Snowdrop (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Yes. And?
What? What are you talking about?
Eun Yeong-u?
How did that happen
to an administrative clerk?
What? Where is he going?
You're good at that.
Of course.
Are you here to pick up your clothes?
I thought you weren't coming today.
I stopped by the Hosu University dorm.
Why would you go there?
It must be quite chaotic there.
I figured they probably hadn't had
anything to eat, so I went
to give them some food.
Could you step aside?
Step aside?
Or I will for you.
Ma'am, this is bad.
It's Yeong-u.
My son is?
Where's my husband?
He's at the hospital.
That rude wench.
Did she just leave without saying bye?
I'm sorry, sir.
I asked them to take
special care of your son,
so they assigned him
to somewhere far from HQ.
But I didn't know
they sent him to Udo Island.
This way, sir.
Good work, guys.
He's asleep, right?
We gave him a sedative.
I shouldn't have let them
assign you to the front lines.
promised Mom…
…that I would protect…
That I would protect Yeong-ro.
I'll protect Yeong-ro.
So don't worry.
I'll make sure she marries
someone who loves her so much.
And I'll look out for her by her side
until she becomes an old lady,
so don't worry about a thing, Mom.
I'm just three years younger than you.
Keep her safe.
Of course, I will.
But you should get better
and do it yourself.
You should do that.
Don't fall asleep. Talk to me.
Cardiac arrest!
What's that sound?
-Move aside!
-Move aside, sir.
Do something!
Yeong-u! Don't fall asleep.
Don't fall asleep!
Yeong-u, wake up!
Wake him up!
Come on, do something!
Yeong-u, wake up!
Wake him up!
Don't fall asleep! Yeong-u!
This is the Rhine.
This is the Rhine.
VIP, answer me.
During the engagement
on the West Sea around 22:00 last night,
Eun Yeong-u, the son of the ANSP director,
was injured and passed away.
It has been known that the person KIA
was corporate Kim Seong-hun,
but it turned out
that it was marine Eun Yeong-u,
the ANSP director's son, that died.
What's more shocking is that Lim Soo-ho,
the leader of the spies
who killed Eun Yeong-u,
is holding the students hostage
in Hosu University dorm as we speak.
He'd been acting secretly
all over East Germany,
but he disguised himself as an economics
graduate student at Berlin University
and came to Korea
to approach Professor Han I-seop.
This is the shocking truth revealed a day
after the engagement on the West Sea.
We will update you
as soon as we find out more.
What did she just say?
My brother…
was killed?
My brother is dead?
It can't be true.
Why… Why is my brother dead?
That's not true…
Yeong-u… Yeong-u!
Yeong-u… Yeong-u!
Eun Yeong-ro!
Eun Yeong-ro!
Let go! Let go of me!
Calm down!
I need to go see for myself!
It's dangerous.
You don't want to die, do you?
You're the leader of those
who killed Yeong-u?
You evil bastard.
Holding us hostage wasn't enough?
Why did you kill my brother?
What did he do wrong?
He didn't do anything to deserve it!
Bring him back.
Bring him back!
Don't worry, Hye-ryeong.
I checked that
the hall director wasn't in her office.
After roll-call, in room 207,
Yeo Jeong-min, Ko Hye-ryeong,
Yoon Seol-hui, and Eun Yeong-ro
ate ramyeon and chat with Lee Jang-hui
from room 209
and Kim Gang-hui and Lim So-yeon
from room 206.
Yeong-ro received a necklace as a gift
from an unnamed man who was
her partner at the Open House.
They must be seeing each other.
The girl who treated me?
I heard the ANSP director's son is dead.
What if they try to retaliate against us?
Did you forget about the instructions?
But they were given before his death.
I'm at Hosu University where
the armed spies are holding people hostage
after escaping the ANSP surveillance.
The university is closed to the public
including its students, and the police
special forces have been sent in.
ANSP has camped in front of the dorm
and taken control of the scene--
Set a booby trap on the cafeteria windows
and put an extra bomb.
A bomb?
If they try to deceive us again,
I'll push the button.
