Stargate SG-1 s01e20 Episode Script


"Beware the destroyers".
|That's what the message said.
These coordinates are where the Goa'uld|will launch their attack.
It's a warning.
Or so your vision foretells.
No! It wasn't a vision, or a dream,|or a hallucination.
It was real.
I know this is hard for you to believe, but the entire time you thought|I had disappeared on P3R-233, I was experiencing an alternate reality.
And you were there and you were there,|and there's no place like home.
As a matter of fact, you were there! Daniel, it's not that we don't believe you - So you do?|- No! It's just that (sighs) we don't believe you.
Jack, this is important.
Daniel, when you were in this|alternate reality, were there differences? Yes, uh Teal'c was leading the attack|on Earth, I wasn't part of the programme.
You and Jack|were engaged to be married.
- Excuse me?|- What? OK, uh, even if you did actually|experience this alternate reality, the fact that there were differences|means we won't face the same fate.
Yes, but the defining event - the death|of Ra - took place in both worlds.
- An attack of retribution?|- Yes! And the same thing will happen here|unless we stop it.
All right,|let me get something straight here.
Engaged? - It is theoretically possible.
|- It's against regulations.
I'm talking physics, sir.
The concept of alternate realities|was predicted by Einstein a long time I thought you might all be here.
|How's our boy? He's gonna be just fine, General.
Major Samuels.
That's Lieutenant Colonel Samuels now,|Captain.
- I beg your pardon, sir.
|- Thank you.
You'll always be Sparky to me.
(Carter)|Weren't you transferred to the Pentagon? I was.
Stargate mission analysis.
|I'm here today for the hearing.
Hearing? Senator Kinsey?|The Stargate programme? I thought you were gonna testify.
They will.
SG-1 just returned|from a mission last night.
I haven't had the chance to inform them.
Well, perhaps I shouldn't|say too much more.
Oh, cut the crap.
What's going on? Senator Kinsey has taken|a great deal of interest in the programme.
Thus far, he hasn't liked what he's seen.
I'm sorry to hear that.
As you should be, Colonel.
It could mean the end of the Stargate.
The hearing is at 1400 hours.
|I look forward to seeing you all there.
Yes, sir, I understand.
We'll fight the good fight.
General, politics isn't my strong suit, but doesn't president outrank senator? Senator Kinsey is chairman|of the appropriations committee.
He wants to know what's behind the line|item the Pentagon refers to as area 52.
That would be the Stargate An unofficial project that just happens|to cost $7.
4 billion a year to operate.
The President thought if he granted|the Senator the appropriate clearances, let him in on the existence of the SGC, he'd recognise its importance to|security and authorise the expenditure.
I take it he didn't.
The idea backfired.
After reading your mission reports|and being briefed by Samuels, the Senator decided the SGC will receive|no further funding from the Treasury.
That effectively shuts us down, sir.
Very effectively.
Costs a billion dollars|just to turn the lights on around here.
How about a bake sale? Yard sale? Garage This is what I look like|when I'm not laughing, Colonel.
- Car wash?|- (chuckles) I'm sorry, sir.
It's just, I don't get it.
|How does one man get that much power? The constitution of these United States.
Our worth could be debated in the|Senate, but not without making|the Stargate known to the public.
The President doesn't believe|the time for that has come.
I agree.
Well, he's late.
You seem more apprehensive|of this hearing than of battle.
I prefer battle, actually.
Once we tell him|Earth's future is at stake Daniel! Let's keep the alternate reality story|as our ace in the hole, shall we? - Why?|- (footsteps) Just because.
Ladies and gentlemen, I apologise.
A certain congressman, who will go|nameless, cannot take no for an answer.
Ah, so this is the infamous SG-1 .
Infamous! Yes, sir.
Colonel Jack O'Neill.
Ah, Colonel.
I've heard a lot about you.
Don't believe a word of it, Senator.
|I'm actually a nice guy.
And this must be the drain|through which the money flows.
I know you have|a very busy schedule, Senator.
Yes, of course, General Hammond.
|Please be seated.
Let me see.
Colonel O'Neill, Captain Carter, Dr Jackson, Teal'c, with an apostrophe, I understand.
