Hunter Street (2017) s02e06 Episode Script

The New Friend

Be right back, guys! Any luck? Not yet.
This is taking a long time.
Well, they did hack my entire server.
This isn't easy.
No kidding.
How about now? Here's an idea.
How about you guys go wait somewhere else? I'll get it.
Uh-oh! What's going on with Evie? You guys should definitely go check that out, for the next 45 minutes, at least.
Evie? What's the matter? Evie? - Hello, young man.
- Um Hello.
Are your parents home? Mmm, no.
Can I be of any help? I don't think so.
Oh, excuse me.
Look here, lady.
You and that outfit need to leave.
Who just walks into someone's house uninvited? I'm here to pick up Evie.
We got a lady downstairs who says she's here to pick up Evie.
I'm not here.
We can see you, Evie.
Nope, it's not me.
Well, we're gonna need to work on your hiding skills.
Do you know who she is? Yes.
Can you tell us? No.
I'd probably go with camouflage.
If you're hiding in a bedroom, I would go with something like sheets or a blanket so you blend in, and also, you probably shouldn't talk while you're hiding.
She's not gonna take you, Evie.
Jake will send her away.
But you have to tell us who she is.
You're new here, aren't you? Not really.
Why? Because otherwise you would have known who I am.
All the other kids called me Lovely Lucia.
Uh, that's funny, 'cause I've never heard them mention you.
That's because you're new here.
Only half a Hunter.
I'm all Hunter all the time.
I tell you what, why don't you go look in the museum? You'll see a painting that my deceased husband and I donated.
Which one? The one with the stuffy old man who looks like he smelled something foul.
That could be any of them.
But in this one, he's holding a goat.
Go on, check it out.
Wait here.
Wait! There's no little goat on any of these paintings! Wha?! Evie! I'm not here! Maybe don't say it out loud! I'm here to take you home! Hey! You just Dear child.
I have come to take you home, let's go.
She's not here! She's not here! What? That's absurd.
She's right there, I can see her.
Well, she's really bad at hiding, so.
Evie, come on, darling.
It's time to go home now.
She is home.
She is not.
And neither are the rest of you.
You're just staying here, like guests.
You're not a real family.
That's a lie.
We are a real family.
Evie, darling, you don't have to live here any longer with that thief.
Don't even think about it.
Oh, Eric, it's great that you're here.
I just came by to see if darling Evie has everything she needs.
She does.
Now please leave.
You have no right to be here.
Evie is my stepchild, I have every right to.
She was your stepchild.
Others have been taking care of her for the last few months.
I know what you want.
And it's not going to happen.
Now leave.
Don't forget.
You are only half a Hunter.
Oh, good thing I forgot my wallet.
- Who was that? - Don't worry about it.
She won't bother us again.
That's all you need to know.
Hey, Evie.
Are you okay? I don't want to go with her.
Oh, you don't have to, sweetie.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Here you go.
Kate is waiting for me at the grocery store, so I have to run.
Don't let any other strangers into the house.
Wait! Eric! Why won't he tell us what's going on, or anything? I don't know.
What should we do? We have to figure out what's going on.
We're gonna help Eric even if he doesn't want us to.
Sal? Yep, almost there.
Sal, we need you now.
Give me one second, okay? And done.
That's it? Yep.
And? And what? Did you find out who hacked your computer? Nope, not a clue.
We need to talk.
All of us.
So here's what we know.
First, there was the cryptex, that I ingeniously opened.
There was a picture of a crown inside.
Next thing we know, Eric gets framed for stealing a puzzle box, and when we opened this puzzle box, we found, yet again, another picture.
While this is all going on, Max gets introduced to his birth parents by an agency that seems to have gone up in smoke.
Don't forget the fake policeman who went up in smoke as well.
Thank you, Tess, for pointing that out, yes.
And on top of that, Evie shows up.
Yay! Evie.
And around her neck, she has the same crown as the one in the cryptex! You guys with me so far? Okay.
