Sleeper Cell s02e01 Episode Script


Previously on Sleeper Cell Remember : all the laws of men are evil, only the laws of God are just.
I'm putting together a team of holy warriors Ilija, a Bosniak.
That poor guy saw his whole family get butchered by orthodox serbs and catholic croats.
I pledge my absolute fealty to a life of struggle, a life of jihad I'm Gayle.
I live next door to Bobby and Nadia.
This is brother Ziad.
He's our accountant down here.
Farik's had us customizing a truck make it look like an L.
Emergency command vehicle.
Dodger stadium.
They will carry out simultaneous attacks the death toll could rise up to 150,000.
Faris al-Farik, we know who he is.
His real name is Saad bin Safwan.
He's got a wife and a daughter in London.
- I'm Carli, by the way.
- Thanks, Carli.
It's a Dodger game.
Field teams, with me! Marcus! You are fucked, Saad.
I was wondering if you might know a place that I could stay just for a little while.
You may have won a battle.
War will go on.
I haven't finished my prayer yet.
You fucking forgot! I haven't finished my prayer yet! I haven't finished my prayer yet! I got a call this morning-- when you were in the shower.
The bureau's offering me a teaching job, at Quantico.
FBI academy? They want me to teach counter terrorism.
Cover techniques, relate my personal experience, that sort of thing.
Hey Marcus, don't go up to far.
Well, that's great.
I mean, that's-- like a normal job.
Regular hours, boring, safe-- What did you tell 'em? I didn't.
Not, not yet.
I just said I-- I'd think about it.
You want to know what I think? I think it's perfect.
We could go somewhere new, start out fresh.
Besides, you make a great teacher.
Anybody home? Agent Al-Sayeed.
Agent Serxner.
- You want some coffee? - No, I'm good.
I'm good, thank you.
How is decompression treating you? It's good, it's good.
Any news on my buddy Farick? They break him yet? That information is compartmentalized.
I haven't been written on the program.
But the answer's no.
Can't say I'm surprised.
So What are you doing in San Diego? You remember Benito Velasquez? From Lompoc? Benny? Maravilla? Gang member.
Converted in prison, studies with the librarian.
Right after your release, he stepped up to the play.
Filled your shoes as the librarian's right hand man.
What does that have to do with me? Velazquez was released a few months ago.
Move in at his parents in Boyle Heights.
And he seems to have been staying out of trouble, keeping his nose clean.
- But? - But.
Yeah, but he was recently spotted at the Islamic center here in San Diego.
Attending a mosque.
So we put a tail on him.
Turns out he's been driving down here for services every week-end.
So why does he need to attend a mosque in L.
unless he's been ordered to stay away from local Islamic community.
It's just the first operational rule of an Islamic extremist sleeper cell.
No public displays of faith so he's not to draw the attention Attention of law enforcement.
So you want me to check him out? Patricia, what you should do? Bring in a new U.
C, start from scratch.
Have him buddy up to Benito.
Make friends, go from there.
Yeah But that would all require time, money and effort that haven't been allocated.
You're already here, you're the best we have.
I'm done.
Gayle brought Marcus down here on vacation.
You already had to save the city of Los Angeles, Darwin, you don't have to save Gayle Bishop.
That is none of your business.
And I'm not trying to save her, I'm trying to get my life back together.
You know, and truthfully, I I really don't need you or anybody from the bureau trying to tell me how to do that.
- You understand? - Yeah.
Yeah, I do.
That is your business.
But Benito Velazquez is FBI business.
He was in prison with you, so you're legit in his book.
He's in San Diego.
You're in San Diego I don't know.
Allah works in mysterious ways.
One condition.
Gayle's sister and her family are in town.
So I'm gonna need the bureau to hook me up with a stack of platinum passport and tickets to SeaWorld.
and a dinner with Shamu show.
Marcus loves whales.
What the fuck man! Good to see you remember me, Danny.
Paradise is in the shadow of the fucking soldiers, man.
How did you find me? I saw you praying at the mosque.
But I didn't want to talk you there in case the cops and the feds were watching.
So I followed you.
Means I should be a little more careful.
