Smash s01e11 Episode Script

The Movie Star

- I'm trying to think like Marilyn, and you're not exactly helping.
- I'm her boyfriend.
- Yeah, well I'm her director so keep your hands to yourself.
Unh! - ? Tomatoes like her, well, they're easy to find ? - [Giggles.]
- You're crazy about that dancer.
- I heard there's a press opening at the white house.
I can get you an interview.
- I think you'll want to hear this.
- How dare you go delving into the personal lives of my friends.
- Hello? Am I in the right place? - Oh.
You really bumped it up a notch, didn't you? - What are you talking about? - Aw, she dressed up for the movie star.
- No, I didn't.
- Oh, my God, you're wearing lipstick and everything.
- It's lip gloss, whatever.
Fine, I'm excited.
I'm Rebecca Duvall's understudy.
- Yes.
- Yeah, you are.
- Oh, the first time I saw a Rebecca Duvall movie was when my babysitter took me out of soccer to go see the disembodied.
She was amazing-- I was scarred for life.
- What were you, like, 13? - Try ten.
Yeah, um, isn't she a little old to be playing Marilyn? - No, she's perfect.
- Yeah but wasn't Marilyn, like, 36 when she died? - Yes, and Rebecca is 36ish.
- "Ish" being the operative word.
- Ooh, girl, oh, no she didn't.
Oh, prrt! - Please don't ever do that again.
- [Chuckles.]
- Seriously.
- You're right.
- Okay, ha-ha-ha! You guys have been flirting your asses off for the last week-- so would you mind, please, just to go out on a real date.
Preferably one where I'm not there.
Both: We're just talking.
- Hi, yes, I'd like to make a reservation for two.
Tomorrow night at 7:00.
Yes, under Tom Levitt.
"L" as in lovebirds.
- [Laughs.]
- E-V-I-T-T.
Thank you.
Do it.
- [Laughs.]
Well, you should try the original one in Cobble Hill, it's not as scene-y.
- Well if you're there, darling, I'm guessing there's a scene.
- No, no, last time I went they made me wait a half an hour for a table.
- Well, I admire your patience.
I never wait for tables.
- All right, everyone! The other day you had a chance to meet the incomparable Rebecca Duvall.
Give her a proper "Marilyn" welcome.
Today we all dive into the work.
Now Rebecca's gonna jump in with a bit of Let me be your star, and we'll take her through the choreography, okay? Rebecca, would you like to warm up with Larry before we start? - Nope, I'm good.
- All righty then.
[Piano playing Let me be your star.]
- [Singing weakly.]
? Fade in on a girl ? with a hunger for fame and a face and a name to remember The past fades away because as of today Norma Jean's gone she's moving on Her smile and your fantasies Play a duet That will make you forget Where you are - Yeah, okay, then.
- [Laughs.]
- I think we should start looking at the blocking.
Josh, you want to set that up? Right, thanks, Rebecca.
- Oh, thanks.
It's okay? - Yup.
- Like it? - Great.
- Yup.
- It was good? - Great.
- Yup.
- I'm so excited.
- Great.
- Yup.
What are we gonna do? - She's not bad.
She's just What's the word? - Bad? - She's got the beat, she's on key.
She's just-- - Loud.
- That's the word.
- If she didn't sing so loudly, what would it be? - I don't have time for this.
They said she could sing.
Her Agent, her manager.
Everyone said she could sing.
- Yeah, well that should have been the tip-off right there.
- Didn't you see Rebecca Duvall sing on Saturday night live? One of you said she was "awesome.
" - Wasn't me.
- Wasn't me.
- I think it was me.
I think I said she was utterly charismatic.
Which of course she is.
Listen, Rebecca Duvall is never gonna be an opera singer.
But she's gonna be great.
She's gonna tear up the scenery, she's gonna fill the seats.
What we need to do is to find a constructive solution.
- Group suicide? - [Guffaws.]
- Okay, um, we'll use the "shadow selves.
" Give them some songs.
The Cartwright girl, maybe.
Or we bring back Ivy.
Put her in the mix.