Talk about bad timing.
If only you'd come in a bit later.
Turn around.
Why is that…
You know I have
a detonator in my pocket, right?
Don't try anything funny.
Will you blow everyone up?
You know Lee Seong-jo, right? The one
who came to assassinate the president.
He fell in love with someone in the South
and is living happily.
Don't you want to live here
with someone you love, like him?
If you want to live happily
with that woman, don't do anything stupid.
I won't let it slide twice.
"That woman"? Who?
Oh, her? She's just
one of my subordinates. Nothing more.
Just colleagues.
Go in.
How is she?
I gave her a tranquilizer,
so she'll be fine after some sleep.
Can we have a word for a minute?
I know the North and the South
made a deal,
but we never know
how things will turn out and when.
You know that, right?
Of course, ma'am.
So the ANSP director's daughter…
hid you in this dorm?
Since you're indebted to her, it must
be bothering you. I understand that.
But don't let
your personal feelings ruin our mission.
I never had any personal feelings for her.
I'm relieved to hear that.
The hostage situation
hadn't been in the news all this time,
but the news about it just broke out.
And my face has been disclosed.
Will we really be able
to go back alive in ten days?
Comrade Lim Soo-ho.
Are you worried about that
or doubting the party?
I'm not doubting the party's orders.
I just don't trust the ANSP.
As I told you,
last time we followed
the instructions and went out there,
they sprayed us with bullets to kill us.
If what you're saying is true, it means
they stabbed the party in the back.
Would the party really have
negotiated with such backstabbers again?
let me ask you one thing.
Why in ten days?
You seriously don't know?
A veteran spy like you who's been
acting in covert all over Germany?
That's a bomb, isn't it?
They said they'd release more of us,
but aren't they going to just kill us all?
There you go again.
Don't jump to conclusions.
They wouldn't dare.
The army is surrounding this place.
Wait. Where's Yeong-ro?
What if they took only her somewhere safe?
Keep it down.
He took her out of here in secret.
Stop talking nonsense.
Get back to sleep.
Even when they tried
to kill the doctor by the window,
he desperately tried
to save Yeong-ro first.
I saw it with my own eyes!
Gye Bun-ok.
I bet even if all of us here are killed,
he'll still try to save Yeong-ro.
It's already been two hours.
They must've released her. Right?
Of course not.
She passed out.
After hearing that her brother died during
an engagement with a Northern spy boat.
Her brother died?
I feel so bad for her.
-Oh, no.
-Poor Yeong-ro.
What are you doing here?
The guests are coming.
It's all my fault.
I'm the one who got him killed.
That's not your fault.
When you sent him to the front lines,
you were in a crisis because of the Campus
Stabilization Act. You had no choice.
On top of that, he protested
against the government.
Very enthusiastically, at that.
I was so worried
that you might get on Code 1's bad side.
I know it's really hard for you,
but our Yeong-u
bravely sacrificed his life
for our country and people while
fighting against spies from the North.
If only it weren't for Operation Phoenix…
If Code 1 finds out
you blame the operation for it,
you'll be doomed!
Now that the operation has failed,
if you're pushed out,
what about Yeong-ro?
We can't bring Yeong-u back,
but we must save Yeong-ro at all cost!
I know you made a deal with the North,
as long as she's in the hands of
those brutal spies, she can never be safe.
You must pull yourself together!
I know. I know that.
And I'll look out for her
by her side until she becomes an old lady,
so don't worry about a thing, Mom.
I'm just three years younger than you.
Get it together.
My brother
is gone.
You must've had a nightmare.
Don't you remember
passing out?
It's all right.
It's okay.
All right, breathe in again.
It's okay.
Can you give me that necklace?
No, can you sell it to me?
I'm sorry,
but it's more precious
than my own life to me.
They must be mistaken.
Maybe someone by the same name.
The late Eun Yeong-u, the Marine
who sacrificed his life to kill our
enemies during the life-and-death battle.
The last thing he did while alive
was write a letter
to his one and only younger sister.
He was going to finish writing it
after the patrol,
but the blank space
will never be filled now.
