Snabba Cash (2021) s02e06 Episode Script

I Know Who You Are

Stay awake.
Hey. Don't fall asleep, okay, Ravy?
Fuck. Fuck.
You have to stay awake, okay?
Look at me. Stay awake.
It's cool. I'm here.
I don't wanna die, Leya.
I don't wanna die.
Ravy, look at me.
Keep your focus on the road.
Keep your focus on the road!
Excuse me, excuse me.
I'm here to see the Njage family.
- Yeah, just wait a moment.
- Right here?
- Yeah, that's fine.
- Okay.
Please, come with me.
Come on.
Come on, Ravy.
Ravy. Ravy!
Hey, look at me! Hey, stay awake, okay?
Stay awake!
Ravy, wake up!
Wake up! Wake up, Ravy!
Wake up! That's enough!
Wake up! Enough!
Wake up now!
Leya's place is on the sixth floor.
It's here.
Open it.
Search everywhere.
There's nothing here.
It's cleaned out.
John, she's been here.
It's okay. We'll find them.
- Sami, are you okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- Where are we going?
- It's a surprise.
Calm down.
There. Come in.
Come on. Here.
Go take a look at the view.
It's really cool.
I wanna go home.
I know, honey, but we're going
to stay here a while, okay?
What is going on?
I can't talk about it right now.
You must stay here with Sami, okay?
- Honey?
- Mm-hmm?
You know, you're going to stay here
with Grandma now, okay?
Mommy has to go back to work. Okay?
I know you miss home,
but we have to stay here.
Guess what.
They have a jacuzzi, a pool, hot tub.
They've got everything, okay?
Mom, Grandma called.
She said you were with Uncle Ravy.
What happened? What is it?
What have you done?
- What have you done? What did you do?
- Nothing. Nothing.
- You can't tell me?
- Okay, here, take the key.
- Take care of Sami. Be careful.
- Okay.
You know what hurts most, Leya?
That I wasn't there for him
in his last moments.
It's not your fault.
There isn't anything
you could have done to prevent this.
That damn Zaki.
He took my brother from me.
He took Osman from me.
He has to suffer before he dies, Leya.
He must.
Hello, friends.
Um, I'm really sorry
for your loss.
We are all suffering
from this loss.
We've all lost a little bit of hope,
and we've lost a little bit of love too.
We have also lost a lot more.
Above all,
we have lost a young man.
I'm not sure what else to say.
I want you to be prepared that
as we stand in mourning here today
they will write a story
about Liban.
It will sound something like this.
"A young male, criminal gang member,
shot to death."
And that story
will mention nothing of the person
Liban actually was.
We know who Liban was.
And together,
we will honor his memory here.
Those of you who knew him
saw that Liban
was a major basketball talent.
He could dribble circles around all of us.
Thank you.
Let's go now. Let's go home.
Come on.
Do you wanna come over for dinner?
No, it's okay, brother. But thanks anyway.
How you been, brother?
I'll handle the situation, bro.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Hi, Leya.
Come in.
Fuck, Jamal.
Have a seat.
- So I brought these for you and Zara.
- Oh, that's so nice of you.
- You didn't have to.
- They're my favorites, so I
I didn't know he was your student.
I'm so fucking angry.
So angry.
This world is so
I get it.
He was a cool kid, you know.
He wasn't a criminal, just
But like
I could feel it, I swear to God.
I knew something was gonna happen.
I was stuck, I'm telling you.
I didn't feel like
there was anybody to turn to, so
I failed him, Leya.
He was just a child.
That's all he was, a child.
I'm very sorry this happened, Jamal.
I better go. I
have to pick Sami up now.
But, um
Thank you for coming over.
I really appreciate it, Leya.
Thanks, Leya.
Yeah, right in the pocket.
Sami, I'll be right back.
I just have to take this call.
we need to talk.
- Yes.
- What happened?
- I don't know what happened. It just
- Leya, we need our money.
