Sleeper Cell s01e09 Episode Script

Hijack; Youmud Din

The usual -- Why do you always play the same numbers? That's the time and date my son was born.
That's nice.
Maybe today's your lucky day.
Thanks, Rosa.
So, that's our guy? Yep Jim Kroeper, 48.
Served in desert storm, where he joyfully drove tanks over the bodies of our muslim brothers.
Now he's transporting phosgene from Los Angeles to Newark.
Usually takes him about five days, which gives us just enough time.
We're on.
It's so fucking hot out here.
You americans are so spoiled.
How do you expect to fight a war if you can't even stand a little heat? You're a nation of pussies.
Yeah, well, at least americans fight, you know, unlike, say, I don't know, for example, the french.
You shit on the french, but Napoléon conquered the world while you americans were still hiding from indians inside log cabins.
Fucking Napoléon.
Napoléon was a tyrannical dictator, okay? He fucking invaded Egypt.
Did you know he almost converted to Islam after he conquered Egypt? Yes.
I understand.
Roger that.
We're moving to intercept.
That was Farik.
Let's go.
The critical word is "almost," okay? That counts for less than shit on Judgment Day.
He died an unbeliever, a kafir.
So right now, I hate to say it, man, but your boy Napoléon is burning in hell.
We just caught a break.
Pakistani security forces working alongside the CIA nabbed a major terrorist leader in Karachi.
His name Isnabeel al-Salifi.
They picked him up yesterday.
And they've been aggressively interrogating him ever since? Exactly.
The guy's a tough son of a bitch.
So far he hasn't cracked.
What does this have to do with the L.
cell? Al-Salifi tried to destroy his computer during the raid, but the techs at Langley have been able to recover some information, including this.
We're one step closer to identifying that son of a bitch.
What's he doing? I don't know.
This is not one of his regular stops on his schedule.
What do we do now? We wait and trust Allah, Darwyn.
We're being guided.
We're off schedule.
We should abort.
Not yet.
I'm gonna need you to back me up just like in Mexico.
Oh, yeah.
That's -- that's great.
For another 100 bucks, you can get that special treatment we talked about.
What the hell? You only live once, right? Oh, shit.
Freeze! Police.
You're under arrest.
Oh, look, officers, I can't get arrested today.
I got a kid at home waiting for me.
Can we work something out -- a couple of freebies? I'll let you guys play golf -- any hole you want.
You got five seconds to walk away, lady.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're letting her go but you're arresting me? Shut the fuck up.
Put some clothes on.
We're going for a ride.
- Now! - Okay.
Look, officers, it was just one joint, huh? I was on my break.
I never drive when I'm high, I swear to God.
Don't use the lord's name in vain.
Hey, this wasn't the plan.
The plans have changed.
Tie him up.
Get the keys.
You're up, Tommy boy.
By the way, that was quick thinking with that phony-cop routine.
Saves us from having to dispose of another body.
It's just a little insurance in case we run into any problems.
We need to force that truck off the road immediately.
Our U.
could get caught in the cross fire.
We need to end this now because I'm not letting terrorists maintain control of a truck full of lethal chemicals.
It's al-Sayeed.
Does Tommy know you got that tanker rigged with C4, man? It's like he's driving a chemical bomb through downtown L.
He doesn't need any more distractions.
If we come across a problem, he'll find out soon enough as will half of downtown.
A phosgene release this time of day will kill hundreds if not thousands.
Not exactly the casualty rate I expect on Youmud Din, but it's good enough if worse comes to worst.
Sir, we need to call off the blockade now.
If this tanker blows and releases a chemical cloud of poisonous gas in the middle of downtown L.
All teams, this is S.
Stand down.
Let the subject proceed.
Stop pursuing the targets and allow them to proceed.
I'll I'll do whatever you want.
Maybe you are smarter than you look.
Come on.
I want to show you something.
Sit down.
Familiar? It should be.
This is your usual cargo route to New Jersey, right? The man asked you a question.
You answer.
Yeah, that's my route.
And these are your regularly scheduled stops along your journey.
Is that correct? Yeah.
Now, according to this schedule, you should be in Phoenix, Arizona, right now, and you would have been had you not, uh, made that unexpected detour to meet with your whore.
What do you want from me? I like a man who gets to the point.
