Hunter Street (2017) s01e16 Episode Script


So, Saganash and Bruhl are working together.
Of course, it all makes sense.
Our charming neighbor has tried to get his hands on our house for a long time.
What I don't understand is what is in it for Saganash? Daniel, what did he say exactly? He said, um We got the parents out of the picture no.
It's it's all right, Daniel, really.
But what were his exact words? "We got the parents out of the picture.
"Now, we just need to take care of the kids and the house will be ours.
" Take care of us? What's he gonna do? Boil us and eat us? What's so crazy about that? I think I'd be pretty tasty.
You definitely would, but nobody's gonna eat us.
There's still one thing that I don't get.
You know, say he does get rid of use kids to whatever.
How do they get the house? You know, they can't just, like, move in here.
There must be laws or something, right? That is a very good point, Max.
They must think they can find a deed to the house.
Legally, whoever has the deed owns the house.
But how would they get the deed? I mean, don't you keep it in a safe place? Well, actually, I've never seen the deed.
The house has been in the family for generations.
There's never been any need.
You'd better tell the relatives.
The deed is centuries old.
If anyone knows anything about it, it must be them.
We should go.
We don't wanna be late.
Where are you guys going? To the airport.
We're off to Indonesia, to the Java Sea.
To find the Red Diamond? That's right.
Thanks to your great work.
You kids are the best and the bravest.
Bye! Goodbye! We love you, bye-bye! Bye-bye.
What's that? Ten minute warning.
We're meeting Gertrude in exactly one hour.
It'll take 45 minutes to get there, plus a five-minute buffer in case of Metro delay.
What if the delay takes more than five minutes? You're right.
Let's leave now.
Who could that be? We don't have time for this! All right, Max, looking good.
Let me guess, you played a video game, and now you think you actually know how to ride a skateboard.
Very close.
But not really.
I'm going after Bruhl.
This is my disguise.
Bruhl is meeting with Saganash today.
And guess who's gonna be there too? This guy.
All right.
Whoa, ow! Are they meeting at a clown show? 'Cause you'll blend right in.
Hey, I know what I'm doing, okay? Undercover missions are my specialty.
They do take time, though, and I'll be needing provisions.
Be careful! I will! Bye! Hey, Max, should you be skating in the house? You, uh, recognized me.
Must be your police training, you're really good.
She's really great, I gotta go.
Why aren't you guys at school? We're still on holiday.
Hey, Simone! Hi, Daniel! How's it going? Excellent, couldn't be better.
How was your date with Tim? Good.
Tim's a Tim's an awesome guy.
I really like him.
We all do, right, right, Sal? Yeah Tim.
Love that Tim! Okay I just had a great idea.
Why don't you come for dinner and bring your boyfriend? Boyfriend? I don't know if I'd call Tim my I mean, we're seeing each other, but Oh, you two.
What do you say? Sounds great.
Thanks, Daniel.
My pleasure.
See you at 7:00? 7:00 it is! Bye! Are you all right? I'm working on it.
Sal, let's go! Yeah, coming! Wait, where's everybody going? Oh, Max is out chasing Bruhl, and Tess and Sal are gonna see Gertrude and the relatives.
I'm gonna go make some new friends.
What are you going to do? I'm going for a run.
Didn't you just come back from a run? I mean weight lifting.
What's up with him? He's got a broken heart.
Aw I hope he doesn't overdo it with his exercise.
He could get a hernia.
What's that? An injury caused by overuse of certain muscles.
They say it's very painful.
It's one of the reasons I don't exercise more than absolutely necessary.
Well, I hope Daniel doesn't get a "hermine" too? Guys, it's Daniel.
Yes, he's sad.
But if I know Daniel, he'll reinvent himself and bounce right back, just like all the other times.
Let's go.
Right on time, Mr.
Hunter Daniel Hunter.
Hello, I am Daniel Hunter.
You might think you know me, but you don't.
I'm a whole new Dan New Daniel! Awesome to meet you! So, this deed is a very important document for us.
The deed to the Hunter house.
Whoever has the deed can prove that they're the owner of the house.
Erik said he's never seen it, so we thought we would ask you guys.
Do you know anyplace where old documents like that are kept? No, I don't.
But don't worry yet.
I've called the relatives together to see what they know.
The relatives don't like to share their knowledge with outsiders.
But I believe they can be persuaded to speak with you.
Go for Max.
Hey, how is your plan going? I am in pursuit of the suspect.
What's your story? All the relatives are here.
We're gonna ask them if they know anything about the deed.
Uh Tess? Or I should say, I'm gonna ask.
Sal's kind of freaked out by them.
Oh, I gotta go.
Stay in touch.
Hey, Tess, I'm gonna go.
You got this, right? So, how's everybody doing? Listen we know you don't make it a habit to talk or anything.
But this is a matter of life and death.
We love Erik and Kate, and we're worried about them.
We really need your help.
That hot dog does look pretty good.
I mean, I wouldn't mind Max, come on, focus focus.
Come to Daddy.
