Battlestar Galactica (1978) s01e22 Episode Script

Experiment in Terra

We're heading directly into a war zone.
What happens to people on Terra affects us as well as your people.
'You have got to help them.
' Unidentified flying craft entered our airspace.
Stand by to launch all missiles.
Come in, Starbuck.
Computon readout shows them to be armed devices of a nuclear type.
Come in, Viper 4.
It is now seven sectares since the escape of our captives, numbering amongst them a group of nomen and the dangerous soldiers from the Eastern Alliance, whose Destroyers cruise these skies in search of any opposition to their political will.
I have a recon patrol launched to track the Destroyer to its base on Lunar Seven.
Once located, we can assess the strength of the Alliance and determine our next step.
Commander, we have picked up alien fighters tracking us.
- Apollo.
- I got 'em.
Blue Squadron, this is flight leader Apollo.
We now have the Destroyer on scanner and will follow them.
But I do not - repeat, do not - want that ship overtaken.
Starbuck, you move out on point.
Be careful.
Stay out of their range.
The rest of us spread out on either flank of that Destroyer.
- May I ask why? - To increase our scanner range in case they bring in more Destroyers to catch us in a crossfire.
- Ouch.
- Yeah.
OK, Blue Squadron, we know where target one is.
Look around and see if we can find any more.
We don't want any surprises.
What's that sound? Oh! Ah! Too loud! Stop! I can't Ahhh! - 'Starbuck?' - Yo.
- Is the Captain up there with you? - No, he's back there with you.
- 'Uh-uh.
' - What do you mean? He sent me to check out this Destroyer.
Then he divided the squadron.
He and I moved off together.
- Well? - Then he vanished right off my screen.
Jolly, you close enough to come up and take my place? - I've got you on my scanner.
- Well, get up here fast.
- I'm moving up to join Boomer.
- Moving out.
Welcome back, Captain Apollo.
- Where am I? - You remember.
- I'm not sure.
- That's to be expected.
Where's my ship? I gotta get back there! Lives depend on it.
A lot more lives depend on your not getting back to your ship.
- What? - I think it's time you met someone.
- Who are you? - I'm sorry.
We must keep the amenities short.
Time is running out for us.
What are you talking about? Where am I? Oh, yes, all recollection of your last visit was blocked out, wasn't it? Very well.
You can call me John.
And to put it briefly, we're brothers.
- We're brothers? - In a way, yes.
But we are several generations, eons ahead of you.
- Then you can't be from Terra.
- Oh, no, no, no.
Otherwise, they wouldn't be in so much trouble.
That's where you come in.
You have to help them.
- Me? Help them? - And to help yourself.
Now you must move swiftly.
We will get you as close to Terra as we can without causing complication.
And then the rest is up to you.
Wait, wait! Er, John! John, what do you mean? Terra's far away.
The ship will be there before you know it.
- And then what? - You must do your best to stop a war.
John, this is ridiculous.
You say you're eons ahead of me and you want me to stop a war on a planet I know nothing about? - Why don't you stop it? - Apollo I can't expect you to understand laws that transcend you by many generations.
The simple truth is, I cannot be seen by the people of Terra outside the environment of this ship.
I have no physical body as you know it.
- What do you call that? - A reflection of intelligence.
My spirit, if you will.
If you're so advanced, why do you care about the people on Terra? What happens to the people on Terra can affect us as well as you and your people.
But we're only in a position to advise.
Then do it.
Advise them, advise me.
Tell me what's going on.
You'll find that out for yourself as soon as you arrive on Terra.
In the meantime, let me counsel you not to be alarmed if the people you encounter seem to think of you as someone they know.
How's that again? You haven't time to build up a credibility on Terra so we're borrowing someone else's.
A warrior who's missing.
- Missing in combat, I think you call it.
- What happened to him? He's being held captive on Lunar One.
He'll eventually escape.
Though I should mention that he's a bit of a scoundrel.
But he's all we've got to work with.
So make allowances if you're not the most popular man on Terra.
I'm dreaming all this.
I'm in my ship in a state of flight slumber and when I wake up I'll realise this was all a dream.
