Children of the Whales (2017) s01e11 Episode Script

It's Just A Dream

1 We now call to order the Ecclesiastical Hearing of former Apathoia Commander-in-Chief Orka.
With regard to the sinners of Falaina who were exiled to the Great Sand Ocean, the United Kingdom of Siderasia and the other countries must not be permitted to discover them.
That said, the ocean region Falaina was banished to is an evil one.
It rejects approach, discovery, and interference.
There was no pressing need for the Falaina extermination plan to proceed.
The one who demanded it be carried out immediately Was you.
To begin with, the exile of ninety-three years ago was meant to be a cautionary tale for our citizens.
The sinners' ugly display of strife and conflict would demonstrate to the people the foolishness of emotions.
By that reasoning did you convince us and His Imperial Majesty.
However, your plan Failed.
The Emperor has already passed judgement.
Bearer of ultimate reponsibility for the operation, Apathoia Commander-in-Chief Orka, Skylos Commander Araphne, and the hundred names undermentioned are hereby sentenced to death.
And you think this is how you write the greatest of tales? What is so funny?! Pardon me.
I simply thought you were shortsighted.
What?! Pay his provocations no mind! Long ago! Heaven tore off a piece of its body and scattered it down upon the land.
With it came the extinction of ancient and evil culture.
We refer to this event as the Rain of Katharterio.
In that case, what does that make us? After the world was purified, we sang praises to the nous, the body of God, and decided to offer the source of our past mistakes, our hearts, to them in exchange for their power.
At that moment, two species of man were born.
Those who are the angels of the nous, and those who are not.
We call those who are angels Marked, and those who are not Unmarked.
Now then, perhaps you have all forgotten the next part of the story.
The fact that there is a third type of human.
A third? The daimons.
The strongest of warriors, created by the power of the nous.
Daimons are naught more than legends.
We have been made to forget them by the past! But we can no longer avert our eyes from the truth! The boy from Falaina who destroyed Skylos was himself a daimon! I will declare it so there can be no doubt! The daimons are a threat to the Empire! They are incarnations of sin with the power to capsize the ark of our nation! With a being like that right before his eyes Araphne! How did you treat him? According to the records, you underestimated, insulted, and provoked him.
I only— I won't allow you to claim innocence.
Rather, under the weight of your own sins— Shit! W-Wait! Orka drew his weapon first! Weapon? The records are drenched in blood.
Remind me who it was who appointed a man with no control over his emotions to this mission.
It was you.
Please do try to remember that you all hold responsibility for the nous sinking, even if you weren't on the field.
Now then, I suppose it is about time to unbind the new chapter of this story.
New chapter, you say? In the near future, there is a possibility a second Rain of Katharterio will fall.
Are you trying to distract us? You have no sense of danger.
The world must be washed once again to return to purity.
When that time comes, we must be able to protect the ark of our nation.
Our country must gain control of the daimons.
Control the daimons? Was it not you who said Falaina must be destroyed in its entirety? Then who who would have to kill the daimons? If a daimon destroys another nous, will the person in charge be executed? Will you pretend it never happened? Silence! Just join the sunken ruins beneath the sea, as your destruction is the only conclusion your rusted minds can reach! What are you saying you can do differently? I will capture the daimons.
Only I can do it.
Daimons have the power to overwrite the rules of the world.
Harnessing their existence will lead to our becoming its supreme rulers.
Isn't that right? Let us forgive him for everything before his meeting the daimon.
The blame lies in his actions after.
And those were all done at Skylos Commander Araphne's sole discretion.
Very well.
Deal with your own subordinates as you see appropriate.
W-Wait! Orka, you bastard! Orka! May the servants of the nous be blessed by divine grace.
Pardon me, current Apathoia Commander-in-Chief Atsali.
Just because you survived the hearing does not mean your blunder has been erased.
I am well aware.
But there's no point pretending to be repentant in front of you.
Allow me to skip the formalities.
I wish to make use of warship Karcharias.
Despite having lost Skylos just recently? If the Commander gives his permission, the committee will be unable to object.
Yes? Do you remember the first thing you said to me? I've long since forgotten.
