Childrens Hospital (2010) s02e09 Episode Script

The Coffee Machine Paid for Itself

- Previously on "Childrens Hospital" - Welcome To The new Episode Of "Childrens Hospital.
" Nothing To SetUp ThisWeek Because T his isA StandAlone Episode.
Childrens Hospital - 02x09 Rules.
Rules are the boundaries between order and chaos.
But as the saying goes, rules were meant to be broken.
For instance "don't poop where you eat.
" Shouldn't you be able to poop wherever you want? Paperwork can suck my big, black Richard Gere is in a new movie.
It's called, "my big black [bleep.]
" This came for you, Dr.
I'm not waiting on any organs.
Are you sure it's for me? Yup.
"Deliver to Lola Spratt.
" Oh.
Thanks, Dori.
No problem.
Hey, Glenn, nice haircut.
Did the band fall out boy throw up on your head? Oh, wait.
Fall out boy called, and they want their haircut back.
Nailed it.
Attention will the owner of the red jeep with the spoiler and 18-inch rims please stop lying to himself? Okay.
Hey, Glenn.
Oh, hey.
- Nice hair.
- Thank you.
Fall out boy is my favorite band.
I think I remember you mentioning that yesterday, right before I went to the hair salon.
What is with the, uh, big beige scrubs Oh, I only wear these when my regular ones are at the cleaners.
These were my fat scrubs.
You were fat? But you're so smart.
That's me two years ago.
I know.
That doesn't even look like you.
Tell me about it.
You're way sexier now.
We can slip away Well, uh, guess I'll, uh I'll see you later alligator.
Not if I see you later alligator first, crocodile.
Enjoying the coffee? Oh, you're the best, Sy.
- Aw, geez.
- I'm so happy you're bouncing by.
Hey, sexy, give me some sugar.
Love that coffee machine, Sy.
Oh, my God.
When you do that, I can't breathe.
Oh, yeah.
Listen I just got a call from corporate.
I have to rip $3,000 right out Yeah.
I have to get rid of the coffee maker.
Sy Great coffee, Sy.
People finally started liking you when you got that coffee maker.
No, no.
If you have to save some money, fire a doctor.
- A doctor? Who? - Who cares? No, no, no.
I'll just keep watch and watch carefully which doctor is least good at her job.
Hey, have you seen Glenn's haircut? Knock, knock.
Who's there? Glenn's haircut.
Glenn's haircut who? Fall out boy that's who.
Nailed it.
I love fall out boy.
Oh, my God.
He did it to impress you.
He likes you.
- You think? - Yeah.
What is that? Oh, I don't know.
I think I'm supposed to put it into someone.
Well, see you later alligator.
You're an alligator.
You looked at your coffee, and then you looked at Lola.
You want to fire Lola so you can keep the coffee machine.
There you are.
Listen I'm not going to beat around the brisket.
What do you say you and me get a drink sometime? Like on a date? Yeah, like on a date, unless you don't date Jews.
Oh, I date cool Jews.
Somebody call my name? Jewy McJewjew.
Glenn, that's so rude.
It's rabbi Jewy McJewjew now, Glenn.
You guys know each other? Glenn Richie my old Hebrew school pal.
Pal? Hardly.
You used to steal all my girlfriends and leave them brokenhearted.
Glenn, I have no idea what you mean.
What the hell are you doing here? I'm the new hospital chaplain.
I love Charlie Chaplin.
It's, uh, a little different than that.
Well, it was really nice meeting you, rabbi McJewjew.
I'll see you around.
See you around, alligator.
Hey, you stay away from her, Jewy.
Look, Glenn what's past is past, but I've fallen hard for this girl, and I'm not gotta let her go just because you like her, too.
It's not personal.
Now, tell me who cut your hair? Was it Pete Wentz, the lead singer of fall out boy? Nailed it.
You're guilty Of having the best damn coffee within a 10-mile radius.
Detective chance Briggs.
You dirty S.
! What's my old partner doing here? Well, I just downloaded this third-party coffee app on my motorola clamshell.
It tells you where to find the best bean-juice around.
Well, we do have fantastic coffee.
Hey, when's the last time you had your prostate checked? I don't have time for that kind of thing.
Um, do you have time for cancer? Get in here.
You get in here.
I will.
"Attention" notice taken of something or someone, the regarding of something as important or significant From the Latin "attendere.