Look, Benny, The shipping I was doing in L.
a while back, it was It was big, You might have read about it, seen something on the news? Yeah, I know.
That thing in L.
Done with your heart, but I don't think we should be ??????? Just listen to me.
I got a plan and I need your help.
I got an on on the FBI bitch that fucked up that thing in L.
Now I can get to her.
Make her an example.
But I can't do it alone.
Sorry about it, bro'.
You got me all wrong, man.
All that radical hate the librarian was preaching back in Lompoc? I bought into that shit to survive prison.
I ran with the brother to keep my ass safe, alright man? Now that I'm out, I mean, I turned the page.
I'm a peaceful brother.
We can strike a blow for the cause.
Sorry Darwin, you got the wrong guy.
Don't come see me again, bro'.
I'd have to call the cops.
The week-end of September 24, 2005, you met with two men in Las Vegas.
The leader of the New York cell was Alvas Faquila*, also known as Dimitri Gonus, true identity Rachid Muammar Al Touf of El Jihad Egypt.
The leader of the Washington D.
cell operated under the name of Julio Torrez.
What's his real name? Is he known by any other aliases? What's his country of origin? Did he do Jihad with you in Afghanistan? You wanna go back to the water room, son? You almost drown the last time.
Come on, man, we've been going over the same shit for months.
Give me an answer.
Emilio Torrez got away, huh? You gotta hand it to those Hispanics, But you know, we We conquered Spain, and made it an integral part of the Muslin world.
Well, close to eight hundred years, so.
I'm not surprised Emilio Torrez outsmarted you.
Let's change of subject.
Who is the African-American member of your cell? His name was His name was Martin Martin Luther King.
Come on, son! Oh, excuse me.
Faris El Farik.
I'd like a fucking jihad * Now, do me a favor, Bob.
Babysit this rag head for me while I go to the bathroom.
I gotta take a SH-I or is it a Suni? Come on! All right? Why do you sit there with your pen and paper, day after day? I know this is being recorded.
Audio, video.
What's the point? It's my process.
Sure you had a process.
Maybe you still do.
Even now.
I know, I would.
So, no bites from Velazquez? No, I think he's clean.
Best leave him in peace.
Keep an eye on him just in case.
Sounds like a plan.
I thought you'd be at SeaWorld.
Pleased on these platinum passports with Gayle and the kids.
Yeah You see, Gayle sister has this husband.
He and I don't really get along.
It might be awkward.
Thought it'd be better to hang behind.
That's very diplomatic of you.
So? - That's it? - That's it, you're off the clock.
I'm going overseas for a few weeks, maybe T.
with the joint terrorism taskforce in the Sudan.
They've got uncovered a recently dismantled Al-Qaida training-camp just outside Khartoum.
So I'm gonna go with the evidence collection-team check out.
Listen, I'm taking Gayle and Marcus at dinner a little bit later, you want tie along? I have a plane to catch.
I think it might be awkward.
Probably best I hang back.
That's very diplomatic of you.
Perfect timing.
Dinner is served.
What are you listening to? Now, we are plugged into each other.
Cool man.
But this isn't really plug-in.
This is plug-in.
You always drink tea here.
Americans, they never drink tea.
I started drinking tea in the mountains of a town called Ruransha * in the coast province of Afghanistan, with my Mujahidin brothers.
I gave them stingers, they gave me tea.
I've been wondering, but I'm not sure who got the better deal.
I would very much like a cup of tea.
Time to pick up where we left off.
Who is the African-American member of your cell? And I swear to Allah, if you say Malcolm X, I'm gonna kick your balls up into your throat and hold them until you choke on 'em.
It wasn't Malcolm X, it's Colin Powel.
Nothing even close to the front page.
I'm happy to say I'm not a star anymore.
You're a cooking star.
You know, every time we have sex, it's like the ultimate "fuck you" to Bush, Cheney, and the all 9/11 plot.
I just keep picturing Giuliani and the rest of those assholes, supervising the whole thing from that fifteen million dollars bunker, on the twenty third floor of building seven.
You know, that's where they broadcast the homing signal from, to make sure the planes will hit the towers.
I know.