- Listen, I'll get you the money, I swear.
- Look
I hope Sami and your mother
find room 220 comfortable.
You need to start the payment
in two weeks.
I'm the best at pool.
Yes, honey, you're the best.
You're the best at everything.
What do you think?
How quickly can we move this?
Just stop. Leya, we can't sell this.
The fuck are you talking about?
Leya, we can't put this
out on the street.
Nala, we have two weeks
for this shit to move.
- This must be sold now.
- Leya, there's really no way to do that.
I can't. There isn't fucking
anybody else, Leya.
Nala, what is it you don't get?
We can't lay low.
As long as Zaki is alive,
nothing can be sold.
And I have no fucking chance
to get close to him by myself.
Okay, listen.
Look, you and me are the only people
who know this is here, right?
And it's a dry spell
on the streets, isn't it?
Okay. Zaki needs this.
As long as I have it,
there's no way he can waste us
Leya, the second you give him the stuff,
he'll murder you.
He'll kill you as soon
as he has the chance.
Sorry I'm late.
I was stuck in traffic.
It's cool.
I just wanted to show you this.
This is all for you, Leya!
What do you think?
Do you understand?
You just walk right up here and shine!
You are TargetCoach!
Yeah, it's
I really don't know what to say, Teresa.
This is
It's just amazing.
Hey, this is the largest event
I've gotten to be a part of.
I am so glad I get to do this with you.
Yeah, me too.
It's amazing. This is going to be great.
Nothing can stop us now.
I have to kill him.
- What? No, no, no. Salim, listen
- Leya, we have to waste him.
- Salim, it will make things worse.
- It won't be worse. We have to.
- What if we fail?
- I'm not gonna fail.
Leya, what don't you understand?
It's either him or it's us.
Bro, it was me.
Hey, Leya, is it true?
I'd die for you.
I'll do it.
I'll kill Zaki.
Leya, you're no murderer.
I'll bring him here.
I'll shoot him,
and we'll have his whole crew.
- Leya, it's not
- There's no other option.
If it's just him and me,
he won't feel threatened.
Then I have a chance to get him.
Are you sure then?
- Hey.
- So? What's up?
Heard you were hungry.
Here to see if you wanna eat.
I'm not eating with you.
I heard you're Zaki's little bitch.
Listen, you fucking whore.
Think I won't hurt you
'cause you're a girl?
Listen, Amir.
Why you think you and me
are the only ones left?
Why are we still standing here today?
Because the smart ones survive, bro.
That's why you're here instead of Dani.
As long as Zaki's living
we have no deal.
Don't worry about Zaki.
Hey, let's go.
- See you tomorrow.
- Okay.
- Mohammed, what's up?
- Hey.
What are you doing here?
Got a minute to talk?
Yeah, sure.
What is it?
Well, remember when we were
at the bus station
and you asked me for names?
I remember.
Yeah, well, Zaki was the name of the guy
that Liban was working with.
What's he doing?
I don't know, but he's in a war
with a dude named Ravy.
- Yeah.
- Uh-huh.
The guy who beat on Jalal.
Yeah, he's the one
who messed up Jalal.
So this guy
This guy Zaki
- Mm-hmm.
- You know anybody he rolls with?
- Can you come with me?
- Of course. Yeah, come on.
did you know that, uh
that your buddy Tim,
he's been working for Zaki.
- Tim?
- Yeah.
Know what, Mohammed?
- Thanks so much for telling me this, okay?
- Okay.
I'll take it from here.
Jamal? What are you doing?
Fuck your hand, man.
Listen, Tim.
Gonna ask you one question,
and I want a straight answer.
Okay? No bullshit.
Was it you that brought in Liban?
- I don't know what
- Sit down! Sit down there!
Sit down!
Listen, I know that you work for Zaki.
I know that Liban was working for Zaki.
So who in the fuck
is this fucking Zaki, man?
You need to tell me. Who is Zaki?
