Hex (2004) s02e05 Episode Script

With a Little Help from My Friends: Part 1

I had forgotten how much fun it is having Ella around.
Malachi is nearly in maturity.
I want her out of the way.
She may not realize it, but her trial is about to begin.
You took the stone, you stupid selfish bitch! God, she's gone insane.
Can say you that again? You poisoned me, you bastard! Those candles.
Saint John's wort.
You know what it does to me! I'm recomending a section.
I feel responsible.
No one is responsible.
He's right, David.
Someone to see you.
Keep him away.
He's trying to kill me.
No, no.
It's father Heriot.
No, he's not a priest.
He's Ramiel the deceiver.
Servant to the fallen angels.
That's right.
You piss off back to your master! Tell Azazeal I am stronger than he is.
I'll see him in hell.
I'll see you all in hell.
Father, you're doing the right thing, believe me.
I didn't want this.
Any of it.
You have to believe me, I feel terrible.
So you fucking well should.
Hi there! How are we this morning? I don't know how you are.
I feel like shit.
It might be the medication they gave you at the school.
Don't worry, we'll find something that suits you better.
You can rub it out if things go well.
What things? When you came in you were quite anxious.
Anything in particular make you anxious? Yes, not knowing stuff.
If what things go well? Your assessment.
The school.
Your legal guardians, yes? They've signed a section to order.
Do you know what that is? Would you have me bind up? How long? - 28 days.
- Jocking.
It'll whizz by.
I'll look in again later.
This is all your fault.
I can't be in here.
I don't doubt that she's a sick girl, but she's still entitled to her privacy, and that is her personal property.
Oh, she's sick alright.
I'd say with the evidence we've got there's no question.
We've done the right thing.
- The doctors all agree.
- And what's their solution? Pump her full of drugs until she stops shouting? Not these days.
I'll work with her.
Get to the root of the problem.
But isn't that what we should be doing? Not at this point, no.
I guarantee she'll get the best care.
I'll see to everything myself.
Why doesn't that fill me with confidence? David, I know what I'm doing.
I have experience in these matters.
If you want to take it up to te governance, well that's your call.
I just feel we've let her down.
We all are letting her down.
You've done everything you could.
But you've got a school to run.
- Let's leave it to the experts.
- Like Jez Heriot? Why not? Just because you don't like him? Governance do.
He's got one of our students in a mental hospital.
Well, she was hearing voices, by all accounts.
She was obsessed with witchcraft.
I think it's perfectly reasonable to me.
I don't trust him.
He's a bad influence.
It doesn't matter.
We can't afford any more bad press.
So we're planning a cover-up? Nothing of the kind.
I'm sorry Sir Ralph, but that's how it sounds like.
And I'm telling here and now that I will not go along with it.
So what do you intend to do? Offer your resignation? I don't believe it.
You'd go to war with the Governance over some histerical girl? Well, if you do, you'll lose.
I'm serious, David.
And it will be such a waste.
Nurse Perie? Steve Garrett, Registerer.
Should I leave the way? Only one patient: Ella Dee.
17, from the local posh school.
I admitted her last night.
Section 2.
I'd like your help with her assessment.
I'll sort it out for the pass.
Would you like to see the nurse station? I'd rather see my patient.
Sure, good.
She's along here.
Ella, this is nurse Perie.
She's going to be looking after you.
Why? The school has asked for one to one nursing, which I happen to think is a great idea.
We don't often have the resources.
Benefits for private education.
Jez Heriot is paying, isn't he? Ella, whatever you think of us, we're all trying to help you.
Isn't that right, nurse? Of course! Anyway, I'll leave you to get to know each other.
So, you're going to be my new friend? No, Ella, I shouldn't think so.
I'm going to be your nurse.
Doctor Garrett think you're hostile.
Why would he think that? You should ask him.
Do you feel hostile? People tried to drive me insane and then had me thrown in here.
What do I have got to be hostile about? What people are doing this? The same people who sent you: Azazeal and his followers.
I don't think I know Mr.
I don't think I believe you.