And the Pentagon was actually hit by a CIA group of hawk drones so the administration could start an endless war and turn America into a police state.
And what idiot could believe that Osama Ben Laden, and his cave dwelling Muslim militia manage to outsmart the C.
the N.
and the Pentagon.
Unless, uncle Sam was behind the whole thing.
Not me.
Get the fuck in the car.
The hell know who you guys are, don’t'… - Shut the fuck-up.
- I'll shoot you man.
What the fuck are you doing in San Diego? I'm on vacation, I'm hanging out.
Don't fucking bullshit me.
Are you the fifth jahid? I don't know what you're talking about! The one who was never identified, that was you, wasn't it? - Fuck you! - Wasn't it? You don't talk to me motherfucker, you are a dead man.
Are you the fifth jahid? Yeah.
- That was me.
- No one's following you.
No one's looking for you, why? - Why? - I'm a ranger.
Survival, invasion, resist until escape, I was fucking trained to do this shit.
I find it difficult to believe you're that good.
To escape the authorities and no one got a picture of you? Here is what they taught me, against them.
I got the hell out of L.
and I've been hiding out ever since.
Did you know we had people at Dodgers stadium watching your every move? Shall I bring 'em here and tell you what they saw? That's fucking true, you had me on a gun in my face! You are to kill me, or you'll be kissing my ass.
I'm telling you the fucking truth.
Get out! Tell me something I don't know, son.
Tell me something I don't know so we both could get some sleep.
I would like a cup of tea, please.
You got to give before you get.
In that case, give Agent Sursnow my regards.
Isn't that the name of your lead agent in the L.
operation? Yeah, * Jesus Christ! Are you bureau people from here leaving the most basic trade craft? Ever heard of using a pseudo name? Or information discipline? You're jumping to conclusions.
Because he knows her name doesn't mean it came from us.
Besides, where's that info going anyway? Yo, Darwin! Mother fucker! Don't you think I recognize your torn away ass underneath that mask? I was the fucking driver, man.
I never laid a fucking hand on you, man.
I'm sorry about that shit, alright? We had to fuckin' test you, man.
We had to check you out.
Look, man, come to this address back in L.
tonight, ten o'clock.
If not, don't come see me again.
What's all this? It's the latest thing as a radio.
Personal video phones, bro.
Charge a couple bucks a minute to call your friends and family back home in Mexico.
But today, we're getting a call.
Salam aleikum, brother Al Akim.
Who are you? You may call me Khaled.
I'm the cheikh of a group of Mujahidin who's sole purpose is to avenge our defeat in Los Angeles.
The defeat, you're a part of, brother.
I confirmed what our sources that you-- gi : what/with are the fifth jahid.
The one that escaped identification.
Such a man could be of use to me.
You know I was a part of a team that failed? Sometimes, failure is a great motivator.
Offering you a comeback.
One condition: Operation has been forced to move very, very slowly, due to a scarcity of liquid funds.
And you are one of brother Farik most trusted men.
And I must believe, privee to his personal funding connections.
So your Jihad is cash poor, you need me to hook you up.
Our accountant disappeared after the failed L.
Just fell of the grid.
Perhaps you can find him.
I'll be in touch, brother Darwin.
Good luck.
Inch’ Allah, we will speak again.
Oh God.
Have been worried sick about you.
Where the hell have you been? Oh my God, what happened to your face? - Are you okay? - I'm fine.
- I'm fine.
- You want I just wanted to make sure you and Marcus got back in San Diego okay.
I'm here, I'm fine.
Let me Marcus missed you, I missed you.
You gonna tell me what happened to that face, okay? I missed you too.
Look, something happened.
I can't talk about it.
I can't take that job in Quantico.
Not yet.
Parolees, please have your four digits ident number ready for your counselors.
We get checked with N.
for any intercepted foreign traffic terminating at the subject location.
My guess is, he was somewhere in that building, Undedicated, close targeted.
There's no way he's laying out there much sensitive intel over a normal phone line.
What about Ziad? We stayed up on him.
We haven't brought him just in case he tries to connect with any of his old network contacts.
Like me.
Holly shit! You're a fucking disgrace.
Drugs, whores.
Mujahidin are dying on the fucking street of Bagdad everyday.
