Stargate SG-1 s02e08 Episode Script


(PA) Unscheduled incoming traveller.
There's no one scheduled.
- Did you get an iris code?|- Yes, sir.
From SG-1 .
How are you? The only other person|with an SG-1 remote and its signal - Tek-matte Bra'tac.
|- But he'd only use it in an emergency.
- Perhaps he is under attack.
|- By who? Apophis and Klorel were killed.
Open the iris.
Hammond of Texas, will you give me|leave to enter your compound? You have it, Master Bra'tac.
Units, stand down.
Bra'tac, greetings from Earth.
Hmm! Hasshak.
I take it this isn't a social call.
Greetings, old friend.
I bring bad news.
- My family!|- Your wife is safe.
- What of Rya'c?|- Your son has been taken.
By Apophis.
Colonel, your report stated that|Apophis was killed on board his ship.
Yes, it did, sir.
|We saw the thing blow.
Nobody could have survived, sir.
I am told he and Klorel escaped|via the on-board Stargate .
before the ship blew up.
They must have used those rings|to get to the gate.
What does Apophis gain|by kidnapping Teal'c's son? (Teal'c) He does not want Rya'c.
He wants the Shol'va, the traitor.
And he wants Teal'c.
Teal'c is right.
Nearly all the warriors and serpent guards|loyal to Apophis died on those ships.
Apophis returned to Chulak in shame.
He must act quickly|to reinstate his power, .
or another Goa'uld will be sent|to eliminate him and rule in his place.
Right now, there is|a measure of chaos in Chulak.
His guard is weakened.
If we use this time wisely,|we can rescue the boy.
I can't allow my best people|to walk into what is obviously a trap.
Of course it's a trap.
And in knowing that, we can avoid it.
- He's vulnerable now.
|- He never will be more so.
And I have friends in the serpent guards|Apophis does not know of.
If we can pull this off, sir, .
we can grab Teal'c's kid .
and nail this mother .
Goa'uld in one sweep.
Teal'c, you originally withheld information|about your family .
because you feared|it would make you vulnerable.
Well, it has.
This must be the last time.
So, Colonel, you have a go.
Get Apophis if you can, .
but your prime directive|is to bring Teal'c's family back to Earth.
Yes, sir.
(coughing) (Bra'tac) This is our destination.
(O'Neill) Who lives here? Drey'auc has offered her new home|as a base.
(Teal'c) But how could|she afford such a home? I do not know.
Teal'c? I was alone when they came.
I tried to stop them.
Of this I am certain.
Teal'c! Master Bra'tac! You are the warriors from the Tauri.
I have heard much of you.
|I am Fro'tak of the High Cliffs.
Jack of the Windy City.
This is Jackson and Carter.
My thanks for your coming.
Your presence in the home of my wife|is appreciated, Fro'tak.
It is my home, Teal'c.
You provided shelter for my wife and son.
Teal'c I will tell him.
When it appeared that you may never|return, that you may indeed be dead, .
Drey'auc had her marriage removed.
She is now my wife, Teal'c.
My God! Hey, knock it off! Come on, come on! Knock it off! You came here for your son.
|This doesn't help.
I wished to tell you myself, old friend.
I am sorry.
How could you not have known this,|Bra'tac? We will wait outside,|and give you time to sort through this .
uncomfortable news.
Captain Carter,|why don't you go with them? - See what you can find out about the kid.
|- Yes, sir.
Teal'c, .
on my word as a warrior,|I did not know.
If I had, I would have told you|before we arrived.
I just want to know if this Fro'tak|can be trusted not to turn us in.
Is it not obvious, O'Neill? - He cannot be trusted.
|- Well, no offence, Teal'c, .
but that view is not born of a cool head.
- What do you think, Bra'tac?|- He is one of Teal'c's oldest confidants.
Both were my wards|in the Bashaak training.
He has indicated|he agrees with my beliefs .
that the Goa'ulds are false gods.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
|Can he be trusted? I believe so, yes.
But I suggest we keep|a close eye on him at all times.
- A better response would be to kill him.
|- Teal'c! You cannot.
(Daniel) Teal'c Look, you probably|don't want to hear this now, .
but you need to get|some perspective on this.
Maybe you should be thanking him.
How can you say that, Daniel Jackson? He has betrayed our friendship.
If I recall, last time we were here, .
you were pretty upset about|your family being outcasts, .
barely surviving in a camp|because of what you did.
