Epitafios (2004) s02e08 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 8

Any news
about our congressman?
Not yet, but you will certainly
be the first to know.
You're too kind.
Your phone is tapped,
so be careful with what you say.
Got it.
I don't know what you did.
But they're watching you.
- He won't kill me.
- No?
- We have our fights.
- He'll get tired of hitting you.
Suncho. Suncho.
Make this face
twenty years older.
Let's take a walk.
Ronda was dead
before the train hit him.
- Who would do that?
- The monster we're after.
Don't we have a DNA match?
Between Ronda and the killer,
not him and his son.
The file says
Ronda had just one son.
The file is wrong.
Relax, this takes a while.
I love you Dad.
Marina, how are you?
- Okay.
- Has Renzo called?
My calls go straight
to his voicemail.
Mine too.
We should go over
to his place.
I don't think so.
Let's begin.
- Without Renzo?
- Yes.
We know the killer
and Ronda's son are siblings,
but their DNA is a 50% match,
how can that be?
One dad, two mothers.
Emilio Ronda's DNA
and his son's are a 100% match.
And so is his DNA
and that of the killer,
but the killer's DNA
and Emilio Ronda's son's DNA
only make a 50% match
because it's not the same mom.
That's how it works?
Yes Mazzoni.
You're doubting me?
We need to find out
who Ronda's lover was,
the one that had his love child,
and who Ronda really was.
How do you plan
to do that?
Searching the house
and the lab.
Emilio Ronda had a woman.
- She's in a mental hospital.
- But she's alive. I'll see her.
While I search the house?
I'll see if Suncho
aged that kid's picture.
How are you feeling,
Don't worry,
I'll do what I have to do.
We all hope so.
He didn't overlook
a single detail.
It's the same camera.
Hurry, I don't want Renzo
to see these pictures.
What about the kid?
How long should it take?
Three to four days.
Five max.
Anything new about Diaz?
I dug up something new.
This way.
He's retired.
So he's investigating
Achabal's death privately.
The judge and the prosecutor
are staying out of it.
Diaz reports
to the Secretary of the Interior.
How come?
Looks like Achabal's death
could become an embarrassment.
He would've outdone
the Marquis de Sade himself.
How did you find that out?
I hear things here and there.
Plus he was
in the ruling party?
A normal investigation
would be embarrassing,
and elections
are just around the corner.
They could just
close the case, period.
How come he's still
on the case?
I'm not sure.
I think it's because
we found the body.
Plus Morini pulled out
those two slugs.
A lot of people
are involved.
They have to carry out
an investigation.
Or pretend they are.
They're not pretending.
I know Diaz is dead serious.
They're not looking
for Achabal's killer,
but for anyone who knows
what he was really like.
They're moving fast.
A friend told me
Diaz had several phones tapped,
including yours.
I'm not surprised.
I know we talked about this,
but I need to know if
I didn't do it.
But I can't prove it
without your help.
What do you
need me to do?
I need to know why Mr. Achabal
is such an embarrassment.
But I don't need hearsay.
I need proof.
Do you think
you can get me some?
I can try,
but it won't be easy.
They'll want money.
No problem,
I have my savings.
I'll do what I can
after work hours.
Thanks, Suncho.
Why would they
be looking for people
who know the truth
about Achabal?
Think the worst
to get to the truth.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Have the house cleaned.
- Okay.
The lab and the rooms too.
Have everything packed.
No chemical detergents,
just neutral ones.
I'm going in.
Yes sir.
"The Divine Comedy."
Mrs. Ronda was admitted
seven years ago,
with severe shock symptoms,
by her incipient Alzheimer's.
How could that be?
Nobody knows.
You are her first visitor
in years.
She created her own world
with her pigeons.
She spends hours
feeding them breadcrumbs.
Can I talk to her or not?
As long as you
don't pressure her.
There she is.
It's amazing
how they stay put.
They are selfish,
that's why.
They just want my bread.
I'm no fool.
They fly away
if there's no bread.
They do?
And you?
What about me?
You not here
for the bread, are you?
No I'm not.
- What then?
- It's about your husband.
He's not here.
I know.
Because he's dead.
You're smiling.
That makes you happy.
Like my pigeons.
Why does that
make you happy?
Why, ma'am?
Is it your son?
Or your other son?
I need to know.
Please talk to me.
I don't want your bread.
Pablo Castanini?
- Are you Pablo Castanini?
- What do you want?
I am detective Diaz.
We need to talk.
I'm investigating a crime.
I don't recall
killing anybody.
You have a cellphone,
Yes, I have a cellphone,
with Internet access,
it takes pictures,
has cool games,
and you know what?
I can even talk on it.
And your number
is 0115551100,
How do you know that?
It's on a list of calls
made to a suspect
by the name of Carlos Fuentes.
I know several Carlos,
but I don't remember
their last names.
This is the only picture
I can show you.
