Smash s01e10 Episode Script


Previously on Smash.
You're waiting to much time to be in the ensemble.
What, this brilliant director is that powerful? You couldn't even say, "sorry, I need a minute"? They're looking at someone else for press secretary.
Do they have you in a little blonde wig - and a skirt that blows up? - Okay We haven't met yet.
I'm Tom.
- I'm Sam.
- You slept with my wife.
I made a terrible mistake.
Please don't go! How's Marilyn doing? Oh, she's having some growing pains.
If we land Rebecca Duvall, I want a co-producer credit.
Chasing after movie stars, it's so lame.
- Why can't the song be the star? - Why can't I be the star? SMASH S01 Ep10 - Understudy What happens if she doesn't show up? You're still angling for that part.
Why wouldn't I? [Footsteps approaching.]
We have a bit of a problem.
As many of you may have suspected, our star is somewhat delayed, so why don't we take a ten, and then we'll restart with the design presentation.
She's not even here? I mean, we know she's not here, but she's not in New York? - She's in Cuba.
- Cuba? - Eileen.
- Manny.
- Can we have a moment? - Of course we can.
Okay, so I talk loud.
He was going to find out anyway.
This was just a brief travel hiccup.
The plane was canceled.
It happens.
Eileen, let me make one thing clear.
Just because we say we're in doesn't mean the money is.
That'll show when miss Duvall shows.
You've got two days, then we're pulling out.
[Elevator dings.]
Hold the elevator.
[Phone ringing.]
[Knock at door.]
I just heard.
Yeah, it's official.
Denby got the job, which makes him my boss.
How did this happen? That stuff we had on him was appalling.
Mm, never made it past the chief of staff.
He buried it.
- It should've been you.
- Yeah.
- What did Karen say? - Haven't told her.
Why would she go to Cuba? Some goodwill mission with Sean Penn.
Okay, I can't lose the day.
We have to start work.
But we need to do something first, come on.
Karen, I need to talk to you.
Oh, what's up? Look, because miss Duvall's entrance has been delayed, we need to look at some staging issues.
- Okay.
- We want you to do it.
You want We want you to understudy Marilyn.
Are you up for that? Yes, sure.
Great, but we're gonna hit the ground running.
Linda? - Two more, Derek.
- See you in two.
- Oh, my God.
- What did she say? - I'm the understudy.
- Oh, my God.
[Chatter, excited laughter.]
That is so amazing! Oh, my gosh, congratulations! She is never going to be able to hack it.
Especially after Ivy breaks her kneecaps.
[Excited clamor.]
Every musical theater actress in this city is dying to play that part, and they end up giving it to someone who doesn't even show.
It's not funny, Sam, it's tragic.
Yeah, no This is tragic.
Oh, come on, Rebecca Duvall's never looked better.
Ba dee bum ba da Wait, wait, wait, you have to see the other ones.
Ba ba dee [Laughter.]
Didn't expect to hear you laughing about it.
About what? You didn't tell her, did you? - Tell me what? - Yeah I'm gonna leave that to Derek.
I'll see you later, Ive.
- Uh - Goodbye, Sam.
Tell me what? Karen's going to understudy Marilyn.
Karen? Yeah, well, she already knows half the blocking.
- I know all the blocking.
- Mm-hmm.
She is Ugh, she's Little usurper.
Ivy, after what happened at Heaven on Earth, I can't even get you in the chorus.
- You know that.
- I was upset.
I was a mess after what happened.
Nevertheless [Sighs.]
[Snorting laugh.]
It's not funny.
Yeah, it is, actually.
That is pretty funny.
[Orchestra tuning up.]
[Speaking spanish.]
- Who was that? - Castro's brother, Raul.
- Really? - Of course not.
Don't be ridiculous.
Well, what happened? Where's Rebecca? You're the one who secured her.
You want co-producer credit? Go find her.
- I - And while you're at it, set up a meeting with our antsy investors.
I need to let the natives know there's no longer a reason to be restless.
[Knock at door.]
Oh, you are a sight for sore eyes.
- I have news.
- Oh, so do I.
Come on, you first.
Movie star didn't show up.
- That's bad, isn't it? - Not this time.
I got a promotion.
I'm the understudy.
And since there's no movie star, for now, I'm Marilyn.
Hey, Sundaram Whoa.
- Sorry.
- Hey, Paul, what do you need? - This is your girlfriend? - Yeah.
- Karen Cartwright.
- Young Marilyn.
We've met.
