Sky Rojo (2021) s02e08 Episode Script

Toxic People

I'll shut the door.
What are we taking him for?
As soon as he tells Romeo what happened,
he'll come for us.
We'll take him
until we're far away from this island.
They'll find him then. Let's go.
Keep moving.
To the left.
We're gonna need a blowtorch
or some kind of dynamite to open this up.
Can I try something?
All yours, hardware guy.
It's so hot!
And you thought we would
never see each other again.
Shouldn't you be in Namibia?
Well, there you have it.
Looks like both our trips were missed.
you need to set me free
or Romeo will kill my brother.
Coral, please.
Shall we count it?
One hundred,
two hundred, three hundred.
if you know I'll treat her right ♪
Twist and boogie, twist and boogie ♪
Here's 10,000.
Twist and boogie ♪
Twist and boogie all night long ♪
Take her hand now, don't be shy ♪
Look a little girl in the eye ♪
Twist and boogie, twist and boogie ♪
Ladies, we got ourselves
4,312,000 euros!
What happens next?
Well, we need
to get off this island, right?
Romeo should know by now.
The ferry for Cádiz leaves at noon.
How are we transporting the money?
In the van?
The windshield is broken.
No way it makes it through Customs.
Well, then we'll steal
something more subtle.
- Uh-huh.
- Or maybe you could just rent a car?
- I've got a driver's license.
- Hmm.
I'll go with you to pick it up.
Hey, Gina, get dressed. You'll drive us.
Then we'll get rid of the van.
Coral, you stay here watching Moisés
until the last minute.
When we're in the harbor, we'll call you.
We'll meet there.
But wait, how will she get to us?
What, is she gonna call a taxi?
There's a motorcycle outside.
I'll check it.
Good job, Fermín!
Twist and boogie
Gonna pull you through ♪
Through, oh yeah ♪
We're gonna make it outta here.
We're about to.
Take a girl out tonight
If you know I'll treat her right ♪
Twist and boogie, twist and boogie ♪
Twist and boogie, twist and boogie ♪
Twist and boogie all night long ♪
Take her hand now, don't be shy ♪
The motorcycle works.
- I left out the wires so you can start it.
- Fine.
I'll take the money.
You can't just stroll around
with four million euros.
Twist and boogie all night long ♪
Twist and boogie all night long ♪
Bring me a towel, Beefcake.
He's staining the upholstery.
I've lost a lot of blood, Romeo.
I should go to the hospital.
Don't worry, it's no big deal.
There's an exit hole.
And we've got business to take care of.
Where's Moisés?
I don't know.
So call him.
The person
you're trying to reach is unavailable
You kidnapped our mother, Romeo.
A sick old woman.
We couldn't just sit there.
You didn't even let us talk to her.
I don't know where she's at.
You wanna know where your mother is,
and I wanna know where my money is.
They stole it.
I know this will sound crazy.
And I don't know how the fuck it happened.
But I think it might be
those three whores we killed.
I thought those bitches were dead, too.
I saw a tattoo on one of their arms.
And I know it was Wendy.
It was Wendy.
A person coming back from the dead
doesn't happen every day.
So it makes sense
that Romeo was caught off guard.
When they told him I was alive,
he felt the same thing he felt
the first time he thought I was dead.
And what he felt
in that moment was fear.
Walk no more ♪
Better run and hide ♪
There's a madman ♪
Shootin' wild ♪
Did you lose your conscience? ♪
Did you lose your heart? ♪
Did you lose your mind, boy? ♪
Went too far ♪
Is that a monster? ♪
some time later, he buried me alive.
That's the thing
about toxic relationships.
You obsessively adore
the very same person you want to see dead.
But me coming back to life
after he had mourned for me
was something he didn't expect.
And now what he felt was
The same vertigo I felt
as I laid on all that money
and I realized
that in that bathtub was my freedom,
but also my downfall.
Romeo was gonna chase me for the rest
of my life for stealing his money.
But mainly, just for being alive.
At that moment, I thought the only way
of preventing him from knowing
was to kill Moisés.
Go and make sure
the car's still under the concrete.
I'd like to rent a large car.
With a large trunk.
The biggest you've got.
And full insurance coverage.
Um, are you sure
you can drive with that injury?
What's important is the ability to pinch.
We'd like to pay cash
for the rental and the deposit.
Well, I guess this is goodbye.
This is for you.
You earned it, too.
What next?
Go home, Fermín.
You need to go back.
You earned your freedom. So go.
Go home.
And please let your mom know
I won't make it for paella.
She's going to be disappointed.
She would've liked you.
My mom.
I don't know.
If you and I had met in another way
Who knows?
Nothing would've happened, Fermín.
Everything was so weird.
I behaved so poorly, Wendy.
But being with you, I've changed.
Maybe we could go to the movies.
Locking me in a bathroom.
