Battlestar Galactica (1978) s01e15 Episode Script

War of the Gods

Whatever they are, they're fast! Their speed is beyond our comprehension.
Your people will be safe under my leadership.
I've come to prepare your way to Earth.
What kind of games do your people play? Games that would amaze you.
You would hope that the humans have made such a breakthrough? The alternative is that we have encountered a new and more powerful force.
Don't make the mistake of threatening me again.
Or you'll forfeit your life.
This is Flight Leader to advance probe.
Everything looks OK in this quadrant.
Let's start a last wide sweep and go home.
- Copy? - Loud and clear.
Making the final sweep of the Bojay! I'm seeing spots in front of my eyes! All right, take it easy, you guys.
Whatever it was is gone now but let's ease on over in that direction.
- Better alert the fleet.
- Plenty of time for that.
I not only saw that one, I felt it.
Captain, left centre.
They're coming right at us, and fast.
Actuate attack computers.
- Stand by.
- They're not on my scanner! - I'm not picking anything up! - They're not slowing down.
Good Lord, they're fast.
- Anybody get a good look? - No.
But they can outrun us.
Let's get out of here.
Warn the fleet.
We don't know if there's anything to warn them about.
Hold your positions and your fire until we get a fix.
They're moving up behind us.
They don't seem interested in us.
Let's get out of here.
Jolly, you speak the wisdom of the Lords.
Let's turn around and - Skipper! - I see him.
Holy frack! Skipper, my instruments are gone.
Mine are spinning like fire-tons.
And that noise, I can't stand it.
- What do we do? - Divide and run.
- A four-point peel-off on three.
One - Bojay, I'm losing speed.
- I can't do a thing, Skipper! - I can't stand the sound! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! - Great shot.
- We got one lucky boy.
Speak for yourself, I'm good.
I second that.
Now, what can I do to reward you? You could send some champagne I might not say you were incredible but I'd say "reasonably proficient" and buy you a drink.
Generous, very generous.
- Hi, Boomer.
- Nice to see you.
- Nice play.
- Nice play? Sure.
Just once I'd like to beat you.
I'm sure there's something you're good at.
What do you expect from a natural athlete? Just for that you're buying.
Nobody's buying.
Emergency meeting in the war room.
Have a heart.
We just ran ourselves ragged.
I need a drink.
You'll need one even more when you hear about this.
Let's go.
They disappeared here, in this sector.
- There's been no transmissions? - An automatic distress signal.
Since then, nothing.
Four ships have vanished.
- What kind of land mass? - I don't know.
But the readings indicate activity at a time that could concern the missing ships.
Commander, Bojay's like my family.
- He's all that I've got left - I know.
Get your gear.
Maybe sending her is a mistake.
There's been no trace of her father or the Pegasus - and now losing Bojay? - Look if emotion is a factor, we're all equally motivated.
Jolly's like a kinsman to me.
Then we picked the right team.
I think so too.
Butno chances.
If they're not on a planet They wouldn't have had fuel enough to continue flying.
- We'll come right back.
- All right.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Commander, that seismic report - I don't like the implications of it.
It's too sudden, too abortive to be a core tremor.
More likely an explosion of some kind.
But how could four ships crash simultaneously? - They could've been on the ground.
- That's possible.
We'll know soon.
- What do you think? - Tell you in a flash.
- No life forms.
- I wonder why.
It has an appropriate atmosphere.
Maybe no Colonial travellers ever made it this far.
At least they didn't hang around, for some reason.
That doesn't bode well with our search for the lost 13th tribeand Earth.
One problem at a time.
Let's go down in the atmosphere.
Starbuck, Apollo, look at the vegetation.
It's all red.
- Let's set down and have a look.
- There, look at that.
Looks like something big hit, it's all burned out.
See that? Just left of centre.
Some wreckage.
Whatever it was, it was huge.
Let's go in.
This is the strangest light I've ever seen.
You should see yourselves.
You look weird.
- I've never seen you look better.
- Mm.
Well, at least the atmosphere is breathable.
- But everything's so eerie.
- Yes, but it's alive.
Let's go.
Look at the size of that crater.
Whatever hit here must have been as big as a battlestar.
That looks like the remains of a very big ship.
Let's go have a look.
I wouldn't go down there.
Where did he come from? The scanner read no life forms.
The radion levels are extremely high.
- Where'd you come from? - Where did you come from? We mean you no harm.
You're human.
Do you need our help? I think it's more likely that I can help you.
How? Are there others like you? Not here.
Was that a ship? Yes, it was.
