Secrets of Summer (2022) s02e04 Episode Script

Cielo abierto

[dramatic music playing]
Tony! You aren't even
gonna say goodbye to Luz?
She isn't thinking clearly.
And you won't even compete.
There's nothing for me here.
Why don't you focus
on what we're doing next?
What do you mean by that?
Like, after the summer, I'd like for us
to continue training together.
- Are you sure?
- Of course I am.
And with Luz,
you can't just walk away like this.
Like she's not important.
Steffi! Steff
Tony, what are you doing?
Are you leaving?
- [somber music playing]
- [birds singing]
Canceled. This one too.
Canceled, canceled.
Just cancel it all!
Acacias, willows, these poplars
Ehh, we have to cut down around 400 trees.
Anyway, I'll pass on our formal proposal
after to buy all this wood.
That's excellent.
And the sooner the better.
[dramatic music swells, fades]
Soon as you pay me for what's there,
we'll get it all in less than a week.
Perfect. All that forest has to go.
Thirty cabins, six hydros, and two pools.
And the main one? Infinity.
[horn blowing]
Nicky, Vicky, Buchi, Mechi!
Hello, ladies. I've got something for you.
Repeat after me.
We love our swimming pools.
[all] We our love swimming pools.
Ladies, really sell it!
We love our swimming pools!
- [all] We our love swimming pools!
- That's it!
Perfect. Sir, please step this way.
Ready? Action.
The idea is to renovate everything.
What do you think, girls?
[all] We our love swimming pools!
The rustic style is no more.
The rustic style was
Wait a minute. Pause it for a second.
Should I later dub it in Italian
or in Spanish?
- Spanish.
- Italian.
- Italian?
- Spanish.
Uh I wanted to apologize.
I want you to know
that I wasn't laughing at you.
It It's just that
sometimes my laughter
[snorts, laughs]
I want you to know
that I'll never laugh again.
It's just that sometimes I didn't
I just don't
I didn't I don't I can't control it.
It just does that.
[all laughing]
[laughter continues]
All right, we gotta finish the scenery,
and then upload a couple of stories
to promote the place.
Uh, we also have to recruit
a volunteer or two to play with us.
- I'm already nervous!
- Don't stress. I'll film the stories.
Okay, uh
Charlie calling Julián.
[clears throat] Are you there?
Yeah, unfortunately.
Why unfortunately? Explain yourself.
Well, I'm here, but not.
I don't even know
why I broke up with Steffi.
You went too zen and put yourself
in the friend zone, my man.
I don't think zen
goes very well with love, man.
Let's see.
A couple of days ago,
there was a fire between you, right?
- [Julián] Mm.
- And what comes after a fire?
- Smoke?
- No, the embers.
And if there are embers,
the fire can be recovered.
But it takes something.
- You know what that is?
- Paper?
[laughs] No!
It's oxygen.
[Steffi] Just thinking
Julián might be our brother
makes my stomach hurt.
- [Luz sighs]
- Yeah.
Hey, should we take a break
from training for today?
No, I want to.
We can't waste a single day here.
Besides, it's good
to keep our minds busy. So no.
Okay, but you have to promise me
that you're gonna be using
all 100% of your focus.
Okay. I will.
In that case,
today we start writing our history
as a coach and competitor.
- To our very best!
- Our very best!
Oh, but if you give it your best,
you'll be left with nothing,
Jelly Navarro!
Yeah, we'll see who's left with nothing!
[scoffs] Don't listen to her. Let's go.
- Our very best.
- [Luz] Our very best.
[dramatic music playing]
Santi, at least hide it a little bit.
I can see you drooling.
Not at all. I'm analyzing her strategy.
You are the reason I'm here.
[snickers] Obviously.
[Steffi] You're gonna do great, okay?
[energetic music playing]
[dramatic music resumes]
If it's gonna be like this all the time,
Natasha's gonna take first place for sure.
Don't claim victory just yet.
I've got lots of surprises.
You know me, I love your surprises.
Looking forward to it.
A word of advice.
It's the basics with Luz.
She's not bad.
She just needs to be
a bit more consistent.
Sorry. The ending's wrong.
- What happens is that I have to change
- Don't worry.