Hi, honey, what's the matter? Daddy, we're so hungry.
Can we please have some potato chips? I understand, sweetheart, but as a family, we we decided to give up on junk food.
You know, make healthy choices.
Why don't you have a piece of fruit instead, huh? But we're starving.
Listen, I gotta go, I'm in the middle of a training.
I don't have time for this nonsense.
And no chips, that's final.
I know.
Make healthy choices.
That's right.
I will.
Hello? Hi! What do you want? I wanted to give you these.
Why would you want to give me flowers? Because we live almost next door to each other, and we aren't friends, and I think we should be.
Why should we be friends? Why? 'Cause it's fun! What kind of a tax liability are we looking at? Come on, dude.
Do something illegal already.
Yeah, I know.
This is the dullest stakeout ever.
But our projections for next quarter are way below the analyst's estimates are.
Yes, I think taking a write-off wouldn't be prudent.
Whoa, your living room is awesome! What's she doing here? She wants to be friends.
Why? Seriously, what's with you guys? Think of all the fun stuff we could do instead of just ignoring each other.
Where are the potato chips? We're not allowed to have them.
Daddy says we've gotta eat healthy.
Oh, that's a shame, 'cause I brought you these.
Um, I'm gonna go put the flowers in some water, okay? We have something for you.
This is a remnant of a letter from the 17th century.
Maybe it will help with your search.
All that effort for time a little piece of paper.
What were those words again? "Arma optimum defensione est.
Clamabo, et ocula mei conspecturi sunt pura.
" What language is that even in? Definitely Latin.
But I have no idea what it means.
Don't you have a Latin-English translation app? Doesn't everybody? Wha! Kinda move to the right.
Keep going.
I'm trying, it's not working.
Do your best, okay? Faster.
We're winning.
Oh, no.
Hey! Hey.
Oh, man! Dude, you're a menace.
Yeah, sorry, bro.
You okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
What are you doing here? Chasing after the dude with the hood.
You didn't see him? He came right here! You mean Saganash? No, his henchman.
They call him Hoodie Head.
That's Saganash.
What? No, it's not.
That's what Bruhl called him when they met last night.
Somebody's confused.
Ah, I can't believe I lost him! Are you going to a funeral or something? No, I bought a new suit.
You like it? Yeah.
Why'd you let Anika do your hair? I didn't.
Blind man? Knock it off.
I'm sorry.
Blind man with a lawnmower? Dude! Yeah, yeah, yeah, you better run! You're making me lose.
Daddy's home! I said, Daddy's home! Hi, Daddy.
I'm going to cook you such a healthy meal.
I got zucchini, I got beets, I got Brussel sprouts, I got asparagus.
That's the spirit.
We're going to eat nothing but clean, healthy, all-natural food.
It's gonna be a whole new us.
And the first step is to get rid of all the junk.
Hey, guys! Why is everybody so sad when I've got the world's biggest bag of chips? Where'd you get those? From the Bruhls.
The Bruhls gave you a bag of chips? Well, no.
I kinda took 'em.
But they're trying to quit eating them, so I kind of did them a favor.
What happened to your hair? Oh, lawnmower.
You reinvented yourself.
You like the new Daniel? Oh, yeah, so much better than the old Daniel.
Wait, what was wrong with the old Daniel? So, did anything happen with the relatives? Did you find out anything about the deed? Yep.
You did? "Arma optimum defensione est.
Clamabo, et ocula mei conspecturi sunt pura.
" "The armor is the best defense.
I will cry out, but my eyes are clear.
" I don't get it.
Neither do we, and we spent the whole day trying to figure it out.
What about your spy mission? It was a semi-success.
I followed Bruhl and Saganash's henchman.
You mean Saganash.
We don't know who he followed.
Doesn't matter who he followed.
He got away.
So, which part of your semi-successful mission was successful? I got a lot better at skateboarding.
Cheer up, you guys.
You know what they say every dark cloud has a silver lining.
Not this one.
We got nothing.
Or do we? Wait, that's my line.
I know, I like it.
What are you talking about, Anika? Well while you were chasing people and wasting time with old folks and getting great haircuts I found out what Bruhl's up to.
What are you talking about, Anika? Whoa, those are architectural blueprints.
Mm-hmm, yeah.
Look, that's our house! How did you get these? Easy, I just knocked on the door and walked in.
I guess it pays to be friendly.
Not always, especially not when we're talking about Bruhl.
Shh! Shh! Be nice to people, it works.
I swear it works.
What are you shushing at, bro? I heard something.
I think someone's in the house.
I didn't hear anything.
Well, I have very sensitive ears.
Let's check it out.
Shh! Look.
I think something came through the tunnels.
Oh, I knew we should have barricaded that door.
The only one it could be is Saganash, he's the only one that knows about the tunnels.
Except his henchman.
Hoodie Head! That's Saganash! Guys! Not the time.
Ha ha! Trapped like the rat he is.
What do we do now? We should call the police.
You're right, but not just yet.
What are you gonna do? I've got a few questions I'd like answered.
Sal, open the door.

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