Let me first say that though illness|stopped me from serving in the military, I have great respect for those who do.
Especially those who have made|service of country their life's work, as I have in my own way.
- There is no more honourable vocation.
|- Thank you.
I couldn't agree more.
Having said that,|I want to make one thing clear: I am by nature|suspicious of all things secretive, be they in the government|or inside the military service.
I believe that which grows in shadow|but withers in the light of day does not belong on the vine.
I've read several reports|of your excursion.
Colonel Samuels has been kind enough|to brief me on the Stargate, and I have tried|to maintain an open mind.
I must admit that I find the very idea of|this facility, of this command, offensive.
It is far too dangerous|to be this secretive.
I found several examples where you have|averted tragedy on a global scale by the skin of your teeth, and virtually|none where you found anything of worth.
However, since I have,|on occasion, been wrong before, the President of the United States|has asked me to hear you out.
So here I am.
Well, as long as you've got an open mind.
Colonel For crying out loud, Samuels,|what d'you tell this man? The truth.
Colonel Samuels|was entirely nonpartisan.
Now, that's impossible.
He's been|against this programme from day one.
If anything, I voiced my awe|and amazement at what the Stargate is.
A technological marvel.
It is so much more than that, Senator.
The Stargate represents a giant step|in our understanding of the universe.
We have learned more about astrophysics|in these few months than in the last 50 years! It also gives us insights into cultures|that are thousands of years old.
Dr Jackson, I'm sure as a scholar|of ancient mythology, you are familiar with|the story of Pandora.
From Greek mythology, of course.
The first woman created by Zeus, who gave her a box|and warned her never to open it.
But she did, out of curiosity.
Despite the warning of her god,|who was also her father, she did.
And from it sprung all the plagues and evil|that exist now in this world.
And, keeping in mind that this is a myth,|she closed it in time to keep hope inside.
Then should we not close your gate for|the same reason - to keep hope inside? Senator, if I may jump in here I'm not as slick as you guys|talking in metaphors here.
I'm a military man.
I prefer facts.
And the fact is|the gate, ie "the box", is already open.
Now, what's done is done.
We made ourselves an enemy|by killing Ra, - but the threat the Goa'ulds represent|- Threat? Yes, sir.
As in "threatening".
The word "threat", Colonel O'Neill, is|used too often by this country's military as a justification for expenditures|we can no longer afford.
Do you know|how much this programme costs? Sevenish.
Seven billion,|four hundred and seven million dollars! - Give or take.
|- Per year! With all due respect, the accounting|department is up on level 3, I believe.
But if you want to talk about|maintaining the first line of defence against what I believe is|the greatest enemy humanity has faced Hyperbole! See for yourself! General, I suggest we dial up|old P4A-771, I believe it was.
See how long the Senator lasts|in that world! I have spent a career|listening to doomsayers in uniform.
Let us build our billion-dollar machine to|save America from barbarians at the gate! Let me remind you|that the Cold War is over! Let me tell you something! This time there|are barbarians - they're called Goa'ulds.
And they really are at the gate.
That one! Then I suggest we close it.
Senator, we believe the Goa'uld are about|to launch an attack, in force, in ships.
Then I think they'll regret taking on|the United States military.
Oh, for God's sake.
Oh, you're right.
We'll just upload|a computer virus into the mother ship.
We won't be any match for them.
At their level of technology,|they can wipe us out from orbit.
I'm not convinced of that.
- They speak the truth.
|- I'm not entirely convinced of that either.
General, why are we here?!|He's made up his mind.
Sit down, Colonel.
When I've made up|my mind, you will know it.
I will ask you once more.
Sit down, please.
I gave the President my word I would give|you a fair hearing and I intend to do that.
He held you and your team up|as a shining example of the fine work the SGC is doing.
Now, do you stand by SG-1's record? Yes, I do.
Then let's just go through it, shall we? Thank you.
On February 10th of this year, you and|a team led by Major Charles Kawalsky went through the Stargate|on a reconnaissance mission (O'Neill) Excuse me, Senator.
Samuels, could I get a copy of that? Uh, you wrote this report, Colonel.
Just one little reference.
To repeat: on February 10th you and|a team led by Major Charles Kawalsky went through the Stargate|on a reconnaissance mission to rescue both Dr Jackson's wife|and her brother and to determine the Goauld threat.