It seems to me they have a better life now.
Teal'c, listen to me.
If you were dead, would you wish|Drey'auc to remain alone for ever? - I am not dead.
|- In your current state you may as well be.
How long before you return|to care for her? - You know I cannot answer this.
|- Yes.
As does she.
Dr Jackson is right.
Fro'tak has high station in Chulak.
Thanks to him,|your family is no longer outcast.
Teal'c, I know it's tough, .
but you've got to focus on your boy.
Before we proceed, .
give me your word|you will not commit Kel Mar Tokeem.
I give you my word.
Then I will retrieve|Fro'tak and your wife, .
and we will begin planning|for the rescue of your son.
Del Mar Hokeem? That means something like|"revenge by the wearer of horns.
" Which I'm guessing is|a Jaffa term for being a cuckold.
Hello! We will find Rya'c and bring him home.
This I swear.
Thank you, Teal'c.
After that is done, .
I will never lay eyes on you again.
How dare you judge me .
and dishonour Fro'tak|in his own house .
after what you have done? - Woman, be silent.
|- That is not an answer, Teal'c! You were the one who abandoned us.
- What I did was for my people's future.
|- What I have done is for that of our son! Perhaps.
- But why Fro'tak?|- He was the only one who asked.
Do you have love for him? Do you have love for him? No, Teal'c.
But Rya'c, our son,|deserves a better life than the camps.
And Fro'tak has offered it to him.
Rya'c is held in the west wing|of the palace where I work.
It is less than 200 paces away.
|I know it well.
I have made a map.
This is the main corridor.
My place of work is here,|in the Hall of Recording.
- The guarded room is here.
|- There is an entrance near it, .
used only for|the changing of the guard.
The west wing|is the most isolated sector.
So we should be able to|get in and out pretty quickly.
We go as soon as it's dark.
Jaffa, kree! Tel rak nel t'ko! Clear! (door unlocks) - Help, guards! Help me!|- Do not be afraid, Rya'c.
You are safe.
- Get away from me!|- What is he doing? Guards! The traitor's here! - Help!|- (Teal'c) Silence! We're outta here! Teal'c! (door opens) What happened? Where is my son? He's all right.
|We just ran into some problems.
It is far worse than that.
Rya'c's body lives,|but his mind is destroyed.
What are you saying? He is now with Apophis.
The boy was a stranger.
A beast! Oh, come on! The kid's brainwashed.
You promised|you would bring him home! Hear me, woman.
He called me traitor and ran to the guards.
|Apophis is punishing me for my betrayal.
But he's just a child.
My child! You cannot feel more contempt for me|than I hold for myself.
This was not your doing, Teal'c.
What's going on? Apophis is about to address|the people of Chulak.
That should be interesting! (distorted) People ofChulak, .
rumours ofmy defeat are false, .
spread by traitors|who would destroy our world.
I bring you the truth, .
proof ofmypower to conquer evil|and forgive transgression.
Witness .
my most loyal subject Rya'c, son of Teal'c! (Rya'c) My father is not a hero.
He is evil.
He turned away from our god,|our people, .
even his own family.
He is a Ha'taaka! (Apophis) Mypeople, this Ha'taaka|is now among us, here in Chulak.
I will give one million shesh'ta to the Jaffa|who brings Teal'c to me alive .
and another million|for the heads ofthose with him.
If you've got a price on your head|you're doing your job! The evil ones have my mother.
She is theirprisoner.
Help us save her.
My mother is Drey'auc|of the Morning Cham'ka Groves.
This was to be expected.
What was that about us having|his mother? No one took Drey'auc.
You are correct, Daniel Jackson.
Rya'c has given me hope.
Perhaps my son is not lost to me.
- Where do you get that?|- He is fighting this brainwashing.
His last words were|a hidden message to me.
About us holding his mother? He said Drey'auc|of the Morning Cham'ka Groves.
But I am of the Cord'ai Plains.
|Rya'c knows this.
Only too well.
In the past I have taken him|to the Cham'ka Groves to play.
He wants us to go there in the morning.
He has given us a way to free him.
Teal'c, I know he is your son, .
but this is a wisdom|far beyond his years.
(O'Neill) I'm kind of with Bra'tac|on this one.
The boy had a chance to come with us|the first time.