I'm Yoo Young-jun, MBS.
Go back to the room.
Go back to the room.
Let me go.
Let me out.
My brother…
I want to go see my brother.
Please let me see him one last time.
Thank you.
What? Okay.
I can't imagine how devastated
you must be to have lost your child.
But his sacrifice won't be in vain.
Be strong.
Mr. Park, you don't need to worry
about the Han I-sep abduction case.
We've broken the hostage situation
in the news to take care of it neatly--
Stop. How could you be so inconsiderate?
They just lost their child.
I heard your daughter
is being held at Hosu University.
I just found out
that Yeong-ro is one of the hostages.
He's just so worried about our country
even when his children are in danger.
-Stop it.
-It's just…
I'm sure the people will appreciate
your true patriotism someday.
Stay strong.
Let's go.
I can't believe you!
I just…
I mean,
since when were
Mr. Park and Eun that close?
If Mr. Park is to be elected president,
you'll end up as a fifth wheel.
That's enough!
What do you even know? Don't jinx it.
I mean,
he used to treat Eun like a nobody
until recently. What's changed?
What a sly snake.
He's after sympathy votes
he might get thanks to Eun.
If the Han I-seop case broke out without
any counterplan, he would've chewed me up!
So there's a counterplan
to bury the Professor Han scandal?
What do I do with you?
Eun's wife caught on quick.
You seriously don't know?
What other than the hostage situation?
You'll use the hostage-taking?
But what if something
happens to the students?
Do you think--
That's not important right now!
Look how well the former actress is
supporting her husband. What about you?
All you do is act
like the leader among some ladies.
My goodness.
Don't worry about a thing.
No matter what Ms. Hong does,
unless 13 people die,
it'll be all for nothing.
What are you talking about?
For Eun to become president,
13 young virgins must die
according to the fortuneteller!
Again? You went to see
a fortuneteller again?
He's not just any fortuneteller.
Even when you agonized
over whether to join the coup,
he's the one who told me you should
take out the commander and join it!
Are you a birdbrain? Are you?
I told you never to talk about it!
How many times must I tell you?
I'm sorry, honey.
I forgot.
You must want to screw me over.
There's no other explanation.
God damn it!
Darn it.
That little sly minx.
Mr. An. Can't you see what I mean?
I know the fact that he died
during the engagement is important,
but the fact that the director
sent his own son to the front lines…
You should leave out the protesting part.
People need to know
he sent his son to the front lines
so that they'll be
impressed by his patriotism.
I understand, ma'am.
Mr. Eun will make a great
presidential candidate in the future.
And I'll make sure people
will remember that.
By the way, I should go there
to pay my respects to him.
You just focus on preparing
for tomorrow's announcement.
Don't worry. We're even rehearsing it.
Where were we?
Let's continue.
I'm Gal Sang-sik from JBC.
Thank you.
The ANSP announced that Han was killed
while defecting to the North.
Why are you trying
to frame the best brains
of the opposition candidate for it?
I told you.
In Professor Han's bag,
we found a letter
from his son in the North
that says they should destroy
the pro-US candidate--
You can't get so worked up.
I should relax.
Let me try it again.
Are you going to do this all night?
It's going to be live. It'll be
broadcast live all over the country!
It's my chance
to become popular nationwide.
Of course, it must go perfectly!
What should I wear tomorrow?
Take your time and eat little by little.
Yeong-ro, you should eat.
Or you'll collapse.
I think he should be untied to eat this.
-Untie him.
Come on.
Hey, come eat.
What are you doing?
-Eat? What…
-I saved some for you.
Try anything funny, and I'll kill you.
This is for you. Come on.
-You get out of here.
-Come on.
Why don't you eat with me?
Did you sleep at all?
I don't even know
if I did for the past two days.
Your face has become
such a mess in two days.
If I'd searched more thoroughly,
this wouldn't be happening.
They were determined to hide him,
so you wouldn't have found him.
Stop it.
I know the hall director is
a stickler for the rules,
but I still don't get why
she stopped us from searching like that.
I found that weird too.
