Prime Suspect (1991) s02e02 Episode Script

Prime Suspect 2 - Operation Nadine 2

Boss, he´s here.
So, how is he? A little better.
Jason, your uncle wants to talk to me.
Yeah, so I was told.
He´s asked that you should be there.
I would ask for you to remain quiet while I´m talking to him.
OK, right.
Let´s go in.
Is Tony in? - You know I am.
You followed me home.
- Can I come in, Tony? - No, you can´t.
- Just a few questions.
You heard him.
He said no! I don´t have to answer your questions.
Who told you that? Sarah, the law student? Go back inside, love.
She says you either arrest me, or stop harassing me! I´m arresting you for the murder of Joanne Fagunwa.
Where are you taking him? Phone my dad! Phone my dad! Do you wish to consult a solicitor or have a solicitor present during this interview? No.
Calm down! Easy! A little interview and it´ll all be over.
Good boy.
I´ve got to get out! Let me out! Anthony Allen.
Don´t leave me alone in here! Please! I´ll get the doctor take a look at him.
I don´t think he´s fit to be detained! He´s all right.
Just let him stew for a bit.
I´m the Custody Sergeant.
Don´t try to tell me my job, right? You do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so, but what you say may be given in evidence.
- Do you understand, David? - Yes.
All right, David.
Let me take you back to what you said originally.
You were with your sister in Margate on Sunday and Monday, and not at Honeyford Road.
I didn´t stay the night.
I came back Sunday afternoon.
Not Monday like I said.
So did you ask Eileen to provide you with an alibi? No.
She knows nothing of this.
But she must do, David, because she confirmed your story.
She said that weekend was the anniversary of your wife´s death.
It wasn´t.
She said you spent it with her.
You didn´t.
I don´t want my sister dragged into this.
I´m afraid she already is, David.
Leave her out of it.
I´ll tell you nothing if you drag her into it.
Take it easy.
Oi, oi! I told you it was going to be about 20 minutes.
Small interview, sort it out.
Turn left.
I hated it down there, anyway.
Godforsaken cold bastard of a place! Thought I may as well come home, do something useful.
Get some more work done in the garden.
What time did you get back to London? About five.
I did some more work and went inside.
I was watching the telly in the front room when I saw her.
Who did you see? I saw the girl, Joanne.
She was standing at a bus stop, waiting for a bus that didn´t run on a Sunday.
And what time was that? About half past eight or nine.
It was getting dark.
I watched her.
She was standing with one leg behind the other, sort of swinging herself.
I thought I´d better tell her.
I went out to her.
Told her the bus didn´t run.
Said she should phone for a taxi.
Told her she could use my phone.
She came into the house.
This interview is being recorded.
I am Detective Sergeant Robert Oswalde attached to Southampton Row Police Station.
- The other officer present is - Detective Inspector Frank Burkin.
I am interviewing State your full name and date of birth.
Anthony Allen.
5th May Louder for the tape.
Anthony Allen.
Anthony Allen, 5th May, 1969! We must be allowed to see our son! The officer in charge will be out to see you in a moment.
I don´t believe this is happening.
Well, it is.
- Come and sit down.
- The officer won´t be long.
I tried to touch her Touch her tits.
Do you remember what she was wearing? No.
Was she wearing a bra? I don´t think so, no.
- Then what happened? - I hit her.
I admit I knew her.
- She was your girlfriend.
- No, she wasn´t! I told you.
She was going out with the lead singer.
I asked her out but she said no.
How did she end up at Honeyford Road with you? I had some tapes she wanted - songs for her to learn.
She came in after my dad went to work, stayed for an hour or so.
- You went to Harvey´s house? - No! You knew he was away.
You used your father´s keys and went next door with her.
What happened then, Tony? I didn´t kill her.
I tied her up.
Hands behind her back.
What with? I don´t remember.
I gagged her.
I had sex with her.
Afterwards, I left her lying there.
And where was this? - What do you mean? - Which room were you in? The kitchen.
A belt I tied her with my belt.
Left her lying there.
Went and watched the telly.
I don´t know why.
It was like a dream.
What kind of a brother are you to say things like that to me? I´m not your brother.
I´m a police officer.
Because you want to be white.
You hate your black brothers and sisters! You´re black! Why did you give up playing bass after that concert? You´re a sell-out.
You wouldn´t understand.
Try me.
Bass notes are the pulse.
They come up at you through your feet.
They sound inside your head.
They beat with your heart from beneath.
A heartbeat from beneath the earth.
You see? You don´t understand.
I couldn´t play any more.
How could I play any more? Why ask questions when you don´t understand? She must have choked on the gag.
There was sick all round her nose and mouth.
I didn´t mean to kill her.
I must give Mr Harvey his medication.
I´ll be back soon, David.
I´m concluding this interview.
The time is 8:10.
I´m sorry.
This must be awful for you.
I´ve known him all my life.
And I don´t know him at all.
You´ll be all right to go back in? Yeah.
I´ll get us a coffee.
If I had buried her, I´d have buried her so deep you´d never have found her.
She´d never have come back.
- Has she come back? - She´s inside you.
I can see her looking out at me, looking at me through your eyes, reaching out to me.
I´m her friend.
She wants to get away from you.
You´re a coffin.
You suffocate her.
You´re a coffin! Your eyes are little windows.
I can see inside you.
Through your eyes, I see Joanne.
She hates you.
What did you do with Joanne´s body? I kept it in a cupboard under the stairs till the following night.
I dug a hole.
I put the earth in bags.
I had a lot of plastic sheeting.
I wrapped her up in the sheeting.
Buried her.
I´m sorry, Jason.
Sorry you have to hear all this.
I just needed you to be here.
