Snowdrop (2021) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

Who said anything about the agency?
She must bring the money here
for us to ruin their scheme.
That's the only way to save the hostages
and arrest Taedong River 1 and the rest.
Over and out.
Are all Southern bastards
backstabbing sly rats like you,
just as I heard?
Betrayal or not, I still have to do it.
I'm going to arrest you
and make you defect.
Don't get ahead of yourself!
I only joined hands with you to survive.
That doesn't mean I've chosen the South.
But you can't go back anyway
since you're branded a traitor.
Even if I want to, I can never defect
to the South because of Su-hui.
I understand.
I really do.
So let's lower our guns.
We can't afford to fight among ourselves.
Don't you agree?
-Yes, sir.
We will blow up the dorm at midnight.
Understood, sir.
Make up some excuse
and kick the reporters out of the campus.
And make it look
like the commies blew themselves up.
Yes, sir.
But if we do that,
the hostage situation will be over.
Should we pay the North right away?
Of course not!
They don't deserve to be paid early.
The payment's supposed to be made
after the election anyway.
Let's take our time.
Put it off as late as possible
to make them anxious.
-As late as possible to make them anxious.
-That's right.
It's Choi, sir.
What is it?
Deputy Director Choi Su-ryeon
of the MSS wants to talk to you, sir.
Choi Su-ryeon?
So just trust Kang Cheong-ya and wait?
With that huge amount of money,
she could live a new life
in any country in the world.
A luxurious life, at that.
But we just trust her
to come back to this bomb-rigged dorm?
I mean, do you think
she's an angel?
Or a saint?
you're right.
I'm as anxious as you are.
It's hundreds of billions of won.
She might flee to another country with it.
she might talk Nam Tae-il
into killing us all
and manage to keep her identity hidden.
So if she finds out
we're tailing and watching her,
how do you think she'll react?
What you're doing
is the same as forcing her
to betray us. Okay?
Now, I have no choice…
but to trust and wait for Comrade Kang.
I have no other choice.
Once the meeting with Choi Mi-hye is over,
someone from Swiss BR Bank will come.
Your job is to go to the bank with them
and wire the money to the paper company.
Got it.
Didn't you tell them
not to clean the room until checkout?
I did.
What are you doing?
If I pray,
will it be answered?
Is something
It's all right.
I'm sorry I've put you
through all this.
If you hadn't met me,
you wouldn't be suffering all this pain.
But you are…
not doing this by choice.
If you and I were
just ordinary people,
what would it have been like?
I probably…
would be singing at some music cafe.
I wanted…
to become a musician like my dad.
Even after we were
kicked out to the coal town,
he would make songs
about flowers, wind, and love
and sing them to us.
Su-hui and I would sing along.
And I think that's what kept us smiling…
even in that cold, barren place.
So I also…
want to live
singing such songs to the people I love.
you sing at a music cafe,
I'll go to that cafe every day…
Every single day,
whether it rains or snows.
I'd love to hear
you sing.
It's a shame
what happened to Director Eun.
But technically, your agent persuaded
my agent to betray us.
Your side is also to blame.
Look, Comrade Deputy Director.
Are you serious?
Your guy shot our ANSP director,
for God's sake!
This scheme is worth 300 million dollars,
but you sent some soon-to-be traitor!
And you blame us? Are you kidding me?
The hostage situation can't drag on
any longer, so we took special measures.
I sent him a message
that his sister will die if he doesn't
blow himself up
with the hostages by midnight.
So trust me and be patient.
By midnight today?
He may not the most loyal soldier,
but he's extremely devoted to his sister.
I'm sure he'll blow himself up.
So as soon as he does,
wire the 300 million dollars as promised.
This is great!
Them blowing themselves up from inside?
That'll make things a lot easier for us.
Absolutely, sir.
It seems everything's going smoothly.
If this last one thing's taken care of,
it'll really be all good.
What is it, sir?
Is there something bothering you?
What do we do about Eun?
If he wakes up, we'll be in trouble.
Because he must know who shot him.
Honey! No…
You can't leave me behind like this.
Our Yeong-ung is only nine years old now.
And our dear Yeong-u
was killed by those bastards too.
If you die too…
Mr. Nam, it's Choi again.
You should turn on MBS News right now.
MBS News?