A man who'd been shot came to hide
in the dorm. A spy, at that.
What if he harmed the kids?
She should've been scared
and let you search.
There are so many
suspicious things about her.
There are many?
Yes. Once a month,
-without anyone knowing, she went to--
-Hey, you.
Stop talking nonsense.
Just eat.
You said you found it suspicious too.
Maybe she has no family.
She's cooped up in the dorm
even during holidays.
But once a month,
she goes out at dawn and comes back
all exhausted right before roll-call.
All exhausted?
Yes. That's not all.
And it was really strange
when she took the job in the dorm.
Hey, now.
Shut it.
I overheard what you told Ms. Oh.
What on earth did you overhear?
The day before Ms. Song died, she saw
Ms. Pi's picture.
No, it wasn't a picture.
What was it? It was…
God damn it! Put him on right now!
Don't you know who I am?
I'm still the hall director!
I may be quitting for personal reasons,
but I've been working
as hall director in this dorm
for 11 years, 5 months, and 12 days.
Can just anyone be in this position?
If you hire such a woman as hall director,
you'll be insulting me
and tarnishing
Hosu University's history and tradition!
You'll also be
threatening the students' safety!
You think I haven't done
the reference check?
My cousin lives in Munich.
My goodness.
Her eyes are so big that she looks scary.
Thinking that,
I was looking at her picture.
She's not good enough to be my successor.
I'm quitting, but I care.
Who the hell asked you to do this?
Did you think I wouldn't notice?
She'll be the next hall director
over my dead body!
Do you understand?
And that night,
Ms. Song killed herself.
Killed herself?
How would I know?
She was about to quit
because she'd been quite ill.
So I just thought
she didn't want to live anymore.
But why did she
oppose hiring Ms. Pi
as hall director like that?
I mean, Ms. Pi graduated from
Hosu University and studied in Germany.
I don't know.
How would we ever know
what the high-ups think?
when I went to see
the new hall director afterward,
it turned out to be
the woman with big eyes.
Showing off your drawing skills?
Is that it?
Darn it.
Add a scar or something.
Right here.
A scar? What for?
You drew him well. It's very similar.
Thank you.
We're not using it to catch him.
It's for promoting
a sense of national security.
Yes, and Lim Soo-ho looks too pretty.
We need the other guys to look scary
to make them look like bad guys.
What's that?
We added them in. People can't think
we're failing to catch only three guys.
Lim Soo-ho and the six spies.
Seven in total.
That's right.
Lim Soo-ho
went to the Hosu University dorm
to hide with lethal…
You don't even knock now?
Aren't you worried about the students?
Do you expect them to be safe
after provoking the spies like this?
I'm telling you,
he was holding the detonator!
If he pushes it, everyone will die!
Don't go against the flow.
We do what we're told
without question. Absolute obedience.
The detonator?
The director's daughter is in there.
You think he'd do
something that might kill her?
What do you mean?
It's better for you not to know.
What you don't know won't hurt you.
Stop bothering me.
He's here again.
Gal, that bastard. How dare he come here?
That bastard.
He's here!
I'm An Gyeong-hui,
Chief of Anti-communist Investigations.
Before the announcement,
I pray for the souls of
the late Eun Yeong-u,
the son of director Eun,
and the late Marine Kim Yeong-jun.
And I also offer my sincere condolences
to the bereaved families.
I'll explain how the investigation
for the hostage situation is going.
Lim Soo-ho disguised himself as
an economics student at Berlin University
came to Korea early this year.
started to try to find out
his whereabouts, suspecting he was
Taedong River 1
who'd been acting in Germany.
We had our agents tail him
and keep a close eye on him.
Finally, we saw Professor Han I-seop
secretly meeting Lim Soo-ho.
So we started chasing those two.
A case without hard evidence
but with circumstantial one.
Want to dig into it?
A case?
What kind of case?
Here! Take photos of these.
These are booby traps
that the spies have set all over the dorm.
"It's better for you not to know. What you
don't know won't hurt you." He said.
The Hosu hostage situation?
Without An knowing?