It was destroyed.
- By whom? - The great powers.
- You mean the Cylon Empire? - No.
- Just who are these powers? - It's not easy to explain.
Would you mind if we moved from here? I don't want to be reminded of what happened to my people.
Something's wrong.
I can't get any reading.
That scanner won't be of much use to you.
The radion field here from the crash is too strong.
Who is this guy? I don't know.
I get a strange feeling about him.
That makes two of us.
How did he survive that crash without a mark on him? I'm weary.
I'm drained of energy.
We have some emergency rations we can share with you.
You're very kind.
It's not food I require.
How did you survive the crash? I don't know.
You spoke of your people.
Were they on that ship? Yes.
They're all gone.
What about you? You must have people.
Will you be returning to them soon? Yes.
Might I accompany you? We'd have to know more about you.
Where do you come from? You do not know my people.
They're not of your world.
Yes, but if they are human, maybe there's some connection.
- Maybe - Maybe I can help you with your quest.
- What quest? - Whatever it is you're looking for.
My knowledge of the universe is infinite.
I think we'd better be going.
- Likeable but a little on the loony side.
- Maybe, maybe not.
- Where's he from? - You keep asking that.
What does it matter? Look, he's human.
And he's all alone.
- I think he's in shock from the explosion.
- That makes sense.
If he ejected from that ship, the fall may have hurt him.
- No, he doesn't look tattered.
- We can't just leave him behind.
- What if he's a spy? - Who knew we were coming? Whoever caused our patrol to disappear.
He's only one man.
If we keep our guard up, I just don't see what he can do.
OK, but let's make sure he's not carrying a homing device.
Good idea, in case this is one of Baltar's little tricks.
Go back to the ship and send for a shuttle.
- And see if there's word from the patrol.
- Right.
We've decided to take you with us.
Overwhelmed, isn't he? What is it? What's happening? I don't know, but it didn't even faze him.
We must hurry, they're coming back.
They're looking for me.
Any sign of the others? Not a trace.
But we did find somebody.
May I introduce our guest? This is Count Iblis.
Colonel Tigh.
An honour, Colonel.
I know your mind must be full of questions but I wonder if I might find somewhere to rest after my ordeal? I'll give you and my father a debriefing.
Then I'm sure you'll want to talk to Count Iblis at length.
Of course.
Sheba, go to the life station and find the Count some quarters.
We'll see you two on the bridge.
He was all alone on the planet? As far as we could tell.
Beside the wreckage of an immense ship.
- And the wreckage? - It was giving off high radion levels.
We couldn't move into the area without special gear.
Too bad.
Too bad.
Yet he survived the radion levels? Perhaps he ejected from the ship before she was struck.
- By the Cylons? - Not according to him.
Who knows what condition his mind was in after his experience? He was very evasive.
I don't trust him.
All right.
I want a complete report on him from the life station.
Cranium probe, neurosystems, everything, including psycho-electron recall.
We can stop for hypernutrients and an energon treatment.
- That'll get you through the debriefing.
- No.
It's not that I don't appreciate your concerns but I have my own concerns.
We only want to help you.
I'm sure.
But I'm not of your world.
It's highly probable your instruments could be destructive to me.
- But they're the very latest.
- For your time, yes.
I think I should be getting you May I see more of your ship? This way.
Our communication centre, where we can maintain a constant monitor on all the ships in the fleet.
We seem to be receiving some electrical interference.
It was fine a few centons ago.
One of the problems of space travel electrical voids and equipment failures.
But I'm sure you understand all that.
I just heard from the bridge - our visitor just left with Sheba.
- We're tracking them down now.
- Just left the bridge? What are we running here? A perfect stranger is given access to a sensitive military control centre? It does seem a bit out of the ordinary.
Out of the ordinary? Is that all you have to say? There must be an explanation.
The rejuvenation centre is here.
It'll be a nice place to rest.
It's time to to find Commander Adama.
Adama? You mean you know him? Somebody mentioned his name.
That is correct, isn't it? He is your commander? Well, yes.
He is our commander.
Follow me.
Where is he and how did he get free run of the ship? - Who can answer me? - I left him Pardon me.
You are Commander Adama.
Count Iblis at your service.
Thank you.
I want to see each one of you later.
Make sure we don't have to look all over the ship for you.
- Is the Officers' Club suitable? - Perfectly.
I know you won't leave there.
I've never seen him quite so unsettled.
You'd think we'd deserted him.
Why did you take a stranger into classified areas? - He asked - You do everything you're asked? - Apollo.
- You know what I mean.