Now, your standard operating procedures are to call your dispatcher daily from one of these stops to confirm that you're on schedule and that you're not running into any problems.
Is that correct? How do you know all this? Who are you people? Yes or no? Uh, yeah, yeah.
That's right.
Now, you're gonna call that dispatcher, and you're gonna tell him that you're in Phoenix and that everything is running on schedule.
They got caller I.
, man.
They'll see I'm still in L.
They'll know something's up.
Relax, Mr.
We spoofed the line.
They'll see whatever area code we want them to see.
Now, do it and don't screw up.
If you try to be a hero, that will only lead to a very painful death.
Do you understand? - This is dispatch.
- Yeah, this is this is Jim Kroeper on the Newark run.
Everything's rosy.
"Rosy" is your panic word to indicate a problem.
What did I tell you about trying to be a hero? This is dispatch dipshit.
Now, we're gonna do this for real, and this time, if you attempt to alert anyone, your wife and son in Reno will die.
Jesus Christ.
Peace be upon him.
Come in.
You wanted to see me? Any word from our U.
? No, nothing yet.
Well, Patrice, you should be happy to know that everything else that's happened today just got balanced out by some good news.
Oh? What's that? Our friends from the dark side over at Langley were able to reconstruct more data on al-Salifi's hard drive.
Faris al-Farik, our international man of mystery.
We know who he is.
Listen very carefully, as though your lives depended on it, because they do.
We're going to be transferring the liquid phosgene from inside that tanker into these barrels.
During the operation, you will all be required to wear one of these.
The emergency command vehicle is going to be refrigerated to the appropriate temperature in order to keep the phosgene from turning into poison gas.
Now, the main danger comes during the transfer process.
If any liquid leaks between the tanker and those barrels, we all risk contamination, and that's where our friend Jim comes in handy.
If we do have an undetected phosgene leak, Jim here will suffer the effects first, and, as you recall from our little experiment with the dogs, it's not a pretty picture.
We're using this guy as a guinea pig? He's a prisoner of war.
Remember, Islam teaches us that we must treat our captives humanely, which is why I expect you not to make any mistakes.
After all, we wouldn't want our guest here to die of phosgene poisoning because of your incompetence, now, would we? That wouldn't be very humane.
All right, brothers, let's get to work, and let's try not to get ourselves killed.
His real name is Saad bin Safwan.
He was an officer in the saudi arabian national guard.
He spent 1987 to '89 fighting against the russians in Afghanistan.
Sustained an injury in the field and went home to Riyadh, where he participated in the liberation of Kuwait alongside U.
Apparently we didn't make such a good impression, because the next time he shows up, he's in Somalia, teaching Mohammed Aidid's men how to shoot down our helicopters the way he shot down russian ones in Afghanistan.
- "Black hawk down"? - Right.
Next he heads north to the Balkans, and he fights with the mujahideen in Bosnia.
Then he follows Bin Laden back to Afghanistan, fights for the taliban in their civil war, and sets up shop teaching recruits at an Al Qaeda training camp.
What about immediate family? He's got a wife and a daughter in London.
MI-5 is already setting up surveillance.
What's the wife's background? She's a palestinian refugee.
She grew up in the west bank before a british foundation got her a scholarship to study at Edinburgh.
Her brother was a hamas militant who was killed by the israelis during a targeted-assassination operation.
Well, that's probably what drew her to Farik.
Excuse me? I have a brother serving in Iraq in Baquba -- liaison to the city council.
If, God forbid, anything should happen to him, I'd quit the FBI, join private security in Baghdad, and I would kill as many iraqi insurgents as possible.
Excellent progress.
Jim! How you doing, Jim? How you feeling? You breathing easy? Looks like you're in Amarillo, Texas, by now.
Come on.
Better call your dispatcher so he doesn't get worried.
- 806 area code.
- Got it.
Oh, and, Jim, remember to mention how much you love those lone star girls.
Your wife's from Lubbock, right? Starlight dispatch.
Operator 14.
Hey, it's Kroeper on the Newark run.
I'm in Amarillo now, and everything's great.
Man, I sure love these texas girls.
Best racks in america, huh? I hear you, Jim Dallas cowboy cheerleaders.
I could party with one of those honeys all night long and never get tired.
Talk to you soon, buddy.
Smooth, Jim.