The longer he is in shock
due to excessive bleeding,
the less likely he is to survive.
So we can't
be sure yet if he's going to make it.
That means he may not make it.
-My goodness. That's such a shame.
-Honey, no!
I don't think
we have to do anything to get rid of him.
Don't worry.
Okay, I understand.
-I feel so bad for him.
-You can't die like this.
He's always put our country and people
before his family, you know.
The password is
your birthday.
If anything goes wrong, I'm dead meat.
Literally. You know that, right?
God, don't be such a coward.
You said you looked into it too.
There really is a fund manager
named Linda Young at ABK Partners.
She's the precious person my fortuneteller
told me about. He can't be wrong.
What about the company bankbook and seal?
I opened it in a rush as you said, but
why do we need a corporate bank account?
It's such a huge amount of money.
So we'll send the money abroad
as if this corporate is investing
in the paper company.
Then the paper company will invest
the money in the private equity fund.
This won't do. I'll go with you.
The Chief of the ANSP OPC
should be present so that they can't--
You can't be serious!
Do you want everyone to know
you're using the ANSP secret fund?
You're right.
The company's
in the name of Ms. Kim, right?
Of course. In the name of Kim Ye-ni.
I got to say,
you're as clever as Hannibal.
It's like you knew this would happen
and hired a Korean-American
as your secretary. You're amazing.
Stop saying silly things.
Just a week.
In just a week,
we will make 90 million dollars.
That's 71.3 billion won!
All you need to do is
buy me one week's time.
Don't worry.
Nam Tae-il told me to take my time
before sending the money.
This is the bankbook
with 300 million dollars.
And this is the seal I mentioned.
Thank you.
I put the password inside the envelope.
And this is the corporate bankbook.
And lastly, this is the seal
you asked for.
Well, everything has been checked.
Now, this is the certificate for the fund.
All you have to do
is to sign your name here,
and you, Mrs. Choi,
will officially be a member
of our private equity fund.
Once you sign it,
you'll be a member
of the private equity fund.
I know.
Everything is in order.
this is just a small token
of our appreciation.
What is
Just a small token.
Oh, my god!
Thank you. Thank you very much!
This is the bankbook
with 300 million dollars in it.
And this is the personal seal.
This is the corporate bankbook
you requested.
Again, along with the seal
is the password I will put
in this envelope.
All right. I think that's everything.
We are honored to have you
as our valued client.
Promise me…
you'll leave with me if I come back.
It's me.
I got the pocket change
that was to be sent North.
Great job.
You must…
come back by midnight.
Put Lee Gang-mu on.
Mr. Lee, I understand
you did what you had to do,
but I'm quite offended.
I'm warning you.
No more tailing me.
Jang Han-na.
Damn it. What do I do?
You're going to support me now, Han-na.
Once I'm gone,
Nam Tae-il will find it strange.
Just in case,
we must find evidence that can stop him.
Bring a SWAT team uniform
to my hideout exactly in an hour.
If you understood, Gang-mu, put Soo-ho on.
We'll distract them
for you to come back in safely.
No, I'll find a way to get in on my own,
so don't bother.
I'll come in by 2200 hours at the latest.
You even bugged her?
Do you still not trust her?
Before she shows up in front of me,
honestly, no.
It needs recharging.
Where the heck is it?
Does the wiretapping room
still have power?
This needs recharging.
Yes. I'll do it for you.
So soon?
But she went out only yesterday.
She did it in a day?
She even managed
to become Nam Tae-il's doctor.
She must have substantial intel.
She'll come back tonight. Han-na's
watching her, so let's wait and see.
But will she really come back?
I mean, what's in it for her?
I'm not sure.
I guess love is more important to her
than ideology or principles.
Of course, love is more important
than ideology or principles.
Whether you're a man or a woman,
that's the truth of life.
If Kang Cheong-ya really comes back,
I should learn a lesson from her.
Comes back?
Wait a second.
Did Kang Cheong-ya get out of the dorm?
A charger must be somewhere in here.
Darn it.
Who is this?
The telephone operator?
Yes. This is Gye Bun-ok.
Yeong-ro and I are really close.
I can help you
get only Yeong-ro out of here.
Watch what you say.
Who said we'd only get her out?
Stop talking nonsense and turn it off.
