Leverage: Redemption (2021) s01e15 Episode Script

The Muddy Waters Job

- Shh.
[ELSTON] Hey, you!
Stop! I'm calling the cops!
Hey! Stop right there!
[GASPS] Baby, are you all right?
Call 911!
We got some mail.
What is all this?
What is all this?
This is Parker, doing her
rope repelling practices,
and Breanna's crashed, like,
three drones into this wood.
This is the original 150-year-old wall.
You gotta use the good stuff.
Get Benjamin Moore, take
an hour sanding it down.
Does anybody care about this but me?
Well, your fine aesthetic
sense is always intriguing.
Most of these are made
out to the wrong address.
All the mail's forwarded
here from, like,
two dozen addresses
across the country, so.
Different aliases too?
D. Tennant, Tom Baker, Ms. River Song
That's all Hardison.
Alice White
That's Parker.
Teddy Bear?
Oh. Teddy Bear.
Stop. Don't.
- [SOPHIE] Teddy bear.
- Both of you.
one here for Ms. Sophie Devereaux
from all the way from across the Pond.
Stop it.
- I need to give you some dialect lessons.
- I'll take 'em.
The Old Clarke Royale Theater.
[PARKER] How long can
you hold your breath for?
Mm, 12 seconds.
- That's it?
- I have really small lungs.
I'll be in the tank with you then.
[HARRY] What's it say?
They're offering me the
position of artistic director.
[HARRY] How did that come about?
Well, I used to run a
theater back in Portland,
and one of my students is on the board
and wants me to come
and run the theater.
- [HARRY] Crazy.
- [SOPHIE] Not really.
Uh, it's always been a dream.
To run a theater back home.
[STAMMERING] A theater
company in London?
What happened to righting
the wrongs of the bad guys?
Well, the team functioned
fine without me for nine years,
and now they have you
and our Mr. Wilson.
Oh, this-this is exactly the
right time for me to transition
into the next act of my life.
Daddy, I need your help.
How did you find me here?
Well, you remember that
thing that you thought
that you snuck onto my phone
to always track where I am?
It works both ways.
Oh. I see.
Well, I am sorry. I wasn't
trying to invade your privacy.
- I just was, um
- Being a dad.
- Yeah, I know.
- Yeah.
It's okay.
It's Mom and Ethan
that I'm worried about.
Someone is trying to hurt our family.
What do you mean?
Well, I mean, I think
they're coming after Ethan.
Somebody's been following our
cars and watching our house,
and last night I was grabbed
right outside of our house.
What? Grabbed? Why didn't
you call me last night?
- Are you all right?
- Dad, I'm fine.
You called the police?
What did they say?
I don't know.
Ethan says that it's no big deal and
that he's gonna handle everything.
[SIGHS] Well, your stepdad's a good man.
I trust his judgment.
But I don't think that
he's taking this seriously.
I mean, he can be
really naive sometimes,
but he never did business
with really bad people like
Like I did?
I get it.
Dad, you told me that you
were changing your life.
And you're helping people now.
Help Mom.
Help me.
Absolutely not.
An oil company CEO? Seriously?
What, was the Monopoly man busy?
Don't judge a book by its cover.
He may be an oil company CEO,
but Ethan is one of the good guys.
All right, he was brought
in personally as CEO
to help lead the massive cleanup effort
for GulfPetrol's latest oil spill.
And it was a spill that
would have been catastrophic
if Ethan hadn't stopped it.
And he did such a damn good job with it,
the press started calling
him the "Hero of the Bayou."
After the spill, Ethan
pivoted the company,
doubled down on green
energy technology expansion,
worried the hell out of his
competitors, they started to harass him,
- and the latest attack ended like this.
Ethan Bradford, though.
I mean, he doesn't
exactly fit the profile
of our usual client, does he?
I mean, look at that side part.
That is such a "I'm
a bad guy" side part.
It shouldn't matter what he
does for work. He's good people.
Okay, next you're gonna tell
me he donates a lot to charity.
He does donate a lot to charity.
All right, well, this
dude's got enough money.
