Your Honor (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Part Eight

Previously on Your Honor
I know your car was stolen
the day after you killed my son.
He's about to be arrested
for the murder of Kofi Jones.
I can make sure that
he walks out a free man.
Stay away from the hotel.
Get away from the hotel!
- Carlo Baxter, you're under arrest.
- For what?
You have the right to remain silent.
They're saying that he killed someone.
- What?
- I didn't know who else to come to,
- and I
- No, no, no. It's-it's okay.
I've got you.
The wrong brother died.
Is he seeing anyone?
Did he tell you that
he has a girlfriend?
It's not really appropriate for me to
Oh, I'm sorry. You're right.
Look, I hate it that we have to lie.
There's no choice.
Doesn't sound like love to me, Frannie.
I asked Molly to give you
the Carlo Baxter arraignment.
Uh, you need me.
You can't do this without me.
I didn't get it, did I?
Sarah LeBlanc will be
trying Carlo Baxter.
You been drinking?
Fuck you. Fuck the both of you.
Hands on the fucking wheel.
If you don't come through for Carlo,
it would be the easiest
thing in the world
to cut your heart out
and feed it to the river.
It was a setup. I know it.
I'm sorry, Sarah.
Did you see anyone at the bar?
White cops stop Black person driving,
get lucky.
It happens.
Funny part is, I was on my
way to your surprise party.
I was speeding so that I'd
get there ahead of you.
Did you talk to your professional
responsibility lawyer?
Rehab in exchange for charges dropped
and arrest record expunged.
What do you think?
I think I don't have a drinking problem,
and I don't want to
lose the Baxter trial.
This is your career, Sarah.
An arrest is bad.
A felony conviction
that's your judgeship.
They want me off this trial, Michael.
- "They"?
- Oh, come on.
- Don't-don't do that.
- Don't do what?
You think this city isn't capable
of connecting up all the dots?
Cops in bed with crime families
in bed with politics in bed with cops.
It's an unvirtuous circle.
You lose your job,
you're off the case anyway.
Sarah, please, you've
got to be smart now.
I don't think that DA's got the balls
to actually prosecute a sitting judge.
So you haven't seen it, then.
Seen what?
I'm gonna need you to take
a field sobriety test, ma'am.
You want me to do the
alphabet backwards?
Z, Y, X, W, go fuck
yourself. How's that?
- Come on. Turn around.
- You have got to be fucking crazy.
Do I look like I'm crazy?
- Hands behind your back.
- It's gone viral.
Well, could be worse.
You know why I don't want
to lose the Baxter trial?
- Yes.
- You do?
Cops, crime families, politicians.
You left out one group judges.
The judges in this building
cannot be trusted.
- Am I right?
- Save one.
Stubborn bastard in court 14
who insists on putting
justice above everything.
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
There is an existential
threat heading our way.
It wants in.
It wants to contaminate us.
And it is my job to
protect this courtroom
and everyone in it the best I can.
So, lawyers, court staff
and family members of the
accused and the victim
are all allowed in the court.
Nobody else without express permission.
We are having this courtroom
deep-cleaned every evening,
and I'm putting a man on the door
so outsiders don't get in.
I do this with a heavy heart,
because excluding the press
and the public goes
against every principle
that I hold dear
open justice, accountability.
This is going to be upsetting.
I'm sorry I have to show it to you.
I really wish I did not.
This trial is about
what happened
in a prison cell in the four minutes
between 9:11 and 9:15 on October 13
to turn this child
into this.
First rule in the rule book
of how to be a trial lawyer
don't get emotionally involved,
maintain a professional distance.
I am 100% emotionally involved
in getting this brute of a
human being convicted
of this murder. Why?
Because I know he did it.
I have proof
of Carlo Baxter's violent,
racist nature.
I can prove
that he had a clear motive
for killing Kofi Jones
and that he orchestrated
his one-night stay
in Orleans Parish Prison,
allowing himself the opportunity
to employ that violent nature
and act on that motive.
