Fullmetal Alchemist (Anime Series) (2004) s01e29 Episode Script

Episode 29

Did you arrange for him, too, Meisun? The only time I frightened you was three years ago.
We couldn't have you dying out here, so I came to keep watch.
Then, why did you attack us!? That was because Izumi told me to toughen you up a little.
You've got to be kidding! That wasn't a little That's right! How could you have been so reckless with children? Enough! Stop griping about what happened in the past after all this time! We're sorry! Sensei? just a child.
He probably stole his parents' boat or something and drifted here.
If that's the case Sensei! Brother! That light! He's an alchemist! Ed! Why, you You turned your own body into stone? What's with this guy!? His clothes!? What are you doing!? He's just a child, you know! But he might have been coming after us.
Coming after you? At your ages, are you already such wanted men? I'm not kidding around.
Where did you come from? Where are your parents? I don't know.
What's your name? I don't know.
I don't know anything There, you don't have to cry.
You're all right now.
Man cannot obtain anything without first sacrificing something.
In order to obtain anything, something of equal value is required.
That is alchemy's Law of Equivalent Exchange.
At the time, we believed that to be the true way of the world.
Those haven't been cooked yet.
Still, I'm glad that you two made it back alive.
Don't go killing us off so easily.
So? Has your sensei forgiven you? That's probably going to be difficult.
We disobeyed Sensei's teachings.
Even though we knew we were nothing more than one part of the flow of the world we became conceited, saying that the world was within us, too, and tried to alter that flow.
That's something we could never get her to forgive us for.
Shoot! Let me go! Come on! Take it easy on me! There's something funny about that! Everybody makes mistakes, don't they? I'm going to go tell your sensei off! I'll ask her if she's never made any mistakes before.
Hold on, Winry! That's all right! Sensei realizes that much.
So don't worry, Winry.
I suppose So, what are you going to do? Hmm, I'm not sure About that boy? Even if he has lost his memory, Sensei trusts him too much.
But she did take him to the police, right? They asked her to watch after him while they gathered information.
I hope he's just a lost little boy.
The meat is too tough! We'd better not do this, Brother.
Sensei locked it with alchemy.
If we open it, she'll know.
In that case Al, make sure to put this back the way it was.
Wanna play? Terrific! Everyone was dead, so it got boring.
They aren't dead.
They're just asleep.
What should we do to play? I know! Look! You played around like this, huh? So, it wasu that watched us that whole time, huh? Where did you come from? Hey, let it go! No! An animal's life is not a plaything.
I'm playing! I'm playing! I'm playing! H-hey, be quiet! You'll wake them! You'll wake them up! Ah, damn it! Incredible! Incredible! You can do that too, right? Don't lie to me! Earlier, on the island, you transmuted a rock and your clothes were also made by transmutation, right? Brother, your tone Al, you saw it, didn't you? This guy transmuted without using a transmutation circle.
The only ones who can do that are myself and Sensei.
And yet, Sensei pretended like she didn't see anything.
That's definitely weird.
What's the matter? Try untying it with alchemy.
Take it off, take it off! Take it off! Brother, this boy really doesn't have anything to do with those others.
Al, I remember having seen his face before.
I know I've seen him somewhere Brother! What did you do!? I didn't do anything! There's no way I could transmute a person's body and a bed together in the first place! You're making too much noise for me to sleep! Hey No, no, no, no! It wasn't like that, Sensei! We didn't do anything! It's true! Brother is quite the liar, but he's telling the truth today! Al, thanks a lot I know.
I don't remember having taught you any such careless alchemy as this.
Making Chimeras by crossing two lives with each other aside, that is.
Let me down! Let me down from here! Stop crying! It's all right now.
Can you remember what your original form was? just have to remember what your original form was.
Take your time take your time You moronic pupils! What kind of commotion were you trying to create by scaring this child!? We're sorry, Sensei! But we were worried.
What if this was the guy that came after us? Just who is it that's after you? They called themselves Homunculi.
Thank you for always coming by like this.
But with your new job, are you sure it's okay? Yes.
I work at home, so my time is free.
Scieszka, um, if you're still investigating the incident with Maes It's all right.
I'm not involved in anything that dangerous.
I'm not all that impulsive, after all.
- Bye-bye.
Well, if you'll excuse me See you tomorrow, okay? Hold on! Just a minute! Colonel Ow-ow-ow-ow Aren't you going to Hughes' house? Is it wrong of me to slip over to a close friend's home? There's no way you can show your face there, huh? Not when you aren't even investigating the cause of that close friend's death, and can only think about getting yourself promoted.
Now look, missy These are copies of the materials Hughes was looking into right before he died.
The reason that Hughes was killed has to be in there somewhere.
Congratulations on your posting to Central! That was easy for me to say, but I don't get this at all! This is a list of all the external calls that were connected to the Central Command Center.
