Fruits Basket Anime Series (2002) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.
Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.
Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.
You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.
I'm Honda Tohru.
In return for Valentine's Day, I was presented with a hot spring trip from Momiji-kun.
There, I was enveloped in everyone's happiness, which felt nice and warm, and I was able to have a delightful time of it.
It's spring.
This is a new, heart-pounding and exciting school term! We have officially become second-year students.
The new first-year students looked most adorable! It would have been nice if you had attended the entrance ceremony too, Kyo-kun and Uo-chan.
Too much hassle.
The pollen is hard enough to take without that.
If I were to stand still in that place for too long, I'd conk out, seriously.
Be that as it may, where's the prince? As an entrance ceremony committee member, he appears to be busy.
Ah, that sure is rough.
He seems to already be getting lovey-dovey attacks from the first-year students.
Um, sempai, I've lost my student handbook If you're asking me to do something about it I can't do that? Do you remember whereabouts you lost it? Let's go look for it.
Could you tell me your name and class, just in case? Absolutely! Arimori Satomi, age 15! I'm a Scorpio, blood type B! My hobby is handicrafts, and my charm point is my slender ankles! L- I'm Sonomiya Rina! I'm often told I look just like Fujiwara Norika! No you don't, you lamebrain! This goes beyond jealousy.
You scare me, Sohma.
Yeah This year, he might become student body president.
It doesn't seem like Yuki-kun would want to.
Now that you mention it, I picked up on vibes from what seemed like Shigure-san in the parent & guardian seats.
Yes, he is here.
In fact, there are some Sohma fellows among the first-year students being admitted.
Which is why Ha-kun and the others, if I had to say so, are the same to me as if I had younger brothers.
I must attend the entrance ceremony, and burn the imprint of their magnificent appearance onto my eyes, indeed.
What's this now? This doubt-filled look you're giving me? Don't tell me you think I want to attend just because of the high school girls there! No, no, no, my young ones, who no longer speak of romance! What a fool.
More of those Sohma folk have enrolled, huh? Yes! What kind of people? Boys? Girls? There are two boys.
I see.
Maybe I ought to meet them.
Yes indeed.
There are all kinds of things we can teach them, as their seniors.
Like the customs at this school, or how to get out of stuff, huh? Go bring them here, Kyon.
Yes, bring them.
Why me!? Why don't you ask her to get them? Why should Tohru-kun have to go through the trouble of doing such a bothersome thing as that? But it's okay for me to do so!? Yes, it's okay.
U- um, I was thinking of going and saying hello to everyone, so I don't mind going.
However, since you're going anyhow, Kyo-kun, why don't we go together? Tell me, how come we have to see those guys at school too? When you meet at school, there might be something different about it! It could be fun! We'll be back! He's rapidly getting so he doesn't go against Tohru, huh? Very interesting.
So, which class are Momiji and Hatsuharu in? You don't know!? I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Okay, fine.
Wait here, I'll go ask.
Oh? You're kidding! Really? Say, do you know a couple of guys named Sohma, one with white hair, one blond? Yes! They're in the same class as us.
- Go get them.
- Okay! Geez, she could at least ask which class they're in, you know? What was she spacing off like that for? Hey, look at that! That girl over there is pretty cute, huh? Yeah, she's cute, but she's zoning out or something! That part is fine, yeah? She doesn't seem like she'd resist, and those overly self-assertive girls are so aggravating, yeah? Well, maybe so, huh? If that's the case, that girl looks like she'd do anything you tell her.
Yeah? Yeah? Let's go talk to! Eep.
Afraid! Afraid! Afraid, yeah! There, you see? That's what happens when you space off, dummy! R- right! When you're by yourself, at least, keep sharp! You leave yourself wide open like that, and you've got no room to complain, even if you were kidnapped! Right! When you're by yourself, I said.
Huh? When I'm beside you, you can space off as much as you want.
Okay! L- I didn't mean anything funny by that just now! Don't take that the wrong way! If you do, it'll make trouble! How do you mean funny? What am I saying? That was so stupid! Momiji-kun! Tohru~! Momiji-ku! What are you, stupid!? Kyo hit me! You fool! Is there anyone dumb enough to wear a girl's uniform, of all things!? K- Kyo-kun, calm down! 'Lo.
Hatsuharu-san! Even with all that stuff jangling around, Haru still looks far better.
It's okay, isn't it? As long as it looks good on him? And it does look good on me! Yes, it suits you well! That's not what the problem is! Good grief! What kind of outfit is that, Momiji!? Yuki! Same goes for you.
Yuki-kun, have you finished your work? Uh-uh, not yet.
I'm making the rounds, and came to see what was up.