- Ivy? - Oh, come on.
Okay, so she screwed up royally at heaven on earth.
But don't you think she's been crucified enough for that already? Seriously.
What, you're gonna consign her to cruise ships for the rest of her life? She's bloody talented.
- I don't know.
- Guys, she's had a rough patch.
But she's fine.
And be honest, we need her.
Look, we all hope Rebecca Duvall can do this, but God forbid she can't, and the Cartwright girl is still too green and we all know that.
We need Ivy back in the show.
- Those shadow selves were supposed to be whispers.
Whispers in Marilyn's mind, not songs.
Whispers! This is just an excuse to bring Ivy back.
- Hey, we love Ivy.
- [Sighs.]
- If we're gonna have two more Marilyn's, one of them might as well be her.
- The real Marilyn has to be able to sing.
- [Inhales.]
Take a breath, we will figure something out.
- Okay, you can't just stand there and act you weren't freaking out about this whole thing this morning.
- I was, wasn't I? But now I'm clearheaded and optimistic.
And it's your turn to freak out.
- You're just in a good mood 'cause you have a date with your chorus crush.
Thanks to me.
Me, me, me.
[Cell phone rings.]
Oh, hey, maybe that's Derek with some more bright ideas.
Leo's school? Hello? - Hey.
- I just saw Rebecca on the elevator, and she said she thought my shoes were cute.
- I still haven't worked up the courage to meet her.
- You have the perfect in.
You're her understudy.
Oh, my God.
- Hi! - Hello, beautiful.
- Where you been all my life? - Oh, thank you.
So what'd I miss? - I got a new cell phone and some hack stole your part.
Other than that, absolutely nothing.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- What's she doing back here? - Can't say I'm surprised, given who she's sleeping with.
- Hi, guys.
- What does this mean for me? - I'm not gonna lie, it's not good.
Called Monroe - ? Monroe ? - Mm-hm.
Both: ? Which basically told the enemy ? Where to go - Yes.
Both: ? It was created to nurture ? - ? and protect ? - ? It was created to nurture and protect ? - [Whispering.]
Do you hear that? - [Whispering.]
What? - That is the sound of 1,000 ticketholders demanding their money back.
- She's not that bad.
- ? But is it a fact? ? - Don't tell me you're not thinking what I'm thinking.
- I'm thinking she's beautiful and famous and I wish I had her life.
- And you're counting the minutes until she implodes and that part is yours.
If you're not, you're in the wrong business, understudy.
Both: ? Deep ? - Okay.
- That was gorgeous.
- Oh, thanks.
- It's great.
- Karen, can I talk to you for a moment, please? - Sure.
- Everything okay? - Why, did I do something wrong? - No, no, sorry.
I'm just letting you know I won't be needing you anymore, obviously.
For Marilyn, I mean.
- You won't be needing me? I wouldn't be so sure of that.
- No, I mean, Rebecca's gonna be needing all my attention.
- And I'm just the understudy.
I get it.
Don't worry, Derek.
I'm not going anywhere.
[Playing our day will come.]
Our day will come and we'll have everything We'll share the joy falling in love can bring No one can tell me that I'm too young to know - ? Young to know ? - ? I love you so ? and you love me Our day will come if we just wait a while No tears for us think love and wear a smile Our dreams have magic because we'll always stay in love this way Our day will come - ? Our day will come ? - ? Our day will come ? - ? Our day will come ? - ? Our day will come ? - And that's lunch.
- Is that it? - Uh, yeah.
Uh, yeah.
Thank you.
[Cell phone rings.]
- Hey, I'm so glad I got you.
Where are you? I called the office, they said to try your cell.
- Oh, I'm covering an event.
Yeah, I'd better run actually.
- Okay.
Any word on the press secretary job? - Sorry, hon, I really need to go.
- Sure.
- Talk later.
- Love you.
[Soft lounge music.]
- Thank you for meeting me.
I really appreciate it.
- What's going on with Leo? - Well, he's flunking two classes, apparently.
Calculus and American history.
Here's a kid who never got less than a "B" plus.