Look, I know it's a little hard to explain but it wasn't so much what he said as what I felt.
He needed to feel order and security.
So I took him someplace to help settle him.
And he feels much better now.
You've been acting this way ever since we found Count Iblis.
Why is he so important to you? You don't know who he is.
- I know he cares.
- For you? For all of us.
If I have to explain that to you then you're far less sensitive than I thought.
- She thinks I'm insensitive.
- You? If you're insensitive, where does that leave me? As you probably realise, we are in a state of constant emergency.
However, I trust you'll find your quarters comfortable.
I'm infinitely grateful to you.
And for delivering me from my enemies.
Oh, your enemies? Tell me about them.
They are infinite.
They are everywhere.
They're relentless.
Who are they? What are they called? Where are they from? Forgive my inability to communicate.
There are things you might not understand.
I've been told I'm fairly bright when given a chance.
Oh, yes, of course.
And generous to stop for one more survivor.
That's why I'm not sure it's wise to burden you with my fight.
I don't mean to infer that we can take on more enemies than we now have, but perhaps we are already fighting a common foe.
There are infinitely more dangerous powers than your Cylons and all their allies combined.
Let me bring you a more optimistic epistle.
You're searching for Earth.
My son told you that.
You are of the House of Kobol.
Your tribes are scattered.
The 13th journeyed to Earth several millennia ago.
Tell me about their civilisation.
It has known great rises and falls.
Who are you? Where are you from? Are they strong enough to help us defeat the Cylons? Your people will be safe under my leadership.
Did I hear you correctly? Did you say under your leadership? Of course, Adama.
Why do you think I'm here? I've come to prepare your way to Earth.
'Word of the mysterious stranger has swept through the fleet.
'His promises are giving our people their first real hope.
' And yet his presence, his unwillingness to submit to routine medical procedures, leaves me with grave doubts about his integrity or his ability to fulfil his bold promises.
However, another major disappointment in the lives of our beleaguered survivors might spell the end of our journey or my ability to maintain order.
The possibility of hope must be sustained.
There are portable scanners.
Surely you can get close enough to get a respiratory probe.
I sent two of my best technicians to try.
They both came back with broken scanners.
I even sent Cassiopeia.
When medical technology fails, we still resort to feminine wiles.
What happened? He was the most charming man I've ever met.
The most charming? That was on the outside.
I have no idea what he's like under that smile.
Maybe you weren't close enough to get a good scan.
Can we discuss this without Starbuck around? Look, this was all done in the line of duty.
Wasn't it? I was certainly impressed by him.
But the tape still came back empty.
Excuse me.
Empty tape? That heart rate is dancing like a Cylon scanner.
That's my pulse rate.
This is his.
A straight line.
You really got to him.
It's not Cassiopeia, gentlemen.
It's the equipment.
Now, either it's defective or he's on some other wavelength.
- Or he has some way of jamming us.
- Possible.
Is it possible that this man, however handsome, - could be an android? - A machine? - Designed in every way to look like a man? - Exactly.
Our bio-robotics institutes were advanced.
Dr Wilker would be your best expert on that subject.
Isn't it lovely here? A veritable garden.
We brought a few of everything we could in what little time we had, not knowing what we might find on Earth.
What can we expect to find? What do you wish to find? A civilisation strong enough to fight back against the Cylons.
That is not the quest which burns truly closest to your heart.
Of course it is.
That's what we all want.
- How would you know? - I know you.
I feel you.
At this moment I am closer to your soul than anyone has ever been.
You're unlike anyone I've ever known.
Think, Sheba.
Think with your soul and I will tell you your heart's desire.
Yes, of course, I should have known sooner.
- You will see him again.
- Who? Your father.
The legendary Commander Cain.
You will see him again.
How could you know what I was feeling? All people are capable of feeling each other's thoughts.
It merely takes time and experience.
Place your trust in me and I promise you all things will be possible.
- What is it, Colonel? - Nothing on the scanners.
That's not exactly accurate.
They're just too fast to get a reading.
Their speed is beyond our comprehension.
Commander, we're receiving distress calls from every ship.
- People are panicking! - Put me on unicom.
- Unicom activated.
- People of the fleet, this is Commander Adama.
Please maintain communication silence.
There is no reason for alarm.
The ships or manifestations we're encountering do not appear to be in any way hostile.
Only by keeping the com-lines free of random signals can we hope to utilise our scanners fully.
Thank you.
Scramble intercept.
Yes, it is possible to construct a lifelike android that would be most difficult to tell from a real human.
But there are ways of telling.