There's no sort of code here To the reception clerk To the Ministry of Justice To the Fuhrer's secretary's office I don't get it! I can't go having you lose track of them, you know.
I'm pretty busy myself here, after all.
Their master lives in a town named Dublith.
They might still be there.
Maybe I should go there and have a look.
It'll be okay to leave the Greed matter to Lust and Gluttony, right? Yes.
Those boys still haven't given up on the Philosopher's Stone yet.
Make sure they have the opportunity to create one once again.
For being the youngest among us, you sure do give orders like you're all grown up.
I would like to have those boys create a Philosopher's Stone, but we can't have them sticking their noses into that Ishbal business, understand? Why don't those Homunculi create their own Philosopher's Stone? They said that they couldn't make it themselves.
They can't use alchemy.
In that case, this child is different.
That is true.
Although, you shouldn't be able to reform your own body, no matter what kind of alchemy you're using, and yet he can.
What's more, Sensei, he's transmuted without a transmutation circle, just like you and Brother do.
- That's t Al, don't you remember? Remember what? Ed, you remember, don't you? The gateway, you mean? Sure enough, it's because I saw it It was truth, wasn't it? Truth? Brother! Brother! Al!! At the time, I couldn't understand what was going on.
It was as if there was this incredible amount of information being directly mashed into my brain.
But then, suddenly, I understood Everything about alchemy that I hadn't known up until then It felt like I was just one step away from arriving at my imperfect theory of human transmutation Mom! Stop it! Let me go! Please let me go! Hold on! One more time! Show it to me one more time! The truth was in there! The thing that I've been looking for! Equivalent exchange? What do you mean? A toll? Damn it! It was taken! Mom! No this isn't what I wanted Al, it's my fault Mine! I understood when I was inside that gateway.
If I acted now, there was still time.
If I acted now, I could still Give him back.
He's my brother.
My leg Both my arms My heart I'll give them to you Just give him back! He's my only brother! Al! Al! Al!! By the time I came to, I was already in this body, and what had been Mom was no longer there.
I saw the truth there.
That's why I can transmute without a transmutation circle, and was able to bond Al's soul.
Isn't that right? You think of it as truth, do you? Well, it is, isn't it? I It was more along the lines of a magic trick, wasn't it? Sensei, I just remembered.
I have a hunch that I saw him there.
If that's so, then he isn't human! He's something else! There's something I need to check.
Everything else comes afterward.
Sensei! I forbid you to go near that child.
Got that? Izumi It's all right.
I'm just going to go make sure.
Please, let me go alone.
Those boys don't know, do they? How Homunculi are born? Gentlemen! How good of you to come! I, Alex Louis Armstrong, welcome you with my utmost! Stop fooling around and get to work! Lt.
Breda! Still, you never know when he is going to strike.
Brace yourselves.
The major isn't here.
Oh, is that right? He's with the officer assigned to the Court-Martial Office who has taken over for Brig.
Hughes, and they're off conducting an investigation somewhere.
Who is this other person who's taking over for him? As I recall, it was Frank.
You mean Lt.
Frank Archer? Do you know him? He's a man dedicated to his military duties.
That's a good thing to be, isn't it? By military duties, I mean that the man enjoys war.
Colonel, I'm sorry to ask you again I don't know where the Elric Brothers went.
What are you, a broken record? There's no evidence that they even went south.
It is evident that they went south.
You have someone watching them? Those brothers are not traitors! Perhaps.
I just don't have any intention of letting them run around free, the way Mustang does.
For the sake of the forthcoming battle, you understand.
Sorry about this, but Izumi told me not to let you out, no matter what.
So, where did Sensei go? Beats me.
She asked to have a boat ready for her, so maybe the island again.
The island? Why? What are you doing, Al? All right There, let's let your hair out, okay? Winry, sorry, but since we can't come out of our room Al? What did you guys do to this boy? He's completely terrified of you.
Anyhow, Winry, this may sound strange, but there's something I need to ask you.
It's about that boy's body.
Al, what are you talking about? You mean this? I was surprised, too.
What on earth could have happened? At the base of his right arm and left leg Al, what are you trying to say? Brother, you said you saw it, right? His face, on the other side of the doorway? What's going on!? T-this isn't good.
If Izumi finds out We'll be finished right away.
You guys! The sensei told you not to come near this boy, didn't she? We'll be finished with this right away! There's no way something like this could be, right? It was an equivalent exchange Mom's body, in exchange for my leg Al's soul, as it was fading away, in exchange for my arm It was an equivalent exchange! Where did you get this scar? It's the scar from a fox bite Is this my arm!? Wait! Ed! Edward! Could it be? Could it be that that boy's arm and leg are? Fullmetal Alchemist! Episode 30: "Attack on the Southern Command Center" Sensei I am a dog of the military.

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