Nature, motive, opportunity.
- Can you stand up, Carlo?
- Objection.
- She can't do that.
- Whatever.
Stand, don't stand, doesn't matter.
Pretty soon, you guys are gonna
get a good look at Carlo Baxter,
whose defense is asking you
to believe that he killed
five-foot-seven, 40 pounds lighter,
unarmed Kofi Jones, because
he feared for his safety.
Okay, how do I know this?
Because he can't say he wasn't there,
and he can't say it wasn't him,
because the evidence supporting presence
and identity is incontrovertible.
So what else can he say
about how Kofi Jones ended
up dead on a mortuary slab
after four minutes in a cell with him?
Self-defense is all he's got.
Surprise, surprise,
that's what he's going with.
Call me a cynic.
Who is Carlo Baxter?
He's his father's son.
Who's his father?
Don't go to the hotel.
- Stay away from the hotel.
- No, no. No, no, no. Objection.
- Get away from the hotel!
- Turn that off, please.
- Go!
- Both of you, up here.
Are you kidding me?
What's the matter? You don't like it
when your puppet master
does the talking?
It's irrelevant, Your Honor.
What does this evidence tell us?
That the accused's father knew
he was about to get arrested
and tried to stop it from happening.
And how does that help the jury?
By making them ask a second question.
- Which is?
- How? How did he know?
Is he a police officer? No.
How would Jimmy know? Who told him?
- And how is this relevant?
- Yeah.
Because if you kill someone
while defending yourself,
most people most innocent
people come forward
- and say, "I'm really sorry I killed someone."
- Is there an argument
- in there somewhere?
- "I had to do it
or they would have killed me first."
Not Carlo. Not Carlo and his daddy.
Are we going to see
evidence to support this?
I'm asking the jury to
use their common sense.
Just lay it out for me, please.
- Jimmy Baxter is a gangster.
- That's what she wants.
- The Baxter family are gangsters.
- They are not gangsters.
They were tipped off to
Carlo's imminent arrest.
Tipped off by whom?
We don't know yet.
Maybe Johnny here can tell you.
Okay, I'm not gonna
take that shit from her.
All right. Enough. Enough.
This is getting way too personal.
I will not have this in my courtroom.
Now, both of you, go sit down.
Ladies and gentlemen,
what you just heard
the voice mail message
you didn't.
I want you to un-hear it.
When I tell you
to disregard something, take it from me,
there's good reason, and very
often it's not what you think.
So please don't speculate
because you'll probably be wrong.
Let me do the work on what
should be the evidence.
Trust me, and we'll be fine.
That's a hell of a word.
called it the most powerful word
in the English language.
It's a word I'm going to
I'm going to ask you to think
very, very carefully about
during this trial.
Ten by six.
That's it.
Inside OPP,
a man has ten feet by six feet
that he can call home.
Carlo Baxter was in his home
on the night of October 13th.
Home was his cell at
Orleans Parish Prison.
- Objection.
- Jesus.
I'm sorry, Your Honor.
I can't let this go.
- This is my opening, Your Honor.
- He knows there's case law
specifically excluding
prison and jail cells from
the definition of "home"
- in self-defense cases.
- I'm not using the term
in a technical legal sense.
I'm appealing to their
common sense, Your Honor.
It's misleading in law.
But not in English.
So, continue, Mr. Zander.
Thank you.
A killer walked into his home.
Lawyers have to be very careful
about every word we use in court.
So when I say "killer,"
I mean "killer."
And we know this,
because, only days before,
he pleaded guilty
to causing the death of
Carlo's younger brother,
his baby brother, Rocco
by hitting him with a
car and leaving him to die
by the side of the road.
What would you think if you were Carlo?
You just arrived at OPP,
sat all alone in your cell,
minding your own business, and suddenly,
out of nowhere
without a guard in sight, mind you
there's the killer of your baby brother
just standing there,
looking right at you.