I am not requesting an immediate answer.
A few days' delay will do me no harm.
I anticipate a favorable response.
What did you two discuss? We spoke of dreams.
The Marked all saw the same dream? That's right.
A dream where a girl entered our ears and sang a song.
I wonder what it means.
Moreover, it's rather difficult for us Unmarked to understand given that we didn't have that dream.
Don't worry! I think we'll be able to do it.
Please come and find us The Mud Whale is making headway! Living beings are strange.
Even though nobody taught the star locusts how, they all flash their lights at the same rhythm.
Migratory birds know where to go from the time of their birth.
We're the same.
We already knew.
The way to move the Mud Whale.
Their playing around is enough to move it My, how very like this island.
It's quite a spectacle to see every inhabitant assembled.
Master Rochalito.
Have you noticed that the proportion of youngsters is rather too high? You look down.
Did you not get the dream? Or are you bothered by the guests? I'm scared of things I don't understand too.
First we got visitors, and then we had that dream and learned what Kokalo is.
I get the feeling someone brought those things together.
This is where we truly set off.
It's a bit lonely for us seeing that only the Marked know how to do it.
But now the Mud Whale can go wherever it wants.
Anywhere, even beyond the reach of the Empire's fangs.
Was this island ravaged by an epidemic? Or perhaps the Empire's attack killed all the adults? It is as I told you before.
Because the Marked are short-lived, there is an abundance of young people.
The Imperial soldiers use the same power as the people of your island.
Despite that, I've never even heard of a civilization as short-lived as yours.
Just what are the people of this island? I do not know.
Don't feign ignorance, you ape! Do you intend to deceive me? It's the truth! If I knew, I wouldn't be trying to create medicine to extend their lifespans! Take me to your room.
Huh? Follow me at once! I will show you the world.
This is the sea chart my ship uses.
Sea chart? A map that shows the layout of the ocean.
I don't quite understand You really are all ignorant apes.
Listen up.
This is the United Kingdom of Siderasia, home to the House of Amonlogia.
My ship traveled westward over the Sand Ocean.
And this is where we were nearly shipwrecked by a bizarre current.
After making our way through, we finally arrived at this island a few days later.
So this is where the Mud Whale is! Hey, Suou! Give that back! From this, we can presume that this rudderless island has been wandering the same region due to the current.
Precisely! It was known as an unapproachable evil region up until now, but I endeavored to overcome the dangers at sea to finally discover this island! I see.
Only Imperial ships were able to cross the ocean current before this.
That's also why the rudderless Mud Whale was unable to go anywhere else.
Like a caged bird This part of the ocean acted as a natural prison.
The ones who attacked you are our country's greatest enemy.
Come under our wing, and we will protect you weak, caged fledglings.
Rochalito! The nation we oppose is a strange one further west in the seas that bears no name of its own.
It has no name? Though I don't know the reason, it seems that not even its citizens have real names.
This island is currently heading towards Amonlogia in the east.
Now that it has a rudder, it should be able to escape the currents.
And beyond those is a world the likes of which you have never seen.
What did you need from me this late at night? I have a request.
I knew from the moment I first saw you.
Your skin color is different from the others of this island.
You come from that other country.
What do you need? Speak freely.
Stop trying to discover more about the people of this island.
And why should I? Do not ask about the people until we reach your country.
No, I refuse.
Do you think we'll just accept some unknown race of people who are mysteriously short-lived? It could be due to a contagious disease.
It's not.
You know the reason behind it, do you? Lykos? Unless I know everything about these people, I cannot guarantee we will accept them as allies.
It's caused by the Mud Whale.
The Mud Whale This ship? This ship and the ships of the Empire are kept afloat by living beings called nous.
My country's nous eat emotions, and in return they grant the power of thymia.
This produces those known as the Marked.
But this island's nous, Falaina, alone has a different role.
Different? What do you mean? Lykos— What Falaina eats in order to grant thymia and keep this island afloat from the people on the Mud Whale is the life force of the Marked.
Chakuro?! Wait, Chakuro! How unpleasant.
Between learning something painful and living in ignorance of that pain, both options are difficult.