Excuse me, Senator, I'm sorry.
There should be an apostrophe after|the A, before the U.
It's pronounced Goa'uld.
I assume, since you were|captured and imprisoned, that you would characterise this world|as an enemy stronghold.
I would.
I read from the personal report of|Colonel Jack O'Neill, dated 23rd February.
"Skaara was chosen.
I tried to stop them|from taking him away, but was struck by an alien staff weapon.
" "In that moment, Apophis gave the order.
" - (distorted) Kill the rest.
|- (panicked screams) I can save these people! Help me! Help me.
Many have said that.
Orgh! But you are the first I believe could do it! Get out of the way! - Come on, let's move!|- (Carter) Come on! Come on! - (O'Neill) Come on!|- (Carter) Move! Come on! Come on.
Go! There you go! Go! Go, go! Come on! So, even with your team unarmed,|at the enemy's mercy, in the palm of their hand,|as it were, (chuckles) one of their own was able to set you free.
l-It wasn't that simple, Senator.
Read on, please.
"We met heavy resistance|on our return to the Stargate and became pinned down|by enemy aircraft.
" Take cover! Colonel, we're sitting ducks here! It seems to me that|Major Kawalsky made light work of what you referred to|in your report as a "death glider".
They were taken by surprise.
I wouldn't expect it|to be as easy next time.
Why not? They weren't used to fighting humans|with our technology.
Now they are.
You don't understand how much|more powerful their weapons are.
Yet you managed to get away|with minimal casualties.
Hardly the greatest threat|humanity has ever faced.
(Stargate alarm) What's happening? It's just SG-2 returning on schedule,|Senator.
There's nothing to worry about.
Oh, I disagree, General.
I think it is something to worry about.
Mr Kinsey is under the impression|the Goa'uld aren't a military threat.
You seem to have defeated them handily|at every turn.
Did you read all the reports, sir? They actually killed us once.
(distorted) Sha'ti.
Kree-ga! Oh Colonel! Urgh! Argh! Argh! If Goa'uld technology can generate|energy shields around individuals, they can do the same with whole armies.
And ships.
And have you ever seen|one of these ships? Yes, sir.
It is the ship of the Goa'uld Nerti -|an enemy of Apophis.
- Now, what the hell is that?|- We must go.
We must get to the Stargate.
No argument from me! Goa'uld Nerti once sent an emissary|of peace to negotiate a treaty concerning a Stargate|Apophis had taken control of.
The negotiation was a ploy.
|The Stargate was destroyed! Take your time.
No hurry.
(Kinsey) You escaped, Colonel.
|On foot, I might add.
Just one Goa'uld ship|was responsible for the deaths of SG-7 and the entire local population.
And that's over one thousand people.
The point is, sir, we have seen the Goa'uld|destroy entire civilisations.
Hello? Hello.
What are you? Energy, unity.
|You would describe me thus.
You asked for help.
If I remain here,|my energy will disintegrate.
I must return.
- Why did you not speak before?|- Fear.
- Fear of what?|- The Goa'uld came to our planet once.
We were not afraid then|and we tried to greet them.
One of them touched us as you did|and was destroyed by our energy.
- The Goa'ulds came through the gate.
|- It was afraid because we look like them.
A Goa'uld was killed? They gathered all the unity in one place|and ended it.
We confirmed|Goa'uld energy weapons did it.
Then that pit wasn't a ceremonial place.
|It was some kind of mass grave.
I'd call that a threat.
Admittedly, the Goa'uld are dangerous.
More dangerous|than you could possibly know.
Well, if they're so strong, why did you switch sides|in the first place? Because what is right|cannot be measured by strength.
Your world values freedom.
|I wish freedom for my people.
I don't want to appear callous, sir,|but that's your problem, not ours.
It will soon be yours as well,|Senator Kinsey, for the Goa'uld are as powerful|as they are evil.
- They have enslaved a galaxy of worlds|- I don't care about other worlds.
I must place the citizens|of this country first.
Then you would be wise|to heed our warning, for when the Goa'uld finally|do come in force and they will your citizens, as this world's|strongest country, will be the first to die.