How much longer are we gonna play this game? I'm supposed to be pulling into Newark by the middle of next week.
Relax, Jim.
We're not gonna be here that long.
So, there are no reports of any missing shipments of phosgene within a 100-mile radius of either New York or Washington.
Well, maybe only the Los Angeles cell is active.
The legat in Stockholm lost the first guy, and our second suspect is still crisscrossing the midwest.
No, my gut says that the three cells are planning coordinated attacks on the same day.
I mean, it's Al Qaeda's signature.
Bismillahir rahmanir rahim.
These kabobs are great -- just like my wife used to make.
Gentlemen like true mujahideen, you have all worked so hard for so long without complaining, and for that I thank you.
And I would like to share with you that I have been authorized to reveal the date of Youmud Din.
For too many years, americans have deluded themselves into thinking that they're exceptional, that the laws of history do not apply to them.
Like the pharaoh who persecuted Moses, they have become secure in their materialism and their hedonism.
They have defied God and proclaimed themselves masters of destiny.
But, as every good muslim knows, only God is the lord of destiny.
And now it is time to remind americans of this truth.
Youmud Din, Judgment Day, will take place, in sha' Allah, on lailat-ul-baraat, the night of absolution, the 15th of shaban.
I got to go to the bathroom.
You can shit in your pants for all I care.
Hold on, man.
I'll take you.
Hey, Tommy, don't forget to wash your hands after you wipe his ass.
They're gonna kill me, aren't they? I've seen your faces.
I know the date of your plan.
There's no way you're gonna let me go.
Relax, man.
You're not gonna die.
We are.
What's that all about? I don't know.
What's up? I'm gonna have to step out for the rest of the night take care of some business.
Uh, the rest of you, just just stay here and, uh, watch the monitors, huh? Hold on a second.
Farik, we've been cooped up in this place for two days, no sunlight, fresh air.
Youmud Din is so close.
I think we've earned a right to go out and enjoy ourselves.
We may not have another chance.
The prophet, sallallahu' alaihi wa sallam, was compassionate toward his followers.
It's true, Farik.
We are all, all of us, going to die for Allah.
Maybe for just one last time.
All right.
You all have the rest of the night off, but I need someone to stay and watch over our guest here.
I'll do it.
Now, I, uh I don't care what you do for your last hurrah, just just be back here for fajr prayer tomorrow.
Tommy can I borrow your car since you're staying? - Be safe.
- Yeah.
Yeah! Next up for karaoke Steve! Let's hear what you got, Steve! All right, let's hear it.
- Steve! Let's do it! - Come on, Steve! What the hell are you doing, Darwyn? Farik got a call.
He looked disturbed, shocked, and then he took the night off.
I wanted to make sure we knew what was on.
That's what we have S.
teams for.
Yeah, well, they've lost him before.
That was before.
I'm in charge now.
We got Farik covered.
Is there any chance we could take the door of the warehouse now he's gone? No, no.
The entire building's still rigged with explosives.
How's the hostage? Alive, but I don't know for how much longer.
What about plans for the attack? Still no target yet, but he's given us a date, the 15th of shaban.
That's the lailat-ul-baraat.
It's the, uh Oh, the night of absolution, when Allah decrees the fate of mankind for the year ahead.
I'm impressed.
The more I know about Islam, the better I do my job.
Lailat-ul-baraat is in two days.
That doesn't give us much time.
We can get a tactical team together by the end of tomorrow.
The moment Farik opens that door, we can shut him the fuck down.
You don't look convinced.
You know, Farik's been through more shit than either one of us can imagine.
He won't make it easy.
Samia, what are you doing here? Your uncle Faisal, he gave me an account number, said that funds were available if anything ever happened to you, and then I shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
We can't talk about this.
- This room might be bugged.
- No, it's not.
I swept for listening devices just like you taught me.
Samia You shouldn't have come.
You know that.
I'm sorry, but on the flight over here, I tried to think of what I would tell Asma if anything You'll tell her that her father is not dead but alive in paradise.
Martyrs don't even feel the sting of death.
I don't care about paradise.
I want you here with me now.
I want to look forward to you coming back home.
To grow old with me.
- I want - Stop, please.
Why?! Why?! Because you're the only person who has a hope in hell of making me change my mind, and I can't.
I can't.