- You think I don't know that? - I wasn't saying that.
- Who do you think was home with him every day after school? - Can we just table the "us" part of this? I know you're angry, and you have every right to be.
But this is about Leo.
- It's all connected, Julia.
Do you think it's a coincidence that he's suddenly checked out of school? - No, of course it isn't.
It's my fault.
It's my fault.
It's all my fault.
But we've gotta deal with this before we sit down with the guidance counselor on Thursday.
- You lied to me, and betrayed our marriage.
And then you did it again five years later.
I have nothing to say.
- [Laughs.]
Thanks so much.
- Okay, sorry, um, I just - Derek, um, I just had a few thoughts I'd love to run by you.
Is this a bad time for a quick pow-wow? - No, it's a perfect time.
- Great.
- He used to lay into you for raising the wrong eyebrow.
- That's because he knew I'd get it right eventually.
With her, what's the point? - This ain't over, you mark my words.
You know who's going to wind up playing Marilyn, don't you? - Gwyneth paltrow? [Scoffs.]
- SoMarilyn Monroe, she was part of the, you know, the actor's studio.
- Mm-hm.
- We should see it.
The classes, the characters.
- Okay, the problem with that is that in this scene we just don't really have enough time to get into all of that.
- But that's exactly my point.
There really isn't time in any of the scenes to dig into her psyche.
They're too short.
I mean, personally, I'd rather see longer scenes and a little less singing and dancing.
- Heh, well, it is a musical after all.
- Yeah, but it doesn't mean it can't be deep and smart.
I mean, and that song, it's boring.
I mean, it should be more fun.
- Okay, you know what? Um, this sounds like a longer conversation.
- WhaUh I'm driving you crazy, aren't I? - No, not at all.
- Yes, yes, I am, I know.
I'm such a pain in the ass.
[Cars honking.]
- Boring! She thinks my music is boring.
- It might be a little less boring if she could actually sing it on key.
- "More fun.
" What blindingly insightful criticism.
"More fun.
" - [Laughs.]
I don't give a damn if it's fun or not, if she could just learn it.
That would actually be more fun for me if she would learn the song! - Hey, where did Julia say this restaurant was again? - You know, I'm too wound up to eat.
When I get like this my stomach just shuts down.
- Yeah, okay.
I'm not that hungry either.
- So what do you wanna do? [Soft music playing.]
- Into the woods.
- Hmm, mm-hm.
For me, it's the frogs.
But I'm weird.
- [Chuckles.]
- Mmm.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- Wait? - Just moving a little fast.
- Fast? - I'm kind of old-fashioned, okay? - Really? - Yeah.
Like, um, I go to church and believe in God and stuff.
So I kind of think of this as holy.
- Wait a minute.
Sex is holy? - Yeah.
Yeah, man, I think that.
- Are you a republican too? 'Cause I dated one of them and it didn't work out so well.
- Republicans don't own God, you know that.
- Do I? - Look, I like you.
I just wanna slow things down.
Hang out outside of rehearsal.
Do things.
- Go to a Knicks game? - That idea strikes you as crazy? - Mm.
- Okay.
- No, no, come on.
No, this is just unusual.
You have to admit it.
- How old are you? - 37ish.
- And what's your longest relationship? - Um - Five years.
- Okay.
Okay, I know you, you know.
You meet somebody, you jump right into something and then you start looking for reasons to bail.
Am I right? Trust me.
My way is better.
[Door closes.]
- [Voicemail.]
Yeah, Eileen, it's Mark at CAA.
Sorry we keep missing each other.
I trust you're enjoying the fabulous Rebecca Duvall.
- You said she could sing, Mark.
[Voicemail beeping.]
- Hi, Eileen, it's Nick.
You remember me--tall, dark and extremely handsome.
Just, uh, wanna say hi.
So call me the old-fashioned way.
[Voicemail beeping.]
- Eileen.
I thought you'd left already.
- I was about to.
I just wanted to make sure that you got this latest email about Rebecca's issues.
- There are more? - "No one is allowed to smoke within "100 feet of her.
