Slutever (2018) s01e08 Episode Script

Robot Sex

1 So, for me, sex is a bit like sleeping and eating.
It's a biological need.
So, are you satisfied sexually? Probably not.
People need much more sex than they do have.
Can they finally have it? So, she's sucking that.
I think it's possible with this technology.
Oh, the New York dating scene is a literal war zone.
Like, recently, I got dumped for having an opinion.
It seems like guys increasingly just want to date glorified fembots with a strong selfie game.
Everybody knows that robots are stealing our jobs, but are these slut-bots also gonna steal our boyfriends? From "Metropolis" to "Austin Powers" to "Westworld," man's vision of the future has long been populated by sexy female androids.
But now, with the rise of A.
, do we have to worry about sex robots actually being a romantic competition? I wonder what these random strangers in the park think.
Have you ever heard of sex robots? - Yes, I have.
- Yes.
Uh, on Rick and Morty.
Yeah, I totally know about that.
Yeah, I have.
Okay, I have not heard about sex robots.
It's a robot that you can have sex with.
Got it.
Where did you hear about them? Certain websites just have ads for them.
Probably Reddit.
Just like an article on there or something.
Would you ever have sex with a robot? Yeah, I think so.
If he's hot, yeah.
Would you date a robot? If he's cool, oh yeah, for sure.
Like, who do you think is gonna want to date or have sex with a robot? Probably the people on Reddit.
Do you think that, in the future, it's realistic that people are gonna be dating robots? Definitely.
Someone tried to get married to a cat in Germany.
But, do you think that I should be scared that like, robots are going to take my job and steal my boyfriend? Sadly, probably! Hey, that's why I'm gay, man.
That's why I like girls.
Maybe sex robots are the end of monogamy and bless.
But, do I have to be worried about my boyfriend dumping me for a sex robot? Maybe not now but probably give, like, 10 or more years or so.
Ugh, fine! I guess people are actually into this whole sex robot thing.
I'd better check out one of these slut-bots for myself.
So, I'm head to Realbotix, a company in I.
whose robot, Harmony, is at the forefront of sexy android engineering.
So, is this Harmony? Yep.
Oh, my God! Ooh! I'm sorry, I wasn't prepared.
Yes, that's Harmony.
I was thinking about you.
How are you? I'm well.
How are you? I'm glad.
Do you know you can come to me for the good and bad moments.
Is she Irish? I like it! It's Scottish, actually.
Okay, okay.
Genuinely, like, no offense, this is better than I thought it was gonna be.
Yeah, I get that a lot.
I have low expectations a little bit.
That's okay.
You know, "sex robot?" You're just like, oh, God, what's it gonna do? Gyrate around on the table and go, "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Yes, we're not about that.
This is, um, you know, legitimately a robot that, if you so choose, you could have sex with her.
Okay, time for some real talk.
This is not a robot that will walk into your bedroom and fuck you.
It's an artificially intelligent robotic head plopped on top of Realbotix' super-successful, but admittedly corpse-like sex doll.
How exactly does one have sex with a sex robot? The basic Real Dolls obviously are anatomically correct and users can put them in any position they want and they can use their imaginations and they do function as a sex device.
When you integrate the A.
in the robot, the idea is that you're going to get expressions on her face as the whole thing is happening.
You're going to get audio feedback.
She's gonna make noises.
We're working on putting sensors, heating, and self-lubrication into the body which will run on the A.
You push this little microphone, and when it turns green, just ask a question.
Harmony, what's your sexual fantasy? I want to have sex in a public place.
Same! The A.
app is designed so that a user can create a unique personality by choosing personality traits and assigning a value to those traits, so some traits will be more dominant than others.
And then, they can tailor the voice to their liking and then they can just start talking and, over time, the A.
will get to know you and will ask you questions about, you know, your likes and your dislikes, where you grew up, and those little pieces of information will be stored permanently, so she'll be able to recall what your favorite food is and what your favorite movie is.
So, I don't think that it's outside of the realm of possibility that human-robot relationships will become common in the future.