You'll be promoted
if you catch the Northern spy, right?
Do you want my help?
You can help me catch Lim Soo-ho?
How will you do that?
Well, I will give you
very useful information.
In return, you must help me later.
Dr. Kang Cheong-ya
of Hankuk Central Medical Center
is a Northern spy.
What did you just say?
Kang Cheong-ya is what?
She is a Northern spy!
She must be out of the dorm right now--
Hello? Hey!
Darn it.
Where on earth
did my precious little fox go?
I can't reach her all day.
That startled me.
What's wrong with that bastard?
Chief An? It's me.
Can you come to my husband's
hospital room right now?
I'm quite busy at the moment.
Can't we just talk over the phone?
I'm asking you to come here
because it's not something
I can tell you over the phone.
I'm carrying out an important task
with our country's honor on the line.
I've got to go.
Chief An!
How rude…
Nam planted his man right under your nose.
How come you don't have
anyone loyal to you?
Loyal to me?
Do you know agent Jang Han-na?
She told me
that Nam Tae-il's the one who shot you.
How about we use her?
Jang Han-na…
God damn it.
Come on. Pick up the phone!
Cheong-ya, get out of there!
An Gyeong-hui's going up to get you!
Search thoroughly.
Kang Cheong-ya!
Damn it. Why is it so narrow?
Look at this.
Cheong-ya, get in!
Hurry up!
What are you waiting for? Get in! Now!
This is why I told you to arrest Han-na!
Put Cheong-ya on the no-fly list
and put out an APB on her. Han-na, too.
Damn it.
We found this.
What is it?
What on earth are they up to?
They'll never let
the ANSP director's daughter die.
The ANSP director's daughter?
What does that mean?
"They'll never let
the ANSP director's daughter die"?
No, it's nothing.
You damn wench.
Are you still looking down on me?
There's no commie to save you in here.
Talk while I'm asking nicely.
The truth is…
the song's really great.
How holy.
Wake up, sir!
The ANSP director's daughter is in here.
Why the hell are you not using
that amazing card?
What are you talking about?
The ANSP director's daughter is in here?
I mean,
you could use the daughter
and demand a bus or something.
Why are you not using her
to get out of here?
So who is it?
Who's the ANSP director's daughter?
No way, that's impossible.
Why would the ANSP director's daughter
live in a dorm?
Well, the hall director must know
if that's true.
speak of the devil.
What's going on?
Your father is the ANSP director?
Guys, that can't be true.
You know her father runs a rice cake shop.
-She gave out rice cakes, remember?
You be quiet.
I asked her. You better tell the truth.
Is your father the ANSP director?
It must be true.
The director's name is Eun Chang-su.
Yeong-ro's the only one in here
whose family name
is Eun.
No way.
Eun Yeong-ro.
Is it…
Is it really true?
Jeong-min, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to lie to you--
Did you tell us your parents ran
a rice cake shop to keep it from us?
No, that's not it.
My grandma does run a rice cake shop.
Isn't the ANSP director
the one trying to kill us all?
Yeong-ro's such a murderer's daughter?
That's so creepy!
This must be why she didn't tell you.
Don't you think?
Are you taking her side
since you're an ANSP spy?
Eun Yeong-ro.
Listen carefully.
My brother used to weigh 78kg,
but after a month
of being locked up in the ANSP,
he's now 50kg.
He was so ashamed that he'd given in
that he blamed himself
and went insane in the end.
The head of those
who strive to torture innocent people
is her father?
The one who gives them incentives
to encourage them to dedicate themselves
to their country and people
must be her dad.
Your dad's trying to kill us all
even when you're in here?
Of course not.
He must be trying
to save only his daughter.
He's the powerful ANSP director after all.
That's obvious.
Eun Yeong-ro.
Don't you
ever come into our room.
Let's go, girls.
-And she gets a scholarship?
-She's really something.
-She's really scary.
-What an amazing dad you've got.
How could you lie about such--
What's the use of talking to such a liar?
I'm disappointed, Yeong-ro.
Yeong-ro. I can't believe that's true.
There's no one to trust in this world.
She's so creepy.
I really thought
you were a nice person.
How could you fool us all this time?
How could you…
How could you lie to me too?
Are you okay?
I'm… I'm fine.
It's true I've kept it from them
that I'm the ANSP director's daughter.