And you, throwing a fucking party.
Listen man, I'm sorry man.
I was scared, all these months I've been hiding out.
I'm a fucking nervous wreck.
Any minute I'm thinking, any minute, that C.
are gonna come in.
Federales, F.
Put a bag on my head, take me to some secret jail and have me jerk off a stand or they stick a dog on my nacked ass! What the fuck you think I've been doing, Ziad, huh? Laying low is one thing, burning a Jihad fund on blow and pussy, is another.
Okay, I've just been chump change.
To release tension, okay? Cheap hookers, cheap blow.
Put on your clothes, man.
Party's over.
I need you and-- the cause need you.
Break me, go ahead.
So what? I've already been replaced.
Except that your world, is never gonna be safe again.
until you make peace with Islam, on our terms.
I don't feel like breaking his nose today.
I'm gonna be back in fifteen minutes.
Roger that.
You gentlemen wanna grab a cup? You know, I grow up kind of like you.
I come from a fundamentalist family myself.
Evangelical bible * from Sandusky, Ohio, that's right outside of Cleveland.
My parents dragged me to church every Sunday.
Bible school, the all works.
And then, when I was nine years old, just before Christmas, I fell through the ice, on Picaro creek.
I was dead for twenty one minutes.
Nothing happened.
There was no light, no voices, no angels.
Just nothing.
And that's why I figured it out.
That's, why, crack the organized religion code.
I realized it was just a mind game.
Greatest story ever told.
Your fucking asshole.
Started to help people with their fear of death, and then snatched up by a few as a powerful tool to control the masses.
Fear of God.
Invisible man.
Fear a fucking genius.
Hell, if my old man was a Muslim, instead of a Christian and I hadn't fallen through the ice I'd be looking to slam a plane into a building too.
What is it, my friend? There's no paradise waiting for you.
No virgins ready to suck you off for all eternity.
Which means that everything you've done all the pain that you've inflected, all the suffering you've gone through, and all the suffering you're gonna put yourself through from here and out.
All of it.
Is for nothing.
Brother Al Akim.
Please, sit, sit.
I made contact with our accountant in Mexico.
Each of these cards access a different account fifty thousand dollars in it.
Pin numbers are on the back.
Use the store ATM.
Check the balances.
They were buying groceries, first time I came here.
Had instructions to kill you if there was any trouble.
Glad it didn't come to that.
Me too.
Saalam Aleikum, brother Darwin.
Aleikum as-salaam.
I am Salim.
I have to apologize.
I was in the car in San Diego.
I recognize the accent.
Salim is my right hand.
He's an engineer from Iraq, by way of the U.
Of course you know brother Benito.
He's gain connection who will be very useful in the coming weeks.
It's all good.
Of course, it is.
I'm Mina.
It's an honor to meet you Darwin.
Brother Khaled says you're a valued mujahid.
Maybe someday, you can share some of your experiences with us.
German? Dutch, actually.
I thought she was French.
Since when do we involve women in our operations? Since when do we not? The first martyr in Islam was a woman, - Sumayya - Sumayya, I know.
She was killed in front of her children for accusing to worship idols.
She wasn't some white chick from Amsterdam.
It's very simple.
My husband is-- was a dedicated holly warrior, expert in demolitions.
He died a martyr’s death, fighting Americans in Iraq.
But not before he told me everything he knew about Islam.
And how to blow things up.
Brother Darwin has secured the funding for us to continue our operations.
Our attack.
Brother Benito will find you a place to stay under the radar.
Don't worry, we won't need her for very long.
Ilija, what's going on? What are doing out of the apartment? It's time for me to go.
There have been no new reports about the Dodgers' stadium attack for a long time, the story is finally dying down.
I think it's finally safe to risk travel.
I cleaned the apartment.
No fingerprints, no D.
A, fibers, it will be as if I never existed.
I'll try to make it to Canada.
I packed a suitcase for you.
I can drop you off at home and you'll never see me again Or? Or you can come with me.
So, what's up? What… What are we doing? Just go on target, or-- Patience, patience, I just-- I want your help running a few errands, that's all.
Flashing wheels.