Good to see you again.
Stop by my office when you get a minute, okay? He's such a weasel.
Um, what was your news? Doesn't matter.
He had his own key to her apartment? Ugh.
So other than her questionable taste in men, how is she? She's tougher than she looks, you know.
But she's going to need a job soon.
After what happened at Heaven on Earth? It's not going to be easy.
The whole town is talking about it.
Yeah, schadenfreude as art form.
Hey, Tom, should we go in or? We'll have a good time.
- I hear it's a train wreck.
- Right? Why are we going? Both: 'Cause it's a train wreck.
- See you at rehearsal.
- Bye.
You like it? Mom, it's grilled cheese.
But is it a good grilled cheese? - It's fantastic.
- [Laughs.]
Have you seen him? He asked me not to tell you.
- You have.
- Mom, please.
- I can't be the one - No, I know.
I know.
I'm not.
I sorry.
- We're gonna be fine.
- I know.
[Pop rock music.]
Trying hard to reach out But when I tried to speak out Felt like no one could hear me Wanted to belong here but something feels so wrong here So I pray I can breakaway I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky And I'll make a wish take a chance Make a change and breakaway out of the darkness and into the sun But I won't forget all the ones that I love And I'll take a risk take a chance Make a change and breakaway buildings with a hundred floors Swinging 'round revolving doors Baby I don't know where they'll take me But gotta keep moving on moving on Fly away breakaway I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye Gotta take a risk take a chance make a change And breakaway breakaway Rebecca's assistant's having some trouble getting her visa.
- Her assistant? - Well, she's Cuban.
It's political.
Rebecca can't leave the girl behind.
- [Scoffs.]
- So I'm on it.
But for now, you're going to have to continue staging without your star.
Karen Cartwright! Eileen, she's a movie star who has never done live theater.
She has a lot of work ahead of her.
We need her yesterday.
And she'll be here by the weekend, okay? A aren't you forgetting something? - Am I? - Alan Rykoff, NYU.
Oh, tell me that's not today.
[As Marilyn Monroe.]
You like this, Arthur? [As Arthur Miller.]
I do, yeah.
It's crap, men in dresses.
Who's going to pay to see that? Cross-dressing in the theatre has a long history, all the way back to the Greeks No, no, no, downstage, Karen.
- Downstage! - Downstage what? You cross downstage of your scene partner so that when he stands up, he doesn't put his bloody back to the bloody audience.
We've just done this.
Didn't you write it down? No, I Can we have a pencil, please, for miss Cartwright? Since she can't remember the simplest piece of blocking.
You cross downstage of Arthur.
Can you even spell "downstage"? And I thought he was evil during the workshop.
Would it be more evil to start taking bets? On what? Whether or not he makes her cry.
Ten bucks, she folds like a tent.
- $20, she gets fired.
- You're on.
So, according to Wikipedia, you guys have been writing partners for ten years.
That sounds about right.
And you have a ritual around the anniversary of your first opening night together.
Could you describe that for me? Isn't it on Wikipedia? On our anniversary, every year, we find a production of Three on a match somewhere, and we go to see it.
So this is sort of like a wedding anniversary for you.
We get each other gifts and everything.
Does your husband get jealous? No.
No! Why would you say that? I just meant that he has to share you.
With me.
[Strained laugh.]
No, Frank's not like that.
Is there anything else? Sorry.
I'm sorry to cut this short.
It's just, we have We're just so busy today.
- I'm sure you - Of course.
The entire town is buzzing over Bombshell, especially now that Rebecca Duvall is playing the part.
He's, like, screaming at me, because, for one second, I forgot my stupid pencil.
You think he could fire me? No.
Next time, don't forget your pencil.
Oh, that was helpful.
Yeah, well, you don't like the guy.
- You never did.
- Why should I? He sexually harassed me the first day I met him.
What? He what? Oh.
"Oh"? "Oh" what? "Oh, I didn't tell you that part"? - It wasn't a big deal.
- What, being sexually harassed now is officially not a big deal? I handled it.
He made a pass and I handled it.
- Why are you yelling at me? - I'm not yelling at you.
Feels like you're yelling at me.
Well, if I am yelling at you, I'd have a right to maybe, because you lied to me.
- I didn't lie to you.
- You did.
Well, because you'd be upset, which you are.
Upset because you're being sexually harassed and putting up with it? Damn right I am.
Look, I ugh, I got yelled at all day.
I'm not gonna just sit here and get yelled at again.