Make sure you put the board
a little before you reach the kicker,
and then pull the handlebars
to start the rotation.
Back to the basics. You gotta learn
to walk before you can run.
Okay, back to the basics.
I'll try it right away.
- What happened with Santi? What'd he say?
- Nothing important.
Uh, breakfast is from
nine o'clock to about 10:30.
The use of the cable
for training is by reservation.
And I'll be here for any questions.
- Amazing. Thank you so much, Charlie.
- You're welcome.
Oh, and, uh, we have a show tonight.
Would you like to join us on stage?
Uh, we're looking for some
more musicians and, well,
it should be fun.
I'm down for sure, but on stage? No way.
Any musicians around here?
We need more musicians.
- Show's at Waterloop.
- Hey there!
- Hey! What's up, lady?
- How's it going?
Good trip? Emily!
- How are you?
- It looks like we have plans tonight.
What plans?
Uh, well, I'm trying to recruit
more musicians for the show.
- It's tonight.
- Well, I wanna join.
Do I have to audition?
- No, of course not! Oh! [groans]
- [laughs]
- You good?
- Totally.
- [Antonio] What's up?
- [Charlie] Tony!
I seem to be missing out on all the fun.
You gonna join us
for the show? 'Cause I am.
Okay, then I guess it looks like
we're sharing the stage.
Hey! Everybody all aboard
the fun train! Great!
Next stop, the abandoned theater.
Ladies, let me finish helping you.
Look at this.
This cable loop here is very short.
As soon as you come out of the curve,
you have to be ready for the kicker.
One of the problems I'm seeing
is you're cutting in way too late
heading into the kicker.
I'll need to focus your training
so you can get a more progressive cut.
What we need to work on
is progressiveness
and control the cut into the kicker.
[dramatic music playing]
- [Steffi] It turns on?
- Yeah, it seems to be working.
I don't know if we should be
going through her phone.
I want to know the truth.
I want to know who my dad is.
Let's see
[scoffs] it keeps asking me for a PIN.
- What do you think it could it be?
- Let's see.
[Steffi] Why those numbers?
Well, that was my mom's old password.
But I I dunno, it's not it.
- What about our birthday?
- I'll try.
November 25th
[scoffs] Not it.
There must be another way to do this.
Well, we could always ask Grandma.
You could ask. Maybe Rita could help you.
Could help us!
Do you really think Julián is our brother?
[light pop music playing]
That's the landing we're looking for.
That move was solid.
Well, that's nothing new.
[Santiago chuckles]
You were always very good.
That's undeniable.
But now I see you much more complete.
Your attitude, your style
You have a certain elegance.
Hey. Does my hair look good?
Great. [chuckles]
Natasha, I wrote a little poem for you.
Can I sit here?
Of course. Sit down.
Let's hear it.
[Fer clears throat]
You're the lost girl
Who's crossed my path
It's just that you haven't realized
We have the same destiny
When I see you within my dreams
I follow your footsteps
And on my way
I dance and sing our destiny
Thank you so much.
Uh, it's just beautiful.
And very sweet. It's so sweet.
- It's very sweet, right?
- Yes.
- Oh, totally.
- Thank you so much.
Well, it's a little strange you repeat
"the same destiny" and "our destiny."
But very nice, Fer.
[Steffi] No, but super sweet.
Really. Thank you.
Bro, I was looking for you.
I need us to be a team again, bro.
I miss you.
Yeah, I miss you too, bro.
Too bad Fer realized his worth
and doesn't need you anymore.
[dramatic music playing]
We're gonna perform together
at New Waves, right?
Come on, bro. Come with me to Waterloop.
Let's be the Monzo Bros again.
- Why don't you come back to New Waves?
- Yeah, bro! Come back to our side.
We're having a great time.
Natasha's manipulating you.
She does whatever she wants.
Don't talk about Natasha like that!
This girl wants you to ignore your friends
and doesn't even care about you.
That girl's important to me,
and I just think you're jealous.
Hey, no, dude.
[departing footsteps]
Hey, don't take this the wrong way,
but, uh, does this make you happy?
I'm going to be happy
when I win the damn competition
and no one has any doubt
that I'm better than Steffi.
