Young Royals (2021) s02e04 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 4

Henry saw them in bed.
They were, like, totally naked.
The Prince and Felice?
Isn't she and August
"I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger,"
but she only seems to hook up
with blue-bloods.
One, two.
Okay, let's make room for Simon.
But no one can take from us
What we were ♪
Contraltos, please stand up.
- The memories will remain ♪
- Thank you.
The principal will listen
when you perform at the Valentine ball,
and decide if it will be this one
or the original that we will sing
at the 120-year jubilee.
So, sopranos, remember
that you have the difficult task
It's almost like the deep cuts
Make us beautiful ♪
'Cause every time we love
We're carving capitals ♪
Write our names on a tree ♪
It's almost like the deep cuts
Make us colorful ♪
Just tell me
That my name is irreplaceable ♪
And our love will be evergreen ♪
Like, everyone knows.
Uh, yeah.
Come on, I see them talking and looking.
People are bored,
and something else will happen.
And they will forget about this
and think about that
Also, like, who cares if people know?
I mean, what does it matter?
Not like you found it amusing
when people gossiped about you, right?
Well, you know, so Stella and I
made out at a few parties,
and then, all of a sudden,
someone started this rumor
that we were, like, open for threesomes.
It bothered you. I just thought like,
"Fuck it. Everyone sucks. Who cares?"
- Were you a couple?
- No.
Every girl makes out
with her best friend while drunk.
- I've never done that.
- No? Well, then it's about goddamn time.
But you know, Felice only makes out
with people from the royal family.
Excuse me? You suck so hard!
Shame on you!
- What's going on?
- It's for our Saint Valentine.
- For Valentine's Day?
- No, my God, no.
Valentine's Day is some kind
of tacky American crap
that Sweden started celebrating
in, like, the 50s.
- It's, like, not the same thing.
- Yeah, okay.
This is one of Hillerska's
oldest traditions.
And it began with students writing
love letters to each other.
And then, you know, like, poems
to each other in the 1700s. So cool!
And Mom says it's, like,
the best party of the entire year.
- Party?
- Seriously, has Felice told you anything?
What kind of party?
Well, okay, it starts with
all the guys writing, throughout the week,
love letters to the girls
they're interested in.
And then, there'll be
It's so goddamn weak
that only guys get to write though.
Sorry, but it's not our fault
that they were a bit sexist
in the 1700s, right?
Nowadays, you can send
to whoever you want.
And then, they're sent out
Yeah, but some guys send
to practically everyone.
And then, everything ends
with a masquerade ball.
And if you manage to find out
who your secret admirer is,
you go to the ball together.
And you get to wear real dresses
from the 1700s, and wigs too.
It'll be crazy.
We're gonna look like
Marie Antoinette, for real.
But she was decapitated.
Can everyone stop being so negative
all the time? I don't get it.
But what do you write in the letter?
Wait, what? Who are you gonna send to?
No, I I don't have anyone in mind.
Okay. Okay, listen. If you want
somebody's attention, send a nude.
But how do you do that?
How do you send a nude?
So take off all your clothes
She's messing with you.
Don't listen to her.
She gives the worst advice ever.
- Don't send nudes.
- Ugh!
And, like, you need to have good odds.
You can't just bet it all on one girl.
'Cause if she says no, you have no plan B.
The girls like a bit of competition,
so they'll just like you even more.
- Yeah. That's working wonders for you.
- Yeah. I promise, it works.
Is there someone here who, um
has something that he wants to, um
share with the rest of us?
No one?
No one who, uh, feels inclined?
Oh well, okay.
If the person in question
doesn't want to get up voluntarily,
then, um I don't have a choice.
Wille on the table!
Wille on the table!
- Cut it out.
- Wille on the table!
- Wille on the table!
- Wille on the table!
- Cut it out!
- Wille on the table!
Just stop!
What is this insane fucking tradition?
I can't be the only one who thinks that.
We don't have to keep doing this.
- We should respect each other's privacy!
- So nobody was in your room yesterday?
This is exactly what I mean.
It's-It's none of your business.
But we have a witness.
Felice was in my room,
but we were watching a movie.
What movie?
That's cozy.
For real, it wasn't anything like that.
I mean
No? Okay.
No, no, no. Uh, okay.
I understand. I understand.
But just so that I, uh, well,
set the record straight, um
what you're saying is that Henry
he was in fact not in your room yesterday,
and didn't see you and Felice
making out in your bed?
You're saying that's slander?
He's lying.
He's sitting here lying.
Wille, it's fine.
- I mean, come on.
- You shouldn't lie.