I have to be rested so I can get yelled at again tomorrow.
Oh, what, you're just going back there? Yeah, I'm going back there.
Are you insane? - Karen - Yell at somebody else, Dev.
[Door slams shut.]
I need a few more days.
But Rebecca will be here.
When exactly? Sunday at the latest.
You have my word.
Assuming, once she gets here, we can sit down with her.
Or at least with her representatives.
No, with her too.
This is $7 million we're talking about, Eileen.
All this back and forth doesn't inspire confidence.
Hang on, hang on.
Robyn has a point.
I feel a little blindsided by all this.
Well, this is hardly unprecedented.
It's not unprecedented that she doesn't show up at all either.
I want to meet with your director, as well.
All this because an actress is a few days late? No one can force you to take our money, Eileen.
Jerry would never have put us in this situation.
Two Martinis and you haven't flirted with me once.
It's not that kind of night.
What's going on? Oh, it's just these vultures I'm having to deal with.
My so-called investors.
"Socalled"? They don't want to invest in Marilyn.
They want to invest in a movie star, and I admit, I opened the door to that, because you have to, but God - It's a galling business.
- Why put up with it? They have the money.
They sign the checks.
It's the way the game is played.
Does it have to be? [Snorts.]
I'm open to suggestions.
- Ooh.
- Emergency fund.
A bar's got to stay liquid more ways than one in this city.
Well, this is Very impressive.
And incredibly sweet.
Got $7 million under there? Kitty's a little short of $7 million.
But I do have friends.
What kind of friends? So they finally came up with a number that doesn't have Marilyn in it? Mm hmm.
Daryl Zanuck and his execs in his steam room.
That's right, he used to make them take meetings in there.
Yep, it's all men.
It's about the only thing I can stage right now.
You have an understudy.
Why aren't you staging on her? Darling, I would if it was you.
She's like a scared rabbit out there.
She's completely useless.
You should take it easy on her.
Excuse me? The only directors who were ever successful with Marilyn were the ones who babied her.
The rest of the time, she just shut down.
Well, I didn't baby you.
No, you fired me.
And that's okay, Derek.
I'm just saying, there's a lot on the line.
You need to be smart.
Oh, I think I'm plenty smart.
I think you could be smarter.
Well, I think I'm pretty smart.
Okay, dancers for the Zanuck number, please.
Derek, we added towels to help sell the fact that Zanuck had all his meetings in the steam room.
Where's Zanuck? You don't want to know.
He'll be back tomorrow.
I'm standing in today.
I live in a world of stand-ins.
Okay, let 'er rip.
Any idea why Zanuck's turning the heat up on us again? Search me.
I think it's Monroe, but it's not like I get paid to think.
A studio executive has no beliefs that's the way of the studio system We've bowed to every rear of all the studio chiefs And you can bet your ass we've kissed 'em Even the birds in the Hollywood hills Know the secret to our success It's those magical words that pay the bills Yes, yes, yes and yes - Oh, my God.
- Oh, that's him.
Here he comes.
- Good morning, Mr.
- Good morning, Mr.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Gentlemen, take a memo.
Today the trades are all aglow With grosses for our miss Monroe The things those vermin mustn't know Is what she puts us through She makes directors wait all day One line per hour's all she'll say And still she thinks we're gonna pay? She needs a talking to tomatoes like her must be put in their place If she don't shape up soon, she'll soon be walking 'Cause the buck stops with me All: yes, you're right we agree Uh, don't say yes until I've finished talking She's got them all tied up in knots Makes each producer faint and plotz She thinks she's queen and calls the shots As she sits on her throne She needs to learn she's only skin The next girl's waiting for a spin I made a star of rin-tin-tin And paid him with a bone All: tomatoes like her well, they're easy to find we throw them out as soon as they start squawking So get me some younger dish All: we concur as you wish Hey, don't say yes until I've finished talking And while you've got me on a roll Let's find a role for nat king Cole Tell Mankiewicz his script is trite A little lower to the right I think that Brando is miscast That television just won't last That I'm the king of Hollywood All: all hail the king! - oh, that feels good which brings me back to that dumb blonde To her demands I now respond Some buy your act but I'm not conned You'd better fall in line You're two basooms and nuts to boot I'll keep you in a bathing suit When you stop bringing in the loot We'll go back to the vine All: tomatoes like you they all wither and die my powers, though, will never be diminished So don't bring me to my boiling point You're just a broad I own the joint I'm in control you're just a face Allow me to cut to the chase I'll make another movie star Could someone light my damn cigar? And then say yes 'cause yes, men I'm finished all: Yes! [Applause.]