Strangling me with your belt.
Putting a 50 in my mouth.
That's only "weird" for you?
Listen, Fermín.
When you were in the hole and I shot you
I wanted to kill you.
For real.
I wanted your head but I missed.
That shot was meant for my rapist.
In that moment, I wanted you to die.
But when I saw you in the tub,
bleeding and scared
and looking at me with those eyes
filled with terror.
And I realized that's not the girl I am.
If you've really changed,
I'm happy for you, Fermín.
But as for me
I just let that hate go.
I'm sorry for what I did.
See ya.
- Think he'll call the police?
- He won't call the police.
He killed a man, injured one,
and he stole millions from a pimp, so
What I felt for Coral was
the one pure thing in my life.
And you and your brother
absolutely ruined it.
That was Xuan.
He says that in the car,
there's only the body of that electrician.
And there's no trace of the girls.
That gives us two possibilities.
the girls managed to dig their way
through five cubic meters
of quick-drying concrete.
Or B,
your brother
dug them the fuck up.
Come on, which one? Come on.
A or B?
I don't know.
He's got no idea.
But you and your brother
are like Siamese twins. Always together.
Or, rather,
you do whatever he tells you to do.
What the hell are you trying to say?
See, Christian,
I feel bad saying this,
but your relationship with Moisés
is toxic, Christian.
Because he
makes you not know who you are.
Or even worse,
not know what you are.
Whether you're an adventurer
going to Africa.
Or a hit man
dissolving people in acid.
And there's a name for that.
Motherfucking asshole.
Because you could've
left on your own, right?
But obviously,
a dependent parasite
can't do it on his own.
When you grow up
in a house without a father.
The child
gets messed up.
So where the fuck is my mother?
No need to worry.
Your mother is resting.
Let's go and see her.
Coral, you need to let me go.
We were robbing Romeo
when you robbed us.
Like a telenovela for thieves.
And why did you wanna rob Romeo?
He's kidnapped our mother.
He wants to stop us from leaving.
So we were going to make a trade for her.
So the big bad wolf has kidnapped granny?
My mother's situation is tragic.
Romeo knows we were going to rob him.
And we are fucked.
Do you understand?
Because let's be frank,
we're the ones who usually get fucked.
Yours is just a fight between brothers.
That's over.
Remember when you told me
about your husband?
Toxic love is like that.
I was proud
of all the things I had stopped doing.
No makeup, no revealing clothing,
no going out with my friends
I thought I had a good one.
The true love of my life.
My mom had always told me
I had to wait for "a good one."
It's funny, you're always told
to compare in your life.
What hair color looks best,
the work you like the best,
what TV show's the best
But not this.
When you think you've met the one,
you do everything you can to make it work.
Even if it requires
digging deeper each day.
In the end,
you're buried in such a deep hole
that you can't see anything.
You fuck up your life
and think it's just fine.
Then you're left with a habit.
Like smoking.
Or exercising.
I got used to owing my life to Romeo.
My dad was a bastard that hit my mother.
And one of those nights,
he came home wasted.
He attacked my mother, so I fought back.
Now he's dead.
I was just 15.
Romeo didn't ask anything.
He helped me bury him.
And then he took us in.
Me, my brother, and my mom.
Who was I to tell him whether he was right
or wrong about anything?
And that's how you end up
becoming just a chip off the old block.
You realized it two years ago,
I did yesterday.
That's our only difference.
Yeah, sure.
Now we're gonna be soulmates, you and me.
No Just trash attracting trash.
No, honey. No.
In all this time,
the only life I fucked up was mine.
But you
How many women have you destroyed?
Three hundred? Four hundred?
You go through life
with that cute little Boy Scout smile,
and you look like you've spent
a day at the beach.
When really,
you've been burying a girl in the desert.
Listen to me.
the most toxic black hole of a person
I've met in my life,
but you hide it
behind the smiling mask of Santa Claus.
I guess that's why I'm so drawn to you.
Because the truth is
that right now, I'd kiss you.
Hell, I'd even fuck you.
And I'm not really interested in sex,
but with you I can.
Can you imagine?
The perfect couple.
But, on the other hand,
you're such a repulsive son of a bitch
that I hate you.
I hate you almost
as much as I hate myself.
So damn much.
She was my mother.
She was sick, you son of a bitch.
She had Alzheimer's.
You have to be a coward to see your mother
suffering and do nothing.
This woman had five lucid minutes a day.
And 23 hours and 55 minutes of delusion.
No one deserves to live like that.
That's why I freed her.
I just had to give her
a glass of soda with pentobarbital.
She drank it with a straw
sitting on her chair.
And then she fell asleep.
I wish we could all end like this.
And now, you and I
are going to the scene of the robbery.
I can't go anywhere, Romeo.
Yes, you can.
And you're gonna tell me
exactly where Moisés went with the girls.