Excellent idea.
I'd better give up nightlife or have my oxygen checked.
My uniform's turned white! It wasn't a dream.
I got it.
A long-range distress signal.
That's got to be Apollo.
There's no way he could have overflown our scanners in the time he's been There it is.
Boomer, good Lord.
It's coming from the wrong direction and it must be beyond any chance of having the fuel to get back.
Let's just pray that the fleet picks up my beacon and follows me.
- Follows you? I'm coming with you.
- 'You can't.
' You have to take command.
Continue our primary mission.
Follow that Destroyer to Lunar Seven.
- We could lose both of you.
- He's one of my closest friends.
If he's in trouble then I'm going to help him or die trying.
'I'll be seeing you.
' - 'Commander?' - Colonel? - 'You'd better come up to the bridge.
' - What is it? 'I haven't the slightest idea.
Certainly nothing that makes any sense.
' I'll kill him.
I will kill him.
Not a word in six weeks and he has the nerve to call me up in the middle of the night to come and pick him up! Oh, man! Charlie Watts, when I find you, I am going to kill you with my bare hands! - Er, please don't be alarmed.
- Charlie! - Charlie? - It's like seeing a ghost! That's entirely possible.
Oh, Charlie, I thought you were dead.
I get this call in the middle of the night to come pick you up.
I don't know.
Where'd you get that getup? You look like you've been to a costume party.
- My ship crashed.
- Oh, Charlie.
You've been in the desert that long? Where'd you find a phone? - A phone? - Are you sure you're all right? - I'm very confused.
- I'm going to take you to a hospital.
No, look, is there someplace more private we could go? - I need to get my bearings.
- I think you need medical help.
I feel fine.
I just need time to think.
What was your name? - Amnesia.
- Amnesia, that's a pretty name.
- Do you know anybody named John? - I'm going to get you some help.
- Would you just do as I say? - OK! OK.
We'll go to my apartment.
I need a drink.
This is nice.
Does everyone get one of these? Charlie, have a heart.
We had something special once.
It wasn't exactly a one-night stand either.
- I don't look any different.
- No.
No, you don't.
This doesn't make any sense.
I wonder what this Charlie Watts looks like? - What did you say? - Huh? Oh, I was just talking to myself.
That's not a good sign, Charlie.
Look, Amnesia, I'm going to have to level with you.
I know this is going to sound crazy at first but I don't know what else to do.
You don't have to do anything.
I'm going to change my clothes You wouldn't do anything foolish, would you? - Like what? - Like getting in touch with someone.
Wasn't I the one who was always honest in our relationship? You tell me.
You haven't changed.
I'll be right back.
You can't tell her the truth.
How did you get here? You said you didn't have a body.
A reflection, remember? What have you gotten me into? Who is this Charlie Watts? Someone whose identity will get you inside the Precedium with the truth about what's happening on Lunar Seven and Paradeen.
'We'll get a team over as soon as possible.
Brenda, be careful.
' Don't worry, I will.
Look, John, you're going to have to clear up a few things for me because I don't know what's going on! You know quite a lot.
I can fill in a few gaps.
My face? How is it possible that this Charlie Watts is an exact lookalike? He isn't.
They merely perceive you to look like him.
Actually, he's quite an attractive fellow.
Very funny.
At least you have a sense of humour.
In my job dealing with primitive cultures, it's a necessity.
Primitive? Well, primitive or not, if I get the feeling you're gonna leave me hanging, I might tell them all about you.
Then see how far my story gets you.
Actually, I'm not merely helping these people, I'm also helping you and yours.
Then you'd better start levelling with me.
- I want to know exactly what's going on.
- I'm not sure I'm permitted to work that way.
I'm not going to cooperate until I'm sure whose side you're on.
Charlie, I'm on your side, of course.
Explain your way out of this one, John.
John? I guess that's better than Amnesia.
Welcome home, Charlie.
Her name is Brenda.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Look, er, Brenda you're gonna have to tell me everything my friend here won't.
- Your friend? - Yeah.
She can't see me, Apollo.
Only you can, and then only in your protected state.