I already had a suspicion.
But I pretended not to see.
I didn't want to know.
That's why I avoided it.
All this time.
We have been prepared since the day you arrived here.
Even so We didn't want to let it become known.
So the Council was aware the entire time.
Please forgive us, Suou, and everyone else too.
Not at all.
This does not change my duty to support the Marked.
It's not that simple.
Once they go out into a different land, they'll realize it themselves.
Or perhaps you will keep them contained in Falaina's cage.
Hey, what's with this? Hurry up and start.
Why are they calling a meeting like this? Aren't those twins just a couple of bowel mole punks? We made this from birds we took down with thymia.
It's a flag that we've taken an oath on! Under the banner of the Purple Wing, we declare ourselves the new leaders of the Mud Whale! This is a call to action! We know that none of you trust us.
But we also don't care about getting every single one of your approvals.
We've always been unsure of what to do, seeing how you all live like puppets without a single doubt about the world.
We've stuck to the corners of the Mud Whale up to now because we couldn't clear that uncertainty.
Does even a single one of you really feel like this island is taking us to freedom? I heard that the Mud Whale is heading to the country of the people who boarded us.
Just who decided that?! Wasn't you, was it? Of course not! The Unmarked Council of Elders makes decisions about the island.
That's right! That's how it's been since before we were born.
And you all think that's correct.
What's wrong with that? I'll change the question.
How many Marked do you think died in the battle we just fought? I-I don't want to remember.
Why would you bring that up now?! Because so many died that you don't want to remember! The only Unmarked that died in the Skylos attack was Hakuji from the Council.
Just one person! Try thinking back on what the Council's plan was! They had us Marked train to fight.
Meanwhile, the Unmarked hid in a safe place on the Mud Whale.
What other choice was there? The Unmarked can't even fight because they don't have thymia! That's right! It's crazier for us to try and fight while protecting the Unmarked! Yeah, they'd just hold us back.
Exactly! The Unmarked always hold us back! Don't you think they're cowards? They can't use thymia or do anything for themselves.
They're just parasites with long lives.
And those parasites made a plan that benefits only them.
Are we disposable pawns, only good for being sent to the slaughter? You didn't question it even once?! Get it through your heads that the "order" of the Mud Whale is a corrupt delusion! We will free the Marked from the tyranny of the Unmarked! We will decide for ourselves where to go! We Marked of the Purple Wing Helm will hold all the power on this ship! Thymia is the force that moves the Mud Whale! The strength of our thymia will determine the Mud Whale's course! Power will be everything! We'll control the Mud Whale? Are you telling us to defy the Council? What's wrong with that?! Stop it! Using thymia for violence is against the rules! That's just something the Unmarked decided.
Ouni! Don't resort to meaningless violence.
You really are a lapdog of the Unmarked now.
I'm not on anybody's side.
It's just that you were bowel moles too.
I don't want to see you acting like this.
Like what, now? Hey, hey, what's wrong? Did your power leave along with your ambition? Say you'll join us, Ouni.
Aren't you the most bloodstained demon on this island? You're a horrifying monster who's killed countless enemies.
Listen up, all of you! We are strong! We're not like the Unmarked! We have thymia! With this power, we'll never be insulted or walked over again! Maybe they're right No, it's impossible.
Come on, Ouni.
Let's show them our power.
We'll live strong and free.
A rudder by the name of Kokalo.
Freedom by the name of a rudder.
Even though we had found a new possibility, the Mud Whale lost its way and began wandering yet again.
The chains of the truth behind my short life We spoke of dreams Passage 11 constrained me with their weight.
I rise before the sun wakes to swim beyond the furthest reaches yoake mo matazu ni hate no sono saki wo oyogu We lay awake listening to memories within the song of bugs mushi no uta nemurazu kimi to kiita kioku Just keep holding my hand, I'll accept half-cold purple, travel to faraway lands te wo tada musunde hashitairo demo tooi kuni demo Let's go to embrace this dream born of our short lifetimes mijikai isshou ni umareta yume wo dakishime ni yukou Final Passage I'm glad I was born here
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