On the ANSP's honor, we'll solve
the case safely. Take a photo of me too.
Take it!
We won't give in
to the brutal scheme and threats
from the puppet regime.
The ANSP and military
try our utmost best to rescue
all of 64 hostages safely
from the seven Northern spies.
The brutal scheme and threats
from the puppet regime…
They know we're just three,
but they announced that we're seven.
Should I trust them and
follow the instructions from the party?
I'm sure they just want to avoid the blame
that they're failing to catch
just three with hundreds of soldiers.
What about ten days later?
They just created four more spies.
How do you think they'll put an end
to this hostage situation?
Release half of the hostages.
If 30 hostages get released
and say there are only three spies,
won't that be fun to watch?
They won't be any use to you anyway.
Plus, it's hard to control all of them.
I'll release everyone
except the ones we really need.
Is there anyone you want to release?
No, I just know Director Eun Chang-su's
daughter is the one we need the most.
We don't intend to hurt you.
We want this to end
without anyone getting hurt.
To prove that, I will
release 30 of you today.
Ms. Pi.
This is the list of those I'll release.
Call their names.
I think they'll release you.
I hope they'll release us too.
Je Min-gyeong.
Kim Bit-ni.
Yang Hye-ji.
Kim Dong-hui.
Ko Jeong-gyeong.
-Koo In-na
30 people right away?
You don't want them?
How could you release them like that?
We got to work together.
Right after the announcement?
It makes no sense.
In return, send in things we demand.
Hey, wait!
Keep them for now. Don't release them yet.
We'll send in anything you need.
Dr. Kang…
Release her right now.
She won't be released.
She had hidden a gun in her bag.
What? A gun?
If you lay a finger on her, I will--
We need drugs for diabetes
and blood pressure and some men's clothes.
Have the ANSP agent from yesterday
bring them here.
Some cup noodles too.
Ten boxes of cup noodles too.
This damn bastard hung up on me again.
What a rude bastard.
Cup noodles.
But what kind of cup noodles?
He's such an ungrateful bastard.
We even hid bloodstained towels
in our bras to save him.
How could we not be included in those 30?
Yeong-ro, Seol-hui, and I even got naked.
If only I knew he was such an ingrate.
I mean, how could he not release Yeong-ro?
He knows his brother is dead.
How about we talk to Ms. Pi?
I mean, I know she's cold-hearted,
but I doubt she'll just ignore her.
You're right.
And what's one more person to 30?
Right. Pi may have a nasty temper,
but she's quite eloquent.
You guys obviously don't know her well.
Hey. Dream on.
Go bring some water.
Hot water.
Stay put.
But Ms. Pi told me to fetch water.
You little…
Don't take long!
Hold on. What's that?
Oh, my.
What's all this?
I knew it.
There's always a silver lining.
What are you doing?
Are you out of your mind?
If you get caught, we'll all die!
Hey, do you think I'm blind or something?
How can I ignore this?
How will they know who took it?
I'll just play dumb.
Darn it.
Of course, they'll know.
Because I'll tell them you took it.
How could you say that?
Don't you know
I liked you for your fighting spirit?
Do you take me for a pushover? Damn it.
Damn it. Don't come near me.
Stay away.
Darn it.
I told you!
I told you not to do this.
I told you we'd all die if we were caught!
That wench talked me into it.
She approached me and coaxed me into this!
I didn't.
I really didn't.
That damn bastard.
I'm so sorry.
What happened to your face?
Please, sir.
Sang-beom, you idiot. My goodness.
Please, sir.
-Let it slide this once.
He's just an ignorant fool. Please, sir.
It's all my fault. I'm so sorry. Please.
Come here, you fool.
How dare you!
Please, sir! Are you okay?
-I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
-Stop hitting him!
-I'm so sorry.
Please don't kill them! Please!
Why are you doing this to us?
Please don't kill them! Please!
You bastard!
Stop it, you s!
Stop it!
You can't do that to an old man!
Go ahead. Shoot me!
Shoot me, you bastard!
Comrade Joo!
Go ahead.
Shoot. Shoot me!
Shoot me, you bastard!