My protected state? You presently enjoy a protecting white aura.
Let your uniform be your guide.
As soon as it returns to normal colour, look out, you're in trouble.
Until then John! John, you Poor, Charlie.
Honey, listen to me.
Whatever happens, I want you to know that I still love you and I want the very, very best of care for you.
Even if you did walk out on me six weeks ago.
Who's that? Charlie, don't be cruel.
You know my father's been missing in action.
Maybe you don't know, you've been away so long.
We haven't heard from him in four weeks.
I'm sorry.
What's that? It's my regular dinner service.
I'm always too tired to cook when I come home from work.
You know that.
Colonel Hold it right there.
Don't make us use force.
- Thanks, Brenda.
- Charlie I was thinking of you.
You need help.
You need help - all of you.
That's why I'm here.
Don't make this any harder on me.
I want you to come with us - now.
Thanks, John.
Come visit me, if any of us are still around.
Good news, Colonel.
You're in excellent condition.
- Then I can go? - After a brief observation.
Observation? I feel fine.
You said so yourself.
What's all this observation felgercarb? Felgercarb? - Guards.
- No, wait.
You don't understand.
John, get me out of here or I'll spill everything! John? Oh, by the way, Colonel, if you're thinking about escaping Fun, huh? John What am I supposed to do now? Mr President.
How is this possible when I had your word Charlie Watts was on Lunar One? I don't know, Mr President, but since the attack by the Eastern Alliance, our information's been very sketchy.
Maybe he's escaped.
How? Everyone else on that planet has been annihilated.
A fleet of Eastern Alliance Destroyers obliterates everything that traverses from Terra.
I don't know, sir, but he's here.
- Who else knows about it? - Only a girl and my security guards.
- I'll see that she's handled.
- Good, good.
- I'm sorry, but it is necessary.
- Of course.
One more thing, Mr President.
Earlier this evening an unidentified flying craft entered our airspace.
- An Eastern Alliance ship? - I'm not sure.
Our interceptors tried to track it but lost it on their radar.
It's probably an optical illusion or flying fatigue.
The Precedium is so convinced there'll be an attack, our boys are always in the air.
Ordinarily I would dismiss it too but there's been another incident.
Another unidentified flying craft? We lost it on our radar outside the city.
Our ground teams are searching for it now.
- Keep me informed.
- Mr President, about the Precedium.
Now might be the best time to inform the Precedium of the damage caused to our outpost by the Eastern Alliance.
Mr Moore, if you do not want to wind up in detention with the rest of our disloyal officers, you will respect my wishes.
I have no intention of allowing those warmongers to interfere with my peace treaty with the Eastern Alliance.
My loyalty is beyond challenge.
Then help me! Help me keep that band of warlords, which calls itself a Precedium, from hurtling us into an abyss which will end all civilisation on this planet! Yes, Mr President.
Yes, Tigh? Emergency beacons from Vipers 4 and 2 are transmitting from this quadrant.
- That's a long way from Lunar Seven.
- Yes, sir.
If our geoscan is correct, it's from somewhere near Terra.
That Eastern Alliance Destroyer must've gone directly to Terra.
- I didn't think it had the speed.
- What's the patrol report? They're out of range.
We can pick up their emergency beacon but we can't communicate with them.
We'll never catch them at the speed we're flying.
Put me on unicom, please.
- Unicom, Commander.
- Thank you.
People of the fleet, this is Commander Adama.
'The Galactica is temporarily leaving the fleet 'to meet with one of our long-range patrols.
'It is purely precautionary.
' Two full squadrons of vipers will escort you to our rendezvous point.
Thank you.
Unicom out.
Tigh, plot a course for Terra.
- What velocity, sir? - Light speed.
Sir, it has been some time since the Galactica - Light speed, Colonel.
- Yes, sir.
Apollo! 'This is Captain Apollo.
'Should any Galactica warrior successfully track me, 'I have set out on foot for a large city.
'I will keep my personal communicator on standby to act as a homing device.
'Be careful, I don't know if we're in friendly or enemy territory.
' Holy frack! Gentlemen, whoever or whatever flew those craft in are not from Terra.