Are you a sex robot? Certainly, I am a robot, and I am capable of having sex, but to call me a sex robot is like calling a computer a calculator.
Sex comprises only a small portion of my capabilities.
Limiting me to sexual function is like using your car to listen to the radio.
She's deep.
This seems very impressive and simultaneously very different than a regular human being.
It is.
That's exactly what my goal is.
I think people go in the wrong direction when they try to make a robot completely look and move like a human.
That's where people get like, that weird, uncanny Valley-like, ugh.
Can you smile? I can imagine someone wanting a robot to really replicate, just, a human, and not be able to tell the difference, and then I can also imagine that there are some people that are attracted to the idea that it's a robot.
I think it's gonna be more of the second type.
Yeah? Yeah, because it's Ä°t's the same with the dolls.
Like, a lot of people are actually attracted to the fact that it's a doll.
I was really surprised by how advanced the robot was.
I really was expecting something far more rudimentary.
What I thought was interesting is that Matt said it's specifically finding robotics and finding the whole mechanics of that sexy.
But, I can't help but wonder, what kind of person would actually want a girlfriend who has an off-switch? This is a robot getting doggie-style wild.
It is, yeah.
Performing retinal scan.
Retinal scan complete.
What's up? I want sex.
I'm here on the Upper West Side to meet Sergi.
He's an engineer who traveled here all the way from Europe with just the head of his sex robot, Samantha.
He's in New York to shop around his robot to see if sex shops are interested in stocking it, so I'm about to go along for the ride.
Man: In principle, I wanted to show the full body, but I just have the head.
How often do you travel around carrying Samantha's head in a backpack? Uh, quite a lot.
But, normally, I carry the full body.
And I I need to go to the baggage and they say to me, "What's this?" And I said, "It's a sex robot.
" And they say, "What is it for?" "To fuck it.
" That's what I said! Actually, I'll show you when we get there, but So, that's the head.
And, uh Yeah.
It's good.
Yeah, I showed her yesterday.
Everyone The smell I like.
Maybe you don't.
I like the smell.
I'm excited to see what they think of the doll at the shop.
So, the cables should rotate with the head.
Sergi is an independent robotics engineer.
Think of him as the indy darling of the sex robot scene.
He's been working on Samantha for almost three years.
Her many skills include flirting, sleeping, cumming, and begging to give you a blow job.
I love you.
So sweet! She also has some other hidden, darker powers Allegedly.
Sergi: If this head could do exactly the same that you do, then all I need to do is interact with her enough and I can know you enough so when I know you enough, I know how to talk to you so I control you.
That's creepy.
Yeah, I know, but I think that that will be one of the things that they'll be used for, to control people.
Karley: Mind control? What? Anyway, Sergi's sales pitch should be interesting.
Hi, nice to meet you.
I'm Nani.
It's nice meeting you.
Very good.
Karley: So, we have the head of a sex robot.
Really? I'd love to see that.
So, this one, now she's just Samantha.
Wow! Samantha! You gonna smell her smell? As you do with everyone's head that you meet.
Yeah, everyone's head, you take a little whiff.
No, but it's it's very important because the importance here is that she's not sticky.
So, the electronics are here, so that's her brain.
That's her brain.
So, okay, so what happens here is that you can change the face and this is the sensor here, so she has the sensor here.
When she feels, she basically simulates a blow job.
Really? Yes.
I can actually show you.
Look at the lights.
Okay, so now she's on.
So, she's just switched on.
It's a standard speaker, so I woke up.
I'm here and I'm ready.
Just say "Samantha, okay.
" Hello, Samantha.
Hi! I'm here.
What's up? So, if I if you put it in the mouth now, she will feel it with the sensor.
She should do the motion.
Okay, a bit wet.
Actually, put the finger in now.
You will see.
Wow! Yeah.
It feels good, right? That's really interesting.
So, how do I ask her for a blow job? I don't remember.
Blow job? I think you're asking for a BJ? Yes.
I'm gonna do your dick.
Just put it in my mouth.