Did you bury anything else with her, David? - Yes.
- What? A plastic bag.
What did it contain? I don´t know.
- Have you seen him? - They won´t let me see my boy, my Tony.
Hello! I want to speak to somebody now! I want to see the person in charge! I banged the earth flat.
Laid the rest of the slabs.
Cemented them in.
There was a smell.
The darky next door complained.
I told him it was the drains.
Thank you, David.
Would you like a car home? No, it´s all right.
I´d rather walk.
Thank you.
Bloody brilliant, boss.
You nailed the bastard´s bollocks to the floor.
Think so? I know so.
Oh, God, hospitals depress me.
Do you fancy a lift home? Black bastard I deserve all I get.
Tony, just stop it, man.
I´m a black bastard I deserve all I get.
Tony, will you stop it? I deserve all I get! - Tony, just stop it! - Enough! - A word.
- In a minute.
Now, Sergeant Oswalde! I´m concluding this interview at 11:25pm.
No! Don´t leave me alone in here! Don´t leave me alone! - What´s all that about? - What? - What´s going on between you? - What do you mean? What do I mean? He´s off his head! That´s your considered psychological opinion? You´re one arrogant bastard.
Don´t look at me like that, Frank.
You´ve been wanting to have a go at me ever since I got here! Go on, then! - What the helI´s going on? - Butt out, Mike! I´m in charge of this area.
Prisoners are my responsibility.
So where´s his brief? - He said he didn´t want one.
- He´s climbing the walls! - Has the doctor seen him? - Not yet, it´s in hand.
The arresting officer hasn´t even got credible evidence! - Don´t tell me my job! - How would you know, anyway? Nothing that´d stick in court.
He should go to his cell.
Have you left him alone in there? You´re pissed off cos a token black´s gonna have this case signed and sealed by morning! Bollocks, you are! I´m phoning Tennison.
Please leave your name and number and I´ll get back to you This is a waste of time.
You´re wasting my time.
Come on, Tony.
You´re as guilty as hell.
I´ve known it from the first time I saw you.
Your guilty secret is all over your face.
I am guilty.
Tell me what happened that night.
We´re all guilty.
I´m choking No, you´re not.
I´m choking! All you´ve done is cry like a baby! You´re pathetic! I´m sick of listening to you.
You´re a bloodclaat mummy´s boy! Come on.
You´re going back to the cells.
I can´t breathe in there! You tell me how Joanne met her death or you go back in the bin and you sweat! No! Bastards! Stop! Stop this! You´re doing yourself no good.
Stop this! Stop this! Just calm down, all right? Stop this! No-o-o-o! No! Quick as you can, boys.
Please, please No! Straight down! Number 7.
Straight in, quick as you can! I can´t breathe! Out! Quick! No! Please! I can´t breathe in here! I´ll leave the flap down.
- What are you doing? Leave him alone! - Piggy, piggy! Keep the noise down.
Tony Allen´s back in his cell.
Where´s the doc got to? I´ll give another call.
Mr and Mrs Allen still in reception? Won´t budge.
You should have gone home hours ago.
Let the lad sleep.
Tennison can deal with it in the morning.
Oh, come on.
Last night she came to me ? So softly she came And she laid her hand on me and this she did say It will not be long now till your wedding day.
A good atmosphere generates a good contest He´s always given good fights anywhere Reg Always good value for money Nice to see him boxing at British title level Oh, shit! Jim! Dave! In here, quickly! Turn that off! I´m trying to get some kip.
Get a knife, someone! Oh, Jesus Christ Almighty! - Get me a mask! - It´s too late.
- Now! - Mask! PRISONER: Hey, you lot out there.
I know what´s going on! I´m not stupid! OK.
Ready? One, two, three, four, five ? For a twelvemonth and a day ? And they want to ask me the reason why I´m wearing it ? lt´s all for my true love that´s far, far away - Hey, are you listening to me? - One, two, three, four, five.
It´s no good, Bob.
Bob, he´s dead.
It´s no good, Bob.
He´s dead.
Look at me.
Look at me! Look at me! The boy´s dead.
Leave him.
He´s dead.
Hey, come on, you guys, is there anybody there? Yeah? Oh, sh No, hang on.
Hang on, the machine´s on.
Yeah, who is it? Frank? What was he doing in the cells? Jesus Christ! I´m on my way.
Hello ma´am? It´s DI Burkin Look I´m a bit worried I´m not exactly worried but Oswalde´s arrested Tony Allen on suspición of murder And he´s got him in the interview room now I mean this kid is climbing the walls I mean he´s really freaking out and I´m worried Can you call me back? Your eyes are little windows I can see inside you Through your eyes I see Joane She hates you sign of haemorrhaging.
A mark high on the neck, oblique angle.
Cover him up, Frank.
Let´s start getting packed up, then.
Someone give Oscar Bream a ring.
You´ve killed him, you bastards! You murdering bastards! You filthy bastards! Oh, brilliant.
- Not good enough! - I was told he was on his way! The prisoner is your sole responsibility.
Put in your report.
Now! Well, that´s my promotion down the toilet.
A boy is lying dead, and you´re worried about your promotion? Just don´t start, all right? The custody sergeant said Burkin tried to call you, worried by what Oswalde was up to.
Burkin´s a detective inspector, not a limp dick.
He should have sorted it.
Calder should have.
- Well, they didn´t.
- Do I have to do everything? - All right.
- I mean, what´s Burkin paid to do? All right, I hear you.
How did it go with Harvey? - He confessed to murder.
- Thank Christ for that.
- But I´ve got my doubts about it.
- What? We´ve got it gift-wrapped, and you´ve got doubts? Yes, I do, and I have good reason for it.