"We must provide a blender "for her daily kale-and-flaxseed smoothies.
She's allergic to peanuts--" - Yeah, okay, I'll deal with it tomorrow.
- Uh, actually there's something else.
She sent me out for gum earlier while her assistants were just sitting around reading US weekly.
I think they think I work for them.
- Ellis, lesson number one.
Keep your enemies close, and celebrities even closer.
And their assistants closer yet.
There's power in proximity as I think you already know.
- Fair enough.
Was there something you needed from my desk? - No.
Good night.
All right, Nick.
Let's see what's wrong with you? Great, another crook.
- So in my experience, when a kid like Leo, who is normally engaged and motivated, suddenly checks out, there's usually something going on at home that might be a contributing factor.
- Well, actually-- - No, no, he's been fine.
A little moody, but aren't all 17-year-olds? - True, but they're not all suddenly failing classes they once excelled in.
So there's nothing going on that we should know about? Death in the family? Illness? Financial strain? - Nope.
- Okay.
Then in that case-- - Stop lying.
We've been living apart for a few weeks now.
I was unfaithful so Frank moved out.
I had an affair, which was totally and completely wrong on every level.
And Leo found out about it.
Before Frank did, actually.
But then Frank found out about it.
And then things with Leo got worse.
But then better.
But then worse again, obviously, if he's flunking out of school.
So I pretty much ruined everything and now here we are.
Did I leave anything out? - Next.
- [Imitating Marilyn.]
I'm Marilyn Monroe.
And I I'm so thankful to be here.
- How can you be thankful before you know if I can teach you anything? - [Giggles.]
I don't know.
- Feeling.
What do yfeel? - Heh I'm pretty nervous, I guess.
I want you to like me so much.
And I'm afraid I'm not gonna be any good at this.
And I really want to be good.
[Piano playing.]
You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about.
This scene, it's just getting started when suddenly I ? Break into song ? - You know what? Uh, this sounds like a sidebar conversation.
- I didn't want to interrupt the rehearsal, the-- - Not to worry.
I think everyone could probably do with a break.
- Okay, that's ten.
- Oh, um, don't forget.
There's a private screening of my new movie, Casual Friday 2, tonight at the Bryant park hotel.
Passes are by the door.
[Talking amongst themselves.]
- Hey.
Um, I actually have some time to get together tonight.
- Is that so? - Yeah, I know you've seen Rebecca's movie 100 times.
But you know, I thought we could catch a screening, maybe get a bite after? - Uh, I've seen it 200 times.
- [Chuckles.]
- What the hell, Rebecca.
You never called me back.
- I'm working, Colin! - Sorry, this is a closed rehearsal.
- Randall, he's drunk.
Make him go.
- Hey, come on, let's go.
- I wanna talk to you! - Just get out of here, Colin! - Either you leave, my friend, or I'm going to have to temporarily blind you.
- This is crazy.
- Get out! No, I'm not aware of any ruckus at the rehearsal today.
That is, of course, aside from the roof being raised by the musical stylings of Houston and Levitt.
Good, bye-bye.
- Was that page six? - No, actually it was the New York Times.
Even they have gotten into the gossip biz.
- So her singing is a train wreck, and so is her personal life.
We're doubly blessed.
- [Chuckles.]
- Rebecca Duvall did not get to the top of the A-list by being simple or by having healthy romantic relationships.
Neither did Marilyn.
She's still Rebecca Duvall.
And if she wants you to write an extra-long scene before dig deep, you will write that extra-long scene and you will have it on my desk by 5:00, understood? - Marilyn.
You can't stay away, can you? - What are you doing in Dev's office? - Uh, you mean my office.
Yeah, I did a little re-org when I became press secretary.
- You're press-secretary? - Damn straight.
Doesn't your boyfriend tell you anything? - I didn't say I loved it, I said I couldn't put it down.
- Well, I'm sorry but that is a friendship-ender.
- That is so unfair, you didn't even finish the book.
- Because it was so bad.
- What!! Both: [Giggling.]
- Hey, Karen.
What are you doing here? - What are you doing here? When were you going to tell me that that Weasel got press-secretary? - Eventually.