You don't think you sound a little paranoid? Just 'cause you sound paranoid that doesn't mean that don't have to get you right.
- David.
- No need to knock? Sorry, I didn't know you were here.
Anyway, I've just heard it.
Are you sure you're doing the right thing? This position is not viable without the support of the governance, as you may well find out as you're now the last one to take over.
Not exactly.
More of a more of a caretaker.
Look, I hope you don't think I had anything to do with this.
My decision.
But don't worry Jez, you're off the hook.
Now, if you don't mind I've a few course to make.
What a bummer, hey? As you say, Tom, what a bummer.
But things may still work out.
I haven't given up.
So does this mean you are going to be our new head master, then? Only acting.
That sounds pretty good to me.
Well, I know things have been tough, to say the least, but could you maybe pay her a visit? She's gonna need a friend now, Leon.
More than ever.
- Think about it.
- Yeah, I'll think about it.
Take it easy, David.
Thanks, Leon.
You too.
This is seriously grand.
What are you supposed to do with it? You don't think I'm mad, do you? - Just moody.
- I'm serious, Thelma.
Alright, look at it this way: you've got 28 days to get your strenght back.
They haven't put me in here for some R&R.
They're going to poison me.
It started at Medenham.
I won't last 28 days.
They'll see to that.
OK, what do you want from me? Just name it.
You got me in here.
You get me out.
Enough? Oye, I'm up here.
Enough? Never.
Next! Hey! Do you know what I say? The day when "Big Challenge" let us the beams can't be over.
What did David Tyrel say? Duh! Goodbye? I mean, did he say anything about Ella? - No.
- Good.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I want her to recover and everything, it's that she caused a lot of damage around here.
I think we all need some time to come to terms with that.
So we can like find to closure it? Move on? And I think it would be a good idea if we all get her off limits for a while.
- What do you think? - You don't want to know what I think.
Oh, but I do.
I think it's totally out of order.
I think it's awful she's where she is and now you don't even want to visit her.
I think it's outrageous, frankly and if I want to visit her, I will.
I'm not saying I do, but if I did, I would.
And I wouldn't ask your permission either.
- Anything else? - Yes, pass the ketchup.
Oh, Leon.
What are you up to? I thought I told you not to think about it.
Yeah, sorry about that.
I can't seem to help it.
You boys.
I don't know what I am going to do with you.
- Don't you? - No.
You just close your eyes and let me see what mommy's got for you.
Hi! Remember me? Thelma! Fuck! Charming! Hold on.
You're dead.
So? It doesn't stop you from being a nice person.
Get away from me.
- You're dead! - Enough with the dead! What do you care? You're asleep! You're dreaming! So? I've still got my standards.
You wish.
Come on! Live dangerously.
You'll never know until you've tried it.
And then I'll tell you something you can do for me.
No! Alright, that's it! You're not exactly my ideal of a wet dream either, but you're all I've got.
I heard what you said in the canteen.
Great, long sentences.
I was well impressed.
So listen, I want you to go to the hospital.
Ella needs you, understand? And don't let anybody talk you out of it, especially not Roxanne.
Just remember she's a cow and she is also shagging a priest.
Leon, look at me.
I'm serious.
You be there for Ella.
That's my boy! Yeah, you do it.
How are you feeling? Shitty.
What's that? It's a herbal extract, to clean your sistem, right down the chemicals I don't want it.
I've spoken to the doctor.
I said don't want it.
Come here.
Why feel shitty? I don't sodding want it! Put her down.
Get off me! We're thrown together you and I.
We must work on our relationship.
Keep hold.
There may be a little reaction.
Perfectly normal.
Nothing to worry about.
Little bitch.
Release her.
That's better.
- You're OK? - Yes, of course.
You can go now.
Don't forget your pass.
I had this wild weird dream last night.
The one where Jarize and the cooker run out? No, I mean really weird.
Next! Do you think dreams can, like, tell you things? What sort of things? I don't know, things you're supposed to do when you wake up.