(sighs) On your return from|the Chulak mission, Major Kawalsky became infested|with a Goa'uld parasite.
Correct? That's correct.
He very nearly destroyed this facility.
(man groaning) (distorted) Jaffa kal sha! You cannot pass.
- What?|- He set the coordinates for Chulak.
(roars) - He set the autodestruct sequence.
|- How'd he have the code? I don't know, but I need two officers|to override, and you're it.
(roaring) That did it.
Open the blast doors! (roaring) Teal'c! Hold him there! Shut it down! Now! - We stopped him.
|- Yes, you did.
On that occasion,|with the loss of a fine officer, you did.
But consider the myriad plagues you|could bring back through the Stargate.
Reason enough to shut it down for ever.
Colonel Samuels.
I quote from the official report of General|Hammond, dated March of this year, about a dangerous disease|brought back by SG-1 from another world.
I'm afraid I have a serious situation here.
It appears we've brought a very|contagious disease through the Stargate.
Yes, sir.
That's right.
I ordered the mountain sealed off, but you|should order in an armoured division to set up a second line of defence.
Well, my recommendation is anyone|attempting to leave the mountain should be shot on sight|and their body burned.
(clanging) (keys jangling) Sorry, Colonel O'Neill, but your|private room just became semiprivate.
We're running out of places to put victims.
|We've used the brigs, the storage rooms (sighs) - (rasping) Good luck, Doc|- D'you say something? Give more What? Give more what? More An injection? You mean you want more sedative? You've had twice as much as anyone else|because you've been more violent.
- Give.
|- No.
- It's not safe.
|- Give! Give.
Why are you so insistent? Must have been in a lot of pain.
(rasps) Doc! Colonel O'Neill? It's me.
So you are still in there somewhere.
A dream a dream a dream I'm afraid not, Colonel.
It's very real.
This is interesting.
Enough sedative|must knock back the primitive mind.
Colonel, listen.
I can't keep you|at this level for long.
It is too dangerous.
It could cause brain damage.
What? Wh - What is it?|- It's a parasitic virus.
All we can tell is|that it messes with body chemicals.
Testosterone levels skyrocket,|thus the aggressive behaviour.
It's a histaminolytic -|it breaks down histamine.
Wh Experiment on me.
Experiment on you? No, sir, I can't do that.
Use me.
We saved an entire race of people.
|I'd call that a success, sir.
But if you hadn't found a cure so readily, if it had reached the population,|if the effects weren't reversible Colonel O'Neill, you very nearly died on|another occasion when infected by, uh Nanocytes, sir.
Jack, Carter's coming back! Jack! Welcome back, Captain.
So what did you find out? Come on, don't keep the elderly waiting.
|It's rude.
Um It isn't a virus.
All right, what is it? Dr Fraiser and I came up empty.
|She's still working on it, - but it's gonna take time.
|- Time is what these people don't have.
- Nor do I.
|- Colonel, there's something else.
Your blood sample showed|more organisms than the Argosians.
- How many more?|- On the level of 100 times more.
And they are multiplying.
Cut to it, Captain.
At the rate you're changing, by the end of two weeks|you'll be the equivalent of 100 years old.
We've given the nanocytes|live tissue to interact with, but they won't touch it.
|All they do is make more of themselves.
So how are they causing|the ageing on Argos? Maybe there's something on Argos|they need to make them do a task.
Something in the air or the food.
- Whoa!|- (alarm) - Is there a problem, Captain?|- I don't know.
It's eating through the rubber.
Oh, God.
- What? What is it?|- They're trying to spread.
(Carter) We're working with|computer and practical simulations.
Realistically, sir,|I'm afraid it might take years.
(Daniel) The general says|Gate travel to Argos is offlimits for the next few, uh, millennia.
But we can send objects through,|so if you need anything, just call.
(Daniel) Say something.
(Teal'c) Colonel, I've learned very much|from you.
Thank you.
You know, goodbyes really suck.
(rewinding) As I understand it, you almost|lost containment, Captain Carter.
They tried to mutate in the lab, but after that the general ordered|all samples of the nanocyte destroyed.
- And next time?|- There won't be a next time.
The nanocytes, the transmitter devices, everything that tampered with|that world has been destroyed.