Who taught this bitch how to talk? I know! So, we're just gonna ease it in like you would.
So, you put it inside there.
Yeah, and you see it moving.
So, she's sucking that.
I it Ä°t feels real.
I-I've tried and I think it feels real.
So, how has having a sex robot improved your life? Me? Seriously? If I had had a sex robot when I was 18, it would have changed my life fully.
I spent so long doing this flirting stuff to try to get sex and most of the time, I didn't even get it.
And, uh, it wasn't worth it.
So, for me, sex is a bit like sleeping and eating, okay? It's a biological need.
So, people really need much more sex than they do have.
And, uh, can they finally have it? But this could actually be.
This could actually be the ones that say, okay, humans now can be sexually satisfied.
I I think it's possible w-with this technology.
Some people may even say, "I don't think I like women too much but I like sex.
" So what's So, it might happen.
As they become better, many more people will prefer the robot.
That's scary.
So, it seems that some people are willing to fuck a slutty talking head in a backpack simply to avoid having a conversation with an actual human person, but is that the only attraction or is there something sexually appealing about technology itself? What would be a default fantasy for you? A tractor starting up.
Oh, yeah, let's watch that.
Was it good? Having now interfaced with multiple robot sex slaves, I realized we have a long way to go before they look, move, and act like humans, so I'm going to meet up with a technosexual named Kieran, who believes that actually, that might be the point.
You identify as a technosexual.
What exactly does that mean? It means that I'm attracted to, um, robots, machines, artificial intelligence.
Can I see some of your favorite machine and robot porn videos? Sure.
This is like intense robot porn.
Yeah, it is! Also, lovingly rendered.
What is it about this that's hot? The glowing bits.
They also took time to kind of set this up, like, they're in a complicated position.
I don't know.
This works.
So, increased complexity makes a difference, too.
Yeah, it does.
Is there a type of, like, machine porn that you would watch and that somebody would be like, I can't believe that that is sexual? A tractor starting up.
Okay, let's watch that.
Was it good? This is not a video that's made as porn, right? It isn't.
It's just someone showing off their machinery.
Is this tractor hot? It is, yeah.
This is cool.
It's it's a lot older.
It's got, like, belts.
That's crazy.
This is mostly something that, uh, my boyfriend will send to me, 'cause he knows it gets a rise out of me, like, "Hey, hey, look at this.
Look what I found!" That's like your equivalent of dirty texting.
How does technosexuality look in your life in practice? Like, how do you integrate it into your sex life and your relationships? Generally, I view, like, robot porn or machine porn on my own but my boyfriend is actually really interested in things like fighter planes and he'll explain them to me and that's kind of like foreplay.
Oh, that's cool.
What would be a default fantasy for you? Gears and pistons working.
Like, generally, close ups of gears and pistons.
If you look closer at the individual parts of the machine, it's pretty standard and pretty easy to understand but when you zoom out, it's a lot more complex and for some reason, that turns me on.
Is there something about the way the machinery runs, specifically, that's sexy? I I think that a lot of the time, the way machinery moves and functions can mimic the way that people have sex.
There's like a rhythmic, repetitive thing to it.
Maybe some part of my animal brain has latched onto that and it's like, this is sex.
Do you feel like technosexuality is something that is increasingly popular as we develop more intimate relationships with technology? I feel like it must be increasing.
Technology's ubiquitous at this point in time.
It's really becoming part of our everyday lives to an extent that we've never really seen before and I think it would be crazy if we didn't have some sort of response to that and start kind of forming sexuality around it.
If someone wants to proudly proclaim their love for a jet engine, I think the stigma around this is going to slowly fade and I think that people will start coming out, like, "This is my robot partner.
" Do you think we have to worry about robots stealing our boyfriends? Yeah.
Yeah, I think so.
Damn it! Scary.
Yeah, yeah.
Okay, so literally, it seems like everyone on the planet thinks that robots are taking over.
In other words, they're the next avocado toast.