- Eventually? When? - Well, I don't know, you've been pretty wrapped up in the show lately-- and Rebecca Duvall and all that.
- So it's my fault you don't talk to me anymore? Looks like you're talking to her plenty.
- Whoa, it's not exactly like we've been on the same page lately.
- How can we be on the same page when you're not even telling me what page you're on? I mean, how long ago did this thing happen? Is there anything else I should know about? - You seem to be more upset about not knowing than the actual news.
You know how badly I wanted this job.
- I'm so sorry.
You're right.
Hey, there's a special screening tonight of Rebecca's new movie.
I think that might help take your mind off things? - Uh, no, no, thanks.
- Oh, come on.
It's the sequel to Casual Fridays.
You loved the first one.
We haven't laughed together in a long time.
Think about it, please? - Sure.
- Hey, Nick.
Yes, it's Eileen.
I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to get back to you but the thing is, I'm very busy and I just can't be distracted from the show right now.
- Wait--aagh! Wait a second.
Are you breaking up with me after one kiss? What, my breath that bad? - Oh, hi, Nick.
Well, um, it's just that I realized how unrealistic it is for me to get involved with anyone right now when I'm so busy.
- Whatever you're about to say, Ms.
busy, I think I deserve to hear it in person.
Don't you? - Okay.
How about tonight? - That sounds perfect.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Eileen? - Hi! - Uh [Slams door.]
- Sorry to pop in on you like this but I just wanna say thanks for another great day.
I'm having so much fun.
- Oh, good.
Well, I was actually just about to call you to find out if you're okay.
Your unexpected friend? - Oh, Colin? [Laughs.]
Oh, he's harmless, just annoying.
- Oh, good, because I've had more than my share of troublesome men in my life.
- No, I can handle him.
He does this about every four months.
Anyway, the real reason I came by is to talk about the scene.
I just got the pages from Julia.
It's inspired.
She's such a talent.
- Mm, I agree.
- In fact, it gave me so many other ideas on how to deepen the rest of the show.
- Oh.
- I'd love to get everyone together for a pow-wow.
I'm supposed to be at this screening tonight, but I can blow it off.
Frankly, this project is so much more important to me.
- Well, good.
I'll rally the troops.
- So good.
See you tonight.
- Bye.
[Door closes.]
Derek? It seems our movie star has requested yet another work session-- buckle up.
- Welcome.
- Thank You.
Thanks you for hosting.
- Well, on the plus side, at least we didn't have to sit through her movie.
- I was excited about the movie.
- Me too.
- Me too.
I was.
I loved the first one.
Guys, I think she's a great actress.
She just can't sing.
- Which may no longer be an issue considering I'm writing a four-hour drama.
- Well, I've already decided if she asks to expand on other scenes, we're gonna say no.
- What? - Huh? - Well, you've already written a marvelous musical and I want to keep it that way.
- Hallelujah.
- I heard she wants all new musical numbers.
- Yeah, and I heard she wants them all axed.
- So if they're axing her musical numbers, what happens to us? - Guys, can you please stop spreading bad information? You're gonna start a panic.
- Panic about what? - See? Look what you've done already.
Relax, they're just stirring the pot.
Everything's going to be fine.
- See you all in there.
- Yeah, I'm gonna go grab some seats.
Want me to save you one? - No, I'm waiting for Dev.
- Oh, so I finally get to meet the famous boyfriend.
- That's right, you've never met Dev.
- Nope.
- He's great.
- Little bit of a temper? - Mm, you heard about that.
- Sounded like an interesting night.
- It was all a misunderstanding.
- Oh, I know I know, I completely know.
- Gee, I hope he makes it in time.
Looks like they're about to start.
- Hey, Ellis, everything okay? - Yeah, what's the address? Uh-huh.
Oh, hold on.
I got another call.
Hey, Cyn.
Sorry about tonight.
I just--I gotta suck up to that loser again.
Cyn? Hello? - Uh, it's not Cyn.
It's just that "loser.
" Don't bother coming.
[Intense action music.]