When she realizes that Jelly
is light-years from being good,
then she'll compete.
[splashing sounds on tablet]
[emotional piano music playing]
I want to give us another chance.
I was wrong.
We shouldn't have broken up.
I don't know
At the time,
I thought it was the right thing.
And as soon as I did it,
it felt wrong.
Can we try again?
[Charlie laughing]
[emotional music slows, distorts]
Hey, man!
- I'm not laughing.
- Don't laugh.
No, I don't think that's
the oxygen I was talking about.
You have to be a bit more
more subtle, my guy.
This is putting out the fire.
When the fire goes out,
well, then you're done.
Yeah, but more subtle, how?
I don't know, dude, like
I think that the speech,
the speech, it doesn't
have to be so formal, maybe.
'Cause otherwise it looks like
you're trapped inside a sitcom for tweens.
- Know what I mean?
- Hm.
- [Julián sighs]
- Mmm.
[Rita] Let me guess.
You're calling because you want
the recipe for my famous tortilla soup.
Grandma, don't be funny, come on, stop it.
So, I'm calling because I need
the password to my mom's old phone
and can't think of anything.
Do you have any ideas?
Oh, my dear, the truth is, yes,
I used to look out of the corner
of my eye every now and then,
but no, I could not tell you the password.
Um let's see. Why don't you try
her birthday and see if that works?
Zero, one, zero, three.
No. No, that's not it. I tried it.
Then I don't know, my dear.
It's just been too many years.
Well, then if you think of anything else,
please call me. Love you. Bye.
- How are you?
- I've had better days.
- Because of today's practice?
- Yeah.
I saw you, and you weren't too bad.
I don't know, I feel like maybe
I'm just not up for the competition.
Maybe I should have signed up
for something a bit smaller.
Look. I have a lot of
confidence in your abilities.
But the person to believe in you
needs to be you.
- Thank you, Ron.
- [chuckles]
Steffi! How are you?
Fine. You?
Well, I I've been thinking
and there's something that
there's something I'd like to tell you.
I wanted to check in with you.
The truth is I haven't had
any time to think.
But I feel like
breaking up was for the best.
[emotional music playing]
Gives us perspective.
[music fades]
What's up? You okay?
[sighs] Nothing.
Just Steffi.
She's different. She's avoiding me.
I understand if
she needs space,
if she wants to get away,
but I honestly just can't figure it out.
I get it, but
it's not that simple and, well, she
She has her reasons.
I know why she's acting that way with you.
[dramatic music playing]
[Luz] You know if anything happened
between your dad or uncle and my mom?
Hm. Well, I know they were friends.
Just friends?
You mean
You're not suggesting that,
uh Cynthia and Augusto
Or that my dad and your mom were?
No, no, they were just friends.
They were young, anyway.
If something happened,
it would be like
Well, it's like in 20 years,
if my kids find out that, at one point,
you and I had kissed.
It's nothing.
Yeah, I understand that, but just
Steffi and I think that
Ron might not be our father.
And that maybe it could be Augusto
or your dad.
[chuckles] Yeah?
You think I'm your brother?
Did Steffi, like, hit her head again?
That's impossible. And Ron
Look, it's just a doubt we have.
We're not sure of anything, but just
Now I get why she's acting like this.
It's all this family drama.
Yeah. Maybe that's it.
Luz, can we talk?
[Luz sighs]
[Antonio] I feel that you've been distant.
[soft piano music playing]
You almost left without telling me.
Well, I guess I'm lucky Leonor
convinced you to stay.
No. No, she didn't.
It was Steffi who talked me into staying.
She made me realize I was abandoning
the things that really matter,
what's most important.
Ah, look at you.
And what's most important to you?
[Antonio] Mm
That's why I couldn't say goodbye to you.
Because if I saw you,
I wouldn't want to leave.
That sounds very nice.
But I still think
you only stayed here for Leonor.
[inhales sharply]
Leonor was a professional challenge.
That's true.
- And Steffi doesn't wanna compete.
- But you said you wouldn't train me.
What, am I not worth it to you?
We can't train together.
I have other things going on with you,
and I don't want to ruin them.