Say I don't know, for the sake of argument, that you have this dream, OK? And, in it, a dead person told you to do something.
- A dead person? - Yeah.
Would you do it? - No.
- Why not? 'Cause it's bollocks.
That's what I think.
No, please, don't.
I know what it is.
- It's hurting me.
- Nonsense.
It's helping you.
I don't want it.
It's poisoning me.
Ella, if we keep fighting each other, our relationship won't work.
And then you won't get any better.
And you'll never get out of here.
Not ever.
Do you understand me? Clever girl.
Hardly anything, see? You're already getting used to it.
And that's so much better.
In 2 minutes, I expect to find you sleeping like a baby.
One caught time.
What are they doing to you? What is this stuff? Shh, it's okay.
I've got it through Leon.
Try and have sex with him, it never fails.
Mind you, don't hold your breath.
He's a useless jerk.
Thank you, sir.
Doctor Garrett is on the secure wind.
Leave it here.
I'll get someone to take it through.
- Can I help? - Ah, Yeah.
I'd like to see Ella Dee, please.
Ella Dee, let's have a look.
Yes, 314, Doctor Garrett's patient.
Wait here and someone will come out to you.
You wanted to see Ella? Oh, yeah, hi.
- How is she? - Are you a member of the family? No, no, I'm a friend.
- Just a friend.
- So you're a visitor.
Visitors are no allowed.
- Is she OK? - I can't discuss her condition.
Well, yeah, but she is OK? You shoud telephone in a day or two.
- Would you like me to give her those? - Uh, yeah.
Is there a message? Please.
So I should phone In a day or two.
Yes, of course.
Nurse! Hello? OK.
Good afternoon.
OK, thanks for this.
Hello? Yeah, I've got it here.
- Packet for Doctor Garrett.
- Thanks a lot.
Yes, thanks a lot.
She had a visitor.
"I'm there for you.
" Leon Taylor.
I trust you sent him away.
Of course.
But no more visitors, please.
- We don't want to unsettle her.
- No, indeed we don't.
Well, I'll deal with this.
You know, I fell so much better knowing she is in such caring hands.
Ella? Ella, it's me.
Ella, who is in charge? I'll go and get someone 'cause this can't be right.
I should have come sooner.
I wanted to, but Then I had this dream.
This is someone knew someone I knew once told me to come and see you.
It doesn't matter who.
It's like it needed to be told.
I should have come in the first place.
I know, I know.
I didn't think when I talked to you much.
Ella, are you OK? You're really not, are you? I'm going to go get a doctor or someone who can- You are a visitor.
Visitors are not allowed.
You should phone in a day or two.
He did his best.
Took on security.
I didn't think he had it in him.
It must be a love thing.
Listen, I know what they're giving you.
This hypericin stuff it's made of Saint John's wort, which, I may say, I find in Orokiah "Touch not the wort of Saint John", sound gross, "for it is an abomination to the anointed ones.
" Ella, you said they were trying to poison you.
Well, they're doing it.
It's happening.
Darling, listen to me.
You've got to fight it.
It's killing you.
You can't take anymore, please.
Leon, how's Ella? - Lousy, thanks for asking.
- Hey, we need to talk.
It's always a long haul in cases like this.
We can't expect miracles.
Those people are making her worse.
Come on, don't go carried away.
She's on drug therapy.
Certainly it's going to make her dopy, no question, but it's also going to give her mind time to recuperate.
I'm in contact with the medical team and they assure me, if we give her time, then she'll start to improve.
- How much time? - Look, I'm not gonna lie to you, Leon, I really don't know.
You're not going to lie to me.
You're so full of shit, Jez.
I warn you, if you disrupt her treatment, there'll be consequences! Fine, expell me! - Where have you been all day? - I had stuff to do.
Stuff like visiting Ella? Taking her flowers? What is your problem? Let me try and add the dots for you: Ella deserved everything she got and if we ever see her face around here again, it would be too soon.
That's what I think.
In fact, that's what we all think.
Roxanne, look at me.
Am I bothered? Do I look bothered to you? Just remember who your real friends are, Leon.