- I kinda think it's wishful thinking.
|- It is not wishful thinking! My son is strong.
He is fighting|this brainwashing you spoke of.
It has simply taken him this long|to win the battle.
(knocking) Expecting someone? (loud knocking) (weapons click on) We have orders to search|for the traitor and his friends.
Hurry! This way.
The criminals have abducted my wife!|It makes no sense that they'd be here.
You are welcome to enter, .
but Apophis would be very angry .
that you wasted time|searching the home of the victim! This is done by his order.
Quickly! There! Next house.
(secret door opens) Until this moment, Fro'tak, .
I was not certain you could be trusted.
We are old friends, Teal'c.
I hope you never lose your trust in me.
I will not sleep either.
Until our son is safe.
(door opens) (door closes) Guard! I will lead you to the traitor Teal'c|and his companions.
Don't! Shut up! It does not have to go down like this!|Nice and quiet.
Come on.
Jaffa! Seal off the palace.
|No one comes or goes! (knocking) How dare you enter like this!|This house has already been searched.
No wonder these guys are always cranky.
Get me out of this thing.
Jack, .
where the hell have you been? What of Fro'tak? He left here last night|and made a beeline for the palace.
He was turning us in.
I had to stop him.
- I'm sorry.
|- I never thought he would betray us.
(Drey'auc) The fault is mine.
I made vows I could not keep.
The suns are coming up.
Let's get the kid.
All right, listen up.
|This cannot be a fire-fight.
We go CTT, one shot,|one kill, my command.
Take the target nearest yourposition.
Go! - Father!|- Rya'c! I never meant to hurt you, Father.
Rya'c has returned.
Don't you think this was a little too easy? Yeah, that was an awfully fast turnaround.
My son is strong.
His mind has overcome|the lies Apophis placed there.
Then you won't mind|if Carter does a little search I think he's clean, Colonel.
If this were not Rya'c returned,|this would have been a trap.
- It was not.
|- Not yet.
Why do you doubt my son? It's my nature, Teal'c.
|I'm thinking Cassandra here.
A little bomb in the chest,|get through the gate, boom! My son is Jaffa.
His symbiote|would not allow such tampering.
Is that a fact or a hope? It is a fact, O'Neill.
Well, it's not like we have much choice.
|Let's get a move on.
Go directly to the Stargate.
|I will bring the boy's mother.
(Carter) I don't know, sir.
|I'm not liking this one bit.
Talk about too easy! Rya'c! Father's taking us to the Tauri! All right, come here.
All right, Rya'c What's the scam here? - I do not understand.
|- What are you up to? Or better yet, .
what has Apophis got you up to? I fooled Apophis.
Yeah? Then why the tantrum|when we came the first time? At the time I was not yet successful|in defeating Apophis's control.
I am sorry.
|My mind is not as strong as my father's.
O'Neill, why can you not|accept the possibility .
that my son's mind was too strong|for Apophis to control? Come here.
Teal'c, I want you to be right,|but it just doesn't track.
Apophis knows we're here,|and has only two guards at the gate.
Apophis has few serpent guards|still loyal to him.
In two days we have killed many of those.
|Perhaps he cannot spare more.
Even if this is a trick,|what are we gonna do? Just stay here? Daniel has a point.
We may as well take on the guard|and get through the gate.
What about the boy? My son will not harm your world, O'Neill.
|I give you my word.
Teal'c, I know you mean that.
But it might not prove to be that easy.
So are we gonna just leave the boy here? Bra'tac, stay here|with Drey'auc and the boy.
We'll clear the way.
(chevrons locking) (O'Neill) Let's go.
Everybody, move! Clear.
(Stargate gurgles) It's OK.
You're perfectly safe.
Come on.
Join us, old friend.
Another time.
- Once again I owe you my thanks.
|- You owe me nothing.
You have made an old teacher proud.
(Stargate alarm) Well, no sign of anything abnormal.
Not that I'm an expert in|what's normal for a Jaffa his age.
No sign of a bomb in his belly? None.
As Teal'c says,|I doubt it would work in a Jaffa.
Now do you see, O'Neill? All is well.
Yeah, I hope so, Teal'c.
But I still want a guard on him.
I would do the same.
Father says Tauri only has one sun.
- I cannot wait to see it!|- (Drey'auc laughs) When will I be able to see it? It will be a while, my son.
|You must be patient.
Something troubles you.