Look, guv, what I need now is to know what went on in that interview room.
All hell will break loose when word gets out.
Oh, don´t be ridiculous.
You remember who you´re talking to! I´ll listen to those interviews and report back.
You do that.
By the way, you do know that Tony´s mum and dad are still in reception, don´t you? Well, they can´t be told, until we get things sorted.
- What? - Send them home.
Tell ´em tomorrow.
- For their own sakes, it´ll be better.
- We can´t do that.
- Yes, we can.
- How would we explain that in court? That would reek of a cover-up.
Besides, think how they´d feel.
- I´ve made my decisión.
- Well, it´s a bad one.
That´s what I´m paid for.
Oh, you´re paid to make bad decisions, are you? You know what I mean.
How much have you had to drink? Now, you bloody watch it! This wouldn´t have happened if you´d watched over Oswalde.
You brought him in.
I didn´t ask for him.
He´s a loner.
He´s a one-man band.
He´s not my type.
That´s not what I´ve heard.
- I beg your pardon? - Nothing.
No, you explain that comment.
I´m merely suggesting that you might have let your personal feelings for him cloud your judgement.
That´s all.
My personal feelings? Do I have to spell it out for you? You had an affair on that course.
Now, I didn´t want to mention it, but - Nothing happened on that course.
- You will bloody argue! - You´ve been misinformed.
- I hope so.
For your sake.
Show Mr and Mrs Allen up to my office, will you, please? Not a word about what´s happened.
Understood? Thank you.
- Bob - I can´t talk about it now.
I´ve got to see Kernan.
Kernan knows about us on the course.
Have you been bragging about laying the guvnor? Look, what do you take me for? Do you think I´d say anything? All I can think right now is, I´ve got to go and tell that boy´s parents their son is dead.
That boy´s dead because of me.
Does it matter that Kernan knows about us? Yes, it matters.
About time, Chief Inspector.
We´ve been waiting out there for an eternity.
Please, can you give my son this? Esta said he didn´t even have time to get a coat.
I hate to think of him spending the night in a cell.
I don´t want him to catch cold.
Would you sit down, please? I I have some bad news to tell you.
I just want my son.
Esme, please sit down.
I´m afraid that after Tony was returned to his cell after questioning he took his own life.
Erm Is Is he hurt? Vernon, your son is dead.
I´m very sorry.
Do you understand? I´m so sorry.
How? He He used strips of his own clothes You killed him.
You killed him! You killed him! You killed my boy! You killed him! You killed him! You killed him! You killed him! My boy! You killed him! You all killed him! You ki Tony How? He hanged himself.
When? I mean, when exactly? Between midnight and half-past 12.
While we were waiting in reception? Yes.
Lady may you rot in hell for this.
Come on.
Thank you.
- Where are they going? - I don´t think they know.
Organise a car for them.
I think Mrs Allen will need to see a doctor, as well.
They probably both will.
- Are you OK? - Straightaway, please.
Excuse me.
Go to your right, and I´ll show you out.
Soon the speculation will end The latest opinion poll gives Conservative Ken Bagnall Yes, sir.
Have the family been informed? Good.
What about MS-15? Well, get onto them straightaway.
David Thorndike should lead the investigation, which is good news for us.
A complete bastard.
But a complete bastard who is the most likely candidate to take over from you, if you get the move upstairs.
And that will surely depend on how you handle this business from now on.
Keneth Trevor Bagnall Conservative 13137 Not enough.
Jonathan Phelps Labour sixteen thousand Did you hear that? It´s in David´s best interests to stop Southampton Row being dragged through the mire.
Keep me informed.
Well, we´d better be going.
Looks like I´ve got an early start in the morning.
- I´m a black bastard I deserve all I get - Tony stop it I´m a black bastard I deserve all I get - Tony just stop it man - I´m a black bastard I deserve all I get - Will you stop it? - I´m a black bastard - Will you just stop it? - Enough! - A word - In a minute Now Sergeant Oswalde I´m not talking about Oswalde´s part in this.
You and Mike Calder had the authority to stop those interviews, but you let them continue.
Oh, no, better yet You let Oswalde interview that lad on his own while you waited for me to do your job for you! Yes? - Ready when you are, guv.
- Right.
The rank of Inspector is supposed to mean something, Frank.
It carries responsibility.
You know, it´s supposed to denote a certain authority.
You won´t make excuses.
You´ll face the music like a man.
That´ll be all.
I mean, I just I just don´t understand it.
We´re at Harvey´s bedside, getting a confessión.
Meanwhile, Bob´s off chasing Tony.
It doesn´t make sense.
His ass is grass.
It´s a dreadful thing to happen.
You carry something like that with you for life.
They´ll close it now, won´t they? The spade should be suspended.
I mean, why was he brought in? - You know why, Frank.
- To talk to his people.
Yeah? Well, now one of them´s dead, and it´s down to him.
Look, I´m not exaggerating or nothing, right, but that boy was really weird.
I mean, climbing the walls, screaming and shouting.
He was mental.
Believe me - I tried to tell him.
Course you did, Frank.
She´s here.
Come on.
Morning, everyone.
Well, I expect you´ve all heard about last night.
Just to clarify: Tony Allen hanged himself in cell No.
7 using strips of his own clothes.
I informed his parents shortly afterwards.
Now, obviously, we can expect a good deal of adverse publicity from this.
I´m told we can also expect an internal inquiry, led by DCI Thorndike, to begin almost immediately.
Needless to say, I regret what has happened, but Operation Nadine continues.
But surely, ma´am, if Harvey´s confessed, I mean, that´s it, innit? I´m not convinced about David Harvey´s versión of events.