It's about keeping the faith.
Keeping the faith? Is that the same as shagging your priest? Leon, oh, Leon.
Go away.
Leave me alone.
Get the fuck up! Don't shout at me, OK? I did what you said.
I know you did, I know.
They threw me down the steps! You threw yourself down the steps.
Yeah, well.
It wasn't my fault.
I know, you were very brave.
Yeah, what about Roxanne, hey? "Shagging a priest".
It was brilliant! Her face.
But, hey, that's not important right now.
Ella's getting worse.
They're poisoning her.
We've got to get her out.
- We? - Well, you.
You've got to get her out.
- How? - First things first.
No, second things first.
After you bust her out, I bust her out? she's gonna need a place to stay, that's your job.
Thelma, what are you talking about "it's all my job"? Don't start! You think this stuff plans itself? Do you think I've got time to lie around sleeping? Now concentrate: do you have any friends? Stupid question.
I have, as a matter of fact.
Friends who entertain a run away nut case? Yeah: Max.
Max? He got expelled from here.
He's a dealer! So? It doesn't stop you being a nice person.
Go and see him first thing in the morning.
And Leon, Ella really needs you, so don't let her down.
If you do, you'll regret it.
Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.
Now get back to sleep.
You've got a busy day.
Fuck's sake! Do you know what time it is? Half ten? - What do you want? - I need something.
A favor.
Bollocks! Standing on the street, asking for stuff.
You've learnt the property value is plummeting.
Then where would we be? Wicked.
It's all I've got.
Do you? Max, I need a favor.
I need a place to bring someone.
A girl.
I'm not really seeing this as a love nest, but you could be right.
Whatever you put the guy dog.
It's not like that.
Look, she's on the run.
Or at least she will be.
From the mental hospital.
Oh, that's alright then.
I'll just clear a wall for her to climb.
I'm serious.
Believe me, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't desperate.
Yeah, mate.
That's what they all say.
You seem much better today.
Now you stopped fighting, time will pass very quickly.
Who said I stopped fighting? The past is history, the future is a mystery, And this moment is a gift.
That's why we call it the present.
Who are you? Don't you know me? I'm your fairy godmother.
You're my fairy godmother.
Eh no, just making an effort.
I want my fairy godmother.
She's got something nice for me.
Ella, I told you not to take it.
I'm trying to plan an escape here.
Who for? You.
We're coming for you tonight.
Me and Leon.
No, no.
Visitors are not allowed.
You should telephone in a day or two.
Ella, please.
Is there anything we need? Anything we can bring? What about the bolter? No.
Nurse Perie wouldn't like it.
No? Well, I can live with that.
She never sleeps, you know? She's a genuine real-life fairy! A fairy? Right.
That some serious shit they're giving you, girl.
Shit! In my official capacity.
You mean as acting head master? Yes.
You don't think you're been just a little bit pompous? Am I? I'm sorry.
Oh, don't apologize, head master.
I quite like it.
And I've been a very naughty girl.
Please, be serious.
I want to know what Leon said to you.
For God's sake.
But you spoke to him, didn't you? - I don't want to talk about it.
- What did he say? He's a loser, OK? She treated him like shit and he runs after her like a puppy dog.
He took her flowers.
He's not going to do anything.
- You're sure? - Leon is not a doer, trust me.
Now can I tell you about my fantasy with a really big desk and six of the best? Leon.
How was your day? How was Max? - He was cool.
- Excellent.
Now then, listen carefully: I have a cunning plan.
You like dressing up? Hey, who doesn't? Well, you're going to go to the hospital in disguise.
That way they won't recognize you.
Always thinking, see? Now I know you're gonna say "what about nurse Perie?" More SAS than NHS, am I right? I can't just go walking in there.
It's a secure mental hospital.
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, trust me.
You're a right worry guts, aren't you? First things first: you get yourself ready, I'll get busy.
How are you feeling? OK.
- What? - Nothing.
You look different.
All set? Hey, tadah! I've got it.
To make the scary fairy's eyes water, huh? Whatever.