And it's true that my dad did bad things.
They're just on edge
with all they've been going through.
They will understand you
Thank you.
I'm really fine.
I doubt it was someone in the dorm
that ratted on me.
After ratting on me,
you helped me escape.
What are you trying to pull?
Look, doctor.
You must go back
into the dorm for Gang-mu to live.
Why would I rat on you?
The North told Soo-ho
they'd kill his sister if he doesn't
blow up the hostages and himself
by midnight.
So you must get back in!
So you should've done as I said.
I warned you to stop keeping an eye on me.
And the ANSP raided my hideout
now of all times?
This is what I get for saving you?
You didn't get caught, did you?
This is Charmant.
Ma'am. It's your husband.
God, he's such a coward.
I'm getting tired of this.
How many times has he been calling me?
What is it this time?
What's the relationship
between you and Cheong-ya?
Who the hell is Cheong-ya?
You know, Nam Tae-il's doctor.
The one that's being held hostage
in the dorm.
She had photos of you.
Don't be surprised.
It turns out, she's a Northern spy.
Dr. Kang is?
Oh, my goodness.
Are you serious? Is it really true?
I'm serious.
You really have
nothing to do with her, right?
She even kept watch on you and me.
Oh, my God. She's kept watch on me?
Well, I…
Playing mahjong with her
a few times is all.
Don't worry a thing, honey.
Yes, that's all.
By the way, our Mr. Nam
must be in trouble now.
Go easy on him, honey. Okay?
Go easy on him.
What's going on? He's in trouble?
Did something happen to my husband?
It's about Dr. Kang.
Mr. Nam's doctor.
It turns out,
she's a Northern spy.
What? A Northern…
A Northern spy?
I told you, didn't I?
That you shouldn't let
such a pretty, young girl
beside your husband.
Goodness. She must've done everything
to get on his good side,
so they must be quite intimate.
Quite intimate?
Ms. Kim.
Why did you leave the door wide open?
What if someone comes
and steals away my precious little fox?
You bastards! What are you doing here?
Are you crazy?
Show him.
The dorm telephone operator tipped me off
that Kang Cheong-ya
is a Northern spy.
Kang Cheong-ya's real name is
Kanemoto Riko.
The fact that
she's a Korean-Japanese would be
enough for me to make her a Northern spy.
But she so kindly left us
plenty of evidence.
Chief An, there must be
some kind of misunderstanding.
She and I are nothing
but a doctor and a patient.
We're not what you think--
Guys, why do you think
Mr. Nam has kept it from us
that Kang got out of the dorm?
Number one, because the pretty spy
persuaded him to join her side.
Number two,
because the pretty spy
sexually convinced him.
Number three,
because he is
in love with the pretty spy.
You bastard.
How dare you treat me like this?
I'm Nam Tae-il!
I'm Nam Tae-il,
the President's right-hand man!
Arrest him.
How dare you touch my body, you bastards!
Let go of me!
Do you have a death wish?
Should I do it like you'd do it?
How about I shoot you to death right here
and frame the Northern spy
Kang Cheong-ya for it?
Just like you did to Eun Chang-su.
I had no other choice
since it happened so fast.
I think she ran away.
I searched everywhere,
but I can't find her.
All right.
You helped a Northern spy, so your father
won't be able to help you this time.
Go hide somewhere.
Be safe. Over and out.
You must be hungry.
Eat this. Come on.
What are you doing? Put that away.
I'm not hungry at all.
So you have this.
Come on.
My dear son…
My little puppy.
Come on. Eat this.
Open up.
Come on.
Come on. Open up.
Come on, you must be hungry. Eat it.
Open up.
Comrade Lim.
Comrade Joo.
Comrade Kang
went out to intercept the money
they're going to send the North,
and the ANSP found out about her.
Is that really true?
She's one of Lim Ji-rok's people.
Even if I tell him about this,
he'll try to cover up her betrayal.
I don't care what happens to traitors.
Comrade Kang went out
to intercept the money to save us
when our country abandoned us.
With that money,
we might be able
to cut a deal with Lim Ji-rok.
Your superior…
must be rivals with Lim Ji-rok.
We must inform your superior of this
to get Lim Ji-rok.
You've got some nerve.
You want to take down the head of the UFD
when you're surrounded by enemies?