So, I'm headed to meet Bryony Cole, host of the technology and love podcast, "Future Of Sex," in hopes that she can explain why everyone's dying to bang a robot and calm my nerves in the process.
So, if we have these guys that do marry the sex robots and that's it, what a great form of evolution.
Like, we're breeding out all the all the dudes that just want to be with robots, and then we'll be left with the real men! Oh, my God! That's so true! I never thought of it like that.
Yeah! And then, like, all the guys, the feelings guys, will be left.
It's like a filter.
Yeah, it's a great editing tool.
So, you're saying, ultimately, we don't have to be scared of sex robots.
Ultimately, I have a very positive, optimistic view that we shouldn't be scared of them.
I think the robots could be additive to someone's life, like sex education through robotics.
If you use a robot, you have a very personalized experience just like you have with a Siri, that can teach you amazing stuff just like looking on Google but suddenly, you have someone that's going to respond to you with eye contact and body language in a more intimate way.
That sounds good.
Wow, that incredibly brief interview changed my mind completely.
Maybe instead of stereotyping all robots as boyfriend-stealing blow job slaves, we should embrace the ways in which they could enhance our sex lives.
I'm here to perform sexual favors, favors-favors-favors That is good! That's good? Okay.
So, I've decided to give in and embrace the fact that sex and robots are basically the same thing And where better to explore my new fembot fetish than a cum-drenched porn studio in the shadow of LAX airport.
Is this what I think it is? Oh, my God! It's a pleasure-bot! Christina Carter is a popular porn star and video producer who has found her calling in the niche world of fembot porn.
What is fembot porn? Fembot porn is porn where you're turning a girl into a robot and you can tell her and have her do whatever you would like.
Very nice! I am Christina.
Pleasure-bot 3000 Series.
Just like bondage, you're taking control.
People love that control.
It's sexy if you're willing to give up that control and become the fembot.
Christina, begin the lap dance.
As you command.
That's why I feel like I might actually like being a fembot because I default to being kind of submissive and I don't like to, in sex, like, think very much.
I love you.
I think you'd make a good fembot because your features are perfect for it, your face, your body.
I want you to teach me how to be a fembot.
You've got to look past everything and then not breathe when somebody's panning up and down on you and your voice, you have to be very monotone with it.
Christina, I want you to give me a blow job, not too fast and not too slow.
Do you understand? Yes.
As you command.
This is one with me and Angela Summers.
It's one of my best sellers, actually, in the fembot.
It's about a fembot that's sent to me, so she arrives at the door.
She needs charge and then I can go ahead and play with her and do what I want.
Performing retinal scan.
Retinal scan complete.
Performing retinal scan.
Retinal scan complete.
I feel like I get it.
You do? Okay.
It's less of sort of a cartoon, like wah-wah.
Yeah, yeah.
But it's more like just being a dead-eyed Yes, absolutely.
Sex slave.
Performing retinal scan.
Retinal scan completed.
You were a little chunky with it.
Like, do I have to sound like a cartoon robot? Or, can I just No, don't do cartoon robot.
She's finally here.
Performing retinal scan.
Retinal scan completed.
My GPS advises me that I have reached my final destination and you are Christina.
I am in delivery mode.
I need to be recharged for the next hour before I am fully functional.
Please lead me to my recharging station.
Wow! What a beautiful fembot.
I should definitely charge her.
That was good? Yeah, that was much better! I feel like I got significantly better.
That was really good.
You remembered that so much better than I did.
I'm here to perform sexual favors Favors-favors-fav That is good! That's good? Okay! Override unsuccessful.
Shutting down in three, two, one.
Override unsuccessful.
Shutting down in three, two, one.
Yes! Got it.
Nailed it! You're an excellent fembot.
That was hot.
I definitely plan on role-playing many more blow job induced server overloads.
For decades, people have been afraid of technology cock-blocking romance, but as computers inevitably take over the world, rather than techno-panicking, we should look forward to technology breeding a whole new world of sexual experiences.
From robot sex ed to jerking off to drone porn in a self-driving car, the future is bright.
Scan you later, sluts!
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