Thelma, I'm thinking maybe, maybe I'll just stay here.
There's not a good place for me right now, and maybe they're right, maybe I need to be somewhere quiet.
They're not right! This is what they're doing.
That stuff's making you like this.
No, it's me! I'm not well! Actually, I don't even want to talk about it.
Look, it's cool.
Calm down.
No, it's no use.
I can't do it.
I need to stay here.
- I'm sorry.
- I said it's cool.
Forget it.
Whatever you want.
- Shame about Leon, though.
- What about him? He's out there right now.
Creeping around.
Risking everything to come and save you.
But he's a useless jerk, so what do you care? It's no use trying to make me feel guilty about him.
He's old enough to look after himself.
Drop it! You're a visitor.
Visitors are not allowed.
I said put the needle down.
Leave it out, Thelma.
Who is she? No one.
Don't listen to her.
She's just a friend.
I don't think so.
I think she's a dead person.
Any closer with that and we'll see who's the dead person.
Now, well, well.
No! Stop! For God's sake! Not now, Leon! I know you.
You're not a proper nurse.
No shit! Look.
I'm sorry.
I don't want any arguments, she's coming with me.
Use this.
Who is that nurse? Did you see what she did to me? She head butted me! She's very strict.
Strict? This place's a nut house! Come on! I'm getting you out of here.
Max! For fuck's sake! Sorry, mate.
She's a bit hyper.
Sure I've heard of any friend of yours.
Well, this is nice.
Can I offer anyone anything? I wouldn't mind a cup of tea.
- A cup of tea, right.
- No sugar.
No sugar.
What about you, my love? Ella, her name is Ella.
Pleased to meet you, Ella.
I'm Max.
As in sorted to the max, as we used to say when it was fashionable.
What can I get you? You've got a syringe? I'm sure we can rassle something up.
So that's tea, no sugar, and a syringe.
Leon, a word? - I'm not happy about this.
- What? This! Do you know what's in here? Something from the hospital.
On prescription.
- What do you care? - That's my point.
I give you something, I can vouch for it 100%.
NHS who knows? It's a lottery.
- What are you doing? - She's an addict, mate.
- You will have to look at her.
- So, she needs it! Don't be a twat, Leon.
We don't even know what it is and we can't get her anymore, so she's gonna start withdrawing.
Listen, mate.
One shot won't make a difference.
Appear a wall for her to climb.
We might as well get on with it.
You what?! Back in the kitchen there's a towel! Grab it! And a can of orange juice!.
What for? Please, I can't leave her, can I?! It's OK.
We're here.
We've got you.
- Sorry? - One more time.
Here we are, then.
Oh, you look better.
Not great, but, better.
- Thanks, Max.
- You're welcome.
I mean it.
I gotta go out for a bit.
Leon will come with me to do some shopping.
You're dehidrated, and I had all the juice.
I'll get rid of this.
If you need to throw up, just use the sink.
Let's get nursey to clear the dishes out first.
How are you feeling? Not bad.
You? Yeah, not bad.
You don't lipstick so much.
Nursey! I'll come straight back.
He did alright for a useless jerk.
I might visit him one night with big Janice and let him watch.
He'd like that.
He deserves a treat.
I'll get orange juice, bottle water, a wildlife, and some jam.
What kind of jam? Fuck knows? She needs sugar.
Give a toast and jam on there.
- Keep up the liquids.
- She looks OK, though.
I mean she's through the worst of it? I'll be back as soon as I can.
How can a secure psychiatric hospital manage to lose a section patient? It's a good question.
We took a roll call, and it was missing.
What about the one to one nursing? What about nurse Perie? She's missing too, I'm afraid.
Shit! Fairy dust, bitch! Malachi, I don't think I need to remind you how dangerous it is out there.
Psycopatic humans are all well and good, but you're dealing with another level here.
How many 500 year old mortals do you know? - We've got to tell Leon.
- You'll ruin his life! Stop haunting me! Transcript and synch by blade2 & Aimee.
and subxpacio.
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