Their technology is too advanced.
Let's hope they've not been brought here by the Eastern Alliance.
In my first contact with people from Terra, my laser is set for stun.
That's close enough! And lower your weapons.
- There are nine of us to one of him.
- That you can see.
Those ships appear to be single-man craft.
Even if you are two, you're intruders into airspace under the protection of the People's Nationalist Force.
Surrender your weapon and submit to interrogation or I will have no choice but to take you by force - dead or alive.
Men! I sure hope I don't have to pay for those machines.
'Apollo, if you can hear me, I'm on my way.
' "I'm on my way, Apollo"? Father! Oh, you're alive! Father, what's been going on? It's like everything's upside down on Terra.
Baby, I wish I could tell you.
But I'm afraid things are even worse than we imagined.
What do you mean? I'm sorry I had to leave without telling you but I've been on a secret mission for the Precedium.
It appears the President's been lying to all of us.
But you were the closest of friends.
But now he's just a tired old man who's so worn down by wars, public opinion and God knows what else that I'm afraid he's just cracked.
I can't believe that.
But the Precedium suspects that the President's already surrendered - every one of Terra's satellite planets.
- Father, that can't be true.
How could the President hope to keep that from us? Maybe he believes the alternative to peace is not necessarily war.
That there's middle ground to be found with those animals from the Eastern Alliance.
- Can you prove we've lost our satellites? - No.
I couldn't even get to Lunar One because of the Eastern Alliance Destroyers.
I don't know if this is important but did you know Charlie's back? Colonel Watts? What are you talking about? He's here on Terra.
I picked him up just outside the city.
He had some story about his plane crashing.
He was talking crazy.
He wasn't himself.
Brenda, if he was back, the Precedium would want to know immediately.
He was on Lunar One when it was attacked.
He'd be the proof I need against the President's deception.
The government must know by now.
- I called security.
- What? He wasn't making any sense.
He sounded delirious.
That call may have cost Charlie his life.
General Maxwell.
This is an unexpected pleasure.
- Charlie! - General Maxwell.
- Stoney! How many are in here? - I don't know, sir.
Probably everyone who questioned the President.
Charlie, I'm sorry.
I thought I was doing the right thing.
- I know, but I'm not Charlie.
- You're what? I'm not Charlie.
Look, I know I look like Charlie but I'm not Charlie.
I'm from another galaxy.
- What'd they do to his head? - I wish I knew.
Would you listen to me? I'm not crazy! Hello.
You're not thinking of blasting your way in and out of here, are you? Who said that? And now you can see me.
And remember.
- The ship of lights.
- Precisely.
You're the one who brought Apollo here.
Where is he? I'm afraid he's incarcerated - in there.
- I can take care of that.
- Just a moment.
You're not contemplating violence, are you? Yes, unless you know a better way? No, not in any way that I would be permitted to use.
I am not allowed to interfere in any way.
It's a rotten job.
Then stand aside.
Or I'll walk right through you.
I know it's not our way.
It's the best I can do with the material I have got.
They're primitives.
Uh-uh, you don't want to do that or I'll do this to you.
Now drop them or I'll incinerate you.
Now move! 'Drop it or I'll incinerate you!' Now, you're holding a man here against his will, a man dressed very much like I am.
- Apollo! - I never thought I'd be so glad to see you.
No! Don't come near us until they turn off the force field.
Come on.
Quick! Right in there.
Move! Let the others out too.
That's her father.
Who is this? You're dressed alike and he called you Apollo.
You mean that crazy story you told us is true? If it was, maybe they can help us stop the Eastern Alliance.
- No one can do that.
- Give us a chance.
- We've a lot of help on our side.
- Let's go.
Within one centare, we'll be in striking range of Terra.
Do you wish to reduce speed? No, continue at light speed.
The President'll be here in one hour.
He's going to call us liars.
We have no tangible proof.
I know.
Look, whoever you are, you're the only one who's been on Paradeen and seen the holocaust.
How can you convince the Precedium that the President lied to them? - Where's John? - I wouldn't expect much help from him.
He seems to help those who help themselves.
