Snoopy in Space (2019) s01e12 Episode Script

Mars or Bust

Surprise! I know how disappointed you are that you can't go to Mars right now.
So we thought we'd bring Mars to you.
Welcome to the famous Red Planet.
After your nine months' journey to get here, you're probably ready to stretch your legs.
Just watch out for rocks.
And the dust storm! Earthlings can't breathe the atmosphere on Mars so you'll need to wear a helmet.
This is your hab.
That's short for "halibut.
" It's short for "habitat.
" It's where you'll live while you're carrying out your mission.
Snoopy? Over here is where you'll grow your food just like you did on the Space Station.
And here's where the ancient Martians live.
Lucy, we talked about this.
There are no aliens on Mars.
That's what they want you to think.
We still need to figure out what to do about water.
Although there is evidence of water on Mars, it wouldn't be easily accessible or ready for drinking.
Maybe we could use a rover to draw out traces of oxygen and hydrogen from the Martian soil, which we could then combine to make water.
I read about it on the back of a freeze-dried ice cream packet.
So? What do you think? Do you feel like you're on the Red Planet? Okay, everyone.
Back to the drawing board.
How else can we cheer up Snoopy? - I've got football practice.
- I haven't watched TV in weeks.
Don't worry, Charlie Brown.
You'll think of something.
Can you send me everything you have on Mars? Everything? Yes, please.
I'll be standing by.
This is great.
But where do I start? That's it! Keep it down out there! You'll never believe what my big brother is trying to do.
That blockhead's building Snoopy a rocket? I'll believe it when I see it.
Where did Charlie Brown find a registered assembly facility? Charge.
But how did Charles address the need for advanced propulsion? So where is it, Charlie Brown? What are you all doing here? We heard you were building a rocket so you could send Snoopy to Mars.
I have to say I found it more than a little hard to believe.
Actually, I'm making a Just show us the rocket! It's over here.
That little thing isn't going to get Snoopy to Mars.
It's not supposed to be a real rocket.
It's a prototype.
A model to help figure out the design.
I put a few different ideas together.
I thought maybe it could help NASA, but I guess that's pretty silly.
Cheer up, Charlie Brown! You never know what you'll learn from a prototype.
- Let's see the launch.
- Really? T-minus five, four, thr We have liftoff! Oh, hey.
It's really flying.
Charlie Brown, you're full of surprises.
Whoo-hoo! Hooray! I guess you're not learning anything from this prototype.
Sorry to let you down, Snoopy.
Nonsense, Charlie Brown.
If every scientist and explorer gave up after something didn't work out, we would never have landed anywhere.
We have to figure out what doesn't work first.
And you seem to be an expert at that, Charlie Brown.
- Uh-huh.
- That's for sure.
- Definitely.
- Good point.
- Yep.
- Keep up the great work, gang.
I have a feeling I'll be seeing you again very soon.
Don't worry, old pal.
You'll make it to Mars someday.

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