- He could hire his own private security.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, sometimes Ethan has a tendency
to look at the world
through rose-colored glasses.
He may not be taking
this seriously enough.
And you know this how? The
charity? His personality?
How do you know what Ethan's like?
Ethan is married to my ex-wife.
- Okay, you should have led with that.
- What?
Okay, look. Listen, I'm
telling you everything.
My daughter lives with them,
and the guy that crashed that
car grabbed her last night.
This isn't corporate sabotage.
This is over the line.
I'm asking you all for help.
Yeah, I get it, but this is
still, like, a big no for me.
So you can consider me
officially on strike.
Effective immediately.
[PARKER] I didn't
Well, I didn't even know
we could go on strike.
It doesn't come up a lot.
The rest of us are in.
Thank you. Where do we start?
All right, well, we need to
figure out who the guy was
who was spying at the house
and find out who he works for.
After the accident, they
took him to the hospital.
Police wouldn't say which one.
All right, well, I can find that out
and possibly get us
past the police detail.
Yeah, you do that. I'll
call the U.S. Marshal I know.
- We are cool and we are tight.
- No, that's
I was gonna call Maria.
I was gonna call her.
[GASPS] Wow, what a coincidence.
It must be getting pretty
serious for you two.
- What? No.
- Mm-hmm.
I just think that she can help us.
I don't know why you guys are
asking me so many questions.
Man, keep doing the briefing.
Okay, you and Parker
go after the attacker.
You and I can try and hack
Ethan's security system,
see if we can figure out who's
been snooping around the house.
We're in a labor dispute
with our hacker, remember?
We got those binders that
Hardison left for Breanna.
We can figure this out.
How hard could it be?
I'm gonna go grab 'em.
[SOPHIE] Binders?
Seriously, with the Teddy Bear?
I knew it would make you grumpy.
You're very cute when you're grumpy.
[CLEARS THROAT] You got a name
for the guy in the car accident?
Well, the accused assailant didn't
have any identification on him,
and he's been refusing
to talk to the police.
But he's awake and talking, right?
Awake, yes. Talking, no.
They're here to see the prisoner.
need you to fill this out.
Thank you for this.
So you're not gonna tell me
why you wanna talk to him?
[STAMMERS] It's a thing
we're doing for work.
I just have to ask him some things.
Always some mysterious thing.
One of these days, I'm gonna get
you to tell me who you work for.
See you later, Teddy Bear.
- No, no!
Well, how hard can it be, hacking?
We have a literal instruction manual.
Ah. "To execute a brute
force credential hack."
"First, identify a suitable
field-programmable gate-array."
Okay. "Utilize the command line."
I think I got this.
Control, Option T and M.
- Stupid little lawyer man.
- Um
I did something wrong.
We got it. Take a break.
[ELIOT] Hey!
They were trying to kill me!
[PARKER] It's all right, they're gone.
Who are you people?
Well, right now, bub,
we're the only people
that are trying to keep you alive.
Who are you? Who do you work for?
[LOWE] He works for me.
Hey, buddy. Hey.
Though I've asked him not
to, over and over again.
Mr. Vanton says it's you who saved him,
and we can use any help we could get.
So my name is James Lowe.
I'm leading the lawsuit
against GulfPetrol's oil spill.
It's pro bono work, and we don't
have any money for investigators.
Mr. Vanton back there
keeps trying to help,
despite me asking him to stay clear.
Why does he want to help you so bad?
[LOWE] Sarah is 10 years old and
was recently diagnosed with leukemia.
She's his granddaughter,
and that boy is her brother.
Mr. Vanton loves those kids
more than anything in the world.
Doctors say the most likely cause
is long-term benzene exposure.
- Benzene. That's in crude oil.
- Mm-hmm.
Three years ago, GulfPetrol's
oil platform Hyperion
was damaged in a hurricane,
hurricane caused a mudslide,
which led to casing leaks
in several of the wells.
But I thought Ethan was
brought in to fix those leaks.
[SCOFFS] Ethan was brought
in to fix the PR disaster.
His job was to smile for the
camera, wipe down some pelicans,
and wait for the whole
thing to blow over.
- And it worked.