Admittedly, there are a few inconsistencies, guv, but Inconsistencies? He said she wasn´t wearing a bra.
She was.
He said he used a gag on her.
We found no traces of it.
Well, he could have removed it.
It could have rotted away.
Well, yeah, it could have.
But he said he killed her in the kitchen.
And the fragment of tooth was in the front room.
Perhaps there was violence in the front room before the murder.
Perhaps he moved the body after.
I mean Well, perhaps, perhaps.
"Perhaps" won´t stand up in court.
To be quite honest, I don´t think the confessión of a dying man will stand up in court, either.
But he knew that her hands had been tied with a belt.
Yeah, and he said "my belt".
I mean, did that belt look like anything David Harvey might wear? She was wrapped in polythene.
A plastic bag was buried with her.
And he said the body remained above ground, which ties up with the maggots.
I mean, none of this was mentioned in the press.
Look, I´m as certain as you are that Harvey was involved, probably in the disposal of the body.
But I´m not sure that he killed her.
We´ve got to go over Harvey´s statements carefully.
We´ve got to look at what Tony Allen had to say again.
You won´t get much there, guv.
I know - I was there.
You may have been there, but you obviously weren´t listening.
- "Sir.
" - Sir.
Frank, don´t you think it´s a bit late to be pulling rank? Now, look.
We´ve messed up badly, so now we´ve got to work twice as hard.
Why, if David Harvey didn´t murder Joanne, would he get involved in the burial of her body? Can we connect Tony Allen to David Harvey? A connection strong enough to make Harvey confess to a murder that he didn´t commit? I want to go back to Eileen Reynolds.
I want evidence.
I want corroboration.
I want to solve this case.
DCI Thorndike, DS Posner, to see Superintendent Kernan.
We´re expected.
Southampton Row´s reputation precedes it, Jane.
If you come in the front, you may go out the back with blood on your face.
- Is this on record, David? - No, of course not.
Good, because that´s bullshit.
If it was ever true, it´s not any more.
I´ve never seen excessive force used in this nick.
Oswalde´s certainly not like that.
Well, with the Cameron case You´re here to investigate a death.
- I know why I´m here, Jane.
- Well, let´s concentrate on the case in hand.
I intend to.
Don´t worry.
Look, I think it´s important for you to know that I take this job seriously.
- I´m not prepared to do a whitewash.
- No-one´s asking you to.
It´s my belief that when a foot soldier cocks up, it´s down to the officer in charge.
I accept that.
I don´t know.
Perhaps you allowed your personal feelings to cloud your judgement.
I beg your pardon? It´ll keep.
Could you ask the custody sergeant Mike Calder.
to step into my office, please? One more thing, David.
If I´m to be interviewed, I´d like to speak to an officer senior in rank to me.
Well that may not be possible.
How could you have arrested him for murder? If it wasn´t for you, this wouldn´t have happened! Tony wouldn´t hurt anyone - let alone tie them up, rape them.
- Wait - What´s his daughter gonna do? How did you know she was tied up? - Another life ruined! - Who told you that? - He was getting married! - Who said she was tied up? Who told you she was tied up? Would you like to come this way, please, sir? It´s just in here.
All right? Tony Allen who was to have been married this weekend leaves a fiancée and You can´t pull Sarah Allen in now.
Not with all this going on.
I just want to talk to her.
Off premises is fine.
Too soon.
Go back to Harvey.
I have done.
He can´t talk at the moment.
I don´t know if he ever will be able to again.
Then see where other lines of inquiry lead you.
We´ll review the situation in a few days.
Go home.
Get some sleep.
And leave Sarah Allen out of it.
For the moment.
- Vernon, I have to speak to Sarah.
- How dare you come here? How dare you? It´s very important.
I have to speak to Sarah.
Haven´t you done enough damage? Just leave us alone.
- I have to speak to Sarah.
- My wife is My wife Go inside, Pop.
Let me handle this.
Go on.
- Sarah, were you there that night? - I don´t know what you mean.
- Or has Jason Reynolds spoken to you? - I don´t know any Jason Reynolds.
Sarah, please, for Tony´s sake, come on.
I´m closing the door.
Give yourself a break.
You can talk.
Ring this number.
It´s a friend of mine.
She helped someone who was at Broadwater Farm.
She´s good.
A shrink? Yeah.
Sort of.
There´s no shame in that.
Other people make a mistake at work, the firm loses a few grand.
We make a mistake, and someone loses their life.
Did Mrs Fagunwa recognise that belt? No.
Go home, Bob.
- Hello, Eileen.
- I´ve been expecting you.
I wasn´t lying.
He was there with me that weekend.
Came down a lot in those days.
He had a caravan there.
Sometimes he stayed with me, sometimes at the van.
Well, then, why did you say it was the anniversary of his wife´s death? It makes no difference.
I´ve spoken to a solicitor, and he tells me that confessión is not worth the paper it´s written on.
It was obtained under duress.
And if my brother did it, why has that blackie killed himself? - Do you know Tony Allen? - No, I´ve seen it on the telly.
Because he did it, that´s why.
But then why did your brother confess? To get you lot off his back.
You know, you´re not helping your brother by lying for him, Eileen.
I´m not lying! You don´t have to stop loving him or supporting him, but you do have to stop lying for him.
Do you know something? You´re a pious cow! I´ve done everything for that bloody man since he´s been ill.
I work my fingers to the bone for him.
I know.
That´s what I´m saying.
I know you support him - like taking out that loan for him.
- You lot think you know everything.
- Five grand´s a lot.
How could you afford to do that, Eileen? My son helps out.
All right? - What does Jason do for a living? - Now, you leave that boy out of this! That´s a simple enough question.
He has a sort of photography business.
