Whitstable Pearl (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

Night Terrors

Yeah, of course.
Okay. Tim, you nutter.
To what do I owe the pleasure?
Uh yeah, I've got five.
Yeah, I've got five minutes.
I'm gonna go upstairs for something.
Yep, okay.
I broke my leg when I was a kid.
All my friends signed my cast.
It was kind of great.
Sometimes I fantasize
about it happening again.
I'd get a few weeks off work.
Watch some box sets. Learn a language.
I suppose I'm saying you should
see this as an opportunity.
When people ask, what do you
want me to tell them?
Say you broke your leg at work?
Did you see that?
It's probably a prank.
- It's stealing.
- So phone the police.
Yeah, I will.
You know, last week I was
investigating a kidnapping.
Now look at me.
I'm calling in a stolen garden gnome.
This is gonna be tough.
No work. Just you and your thoughts.
Try not to dwell on them.
Find something to keep yourself busy.
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
Have a good day. I love you.
See you later.
I'm gonna kill him.
Have you thought about couples therapy?
Nah, I'm gonna chop his balls off.
Alright. Well, before
you do that, Kelly,
why don't you tell me
why you think he's cheating?
I go to bed early.
When he thinks I'm asleep he creeps out.
Doesn't come back till the early hours.
Have you tried talking to him?
I mean, why don't you ask him
where he's going?
I don't want him to think I'm paranoid.
We've only just moved in together.
I'm keeping the crazy in.
Okay, well, um
I'll follow him, then,
see where he's going.
But only if you're really sure
you wanna know.
Stuart said he hit
the jackpot when he met me.
I thought the same thing.
I don't wanna kill him. I love him.
But if he's cheating on me
I swear to God, I'm gonna kick
his lovely little head in.
Which service do you require?
Police, please.
Nikki, I know what I saw.
He suffers from night terrors.
He sees giant spiders and
hooded assassins in his sleep.
His eyes were wide open.
His eyes remain open
during the night terror.
He can move around, talk.
Sometimes he can be violent.
But he is still asleep.
- And he's got no memory of it?
- His wife backed him up.
She knows how to reassure him.
They've got it all under control.
Maybe they should try sleeping pills?
They don't believe
in medicating the problem.
I said there's something
called wasting police time.
And I don't believe in that.
Uh, you telling them or me?
Please, stop snooping on your neighbors.
Just enjoy your time off.
See you later.
You didn't have to come, you know.
It might be a long night.
What if he's not just a cheat?
What if he's an ax murderer?
It's my job to look out for you.
Well, say he is an ax murderer.
What are you gonna do?
Put him in detention?
I might.
If he's really disappointed me.
Have you ever cheated on anyone?
Wow. Direct question.
It's early days between us, you know.
You're supposed to be
keeping the crazy in.
Oh, I think that ship
has sailed, don't you?
Have you, though?
No, have you?
When I was married,
I got close to someone at work.
A teacher?
Did she lock you in the maths cupboard?
- Ha ha.
- Take advantage of you.
- It wasn't like that.
- Like what?
- Physical.
- Oh.
We didn't, you know
We didn't even kiss.
My therapist called it
"emotional infidelity."
Sounds hot.
We shared things.
Hopes. Doubts. Secrets.
There he is.
I'm not proud of it.
Well, give yourself a break.
It sounds like nothing happened.
Yeah, but it did, though, didn't it?
It was intense and intimate.
It was just wrong.
- We're gonna follow him.
- Wait a sec.
I just want you to know
I will never do that again.
I know.
Does it ever get you down,
chasing cheats?
Well, sometimes you do find evidence
that ends a relationship.
But mostly it's just a misunderstanding.
And those are the best,
when you save a relationship.
Like this time. Stuart's not a cheat.
He's a trainspotter.
Is that worse?
He's cheating on his wife.
- The night terror fella.
- So what?
Well, don't you think
it's a little bit suspicious?
It's none of my business.
Right, just hear me out, alright?
Alright, this better be good.
First of all, he stole a unicorn.
Oh, my God.
- Hi.
- Pearl. It's me.
I need you to see something.
That's Noah.
- And he has nightmares?
- Night terrors.
He jumps around, screams,
attacks his wife.
All in his sleep.
What, and he has no memory of it?