GP pulled up its cleanup efforts,
and the media moved on to another story,
but the oil never stopped coming
because Hyperion is still leaking.
It's an old well.
They figured just pumping a
leaky reservoir dry and moving on
was way more cost-effective
than patching it up.
Why does GP want to kill him?
I'm representing Sarah's family
in a lawsuit for $10 million
for medical expenses, and
GP denies the oil is theirs,
says it came from some other
platform, but we know they're lying.
There are no other
leaks in the vicinity.
Grandpa in there, he's
helping you find the proof.
Yeah, see, our trial
begins in three days,
but we don't have the
smoking evidence we need,
that evidence that
proves the leak is theirs
beyond a shadow of a doubt,
and if we win this case,
it could be a blueprint
for a class-action lawsuit.
But it's not about one case, is it?
It's about hundreds of
cases that will follow suit
if he wins this thing.
And if we lose, GP
escapes liability forever.
What the hell is going on?
We tried our hand at hacking.
- You blew up headquarters?
- Mm.
[BREANNA] Everything
is booting back up now.
Oh, you're no longer on strike?
Hell no, now that we know that
oil dude is the bad guy after all.
- So you know?
- Yeah, the ear buds were the only things
that didn't stop working.
Screens coming back up now.
I still can't believe it.
Better start believing it.
I did some research on my own.
The car in that accident
didn't just randomly crash
outside of Ethan's house.
The brake lines were
sabotaged earlier in the day.
These guys are not playing around,
not with big money like this involved.
So how do we prove that the
oil rig is still leaking?
Every bit of data on the oil rig
will be in the hands of the legal team
that's representing GulfPetrol.
Yeah, but GP's never
gonna let that information
outside of their offices.
Which is why the firm of
Mitchell, Nathan and Cupp
just booked out the largest
conference room at GulfPetrol offices.
to look Ethan in the eye.
I need to find out how much he knows.
Fine. And you need to get me access
to that conference room at GulfPetrol.
If we're really gonna help
the victims of this oil spill,
we have a lot of work to do.
- I'm sorry, hon. I gotta take this.
All right. Hey.
- Grace?
- Oh, Harry, how wonderful to see you.
- I didn't know you kept your membership.
- Oh, you know.
- Sit.
- Yeah?
Ethan just stepped away.
So, how's it all going?
Great. We're in New York next week.
Ethan's doing The Today Show.
Hey, Becky mentioned to me that you guys
had some kind of incident at the house?
[SIGHS] It was nothing.
Just the price of fame, I guess.
Oh, come on, Grace. It's me. It's Harry.
You can tell me anything. What happened?
Whoa. Harry Wilson.
Well, this is a pleasant surprise.
y'all, can I get you another round?
- Yes, thanks. Fix one for Mr. Wilson too.
- Oh, okay.
Uh, are you sure? I don't
I'm not interrupting?
- [ETHAN] Not at all.
- [HARRY] Okay.
Another round for table six.
So, hey, I heard through
a couple legal circles
you're facing a pretty big lawsuit.
10-year-old girl.
Ethan, you didn't tell me?
I knew it'd upset you. It's, um
It's absolutely tragic. This poor
little girl's battling cancer.
- And they're desperate for money to take care of her.
- [HARRY] Mm.
They're suing the wrong company.
We have nothing to do with it.
Ah, that poor family.
And I wanted to just write her a check
to help her, but legal tells me I can't.
What's taking so long with
this elevator access key?
Ethan uses his smartphone
as a key for everything,
so I expected encryption.
This is like military
level stuff. Parker, stall.
What did I do with my phone, guys?
Running out of time. [CHUCKLES]
- Now, only a beer. Uh-huh. For you.
- Thank you.
- One for you.
- [GRACE] Thanks.
Oh, and you. Ooh. Nope,
I'm gonna have to card you.
You need to card him?
[PARKER] Oh, yeah, look at that
glowing skin, clear eyes, lush hair.
He's like a haunted baby
doll, like an adult version,
you know, like a hollow
shell kept eternally youthful
from the captured
screams of his victims.
- Whoa!