[Car tires squealing.]
- [Chuckles.]
Are you as bored as I am in there? - No, it's funny.
I'm just distracted.
- Don't lie, she's annoying.
She stole our part.
We hate her.
- [Chuckles.]
- Come on, we're getting a drink.
- Ugh! - Ugh! How much longer is she gonna keep us waiting? This is ridiculous.
So you never told me, how was your date with Sam? - He believes in God.
- Oh.
I'm sorry.
- A lot of people believe in God, Julia.
- You don't have to tell me.
I believe in God.
- You do? - Tom, a lot of people believe in God.
- I know.
I just--it's just not something I talk about.
- He got you talking about God.
Good for him.
- Oh, he called me out on all of my stuff.
- Mm? - Said I was afraid of intimacy.
Afraid of commitment.
I'm paraphrasing.
And that's why I'm still alone at my age.
- I've said that to you every day since I met you.
- Please don't make this about yourself.
- [Laughs.]
- I know, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
- I got hung up on this phone call with this charter school in Harlem and I'm on the board-- - It's okay.
- Anyway, a thousand apologies.
- Rebecca, hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- What'd I miss? - Uh, well, we really appreciate hearing your thoughts about wanting to roll back on the songs.
- Right.
- But, um, moving forward-- - You wanna keep the music numbers in their entirety.
Right? - Mm-hm.
- Fine.
I get it.
It's a musical.
People want to hear a bunch of songs.
- Okay, great.
Um, which brings us to the songs themselves.
Um, we really do appreciate your thoughts about the songs-- - Guys, if we're gonna work together, you can't be so afraid to tell me the truth.
- Trust me, I wanna be as good out there as you want me to be.
So let's get down to work.
Right off the bat, I suggest that you lower the key in all the songs.
Giving me more vocal support and cutting back on the solos.
And Tom, look, I know you don't want to touch dig deep, but I just can't handle that kind of ballad.
- Understood.
- Thank you.
And I was thinking about hiring a vocal coach.
Is that a good idea? All: Yes.
- I could do let's be bad in my sleep.
And Mr.
and Mrs.
- Know 'em both.
- History? - Know it.
- Wolf? - Heart, Mambo, plus I know all the new scenes backwards and forwards.
- Uh, please.
I'm sleeping with the director.
I basically blocked the whole show.
- Well, I'm still the understudy last time I checked.
- Honey, when Rebecca Duvall goes down, everything's up for grabs.
- You're gonna have to pry that part out of my cold, dead hands.
[Glasses clinking.]
- Mm.
Really? Well, I have one word for you "Unstable.
" - [Laughs.]
Who isn't around here? [Laughter.]
So what happened to Mr.
perfect? - I never said he was perfect.
He's actually having a lot of trouble at work, so he's really down.
- So what are you doing here with me? He's probably letting somebody else cheer him up right now.
And she's probably really hot.
- Ugh, that isn't funny.
- Oh, that struck a nerve.
Trouble in paradise? - Ugh, why do I even talk to you? You make me feel bad.
I'm leaving.
- I'm just kidding.
Well, now I feel bad.
Hey, I'll get this.
- No, you won't.
- You need to have a thicker skin, Iowa.
- I told you I finished my homework.
What do you wanna do, look it over and sign it like we did in the fifth grade? - If necessary, because what we have here is completely unacceptable.
- Are you talking to me or to her? - You're 17 years old now, it's time you stop mouthing off and blaming everyone else for your problems.
- Um, in case you haven't noticed, this has kind of been a tough time for me! - I don't care! And none of those colleges are going to care.
- Whoa.
- This is his junior year.
Everything counts.
- Counts for what? What's the point? So I can get into a good college and meet someone nice and get married and have a kid and have it all blow up in my face? - Hey, dial it down, both of you.
Look This is a lousy time.
And you didn't cause it.
We all know that.
But not matter what's going on with us, you have to take care of yourself.
And your future.
I'm serious, Leo.
We don't want you to do something stupid because I did something stupid.
We want to help you through this.