That's all you need.
Right there.
Who's the aggressor here?
Kofi Jones walked 300 yards
from his own cell block
and bribed a guard to get to Carlo.
You know, every person has a
right to be safe in their home.
I'd like you to think about that tonight
as you go to bed.
And God forbid
you ever wake up to a known killer
standing in the room you sleep in.
But if you do,
if you do,
I promise you this:
you won't need a law book
to spell out your rights.
We'll take five minutes.
- Oh. Thank you.
- Here you go.
- Mm-hmm.
- Note from the jury.
Who wrote this?
I found it in this envelope lying
on the table in the jury room.
So it could have been
from any one of the 12?
Tell them I'll answer it
at the end of evidence.
It's a done deal.
Carlo's going down.
All right.
Lieutenant Cusack.
What about him?
Interviewed Kofi right
after Nash and Maxwell
did what they did to him.
Huh. They've been busy.
Cusack's crew.
Nash and Maxwell run with Cusack?
Cusack's Baxter-owned.
Are you saying that Jimmy
Baxter had LeBlanc removed?
Well, Judge LeBlanc
hates the Baxter family.
I mean, she's never tried to hide it.
I mean, there's no judge
that they would want less
presiding over their case.
In the middle of the trial?
But how would it look if
something happened to me?
I mean, uh, they-they-they
wouldn't do that.
Ask Judge LeBlanc if she agrees.
Well, what evidence have you got?
Lieutenant Cusack. His crew
Lieutenant Cusack is a
prosecution witness.
He's going to be testifying
against Carlo Baxter. So
what you're saying about him,
uh, it just doesn't make any sense.
there's no public scrutiny
of what is going on in there.
So it's very important that
we don't stoop to speculation.
I mean, we've got to be rigorous.
We've-we've got to be
tough on ourselves, right?
Evidence, evidence, evidence.
Have you been to
Fiona McKee with this?
Place your left hand on the Bible.
Raise your right hand.
Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth and
nothing but the truth,
so help you God?
I do.
You may be seated.
It's easier for me to stand.
That's fine.
You know this man?
He, uh, jumped me on the street.
January, three years ago.
Why'd he do that?
For being there and being Black.
He broke my spine.
They fused it, but, uh
it didn't take.
At least not all the way.
That's why I got no balance left.
That's why this.
Anything else he do to you?
He curb-checked me.
Can you explain to the
jury what that means?
He made me, uh
- Sorry, I can't.
- It's okay.
You don't have to.
Your Honor has the agreed definition?
Yes. Yes.
"A form of assault in
which the victim's mouth
jaw wide open
is forcefully placed on a
curb and the victim's head "
" is stomped from behind,
causing severe injury or death."
How did that affect you?
I wake up screaming in
the middle of the night.
I go to bed getting ready
to wake up screaming.
Thank you, Justin.
Uh, we'll take five
minutes before cross.
Mr. James, thank you for your testimony.
I don't want to keep you on the stand
any longer than is necessary,
and I'm sure Mr. Zander
feels exactly the same way.
I can't imagine what
it must be like for you
to relive your experience.
Jesus. This judge.
Talk about pro-prosecution.
I do have a question.
You have scarring from the attack.
- Is that true?
- Yes.
And from the surgeries?
And they're on your back?
- Is that right?
- Yeah.
And the scar on the side of your neck
is-is that also from the attack
or the surgeries?
Um, no, it's a
it's a tattoo.
Oh. Sorry.
I couldn't make it out from here.
My apologies.
Mr. Zander, are you ready?
Yes, Your Honor.
May I?
The letter "D."
Are you a member of a gang?
Objection. Justin James is
not the one on trial here.
I will allow this question.
"D" for ?
- Desire.
- Desire.
Your Honor, may I have the
witness turn toward the jury
- so they can see the tattoo?
- Objection.
I think, under the circumstance,
it is a legitimate request.
I'll grant it.