Got it. Parker, we
got it. Drop the phone.
Oh, look, he's human. [LAUGHS]
- Much older than I thought, though.
Uh thank you?
I cannot find the damn phone. [CHUCKLES]
- Ah.
- Eh.
Ah, maybe that's the last round for you.
No, no, I checked this pocket.
[BREANNA] Okay, let's get that evidence.
One, two, three, four, five
[CLEARS THROAT] Can I help you?
Ah, no, you just carry
on. Don't mind us.
[CHUCKLES] I think you misunderstood.
Who are you?
Darby Shaw, Efficiency Expert.
This is my colleague, Grenda Mays.
Your managing partner sent us.
He didn't tell me anything about this.
Hmm. Well, that doesn't bode
well for you, now does it?
What are you doing here, Ms. Shaw?
Well, as you know,
this is an enormous case
that's very, very expensive.
And you're managing partner
wants to know which of you
is worth keeping on and
which of you might be
Ah, a hatchet man.
Well, why don't you just crawl
back to wherever you came from.
Chandis Peterson, correct? Lead Counsel?
Competitive personality.
What What is she writing?
Egregious misuse of company
time asking inane questions.
Now, stop that!
Megalomaniacal tendencies.
Get back to work!
[SOPHIE] This looks
like a personal computer.
[SOPHIE] That box is not labeled.
Not labeled.
I mean, you know, Harry, I've
always wanted to thank you
for being so gracious
about Grace and me.
I mean, usually there's so
much resentment and rancor.
I believe in being civil.
[ETHAN] Indeed. It probably
doesn't hurt that because of me
you don't have to pay alimony
or child support either.
Ethan, you're terrible!
- Ooh! All right. All right.
- Okay.
- Ah.
- [ETHAN] Cheers.
Mm. I'm gonna get outta
Before I go, though, real quick
Are you sure that those spills
aren't coming from your well?
[SCOFFS] Look, I didn't get to be me
by not paying attention to details.
It's not from our wells, Harry.
You can take that to the bank.
Great to see you both.
[HARRY] I just left Ethan.
Sophie, Breanna, how's it coming?
Did you find the documents?
- Ms. Shaw.
- Who organized this box?
Huh. Excellent work.
Oh, yes, this is more like it.
Meticulous, methodical, very thorough.
Those numbers are faker
than an Elvis sighting.
I ran a few parametric comparisons.
The data's definitely tampered with.
[PARKER] Mm, and we have no case
if we can't get the raw data.
Well, if those are the doctored numbers,
then where do you think they're
keeping the original data?
Could be anywhere.
Well, there's only one place we know
for sure we can get the raw data.
That's at the source.
The oil rig?
Wait, you wanna steal data on the
oil spill from a working platform?
Why not? I mean, I'll find
it, Eliot'll keep us safe,
and Breanna can hack into the
computers and copy the unfiltered data.
We bring the data back to you and
Harry, you present it in court.
Mr. Wilson, you're awfully quiet.
He lied to me. He lied right to my face.
The man who's entrusted with
the security of my family
is not what he pretends to be.
This is your case, Harry.
You brought it to us.
What do you wanna do?
Let's take him down.
[SOPHIE] Okay, let's hear it.
All right, we know that
the evidence that we need
can only be found on the
Hyperion oil rig.
So Parker, Breanna, and
I, we're going onboard.
We're gonna find the data, the
unmodified data that will prove
there's still a leak, and we
physically will bring it back here.
Can't you just email it to us?
What? No, the platform has very
strict fire safety measures.
They banned all employee electronics.
There's no laptops, no
extenders, no phones.
That's a handy policy,
especially if you're trying
to hide sensitive information and data.
Once we're on the rig, we're on our own.
Yeah, all right. Well, Hyperion,
it is a semi-submersible oil platform
about 120 miles off the Louisiana coast.
- Now this
That's the control room.
This is the nerve center
of the whole platform:
operational systems,
pumping systems, cameras,
it's all in there.
But the data we need is actually
collected here on the drill floor.
It's gonna be hard to access, though,
because of the amount
of people who work there.
The plan is simple.
