believed he could play me
I'm sorry. My fingers.
And frame my lying, cheating girlfriend.
It's a shame that nobody thought
that she was smart enough to come up
with a plan half as good as mine.
So I had to go with plan B:
frame the most obvious suspect.
You just couldn't let
go, could you, huh?
- Could you?
- Jake.
Well, now you will.
Give me the Xbox, babe.
We'll do whatever you want us to do.
That's my girl.
- Ah, fuck!
- Ahh!
Oh, my God!
It'll dissolve as soon
as you put it in water.
How the fuck do I let
you talk me into this?
Are you bitching out again?
Everything I've done to
expose the liars and fakes,
and now I'm about to fake
my own assassination attempt
after blackmailing
the only teacher I
like in this damn place.
Well, you could always just go home,
back to your boring fucking life,
wondering what if you had the guts
to actually go through with it.
I dare you
for the last time.
I'll see you on the other side.
What, dumbass?
See you on the other side.
Jake, no.
It's okay. It's okay.
What now?
It's all bullshit, guys.
So here's what the
police want us to believe.
They want us to believe that
during Jake's Halloween party,
he just decides to run away.
Because his girlfriend,
the liar-in-chief,
said that she saw Simon's user
name on his Xbox or something,
and when she confronted him about it,
he got all upset and nervous.
He seemed really upset and nervous.
I don't know why.
I mean, come on.
He was totally fine when I saw him.
And then okay,
so I really wish I remembered
the rest of the night.
That last strawberry
daquiri will always be one
of the biggest regrets of my life.
You talk to him again?
That was the last time I saw him.
So, yeah, he takes his car and his phone
and just disappears dressed
as a fucking magician.
So were you at Jake's party?
I was at home that night.
Where else would I have been?
The police are even considering
dropping the charges against Nate
because conveniently enough,
Jake left Simon's Xbox
in his room for the police to find.
I didn't even know that
Jake was into video games.
But if there's something in there,
you guys can find it, right?
The police get access,
and of course there are
the chats Simon recorded,
basically a full confession.
Smells like a setup to
me a Murder Club setup.
This is all news to me.
Just like that, everyone
has just gone back
to their lives like nothing happened.
Can I go back to class now?
Have a good day.
Jake is not a murderer.
And he most definitely is not a quitter.
He would've never fled to
Mexico without telling me.
There are so many holes
in the official truth
that the mainstream media are trying
to shove down our throats.
But we are not sheep. We are an army.
Because we just surpassed
And it's just the beginning.
So please make sure to
tell everyone you know
to click the link in my
bio, follow, and share.
I called you on the
burner phone yesterday.
It said the number didn't exist.
You said we'd go back to normal.
We are not each other's normal.
You ever gonna tell me what
happened with Murder Club?
Don't call us that.
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