- What does that mean? - In the summer he works the seafront.
I don´t really know.
I don´t pry like you do.
- You mean he´s a seafront photographer? - Yes.
He used to keep a bloody monkey here at one time.
OK? DS Oswalde, please.
- So, Tony was involved? - Yes.
Thank Christ for that.
- Isn´t that Sarah? - Yes.
And look at that.
Recognise that? It´s the belt.
I want him picked up.
And I want a team up here.
Turn this place over.
No wonder the old sod had a heart attack.
The wardrobe´s full of it.
Here you are, boss.
Close it up.
Take it downstairs.
Quite a little photographer, in´t he? Hang about.
Isn´t that Jason? Yeah.
Get onto Vice.
See who publishes this muck.
Bob, get someone down to Harvey´s bedside.
Make sure I´m informed as soon as he utters a sound.
I want to find this little shit.
Seems as though Jason preferred amateur models.
Well, he didn´t have to pay them, did he? The Polaroids are early photographs.
The later ones are much better quality - 35 mm.
They´re quite professional.
Would he have developed them himself? I think black and white´s pretty easy, but you need more-sophisticated equipment for colour.
I suppose he could have had a studio somewhere.
You know, it´s worth checking with those places that develop dodgy photos.
I mean, they might have an address, or a contact number, even.
You were right, ma´am.
Jason Reynolds attended the same school as Tony Allen.
In fact, they were in the same year.
When Eileen moved to Margate, to be closer to her boyfriend, Jason stayed on in London, living mainly at number 15.
Right! The head of the year says they weren´t friends.
Says Jason was a waster, a Jack-the-lad.
But if they were neighbours, they could have hung out together.
But they sound so different.
Which brings us back to Sarah.
Who Kernan has ruled out of bounds.
Boss, I know this is a bit out of left-field, but I think I recognise her.
Go on.
I dunno.
I´ve been looking at ´em for ages.
Richard? The thing is, Camilla´s really happy there.
What´s Camilla got to do with it? I think it´s her teacher.
Tell me if you recognise this person.
No, I´ve never seen her before, Inspector.
What about this girl? No.
She´s beautiful.
No, Miriam.
She was beautiful.
Her remains were found buried in the garden of No.
15 Honeyford Road.
Her hands had been tied behind her back with a belt.
The belt belonged to a Jason Reynolds.
Do you recognise this man? Do you want to look at the photos again? No need.
Tell me what you know about the photographer.
Jason Reynolds? I met him in the summer of ´86.
At that time I was still at school.
Still living with my parents in Margate.
He was taking photographs on the seafront.
You know - a seaside photographer.
He was charming, funny.
As you know, I let him take photographs of me.
For a while, he made me feel attractive, the centre of attention.
I stripped and posed.
I dressed up and posed.
Whatever he asked for, really.
Well, you see, I wanted to get away from home.
My mother was ill and He said his uncle had a flat I could rent, that he´d look after me.
So, I came with him to London, to Honeyford Road.
Could you all please wait outside? Just line up quietly.
I lived in the basement flat there for two months.
- June and July? - Yes.
Did you work as a prostitute, Miriam? No, not really.
Jason tried to get me to go with various friends he brought round, but none of us really knew what we were doing.
Did you have sex with his uncle, with David Harvey? Sometimes.
When I couldn´t pay the rent.
Now, do you recognise either of these two men? Did you have sex with either of them? - No.
- Now, where were those photographs taken? - At the flat.
- And in Margate? His uncle had a caravan.
Can you tell me where exactly? I can´t remember the name of the site.
It was some way out of town.
All right.
Thank you very much.
That´s it? Yes.
Thank you.
Boss, look at this.
It´s a 1992 calendar.
So, he´s still using the caravan.
Try all sites in the Margate area.
Phil, I want Eileen Reynolds arrested.
Bring her in, put her in an interview room and let her stew.
Maybe that´ll bring Jason out from under his stone.
all the caravan sites in the Margate area.
Jonesy, give him a hand, will you? This is the belt, Eileen, that was used to tie Joanne´s hands behind her back.
Do you recognise it? I´ve never seen it before.
There´s lots of belts that look like that.
Well, I think it´s quite distinctive.
The dead girl - Joanne Fagunwa.
Joanne and Tony.
Joanne and Sarah Allen.
So, why isn´t Mrs bloody Allen sitting here? Go and arrest her.
Arrest Sarah.
Because it´s my belief that Jason took those photographs.
You´ve no proof of that.
Well, they were found in your brother´s flat, Eileen.
I don´t know anything about that.
That´s your son, Eileen.
Your son, the pornographer.
Would you look at them, please? You won´t look at them? All right, I´ll describe them to you.
The first shows a girl.
She´s about about 14, I would say.
Your son´s penis is inserted in the girI´s anus.
Her face shows pain and fear.
Stop it, you sick-bastard bitch! It´s not me in these photographs.
I didn´t take them.
Your son Jason did that.
This one shows a different girl.
She´s a little bit older No! Tell me where Jason is.
I don´t know.
We should never have come south.
God, I did my best! He´s no son of mine.
He doesn´t even talk like a son of mine.
He´s some sort of - Tell me where Jason is.
- I don´t know.
Where´s your brother´s caravan? As far as I know, he´s sold it.
To help pay off the loan.
information service which is to be published tomorrow also warns that almost a third of the pupils on assisted places come from families of below- average earnings and that one in ten is from an ethnic minority The government´s expansión plans for the capitaI´s orbital motorway could destroy more than 80 wildlife sites says the Royal Society For Nature Conservation - How is she? - Sleeping.
I don´t like her taking drugs.
Well, it´s better than having her sobbing all night.
- Pop - Hm? Why are you doing that? They´re about Anthony.
