Forbidden Science (2009) s01e10 Episode Script


Prevously on Forbidden Science This is my reality.
This where I live.
I design this prison alone.
Colin Sommers didn't create 4Ever.
He's nobody.
He's only there to conceal the true owner.
But Colin keeps all his secrets here.
I need the access code! Who are you? I'm the owner and creator of 4Ever.
My name is Adrien.
Adrien Turner.
Tommorow loved ones will return as clones.
Memories will be downloaded and sold.
Androids will walk among us.
Tommorow is now.
Theater Jomblo Present Revisi:SiGanteng Forbidden Science Season 1 Episode 10 Virus You'll never get away with this, Dark Queen.
And who's gonna stop me? You? My poor boy Hasn't anyone ever told you there's no more heroes left in the world? -Sparrow! You alright? -My name is Raven.
Sure it is.
Pink Mistress We meet at last! Penny power! Damnit! Bitch pull the Kenobi! Hello.
Forgetting something? I was very itching for "Galactus vs Silversurfer" epic type fight finish.
You know? I mean, arcenemy.
A nemesis! I love that word "nemesis".
So much better than "villain" or "evil doer".
That's what I love about you, Penny, you so dorky, it made me seems cool.
Oh, where do you think you're going? -I thought we were -I just save your live! And the world as we know it I deserve a prize.
Really? Here? What's the matter? Utility belt too tight? No, it's just I don't know, I thought our first time would be You know, real.
Not virtual.
Wow! That's so romantic! Come on, Sparrow, laid me over and make me your sidekick.
I said it's Raven! You realize that's chicks name, right? Computer, tunes! We're getting it on, not getting an eulogy? Flip it.
Must've been a power spike.
Maye we should stop.
Don't even think about it, boywonder.
Wait till you get the real thing? Hi guys.
-Am I intterupting? -Honestly? No, of course not.
We're just testing a new program.
I tought you already got home for the night.
I'm finally heading out.
So what kind of private brue you two are concocting? Or do I not want to know? No, no, it's really cool, actually See, most virtual head set they only build few basic evirontments, but we're able to tap directly to the mainframe so we can duplicate basically anything that's ever been downloaded into our system.
Wait a minute.
You guys were playing around the mainframe? Just the subs systems.
That can hurt anything.
Oh damn! You were saying? Ehm, Colin, you planning on getting away of that machine anytime soon? Few more minutes.
The world doesn't just stop because you decide to made your cooking.
What just happen? I don't know.
Everything just went down.
Is phone working? No.
It's dead.
My cell too.
Colin? You rather late, don't you think? I found something you should see.
What is it? Better if you come down here.
Are you alone? Of course.
I just got home for the night.
It's important.
Ok, try get into the mainframe and see if you can fix whatever you broke.
I'm telling you, this wasn't us, There's no way the program Humor me.
What about you? I'll head out to security.
Could be network crash.
Our systems are interlink.
Not you too? Don't tell me you actually believe we had anything to do with this.
Who knows.
We might be able to reroute power.
Get the mainframe back online.
Come on, Raven.
Where's your sense of adventure? Security? Security, this is Colin, come in.
-Yes, Mr.
-What's happen? There's a mishap at doctor Sterlings lab.
It seems to send out some sort of an electrical pulse.
Everything shut down and locked up tight.
Give us about an hour to get the power back.
Then I'll send some men up to come and get you.
Penny Why I'm not surprised? Alright, keep me inform.
Ah! Damnit! Oh Jesus! Don't look.
Don't look! Penny! Philip! What the hell? Hey, Colin.
What happened with the power? Well, thanks Bethany.
What a wonderfull meal, I'm really touched! Eh? Oh, sorry, I I guess I'm just preoccupied.
It's wonderfull.
It's It's very good.
It's Terrible? Seriously, the next time the world collapse around us, I would like the food so ordered.
The world is not collapse, and 4Ever can survive one night without power.
-Who are you? Who are you? -Calm down, calm down! -Who are you? - Calm down, ok? Just relax.
Wait! I know you! -I've seen your picture, you're Bethanys ex! -Adrian.
-Nice to meet you.
-What are youd oing here? I came here to meet Colin, I saw the power out, but -Where's the security? -Dead.
We have a sentry in guard, but I can't find him.
-An android guard.
Look, the front entrance is right down this hall, to the left.
I can't recieve a cellphone signal here.
I want you to take my phone, and when you get outside call the pilice.
-What about you? -I'm gonna find Colin.
Penny and Philip are in the lab, but the 5th corridor is locked Don't worry, don't worry.