Yeah, that'll do.
You make a lovely Zanuck, Tom.
Thank you.
Karen Do you have a pencil? - Yes, I do.
- Terrific.
Come with me.
Off to the break room.
We're gonna run the transition Let me be your star, straight through the playboy shoot, and into Johnny Hyde.
Okay, now this is gonna move fast, so just do exactly what I say, and when you've got it, write it down, and that'll be a huge help to me.
I know we're dropping you into the deep end.
- I can do it.
- Yeah, I know you can.
I'm counting on it.
Okay, that's lunch.
Think he only has a week to live? Mm, maybe he found the Lord.
I've seen this kind of behavior before in stroke victims.
Maybe he had a stroke.
A less guy who want to invest in a Broadway musical because? One smile from you, Eileen, and my man won't know what hit him.
Meet Randy Cobra, in the flesh.
Randy! Nick, what's happening, man? [Feedback, electric guitar.]
- You were better today.
- No, I wasn't.
- You were.
- I'm just a body.
- But what a body.
- Pay up.
Hey, she still has to make it through two more days.
What are you talking about? They took bets on whether or not he'd make you cry.
That, and whether or not he'd fire you.
- You bet against me? - Well, don't do that.
- Hey, guys.
- Ivy! Sam called and said you guys were going out for drinks, - so I thought I might join you.
- Good.
- I'm glad you came out.
- [Giggles.]
Who are you and what have you done with my friend Ivy? Shut up, I know exactly what I'm doing.
So I hear you get to be Marilyn for a week.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
- Oh, I brought you a present.
- You did? Just like the ones Marilyn wore in Niagara.
Now all you need is a low-cut dress cinched at the waist, and you'll be all set.
- [Laughs.]
- Ooh la la.
- Hey, girl, hey.
- So good! Okay, we all got through that.
Now who's gonna buy me a drink? - I will get us all a drink.
- Yes, please.
Uh, Billy, can we have five appletinis please? [Gentle piano music.]
I can't believe we'll never hear his laugh again.
I guess it's true what they say about three on a match.
But while the flame burned, it made a beautiful light.
Both: So let us raise a glass to him And let us give three cheers And down the hatch friendship, it will never dim For somewhere all: there will always be Three on a match This is the biggest piece of junk we've ever written.
Well, we were young.
I think it's sweet.
[Cheers and applause.]
Look, they're standing! Ladies and gentlemen, thank you, thank you.
We have two very, very special guests with us here tonight Tom Houston and Julia Levitt! [Laughs.]
Ooh, I mean, I mean Oh, God, I'm so excited.
It's Julia Houston and Tom Levitt.
Stay here.
Oh, no, Tom, what are you doing? Um, it's been ten years since Three on a match opened.
A lot's changed since, but one thing hasn't My enduring friendship with my writing partner, Julia Houston.
We always give each other gifts on our anniversary, just like a real husband and wife, and so this is my gift to you, honey.
Signed by the cast and crew of the 112th [Audience murmurs indistinctly.]
She's got a thing about aprons, what can I tell ya? [Forced laugh.]
Who's playing Marilyn? Rebecca Duvall.
Is she related to Robert Duvall? - 'Cause I love that guy.
- I don't know, maybe.
You know, they tried to concoct a musical out of my songs once.
No, I didn't know that.
Yeah, because it was a piece of crap, never got off the ground.
Those people, they are insane.
Well, many people in the theater are insane.
I, however, am not one of them.
But I'm not going to lie to you.
Investing in a musical can be risky, but when a show hits, there's literally no limit to the return.
I already got so much money, it's sick.
Nick knows.
He got me into this one situation.
- It was completely illegal.
- All right.
But the money kept pouring in.
Hey, Randy.
I just mean I don't need the money.
Look, if I can't be there, it really should be you.
I'm not really doing anything.
He just moves me around the stage.
They did the same thing to Marilyn.
They just expected her to be there, look gorgeous, and do whatever she was told.
She hated it.
Yeah, but I'm just an understudy.
I can't actually talk back to him.
Karen, you get to be her for one week.
Don't waste the chance.
There are other jobs out there.
Yesterday, I heard there was a press opening at the white house.
I could get you an interview.
You're kidding.
- I'm not.
- D.
It's a good town for people like us.
- What are "people like us"? - Workaholic political junkies.
I'm serious, I could get you seen for that White House gig.