I'm sorry I made you feel bad.
I really didn't mean to.
Do you think we could start over?
As always, it's a great pleasure doing
business with you, uh, Mr. Oliver Ross.
Ugh, cut that.
I don't like the background.
Maybe over here. Babies, follow.
We have to find something,
something different,
something with more glitz, more glamour.
There, perfect!
Except, don't talk this time, okay?
Just smile big for me. Hm?
As soon as you send me the economic
proposal for all those trees,
I'll talk to my sister
and we'll get started.
Got it? Yes, sir! You can go now.
Thank you, thanks.
Baby, keep rolling.
[dancers chattering]
All right, ladies, you were amazing!
A recycled theater?
- It's in Waterloop!
- Can we go? Please?
[dancers] Please! Please!
A show at Waterloop?
Is this real?
[birds singing]
- Welcome, ladies!
- Hi! Hello!
- Come on in.
- You can sit in any row you want.
- Come on in.
- Welcome, guys.
The full VIP experience
is exactly what you need.
- Yeah?
- Let's go to the stage.
- Grandma! I'm so glad you could come!
- But of course. Sure!
- How could I not come?
- Hi!
I would not miss
my girls' show for the world.
Hello, Rita.
- Oh, hello.
- I'm Ron Navarro.
[tense music playing]
- Great to meet you.
- And to you.
Yeah, Mom, that's him.
Ah, well, that's good. About time!
[Luz chuckling]
Let's go in.
We'll make sure you get the best seats.
Yes, let's get good seats.
Grandma, could you do me a favor?
Can you take care of my backpack
while I'm on stage?
- Yeah, of course.
- Thank you.
- Of course I can.
- [Luz] You're the best.
[audience cheering]
[Charlie whooping]
Thank you! How ya doin'?
Thank you for coming
all the way to Cielo Abierto!
Now, to start the show,
we're gonna need a little help from you.
We're gonna do something
a little dynamic, okay?
[audience yells]
[audience yells in short bursts]
[audience laughing]
[audience] Aaah! Aaah!
- [audience] Aaah!
- All right!
[audience] Ohhh!
[audience yells in short bursts]
[Charlie chuckling]
[audience laughing]
[audience yells in short bursts]
[percussion strikes up]
- [Charlie laughs]
- [applauding]
[in Spanish] You made it here ♪
No matter what they say
You're doing well ♪
You're doing well ♪
You know it's not easy ♪
You never gave up, you see ♪
You see ♪
Keep on going ♪
Tripping is not falling ♪
You're going to be happy
Whatever happens ♪
We have to be happy ♪
Keep on going ♪
We have to be happy ♪
You're going to be happy now ♪
Whatever they are ♪
Follow your dreams
You're doing well ♪
You're doing well ♪
Whatever it takes ♪
Even if the world spins backwards ♪
Look for that feeling within yourself ♪
That fire that moves your life ♪
You're going to be happy
Whatever happens ♪
[in English] I think of you
whenever I see Luz on stage.
She's more mature than I was.
You're very hard on yourself, Cynthia.
Yeah, but still.
I'm glad we're both here.
The girls need us together.
Especially when they could never have
the two of us together at the same time.
I'm all for it.
Hey, your mom seems to
have taken it well, hasn't she?
That was rough.
She was pretty mad.
She couldn't believe I hadn't told her.
[in Spanish] Whatever they say
What's coming is better ♪
[audience cheering]
[Charlie, in English]
You are a spectacular audience!
When we first stumbled upon
this abandoned theater,
we saw it'd been turned
into a garbage dump.
And so we recycled it,
because for all of us,
better than throwing everything away,
we want to renew, we want to grow,
and we want to reinvent.
And our next song we have for you tonight,
these are exactly what it's about.
It's resisting. It's recycling.
Exclusively for this Cielo Abierto.
"The Waves."