This takes us to when Sal gets his computer hacked and the only thing that shows up For the record, they were world class hackers.
Yeah, yeah, well, the only thing that showed up was this strange sun.
And then finally, this really weird lady who was Evie's stepmom shows up.
So what does all of this mean? It tells us that it is all very complicated.
Way to go, detective.
But we can solve this mystery.
We can, I'm sure of it.
We just have to follow the pattern.
Now, I know I know I wasn't around for your last big adventure.
But maybe I can still help out.
Lucia was just pushing your buttons, Jake.
You're 100% Hunter.
You know, don't let her get to you.
I won't.
Anyway, let's start with our first witness.
A bowl of ice cream, as requested.
I still don't see how this is gonna help, Nika.
She's the star witness.
She gets whatever she wants.
Then how come you get a bowl of ice cream, too? Because I'm the star questioner.
Well, then, start asking questions.
So, that was your stepmom, Evie? Yes.
And her name is Lucia? Yes.
Your witness.
All right, well, um Do you know how she knows Eric? Nuh-uh.
Do you know where she lives? Does she live in the same house as you? Long ago.
Me and Daddy moved to a different house.
Ah, but do you remember where the house is, where you lived together with Lucia? No.
But I do know that outside the house is a river.
A river! Oh, you mean like a canal.
No, like a real river.
I think I know what she's talking about! What? What? Mmm.
Brain freeze.
I think I know what she's talking about! So Is this it? How did you Amsterdam was built near the Amstel River.
That's how it got its name.
What? I like history, okay? Okay, um, so - how long is this river? Because - I have no idea.
19 miles, ooh, that's long.
How are we gonna find that? Wait! I remember something! A building! Okay, so what kind of building? A warehouse? An office building? A church? A building with wings! Oh, a building with wings.
You mean like an airplane.
No, a building that does like this.
Wow, so a building that can dance.
No, Jake, I think she means a mill.
Yes, a mill! A mill with wings.
Well, now we're getting somewhere.
Look! Evie did a great impression.
Is this the mill, ma'am? Yes, sir.
Follow me.
Stay close.
This could get ugly fast.
All right.
Stop going so fast! Ugh! Guys, stay close.
This the house? Right? No.
No? Aww.
Is it that one? Nuh-uh.
This one? No.
Oh, over here.
That one? There.
There? Aww, guys, you know what? I think I think we should just come back tomorrow, 'cause, - I mean, I'm kinda - No! No.
- Jake, keep up.
- Right, right, right.
Is Is that it? Come on, please.
It has to be, right? No? Still not.
Evie, is it this one? Nope.
Ahh! Evie, is this the house? Please.
We've been looking for ages, please.
It has to be, right? Come on, we've got to go.
Oh, bye-bye, guys, gotta go! No, wait, we need you to recognize the house.
Looking for something? Or are you guys looking for somebody? Uh, do you live around here? No, I deliver the papers.
What's up? Jenny.
So You must know this neighborhood pretty well then.
Mm, kinda.
I've been delivering the papers for the last couple months.
I wanted to buy a new GPU with a PCI express and those things cost a lot of money.
That's a great idea! Upgrading to a dedicated graphics offloads a ton of work from the CPU and system RAM so then not only We have We're looking for a lady who lives in this area.
Maybe you know her? What's her name? Uh, Lucia.
What's with the camera? Oh.
It's for my vlog.
Recording my entire life.
Every second of every day.
Even when you go to the bathroom? No, no.
But why are you guys looking for this lady? - She's our math teacher.
- She's our aunt.
- Our teacher in line dancing.
- Okay.
Well, if you don't want to tell me anything, it's fine with me, but I can't help you if I don't know what's going on.
So your dad's going to jail? Well, it doesn't look good for him.
That's so unfair.
Hey, I'm thinking, since you film everything, any chance you've got any footage of the person we're looking for.