Comrade Joo!
Damn it!
He tried to steal our money--
Lock the three in the prayer room.
That hurts.
You idiot!
You can't just stop
getting into trouble, can you?
What on earth did you do this time?
Shut up.
It's all your fault
I turned out this way.
Aren't hundreds of special forces
surrounding this place? Aren't they?
There are just three of them.
Can't they just snipe at them?
They're being cautious
because the hostages might get hurt.
They're right out there.
This is driving me crazy!
Stop it, you idiot!
Oh, my back. It hurts so much.
-Are you okay?
-What? Yes.
Untie me too. Untie me first!
Listen, sir.
I'll tell you a way out of here,
so take him with you.
A way out of here?
Is there a way out?
Come on.
This way.
Here. This is the one.
Where does this lead?
If you go all the way down the stairs,
you'll find the exit on basement two.
Just keep working.
Hey! You did such a good job!
You didn't even seem nervous.
You must be a natural on TV.
I'm flattered.
These are things they're demanding.
Get them ready
and have the agent
who was sent in yesterday deliver them.
You mean Jang Han-na?
But she's enraged right now.
How about we send another agent?
That bastard said it must be her.
He specifically told me to send her.
He must love women.
That young bastard even hung up on me.
Understood, sir.
By the way, sir, since you stepped up,
things have been going smoothly.
That goes without saying.
we just need to wait
until the election's over.
Make me some coffee. Nice and sweet.
Do you mean me?
Right away.
This is so nice.
It really is.
Damn it! I told you, I won't get out!
But why? Why do you not want to get out?
How many times do I have to tell you?
While he escapes and brings
the special forces to kill the spies,
I'll turn my life around here!
What? How will a fool like you
turn his life around?
Tell me how you will.
You don't need to know.
Just get out of here alone.
How can I possibly leave without you?
God, this is driving me crazy.
Dad, you won't be of any help anyway
if you stay here.
So stop getting in my way
and just go!
For God's sake, Sang-beom!
Don't shoot! I'm Lee Gang-mu, the team
leader of Anti-communist Investigations 1!
SWAT team, follow me!
A situation occurred.
Team Leader Lee Gang-mu just came out
of the exit and is asking us to go in.
Make him go back in right now.
Make him go back in! At all cost!
Follow me now!
We received an order. Go back in.
Who the hell gave such an order?
The exit.
You crazy bastards!
If you come any closer,
we'll have to shoot you.
Go back in. It's an order.
Go back in!
Sir, please.
Please, sir.
Please don't kill him.
How did that bastard get out?
I'll tell you.
He got out through here. This way.
Why in ten days?
You seriously don't know?
A veteran spy like you who's been
acting in covert all over Germany?
The doctor?
The South Korean presidential election
is in ten days.
Does it have to do with it?
For the ruling party to regain power,
I think the North and the South
made a secret deal.
As long as the North has
the South at its mercy,
the ANSP can never hurt you guys.
Kang Cheong-ya, the Chief of Surgery
at Hankuk Central Medical Center.
It's taken me
as many as 17 years to come this far.
Only a handful of people
know who I really am, even in the North.
The fact that the party ordered me
to send you back safely
proves how much you mean to the party.
Can't you see that?
The doctor is what?
The doctor the agency sent in…
is a Northern spy?
The North and the South made a deal
for the election?
Then the Han I-seop case is also…
And this hostage-taking too?
Go back to your seats!
What was the gunfire about?
You want us to all die?
Watch your tone, you bastard.
Because of you…
The ANSP team leader tried
to escape through the exit.
We shot at him to make him go back in.
You made him come back in?
Why do you think?
He insists we should have the SWAT team
break in. How could we let him out?
What if he comes out here
and tells everyone we should break in?
He'll be a pain in the neck.
It's not looking good.
Why did they have to kill
the ANSP director's son of all people?
Why do I have to talk with a mere spy
like you here, standing by 24 hours?
A high-up like me shouldn't be
doing this. You hear me, you bastard?
Watch him closely
so that he won't come out again. Okay?