Nah, Broadway equals New York.
Dev, if she knows what you've been going through - She doesn't.
- You still haven't told her? It was beautiful.
Well, we rehearsed for four months.
I know, we're not up to your standards.
We loved every minute.
Oh, well, you're very sweet.
What is the matter with you? These people are nice, really nice, and you hurt their feelings.
I didn't mean to.
It was just really moving, and I was overwhelmed, and I needed a moment to be alone.
You weren't just rude to these nice people, you were rude to me.
If you don't want to do these anniversaries any more, just say so.
Don't act like you're above - I'm not.
- This or me or us.
- I don't.
- Just say it.
Say what is bothering you.
Frank found out.
And he left me.
Frank found out and he left me.
Left you? Come on.
- Left you? - He's gone.
I've left him a hundred messages.
He won't pick up.
He won't call me back.
He talks to Leo.
- How is Leo? - He's managing somehow.
He's so nice to me, and I ruined everything.
He sees Frank.
I he told me he sees him.
But Frank won't talk to me.
I am sorry.
I am so sorry I wrecked our anniversary.
Oh, stop.
Stop, stop, stop.
Why didn't you tell me? [Exhales.]
Because I thought that, if I never told you, maybe it wasn't real.
Now it's real.
You'll gonna be home for dinner tonight? I have wrestling, remember? Oh, right.
Maybe I'll come.
If you want.
Is, um Is your father gonna be there? If he were, I wouldn't say you could come.
Look, I do tell him to call you.
I think this sucks.
I'm not the problem here.
It's cold outside.
You're going to need more than this.
- Mom.
- Just go do it.
So, Ivy baby, you've got to tell me what the hell you've been up to.
- What on earth do you mean? - No.
No, I've known you too long for that one.
Oh, come on, Sam.
I love Marilyn, and I worked so hard on it.
And I'm a really nice person who just had a little bit of a hard time.
Don't I deserve a second chance? Playing nice to get back into the show.
That train wreck of a show we saw pilloried.
Why be a critic if you despise the theater? You hated that play.
We left at intermission.
Oh, look at that, the Knicks lost another game, but the writer doesn't trash the whole team.
You're reading the sports section? Sure, why not? Because, as far as I know, you have no interest in sports whatsoever.
I like to look at tall men in mesh shorts.
Do you think I'm blind? [Laughs.]
What? I accept that we go to the theater all the time.
I accept that you don't like my politics.
But having feelings for someone else? That I cannot accept.
What are you talking about? You're crazy about that dancer.
- Tom.
- What are Don't.
I mean it.
Look, Sam I barely know him.
He's a friend of Ivy's.
And you light up like a candle whenever you look at him, and you never look at me like that.
You just don't.
It's okay, Tom.
It's me.
Don't hang up.
I know you're there.
I stole Leo's cell, because you won't pick up my calls.
But you have to.
Frank, I know that you're hurt.
I know that You don't feel ready to talk, but I can't take this any more.
You have to, Frank, you have to talk to me.
I'm gonna die if you don't talk to me.
What is it, Ellis? I did some research on that Cobra guy.
Don't tell me, he gave away all his money.
No, he's still loaded, and not shy about investing in projects.
Then I looked into that bartender, Nick, and that's where things got interesting.
- Oh, stop.
- I think you want to hear this.
I think you thought wrong.
How dare you go delving into the personal lives of my friends? Well, he's an investor too, though, isn't he? I mean, he's the guy that brought in all the money.
That means he's a partner.
Go get me a coffee and take this with you.
[As Marilyn Monroe.]
Men in dresses, who's gonna pay to see that? Cross-dressing in the theater has a long history, all the way back to the greeks.
The stage wasn't considered a proper place for a woman.
The home was their proper sphere.
Karen, move.
[In normal voice.]
Sorry, sorry.
I just can't believe he says that.
It's so dumb.
- What? - The thing about the Greeks.
Like what I need right now is a stupid lecture.
Just do it.
I'm trying to think like Marilyn, and you're not exactly helping.
Could you at least try and listen? And yet, I need you downstage.
[As Marilyn.]
I don't care where you need me.
Your blocking stinks.
And you know what else? I don't appreciate that crack about the home being a proper place for a woman.
It sounds like something Joe would say.
Besides, I want to stay home, I I want a life with this guy.
I'm trying to have a baby with him, and all he wants to do is put Marilyn back to work.
[In normal voice.]
Derek Derek, hello? You all right? Uh, yeah, fine.