[audience claps and stomps in response]
[snapping fingers]
[audience clapping
and stomping to the beat]
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪
[in Spanish] If you divide us
We join back together ♪
If you burn us, we turn into stone ♪
Even if you hate me, I don't get mad ♪
Even if you make waves
I don't get wet ♪
When you're not here
We're on the alert ♪
And if you come back
There won't be open doors left ♪
Even if you hate me, I don't get mad ♪
Even if you make waves
I don't get wet ♪
We'll see the truth ♪
Hatred won't win ♪
We'll keep going forward together ♪
Stop looking for power ♪
Stop lying to have things
It's just ambition ♪
You have no passion
Stop ♪
Stop looking for power ♪
Stop lying to have things
It's just ambition ♪
You have no passion
Stop ♪
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na, na ♪
How can I grow if I'm being attacked? ♪
How can I be myself
If I'm judged all the time ♪
Even if you hate me, I don't get mad
Even if you make waves, I don't get wet ♪
We know the truth ♪
Hatred won't win ♪
We'll keep going forward together ♪
Stop looking for power ♪
Stop lying to have things
It's just ambition ♪
You have no passion
Stop ♪
Stop looking for power ♪
Stop lying to have things
This is our place ♪
Let's take care of our land ♪
[audience shouts]
[percussion playing]
[audience shouts]
- This isn't over ♪
- This isn't over ♪
They won't shut us up ♪
Stop looking for power ♪
Stop lying to have things
It's just ambition ♪
You have no passion
Stop ♪
Stop looking for power ♪
Stop lying to have things
It's just ambition ♪
You have no passion
Stop ♪
[audience cheering]
[Santiago laughing]
[in English] Thank you all
so much for coming
to what we're calling Cielo Abierto!
Don't leave because
the party is still going on,
with lots of dancing,
toasts, and good friends.
Thank you!
- Thank you for inviting me.
- No
It was amazing.
- And the instruments [sighs]
- [soft piano music playing]
You were just brilliant.
The audience was hypnotized.
But I Hypnotized? Is that good or bad?
[laughs] It's all right.
[both laughing]
I really haven't had
that much fun in a long time.
When he had us making music with him,
oh, it was wonderful!
- I loved it!
- [Luz laughs]
Um, do you still have
your mom's old phone here?
- [Luz] Yeah.
- It's the strangest thing.
Because I feel like I'm starting
to get the password in my head.
Try, three, two, nine, and four.
It's the address of the house
where we used to live.
- Four Yes! Grandma, yes!
- Yeah?
Oh, what luck!
- You're a genius, Grandma.
- That I knew.
- I'll let you know what I find out.
- Okay.
Juli Julián! Come here, please.
- What's up?
- It's important.
I unlocked the BlackBerry.
- What'd you find out?
- But first we have to go find Steffi.
I don't see her, so let's just look!
Okay, fine.
"I had a really great time with you."
"Sorry if this all sounds crazy,
but sometimes I think we're gonna
be together for a crazy long time."
And the answer is,
"At times I think the same,
so are we both crazy?"
They're about to make me crazy.
Who is it?
It's definitely not my dad.
[ominous music playing]
Oh, the second season
is just so much better.
Steff, can I talk to you?
Do you really think
we should be looking at all this?
It just seems private. I dunno.
Yes, but it's the only way we'd ever
be able to confirm who's Ruli.
Besides, didn't you want to do this
because you wanted
to make things right with Steffi?
You have a point, but
But just put it on
a private number before calling him.
I hope this guy answers
after all these years.
Hopefully he's had
the same number since 2005.
Fingers crossed.
[line ringing]
[cell phone ringing]
Can you hear that?
[cell phone ringing]
- [cell phone ringing]
- [Luz gasps]
- [dramatic music playing]
- Hello?
Hello? Anyone there?
[thunder rumbling]
[soft piano music playing]
[Santiago] Singing, dancing?
Is there anything you can't do?
[Steffi laughs]
Not everything, but it's true
I do have some secrets still.
Good time to find out, right?
This is hard for me to admit,
but you do give some great advice.
I do?
I guess Luz
is more like you than you thought.
I remember the day you came
to train with me for the first time.
Your energy and presence
really impressed me.
I think about you all the time.
That's not the same as missing me.
You made yourself a home in my mind.
Come back to me.
Don't be so dramatic.
I highly doubt
you've been missing me that much.
I don't want us to be apart anymore.
I'd do anything to turn back time.
[ominous music playing]
[pop music with Spanish vocals playing]
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