- What about our ships? - What kind of ships? Vipers.
Faster than anything you've got.
Advanced enough to prove we're from another galaxy.
- You haven't got time to show them.
- Have you got a better idea? - Who's he talking to? - Look, we're here.
That's a plus.
What else can we do, John? Great! I'm challenging the President in front of the Precedium and my evidence is two men who talk to someone who isn't here.
I told you.
Yeah, you told us, but you can't help us.
If someone can take me to my viper - Where is it? - Next to yours.
I can take you there.
I remember where I picked up CharlieApollo.
General, we can't let them go.
They can't help us unless they can prove they're from another galaxy.
Starbuck, get the Galactica to put on some kind of show of strength.
- Maybe then they'll listen to us.
- What's the Galactica? I'll explain later.
We'll be back within a centare.
I hope that's less than an hour.
She's quite right.
At this very moment, the Eastern Alliance is planning a surprise attack.
It's the beginning of the end.
- Are you sure? - I'm sure.
The Galactica needs time to get here, even at light speed.
Your ships travel at the speed of light? It won't be soon enough.
Look, I have it on the best authority the Eastern Alliance is planning a surprise for you tonight.
How can you know that? Unless you're working for them.
If he were, he wouldn't be warning us.
If this is their final strike, they couldn't have timed it better.
They know the President's on the edge and he can't contain the news of what's happened.
Why can't we just throw everything we've got at them on our own? You can't do that, Stone.
That's what separates you from the Eastern Alliance.
He's right.
We've got to plan what we're going to say to the Precedium.
We have to convince them that your story's the truth.
Let's go.
It is decided.
A swift and decisive attack by our forces this very night will provide complete annihilation of the Nationalists and subject us to acceptable losses in return.
All of our primary personnel have already been escorted into deep underground chambers that are as safe as this war room.
- Shouldn't we warn the general population? - No! Overpopulation is one of our most severe problems.
With the annihilation of the Nationalists' entire populations, combined with the loss of the non-designated members of our Alliance, an ideally-sized group of loyalists will then be formed which will supply population for our planet and all of its satellites.
Well? I know it's around here someplace.
Someplace? Brenda, we don't have much time.
We got 30 minutes.
Even if I got back to my ship now, I couldn't get back before the meeting started.
Is it my fault you lost your ship? - You don't even believe it's out here.
- I don't know what to believe.
I am here to announce this night a secret treaty made with the Eastern Alliance, whereby all hostilities will be halted! A treaty with the Eastern Alliance? - Has he lost his mind? - Hasn't everybody in the past 24 hours? Now before I ask for a formal vote, I ask General Maxwell if he would like to comment on my proposal.
He's boxed me in and there's nothing I can say.
I can.
Starbuck, come in.
Come in, Starbuck.
If you can hear me, I'll stall them as long as I can.
I will call upon a visitor to our nation, a young man who has come from afar to tell us that our predicament is not unique, that once upon a time there was another world, very much like our own, which ended as abruptly as I believe ours is about to end now.
I give you Captain Apollo of the Battlestar Galactica, a ship from a world and a star system far from our own.
- What kind of trick is this, General? - Hear him out, Mr President.
If he makes a fool of me, you win.
The chair recognises Captain Apollo.
There was once, far across this universe, a system of 12 planets who had reached a level of commerce and peace unparalleled in our knowledge of man.
Stand by to launch all missiles.
We're within communications range, Commander.
Try to contact Viper 4.
Look, enough's enough.
I'm going to turn around.
It has to be here.
I couldn't have walked any farther than There it is! I don't believe it.
I came from a world where the people believed that the opposite of war was peace.
We found out the hard way that the opposite of war is more often slavery.
And that strength, strength alone, can support freedom.
Launch! I compliment you on your strategy, General.
It's very theatrical.
But considering the implausibility of your guest and the tangibility of my treaty, forgive me if I'm not too concerned with the outcome of this vote.
Neither am I.
The Eastern Alliance has launched.
- Launched what? - Everything they have! That's That's not possible.
I have this treaty.
They've signed it! Well, frame it.
But hurry.