[ELIOT] With less people
around on this shift,
Parker, with her cover
identity as a medic,
will intercept the incoming shift
and send them to the infirmary.
Disguised as a roughneck
I'll take their place
on the drill floor.
All aspects of the ship are
monitored from the control room.
Parker will give us cover
by distracting the only one
control room tech on duty.
Breanna will find the computer interface
and hack into the primary
data collection systems.
While I stand watch,
busting heads as required.
[BREANNA] Why would
you be covered in oil?
We're on an oil rig, man.
Oil happens.
If oil happens, we
wouldn't be so reliant
on foreign despots for our energy needs.
Ooh! That was a nice one! Up high!
- Stop. Stop.
- Ow.
Breanna gets the data,
we fake an illness,
we're on the first
helicopter out of there,
we're back in time to
win the case for Sarah.
Mission accomplished.
Are you mad at me because
I made an oil funny?
Are his eyebrows twitching?
They twitch when he gets mad.
- [BREANNA] A little bit.
- Okay, so the trial begins tomorrow.
It's probably gonna last two weeks.
We need to get that data to
Lowe before Ethan testifies,
and then the case is
ours, right, Mr. Wilson?
Mr. Wilson?
[SOPHIE] I thought I
might find you here.
I started this to help somebody,
and now I'm trying to destroy them.
And if I'm successful,
I'm gonna end up hurting
the very people I love
most in this world.
Well, don't you think
your ex and your daughter
deserve to know the kind
of man that Ethan is?
I don't know.
I suppose.
You know, when I lost Grace,
I reconciled myself to the fact
that I lost her to a better man.
A decent man.
Maybe I didn't deserve her.
And now you're considering
that she may have left you
for someone who doesn't
deserve her either.
I don't know. Maybe.
Is that it?
Have you been seeking
redemption for Grace and Becky?
All those things that I did,
all those people that I enabled,
I never broke the law, not once.
That's how I justify it.
I mean, if you can't use
the law as a guideline
to show you what's
morally right and wrong,
then what do you have?
Mr. Wilson, I think
you need to recalibrate
your entire thinking about morality.
Life isn't always as
clear-cut as we'd like.
Life's complicated.
How did you recalibrate
your thinking about morality?
Well, there is honor amongst thieves.
I started there.
You know, helicopters aren't
half as bad as I thought.
That was only your first
time on a helicopter?
Normal people do not ride helicopters.
Oh, that's sad.
Do you really think Sophie was serious
- about leaving the team for that theater?
- I don't know.
I think working for us has been good,
but she's gotta find out who she is.
I got it.
[ELIOT] Maria.
I just read a review of a
restaurant famous for its chili
that might even rival yours.
Ah, nobody beats my chili.
[CHUCKLES] What do you say we
meet up tomorrow and find out?
I'm on a little bit of a
business trip right now.
What is that sound? Where are you?
Uh it's a blender.
I'm having a quick smoothie.
Uh, it's okay, really.
It's what I signed up for.
I'm a Marshal, and you
have a shadowy side job
that I know better
than to ask you about.
We've all got our secrets.
We'll talk when you get back.
Armus Vagra.
Well, Armus, no phones on the
rig. You wanna blow us all up?
Right. Sorry.
[GASPS] Jesus, Harry! You scared me!
Twice in one week? You stalking me?
I'm sorry. I just really
needed to talk to you.
Do you have a minute?
All right, the control room
is at the end of the corridor.
I'm gonna go establish
myself with the tech crew.
- All right.
- All right.
I'll get to medical and get set up.
Can I talk to you for a second?
Huh? Yeah, always.
- It's about Maria.
- Oh.
Oh! [GASPS] You wanna talk
to me about relationships?
What the hell? I mean,
I've always admired you
and Hardison's relationship, so yeah.
Really? Oh, neat.
What do you wanna know?
How do I What do I
I don't wanna lie to her.
It doesn't feel right.
Yes, I have found that, in general,
lying to your partner is not good.
Well, I can't tell her the truth.
- No.
- Huh. "Sorry I missed your birthday party
because I was off
fighting some Russian thugs
and my friends were out
stealing priceless artifacts,
but it was for a good cause."