Well, so he says.
And that's his wife, Maddie.
She vouched for him
to the police, but
You're not buying it?
Nah. And Jimi lives there.
And Jimi's a unicorn?
No. Jimi's a DFL.
I'll come back to the unicorn.
Jimi works in the city.
Only comes back at weekends.
Now, he's given Noah a key
so he can go and feed the fish.
Ah, right, but Noah's using it
as a shag pad.
Well, you've done your research.
How do you know
all your neighbors' names?
Well, I say hello.
Bit of neighborly small talk
every now and then.
Alright. I avoid them at all costs.
But I'm a detective.
I who my neighbors are.
Alright, that's Grace.
She takes in Jimi's parcels
when he's not there.
Now, Noah, he stole her unicorn.
He just hopped over the fence
and took it.
Okay, never mind about the unicorn.
Look. I took these photos.
I know where this ends.
I've seen it a hundred times.
Abusive husbands
who think they can take out
all their frustrations on their wives.
- She looks terrified.
- Yeah.
And at this stage it's difficult for
the police to intervene, so I need help.
You in?
Well, you might not thank me
when you find out what my fees are.
I was thinking we'd have a trial period.
Well, it's the weekend, innit?
I'm on double time.
- Hi! It's only me.
- Hey.
Hi, Pearl. You look nice.
Oh, thanks.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Oh, I, um, went to the shop
and I got you some soups.
It's fuel for your stakeout.
Oh, you didn't have to do that.
You staying?
Saturday night with the Stasi?
- I think I'll pass.
- Right.
It looks like a hotbed
of criminality over there.
Well, I'd say good luck.
But that would mean you're right
and your neighbor is planning
on murdering his wife.
So I hope you're wrong
and that you have a boring
and uneventful evening.
What are you up to?
Karaoke with the girls.
- Oh.
- Oh, yeah, have a good night.
You're gonna join us
when you're better, eh?
Really? I didn't know you did karaoke.
What's your song?
It's power ballads.
I'll see you later.
- Alright.
- Bye, Pearl.
- Bye.
- Love to Tom.
- Yeah. Have fun.
- Thank you.
- See ya.
- Bye.
She's alright, isn't she, me being here?
Yeah. Yeah. Kat's cool.
She knows this is just work. It's fine.
Yeah. Of course, yeah.
You hungry?
I could heat those soups up.
we could get a Chinese?
Yeah, go on.
Pearl stood you up?
She's 'round at Mike's.
Oh, well done, you.
Most people would feel threatened.
By Mike?
Nah. Trust me.
Not Pearl's type.
She likes a laugh, and between us,
Mike's a bit of a Debbie Downer.
Oh, I wouldn't say that.
Would you, Ruby?
I'd say he's more
the strong silent type.
Yeah, because he can't
think of any words.
No. It's He's
- Mysterious.
- That's it.
Strong, silent, mysterious.
- Like James Bond.
- Mm.
This is a wind-up.
Yeah. You got me.
Mike's not exactly a catch, is he?
I mean, he's literally lame!
James Bond, licensed to hobble.
I know you don't wanna talk about it.
But I have gotta ask.
What, my leg?
Was you injured in the line of duty?
Something like that.
Well, Kat has sworn
the swimming group to secrecy.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, said it was classified.
Case of national security.
Made you out like a hero.
Well, she can put
a positive spin on anything.
Well, that's a good quality.
I know, just
We're just different that way.
Uh, yeah.
That's her way of dealing
with everything, you know?
Look forward, not back.
Did she lose her partner, too?
I'm sorry.
Is that what you're doing?
Looking forwards?
Yeah, I'm trying.
Go on, then, tell me how you did it.
Was it foiling a heist?
Or tackling a terrorist?
I was at work, actually.
- Sort of.
- Okay.
It was the police
five-a-side tournament.
Well, who did it? Some monster of a cop?
Wake up, Mike. Wake up.
- Hmm?
- He's up, look.
He's got a knife.
Right, we've gotta do something!
- I'm gonna go 'round there.
- No, no, no, no.
- What?
- Wait. I'm calling the police.
- Mike!
- Wait.
What was that?
I told you. Something weird's going on.
Is that definitely a night terror?
What if it wasn't?
- What do you mean?
- What if he isn't asleep?
