Out With Dad (2010) s02e02 Episode Script

Asking Out Alicia

Rose! - Not now Kenny - No, seriously.
Right now.
I'm gonna do it now.
I'm gonna ask her out.
I'm gonna do it.
She's right there.
It's perfect.
She's not surrounded by her pack of girlfriends.
Go get her! OK, what do I say? You're very charming.
I'm sure you'll think of something.
OK, but say a guy would ask you out, - what would you want him to say? - I don't want a guy to ask me.
Whatever, a girl, sorry! - If a girl would ask you out.
- I don't want a girl to ask me out either.
I think you're missing the point, OK? I'm asking for advice, please.
Just go do it right now.
Trust me when I tell you that practicing doesn't help.
Go do it.
Don't let anything stop you.
Hey, guys.
Hi Kenny.
So, uh - Be assertive.
- Do you mind if I ask you something? I came here to ask you something.
Ask me what? Make sure you know what you want to ask her.
It's nothing, I just Be clear with your intentions.
Just wondering what you're up to this weekend.
And be clear.
You tend to mumble.
Sorry, I didn't hear you.
Hmm? I, I was just Above all else, just be yourself.
You are The Awesome.
Like I said before, she'll probably go for you! But Rose, she's two grades ahead of us.
Why would she want to go out with a schmuck like me? Because she's a smart girl.
And a sweetheart.
And you're a sweetheart.
Worst case scenario is that she blows you off in the most kind-hearted polite, non-heartbreaking way possible.
Actually, worst case scenario? Probably most likely scenario, is that I stand there like a deer caught in the headlights, just trapped in her beauty, and Man, she's got dimples.
I didn't realize you had a thing for dimples.
Yeah Right I never told you.
- This is weird.
- Just go! Watch my board.
So what happened? She said yes! What? Really? You? You're surprised.
You said she would go for me.
Well of course I said that.
So, what happened? Well, after the inevitable deer-caught-in-the-headlights thing, I just I asked.
And? Then she asked about you.
I thought you and Rose were together.
- But I held it together.
- Nope! I mean, a lot of people think that.
But, no, we never have been.
She's just my best friend.
So, all this time I thought the two of you were No.
Then I realized something.
Wait a minute, did you just say all this time you've been, like, thinking about me? I may have.
Calm, cool and collected, in front of all her friends.
That's sweet.
So Do you, like, want to get together after school? Then she agreed! I have to puke.
Hold my bag.
Watch my board! Text reviewed by Michel Cantigneaux Coming out isn't easy.
For anyone.
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