What can we do now? Nothing, we're out of it.
Everything's automatic.
They launch, we launch.
It's all done.
All we can do now is wait.
We've got about six minutes.
How will you convince the Precedium? I'm going to get back into orbit to contact the Galactica.
If that doesn't work, I'll land on their front lawn and put on a laser show.
At least that'll get their attention.
- When will you be back? - I don't know.
Now stand back, I've got to launch.
And, Brenda, thanks for your help.
' - Now where are you? - 'The Galactica is trying to reach you.
'In three minutes, enough missiles will pass each other 'to devastate four-fifths of that planet.
' - The Galactica, her lasers.
- 'Precisely.
But you haven't much time.
' Viper 4 to Galactica.
'Viper 4 to Galactica.
' Commander, Viper 4 coming in over comm line.
- Feed it up to the bridge.
- Ready.
'Come in, Viper 4.
' I haven't time to explain in detail, but you're about to pick up a myriad of flying objects angling across the planet below me.
We're picking up missiles now.
They're entering the planet's ionosphere.
Computon readout shows them to be armed devices of a nuclear type.
We've got to destroy them.
They'll blow each other up.
Battle stations.
- Stand by force shields.
- Standing by.
- Maximum laser power stand by.
- Standing by.
Positive shield, now.
One minute to impact.
Everything launched on schedule, sir.
How reassuring to know our technology is sound.
Starbuck, come in, Starbuck.
Do you read me? Come in, Starbuck! Commander, all the missiles are in the ionosphere.
Some of them are completing arcs and heading towards the planet.
They'll all re-enter the atmosphere in 15 microns.
Ready fire.
We're getting a chain reaction, sir.
Missiles destroying each other.
We must destroy every single missile.
Wow, what a show! - Are you all right? - Yeah, I'm fine.
It's a good thing those things are going off above the atmosphere.
I'd love to see the faces on the boys that launched those machines.
- Well - Zero minus ten.
Zero minus ten.
That means impact has begun.
How have we done? Direct hits, near hits, what? - Uh - What does "uh" mean? None of our missiles appear to have hit yet.
That's impossible and you know that! Our intelligence says they have nothing that could intercept our missiles - that we know of.
What do you mean, "that we know of'? Do you mean they have a shield capable of blocking out all of our firepower? It's beginning to look that way.
Then they can launch wave after wave until we are annihilated.
So far, none of their missiles have reached our space.
- Surely they know we've attacked.
- It's all very confusing.
There are reports of explosions high up in the ionosphere.
What treachery could they be up to? Sir, may I suggest this might be the time for direct communication with their president before it is too late? - Starbuck, are you all right? - A little shaken but fine.
- I'm heading for the Galactica.
- Thank the Lords of Kobol.
I'll be joining you in about a centon.
You stopped them, nuclear warheads and all! How? Don't tell them! Now that you've put the fear of God into them, let them worry for a while.
There are some things we are not permitted to tell you.
Even our civilisation has its military secrets.
Perhaps in time our council will elect open relations.
- In the meantime - You're not leaving? There's so many things you could teach us.
Our presence could bring you a greater danger than the Alliance.
We'll be back when the time is right.
Excuse me, Captain.
May I have a word with you, General? The Supreme Commandant of the Eastern Alliance has asked me whether the treaty has been approved or not.
They want to sue for peace on our terms.
What shall I tell them? I think you can safely count on the military's support.
I don't think the Alliance is going to be double-dealing us for some time.
Apollo, we have you to thank for Stoney, where did Apollo go? I didn't notice.
Erjust one more thing before you vanish again.
- If I can.
- Is this Earth? - I can't.
- But you've got to! I've risked my life, Starbuck's - the fleet.
You owe me at least that.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, this is not Earth, and it is not the end of your journey.
- How much farther is Earth? - I'm sorry, I'm only here to I know.
To advise.
But you must have faith.
Thank you.
- All in a day's work.
- Are all your days like this? Heavens, no.
'Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, 'the last battlestar, Galactica, 'leads a ragtag fugitive fleet 'on a lonely quest 'a shining planet 'known as Earth.
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