We don't know for sure.
You're saying he's awake?
If he is asleep,
that's odd and dangerous.
If he's awake, then he's conscious.
And he's thinking
about killing his wife.
You forgot your passport.
It's my word against hers.
It's your word against Mia Adler.
But here's the problem.
Now it's your word
against Clemmie Dixon,
- Rochelle Dorsey.
- Yeah, alright.
And they're all saying the same thing.
That you sexually harassed them.
Well, you're the lawyer.
What are you saying?
They're going to revoke
your pilot's license, so
what else do you know how to do?
Justice? What does that mean?
It's all about sexual harassment
in the workplace.
Calling out predators.
So, now he's been sexually
harassing flight attendants.
- Yeah, and he got sacked for it.
- And he hasn't told Maddie.
No. And he dresses up
as a pilot every day
and pretends to go to work.
While really he's next door with her.
Yeah, and that's Lois.
And she's the only flight attendant
- that still believes in him.
- God knows why.
Oh. Hold on.
This guy.
Follow Lois.
- On it.
- Yeah.
Here you are, spare key so you
can let yourself in and out.
- I'll call you later.
- Alright.
Here, Pearl.
You're not bad at this.
I know.
Double time, remember?
Oh, no.
- What are you doing?
- What?
He didn't?
And you didn't?
'Cause listen, Pearl.
I watched him having lunch
the other day,
and he ate his burger
with a knife and fork.
- Who?
- Tom!
Well, he's got manners!
Oh. You think because I'm
Please tell me you're not.
Oh, no. We are, actually.
Yeah, we're gonna go to Vegas,
dress up as Elvis and Priscilla.
Don't even joke about it.
And you're not invited!
Yeah, 'course I'm sure.
I mean, she's barley showing,
but she's pregnant.
Noah's the father.
Yeah, and they're getting married.
- Well, Lois thinks they are.
- Right.
Hang on. Yeah?
I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed.
Alright, yeah.
Pearl, sorry, go on.
And I've checked the deeds for the flat,
and it's in Maddie's name.
And Noah doesn't own the flat.
No, but if she died, he'd inherit it.
So he's out of work. He's skint.
He's planning on remarrying.
Yeah, and he's got a kid on the way.
- That's motive.
- Mm.
What are they up to now?
They're arguing.
Jimi's back for the weekend,
struggling with a flat pack.
Grace has been on the vodka.
Maybe she's celebrating
getting her unicorn back.
Poor Jimi.
Night, then.
Yeah, night.
And the blinds have been shut
for a whole day?
And the curtains drawn the whole time.
And no one's been out?
How bad was this argument?
It was bad.
Smashed plates. Broken glass.
Noah punched the wall in.
We should call the police.
We do that, Nikki'll break my other leg.
Something's happened!
I'm I'm gonna go over there.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
No, Pearl, Pearl, wait!
Pearl! Pearl!
Meter reading.
Jesus Christ.
No, no, no, no.
Oh, Pearl.
Maddie said she woke up,
Noah was standing over her.
And he was holding the kitchen knife.
Not for the first time.
Yeah, well, she's still
in shock, obviously,
but she's not sure what happened next.
It's a bit of a blur.
She thinks it was a night terror.
He attacks her with a kitchen knife.
There's a scuffle.
She tries to grab the knife.
And when they're
grappling for it, she stabs him.
So it's self-defense, an accident.
It's looking that way.
The photos are gonna help.
So, I'm glad you broke your leg.
I don't buy any of this.
He was cheating on her.
His girlfriend was pregnant.
He had motive to kill her.
She said it was a night terror.
She's heartbroken.
I guess we'll never know.
Either way, you tried to warn me.
And now someone's dead.
- Nikki.
- It's okay.
I'm owning it.
I'm just relieved
it wasn't Maddie, you know?
Hi, Maddie. It's Pearl.
I'll buzz you in.
I didn't think your mind
would be on cooking.
So I made you a fish pie.
Oh, thanks.
That's nice of you.
How are you?
Uh, oh, I don't know.
Just taking it a day at a time.
I'm gonna speak to someone.
Well, don't rush anything.
Take your time.
They're getting on well.
Oh, it's Jimi and Grace.
Falling in love over garden ornaments.
Oh, there's Mike.