I think the reason
Hardison and I work so well
is because he's the
first person who saw me.
I mean, he really knew me.
You have to let her know you.
Some of the things I've done
- If she really cares about you
- I know, it shouldn't matter.
Oh, it'll matter, but
Being with someone, like,
that person is a person. Hmm?
They're gonna have their own
ideas and opinions about stuff.
So what you do does matter,
but it just can't matter more.
And what if it does?
What if she doesn't want any part of it?
Or me?
Then I will hang her off the edge
of a building until she smartens up.
Ms. Shaw. I'm afraid
they've wasted your time.
I don't understand.
Since the plaintiffs have
failed to present evidence
linking GP to the spill,
we're able to show a lack
of jurisdiction oversight.
Good for you. What does it mean?
It means we're meeting
with the judge in an hour
to have this entire case thrown out.
This will all be over
by the end of the day.
Grace, you are a genuine,
beautiful, caring person.
And you deserve the very best
that the world has to offer.
Thank you, Harry.
- I'm glad you feel that way.
This is hard for me to tell
you what I have to tell you.
But you have a right to know. In
fact, I think you deserve to know.
Okay, I see. Harry, let's not do this.
I love my husband.
No. No. [CHUCKLES] It's not that. Um
It is about Ethan.
What about Ethan?
They're about to dismiss the trial.
Grace, where is Ethan?
He said he had a last-second
thing at the courthouse. Why?
I'll be right there. I'm on my way.
I'm so sorry, I have to go.
Okay, so I traced the wiring
to that unit over there.
That's their main collection
unit for the spill data.
Once the room is
cleared, I can hack that.
to the control room, right away!
Armus Vagra, to the
control room, right away!
What's up?
You got a personal call
on our satellite phone.
Oh, thank you.
- We don't do personal calls.
- Right. Sorry.
[SOPHIE] Glad I was able to reach you.
It's Sophie.
Sophie, sweetheart. [CHUCKLES]
There's a lot of people in this room.
It's hard to hear you.
sweetie. The baby's coming early.
- The baby?
- The baby?
Yeah! Oh, Armus, sweetie!
The baby's coming today
at the hospital next to
the courthouse at 3:00!
We can't wait for tonight.
We gotta get the data
on that oil spill right now.
Four times as many people on this shift,
we're gonna have to find a
way to clear them all out.
And figure out how to get
the data to the mainland
with no phones and no laptops.
There's about 12 guys
downstairs right now.
None of them are probably
professional fighters,
so I should be able to take them out.
You're gonna fight 12 guys?
And after Breanna hacks the data?
Satellite phone. There's a
satellite phone in the control room.
I can figure out how to rig that
up like a old-school dial-up modem.
Ha. Looks like you're gonna punch
a bunch of people
covered in oil after all.
- Yep.
I got to thinking about your
little phone call earlier.
And something didn't seem quite right.
I've got some people
who'd like to speak to you.
We need to delay. There's gotta be
a legal maneuver we can use to delay.
Yeah, not without some proof
of intention, malfeasance.
When the judge gets here, this is over.
Let me go see if I can
buy us a little more time.
[ALL] Surprise!
[ELIOT] Baby shower?
I couldn't help but overhear, new dad.
On this rig, we're family.
Thank you. This is not
This is not necessary.
I gotta I'm gonna go
I'm gonna get back to
- Stay.
- But I was
Stay. Come on, I'll get you a beer.
All right, that's, uh Hi. [CHUCKLES]
High five. All right.
[WHISPERS] Looks like I'm
gonna be here for a while, okay?
But that means the drill floor
is open. Go retrieve the data.
[WHISPERS] You gotta make
sure everyone stays here.
- Okay, right.
- Come on, man, let's get you a beer.
What's going on?
They're all off to the baby shower.
The baby shower? Oh.
Oh, baby shower.
- Yeah.
- Why aren't you going?
Oh, I can't. Somebody's
gotta be here at all times.
Ah, such a shame, especially
after your double shift.
What are you talking
about? I just got here.
Really? You look exhausted.