Before our son was taken, .
he was training with Master Bra'tac.
He lost two teeth that day.
They are no longer missing.
Dr Fraiser? So, um, Rya'c What kind of food do you like? I am not hungry.
|I wish to see the outside of your world.
Plenty of time for that.
Colonel? We'll get to it.
Rya'c, um I'm gonna take|a little blood sample.
Then we'll be finished.
|You'll feel a tiny sting, but that's all.
No! You dare touch me, Ha'taaka!|I'll kill you all! Do it quickly.
Rya'c Go away! I hate you! Rya'c! You cannot stop me! (bites) They're gone, son.
I hate you! No, I want Apophis! I hate you! I hate you! Let me out! What the hell almost happened here? The teeth were fake, hollow.
Inside each tooth we found|a different organism, sort of like a virus.
They both appear to be|dormant, harmless, .
until you combine them.
|Then they become deadly.
If he bit down hard enough|to break the teeth .
the organisms would|combine and multiply, .
and be released into the atmosphere.
So that's why he wanted to get outside.
- Kinda sounds like anthrax.
|- It makes anthrax look like a cold virus.
It would have taken less than two days|for it to spread across North America.
Less than a week|to spread around the world.
And what would it have done? Killed every living thing|within 24 hours of contact.
Could the boy have another device|implanted in his body? X-rays and CAT scans were negative.
|All other tests were normal.
(Daniel) OK, so we're all right.
Rya'c is all right.
We just have to|get his mind back.
How do we do that? Deprogramming.
It's not exactly the kind of thing|you want to put a kid through.
From the time of birth|all Jaffa are taught to be strong.
Rya'c is my son.
He can withstand it.
You cannot keep me here!|Return me to Chulak, Ha'taaka! I hate you! You're Shol'va! I hate you! You messed up my life!|Return me to Apophis! I hate you!|Let me go, you cannot keep me here! Return me to Chulak, Ha'taaka! - We will not.
|- Then go! I wish never to see you again! - Apophis is a false god.
|- Apophis is my god.
- Then who am I, my son?|- The traitor.
The vile one.
I am your father|and I have much love for you.
My god loves me! If he loves you, why did he ask|that you destroy yourself? - Let me sleep!|- Why did he ask you to destroy yourself? You are stupid!|I told you, I would not have died.
You are flesh and blood as I am, my son.
|Apophis lied to you.
You lie! You said you would come back.
|But you never did! I must return to Apophis! For what reason? Because he loves me and I love him.
Rya'c, .
my son, .
hear me.
You must remember|when we were a family.
Remember how you loved the satta-cakes|your mother made for you? Remember the stories we told|by the fire at night, .
and how we laughed together? Rya'c, .
my son, .
that is love.
He has reason to hate me, which only|strengthens the twisting of his mind.
Do you know of another way? ECT.
What is this ECT? Electroconvulsive therapy.
Whoa! Electroshock? Isn't that kind of barbaric? Not so much any more.
It's done under|anaesthesia in a more controlled way.
I just don't know about using it on a child,|or for that matter a Jaffa.
It could kill the Goa'uld larva inside him.
That would kill Rya'c.
This ECT|is it similar to a zat'n'ktel discharge? Yeah, as a matter of fact.
A single discharge will not kill a Jaffa|of any age, nor the symbiote within.
Might work.
It will cause him great pain.
I trust you know what is best.
Rya'c, you must arise.
Your mother is here to help you.
I hate her.
I want Apophis! Forgive me, my son.
Aaagh! He barely draws breath.
He is in great pain.
There is an ancient song|you used to soothe him as a baby.
Nuta - Kel ma kree, Sha'shan Nuta - Kel mant'ai Nuta - Or'intani Nuta - Kel han'dai Nuta - Iti Sha'shan han'dai.
Did you forget, Mother? Where are we, Mother? Father! You have returned home? We are not in Chulak, my son.
But we are with Father? Yes.
Then to me, we are home.
(she kisses him) - (Stargate alarm)|- Teal'c, you have a go! (Drey'auc) I must thank you all again.
I would like to stay and get to know you.
You wouldn't have much of a life here.
|You'd be virtual prisoners.
But you're welcome in the Land of Light.
|They're good people.
Yep, and they got tons of wide-open|spaces for you to play and misbehave in! W-what is it? Well, I guess I'll have to come visit|and explain a few things.
I shall return.

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