But he hasn't changed much.
He blew his brains out.
Do you know him?
What do I have to do with this?
Do you know him or not?
We met a few months ago
in an accident.
What accident?
Nothing serious.
He crashed into my bicycle.
That's all.
What else?
That was it.
The back wheel was hit bad,
but he said he'd pay for it.
He gave me his number
and he paid me.
How many payments?
There were several
phone calls.
- No.
- No what?
We didn't agree on the price,
so I had to
Think about it.
- Am I under arrest?
- No. Thank you.
I didn't get much, and you?
- I found a gun.
- Where?
Hidden in a book.
A long-barrell.38.
And the lab?
They're cleaning up
the silver halide stench.
I'll be back tomorrow.
- Anything else?
- No. See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
I've had a long day
and I'm tired,
so if you must talk,
make it fast.
Do you know Diaz?
- You know him too, or what?
- He came looking for me.
I never thought
he'd move this fast.
How did he find you?
I guessed
I had thought of everything,
but I made the mistake
of calling Carlos on my cellphone.
Welcome aboard.
Marina, for God's sake,
can't you see what's happening?
We're in big trouble.
I warned you a long time ago.
You don't need to remind me.
You know what?
You can't let them catch us.
You need my help?
Is that it?
Yes. Yes.
I can't do it alone.
You don't have a clue, Pablo.
Do you?
Get some sleep.
This is getting interesting.
Wait, please.
- Thanks.
- Hello.
I heard about your dad.
I'm so sorry.
You want to talk about it?
Excuse me?
Talking could help.
No thanks.
If it's about my husband,
he left me.
- I'm glad for you.
- It was either him or me.
- You were lucky.
- Let's have coffee sometime.
Whatever mess you're in,
it's huge.
Huge and dangerous.
It's a miracle I got that report.
Whatever you do with it,
I never gave it to you.
Who gave it to you?
This could be
some kind of bait.
The guy I got it from
said what I told you.
A reporter friend of mine
who is very far away.
That is his life insurance.
It took him five years
to complete it.
How much do I owe you?
You owe me nothing,
just take care.
Good job.
We're done.
What do we do with that?
Take it to the lab.
Have everything tagged.
Renzo, what do you need?
A face.
It takes time.
You need to type in
the variables,
type of hair, beard,
more or less weight.
Plus I'm tired.
I haven't been sleeping well.
What do I care?
Don't sleep.
I need to see his face.
I brought you
those pictures.
What are you doing?
Are you insane?
His son was just here.
You said it was urgent.
Yes, but be careful.
I'm dead if they find out.
That's okay.
I'll pay you later.
- At your place?
- Yes, I'll call you.
You'll call,
or do I go over there?
I'll call you.
You're getting there,
Will that be all?
This is Diaz. Remember me?
I'll be brief.
We need to talk.
I'm listening.
No, I mean personally.
Jot this down.
Go ahead.
Olavarria 3240.
What time?
At 2 p.m.
I need you here now.
What is it?
I can't explain it.
I need you here.
What's going on?
Mariano just called.
- He found something?
- Yes, I'm on my way.
I can't go now.
Why not?
Remember that Russian roulette
case I worked on?
Achabal's death
seems to be linked somehow,
and the dumb detective
is pressuring me for information.
That's it?
What's wrong?
Nothing. Nothing.
- What can you tell us?
- No comments.
- People have a right to know.
- One last question.
- Just like last time?
- Idiot.
- I'm not
- Idiot.
You failed again.
Just a minute.
We haven't failed.
This killer is a copycat.
A copycat.
While the killers he imitates
are at least unique,
he is a sick arasite,
a human Xerox machine.
But this parasite
killed your own dad.
- Wait, Marquez.
- No comments.
What was that?
I am a parasite?
And a photocopier?
A human photocopier?
Thatjerk said so!
Don't let him get to you.
You need to focus.
That Suncho, for example.
Don't let him get to you!
Who does he think he is?
How can he say I'm sick?
Or mediocre?
Can't you see
this is what he wants?
He's trying to get to you.
Don't let him, you idiot.
How can you be so stupid?
I'll drive him crazy.
That's what I'll do.
I'll drive you crazy.
Then let's see what happens.
I'll drive you crazy,
you son-of-a-bitch.
I will destroy you.
I will yank your belly out.
And I'll wipe your face with it.
You hear me?
Then let's see
if you'll call me a copycat.
- What did you smell?
- Putrefaction.
- Are you sure?
- Totally.
- A dead animal perhaps?
- No way.
So what is it,
a dead body?
More than one body.
Several bodies
all over the place.
And here.
- And here.
- No, this faces the street.
It's a hollow wall.
The house is over 30 years old.
Nobody builds
houses like this anymore.
I checked the plans.
Here they are.
Forget the plans.
Alright, the original house
was five yards wider.
There's something in there.
We need to tear the wall down.