- I have a duty.
- No! Don't.
Good job.
Good job.
Hey, Tommy.
That's your name, right? Yeah.
I want to thank you for treating me like a human being, unlike your friends.
They're just tense, man.
They're good men.
They're heroes.
You know you remind me of my son, Jake.
He's a good kid.
Plays football on the high-school team.
Yeah, I used to be a running back in high school myself.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
But I got kicked off the team, fighting with the coach.
Story of my life, man.
I always had difficulty obeying authority.
I think that's why I became a muslim, because in Islam, you don't answer to other human beings.
You surrender only to your creator.
I never really knew any muslims until I went to the Gulf.
I fought alongside these egyptian guys in the 12th mechanized brigade.
Oh, they were good soldiers.
Then they'd stop five times a day for prayers, which I thought was cool, 'cause, hell most folks I know, they hardly go to church five times a year.
I just wish I'd, uh, asked them more about their religion.
Look, I-I'm just A simple guy, Tommy, but I'm trying to understand.
Look, what I don't get is you're an american.
What are you doing with these people? I'm one of them and I believe in our cause.
Come on, Tommy.
Look, you're a smart kid.
That stuff I've been hauling, the phosgene, what do you think they're planning on doing with it, huh? They're mass murderers.
They are going to kill innocent people with that stuff.
Oh, really? Why don't you give me a fucking break? - Did you pay your taxes last april? - Yeah.
Do you know what percentage of your tax dollars goes toward waging war on innocent muslim men, women, and children all over the world, from the Philippine Islands to Palestine? You use a $100-million jet to drop bombs on civilians, and you're a hero.
You deserve a fucking medal.
You take 'em out by blowing yourself up on the corner or on a bus, and you're a terrorist.
That's bullshit, Tommy.
I went to war as an american soldier, and I am telling you, american soldiers do not wage war on civilians.
Oh, look, Tommy, I'm sorry if I offended you.
- I did not mean to.
- Fuck off, Jim.
We're all saddled up.
Anybody got an idea what the target is? My guess is a large outdoor space with lots of people hanging around maybe the third street promenade in Santa Monica.
Maybe the farmers market at the Grove.
I think we will hit disneyland, I'm sorry to say.
It has the greatest symbolic value.
Why "sorry to say"? I love disneyland.
Tommy, Please, man, I got to go to the bathroom again.
Jesus fucking Christ, man.
The last fucking time, man.
Come on.
Stay back, motherfucker! Stay back! Stay back! Don't move or I'll blow your Not even loaded.
Christian, Ilija.
Farik, he's no longer a threat to us.
Let's just tie him up No.
We're too close.
We can't risk anything else going wrong.
You said yourself we don't need Besides, he had an opportunity to cooperate.
Hell, he had an opportunity to escape.
He failed in both.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Samia bin Safwan? I'm with the federal bureau of investigation.
What's this all about? I just want to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind.
I do mind, if I don't catch this flight, I'm gonna miss my daughter's ballet recital.
Oh, how fucking tragic.
Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
I'm not going anywhere with you.
I'm a british citizen.
This is intolerable.
Well, with the way London subways are running, I don't think Tony Blair will be coming to your defense.
This room was used by the previous tenant for gas-attack training.
It's airtight, complete with an exhaust system for filtering out any remaining gas.
I'm sorry, Mr.
Kroeper, but your services will no longer be required.
You gave me a bloody nose.
No! No! Horrible, isn't it? Imagine this happening to thousands of american infidels.
Tens of thousands.
Not so horrible then, huh? Okay.
Okay, that's great.
Thank you.
So, our tactical teams will be in place two days from now for a full-scale assault on the warehouse, and, of course, agent al-Sayeed will be working from the inside.
it should all be over.
- Mommy, can I watch cartoons? - Okay, till lunch, sweetie.
Hey, Marcus, guess what! We're going to a baseball game tomorrow! Gather around brothers.
Gather around.
This is the plan for Youmud Din.
Dodger stadium.
Home to america's greatest pastime, soon to be home to america's greatest mass grave.
On Youmud Din, in the beginning of the ball game, one of us will start a strategically placed fire inside the stands.
The stadium officials will call the fire department, and, in accordance to their standing emergency-response protocol, they will evacuate all of the fans onto the field.
But instead of L.
