Chrono Crusade (2003) s01e19 Episode Script


You're Joshua, right?
You've gotten taller. Have
you lost a little weight?
I've been worried about you this
whole time, you know.
Nice to meet you!
My name is Joshua. I'm waiting
here, for my big sister.
What are you saying?! It's me, Rosette!
Don't you know me?
I see, what a coincidence. My big
sister's name is Rosette too.
So this is what the sibling's reunion is like.
I'm not going to hesitate any more.
Joshua, get back.
Shoot. You've wanted to do
that this whole time, right?
It's not right, to point a gun at him.
Lord Joshua
Oh, big sister, I can hear the noise again.
Someone is calling for me. I wonder who?
You mustn't use your power carelessly.
I warned you so many times, and yet
But that person was going to shoot Aion.
Isn't that horrible?
What? Is she the person that's calling me?
These four years have been long,
haven't they, Rosette Christopher?
Joshua needs her, because he
loved his big sister.
Joshua, she's tonight's guest of honor.
Be friendly with her.
Your dream will soon be realized.
Leave it all to me.
You're right, I'll be able to touch
the Astral Line soon.
Let's go together, big sister.
We made a promise, right?
Four years is such a cruel amount of time.
You're the one! You're the one that
threw everything into chaos!
I said that this was salvation, didn't I?
Joshua knows who his greatest ally is.
How about you finally throw away
that liar's crucifix too?
It'll make things easier for you.
And now, remember the ache
that I carved into you.
Oh? Is that supposed to be a warning?
Hey, are you thirsty?
I was thinking about going and
buying something to drink.
What? In that case, I'll
Milady, such a thing should be done by me.
It's all right. You two wait here.
It looks like Miss Satella has cheered
up a little, doesn't it?
Yes, but the fact that milady has come
to show such a gentle side
makes me happier than anything else.
This is also thanks to you and
everyone else, Lady Azmaria.
Oh, no I haven't done anything.
I'm sure that because she
encountered your kindness,
milady was able to become kind as well.
Thank you so very much.
But we didn't do anything at all.
Mr. Steiner?
It's so much fun. It's going to happen soon.
You're watching, right?
Aren't you going to stop it?
Are you okay with it?
We're gonna do it!
Whatever happens, it's not my fault.
Steiner! Hold on!
Steiner! Steiner!
What happened?
Forgive me. Lady Azmaria has
Please hurry, and please don't worry about me.
Lady Satella
Steiner! Steiner!
So you've come.
The horns
Let's retreat for a bit, Rosette!
We don't have any weapons,
and the plans didn't get drawn up in time.
This time, they beat us to the
punch, so it's our loss.
Why?! Why are you saying things like that?
We should still be able to do something!
Don't make my four years all for nothing!
And there you go!
I understand.
Report this to the Central Council and
to the New York branch.
The atonement ceremony? So they've started.
Do you remember, Chrono? Our dream?
That's right, it's begun. The stars have
finally announced the time.
Aion! Why are they being so mean?
They've come here to take these
away from me, right?
And if they have, what will you do?
This is my power. I won't let anyone have it.
Big sister, stand back. This time, I'll protect you.
Chrono! Chrono?
What? The noise has stopped.
I don't hear her voice.
Aion, it would have been better if I had
killed him sooner, wouldn't it?
You might be right.
Oh, it's coming along nicely!
Head of Pandemonium,
I will be the one to paint the
ending to the Apocalypse.
What did you say?
It's an emergency communique from the
San Francisco branch.
The Astral reactions inside the city of
'Cisco are still increasing.
They've reached seven times
their normal reaction.
Gilliam, advise all districts to
evacuate, right away!
Advise them to evacuate?
Elder, what do you mean all districts?
We alone cannot make such a decision.
You're as stiff as ever, Chairman.
It's too late to make a decision once
large-scale panic breaks out!
But we need to allow each related area
the time to follow procedure.
At worst, San Francisco will
be wiped off the map.
The Manhattan affair from before
doesn't even compare.
It means that an unprecedented
holocaust awaits us.
So it's the Sinners.
Gilliam! It's just as you heard! Hurry!
Yes, Sir!
Elder, could it be that this is
They've brought all of the Apostles together.
Then Azmaria has also
Contact Rosette and the others, quickly!
What's the matter?
Up until just now, he was here, but
The calamity has come, the calamity has come.
Great city, powerful city of Babylon,
your judgment has arrived in an instant.
The soul of atonement
Seraphim-class reaction confirmed!
It's counterbalancing the miasma!
And the Astral Line?
It's still up in the sky!
I'm on my way.
A jewel summoner?
Older sister!
No matter how many times you
warn me, it's meaningless.
Let's see, how are things over here?
We did it! Ascension!
This ceremony was all to awaken you,
Mary of Magdalene.
It is the last remaining of the seven
virtues needed to awaken you.
The absolute power of Heaven that
devils desire is called justice.
Do you understand?
You're a greater Apostle than your brother.
The power of faith was necessary in
order to bring you up.
Kitten, your turn is next.
You, who is driven by justice and who has
inderited the love of Mary of Magdalene,
you have murdered the head of Pandemonium
and become Mary Who Brings the Light.
You're a wonderful treat.
You, who embody both justice and love,
use faith to further unparalleled hate and love.
You're the same as me. A destroyer
who speaks of salvation.
Release your soul,
cast away your faith and come
to the land of freedom.
That is salvation. I can do it. Come with me.
I won't make your four years a waste.
Save me, Chrono.
She's crying
Oh, that's right. I swore to you
That I wouldn't make a mistake again!
It's the taste of God.
Here I go, Rosette. I won't waste your life!
Whoa, Chrono is serious!
Oh, scary, scary.
Mary, be with the Savior.
Chrono, kill him!
Hey, I wonder if it's all right for me
to finally say how I feel?
Rosette's smile is kind of scary.
More importantly, what's going on right now?
Who is this Mary of Magdalene?
What's with that disgusting head?
Me, an Apostle? Is that even possible?!
Calm down, Rosette.
That's right! With this, you're the
same as me and Joshua!
And Joshua isn't doing what I tell him either!
Next episode, "Poison"
I won't accept this ending!
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