Is that the same gang that
Kofi Jones was a member of?
I'm guessing that Carlo
Baxter's not very popular
with the Desire crew that you run with
and are loyal to. Right?
No further questions, Your Honor.
Redirect, Your Honor.
Carlo Baxter went to jail for
this vicious assault on you.
- Right?
- Yes, ma'am.
Did he plead guilty?
Uh, no.
There was a trial.
Who represented him?
That guy.
Did you take the stand?
- Yes.
- Did Carlo take the stand?
- Yes.
- What did he say?
He said that I attacked him
and that he was defending himself.
Did he call any other witnesses?
Yeah. His mother.
He was convicted of
the assault, correct?
- Yes.
- By a jury?
So they believed you?
They did.
So it follows that Carlo and his mother
- were lying under oath.
- Objection.
Speculation about what was
in the mind of the jury.
Mr. Baxter, you are a racist,
- a liar and a thug.
- Objection!
Ms. McKee.
Her Honor Judge LeBlanc's words
on sentencing Carlo Baxter.
Objection overruled.
Thank you, Mr. James.
Did you forget where you parked?
That's what I thought.
- Who are you?
- Detective Costello.
What was Kofi Jones arrested for
on the night of October 10th?
Possession of a stolen vehicle.
And were those charges later upgraded?
They were.
Vehicular homicide for the
hit-and-run death of Rocco Baxter.
Carlo's brother.
That's right.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
You saw Kofi Jones on
the day of his arrest?
At the station house, yeah.
- Describe his demeanor.
- Uh, objection.
- It calls for speculation.
- He's a police officer.
Don't you read people for a living?
Facial expressions, body
language and so forth?
Every cop does.
It's a crucial part of the job.
I'm asking you what you
remember of Kofi Jones
on the day of his arrest.
We know he'd just run
over a 17-year-old boy,
causing catastrophic brain injury.
We-we don't need to hear the detail.
What, so we get chapter and verse
on the curb stomp, and
you don't allow this?
Will you please get to your point?
Did he seem torn up about it?
I'm not up here to
speak ill of the dead.
You're up there to tell the truth.
Okay. You really want to know?
He looked like nothing had happened,
like it was just another Tuesday.
I mean, when I saw him,
he'd just finished eating
a bacon sandwich.
You'd think, you just
killed a man, then
No further questions.
I am so so sorry
what's happening in there.
It's not right.
All that they're saying
about him ain't true.
I can drive you home.
For what?
So you can bullshit me
some more on the way?
I-I could offer you a place to stay.
- I mean, just-just until
- I don't need that.
I don't need you.
I'm staying with Little Mo.
He making you feel like a man?
Like you have something?
He got my back.
You know, I used to plead
out corner boys all the time.
That was my job.
And every time they'd
sing the same song:
"My crew's got my back."
Then I'd tell them how many
years they were gonna do,
and I'd see it land.
Then they'd come back at me
and say, "I'm a good soldier.
I'm gonna take the years." For what?
For feeling like a man?
You got something better for me?
I know the system.
I can navigate it for you. With you.
Little Mo hand me cash every week.
Every week.
And you want to hand me the system?
Fuck you!
Fuck me?
Fuck me? Really?
What, fuck me up the ass?
Is that you?
Are you the same as him?
Or are you better than that, Eugene?
One thing before you
go home for the night.
When you are outside of this courtroom,
you do not talk to
anyone about this trial
or any testimony you hear during it.
You do not watch,
read or listen to any
coverage on this case.
I want you clean.
I want you free of outside interference.
And let me be clear.
Anyone breaking these rules is
committing a criminal offense,
and I will hold you in contempt
of court if you do it.
Why am I being so fierce about this?
The answer is beside you.
I didn't put the Constitution
up on the wall.
It was there when I got here.
And it'll be here long after I'm gone.
You know, sometimes I come
in early in the morning,
and I reread the words
and remind myself of the simple beauty
of our system of justice.