I'm not strong enough.
I'm dying, I swear.
- Please
- No, no, no, don't worry.
I told you it's a clean hole.
We'll staple it later.
Beefcake, take him away.
And give him another towel.
And give him some coffee
to clear his mind.
- The ferry's about to leave.
- No, we can't leave without Coral.
What if she's late, huh?
What if Moisés got out
and warned Romeo and now he's there?
If we go back, they'll kill us.
That ferry is our freedom.
What a touching farewell, Moi.
Adding to the wonderful memories.
Do you remember the story
about the junkie and the pimp?
Maybe now, instead of a reality show,
they'll make a movie about us.
Toxic and Horny.
You know what?
In the end, I think you really
must be in love with me.
It's the second time now
you've let me live instead of die.
The most toxic black hole of a person
I've met in my life.
But, on the other hand,
you're such a repulsive son of a bitch
that I hate you.
It's the second time now
you've let me live instead of die.
You're back.
You're right about almost everything.
I shouldn't have taken you
out of the hole.
We're toxic for each other.
And I'm a son of a bitch.
But you know what, Coral?
I was fine being
a ruthless son of a bitch.
All my problems began
when I listened
to what a whore had to say.
Your fucking questions.
Your fucking moral conscience.
But it's over.
Oh, you won't dare.
Drop your gun!
You fucking asshole!
He's gone. He's hiding.
I knew we shouldn't
have brought Moisés! Fucking bastard.
Come on. Let's go.
He's hiding.
I don't know where he went.
Gina, get the car out.
We need to leave now.
Which way
did your brother go with the girls?
I don't know.
I swear I don't know anything.
- I need a hospital, Romeo.
- Shh.
Don't worry, we'll go shortly.
We need you to remember.
So where were you, Beefcake?
Lying over there on the ground,
facedown, the four of us.
Xuan was there.
I was here.
Moisés was here, and Christian was there.
Get down.
Lie there.
I wanna know what it looked like.
Take me to the hospital.
I'm not feeling so good.
You're not going anywhere.
You're my brother's brother.
But even so, I loved you.
Moisés and I were like one.
Like a powerful machine.
And you came along and made trouble
between us and pushed us apart.
And because of that, you need to go.
Coral, stop.
Let's get out of here! This is over.
We have the money. We're free.
Until that son of a bitch is dead,
this will never be over.
It's insulated glass.
It's bulletproof.
It's over.
You can't go on like this.
Stop looking for trouble.
Let this be over.
And look forward.
Listen to me.
To begin our lives as new women
we have to do it in peace.
We can't carry this shit around forever,
so let's go.
Come on. Please.
Sometimes getting out
of a toxic relationship is impossible.
Even when you know
it could cost you your life.
The link is so strong
that you can't do anything else.
But that day,
I did it.
It is said that you cannot be found ♪
Under rocks or broken skull
I will lay down ♪
I will lay down ♪
I can be found beneath the rose ♪
Beneath the rose alone ♪
- Romeo?
- Moisés.
The robbers killed your brother.
I'm with Beefcake.
He says they shot him
and he bled out on the road.
We couldn't do anything.
What I didn't know
was that when I escaped,
I was throwing Moisés
back into another bad relationship.
One even more damaging
and poisonous than ours.
The one he had with Romeo.
It is said that you cannot be found ♪
Under rocks or broken skull
I will lay down ♪
I will lay down ♪
I can be found beneath the rose ♪
Beneath the rose alone ♪
What's become of our lives, Moisés?
I kidnapped your mother.
You stole my money
because of the doubts, the aversion,
the discord that Coral put between us.
I know you dug them out of the concrete.
And I would've done the same.
But I was so consumed by resentment
that those whores gave us,
those fucking bitches.
They made us believe they're the good ones
and we're some perverts.
And now Christian is dead.
He's dead.
And we've lost.
We may have lost the battle.
But not the war.
It's very light luggage
For such a long journey ♪
The sorrows weigh my heart down ♪
There will be a place beyond the sea ♪
Where the sun shines brighter
Every morning ♪
My destiny will be forged
By the pebbles on the road ♪
What we love is always left behind ♪
I'll find a home for you ♪
Where the sky meets the sea ♪
Far away from here ♪
With my hands and with your love ♪
I'll be able to find another dream ♪
Far away from here ♪
During the day
I'll live thinking about your smiles ♪
By night, the stars will walk with me ♪
You'll be the light
That lights up my path ♪
I'm leaving, but I swear
I'll be back tomorrow ♪
When I leave, a kiss and a flower ♪
An "I love you," a touch
And a goodbye ♪
It's very light luggage
For such a long journey ♪
The sorrows weigh my heart down ♪
There will be a place beyond the sea ♪
Where the sun shines brighter
Every morning ♪
My destiny will be forged
By the pebbles on the road ♪
What we love is always left behind ♪
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