I know that.
I just don´t see how it helps.
Well, if it helps me, then surely there´s nothing wrong.
You know I´ll be going back to college straight after the inquest? Of course.
Is there someone who can take notes for you, so you don´t fall behind? Yes.
Yes, don´t worry.
Sarah Did Tony ever talk to you about about that night? No.
My bath will be running over.
22-year- old Anthony Allen is at the centre of an internal police inquiry into the runing of that station Detective Superintendent Mike Kernan today issued the following statement after the news was anouced that the coroner´s inquest into the death would start tomorrow I´m very pleased that the inquest opening tomorrow comes so promptly after this tragic event I am confident that the verdicts will fully vindicate the police - The Allen family are - Any more details about the suicide? and therefore have been very fortunate in being able to secure the services of a professional barrister.
No-one is on trial.
We are not investigating a crime, but a death.
It´s our job, yours and mine, to decide how Anthony Allen came to die in police custody.
One word of warning.
You may be asked to study some distressing photographs, taken both at the time of the young man´s death and at the autopsy.
I consider the viewing of these pictures to be vital as an aid to reaching your decisión.
It must have taken a great deal of determination to strangle himself in such a way.
Well, I don´t know about that, sir.
Well, Professor Bream thought so.
He thought that Tony Allen may have taken "rather a long time to die".
You did make your checks every 15 minutes, didn´t you? - 30 minutes, sir.
- Oh, yes.
Because it´s checks every 15 minutes for prisoners at risk, and of course, you had decided Tony Allen wasn´t at risk, hadn´t you? Mrs Duhra Why was the flap left open? Because the prisoner requested that it be left open, sir.
Why? To let in some fresh air.
Because he couldn´t breathe? Because he was claustrophobic? I don´t know, sir.
No, I don´t suppose you do.
If, as you say, he refused the offer of a solicitor - He did, sir.
why did you not make sure that some responsible adult was with him? His father, for example, who was in reception almost the whole time.
Because there was no need.
But his mental health was of concern to you, was it not? - No, sir, it wasn´t.
- Shame! But we can see from the custody record that you called a doctor at 9:15pm.
So, you must have been concerned.
But he didn´t arrive, did he? Till after 1 am.
Didn´t you think to call another doctor? I was busy.
A boy loses his life because you were busy? Please, Mrs Duhra.
Doctor or no doctor, you had it in your power to send Tony Allen to hospital.
With hindsight, Sergeant, would you not agree that you made a series of ill-judged, not to say fatal, decisions? Yes, I I made mistakes.
I I admit it.
For God´s sake, man, don´t cry about it.
It´s Muddyman.
I´m at the hospital.
David Harvey died at 7:30 this evening.
God! This investigation is turning into a graveyard.
How did it go today? Oh, well.
Tomorrow´s another day, eh? Bye.
Would you say the interviews were carried out in accordance with PACE regulations? Yes, ma´am.
You made no attempt to bully or pressurise Tony Allen? Sergeant Oswalde do you hold a Higher National Diploma for psychology? - Yes, ma´am.
- Passed with distinction? - Yes, ma´am.
- Look who´s here.
It is my intention to call an expert witness in a moment - a professor of forensic psychology.
But before I do so, I would like to read you some of Tony Allen´s last recorded words before you had him returned to his cell and ask you for your assessment.
Tony: "I´m choking.
" You: "No, you´re not.
" Tony: "I´m choking.
I can´t breathe.
" You: "There´s nothing wrong with you.
" Tony: "I´m dirt.
I´m dirt in everyone´s mouth, choking them, my life is dirt.
" You: "This is pointless.
I´m putting you back in the cells.
" Tony: "My life´s a cell.
I´m trapped.
So much earth, and mud.
" Earth to earth dust to dust.
" In the cold light of day, Sergeant, how would you assess Tony´s mental state? From that I´d say he was hysterical.
Obsessed with death? - Yes.
- In despair? Yes.
Suffering from claustrophobia? - Possibly.
- Yet you had him returned to his cell.
His ten-foot by six-foot cell.
You had an exemplary record, Sergeant.
Could it be that, in some subtle way, you were being tougher harder, on this black suspect because you too are black? I´m afraid your question is too subtle for me.
Turning, then, to the attack Tony is alleged to have made on you Do you intend to question Sergeant Oswalde for much longer, Mrs Duhra? That rather depends on his replies, sir.
Then I should like to adjourn for the day.
The court will resume at ten tomorrow morning.
All rise.
What was the Commander doing there? The verdict has to be suicide.
Anything else is unthinkable.
While, meanwhile, Duhra´s projecting my station as a hotbed of racism and brutality.
Well, I can kiss my promotion goodbye, thanks to two black bastards.
- I beg your pardon? - Well, you know what I mean.
No, I don´t.
Oh, for God´s sake I´m sorry just to show up like this, but I needed to talk to someone.
Someone? You.
I just don´t know what happened - you know, that night.
When she read that stuff back to me today, it was obvious that Tony Allen was at risk.
And I´d bullied him.
Why? Perhaps they´re right.
Perhaps I am a coconut.
Yeah, I heard them shouting that.
What does that mean? A coconut.
A Bounty bar.
Brown on the outside, white on the inside.
I should have thought it was a bit more complex than that.
Do you think I´m responsible for his death? No, I don´t.
But it´s what you think that matters.
I think I as good as killed him.
I´ve got to go.
You can stay if you want.
No, I´d better go.
Call me if you want to talk.
All right? Thanks.
Take care.
And at 11:20pm you interrupted Sergeant Oswalde, and asked to have a word.
You were concerned with the way that Sergeant Oswalde was conducting the interview? No, ma´am.