Are you sure?
My God!
We need a demolition team
and a forensic team.
- Is Diaz here?
- Who wants to know?
Marina Segal.
Go right in.
What's the matter?
I wouldn't know
how to describe this place.
It's an office.
But not an official
government agency, right?
No. Have a seat.
This is what
we're interested in.
According to these records,
you and Carlos
phoned each other all the time.
I had to.
I tailed him for a while,
earned his trust,
but I already
told you that the first time.
Yes, I remember,
but that only explains
some of your calls.
Not all of them.
Which are the phone calls
you can't explain?
There was a phone call
the same day Achaval was killed.
I don't remember that.
What's the next one?
I guess you don't remember
that one either.
It's a call you made
the day they found
Achabal's body.
You lack imagination.
I remember that one.
How do you explain that?
We found Achabal's body
thanks to an anonymous call.
The person
talked about an accident,
that occurred during
a game of Russian roulette.
Then he told us exactly
where to go
to find Achabal's body.
When he said
Russian roulette,
I immediately
thought about Carlos,
so I called him
to see what he knew.
Do you really expect me
to believe that?
What choice do you have?
Tell me everything you know.
The truth.
I told you the truth.
It was a bullet from your gun
that killed him, detective.
I'm sorry.
Shouldn't you have run
a ballistic test on my gun
before saying that,
That was just
a necessary formality.
Judges love formalities.
Go ahead.
They love witnesses even more.
Bring him in.
I can't believe it.
We went to school together.
- So what?
- I knew him very well.
What was he like?
What was Ronda like?
Tough and reserved.
He hardly said a word.
He was a practical man
and very modest.
What about the family?
He never spoke about them.
We were friends.
Sometimes we had dinner,
stuff like that.
- Right.
- Sir.
What is it?
I think I found something.
Get me something
to cut this open.
What is it?
A child?
What age is he?
No idea.
He could be the kid
in the picture.
Possibly, but we don't know
whether it's a male or a female.
Just wait till I get my hands
on that bastard.
Have a seat.
You don't look like siblings
from this close.
come over here please.
You really
don't look like siblings.
Who says we're siblings?
You share the same mom
and the same addictions.
I don't remember
having a mom.
Pablo told us everything,
so all I need
is your side of the story.
It's useless
to deny your past.
I agree with you.
Nobody can deny their past.
Not even Achabal.
- What is this?
- My life insurance, Diaz.
Who else knows about this?
You want to know?
Kill me.
Do it and find out right away
how many copies I sent out there.
You lose again.
Marina, Marina, listen.
They tricked me.
That son-of-a-bitch said
he'd send me to a reformatory
and I'm only nineteen.
You are begging to get killed,
you piece of shit.
They could kill me.
They really could.
They don't need to.
You're doing a great job.
Please forgive me.
One more chance.
That's what I'm doing
by not pulling the trigger.
Trust me.
I don't want to lose you.
Don't ever say that again!
I need you.
Are you okay?
I need a flashlight.
We need some more light.
Keep taking pictures.
You need more
than one roll of film.
What is this?
What kind of monster
did this?
I don't know.
I need these for today.
I can't.
I've got my hands full here.
These are top priority.
- What is it?
- The sick photographer.
Has he killed again?
No but they raided
the old man's house.
They found five bodies.
It was horrible.
I can't believe it.
I thought I knew him.
I never imagined
he was a killer.
Where did they
find the bodies?
One in a wall,
one in the service elevator,
and the rest in a room
behind a partition.
You had to be there
to know what I'm talking about.
Especially the hidden room.
Only a monster could
Never mind.
You'll see what I mean
from the film.
Are you okay?
What's the date today?
Don't worry.
I'll be done today.
I can't.
What can't you do?
I can't.
I can't do it.
You just have to, okay?
We have no choice.
You don't know me.
I don't?
I know you
better than anyone.
So stop fucking with me
and do your damn job.
I can't stand
seeing him again, please.
Please, please.
I just don't understand
how they got to them.
If you don't get back
to work now,
they're the ones
that will get to us.
It'll be a long night,
- How many are there?
- Three. They're all yours.
The gates of hell
are wide open tonight.
I need you
to see something.
Somewhere between ten,
and twelve years old.
- Male?
- Right.
When did he die?
From the clothing,
I'd say at least 15 years ago.
He was hit twice,
very viciously,
but not enough to kill him.
What killed him was this.
A nail?
A three-inch nail.
It went in the right temple.
I'm sure he used a hammer.
That son-of-a-bitch.
This isn't the first case.
About a hundred years ago,
Santos Godino
did exactly the same thing.
His victims were kids.
I know the story.
Most of them
got a nail to the head.
They called him
The Flappy Ears Midget.
He died in jail.
I know the story.
I do.
What kind of monster
is this Emilio Ronda?
We don't know it's him.
So who did it?
That's the thing, Morini.
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