Um, I'll put you nose to nose, see how that works.
You want me to write that down? Uh, no, Linda's got the blocking.
[Clears throat.]
Let's just forge ahead.
- Well, what time is it, He's probably still in bed.
Don't worry, he'll call you.
You know, Nick, I really appreciate this, but I don't want to presume anything.
"Presume"? Well, if this all goes ahead, you'll have brought in a major investor.
And people get paid a lot of money for that kind of thing.
I didn't bring him in.
You brought him in.
You introduced us.
I introduced you because I wanted to help you.
Well, I'll be honest You should ask for something.
Oh, don't worry, I will.
[Phone rings.]
Is that him? No.
Hola? Si, espero que todos es bueno.
[Knock at door.]
[As Marilyn.]
You forget your key? Whoa.
Uh, wow, sorry.
Marilyn's coming home with you, I see.
I guess so.
What can I do for you? I just had a call from Eileen.
Rebecca's gonna be turning up sooner than we thought.
She'll be at rehearsals tomorrow.
You did some great work, Karen.
The show is better off for it.
You came over here to tell me that? Yes, I did.
I, um [Clears throat.]
I also wanted to apologize.
For what? Oh, I think you know.
That night in my apartment? Look, I'll admit, I made certain assumptions based on a hard-wired set of personal experiences, which, to be fair, befall many a director of note.
But that doesn't make them warranted or justified.
That's the apology? Don't expect miracles.
But come expecting to work tomorrow.
You're not going to be benched until she turns up in the afternoon.
We'll be looking at act two.
I'll see you tomorrow.
What are you doing here? I said, what are you doing here? What are you, her watch dog? No, I'm her boyfriend.
Yeah, well, I'm her director, so keep your hands to yourself.
Well, according to Karen, I think you're the one who needs to do that.
Sod off.
Come on, then.
[Blow landing.]
Dev, no.
Dev, stop! Stop.
Get off.
Get off.
Derek, just go.
Easy! [Sighs.]
He's lucky I held back.
- Who? - Dev.
Karen's boyfriend? He's a bloody lunatic.
- I don't understand.
- Look I went 'round there to tell Karen that she's going back into the ensemble tomorrow, and he went ballistic.
Why didn't you just call her? I was trying to be nice.
You couldn't be nice to her on the phone? Oh, God, not you too.
It's not like I have to shag every leading lady.
- Understudy.
- Oh, whatever.
He's my boss.
Why did you have to hit him? He was here for ten seconds.
What was he doing here anyway? I told you, he knew I'd be disappointed.
So he had to see you in your underwear? No.
I don't want you anywhere near that sod.
What am I supposed to do, quit? - Would you? - Is that for real? What if it was? What if there was an opportunity for me outside of New York? Is there? Why can't you just answer the question? Because, Dev, Marilyn is everything I came to this city to do, everything I want to be.
What if I asked you to give up everything that you wanted? What, for you? Go ahead.
Ask me.
[Door slamming shut.]
The Cuban assistant crisis has been averted.
Rebecca will be at rehearsal tomorrow afternoon.
I'll be there.
I still want to meet with her privately, and see the designs.
Oh, Robin, I just don't think that's gonna happen.
Now wait a minute I'd like to introduce you to Bombshell's latest investor, Mr.
Randy Cobra.
What's up? Ellis, I think you have something to give to these people.
Your contracts.
Well, what are we supposed to do with these? Nothing.
Hey, give it here.
- Thanks.
- Okay, I'm not following this.
What the lady is saying is that my man is in And you're out.
Rock and roll! [Raucous shouts, applause.]
[Sustaining high note.]
As a girl I lived in a million homes So I always would keep to myself And my lessons were learned from the stories and poems I would steal from a library shelf Yes, the books, like the rooms Weren't mine to keep but the words weren't left behind And I think of them all now when I can't sleep And a poet who read my mind As the wise man once wrote "Never give all the heart" Well, it's easy to see he was writing for me I just wish I could play that part Yes, he scribbled that love isn't worth thinking of That it fades out from kiss to kiss If I'd just learned those lines Well, just think of the misery I'd miss [Elevator dings.]
As the irishman said "don't put your heart up to play" When he warned of the cost And the heart that he lost Mr.
Yeats really paved the way For the men that I've known Who have clearly shown they've been reading him from the start 'Cause when it comes to me well, the kisses come free but they never give all the heart [vocalizing gently.]
Am I in the right place? Rebecca Duvall! [Applause.]
You look wonderful.

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