's bravest, it's gonna be Islam's bravest who show up with our emergency command vehicle.
When the vehicle's on the field, it will detonate, including all of the containers inside of it, releasing a phosgene cloud that will blanket the entire stadium within seconds.
Fuckin' awesome.
We'll kill 50,000 unbelievers in one attack.
Well, actually, that number is on the low side.
We're not alone.
What do you mean? There are two other units of the faithful in two other cities.
On Youmud Din, they will carry out simultaneous attacks on baseball stadiums in their respective cities using a mixture of unconventional weapons.
If all three attacks go off as planned, in sha' Allah, the death toll could rise up to 150,000.
It'll be the biggest disaster in american history.
Farik, do you really think we can pull off an attack of this magnitude and complexity in such little time? only 2 days away.
Darwyn, you are using the wrong calendar.
The traditional ulama calculates islamic dates based on the moon sighting over Mecca.
according to the saudi calendar, the 15th of shaban is tomorrow.
In a few short hours In a few short hours, the sun will rise, and we will enter paradise.
If we spend our time going over what's led us to this point, we're not gonna have the time we need to make an intelligent decision regarding where we go from here.
Where we go from here ? Are you kidding me, Frances? Where the hell do you think we're gonna go? We're gonna call the mayor of Los Angeles and his police chief With all due respect to the department of homeland security, we should not be doing that.
Not until we have no choice, not until the very last possible moment.
Because every moment up until then is a chance for us to find out what the hell is really going on up in New York and right here in D.
You want to risk thousands, maybe tens of thousands of lives for a grand prize that may not even exist? We have to alert the mayor and the governor.
And after you talk to Villaraigosa and Arnold.
What are you gonna tell the mayors and the governors of New York and D.
? That Los Angeles is more important than their cities? That we're willing to leverage their populations in exchange for L.
's? Think about the east african embassies, september 11th, Madrid, the London underground.
These people always use multiple coordinated attacks.
And you're forgetting something of vital importance.
We have details of the L.
attack plan, including the date.
And we still have more time.
Your undercover what's the latest information he's given you regarding these upcoming attacks? We don't have any more intel, ma'am not yet.
Why not? I'm afraid we haven't had any contact with our U.
for the last 24 hours.
I don't mean to interrupt.
But, uh, everything's ready.
Today's the day.
You know, as september 11th was approaching, I was debating with myself as to where I would be of most use to God's cause in the aftermath Karachi or Riyadh.
In Karachi, I would help our brothers overthrow the american puppet regime and put the hand of the faithful on a nuclear trigger.
And Riyadh? In Riyadh, I would help my old friends and neighbors drag the royal family onto the streets, where they would receive the justice they deserve and consequently gain control of half of the oil on earth.
So, where'd you end up? Doesn't matter.
There was no history made in either place.
It turns out, the spectacle of slaughtering 3,000 crusader enemies the greatest attack on american soil in modern times it wasn't enough to put steel into the spine of our muslim nation.
Let's hope that the spectacle of 20 or so faithful brothers slaughtering 150,000 baseball-loving infidels will do the trick.
Yeah, let's hope.
Come on.
- So, when do we get our orders? - When the time comes.
All right, I need your pagers, your cellphones, your calling cards everything, right here.
Salaam alaikum.
If you are watching this now, it is because I and my fellow mujahideen have successfully struck another blow against american arrogance, tyranny, conceit, and greed.
For the past few months, my brothers and I have fought side by side to deliver a blow to the heart of america on its home front.
As we strike a blow in the battle to end unjust humiliation, subjugation, and devasta I dedicate my sacrifice to Allah and the freedom of muslims everywhere from their oppressors and to the memory of my family, whose unjust deaths will finally be balanced on the scales of universal justice.
I want to thank my family, my mom and dad, for failing so miserably as parents that I was forced to escape the coddled mediocrity of america and find a noble and spiritual purpose as a holy soldier of God.
You know what? Boring.
What I want to say? In english.
"Fuck you.
Fuck all of you.
" Today, my actions are a message to muslims here in the United States and all over the world.
My fight is your fight.
And together, we must stand strong.
And to my muslim brothers who don't understand my actions everything I've done and everything I'm about to do, I do for Islam.
That's a wrap.
This is gonna require a principals' meeting.