- For one thing - Not now.
Talk to you later.
We hope.
- What is it? What are they? - Don't be frightened.
They cannot hurt you when you're with me.
The lights? But they're so beautiful.
Don't be beguiled.
Their glow conceals everlasting darkness.
Look away, Sheba.
You are safe with me.
- Brie, do you see what I see? - I'm afraid I do.
Kick in your turbos and let's go after them.
They just vanished.
No, they just left us still compared to their speed.
So what do we do? Pursue or turn back? Pursue what? There's nothing on my scanner.
Except a Give Captain Apollo the coordinates of Red Squadron.
But Father, we don't have the coordinates of Red Squadron.
- They just launched.
- They've disappeared.
Like Silver Spar Squadron.
What do I tell Blue Squadron? Have them return at once.
Why didn't you mention those lights before? We thought we were in a meteorite storm.
This Count Iblis had our full attention.
He did say something about them being after him.
- Yes, he did but - Why wasn't that important? Nothing he was saying made any sense.
He seemed to be in a state of shock.
Suppose he were in a state of shock? Suppose he was telling the truth and those beings were pursuing him? Well, erwe've lost four ships without a trace.
I don't think we can fight these beings, whatever they are.
I'll tell you one thing.
It's time to take off the diplomatic gloves.
If this Count is letting us send fighters in to die without a chance, then I don't think much of him.
He owes us some kind of an explanation.
I think he's right.
We're up against something we really don't understand.
Have Count Iblis brought to me at once.
So this is where you play your games? Triad.
It's more than just a game.
It's a very important part of the well-being of our people.
It gives themsomething to root for.
A chance to win and be part of something.
A moment away from the war and being caged up in small ships.
I'm a great believer in distraction.
Even pleasure.
What kind of games do your people play? Games that would amaze you.
Games of life.
Games of death.
How horrible.
Far from it.
Death is not the end, it's just the beginning.
You have a very dark side to you.
There's something about you that reminds me of my father.
Of his love of war and conflict.
That's a very perceptive observation.
And this war of yours, is it one of your choosing? Commander Adama would like to share this discussion.
If you'll follow me.
The conversation was between Sheba and myself.
Count Iblis, you will either accompany me as my guest or as my prisoner.
Your choice.
Apollo, you're being terribly rude.
Of course Count Iblis will go to see Adama if that is his wish.
- Won't you? - If it is your pleasure, my princess.
- Are you OK? - Of course.
What do you mean? You don't seem yourself.
How would you know? You never really knew me.
This is the only man who has ever truly known me.
Don't make the mistake of threatening me again.
Or you'll forfeit your life in the wink of an eye.
Forget it.
There'll be a better time.
I think our guest just revealed his true colour.
Be seated.
Thank you.
We have lost eight good men.
What do you know about that? - I told you I could protect you.
- How? Follow me, and I will lead you to safety.
- Who are you? - I am of another world.
A degree of being developed far in advance of your own.
- How can you verify that? - Prepare three tests.
As I have power to move that object, so I have the power to deliver your people.
I will ask you once again.
Who are you? Where do you come from? From that place where man's ability to comprehend, to will, is highly accomplished.
We use the powers of the mind to create what you deem to be miracles.
For what purposes do you use these powers? I converse out of courtesy.
I know your questions before you ask them.
I know your fears, your grievances.
Your son, he's thinking quickly of the pilots that you've lost.
That was not my doing.
They were beyond my dominion.
But that can change if you agree to follow me.
- To Earth? - If you wish.
It is of no importance to you where we go? If your destiny is to Earth, let us begin the voyage.
- Can you bring our pilots back? - That might present a problem.
Even if we include it amongst the three tests you will grant us? These wishes must extend from this time forward.
I cannot change that which already is.
You will have our decision.
Soon, I trust? Because the powers you encountered will return again and again until you are under my protection.
Our interceptors report a large number of flying objects.
They are all around us.
And yet, they are not.
He has scientists aboard the Galactica.
Perhaps it's a technological breakthrough.
Let us hope so.
You would hope that the humans have made such a breakthrough? The alternative is that we have encountered a new and more powerful force in the universe than our own.
The people in these large freighters have fashioned dwellings as best they could.
- It's appalling.
- Who asked you? Don't be rude.
This man is our friend.
Oh? And where is the Count staying? What kind of food is on his table? How did you know who he is? Everyone knows the Count, who has come with talk of miracles.
Show us a miracle.
Take my meagre rations and multiply them.
Is that all you would have me do? When you have but a single talon plant to last a secton, two plants would be miracle enough.
