Forbidden Science (2009) s01e09 Episode Script


Previously on Forbidden Science You think because you're a clone, you have something in common with an android.
See this? This is where we created you Your growth accelerator cost in between, say $600.
000 plus tax.
And there's incubation, memories download, etc.
A lot of money about one million.
Give or take.
-I want Julia back.
-What? You want me to be vice president? Those are my terms.
I'm the owner and creator of 4Ever.
MY name is Adrian.
Adrian Turner.
Tommorow loved ones will return as clones.
Memories will be downloaded and sold.
Androids will walk among us.
Tommorow is now.
Theater Jomblo Presents Revisi:SiGanteng Forbidden Science Season 1 Episode 9 Tarot Everyone pays a price for what they want.
I made a deal years ago, and I achieve more than I can imagine Sometimes the prices are too high.
And sometimes you don't even know what the price is until it comes due.
No! No! Doctor Hoffmann, your guest is arrive.
He's expecting.
You right on time.
I always on time.
Have you been wondering what the future hold? Yes.
You wanted to send a message to your mother.
What's her name again? Janice.
Come on, come on! Stop! What are you doing? Just a little insurance policy.
You're supposed to keep him safe, you know he was capable of killing himself.
I have two gurads to deal with.
It's gonna take a while to break this password, ok? -Try the name "Janice".
I'll be damned! How'd you get that? People tell their phsycic everything, they just don't realize it.
Any phsycic flashes on what he injected himself with? Not a clue.
This is wierd.
My niece in second grade has more stuff than our harddrive.
It's not erased.
It's just empty! There's no files No backup disk Nothing! -Where is all the data? -There's isn't any, honestly! Look, he was paranoid.
-He thought people would steal it.
-SO where he keeps all his notes? In his head.
-He memorize it all.
-Nobody can memorize all that.
It's all I know.
I swear.
I believe you.
All of the information we need stuck inside his dying brain.
He's not dying.
His vitals are low but stable Like he's gonna into coma he might never come out of.
We need to find someone to wake him.
I don't get it.
First you're complaining that we never going out when we dated, and now we're going out, you're complaining about where we going.
Both first dates, don't include the guys ex.
I told you my relationship with senator Montgomery is already done with.
This event is important.
Important to whom? The senator? To all childen with incurable cancer.
Seriously? You bringing in cancer kids to save you? -I do whatever it takes.
-Yeah, I know.
Oh, look.
Someone else needs saving.
Are you okay? Don't worry about her, she'll wake up soon enough.
Nasty head hang over but otherwise intactfor the moment.
Suppose you want something.
Give me the clipnotes.
Meet doctor Julius Hoffman, who, despite his best efforts, is still alive.
His brain is full of valuable information Which you're going to help me extract it.
And if I don't cooperate bad things happen? Oh good, you heard the story before.
I expect you back here with in 24 hours.
If anything happens to Bethany Yeah, yeah, I know bad things will happen.
You're not the only one who've heard the story before.
Clocks ticking.
Come on, pussy boy, it's time to flow.
-Missed you at the party last night.
-I can't talk right now, long night.
I can see that, what happened? Bethany was kidnapped, unless I do what they asked, they'll kill her.
Not the most imaginative plan but a classic.
I expect you to be alittle more concern.
What are they asking for? They have a scientist name Julius Hoffman.
and he's in somekind of self induced coma, and they want us to extract his memory.
Whatever in his brain is very valuable.
"Valuable" is an understatement.
I tried for years to get that lunatic to work for us.
He used to worked for White Enterprises on nano-technology.
He's creation could either, advance the world a hundred fold or destroy it over night.
-The White Enterprises as -The one and only.
Hoffman was her college professor, and was fired for their liasion.
She hired him a few years later.
Imagine billions of microscopic self replicating machine with one purpose.
To grow the way of the world comunications, trasportation even the human body.
All under one person command And no army could stop them.
Unfortunately we both know know only one person with the expertise until we claims Hoffman mind.
Adrian, she'd hates me.
The ever reliable Colin charm.
Don't worry, she won't be doing it for you.
She'll be doing it for Bethany and Hoffman.
After all love and friendship are 2 of God greatest motivators.