Well, I do film everything, so I must have some footage of her, but you'll have to go through, like, hundreds of hours of video.
Oh, come on, guys! Who said being a detective was easy? Okey-dokey.
So, if you give me your e-mail, I can send you everything from the last couple months.
Your bike computer can hold that much data? Mm-hmm.
I made it myself.
I combined an iStick, WiFi SD and a flash air with a super memory card.
I can store more than two terabytes on it.
When did you build this rig? When I was eleven.
It held up pretty well, but I'm going to have to update the SCSI.
Why? You into this stuff? Yeah, a little.
Sal is totally a computer genius.
No, I'm not.
I'm uploading the data.
You should have everything in about an hour.
No problem.
Anyway, gotta go.
These papers aren't going to deliver themselves, right? See you later.
Well, she was nice.
Don't you think so? Yeah.
And you guys had a lot in common.
I guess.
Let's get home.
We've got a lot of work to do.
There's hours of footage.
We should watch 'em in shifts.
Plates out! You know what? Maybe we should watch this in shifts.
Guys, I'm home! Abort! Eric's still at the playground with Evie, but I thought I'd Oh! What are you guys up to? Oh, well, we're watching a movie Jake made.
It's called the "The Bike Riding Girl.
" Yep, "The Bike Riding Girl," that's it.
Wow, Jake.
Comic books and movie making? You are so talented.
Well, I guess creativity is really my thing, you know? Can I watch with you guys? Scoot over.
What are you looking at? Bike riding girl, you said.
This This is just the intro.
I've seen this part already.
Be back in a minute.
Me too.
I'll be back in a while.
Mmm Mm-hmm.
What's that? Oh, this? Nothing.
Would that nothing, by any chance, be a new computer stuff thing for somebody? What? No.
It's a device to update small computer system interface, better known as a SCSI.
I'll bet Jenny would really like to Never mind.
We have more important stuff to do.
It is pretty experimental.
Wouldn't you say? Yeah, it's still in the editing phase.
You know what? I just think it is wonderful that you're actually doing something with all of that talent of yours here, Jake.
I'm really proud of you.
You are? Of course I am.
Why would you ask that? You wouldn't, um, think I'm just a guest in in your home.
Do you? Jake Whatever gave you that idea? No No one.
I mean, nothing, nothing.
Now, you listen to me and you listen good.
You are my son, and you always will be.
Even when you turn into some great Hollywood director, or a comic book artist, you're my kid, okay? Yeah.
I'll see you at dinner.
Thank you.
Whoa! I found something! Guys! Wake up! What is going on? Well, I found something.
Good for you.
What's with her? Tess isn't exactly a morning person.
Ah, gotcha.
That's not true.
I just I just need a minute.
Why Why'd you wake us up so early? Well, I told you, I found something! Come on! So I watched all the footage.
You watched everything? Yeah, I figured there had to be something there.
You didn't sleep at all? No.
And I was right.
I found out something finally this morning.
Okay, so I know the route that Jenny takes on her bike to deliver the papers.
I've seen it like 84 times.
And I know that there is a very vicious dog on number 46 and a bunch of other very interesting stuff.
And then Come on.
All right.
And then, suddenly watch.
Lucia! You found her! Mm-hmm.
You see? Number 18.
So we have the full address now.
Amstel Road 18.
No need to look it up, Sal? Why not? 'Cause I already did.
I called the City Hall and found out that the house belonged to the trust of William Ruybosch.
Who is he? Well, I don't know, but what I do know, thanks to a very friendly lady at the City Hall, is that he died a couple of months ago.
William I have to stop them finding out about William Ruybosch.
Deleting all files.
Just a couple more seconds, everything will be erased.
Deleting all files.
Deleting all files.
Two files could not be deleted.
What? No! Got it! Ooh, it's not much.
Well, that's rather strange.
So who is he? William Ruybosch.
Millionaire, art lover, died a couple months ago.
Details remain unknown.
Hey, that's my daddy! Huh?
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