And, like it or not, we're gonna have to bring FEMA in on this to start the consequence-management ball rolling to prepare for the worst-case scenario.
Along those same lines, I've asked professor Davis from our national biological and chemical threat assessment center to join us so we can at least have a primer on what we might be dealing with.
Professor? Well it isn't good.
Uh, if this report is accurate a-and there really are 10,000 gallons of liquid phosgene wired to detonate with the amount of explosives listed, depending on the exact nature of the target and the number of people located there and the population density downwind as well as the wind speed and wind direction at the time of detonation, y-y-you could be looking at 10,000 casualties.
With, uh, several thousand dead in the first 24 hours.
Perhaps many, many more.
Hey, babe, are you excited about the game? - Go, team! - Go, team! I think we got some awesome seats.
Maybe we'll catch a foul ball, huh? - Yeah! - Yeah! Agent Serxner? Any word from D.
? Nothing yet, but I thought I should wake you.
No luck on those numbers Farik was dialing.
He wasn't on the phone long enough to geolocate the other side of either conversation.
And still no word from al-Sayeed.
Probably nothing new.
Otherwise he would've contacted us.
Or he can't get clear.
It's been over a day.
What's the matter, Tommy? Jealous because you don't get to dress up like a fireman? Asshole.
When CNN gets this tape, our faces will be broadcast to the world for all our muslim brothers to see.
Your ticket.
How are we doing getting a hard-line camera into the warehouse? It's risky, but we're giving it a shot.
Got a ghost team working on it right now.
You know, in the year 627, prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam was facing a pivotal moment where the future of Islam itself would be determined.
Meccan pagans were gathering a force of 10,000 men to attack the holy city of Medina with the intent of destroying Islam forever.
Our people were outnumbered three to one, and it seemed as though there was no hope.
But one muslim, a persian convert by the name of Salman, was able to think outside the box.
He persuaded the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to dig a trench around the city of Medina with the intent of blocking the enemy's attack.
That was never heard of before then a totally new tactic.
The meccans eventually returned home in defeat.
This is the ultimate example of how our people, outnumbered, facing impossible odds, were able to use their ingenuity to defeat the unbelievers.
And history is going to repeat itself today.
- What the hell was that? - Son of a bitch.
What the fuck was that? That was the sound of our trench being dug.
It's the paint factory down the street.
Look at that.
That's gonna be a ton of toxic smoke.
God damn it.
This place is gonna be swarming with fire department, LAPD, hazmat you name it.
What should we do, sir? Dial 911.
And, everybody else, keep your eyes open.
That's it! Let's go! We got to move! The tactical team isn't here.
We still haven't got the okay from Washington yet.
It's a decoy, the whole goddamn thing.
They customized that truck to look like an LAFD mobile emergency command vehicle.
Now, let's go! All right, go.
Go, go, go, go, go! Get a tactical team down here right now.
Call LAPD.
All LAPD units, Los Angeles sheriff's department, and California highway patrol, respond Use extreme caution.
The occupants are armed and extremely dangerous.
Priority 1 dispatch.
All units, be on the lookout for a Los Angeles fire department emergency response command vehicle.
Use extreme caution.
All available LAPD units and central bureau, converge on Hoover and 16th immediately.
Fuck! So, this explosion draws first responders police and fire department, huh? Away from the stadium while we execute our attack.
When the call comes in for help, we'll be the first on the scene.
Hope you're going to give me some good news.
What? Coordinate with the locals and keep me informed.
What is it? Afraid we don't need the president to weigh in on a decision anymore.
Why not? They drove out of the building and off our surveillance radar under cover of an explosion and a three-alarm fire at a factory down the street.
Frances you have to brief the president right now.
That's why we got no GPS signal from Darwyn's phone.
It's in there.
It's not so bad, is it? To die for something you believe in? I wouldn't know.
I've never died before.
I know you think I'm a loser, Ilija.
But today I'm gonna prove myself to you and to everyone.
Special delivery.
Au revoir you french fuck.
Have a nice day american pussy.
On september 11th, I remember thinking the world had changed.
The war had begun, and I knew then that the future of Islam lay in the balance, so I had to choose what kind of muslim I was gonna be.
Was I gonna sit back and watch events unfold or was i gonna take action destroy those who wanted to destroy my faith? The holy Qu'ran says, "those who believe fight in the way of God and those who disbelieve fight in the way of satan.