The accused has the right to be tried
by a jury of his peers.
Now, notice it-it doesn't say
anything about judges
or lawyers.
Our Founding Fathers knew
where to put their trust.
Now, I will tell you what the law is.
But as for the facts
who's telling the truth, who isn't
it's all yours.
So despite me being up
here in all my
Dumbledore gear, I am far
less important than you.
Because of this virus,
we're alone in here.
Nobody is watching you.
The responsibility and
the power is yours.
Not me. Not God.
You, the people.
I can't live on the kind of love ♪
That you give ♪
D-Don't do that with the stitching.
Why? What's it worth?
What's the story with that?
Where did Kofi get it?
What's it worth?
He didn't tell you where he got it?
Nah. He didn't get the chance.
When was the last time you saw him?
Last time I saw him
was the night before the
cops came and got him.
Guess he didn't have it
then the baseball.
Yeah, I guess not.
Sell it for me?
Best closer in the history
of the game right there.
Adam, do you have a minute?
Uh, yeah.
It's the first picture you showed
me after your mom died.
You should have it.
I, um I gave my notice this morning.
I'm gonna teach out the
rest of the semester,
and then I'm gone.
- I-I'm sorry.
- Why?
There are a hundred high schools
within an hour of the NYU campus.
High schools?
I've put out some feelers already.
Wait. Uh, are you ?
Adam, you'll be 18.
We won't have to hide from anybody
or explain ourselves
to anyone, you know?
We can just we can just be.
I didn't get in.
NYU. They said no.
Hey, buddy.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Look at this. Hey.
All right.
Look at that. Huh?
You don't care.
Charlie, cancel whatever
plans you've got for tonight.
We are celebrating.
Listen, uh
The Desiato men would
love to see you tonight.
I didn't know.
Oh, it's not a big deal.
Kind of suits you.
Before I go to sleep ♪
I listen long to the
bustling streets ♪
You know, Rocco never had a girlfriend.
I mean, nobody he was all in on.
Sometimes I feel like
I'm living two lives,
his and mine.
So, um, I hope you don't mind
having an annoying, smiley, dead brother
hanging out with us all the time.
They raised me up on
brick and bread ♪
Are you okay?
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
How long I'm gonna settle ♪
Yeah, I want to show you something.
I'm gonna settle ♪
So, my mom used to give
people pictures of themselves
they didn't know she'd taken.
I mean, all over the city,
there are people
with Polaroid pictures of
themselves taken by Mom.
And, you know, people would
get pissed sometimes,
and so Mom would talk to them
or sometimes even go for coffee
with them to try to persuade them
she wasn't after their souls.
And, I mean, they would open up to her.
And I'd be there listening.
It was how I learned
everything that I know
and love about this city.
I mean, obviously back then I hated it.
Thought she was, like,
embarrassing or
And she knew that, so, um,
one day she explained it to me.
"Go deep, not wide."
She said people make
that mistake too often,
thinking that going deep is going wide.
"Stay where you are,
stand still, dig."
- Good?
- Perfect.
How much would you pay for this?
- Where'd you get that?
- Eugene.
Wants me to sell it for him.
So, he's talking to you now, huh?
It's a process, but yes.
That's good. That's good.
- So, make me an offer.
- All right.
I'll make you an offer.
- Uh, Desiato. We're early.
- Come this way, please.
- Thank you.
- Am I allowed to say something?
- Sure.
- You're the judge, right?
- Yeah.
- The Baxter boy.
So guilty. Tell me I'm wrong.
Well, I'm the last person you
should talk to about this.
- You can ask me.
- So, am I right?
We'll be leaving you a very big tip.
Thank you, Mrs. Desiato.
Mrs. Desiato. Oh.
Right this way.
Here, Lee.
Well, I should wash up.
- I'll be right back.
- Okay.
Justin James.
Justin fucking James.
You didn't have to allow that.
You could have told her
she couldn't call him.