- I ain't no snitch.
- Not a snitch, huh?
You fucking You think this is a game?
That what you think?
A boy is dead!
That boy was murdered!
And what about you?
You were in for fucking murder.
You're on probation.
One call from me and you are back in.
Fuck it, man. I'll call them.
I'm gonna call,
and you're right back in prison, man.
You don't wanna talk?
I'm gonna call. Wanna play games?
I didn't do anything.
You didn't do anything.
Is that the game you're playing?
It was Ravy.
The hell you talking about, it was Ravy?
Ravy set me up for the murder.
Tell me who this Zaki is.
What are you doing with Zaki?
Tell me who he is!
You lied to me. I let you hang
with Liban and them. Who is Zaki?
Better talk.
You know who Salim was?
Uh, yeah, I think I've heard of him.
And Leya?
What are you saying? Which Leya?
Leya who has a little boy
with Ravy's brother.
I know who you mean now. What about her?
Leya, what?
Once you've gotten Zaki to the farm
and done your thing,
Amir and his crew will come help me
with his bitch John.
That's cool.
You're invincible, Leya, okay?
Where you going?
Hey, brother,
you're here comparing your balls to mine,
but I just wanna buy a soda.
Hey, dude, I'm thirsty.
Leya are you gonna kill me again?
- Hello.
- Hey, bro, listen to me.
They're trying to kill us.
Waste that fucking Nala
before she kills you.
Leya, where the fuck are you?
Fuck you!
Leya, you have to
choose who you are.
Who the fuck are you, Leya?
Everybody sit the fuck down now!
Back off!
- Whoa, whoa. What's going on?
- Back off!
All of you, put the fucking guns down.
Put 'em down.
- Fuck you!
- Now back off.
Hey, boys, what's happening?
Got your periods now? Chill out.
Stay cool.
I'm here to talk business. That's all.
So listen the fuck up.
Look, it's raining. It's raining money.
This is less than a tenth of what I have.
You wanna fight each other?
Go on.
But if you want a share
of this fucking money you
come talk to me, guys.
That's what I have to say.
Mohammed, come on.
We're late. Let's go.
Hurry up. Let's get going.
Last year,
98% of our students graduated.
If you're wondering why,
the answer is simple.
It's because our teacher density
is the highest in the country.
Thanks, bro.
My dream finally came true.
But let me tell you one thing.
It hasn't been easy.
It hasn't been easy.
But I didn't give up!
Yeah! Woo!
Today is the day when TargetCoach
will be introduced on Nasdaq North!
Now who is ready
to make some fucking money?
- Counting down!
- Ten!
Six! Five! Four!
Three! Two! One!
- Woo!
- Oh, yeah!
- I've been keeping an eye on you.
- Hey!
Thanks very much. Best of luck.
- See you at the game.
- Absolutely.
- I'm gonna win!
- Okay.
- Hey!
- Hey! Great to see you. Thank you.
Thanks. I'm so happy and grateful
that you're in this with me.
- Jamal!
- Hey.
- I'm glad you came.
- This is a big deal.
- Well, I'm happy that you came.
- Congrats, congrats.
- Thank you.
- Hey, you did it.
- Wow! You look wonderful tonight!
- Thanks so much. You too.
You look great!
- How are you? How are you doing?
- I'm great.
These people think they know
who you are for real,
but they have no idea at all.
- Ah, you need to stop that.
- No, Leya, I know who you are.
- I'm
- No, no, Leya. I know who you are.
Cause I spoke with someone Tim.
Know who he is?
You know Tim?
He told me it all.
That you have something with
something with Ravy
and and fucking Marko.
Liban. Where were you when Liban died?
I really need to know.
You think you know me,
but you have no fucking idea.
I like you a lot, Jamal.
So please, don't dig any deeper into it.
I wouldn't want you to get hurt.
All these women run together.
Them motherfuckas was all over me.
But I represented.
I need something I can set it off with.
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