" "So fight against the friends of satan.
" And that's what I've done.
That's what I'm doing today.
It's game 3 in the dodgers versus the reds.
Tickets are now on sale for the doubleheader next week against the padres.
It's okay.
You can go.
Come on, sweetie, let's go find our seats.
Right here.
Excuse us.
Thank you.
I'm sitting here.
I know you are.
Ready to catch a ball? Hey, look at the field.
Look how big it is.
Yay, dodgers! Yay, dodgers! Playing third When is the game gonna start? In the outfield, Dante Cruz, Ryan Werth, and Tony Valentin.
Please rise for Alexa Melo singing the national anthem.
Sweetie, put your handright there.
Yeah, right there.
Roger that, dispatch.
This truck is clear.
Any luck? No, not yet.
Every cop in the city is looking for that vehicle, but L.
is a big fuckin' place.
Sir? Ma'am? Over here.
What's that? It's a Qu'ran.
It's from Darwyn.
It's a dodger game.
Field teams, with me! I need an interagency conference call set up immediately.
I need the word put out overall emergency frequencies, LAPD, S.
, and as many field agents as we can spare to converge on Dodger stadium immediately.
We need to set in motion the cancellation of the Washington national game and either the yankees or the mets, whos ever playing today.
Just cancel every goddamn game in this country! Alert stadium security.
Get them pictures of the cell members now.
Chopper 13 en route to Dodger stadium.
Come on, move it! Hey, buddy, get to the right! Come on! Get out of the way! Go around him! What, are you stupid?! Ketchup or mustard, baby? Ketchup.
- You want a drink? - Smoothie.
- You want chips? - Okay.
You excited about the game? Yeah.
I really like the Dodgers.
Marcus! Marcus! Get out of here! Marcus! Sir? There was an explosion at the stadium, it caused a fire.
That's it.
That's it.
That's the plan.
Fire at the stadium, who do they call? The fire department.
And who shows up? Farik.
All guests, please evacuate onto the field safely and slowly.
Everyone, please stay calm.
People, please stay calm.
Please proceed Hello? It's a wrong number.
Marcus! Marcus! Marcus! Don't panic, everyone.
All guests, please evacuate onto the field safely and calmly.
Everyone, please stay calm.
People, please stay calm.
Sir, we are following our emergency protocol.
I'm telling you to adjust the protocol and get those fans off the field.
Nobody fires till I say so.
One stray bullet hits those phosgene barrels, we are in a world of shit.
Christian, pull over here.
This is where you guys get out.
Tommy and Ilija, they're blocking the western approach, you guys will take the eastern approach.
Do not allow yourself to be captured.
You kill as many of those crusader motherfuckers as possible.
Do you understand? Yeah.
Allah akbar.
This is awesome, man.
We can hold off an army with this shit.
Fucking infidels! - What's your problem? - It's over.
Let go.
What the fuck are you doing? I'm FBI.
What?! Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Move out of the way! Stop it! - It's over.
- Fuck you! You were one of us! No.
It's over.
Fucking traitor! No.
You're the traitor.
Target vehicle is traveling east along the stadium access road.
He's going for the center-field gates! Go, go, go, go! He's headed for the center-field gates! Go, go, go, go! - Darwyn, you all right? - I'm all right.
Turn off that truck! We have you surrounded! Come out with your hands up! Ilaha illa Allah.
Ilaha illa Allah! No! N-o-o-o-o! Show your hands and exit the vehicle! Move! Stop running, or I shoot! No! Give me your phone.
- Yeah? - We get him? Yeah, we got him.
I think he hit the detonator, but the truck didn't blow.
I slipped the batteries out of the detonator this morning back at the warehouse.
Listen, Farik's got his sat phone on him right now.
It's in his shirt pocket.
He traded calls with the other two cells this morning.
I'm on it.
He's got a sat phone in his pocket.
Check his pockets for a sat phone.
Take it to signal intelligence now.
I guess the crash loosened the wiring on your C4.
You are fucked, Saad.
My name is Yossi Amran.
I'm gonna need a doctor And a lawyer.
Radical islamic terrorists Breaking news from Dodger stadium.
There has been a major incident at today's game.