Say, listen, listen! I was told not to horse around at school.
If I horse around, I can't keep myself from crashing into girls, after all.
That's why I'm going to keep cool at school! "Cool," huh!? So that outfit is "cool," huh? You are correct, Sohma Kyo, of second-year class D! And while I find that orange head of yours disagreeable, for any boy to wear the uniform of a girl is beyond the pale! It's shameless! And even supposing the teachers allow it, I will not! That is because I am, after all, this school's student body president, Takei Makoto! Also known as The Captain of the Campus Defense Force! "Campus Defense Force" Yet another idiot Indeed! No sooner are they admitted than they become nothing but problem-child cases! First of all, what's with you, Sohma Hatsuharu-kun!? That's white hair, isn't it!? You dare jangle yourself with such ornaments as well!? How audacious of you! President, this is his natural hair.
Yuki-kun! I'm glad to see you're well! But, putting that aside, natural hair, huh!? But it's growing in black at the collar line, is it not!? Even so, it's still his natural hair.
I don't believe it! That's preposterous! This is a problem! We can't just tell him "It's because he's the Ox-san.
" On top of that, what is up with your outfit!? Is that your true nature too, Sohma Momiji-kun!? Nature? Have you no pride as a man!? If you keep this up now, then you will be running full-speed into a life of failure! But, but I I look good this way! Um Please, don't rebuke him so strongly! I am not rebuking him, Honda Tohru-kun! I am giving him some advice that should be obvious, and based on common sense! Shut up, you.
Stop behaving like you're king of the mountain here.
It's grating on my ears, you dirty bastard! Now then, let me ask something of you! If I wear trifold socks, does that mean I'm not going to mug people!? If I have no piercings, am I going to not pick on people!? If my hair is black, does that make me not a criminal!? Who do you think you are? God!? Huh!? Black has descended Black has descended That's pretty wild, huh!? Say something to me, God! Come on! Cry! Yell! Scream! President! Hey, cut that out! Your opponent is an amateur! Shut up, you stupid cat! Don't cut in, you stupid cat! Don't call me stupid! I'll slug you, you dirty brat! Don't act so mighty with me! Not after the way you tucked your tail and ran the hell away during our last fight! You're the one who brought that fight to an end on your own, remember!? - Why, you! You want to back that up!? - President - Get a hold of yourself! - It's all the same to me, halfwit! Tohru, do you want to lick one too? M- Momiji-kun Here now, sweetheart Don't bring them into it! What do you think? Let's consider Momiji there.
Don't you think that outfit is fine? Just be quiet, and he'll grow up, and it will be okay for him starting then to wear men's clothes, won't it? He'll look a lot better! It's fun just imagining what Momiji will look like as an adult, isn't it? Don't be brainwashed! An outfit that matches the individual is best, after all.
Now listen! That is just being selfish, and is not fair to the other students! You sure are relentless! Okay, supposing Yuki were to wear a woman's uniform, what would you do? Haru, cut that out, or I'll disown you! It's just a rhetorical question, don't get upset! That's fantastic! Don't you go imagining it, either! Oops.
I let myself get carried away.
You're quite the formidable opponent, Sohma Hatsuharu-kun.
However However, about your hair! Can you offer any support that that is your natural hair!? H- hold on, I mean that is um? Spectacular evidence.
The world is still full of things that I am unaware of You showed him!? He showed him, all right! I may have lost today! But it won't go so well for you next time! I'll get you all! What did those people come here for? We don't know.
Um, Hatsuharu-san, what proof did you show him that that was your natural hair in the bathroom? Maybe she's still maturing? All right! You want to go with me then, so I can go through it again? We just can't keep Black under control.
U- um? Never mind, Honda-san.
Don't worry about it.
For some reason, I'm exhausted.
You are, huh? You're exhausted, huh? There's the chime! We have to get back to our classrooms, huh? Um, on your way home or sometime, would you come and meet my friends for me? Tohru, your friends? Mm-hmm! I want to meet them! I want to meet Tohru's friends! Mm-hmm.
Thank you very much! So then, I'll come pick you up again! That's right! Say, I have something I need to tell Yuki and Kyo, so could you stay here? In that case, I'll go back to the classroom first.
Sorry about that, Tohru.
No, don't be silly.
So, what is it you have to say? If this is about some nonsense, I'll whip you! Mm-hmm That was quite a racket! But then again, if every day is like that, it could be hard on Yuki-kun and Kyo-kun both.
You look like you're having fun, huh? I heard he was here I heard he was here Akito! We didn't know either.
We just heard from Shigure-sensei, at the entrance ceremony grounds.
He told us that Akito suddenly said that he was coming too.