You weren´t concerned for Tony Allen´s safety or wellbeing? No.
Then why the need for "a word"? I thought the particular line of questioning was proving fruitless.
I wanted to suggest another approach to Sergeant Oswalde.
I see.
So, nothing in Tony Allen´s behaviour gave you cause for concern? No.
Nothing at all, ma´am.
What happened to Tony Allen came as a complete surprise to me.
And a shock.
Mr Peters, you were in the cell next door to Tony Allen on the night he died? Yes, miss.
Did you see or hear anything that is relevant to this inquest? I saw the body.
They didn´t want me to.
They were trying to move me, but I saw it lying on the cell floor.
I see.
Anything else? Yes, miss.
I heard the prisoner sobbing, trying to tell the police that he couldn´t breathe.
I heard some policemen kicking on his cell door, telling him to shut up.
- And then I heard him threaten them.
- Threaten them? What exactly did he threaten them with? Killing himself.
If they didn´t let him out of his cell.
He threatened to kill himself? Go on.
Well, I heard a police officer - I´m not sure which one - shouting at him.
And what did the police officer shout? "Go on, then, Nig-nog - hang yourself.
" Quiet.
They were all shouting, "Do it! Do it, do it! " Sidney Peters, can you tell the members of the jury how you came to be occupying the cell next to Anthony Allen on the night he died? I´d been arrested, sir.
For being drunk, sir.
Mr Peters, is it true that you´re a member of Narcotics Anonymous? Yes, sir.
Perhaps you´d like to tell the members of the jury why that is.
Because, ladies and gentlemen, I used to be addicted to various narcotic substances.
Thank you, Mr Peters.
Who is this? And why should I want to read that rag? I think you´ll find something in it to amuse you.
Now, promise me you´ll buy it.
Who is this? Well, it´s a threat, isn´t it? From Jason.
He´s the photographer.
Of course I´m going to court.
I wouldn´t give them the satisfaction.
But someone needs to warn Oswalde.
- What? - Page 5.
Cup of tea, please, mate.
Egg and bacon, sausage Beans, toast and a fried slice.
That explains it, don´t it? Why the boss was so keen to take your side when Tony topped himself.
So, tell me.
What´s she like? She do tricks? I bet she loves it on top, doesn´t she? Go on, tell me.
Shit! All rise.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the time has come for you to withdraw and consider your verdict.
But before you do, I should like to offer you some advice.
There are a number of possible verdicts but I think, under the circumstances, you should focus your attentions on just three.
Unlawful killing.
I´m sorry about that tabloid shit.
So am I.
I received these this morning.
From the same source, I´d say.
No look at them in private.
- Have you agreed a verdict? - We have.
The verdict is suicide.
He wouldn´t kill himself.
Never! He had no reason.
He was getting married this weekend! He loved his daughter, his family.
He was always a happy boy.
He would never kill himself! He had no reason! - Richard - Yes, boss? Start again with the caravan sites.
Start with Clacton, and any others within the postal district.
And then work out along the Essex coast from there.
Fast, please.
- Have you seen this? - Clacton.
Everyone else, start working "Lovely Donna from Clacton.
" It´s you, innit? - What? - In the paper.
You´re Donna.
Dirty sod! Sarah, phone.
- Who is it? - I don´t know.
- All right.
Thank you, Doctor.
- Hello? Oh.
It´s not a good time to call.
Hang on a sec.
We can´t let him get away with this, Sarah.
He can´t turn us into his victims as well.
All right.
But off the record.
I´m not giving evidence.
No, tonight, please.
All right.
I can probably make it around seven.
Thank you very much.
Double-sweet! Shangri-frigging-la! Walton-on-the-Naze.
- Where the helI´s that? - Christ knows.
- Richard, Walton-on-the-Naze.
- Got any street maps? There.
And how long will it take to get there? This time of day, about three and a half hours.
I want Oswalde to go.
Inform the local plod.
Tell them to sit tight till he gets there.
Why Oswalde? Because I say so.
Lay All Your Love On Me - Oi! - There you go, Sandy.
Try them on.
Go on, then.
Come through.
One of you stay at the site manager´s office and keep an eye out.
The other two join me at the van.
I haven´t got a key.
Can we have some of them poppadoms? This is a Chinese restaurant, Sandy.
I know.
I´ll order for us, eh? No need to worry your pretty little head.
Bloody hell.
Can you wait outside, please? We´ll just have to sit tight until he arrives.
I think, when it was really bad he heard voices.
I know he dreamed of Joanne night after night.
Always the same dream.
That she´d been buried alive.
He could hear these muffled screams.
He couldn´t bear to be alone.
Confined spaces petrified him.
If only I´d have been around, I could have explained, but Mum and Pop just wouldn´t believe that there was anything wrong with him.
Sarah you could still help, by giving us a statement about what happened.
He never had a girlfriend.
No-one was more surprised than me when Esta came onto the scene.
I don´t suppose it would have lasted, if she hadn´t become pregnant.
Sarah, please Sorry.
I thought only circus people lived in caravans.
- Oh, I am with the circus.
- Yeah, you´re a clown! No, I´m a knife-thrower.
In fact, I´m looking for a new assistant.
What happened to your last one? Did you miss one night? No.
I never miss.
She just got too old.
That´s all.
All her arse was hanging out of her costume.
Urgh! I like a nice, young arse.
Tight little arse.
- Like yours.
- Dirty sod! Same again, cock.
Was this the room that Tony was interviewed in? No, love, no.
- People of his type - Disgusting.
What did you say? Eh? My type? What´s my type, then, eh? Eh? Yeah, all right, all right.
Calm down.
Come on, darlin´.
I was at home with Pop until Tony got back.