Then you'll have two, multiplied by all the ships in the fleet if that is one of Adama's wishes.
Just the sort of answer to our prayers we might expect.
Feel better, old man.
Stand tall.
I do not come here by chance.
You follow me, I will lead you.
Adama is the leader of this fleet! Then why has he no compassion for these people living like animals? My father doesn't promise what no man can deliver.
Adama has but to ask me and these people will have all the food and comfort they desire.
Then forget Adama.
We'll follow you.
Fill our cauldrons with food.
Give us more heat.
Deliver us to Earth, where we can live in peace.
If I give you these things, will you follow me? Yes! Yes! There, Apollo.
You have your answer.
How will you deliver your promise? Go to the agro ships.
See for yourself.
I can't explain it.
The trees have begun to bear fruit and multiply overnight.
This doesn't make sense.
I want to bring samples of all these plants back to the Galactica.
There must be a logical explanation.
I can give you one.
Something inordinate has happened here.
I can tell you what it is.
It's a miracle, that's what it is.
'Though our pilots have been missing for a secton, 'spirits throughout the fleet remain inordinately high 'due to the presence of Count Iblis 'and his nightly feats of magic and promise.
' Is he our deliverer? Or I don't know which way to turn.
Look at it this way - wonderful things are happening.
A guide to help us find our way.
Why are we making something sinister out of it? Because something inside me says there's something wrong.
Nothing to do with the liking Sheba's taken for the good Count? Hey, I'm sorry.
I know better than that.
Sometimes we feel things we don't even realise.
We are all human.
Not necessarily.
We have to do something.
He's convincing everyone he has supernatural powers.
I know.
It's been on my mind a great deal.
Apollo, suppose he does have some extraordinary power? - Oh, Father.
- No? We're not alone in the universe.
Who knows what other kinds of life forms exist out there? Can you be sure the Lords of Kobol, from which our civilisation descended, did not themselves come from a race which advanced at a greater speed than our own? Then why wouldn't they reveal themselves? Perhaps they have.
Perhaps he's the first contact with our ancient forefathers.
Count Iblis representing a parent civilisation far in advance of our own? - That's frightening.
- Why? Because we'd be powerless to control our own destinies.
I'm not so sure.
Think of it, Apollo.
He has asked us to follow him.
- He has not commanded it.
- That's next! - Maybe he can't do so.
- You're saying he's asking us to submit to his leadership of our own free will? He may be descended from the same roots as our own race.
Freedom of choice, to choose between one action or another, between good and evil, is the cornerstone of our civilisation.
Father, if what you're saying is true, this man is some kind of a god.
Don't you think we would appear to be gods to a race far more primitive? He's no more than a man but he's a man from another time, with great strengths, great powers.
But governed by the same rules we are.
What are we gonna do? The people are ready to follow him, whatever he is.
He asked me to propose three tests of his powers.
I suppose it's time to do just that.
You have agreed on three tests of my strength.
The first is to deliver your enemy.
The second is to accurately plot your course to Earth.
The third the third you cannot agree on.
Some want to know who I am, where I came from.
The others are satisfied to accept me because of my works and willing to follow blindly providing I guarantee your safety.
There's no way he could have known.
Only now have we voiced our choices and put them to a vote.
You, Sire, are the most sceptical of all, with the possible exception of Commander Adama.
Therefore, I will grant you your first wish before you have decided on your third.
I will deliver your enemy unto you this night.
Any further news of these machines, these creatures, manifestations? Our attack crafts are unable to pursue them.
They are too swift.
- Prepare my personal craft.
- To what end? Send out a long-range signal unidirectionally to the Galactica, wherever she is.
Notify her that I wish to rendezvous with her.
You expect to be treated under universal law after leading your brothers into annihilation of the Colonies? It is my life that I risk.
Do as I ask.
By your command, Baltar.
Omega, bring the fleet to full alert.
- Yes, sir.
- What is it? What's happening? I have just received a direct communiqué from Baltar.
What? Requesting permission to come aboard under a universal sign of truce.
Launch Blue Squadron to escort Baltar aboard.
'This is an event unlike any we've experienced 'since the destruction of our civilisation.
'Baltar's ship is approaching 'and is being intercepted by an elite squadron 'which will escort the instrument of our holocaust directly into our hands.
'Word is spreading like sunbursts through every corner of the fleet.
'It's a jubilation unprecedented 'as Baltar is brought before the Council of 12.
'It is just as Count Iblis promised.
'Our enemy has been delivered.
' ST US By Tchen.
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