I'll find them.
Now you go.
Anything? Oh, no, nothing No, nothing yet.
It's getting toast here.
Climate control seems to be offline too.
Haven't really notice.
Wait, I got something here.
Hey, how did you? I'm Phil, I'll be your intellectual superior for this evening.
What is that? Well, my intellectual superior, it seems to be a virus or somekind.
Security should've been here by now.
They're over 30 floors down, and in pitch darkness, give thems sometime.
Something is wrong.
It's a power outage, not world war 3! Let someone else deal with everything for a change.
Come on, Adrian! Since when you ever been in a glitter? Colin! Where are you? EWho ever said I was Colin? I know that voice! Harold! But you're dead! Actually, now, I'm more alive than ever.
It's weird, the virus keeps changing somehow.
Cant find the source.
-What are you doing? -It's spreading through our system to the building.
We need to shut it down.
Wait! I don't think it's a good Philip! Oh my God, are you okay? Are you alright? Say something! Philip? Oh Robbie! Jesus, you scared me.
One of the guard dead.
Just Jesus! What Breath.
Philip? Philip! Power should go out more often.
-Let me call the security again.
I'm sure they got their hands full.
Why don't you just Colin? What is that? Philip? He's here.
I almost forgotten.
Are you? Wait.
What are you? Harold.
My name is was Harold.
I downloaded.
A program can't just downloaded into a person brain.
I'm not a program not a person.
Then what? Conciousness.
I am I am.
Ok, this whole Blair of moment is really fascinating, but.
I kind of like if my guy back now if its alright.
Where are you going? There's no rush, come on.
Is that your boyfriend? -Look.
I've been there.
It's not worth it.
Philip, are you alright? Oh, God.
What did they do! Jesus! Shit! It's fucking hurt.
Jesus Phil.
You have me scared for a moment.
What happened? We have problems.
Where'd you go, Harold? Not up for chatting anymore? I'm here.
I'm always here.
You put me here.
You did this.
The chip in your brain did it somehow.
Not me.
And what about Laura? I love her and you murdered her.
Love her? She's just a fantasy in online make-believes.
The real Laura, the flesh and blood woman, she live right next door, and you never even aproach her.
You know what the sad truth is, Harold you're where you belong.
Where you be happiest? In your own little world.
You destroyed the only thing I ever care about.
It's only fair I do the same to you.
And why not start with what you value the most.
Your precious little secret.
What are you doing? Exposing you.
Exposing what you've done.
It's a poisonous gas.
A normal person will only have moments to live.
Enough of this.
What's the matter, Adrian? I thought you like experiments.
Where is everybody? Maybe they're all dead.
We can't shut this thing down externally, maybe we can use the backdoor.
What are you talking about? Our virtual program is in the subsystems.
Maybe I can destroy whatever/whoever it is, from the inside.
-You crazy? I can't let you do that.
-Just watch my vitals.
Things get bad, unplug me.
Then what? I don't know.
Make us an ice cycle.
Okay You know Yeah, I know.
If I didn't know better, I'd say you appear you're genuinely concern.
But if it might make you feel better, things haven't going exactly as you scripted between them anyway.
He betrayed you, he might even love her.
What do you want? No negotiations, Adrian.
I already told you.
I'm exposing you.
I'm going to reveal what you've done and you're going to watch.
Don't do this.
The great Adrian Turner might actually care for something.
Will burn never seeks? Harold! -Harold! -Lock and load.
-What do you think you're doing? -My game, my rule.
You really think that anything you do in here is actually make a difference? That's the thing about programs, they can always be rewritten.
I told you I'm not a program.
Then what's with the getup? -How? -Welcome to my world, bitch! Penny Power! Please Please When you've downloaded into our system, you became subject to its rules.
In here, you can be rewritten.
In here, I make the rules.
In here, you can die.
No wait, you don't understand You follow me.
Do you require assistence? Colin Colin! Yeah yeah.
Yeah I'm alright.
How do you feel? Super.
What? What is it? Its' just When I almost die we never just Wow, really? You pick now to make your move? Shut up and give some of that Penny power.
Whatever you want, Raven.
It seems Penny was able to completely purge the Harold virus, or whatever it was.
I rebooted the system, just in case.
And Bethany? She's fine.
That's not what I was asking.
Is there anything you want to tell me? Like what? Your partnership.
When I had you promote her to be vice president, it wasn't for you to be emotionally involved.
She's here for a reason.
My reason.
Be carefull.
That sounds like a threat.
It doesn't.

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