And so, we think he came later than everyone, and is here at school.
We thought we should let you know too, Yuki and Kyo.
If you didn't want to see him, then all the more so.
Akito san? That's right, Honda Tohru-san.
Pleased to meet you! It's the real Akito-san! W- why would Akito-san be at school? Is this all right? For me to be meeting him so openly? I'm surprised.
He's so young! On top of that, he looks lovely, so much so that he could give Yuki-kun a run for his money! And yet, this is the person who cost Hatori-san his eye So ladylike, and kind I'm glad, you seem like such a good person.
And more than anything, so extremely cute.
N- no, you can't mean me! Take it easy, you really are cute.
When I saw you at the main house, I'm sorry I didn't say hello.
I'm the type who's shy around strangers.
You aren't angry? No, not at all! That's great.
Well, once again, let me introduce myself.
I am the head of the House of Sohma, Akito.
Pleased to meet you.
Right! It is I who is pleased to meet you! Somehow, he has a softer image than I had imagined.
I sure would like for us to be friends from now on.
Please take kindly to Yuki and the others, as well.
Akito! Yuki I've missed you, Yuki! For whatever reason, it seems like we haven't seen each other for a long time! What did you You're looking more grown up, and you've even gotten taller What did you do? To Honda-san? What did you do? Nothing much We were just exchanging greetings.
Right, Tohru-san? We were just exchanging greetings, right? Right Say, Yuki, more importantly, there's something I simply must ask you Why would you skip out on the banquet at New Year's? Why would you do such a thing? Lately, I have been quite tolerant, and yet, when you do something like that, it hurts me deeply.
Perhaps there's nothing to do but re-educate you once again.
in that room, the one just for you Why don't you listen to what I say? I am the head of the Sohmas.
Did you think you could get away with going against the head, without paying? S- stop! E- excuse me.
I have to be getting back to the classroom, or else they'll be upset at me.
I see Sorry.
I should be getting back to where Shigure and the others are as well they must be worried, I think.
Yuki It would be nice if you could have an enjoyable high-school life.
I would be happy if you would come see me sometime soon.
I moved in to stop him! It was because Yuki-kun was so terribly frightened.
Honda-san Yes? Akito he really didn't do anything or say anything strange to you, Honda-san? No, he said nothing.
He really just offered his greetings.
I see Yuki-kun, lets go play something! Today, school gets out early, and since it's been so long, Uo-chan and Hana-chan were talking about living it up! Since everyone's already there, let's go play together with them! Right now, I just want Yuki-kun's heart, which had been stricken with terror by Akito-san, to become cheerful.
That was all.
Let's split up into rocks and paper! What am I doing here? And for badminton, no less! Don't you men go whining about such little things! I have to play with this mask on! You don't have to play, right!? So then, what do we do now that we're grouped up? What are the rules? Don't got none! Rules are useless in badminton.
You smash with the extent of your power, and then smash back with the extent of your power.
If you must call it a rule, then the first person who collapses loses.
That's good! Easy to understand! It's too easy to understand! Shut up, already! Go take your position! Position? Position! Go on, prince! We're gonna let that orange-head have it! What was that, Yankee!? Let's get going! Mm-hmm Ready, set! In regards to Tohru-kun he said she was ugly coming home in the car.
She's terribly ugly.
The worst.
Didn't seem too bright either.
With a girl such as that, I can relax.
And as for Yuki, he won't continue on all that long.
There's no way he can go against me and still be happy, you know.
After all, Yuki is still frightened when he sees me.
That proves that he cannot forget me.
For so long, being mentally tormented that badly, even Yuki would have to develop some unforgettable scars, huh? But Akito doesn't understand.
While there are those people who hurt others, there are also definitely those who live to bundle them up.
They must give them a good deal of courage.
What's more, there is that other thing Tohru-kun is cute, in a mushy kind of way.
When you say it, it reeks of something illegal.
There are some things I wanted.
Things I've pictured in my mind.
Parents that would embrace me A home I could ask to return to A place where everyone was laughing Myself, with everyone else not distancing themselves A warm place A warm person They do exist! Really.
Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.
Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.
La, la, la Wonderful love and life La, la, la Adorable love and life La, la, la Wonderful love and life If you must know why our royal family has to have long hair, the grand high king Rurubara-sama, after he had reigned for four years, is said to have received a divine message.
It was Kandra-sama, with lights of golden and red shining on all sides.
"Ma Rudu Muni," chanted Kandra-sama, and as his forehead began glowing blue, Rurubara-sama was released, like a colt that had been struck with a whip, and together with waves of his burning love, as though they were trees swaying in a light breeze If it isn't Aya! What are you doing here, all of a sudden?
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