In fact, SG-2 just made contact|with Kynthia's planet.
They're living productive lives because|of us! I am proud of what we did there.
I might even retire there.
You have no fear of it, do you?|It's like a game to you.
No, sir.
Anything as powerful as|the Stargate deserves respect.
We know how dangerous it is to do|what we do, but also how important it is.
Colonel O'Neill, you're like reckless|children and you're playing with fire.
If you shut down this programme now,|when it's needed - For what?|- To gather technology, weapons.
Not at this price|or this level of competence.
My people are the best out there, Senator.
I'm sorry, General,|but your best is not good enough.
I do not approve of|nor support this endeavour.
And I have heard nothing here today|that would change my mind.
I intend to shut the Stargate down.
- Senator, please listen to me.
|- He's made up his mind, Dr Jackson.
You want your reason, I'll give it to you.
What if I knew that they were coming,|in ships? That a ship larger than the pyramids|will land on this mountain - in a matter of weeks, maybe days?|- Then I would be curious to know why you've waited until now to say so.
Because I didn't think|anyone would believe me.
If I didn't live through it, I wouldn't have,|but it is a fact.
If you shut this programme down,|we can't stop them before they get here.
- Where did you learn this information?|- On our last mission.
We found a civilisation with technology|similar to ours.
They had been wiped out.
They left behind a warning.
|"Beware the destroyers".
Along with that came a set of numbers.
Coordinates that show where the final|Goa'uld attack will be launched from.
- Did all of you witness this warning?|- No, they didn't.
Just me.
Sir, (sighs) we think Daniel had an interdimensional|transfer to an alternate reality.
I beg your pardon? The moment I touched|an alien artefact on 233, I was transported to an alternate reality|where Earth was under Goa'uld attack.
I got this when I was there.
My heaven, I've heard enough of this! The Goa'uld were bombarding our cities|from space.
We were defenceless.
Dr Jackson, I do not suffer fools gladly! Nor do l, Senator,|and when we killed Ra two years ago we started a chain of events that'll lead|to an attack on Earth by the Goa'ulds! If this is so, why have they waited? It would take time for Apophis|to assemble the forces.
The society is feudal.
|It would take time to build an army.
All I know is the location|they will launch their final attack from.
If you don't believe me,|let us go there and find out! How many ships, Dr Jackson?|Has anyone detected their approach? I can't be sure.
- There were differences in that reality.
|- Of course there were.
- I am not crazy.
|- Nor am l, Dr Jackson.
Neither am I unused to 1 1th-hour pleas,|but never have I heard one so desperate.
- Senator, they are coming.
|- Then I say let them come! Where do you get this bureaucratic bull?|You're talking suicide.
Colonel O'Neill,|you underestimate this great nation.
You underestimate the enemy.
|We have challenged Apophis.
He will not rest until the people|of Earth worship him as their god.
There is only one God, sir! I do not believe that he would allow what|you're trying to tell me to come to pass! We are, after all, one nation under God.
And you think God is gonna save us? The Goa'uld believe they are gods.
|Your beliefs won't dissuade them.
If the Goa'uld do come, we will be able to tell them|we have buried our gate for ever and will never step through it again.
- If they challenge us, we shall prevail.
|- You're a fool.
And if they do not come, which|I think is infinitely more likely, then at least Pandora's box will have|finally been closed once and for all.
Now, if you will excuse me,|I have business to attend to.
For what it's worth,|I'm sorry it had to end like this.
Get out of here! General Hammond, I would like to request permission to return through the Stargate|before it's permanently sealed.
If this world does not intend to continue|its struggle against the Goa'uld, then here I do not belong.
I think I'm going with him.
I can't allow that, Colonel.
|I'm sorry, but you know that.
The President made it clear if we were|unable to convince the Senator we would cease operations|effective immediately.
Sir, there are still|two SG teams off world.
We'll keep the light on till they return,|but that's all I can do.
So what? That's it? That's it, Colonel.
It can't be.
- With all due respect|- The good Senator is an ass He's an elected official|of the government we are sworn to serve.
Whether we agree or not,|he's made his decision.
Our commander in chief|has given us our orders accordingly.
I expect you all to carry them out.
(sighs) Dismissed.

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