But now my boy's a racist.
She's tearing him apart in there.
- You don't know what you're talking about.
- And you're letting it fucking happen!
I'm watching my son
- heading for death row.
- Do you have any idea
- what a jury is looking for in a judge
- Oh, don't
on a case like this?
- Do you have any idea?
- Don't-don't don't fuck with me.
They want me to be their dad.
I am giving them that.
I am Gregory fucking Peck in there.
They watch me
stand up to Johnny Zander's showboating,
and they trust me more.
They watch me allow in evidence
that they really want to hear,
and they love me for that.
And all the while,
I am making them feel secure.
I'm making them feel safe
by telling them that I love them
and that I am not frightened by anyone.
I get them to look up to me,
to take their cues from me.
And then later not now,
not yet, but when it matters
I tell them what to think.
They won't know what's happening.
They won't ever see it happening.
But it will happen.
Twelve of our peers
will do exactly what I want them to do.
Tomorrow or the next day,
I am making a move.
Now, are we done here?
Only number in here is mine.
I want to know what you've
done and when you've done it,
and I want it by 10 a.m.
the day after tomorrow.
Let's call that a deadline.
And let's give that word
its literal meaning.
Thank you.
And then she grabbed my head,
and she said
- She said, "It's in your heart."
- Ah.
- Hello.
- Hey! There she is!
- Ah, how are you?
- Hello, hello, hello.
The woman of my dreams.
And the man of mine. Hi.
- Ah. Mmm.
- Mmm.
Hey, baby.
- How you doing?
- Good.
- Here you are.
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Sorry I'm a bit late.
- Oh, that's all right.
So, what's going on?
I mean, is there something I don't know?
Hmm, maybe.
Open this.
You're going to NYU.
- He got in?
- He got in.
Six hundred applicants
for only five places. Wow.
Like mother, like son.
Huh? New York.
New life, huh?
Your mom would've been so proud.
To New York and Adam.
Ah, to New York and Adam.
- Hear, hear.
- To Adam.
Yeah, um
I-I don't know.
Don't know what?
I'm just not sure.
Actually, I've been thinking
about taking a gap year.
Wow. Okay.
Um, s-so, you have a plan?
You're gonna travel abroad or ?
I think that I should stay here.
And-and do do what?
What do you mean?
I think I should stay in New Orleans.
Like Mom used to say,
go deep, not wide.
Adam, want a ride home in a real car?
- Okay.
- They, they were here.
Jimmy Baxter and his Celtic goon.
As I arrived.
- It was a coincidence.
- Really? How do you know that?
This is what happens, Elizabeth.
Paranoia sets in.
Irrational fear takes hold.
We can't have that.
That's the fight.
We have to stay normal.
We have to stay strong.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
Come on.
- Push ♪
- I love your father,
and I love you.
I'd do anything to protect you.
So that's why I-I don't like it
when I see something or someone
come between the two of you.
Push it ♪
Pull it ♪
Girlfriend leaning on you
to stay, Adam? Is that it?
I'm your godfather, not your father.
Well, godfathers get to
talk about girlfriends.
You're gonna get left ♪
- Okay.
- Come on.
Now go for yourself ♪
It's easier taking candy from a baby ♪
Don't hand me no bull ♪
Now you got it, baby ♪
Ms. Latimer?
- Hi.
- Oh, Judge Desiato.
- Hi.
- Yeah, hi.
I'm sorry to sneak up on you,
but I-I did want to catch you
before school started. It's about Adam.
Oh, yeah? Is he okay?
Yes. Yeah, he's Well, he's
He's waffling on NYU.
Yeah, he's saying that
he might not want to go.
But he-he got the letter and everything?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, and the T-shirt, too.
Did he confide in you?
Did he say anything at all?
No. No.
Well, I know he trusts you, doesn't he?
And you're not his parent,
so maybe you can get through to him.
I mean, it's like you said,
he's got something.
I mean, he's only 17,
but he should know better.