Lim Ji-rok told me
if we don't blow ourselves up by midnight…
that he'd kill my sister.
I will never let him have his way.
It must be great
to have a powerful father.
Are you sure you can kill him?
My father…
was a coal miner
in North Hamgyong Province.
And a mine roof collapse
killed him.
I've been fighting
for our country and people,
not for those who consider
our agents' lives as expendable.
Lim Ji-rok has us cornered.
We must get him first
to find a way to survive.
I'm sure your superior will welcome…
any intel that can bring Lim down.
Untie me.
Moran Hill 1 intercepted the money
the South was going to send us.
And the ANSP found out about her.
"Kang Cheong-ya
would never betray the party"?
As if your son was not enough,
Kang's screwing us over too?
If we won't be able to get the money,
it's all on you!
Instruct Chongchon River
to kill Lim Soo-ho right away!
That damn wench.
Shredding her body to pieces
wouldn't be enough.
How dare she fool me all this time
and seduce my husband!
I'm sure
he had no idea.
How could he have known
he was a Northern spy?
Even I was completely fooled!
Whether he knew or not,
he violated the National Security Law.
No, that's wrong. That's just wrong!
The one who lied is to blame.
Not the one who was fooled.
That fortuneteller…
He must be a charlatan!
He said I should
have her stay by my husband's side
like a talisman!
For him to live a long, healthy life
and make his dreams come true!
Why are you blaming the fortuneteller?
He's a really good fortuneteller.
You know what? I knew something was off
when he told Ms. Hong
exactly 13 people would die.
I mean, he's still unconscious in bed.
How is he going to become the President?
He must be a charlatan.
A charlatan!
The number you have called
is not in service.
-Please check the number and try again.
-Not in service?
Wait a second. Isn't it 041-387-1234?
You must've dialed the wrong number.
Give it.
My goodness.
The number you have called
is not in service.
-Please check the number…
This is weird. It can't be.
What's going on?
Ms. Kim!
Yes, ma'am?
Call Hong Kong.
Ask them for Linda's number
in New York. Now.
Yes, ma'am.
Do it here! Right now!
Hold on.
What's with Hong Kong and New York?
Shut up!
Hi. Can I get a hold of
Linda Young's New York contact?
She was recently in Seoul.
I am sure that her name is Linda Young.
What do you mean,
she's never been to Seoul?
Now, what are you talking about?
We've all met her.
What? Why did they hang up like that?
I even signed the certificate
for the fund. What is wrong?
Well, they said
Linda Young's never been to Seoul.
They even yelled at me.
What do you mean, she's never been here?
She even gave me this 5-carat diamond.
As a token of their appreciation
since I became a VVIP
at ABK Partners! But what?
Oh, my God.
Five carats?
Let me see.
We can easily tell if it's real
by watching the condensation evaporate.
The condensation on a diamond
evaporates quickly.
It's fake.
It's just a cubic zirconia.
My goodness.
What the hell is this? This can't be!
Where the hell did he go?
Where did he go?
Hong Ae-ra wants to meet me.
What should I do?
Hong Ae-ra? Maybe she's pulling tricks
to catch Cheong-ya.
The director's still unconscious,
so I doubt she's interested
in catching Cheong-ya.
I mean, she's not Nam Tae-il's wife.
But it might be dangerous.
You're wanted now.
If Lim Soo-ho doesn't blow himself up,
Nam will
set off the bombs for sure.
Time's running out,
so we must do everything we can.
All right.
Mr. Eun.
You're the one
who brought the recording tape
inside the dorm, aren't you?
You did it to save the students,
so I won't punish you for it.
save my daughter.
The North told Soo-ho
that they'll kill his sister
if he doesn't blow himself
and the hostages up by midnight.
So we must rescue the hostages
before midnight.
I need to talk to Lim Soo-ho.
This is Taedong River.
Moran Hill, do you copy?
This is Taedong River.
She turned off her radio.
I'm sure she backed out!
Mr. Lee.
Yes, I'm here.
This is Eun Chang-su.
I heard you were in critical condition.
Was it fake news again?
Is Lim Soo-ho with you?
What do you want?
I want to help you.
If you release all the hostages
including my daughter,
I'll have a car ready
in Mount Ogong
for you guys to escape.