If that doesn't work, you can always threatened to sue her again.
And what about the kidnappers? Kill them.
We protect what's ours, Colin.
Hold on, just let me I already told you, I don't know where Max is.
Guess I deserve that.
How'd you find me out here anyway? When we recreated you, I took the liberty to implanting a locator chip in the back of your neck.
Just a precaution.
-You bastard.
-So I've heard.
Bethany has been kidnapped.
What? IThe ransom is complicated.
Anyway, you're the only one that can help her.
-Don't think this means -I understand! Let me get this.
Stephanie love this place, I just figured I Forget it.
Stephanie White, I will always cherish your memories.
Let's go.
You really believe in that mumbo jumbo? Reading cards, predicting the future? You don't predict hers.
If you and I to do it in forces? When I to do a job, we don't deviate from the plan.
There's always room for a little deviation It's different for me, this job isn't about the money.
What its about then? What did the bigman promise you? A house in the country? Eternity? Now, what do you say about a little deviation? I can still taste the doctor in your lips.
You won't taste him down here There's no reason why our employer should be the only one with the benefits.
We're being paid.
A fraction of what the nanotecnology worth.
We're hired hands! It could be so much more! I understimated you, as did our employer.
You obviously got it all figured out.
Every angle.
And this one comes as a surprise! Strip down, both of you! Watches, rings, anything you weren't born with.
NCan't be too carefull.
Hey! Nice watch! What are you looking at? Strip! Julius! -It really is you! -Someone you know? Incredible! Nanobots are actually protecting him! Creating a firewall.
I've never seen anything like this! Nanobots? So that's what in the syringe.
Not a bad trick.
Now'll be a good time for another trick.
I think there might be another way in.
But it hasn't been tested.
Make it work! If doesn't you all dead! What is this? It's something Stephanie White developed few years ago.
It's a way of connecting two active minds allowing them to communicate directly thoughts and ideas.
Ok, even if you do manage to communicate to his body, what're you gonna say? "Please, help us to deliver the danger of the tecnology to the terrorists".
I don't know! I'll make up something! Great! Better be one hell of a speech.
I'm ready.
My mind I heard everything I longed here.
That's how I commited to memory.
So you must be in my mind.
Stephanie? We're in danger, Julius.
Do you remember what happen? You're in a coma.
Let me show you something.
My dream is that millions of this little machines cluster together produce free energy.
from them die in cancer cells in the world to new era.
Unfortunately they can be program to destroy.
So you hide away.
Became a prisoner in your own house.
Loneliness must've been awfull.
It was.
It is.
A coincidence? I'm flatered.
From all the people Stephanie knew you're the one she most respected.
She loved you, you know? I know why you came in here.
To help your friend.
You can't hide anything when you get like this.
Is dying so terrible? -I'm just curious.
No, don't.
It has to be another way.
If you can get this close, so can others.
And I can't let that happen.
Thank you for coming back to me.
I love you.
It's too late.
You need to get out of here while you still can.
The nanobots They performing the final protocol.
Soon there won't be anything left for the Gold Chip to extract.
This is the end.
There's a whole life for you out there.
Things you need to accomplish.
Damnit, he's crashing.
What did that bitch do? They coming at the front door.
Breach! We have a breach! -Friends of yours? -Oh! Hold on.
I didn't do this, I swear.
Shut up! No, wait.
Don't! Help me.
And why would I do that, Tarot? You're only supposed to retrieve doctor Hoffmans research.
Not only did you fail that simple task.
But decided on your own to involve my people.
You know? I don't understand Why? I protect what's mine.
Cancel morality protocol.
Authorization: Adrian-1-0-1.
Clean up the mess.
No! Please! No, please! No! Julius had such an impact on Stephanie.
Everthing she ever tried to achieve was because of his influence.
I suppose it's only fitting you should had the same impact on me.
So you're back.
For a while.
Stephanie started something with the Gold Chip.
Maybe it's my destiny to see it through.
One way or the other.
Besides, who'd want to miss on all this fun? I told you everthing.
Tarot is well equiped.
She must have alot of backing to pull this of.
-I wonder who's playing your strenght.
-I'll look into it.
Everyone can be bought, Colin.
You should know that by now.
If the price is worth it.

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