When he moved in,
I remember people saying,
"Oh, no, you've got the Old Bill
watching your every move."
I didn't think much of it.
But now it's
I'm glad he was here.
I-I'm glad you were both there.
It's comforting.
To think there's someone
looking out for you.
Thanks, Pearl.
Where to now? Another bar?
The railway bridge.
A new high speed's coming through.
Oh. Right.
Yeah, I'm getting into it,
the trainspotting.
We get a bit of QT while we're waiting.
When it's cold, we cuddle up.
You know, it's better
than what I thought.
- I'm glad.
- Well, I'm glad, too.
I didn't kill him before I came to you!
Keep the crazy in, Kelly.
Oh, we're past all that.
We're trainspotters.
The crazy is out!
Oh, look at him.
So cute.
But that wouldn't have saved him.
If he'd been cheating,
I'd have killed him.
I would! I'd have carved him up.
I'll see you later.
Um, Pearl brought this 'round.
And, uh, it was just too much
for one person.
So I thought you might want some.
I could heat it up for you.
Oh, th-there's no need. Really.
No, it's just
It's just to say thanks.
Yeah, come in.
- Um
- Oh, uh, kitchen's
- just on your left there.
- Oh.
Sorry about the mess.
I wasn't expecting anyone.
No, no, it's, um
You alright?
Yeah. Yeah.
- Um
- How you doing?
Oh, you know, just
good days and bad.
Yeah, I know the feeling.
It's just strange being at home.
They're finally getting together.
Yeah. Falling in love
over garden ornaments.
That's what, um, Jimi called them.
Grace corrected him.
Apparently they're, um,
solar mood animals.
They were laughing about it.
What, you can hear 'em through the wall?
I went 'round to see Maddie earlier
and I could see you in your apartment
even though the lights were off.
I think she knew.
I think she knew you were watching.
Yeah. Go on.
I went 'round to take her
some food, right?
- Fish pie.
- Yeah.
And I could hear Grace next door
at Jimi's.
You could hear everything.
Maddie must've known.
She must have been able to hear
Noah when he was with Lois.
She knew they were having an affair.
What if we got it wrong?
We said that Noah was using
the night terrors
as a cover for murder,
but what if it was Maddie?
She knew you were watching.
And she knew we'd back up her story.
I think she's playing us.
I'm gonna call the police.
Yeah, good idea.
Wait, how did you know
it was a fish pie?
And why are you whispering?
You don't have to tell anyone.
Noah was a cheat.
He He was a liar.
He He was a horrible person.
Y-You know about
the sexual assault accusations.
He thought he could get away
with anything.
- Look.
- He must've known I could hear.
Not necessarily.
I mean, Jimi lived on his own.
He He was barely there.
Noah was with her next door.
Next door to our home.
You imagine how that felt.
So don't.
Just don't tell anyone.
Who was on the phone?
The police?
Maddie, I know what you've done.
Maddie, put it down.
Don't make this worse.
It's alright.
It's okay, it's okay.
Give it to me.
- I'm sorry.
- Okay.
It's over.
You alright?
It's been, um
Yeah. It has, yeah.
I'd better go.
- I'll see you later.
- Alright.
She saved your bacon, mate.
Disarming a murderer.
She's something else.
Yeah, she is.
Your statement can wait till tomorrow.
Get some rest.
See ya.
So you saved Mike's life.
No. She was pretty scared.
I don't think she'd have done anything.
Oh, come on. You completely
took down a killer.
And you solved the case for him.
Well, we did it together.
Mm, no. You're being modest.
- We did.
- You figured everything out.
The thin walls, the way she
could see Mike the whole time.
What did he do?
Apart from invite the killer inside
and nearly get himself murdered.
Yeah. You're right.
- It was mostly me.
- Mm.
But it's all done now, alright,
this case?
The, um The late-night stakeouts.
Yeah. The case is closed.
Do you think about it often,
being a cop again?
All the time.
Well, Mike ought to be worried.
'Cause you'd have his job in no time.
I don't get it.
She looks happy.
She is happy.
Tom's a-a nice guy.
Just, uh, give him a chance.
Come on.
If I was a racehorse, they'd shoot me.
That's the spirit.
Come on.
There you go!
You're doing it!
You're back in action.
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