Hold out for nine more days,
and we'll send you back to the North
without anyone knowing.
They don't hesitate
to abandon their own agent.
Will they really let us live
as they promised
to the North?
They don't intend to rescue the hostages.
Only to use them
for the presidential election.
the hostages, as well as me,
and the Northern spies…
The ANSP agent who went out yesterday
is coming back with supplies.
If you want her to live,
don't try anything.
Don't do anything.
You bastard.
Don't you dare touch her!
You think you can get out of here alive?
You used to work in both
East and West Germany, so you must know
this is the scheme the high-ups of
our countries planned for the election.
For them to win the election
by a landslide,
would it be better to rescue all
of the hostages and make people happy?
Or would it be better to kill all of them
and make people furious?
Of course, the latter would be better.
Because that'll make the voters
vote for the ruling party.
They'll spare the Northern spies
while killing all those innocent students?
You think that makes sense?
If you're right,
that means the North gave up on our lives.
The high-ups in the South,
who don't hesitate
to kill the innocent
to gain power, would certainly do that.
But my country is different.
My country never gives up on the comrades
even if they fall behind.
The party considers the people
as its children.
They'd never abandon us.
Wake up, will you?
You still don't get it.
In this scheme
for the presidential election,
pawns like you and I are just tools
to use and throw away.
If that's what I need to be
for my country,
I'll gladly be one.
According to An Gyeong-hui,
Chief of Anti-communist Investigations,
in the dorm you can see,
64 hostages, including female students,
are being held hostage
by seven Northern spies.
Because of the gunfire heard not long ago,
people fear for their safety.
You used to work in both
East and West Germany, so you must know
this is
the scheme the high-ups of our countries
planned for the election.
Don't you still get it?
Pawns like you and I are just tools
to use and throw away.
Why aren't they rescuing us?
Why aren't they trying anything?
You are
the director's daughter, right?
I have to go see my brother.
I must get out.
What do I need to do?
Help me. Please.
Don't act rashly.
He has a detonator in his pocket.
If he pushes the button,
the whole dorm will explode.
I know it's hard, but be patient.
-I'll come up with--
I just wanted to give him bread.
I need
to go to the restroom.
Can I go?
Make it quick.
-What aren't you going in?
-Comrade Joo.
Leave her to me and go watch the hostages.
let me rest a bit.
Follow me.
You didn't answer my question.
That paper airplane…
That's the one I flew out.
Why do you have it?
Did you come to the dorm because of it?
I just found it while being chased.
Get some rest here.
Then why did you come back?
You should've just left.
Why did you come back here?
I just tried to hide in that old shrine.
If I'd known
it led to the inside of the dorm,
I would never have gone in.
I'm sorry…
about your brother.
We will
leave in nine days.
All this will be over in nine days.
And I don't want to
hurt anyone in this dorm.
I don't want to hurt anyone. I mean it.
I want to
release you right now.
But I can't.
No. Don't go.
If this button is pushed,
the dorm will explode.
Eun Yeong-ro!
Please believe me.
I don't want to make you suffer anymore.
The party considers the people
as its children. They'd never abandon you?
You really think so?
If you want to go back alive,
just do as I say.
If you don't,
you can just forget about negotiation.
Bring me proof that what you say is true.
Hard evidence that
our countries are scheming to kill us all.
What are you going to do in here?
Be honest with me.
-Are you willing to kill the students too?
-They're not
planning to kill the students, are they?
Let's save the students together.
How about you use me?
Then before that,
there's something you need to know.
We might all be killed?
Eun Yeong-ro ran away.
I must find you first to save you.
Yeong-ro, close the door.
Pi might smell it and wake up.
Don't worry, Hye-ryeong.
I checked that
the hall director wasn't in her office.
Fine. Hurry up.
Hey, your partner is really hot.
Set me up with his friend.
Yes. Set me up too.
I'll talk to him when he calls me.
His friends? He's being chased--
I haven't seen that necklace before.
-Did he give it to you?
Oh, my. I'm so jealous!
Good for you!
That's pretty. What bird is it?
A dove.
-Isn't this a bit salty?
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