Dark circles under your eyes, pale skin.
I need to give you an examination.
What the hell are you doing here?
I just have one final point to
cover before I submit my report.
In a couple minutes,
we'll get summary judgment,
and you can report that the
money from my team was well spent.
- We just saved GP $10 million.
- Hmm.
Well, that would be a
splendid report to submit.
Would be?
And the submission of fact
to the court is complete?
There's nothing else
that you want to include?
You're sure?
We have covered every
pertinent fact, every precedent.
This is a slam dunk.
Of course it is.
Go through everything one more time.
See if we forgot anything,
missed something important.
Tell the judge we're gonna
need another 10 minutes.
Oh, this is very bad. You
have a very high fever.
- [GAGS]
- Now, this could be two things.
That piece of paper in your
mouth, if it turns yellow,
don't worry, it's just a minor
flu, but if it turns red
What is it?
Waxamaxawaxin Virus! It's
the most contagious one!
You're gonna have to
isolate in the infirmary.
Look, put this mask on. Do
not open your mouth, all right?
Not until I get your fever
down and I vaccinate you.
- But I can't leave the control
- I said don't open your mouth!
Do you wanna kill me?!
Listen, don't speak to anyone.
I will find someone to come here
and take your place, all right?
Now, go, go!
Uh, I got it.
Now we have to rewire this whole
place so we can send it back.
[ETHAN] Did I miss anything?
The judge is just coming out now.
[BAILIFF] All rise. There
will be order in the court.
The Honorable Judge Lundary presiding.
Please be seated.
Before we get started, Ms. Peterson
has a rather hefty motion to dismiss.
It's very simple, Your Honor.
The plaintiff has failed
to show a causal link
between their injuries
and this alleged oil leak.
Therefore, this can only
be an environmental case,
and that means this
court lacks jurisdiction.
Well, Mr. Lowe, your response?
Your Honor, I-I don't
have anything to add. Um
Your Honor, if you'll forgive me.
Harry? What are you
I just recently joined the legal team.
I would like to respond,
with your permission.
I'll allow.
Ms. Peterson is absolutely correct.
This court has no jurisdiction
over an environmental case.
Well, that saves us all a lot of time.
However, this is not an
environmental law case.
This is a toxic tort case.
And as such, causation is a matter
of fact for you to determine.
You can't just treat
them interchangeably.
Well, the court did in,
uh, Cohen versus Ayers,
1998 case out of the
Southern District of Texas,
but I'm gonna guess that that
case is not in the phone book
that Ms. Peterson and her
team just dumped on your bench.
The defendant's motion
to dismiss is denied.
Mr. Wilson, call your first witness.
All right, that should do
it. Try sending the data now.
- There's no point.
- What do you mean?
These numbers match exactly
what we found at GulfPetrol.
So there's no actual leak?
No, I'm saying they're cooking
the numbers at the source.
The machine I hacked to get this
alters that data as it comes in.
So we can't get the raw data?
Not in time.
[ELIOT] Thank you.
- All right, so how'd you meet the missus?
- Ooh.
- Huh? Was it romantic?
- It's a long story.
[PARKER] I don't know how much longer
Eliot can hold it together in there.
He's not exactly a party person.
Wait, didn't Eliot say they have cameras
monitoring every aspect
of the rig's activities?
Ethan, Ethan.
Now, you told me that you
wanted to give Sarah some money
for her cancer treatments,
but that your lawyers told
you that you could not.
- Is that true?
- What is all this about, Harry?
Is this about me and
Grace? Is this your revenge?
Your Honor, would you please instruct
the witness to answer the question?
No, that's all right.
No need. I'll answer it.
Yes, it's true.
Our lawyers said it could be
interpreted as admitting guilt.
Which we have none.
[PARKER] Sophie, we
got the uplink working.
- [HARRY] Mm-hmm.
- [PARKER] Sending through now.
Oh, Your Honor, I apologize.
I should have shut this off.
- I just have one very simple question for you.
- Shoot.
Why did you lie about fixing
the leak on the Hyperion?
- Objection! Speculation.
- Sustained.
Your Honor, I have the
evidence right here.