You know for a believer who's crying about not having an access to enough funds.
you can do an entire op for the cost of this ride.
It's my one indulgence.
Besides, a Land Cruiser, it's the vehicle of choice for holly warriors around the world.
Tell me about your former leader, brother Farik.
What's to tell? It's all a cool always two steps ahead of everybody else, smartest guy in the room and a true believer.
But he got caught, you didn't.
Maybe Allah was to busy to watch over us both that day.
Maybe I just got lucky.
Is this the errand? Had me out of bed in the middle of the night to wash your car.
My vehicle needs something good for where we are going.
Come on, I love this car.
You know it's equipped with a GPS tracking system? Programmed with all the cell phones of my mujahidin, It tracked your cell phone in California Department of Corrections.
It got me thinking.
Why would an ex-con be meeting with his parole officer when he's supposed to be hiding from every cop in the country.
is cooperating with us.
We're feeding a story to the local news that our corpse was a victim of a late night car-jacking.
We gave them the name on the driver's license.
Khalid Nour al-Din.
And that's where it's gonna stand to.
We can leave prints running through system, find out who he really was.
You go handle that grand-jury for me? I'll cover.
What about the card? Techs have been telling us it's a secure I.
It's a microprocessor card running on a virtual private network.
The L.
shows information downloaded to the card, information that changes every few seconds.
None of them look like a U.
Might have been Khalid's way of receiving communication from overseas.
What about the new cell? Are you gonna round them up? Not yet.
The longer we play this out, the more communication we can get from whoever is on the other end of the card.
The higher up we can move on the arcade of chain of command.
But if we're going do this, we better get our gang faces back on.
I mean treating his half ass.
Give my case agent back from the Sudan and let's get focus.
I don’t have any I'm sorry, I don't, I don't No men allowed! - Agent Serxner? - Patrice? Agent Serxner? Fuck me.
Over here.
Call the embassy now.
Bob! I want to see Bob! It's on all the fucking news this morning.
In car-jacking? It's a fancy Land Cruiser they chose at random.
Bloody fucking hell! I can't believe it!* What are we supposed to do now? What we supposed to do? Khalid was our leader.
He was the only one who knew the target.
He was in touch with the base.
He was our most experienced guy.
With him gone What do you think we should do? I think we should keep going.
We give up now and abandon the mission then Khalid is just another dead Muslim killed by an American bullet.
He would He would want us to stay strong.
He's right.
We have to stay on the true path.
But we need a new leader.
I knew Khalid better than any of you.
I was his right hand.
It should be me.
No, man.
Darwin is one of the most experienced now.
I still have contact with the base, overseas.
I knew Khalid best, he trusted me! I trust you too, Salim.
We all do.
But you're not ready.
I also think it's best.
Darwin's the one.
Come here.
All of you.
I want you to repeat after me : I pledge my absolute fidelity to a life of struggle, to a life of Jihad, against all the enemies of God.
I pledge my absolute fidelity to a life of struggle, a life of Jihad, against all the enemies of God.
I know, that any who break this oath break it to their own hurt.
But who so fulfills this covenant with God, God will give them a mighty reward.
You want to tell me something? Julio Torrez.
What about him? I'll give you his real name.
But I want something.
I want a cup of hot tea.
Fair enough.
Tariq Abdul Hakeem.
He's a Saudi, like me.
An everywhere that the Arab mujahidin went in Afghanistan, in the start of the anti-Soviet jihad till the end.
He was there.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Now, I've been thinking about what you told me.
Why you think, everything I've done is bullshit.
Why you think it's a fact that there's nothing more to existence than this cell we're locked in.
And the true fact is that when you were a boy, your faith was tested, and you failed.
Just like you gonna fail with me.
He's a pop star.
What? Tariq Abdul Hakeem.
He's like the Bob Dylan in Saudi Arabia He's still fucking with us.
It's Diaz.
Something happened.
It's gonna be all over C.
N, Larry King, and the front page of every newspaper tomorrow.
You should know before all that.
Know what? Do you have an internet access where you are? Yeah, yeah.
Just let me give you the website address.
Alright, hold on.
Okay, go ahead.
Alright, I got it.

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