" Rabbi? "Attention.
" Oh, Sy, hello.
What's on your mind? You look troubled.
I really need to talk to you.
I'm listening, Sy.
You talk.
I can't decide between getting rid of Lola and getting rid of the coffee maker.
Well, you know, in talmudic times, rabbi Hillel was and in his infinite wisdom, he decided to put a donation cup next to the coffee machine.
Within a few months, the coffee machine had paid for itself.
Well, it's not that simple, rabbi.
If I charge them, they're going to hate me.
I just got them to like me.
I want them to like me.
When I was younger, my father was in the army, and I had to go to a German elementary school.
And since that time, I can't decide between what's right and being liked.
Well, yeah, I can see that with the soldiers taking the kid and all that business and yeah.
Okay, Sy, uh, let's circle back with you on that a little bit later, and we'll get that worked out for you.
Will you think about it? Sure.
We'll, uh, get hi.
So, the prettiest shiksa in all of Brazil.
I'm sure you say that to all the goysas.
Uh, so, uh, what can I do for you, Valerie? I need you to hear my confession.
Well, yes.
Well, that is definitely something a rabbi can do.
Why don't you sit here with me, and we'll receive your confession.
Forgive me, rabbi, for I have sinned.
You see, I have thisFriend.
Okay, let's stop there, Valerie.
There is no friend, is there? Let's be honest.
This friend is you, and you're talking about some kind of sexual tension.
Now, wait a second.
What? Rabbis can't have sex? On the contrary rabbis are forbidden to abstain from sex.
You know, to procreate is our duty to the race.
Then procreate me.
Except for the period of Hamanesh, which is the 12 days where I am forbidden to partake in the carnal desires.
However, it does end at sundown tonight.
Well, then I guess I'll see you later, alligator.
Oh là là, I love it when a man can speak a little French.
I only have two hours.
I need to learn a little French.
Do you know any? No.
But I can teach you some German.
Fine, fine.
Any romance language will do.
You are going to feel a little bit of pressure here.
Ohh-kay! You know, this kind of reminds me of that drug bust back in Queens.
You remember? That's good.
Hey, hey, hey, hey! You two you're sure you're not cops? What are you talking about, ese? Are you loco? We're Puerto Rican gang members, just like you.
Hey, amigo, you want to go to Chipotle after this? How does that remind you of this? Oh, it's relevant.
I promise.
You just keep remembering.
If you two ain't cops, then I want you to give him a prostate exam right now.
I still don't see how that proved we weren't cops.
I have got to figure out what kind of organ this is.
That's not an organ.
That's a pork shoulder.
Pork shoulder? Why would someone send me pork shoulder? I'm Muslim.
"Deliver to Lola Spratt.
" Wait a second.
Turn that label upside down.
What? Damn it, McJewjew.
Valerie! Glenn, what are you doing? This is highly offensive, Glenn.
- As offensive as this, Jewy? - Pork? Rabbis don't eat pork.
Jewy, is this your pork? Is this your pork, Jewy? I-I know it looks kind of, uh, like a er, uh.
You see Uhhh Maybe the rules are there to protect us, after all.
It's better you found out now.
- It just hurts so bad.
- I know.
Maybe we can get that drink now.
Oh, Glenn.
I'm done with Jews.
What it's like to be a Romeo Besides, we work together.
"Don't poop where you eat.
" It's a metaphor.
But I know what it's like to be loved by you You still got the touch.
- Great to see you, bud.
- You too.
Hey, by the way, you do have butt cancer.
If you don't seek treatment immediately, you're gonna die soon.
Some for you Some for you Some for you Some for you And something for you.
You're fired, Dr.
Spratt because I would rather be liked than right.
Hey, listen up, everybody say goodbye to Mr.
Nice Guy.
Say hello to Mr.
So, Sy resolved his dilemma.
A reference to the product! Perfect! By firing Lola, he could afford to keep the coffee machine.
You could say he bought his popularity for the small price of his soul.
I guess rules are just suggestions.
Like, it's not literally about pooping where you eat.
Sometimes when you're really hungry and you really have to take a dump, you got to do what you got to do.
Man, those Puerto Ricans can cook.
Everybody's telling us to stick together battles being fought they will all get better tears on your face speak a thousand words and I know what it's like to be the saddest clown when every picture of you Attention 30 days in the cooler.
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