Everybody's worth the same here ♪
But not everyone gets in the door ♪
'Cause we are the boys
Of Forest Ridge House ♪
And don't have room for any more ♪
- Everybody's worth the same here ♪
- Stop.
- But not everyone gets in the door ♪
- Stop. No. Stop it.
Come on, cut it out.
'Cause we are the boys
Of Forest Ridge House! ♪
And don't have room for any more ♪
Hang on.
- I can't stand this pressure ♪
- What are you doing Wednesday night?
Hanging out with you.
It's killing me now ♪
It might sound a bit lame,
but my school's organizing a ball.
- A ball?
- Mm-hmm.
Would you like to go to the ball with me?
So, what, you wanna show me off
to everybody?
- But I don't even go there.
- But that doesn't matter.
It's a masquerade. Nobody will care.
School parties and a ball at Hillerska,
that's not really my thing.
Never mind.
But can't we just hang out at my place?
Just you and me.
We can watch a movie or something.
Skip the ball.
- Can't do that.
- Why not?
- The choir's performing.
- Well, you can come over afterwards.
- Maybe.
- Maybe?
- Yeah.
- What do you mean, maybe?
- Mm.
- You want to.
- What?
- Huh?
So, is this where you usually bring
all your dates?
Just the ones I really like.
Last one up is a turd.
- Whatcha doing?
- Uh, I was just gonna take a shower.
Ah. I just have to go and grab some
Have you, uh, talked to your mom,
by the way, about Rousseau?
Well, I haven't, um
I haven't found the right moment.
- I've had a lot on my mind.
- What do you mean?
Why don't you just tell her
you don't wanna sell him to them?
But you know how she can be sometimes.
I wanna tell her
when she's in a good mood.
But, um, I mean,
I can talk to her tomorrow.
- Mm-hmm.
- It'll be fine. I, um, promise.
Let's go!
The start of somethin' ♪
I thought everyone had left.
Would have been nice
with a heads-up about Felice.
Nice to hear that at lunch.
Simon, I understand that it sucks, but
you kinda have double standards.
I'm not the one
who's got a secret boyfriend.
It's just like you say
there's nothing serious between you.
Then you kiss him right in front of me.
How the hell do you think that feels?
Are you official now?
At least he's open about liking me.
He wants me to meet all of his friends
and likes it when I sing
And you mean, I don't?
- He accepts me for who I am.
- As if I don't accept you?!
You're the one
who can't accept my position,
who the fuck I am, my family!
No You're right. Maybe I can't.
Oh-ho, shit.
"Madison, Madison,
you make my heart bounce
like badminton."
"Is it a crime
that I want to make you mine?"
"'Cause you're so damn fine."
- Come on, that's so bad.
- It's so freakin' bad!
"On my knees,
I will crawl, so please"
"let me take you to the ball!"
- It's Albin, 100%.
- No. Jonte!
- Hi.
- Do you have time to talk?
- Now?
- Yeah.
Uh, sure.
Another theory
- Yummy.
- I mean, it's obvious.
What is going on there?
I don't know what happened.
Me neither.
I think that
when I saw Simon and Marcus
after the competition, it felt so
felt so damn real, you know?
He's really moving on, and
- Now-Now, he said that they're together.
- Wille, are you for real?
I mean, fucking seriously?
Like, the entire school
is talking shit about me,
saying that I'm trying to marry
into the royal family.
And you did it to, what,
make Simon jealous?
- Do you understand how selfish that is?
- No, Felice, I didn't mean it like that.
I just wanted to see if it could feel
the same way it feels with Simon.
Yeah, 'cause that makes everything
so much better.
Like, I was in love with you,
for such a long time.
And you knew about it.
It was a real really crappy thing to do.
I like you so much.
You've been a really, really great friend.
Can you forgive me?
Well, it wasn't like I tried
to stop you, to be fair.
And of course, I like you very much too
as a friend.
- Can I have a hug?
- Yeah, come here.
- Do you want to go to the ball with me?
- What?
Yeah, well, I was just thinking that
if people are gonna give you shit for it,
maybe they'll calm down if we go together.
No, everyone will talk even more.
They know I was in love with you.
And to be honest,
I think I was sort of in love with you
just because you were a prince.
Do you mind telling Simon that?
That it can actually be a good thing.
Just because
you're not together right now,
that doesn't mean that everything's lost.
Yeah, I think it does.
And I'm sick of hoping for it.
Fuck, it hurts so much.
Feels like I'm gonna die.
I have to let him go.
Oh, I don't get it.
How many lines are there
in these damn sonnets?
Hang on. A sonnet? Seriously?
You're gonna write a sonnet?
You'll embarrass yourself.