And I'm worried that he's
gonna throw it all away.
I hate to ask, but
would you talk to him?
- Sure.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- I
Thank you.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- I should, um
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Have a good day.
- Okay.
Massive trauma
causing multiple brain contusions,
the result of blood entering
the brain tissue.
Can you tell the jury
what that looks like?
Okay. Um,
the deceased was, um
You can call him Kofi.
Ms. McKee, please.
He's Kofi his whole life,
and then he gets killed
and suddenly he's "the deceased"?
How did Kofi die?
Kofi's skull couldn't expand,
so his brain swelled up.
The pressure inside his skull
reached an intolerable level.
That pressure wasn't relieved.
It's a terrible way to go.
Exhibit B.
Now, Counselor,
we don't need to go here.
I just have a few more photographs.
I think the jury has seen
all that they need to see.
Uh may I approach?
Your Honor.
Right. Please turn this off.
I appreciate your concern
for the jury's feelings.
You've seen the photos?
Look, they're easy for us to look at
because we're used to them.
But a jury? It's harrowing.
And we don't know how sensitive
they might be to these.
Do these injuries look
like they were caused
by someone defending themself?
I mean, even if the jury buys
that Carlo wasn't the aggressor,
they still have to decide
if the force he used to defend
himself was proportionate.
These pictures go directly to
the heart of that question.
They need to see them to do their job.
- Come on, Fiona. It's overkill.
- Shut up.
And I need to protect my jury.
Let's continue.
We don't have any pictures of
what happened to Kofi's brain.
So we're going to have to use words.
His head was bashed
repeatedly against the wall.
How do you know?
Small particles I picked
out of the wound,
some of which were
embedded in Kofi's skull
they match the wall
material in the cell.
Stone from the wall
was in his skull?
That's right.
Well, a skull is hard, right?
- Very.
- So it would have required
A tremendous amount of force
to do what was done here.
How many bashings?
And what can you tell us
about the force that was used?
Well, the, uh, wall of the cell is flat.
There are no significant
bumps or ridges.
So, in order for particles from the wall
to be embedded in Kofi's skull,
the force must have been enough to
to loosen the material of the cell wall.
- Which was?
- Concrete.
He almost certainly had him by the hair
- when he was
- So, wait. Like like that?
Like this? Like this?
I found Carlo Baxter's skin
under his fingernails.
What does that tell you?
Kofi fought for his life and lost.
Thank you, Doctor.
Mr. Zander?
No questions, Your Honor.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you,
and we'll see you in the morning.
No. No way.
Who reported me?
That's confidential.
I'm not allowed to know who accused me?
That's a habeas corpus suit right there.
Was it juror eight?
I need to see your phone.
This is ridiculous.
Let's clear it up.
Fine. Here you go.
Oh, my God.
That that-that wasn't me.
Somebody did this to me.
Why would they do that?
Ms. Long, I don't doubt that
you had good intentions,
but I gave very clear instructions.
You're not listening.
I didn't do this.
Someone did this to me.
What are you gonna do?
Replace you with an alternate.
This isn't right.
I could go out that door right now
and tell the press what happened here.
Sit down.
The trial would collapse
if you did that.
We'd have to start over with a new jury.
Justin James would have to come back
and relive the horror of being
curb-stomped all over again.
I think we both know
what's going on here.
I won't be intimidated by anyone.
Do you have children?
A daughter.
And you love her more than
anything in the world?
What-what does she have to do with ?
Nothing is more precious than her.
Not principle, not courage,
not conscience.
My guess is that you were leaning
toward convicting the accused.
Let me tell you something.
I have sat through hundreds
and hundreds of jury trials,
and I can always call them
by the end of day one.
I'm never wrong.
Justice won't miss you, Ms. Long.
You can walk away,
and I would bet my life
that we will still get
the result you want.
Carlo Baxter is going down.
Go home. Be with your daughter.
Pretend this never happened.
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