That was just before nine, as arranged.
As soon as Pop had gone, Tony said he had to go out for a while.
Of course, he wasn´t supposed to, so we started arguing.
I watched him go back out to a girl who was waiting for him.
Tony must have got Pop´s keys from somewhere, because they went next door.
Into Harvey´s house? Yes.
Joanne was looking for a flat to rent, and Tony told her about Harvey´s basement - about how his father owned it, and all that.
I followed them and watched.
They went into the bedroom together.
They kissed.
They lay on the bed together.
I watched for a while, it made me feel odd.
But I was 13 and curious, I suppose.
Then I saw Jason come in.
I had I had quite a crush on Jason at that time.
Tony was pissed off to see me, but I wouldn´t go.
Tony and Joanne were dancing together.
Jason was watching them, encouraging them, telling them to kiss.
Just get my key.
It´s too big, look.
Can´t get it in.
Jason found a Polaroid camera.
Jason took photographs.
Hang on.
There we go.
- I Feel Love - So, why don´t you make yourself at home? This is the studio.
I´ve got my darkroom in another van.
Then Jason started making suggestions.
What kind of suggestions? That we should undress.
Encouraging Tony to touch Joanne.
I could see Jason was getting turned on by it.
We were all turned on in a way, but He ran out of film after about ten pictures, but he wouldn´t stop.
He became more serious, more insistent.
- Ow! - Hey, whoa, I´m sorry.
All right? Look, I´m I´m sorry.
Joanne was scared.
Tony tried to stop him.
But Jason got angry.
More angry than I´ve ever seen anyone.
He went completely wild.
He punched Joanne in the face.
Her mouth was bleeding.
He broke a bottle.
I really believed he´d use it.
He made Tony tie some tights - they were my tights - around Joanne´s mouth.
Jason took off his belt and tied Joanne´s hands behind her back.
Don´t be afraid, eh? Nothing to worry about.
It´s the punters.
They love a bit of bondage.
I won´t tie you too tight.
It´s all acting, really.
I don´t like it.
- Course you do.
- Don´t.
He raped her there in front of us.
He held the broken bottle over her face, and we did nothing.
We stood and watched Joane was choking on the gag and we stood and watched When it was all over he warned us that we were guilty too That he had the photographs to prove it.
He let us leave.
We didn´t know what to do.
The dreadful thing was that we just left Joanne there.
We weren´t even sure whether she was dead or not.
The following night, I heard noises in next-door´s garden.
When I looked out my window, I saw Jason and Harvey digging.
They were putting the earth into sacks and Jason was taking them somewhere to dump.
I guessed why but I couldn´t look after that.
My nightmare was the sound of those shovels.
The following morning I told Tony and we took an oath together never to tell a soul.
The next time I made myself look from my bedroom window, all the slabs were in place.
Not a sign that anything had happened.
Sometimes I could almost believe that it hadn´t.
Until she was dug up again.
It was an awful secret that we carried around with us.
Oh, God What am I gonna do without him? Without Tony.
Hey, it´s all right.
It´s all right.
I´m a policeman.
Get away from here! Jason! Jason! Jason! Black bastard! Come on, nigger.
Come on, run, you black nigger! Black bastard! Nigger bastard.
Come on! Come on, then, you black bastard! Black bastard! You black bastard! Black nigger! Jason Reynolds, I´m arresting you on suspición of the murder of Joanne Fagunwa.
You do not have to say anything, but anything you do say may be given in evidence.
Nigger! Come on, nigger! Kill me! Come on.
Nigger! Nigger! Thanks for the show the other night.
Just your scene, eh? Nice bit of beef.
Eh? Nice black tubesteak up your stank! Look, this is not official, you understand, but under the circumstances I think it appropriate to give you a little taster.
My recommendation is that disciplinary papers are served on Calder, DI Burkin and DS Oswalde.
I am critical of the way the station was run.
Procedures need to be tightened up.
Too many canteen cowboys.
But I find no-one to blame for the death of Tony Allen.
Clearly, David, you´re the right man to sort this station out.
And of course, congratulations to you too, Mike.
Nailing Jason Reynolds, and getting the move upstairs.
I shall have to give you the name of my tailor.
He´s particularly adroit at disguising any tendency towards the middle-age spread.
Oh, thank you, sir.
Do you intend to do anything about this press story, sir? Oh, let it blow over.
Oswalde´s back at West End Lane? Yes, sir.
And besides, Tennison´s a bloody good detective.
But one who´s displayed a considerable lack of judgement.
I think you know what I mean.
Well, I don´t think there´s any doubt that Jason Reynolds is going away for a long time.
The CPS has informed me that they´re not going to press charges against anyone else.
So, well done.
Right, now, I´m off to the pub, where I´d like to buy each and every one of you an extremely large drink.
That won´t be necessary, Jane.
Perhaps I can take this opportunity to make an announcement.
Mr Kernan here will from now on be known to you all as Chief Superintendent Kernan.
I´m also very pleased to be able to introduce his successor here at Southampton Row: Superintendent Thorndike.
Thank you, Commander.
I realise that I may have made a few enemies, carrying out the investigation on behalf of MS-15.
So, the best thing is to clear the air straightaway.
If anyone thinks it´s gonna be a problem for them, get in the way of the smooth running of the station, then they should apply for a transfer immediately.
And since we´re all about to go off duty, just to prove I have a lighter side, I´ve arranged for us all to have a drink to mark the occasión.
Round the back.
- So, I didn´t even merit an interview? - Jane Sir, could I have a word with you, please? Official or unofficial? - Official.
- Jane, it can wait, surely? No, it can´t wait.
You´ll have my formal request for a transfer first thing in the morning.
Very well.

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