This is a live video feed taken
from the Hyperion oil rig.
These are the cameras
that are monitoring
the oil that is currently
flowing out of their busted pipe.
Where the hell did you get that?
Objection! We don't know
where that video comes from.
This was not disclosed to us.
Oh, this is a live
video feed, Your Honor,
coming from the GulfPetrol website.
Oh, no, that is impossible.
Hacking into a website is so much
easier than hacking their servers.
Mr. Bradford, your own company
is representing that this
is taken directly from the Hyperion,
proving that the rig is still leaking!
There is no way you could
have gotten that video!
- I object!
- You said, "I know every detail."
Clearly, someone did
something to that website.
So why would you lie
about fixing that leak?
The video was illegally acquired!
- Oh, was it?
- Shut up, Ethan.
They would have had to break into
the oil rig itself to get this feed.
Oh, so you are admitting
that this is the actual feed
from the Hyperion?
- Which makes this stolen property!
Shut up, Ethan!
- Order! Order!
Mr. Wilson. This evidence
is not admissible.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Until it can be independently verified.
And video like this
demands investigation.
I will refer this matter
to the Department of Justice
to fully examine the Hyperion oil rig.
At such time as they do
complete said investigation,
this hearing will continue.
- Mr. Bradford.
- Hmm?
You are excused for now.
- [HARRY] Ooh.
- But what does this mean?
It means that GulfPetrol won't be able
to hide their activities anymore.
It means that with all
the evidence out there,
there's gonna be more
than enough for Sarah
and probably for a class-action
lawsuit for all the other victims.
Thanks so much, both of you.
Excuse me one second.
Hey. I'm sorry about what
happened in there with Ethan.
I wish that had gone another way.
Is this what you were
trying to tell me earlier?
[SIGHS] I just want you to know
that I'm here for you and Becky,
anything you need. If you
need a place to stay
Why would we need a place to stay?
I'm not leaving him.
He poisoned people. Children.
He didn't poison anybody.
He was just doing his job.
I know Ethan isn't perfect,
but he did what he did
to provide for his family.
To provide for me.
I can't believe you're
standing by him after
Oh, grow up, Harry.
What did you think was gonna happen?
I was gonna leave him and
come running back to you?
- That's not fair.
- Ethan takes care of me. He's there for me.
More than you ever were.
I made a lot of mistakes.
We're done here.
Hey. Where's Harry?
All his stuff is gone.
He cleaned out his room.
I'm afraid things didn't work
out for Mr. Wilson as he'd hoped.
Yeah, he seemed pretty broken
up. You think he's coming back?
I think we should just
give him some time.
But hey, let's look
on the positive side.
You may not have gotten
your oil fight, Eliot,
but yesterday was a pretty good day.
- Yeah, very exciting. So rewarding.
- Mm-hmm.
So much better than running
old theater in London, eh?
Oh, Parker.
You're not really thinking
about leaving too, are you?
You guys, I
You always knew that this
was gonna be my last tour.
I-I'm just not the same
person I used to be.
I need to go and figure out who
the person is that I'm gonna be.
[BREANNA] You have to see this.
Marine firefighting units
are still struggling
to contain the blaze
after a massive explosion at
the Hyperion oil rig.
Several people have been identified
who have lost their lives,
and at least a dozen
other workers are injured.
The Coast Guard is maintaining a
mile standoff zone in order to
They blew up their own oil
rig to cover their tracks.
officials have laid the blame
on ecoterrorists for the bombing.
The state's environmental officer
is reviewing satellite imagery
and reports from the site in
order to estimate the damage
this tragedy may have caused to
the nearby Louisiana coastline.
And they hired somebody
to do this for 'em.
They didn't want their
fingerprints on this.
But who?
I have a unique set of
skills and inside knowledge
that I think your company
will find very useful.
I think if you give me a chance to
prove myself, I'll prove invaluable.
To say I'm surprised to see you
here would be an understatement.
What made you decide you wanted to come
and work with us at R.I.Z., Mr. Wilson?
Well, let's just say that
I've decided to recalibrate
my entire way of
thinking about morality.
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