Send her a dick pic.
You'll know why you're getting dissed.
You're so harsh, Vincent.
- Hey, Henry, nice move telling everybody.
- What?
Wh-What I didn't tell anyone.
I just told Walter.
He's the one that snitched
to the rest of them.
I I haven't said a word.
It wasn't me. You told them.
Okay, hey, guys.
I think I have something here.
Yeah, show us. Read it out.
Um, "My Snowflake," it's called.
You sparkle and glow
- You all right?
- like the moon.
Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
- I don't know. You seem so tense.
- Good? What do you think?
I'd just like to walk into a room,
at some point, without everyone staring.
I get that, but, uh, maybe you shouldn't
be walking into this room then.
If I were to start dating,
How should, you know
I mean, Erik's only serious girlfriend
was Mom's friend's daughter.
It was pretty easy to keep it low-key.
- They were hanging out with the same
- Wille, you're thinking too much.
Stop making it difficult.
- What are you doing over Easter break?
- Why?
Listen, you're going with me to Verbier.
We have a house there.
We'll ski. I'll throw some great parties.
- What are you into? Twinks? Bears?
- Nils
Asians? Latinos?
Nils, I don't think Mom
would be very pleased if it got out.
No, come on, we'll be discreet.
You didn't even know that I was gay.
- Do Vincent and August know?
- I don't know.
Or I think they know,
but it's nothing we talk about really.
I mean, just don't make a big deal of it.
And, look, like, name one CEO
that's openly homosexual.
No one. And I'm not gonna be
the first one, you know?
I get that.
Can I ask you something about Simon?
Did he seriously think that you would
admit that it was you in the video?
I told him I wasn't gonna make
that statement.
- Mm-hmm.
- But then, I did it anyway.
I think that's why
that he feels like he can't trust me.
Mm. But it's not a problem for him.
He's, like, Simon a-a nobody.
But for you, it would be, uh
It would be world news.
It's kind of a big request from someone
you've been dating for, like, a month.
- That's not how he sees it.
- No.
That's why you have to start hanging
with someone who's like your league.
One of us.
So what do you say? Verbier?
- So fucking tired, man.
- Yeah, me too.
I don't understand
how anything can be so boring.
Ugh, I'm not up for English.
I need to go get a coffee.
- Oh, my God!
- Oh! Nice!
- What?
- Hope it's better than mine.
It's a poem, I think.
I whisper your name at night
I shout your name every day
Over the rooftops it echoes
The whole town can hear what I say
But you are sound asleep at night
Blinded by other things all day
Your name on my tongue
Will never reach you
To love you in the silence between us
Is my only way
- Wow!
- Wasn't that beautiful?
Felice got like ten
"Do you wanna hook up?" DMs
after Wilhelm-gate.
I can't even imagine the guys
writing something
- No, right? Could it be Walter?
- Maybe.
Or Henry? I don't know.
What about that guy
from, uh, Sprucewood?
No, but if it is him,
I'm gonna die.
I mean, I have to find out who it is
so we can go to the ball.
- Seriously, fuck all guys.
- Yeah.
- That doesn't sound like you.
- Yes.
- Fuck the patriarchy!
- My God, you're embarrassing.
- Why don't we go together, just us?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'm in.
Yeah, yeah, we can go together,
if if it's nobody I like.
Not so much
horse smell this time.
Oh, sorry. I must take this.
- Hi, Jan-Olof.
- Hi, August.
We have to discuss your plans
for the future.
I think it would be best
if you started your military education
this autumn.
The court will send you a suggestion
in line with how they prefer
you manage your time
for the next ten years.
And we need to, um
- Ten years?
- T-Ten years, right.
And we'll have to go through
your social media.
So send me your passwords
so that PR can delete
all problematic material.
- Absolutely. Now?
- Yes, now.
Is there anything in particular
we should be aware of?
Wh-wh What would that be?
Well, to put it bluntly,
have you gotten anyone pregnant?
Do you have any STDs? Or is there
anything else that we need to know?
- No.
- I see.
Do you smoke, drink, do drugs?
It's important
that you're honest with me now.
- August?
- No, nothing like that.
I-I-I find it important to stay healthy
and exercise a lot, so
And just to have it confirmed,
you are heterosexual, right?
- Yes.
- Okay.
- Only girls.
- All right.
Send us those passwords,
and we'll take it from there.
Speak soon. Bye.
Who was that?
Are you okay?
Why take ADHD pills
if you don't have ADHD?
No, I usually don't take them that often.
It's just when I
have to study
or have to perform at my best.
Which I have to do now.
Okay, this stays between you and me.