I'll do everything in my power
for you to flee
to another country safely.
After everyone gets out,
I'll blow the dorm up
and tell the press
the spies have blown themselves up.
And I'll inform the North
that you're dead.
Then your sister
will be safe.
The students know
about the election scheme,
but you want us to release them?
Can you guarantee the students' safety?
I'll have it broadcast live
and let them return to their parents
in the campus.
Won't it be enough?
And I'll release Reporter Gal
and have him cover it.
How about
you tell the press yourself that
this is all part of the election scheme?
That won't save
Soo-ho's sister in the North.
I must stay in power
to send you guys
to another country safely.
I'll think about it.
The students know about the election
scheme. If they're released,
the ruling party might lose the election,
and you're likely to be put in danger.
I know it's great to have power,
but I'll never
trade my child's life for it.
No one,
including Nam and An, can find out
that he has awoken.
I understand. Don't worry.
He must know Nam Tae-il's the one
who ordered to shoot him.
But he's giving up power
so easily like this?
You're right.
The ruling party's winning right now.
He can't be giving up.
If it's broadcast live
and the parents wait for him,
the students will be safe.
But you were ordered
to kill the hostages too.
If it's broadcast live, the North will
watch it too. Will it be okay?
I'm sure the North's aware
Comrade Kang's cover's been blown,
so I don't think it'll matter.
I still have a bad feeling about this.
They might be
setting a trap to save Yeong-ro only.
If my dad is planning to rescue only me,
there's a way to stop it.
Let me talk to my dad.
What did you say?
After all the hostages have been released,
I'll get in the car with Soo-ho.
Until he's left the country safely,
I will stay by his side.
You can't trust me
that much?
I will
do everything in my power
to save Soo-ho's life.
I'm sorry, Dad. But I need to see
Soo-ho leaving the country safely
with my own eyes.
I understand.
Get in the car with him.
I'll let you see him leaving safely
with your own eyes.
She wants to stay with him
until he leaves.
So you follow them and bring my daughter
back to me safely.
I will, sir.
Go to the dorm
right now.
I'll radio you as soon as it's ready.
So go stand by.
Yes, sir.
What a fool she is.
Why on earth is she taking the side
of those commies who killed her brother?
You're at the most important crossroads
of your life right now.
If Yeong-ro's acting like this,
we won't be able to get her out.
And if you try to fool them
and anything goes wrong because of her,
your life will be ruined
as well as Yeong-ung's.
You think it'll be okay
if you work with their parents
to keep their mouths shut?
Of course,
some sensible parents
will keep their children quiet,
but who knows?
There are always troublemakers
like Reporter Gal.
To be honest, I'm worried about Gal too.
You must think
you can keep him under control
by threatening to kill his mother.
But who knows what'll get into him?
What if he chooses justice
over his own mom?
stop thinking about it,
have the hostages released…
and when exactly 13 remain,
blow up the bombs.
Mr. Kim.
Okay. Just a second.
The President wants to talk to you.
I told the First Lady that you'd woken up.
Hello, sir.
Mr. President, this is Eun Chang-su.
Eun, is it true that
your daughter's held in the dorm?
A long time ago,
General Gyebaek
even killed his wife and children
before he went out to war.
Remember that we are also at war.
We're all going to get out alive, right?
I'm relieved that my dad will be able
to make up even a little
for what he did to my friends.
I thought about it,
and it's too dangerous
for you to stay with me until the end.
Soo-ho, I'll stay by your side
until the end.
Blow the dorm up right away.
The election is in six days.
If we all stay here like this,
we'll all die.
"Eliminate Lim Soo-ho."
If you run with the money,
do you think the party will let you be?
They will hunt down every traitor
and kill them mercilessly.
At 22:00 sharp,
we will blow up the dorm. Get it ready.
How dare you…
Is it our agents
or the hostages?
You said we'll meet again.
You said we'll meet again someday
as long as we're alive.
I'm sorry.
You know too that we're never
going to see each other again.
Thank you.
Is this your first time in Poland?
I'm a trader working in Berlin
and came to visit here
to check on something.
I was chased by some gangsters.
If you don't mind me asking,
may I know your name?
You saved my life after all.
But I have so many names
since I've been traveling
around the world to sell goods.
Oh, I see.
I wish you good luck.
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