- If I get a "B" on my calculus exam Do I get to meet Rebecca Duvall? - "B" plus and we'll talk.
- Babe? Hello? Babe? [Upbeat lounge music.]
- [Giggles.]
Thank you.
So I need to tell you my life story.
- Okay.
[Indistinct conversation.]
- Listen, I am going to cut to the chase, Nick.
I've heard that you have some skeletons in your closet.
Now I'm not here to judge, but I want you to know I've had more than my share of drama with unreliable men.
- Are you referring to the business arrangement I have with the Reggione family? - Why, is there something more? - Well, you also be talking about the illegal Dominican guys who did dishes at the bar.
- Well, is that all? - No, there's quite a bit more, in fact.
Look, Eileen You run a bar in the city you're gonna get your hands dirty.
But if you're looking for a way out of this with me, you're don't have to hire a Detective.
Just tell me you're not interested.
- I'm not looking for a way out.
It's just I've been through a lot.
- Okay.
So now we're getting somewhere.
- And I'm out of practice.
- You can take this as slow as you want.
- You're the one who's always rushing around.
- I'm just such a - Busy lady.
- Busy lady.
- Yeah.
- Randall, hey.
Uh, can I just say one thing? - Save it, Ellis.
You know, I thought we kind of connected a few weeks ago, but I get it now.
You were just using me to get to Rebecca.
And I hate users.
- Hey, Ellis, how's it going in there? - I don't know, actually.
They said it's a closed set.
No exceptions, quote unquote.
- Oh, well screw that.
, quote unquote.
It's been three days.
I'm producing this thing, I'm going in.
- All right, everyone! [Claps.]
Very nice.
Eileen, perfect timing.
We have a lot to show you.
- Wonderful.
- Okay, ladies and gentlemen, let's take it from the top, please.
Rebecca, you ready? - You better believe it.
- The challenge for the act is to use sense memory of childhood trauma.
All: ? Aaah, use the past ? - The actor must deploy the conscious and dig in to the unconscious.
All: ? Use your pain ? - The challenge for the actor is to learn to be private.
All: ? Let Stanislavsky be your umbrella ? - ? Mumble your words! ? All: ? Unless they're-- ? - ? Stella! ? All: ? Use justification, improvisation ? Plus some emotional masturbation - ? Visitor from the Western coast! ? All: ? Can you dig it? ? - I dig it the most.
I'm through with Hollywood.
It's New York and the actor's studio for me.
And if any of those boys from Hollywood come a'calling, you can tell them I said this In history there's this doctrine called Monroe which basically told the enemy where to go It was created to nurture and protect But now a new Monroe doctrine is in effect So go tell Mr.
Zanuck to read it and weep 'Cause I'm not just here today I'm here to dig deep From the 20th century Foxholes I'm released All: ? Sha-doo-ba-da-dweed-op ba-doodyla-doo-wop ? - ? And just like the sun, I'm rising in the east ? All: ? Sha-doo-bah-dweel lyah-doo-bah-shoob-doo-bop! ? - ? I made a move from that permanent ? state of sadness To prove there's a method to my madness I'm waking up from that 20th century sleep Yeah I'm not just here today All: ? Whoo! ? - ? I'm here to dig deep ? All: ? Well there ain't no sin to remove your skin ? - ? And to take a look under the hood ? All: ? Mm-hmm ? - ? Well you must dispel the outer shell ? Though you have to admit my shell looks good - ? You're tearing me apart! ? - ? I'll finally get to use my mind's interior ? And not only just my bust and my posterior 'Cause the true inner self you can't avoid All: ? And we're just nuts about Sigmund Freud ? So open up my id for a good clean sweep - ? 'Cause I'm not just here to dig ? No, I'm not just here to dig Oh, I'm not just here to dig I'm here to dig deep All: ? Motivation, concentration, exploration ? - ? Deep ? So deep All: Yeah! [Applause.]
- I'm a believer.
- Yeah, now we're getting somewhere.
Might just make it to Boston.
- Now that's a movie star.
- Not bad, right? - It was great.
- I've got lots more ideas.
- She's got lots more ideas.

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