I am
Wilhelm's backup.
So if he, like, can't handle
his responsibilities as Crown Prince,
then I take over
and become the next King of Sweden.
- Yeah, whoa.
- Mm.
But it's because, I mean
I'm gonna stop taking the pills soon.
Do you wanna go to the ball with me?
- What?
- Yeah.
But if we go together,
everybody will know.
Know what?
That I like you.
But who cares what people think?
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
So insane!
I like that one.
My God, look at all these colors.
- Mm-hmm.
- Like, it's gonna look so great.
- Absolutely.
- Wow.
Ugh. God. So pretty.
- Mm.
- By the way, did you see Wille's wig?
- It's crazy.
- Are you and Wille together?
What? No, absolutely not.
Like, we're just friends.
- Mm, 'kay.
- And thank God for that, am I right?
Dating someone
in the royal family seems to suck ass.
Mm Yeah, it really does.
Like, I'm so happy
I'm not in love with Wille anymore.
I'm sick and tired of guys.
I mean, it's all just problems and drama.
Well, at least if you're dating them.
- Mm.
- And, uh
Wille and me work way better as friends.
Uh-huh. If he's your new bestie,
just say so, so I know.
Come on, Sara, you can have
more than one bestie and friends.
But he actually asked me
if I wanted to go to the ball with him.
- But I wanna go with you.
- With me?
Look, I know I've spent
a lot of time with Wille lately.
But us-us girls have to stick together.
You know, guys, they
well, they come and go.
I don't know, man.
Jesus Christ. You look like
a cheap version of Peter Pan.
Hey, Prince.
- Would you like to share a drink with us?
- Where's the flask?
- Come on!
- I got some!
For a new beginning
I could give my life ♪
Ever dull, only grey for now ♪
True I dement it again
Do I finally get to live now? ♪
True that the way is so obvious
Oh why am I the one to let go? ♪
Do I dement it again?
Do I really get to be now? ♪
Oh why their way is so oblivious?
Oh why no one else wanna let go? ♪
In this dark time
Could you take my hand? ♪
You hold my heart ♪
Hold it close until the end ♪
God, you're fussy.
Hey, Fredrika, has no one
taken credit for the poem yet?
No, no one. I don't get it.
Isn't that the whole point of doing it?
Otherwise, I don't understand
why you'd do it.
- Ow.
- Sorry.
I don't know what to do.
I can't wear this.
- Why?
- Because it doesn't feel like me.
- Isn't that the point though?
- I think it looks great.
But it's not that it doesn't look good.
That's not it. I just can't
It just doesn't feel right.
It's also super weird.
Everyone else is gonna wear one.
Okay, I've got a solution. Here.
I love that you're such a problem-solver.
Thank you.
It's so nice
that we're going together.
How many fingers
am I holding up?
Mom, I told you,
I don't want to go.
I'm not singing until ten.
I thought, if anyone asks,
then I'm dressed up as a waiter.
I didn't think going to balls
was your thing.
Anything for you.
Shouldn't you be dressed up?
Yes Or, I mean, no.
When the choir performs,
we usually wear suits.
Nice of you to come.
Of course.
I didn't know you had pets.
What do you call them?
They don't have names.
He said, "You could be
You could be the one" ♪
I said, "maybe," not knowing it begun ♪
I'ma run 'em down
Down, down, down, down ♪
You still hang around
'Cause you see me in a crown ♪
I'ma run 'em out, out, out, out, out ♪
Ain't got time for another rebound ♪
Ain't got time
For the same old round, yeah ♪
I'm too busy partying
Partying all night ♪
I'ma run 'em out, out, out, out, out ♪
Ain't got time for another rebound ♪
This is so cool!
- That's it.
- Damn!
- Woo.
- Pour it. Pour.
- I know.
- I want a strong one. Go for it.
Oh, you're so cute. Isn't she?
- Oh, my God, this song!
- Oh, my God.
Love it, love it, love it, love it.
- Oh, shit. I
- Stella. Stella.
- Yeah?
- Did you write that poem for Fredrika?
Yeah, I mean,
the way you look at each other
and, uh, are with each other
Okay, you absolutely cannot tell anyone.
No. No, no, no.
But I just mean, I don't get it.
Why don't you just tell her?
Well, 'cause we've been best friends
since, like, middle school.
And she she's, like,
the most important person in my life.
But what if she feels the same?
Yeah, but even if she does,
we're gonna be here for two more years,
and we sleep in the same bed,
we live in the same room.
And what if what if we break up?
- Come here! Come!
- I'm coming.
I'd rather be secretly in love with her
than be the ex that she hates.
- Cheers.