Further reports have not yet Police and FBI officials won't confirm reports of a failed attack at Dodger stadium today, but sources say it appears a terrorist cell may be responsible.
Put your hands up and come out of the vehicle! Here's the satellite phone! Downloading sim card.
Obtaining call history.
Shipping call history to NSA.
They've got the numbers.
They're attempting to geolocate last contacts.
Put your hands up and exit the vehicle! Lynne, it's me -- Tommy.
No, no, I'm not calling to ask for more money.
I no, I just, um I was just wondering how your day was going.
Move slowly and exit the vehicle! Yeah? Good.
Have you, uh Have you seen dad? Yeah, I know.
Well, look, when you see him, just tell him tell him I said hi.
Come out of the vehicle with your hands in the air! I'm sorry, Lynne, I Shit.
I got to go.
I just wanted to I just wanted to say that Put your hands up and exit the vehicle! Keep listening, mom.
There's something I want you to hear.
There's something I want you to hear.
Thomas? Thomas! What's happening?! Thomas? Thomas, are you there? Can you hear me? What's happening?! Thomas! Police! Freeze! Put your hands on your head! Don't fuckin' move! Anyone who needs medical assistance, there are ambulances in the parking lot directly outside the stadium gates.
Ladies and gentlemen, everything is under control.
Excuse me.
How you doin'? I don't know.
Where's Farik? I took out his kneecap.
Figured he was worth more to us alive.
There are two other cells.
The sat phone worked.
We got New York, but someone tipped off D.
But, you know, the main thing is, the attacks were stopped, all three of them.
I think this is yours.
That was a smart move.
Just glad you caught it.
We did it.
You did it.
Hey, buddy, can you tell us what your mommy looks like? Hang on.
Darwyn! I told you this before.
He's got brown hair, and he's wearing a baseball cap.
He's I don't know, he's like -- he's got green eyes, and he's wearing a hawaiian shirt.
I just turned around, there was the explosion, and he wasn't there.
Look, there goes your mommy.
Downtown, an explosion at a paint factory created a three-alarm fire.
While fire and rescue workers hurried to the scene, another explosion erupted at Dodger stadium.
The standoff between an armed suspect and police Mitchell, you're gonna be able to move forward with the first significant criminal prosecution of islamic terrorists since september 11th.
Excuse me.
There is no way on God's green earth that anyone involved in this case can go to trial unless you want to see your undercover agent facing multiple criminal charges and watch the bureau be accused of having sat back and allowed one of their sworn officers to participate in the commission of multiple homicides and various other felonies.
What are you saying, Frances? I'm saying the FBI can take all the credit for capturing these assholes, but you'll turn custody of them over to the department of defense immediately.
They are all going to be detained, none of them are going to be charged, and all of this becomes classified.
I'm sorry, but I speak for the president, and that's how it's gonna be.
Under the laws of war, the terrorist activities of these men and the direct association of their leaders with Al Qaeda make them all nonprivileged belligerents.
For this reason, all those individuals taken into federal custody yesterday in Los Angeles and New York city have been turned over to the department of defense.
Now I would like to introduce special agent Alim Saleh of the FBI, who will brief you on the status of the targets of this investigation.
Agent Saleh? Several individuals are still at large.
Target number one's true identity remains unknown at this time, but he has been operating under the name Julio Torres.
Last seen in Washington, D.
He is a middle eastern male, approximately 40 years of age, Target number two was last seen in the city of Los Angeles.
He has, up until now, been operating under his real name, Ilija Korjenic, though that is highly unlikely to still be the case.
He is a white male, a bosnian citizen, and speaks with a bosnian accent.
Steve? I was wondering if you might know a place that I could stay just for a little while.
I want to thank my family, my mom and dad, for failing so miserably as parents that I was forced to escape the coddled mediocrity of america and find a noble and spiritual purpose as a holy soldier of God.
My name is Lynne Allen Emerson.
I stand here before you grieving not just for the death of my son, but for my country, as well.
Because of the tragic impact this government's policies have had on my husband and I, we will be filing suit and seeking legal remedies for our pain and suffering from the pentagon Who wrongfully persecuted my son during his short time as an american soldier, and from the white house, where these horrible policies originated.
Thank you very much.
Think any of this makes a difference? You think you won? You may have won a battle but war will go on.
Sami! Samia! Samia! Samia! Samia! Samia!
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