- Cheers, cheers.
- Serious masquerade.
- Huh?
- Serious masquerade.
- Yeah, that's Hillerska.
- Come on, let's dance.
- Okay.
Smooth as James Bond ♪
Cool as James Dean ♪
Yeah! Woo!
- Everything okay with Simon?
- What?
You okay?!
It has to be okay.
Who has the ginger?
Ginger, ginger, ginger, ginger ♪
Who has the ginger? ♪
Who has the ginger? ♪
I have to sit down.
I'm sweating my ass off.
- No, come on, a bit more.
- No, but you keep going.
When are you gonna sing?
Uh ten o'clock.
- And after that, we'll get out of here?
- Mm-hmm.
I was thinking
you could sleep at my place,
if you want to, I mean.
- Okay?
- Mm-hmm.
Ganja fiyah ♪
Fiyah ♪
Fiyah ♪
Fiyah ♪
Fiyah ♪
Ganja fiyah ♪
- Woohoo!
- Fiyah ♪
Fiyah ♪
Fiyah ♪
Felice and Wille.
Rough, huh?
So what, are you buddies now,
you and Wille?
Yeah, we are.
You know, he was the one who decided
that you should take the blame
for the drugs.
- But What? Why would he do that?
- To protect Simon.
'Cause you were an easy target.
I was the only one who voted against it.
So maybe you should think about
who your real friends are, okay?
Do you like those, by the way?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Crown Prince.
You can call me Wille. It's cool.
Hey, uh, smart of you
to dress up as a waiter.
These wigs hurt like hell.
It's not really my style.
What? Poofy trousers and cravat,
that's not your thing, is it?
Not really.
How, um
How are things at the shooting range?
Yeah, it's it's all good.
- Fewer people shoot in the winter though.
- Yeah.
You should come by
and shoot again.
Sure thing. You should come too.
It's not my thing.
Can you give me a a spoon, please?
But, uh, hey, come in and dance later.
- Sure.
- Hmm Nice. See you later.
Yeah, see ya.
He was really nice.
Not at all as snobby as he was
when he came to the range
with that Felice girl.
Uh, I'm going to the restroom.
What was that?
What do you mean?
I just thought it felt a bit weird.
Was just trying to be polite.
I, um I get it.
You're not in love with me anymore.
I'm gonna leave you alone.
Your boyfriend seems really nice.
What's up?
- I'm just gonna
- Okay.
I'm sorry.
So you just wanna sleep with me?
- What?
- Is that all?
- No.
- I thought that
I don't know. I thought that
y-you liked me for real, you know?
- And that feels
- August, I do.
- Okay, but
- Yeah.
Wh-what's the problem then?
If Felice finds out, she'll
she'll hate me, and
I-I saw how it turned out for Simon
with Wilhelm, and I can't imagine
I'm not Wilhelm, okay?
I'm not.
Never let me go, don't go ♪
From my love ♪
Never let me go ♪
Never let me go, don't go ♪
- Are you nervous?
- About what?
- The performance.
- This love, faded on this love ♪
Maybe a bit.
This love, this love, this love ♪
I just have to check something
with the choir.
This love, ah ♪
Never let me go ♪
Never let me go, don't go ♪
Where's Simon?
Have you seen Simon?
I'm just trying to move on.
I can see that.
Everything just got so messed up
between us.
I know.
The choir.
They're starting.
- Where have you been?
- Just needed some air.
Come on.
Okay, ready?
One and two
Days behind us, years gone by ♪
They say all wounds
Will heal with time ♪
You know it hurt, I gave up on myself ♪
I was lost before I found my way ♪
What we had and our treasured ways ♪
Cannot forget our golden days ♪
If you ask me why we stayed ♪
Memories will never fade ♪
We were tested, we have fought ♪
But what we were can never be forgot ♪
In the end, we may part our ways ♪
But I'll remember you
Throughout my days ♪
What we had and our treasured ways ♪
Cannot forget our golden days ♪
The answer, I am sure ♪
Is that Hillerska will endure ♪
- Woo!
- Bravo!
I could feel it ♪
'Cause I loved you ♪
Can't eclipse it ♪
- It goes on ♪
- It goes on ♪
I love ♪
- It goes on ♪
- It goes on ♪
Still love you ♪
And you loved me ♪
I could feel it ♪
'Cause I loved you ♪
Can't eclipse it ♪
- It goes on ♪
- It goes on ♪
I love ♪
It goes on ♪
It goes on ♪
I still love you ♪
- It goes on ♪
- It goes on ♪
Goes on ♪
- It goes on ♪
- It goes on ♪
I love you ♪
And you loved me ♪
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