Smash s02e09 Episode Script

The Parents

Call the mormons.
Tell them you're not coming back.
Previously on Smash I can't put that number in Bombshell.
I'm going to get you a new story.
Leigh Conroy has agreed to come out of retirement and play the part of Gladys.
How am I supposed to be anything when you're always here, sucking up the light? Congratulations.
You just became our diva.
Here I am, 15 years too late, saying I'm sorry.
You got balls, Jimmy.
We could get another drink.
I know a spot on the corner.
What, did you run up here? Hey.
- Hey.
- What time is it? I don't know.
What time did we go to sleep? What? No.
We have rehearsal in an hour.
So? What Maybe Ana forgot her keys.
She would call first.
Hello? Karen? It's your father.
Dad? It's cold.
Can you let me in? Yeah.
I'll buzz you up.
My God.
I forgot.
I get to meet your dad? Town conference He's in town.
Look, you gotta get out of here.
- Really? - It's my dad.
My gosh.
It's a mess in here.
My pants.
Where am I gonna put this? Okay.
- Get the shoe, get the shoe.
- Here, shirt, shirt.
Here, here, here.
It's all right.
My God.
Go, go, go.
- Can I come in? - Of course.
It's just a mess.
I was going to clean up.
Don't worry.
Want some coffee? Coffee Is that your mom again? Yeah, the fifth time this morning.
I wonder what's so important.
Why don't you answer and find out? Because I'm still mad at her for not coming to the opening of Liaisons.
I didn't.
You would have if you weren't on tour.
She was just sitting at home, updating her website and sending letters to her fan club.
She didn't even send a card.
"I'm sorry, I'm too jealous to attend"? But now that I'm starring on Broadway, the calls won't stop.
I wish I was starring on Broadway instead of in the ensemble.
Not even in the ensemble A cover for the ensemble.
Ivy, Tom and Eileen would like to talk to you right away, in private.
How does this sound? "Scott, it was so nice to talk to you yesterday and clear the air.
" Are you writing an email? I thought you were doing a final pass on today's scenes.
I was.
And I'm also writing an email.
You apologized.
He accepted.
That story has a beginning, middle, and an end.
I screwed up his life I want to try and make it right.
Let it lie.
I think we both know I don't do that very well.
Neither do I.
But I'm going to try really hard with Sam.
I know I hurt him, but I'm going to give him some time.
You should too.
Ivy's here.
Wh what? Come on.
My God.
You didn't tell her yet? I didn't want to do it over the phone.
Besides, she said she wanted to call her first herself Hi.
Call who first? What's going on? Am am I being Don't worry.
It's not anything bad.
Ivy, as you're our star, we want you to be the first to know that we've cast the part of Marilyn's mother, Gladys.
Patti Lupone? No, but someone a little closer to home.
Well, who is it? Ivy, darling.
- And she's early.
- Mom? I've been trying to call you since I got the offer last night, but you never pick up your phone.
My God.
Look at that.
She's almost speechless.
Think of it.
Leigh Conroy, stepping out of retirement to play the role of a lifetime, the role only she could play, your mother.
She already has that role.
Which is why I haven't accepted it yet.
I told them I would only take it with my daughter's blessing.
Ivy,Bombshell is on track creatively, but we simply need something to support that on the business side, and Leigh is a very big draw.
But none of us wants you to be uncomfortable.
Including me.
If you don't want me here, I will completely understand.
It's up to you.
Should we at least try it? What do you say? I say Yay? Yay.
Okay, mom.
Let's go say hi.
That went well.
It's only been five minutes.
Who knows what'll happen once the shock wears off? Well, whatever it is, let's hope it's good.
Ivy and Leigh working together is the only reason we're getting the arts cover of the Times.
It helps to be friends with the editor.
Pass along my thanks to Richard? You can tell him yourself.
He'll be by later with a photographer.
Who knows how long this will last? I pull myself together I'm focused on the prize I'm falling, baby through the sky through the sky I'm falling, baby through the sky it's my calling, baby don't you cry don't you cry I'm falling down through the sky it's a tune you can hum oh, Broadway here I come will I remain the same or will I change a little bit? Will I feel broken or totally complete? Will I retain my name when I'm the biggest, hugest hit All right, stop there.
We've got a big day ahead of us.
Let a father be proud of his daughter.
I'm sorry.
I-I won't interrupt.
Karen told me about the big fund-raiser tonight, so Well, I hope you'll come.
You can hear Karen sing this in much nicer surroundings.
About that.
Since tonight is Hit list's introduction to our board members and the patrons of this theater, we want to them with everything we got.
What are you thinking? Now that we have our diva, maybe we should show her off.
Yeah, well, I mean, Karen's singing.
She's our star.
I'm not taking away her number, just adding another one.
I'm thinking we should do the diva's number.
Do we even have time to pull this off? Almost definitely not, but that's never stopped me in the past.
Number's in good shape.
Let's just run it one more time.
You never know, our composer might turn up at some point.
- I better - Dad.
Just stay and watch Ana rehearse.
She's amazing.
I'm sure you have your reasons, but I still can't quite see why you left Bombshell for this.
It's a great show.
It might not be Broadway, but it's right for me.
Just stay.
You'll see.
Can't say no to spending more time with you.
You sounded great.
It was just Okay.
Of course you'd oversleep without me there.
Hey, tell everybody I'm on my way.
What's gotten into you? You sound happy.
Maybe I am.
Jimmy? You still there? Hit it.
- Hi.
- Hi! I know this is an incredibly awkward situation, but my hands were basically tied.
When Eileen came up with the idea to hire your mother, I Let's just see how this goes, okay? Norma Jeane and Gladys, we are ready for your very first rehearsal.
- Leigh.
- Yeah? Feel free to hold your script.
I know you've barely even had a chance to read it.
Read it? I'm already memorized.
Of course you are.
Where do I stand? Right behind me.
That looks cool.
Wait till you see what the guys at anti gravity put together.
If we pull this off, we should raise quite a few eyebrows tonight.
Where's your dad? Scott's showing him around.
He thinks I made a mistake, leaving Bombshell.
You took a risk.
We both did.
I wish he could look at it that way.
Why don't you bring him to the fund-raiser? I don't know.
It's not really his thing.
Watching his daughter perform? He'd love it.
- Maybe.
- Okay.
Be right back.
They're ready to fit me for my costume now.
How lovely of you to grace us with your presence.
- Sorry I'm late.
- Hey.
Let's get started.
We did already.
Sweetheart, I won't let them adopt you.
I'm your family.
They're not.
But you've never treated me like family.
They do.
Please let me go.
I'm not just something you can cut out of your life.
Tom? - But you were never there - All right.
Let's pause here.
Come on.
Over here.
Why are they being so nice? This is boring.
I want my catfight already.
I want to get behind the choices both of you are making, but I need some help understanding them first.
What's to understand? You're playing a very contentious scene, warmly.
Norma Jeane's my daughter.
I love her.
She's asking you to let the neighbors adopt her because you're mentally unstable, and you don't seem very upset that she's saying no.
Why would I be upset? I love my mother.
She tried to kidnap you when you were a small child by stuffing you in a duffel bag.
Proof that, no matter how misguided, Gladys cared about her.
I was about to call.
I'm about to meet my photographer, and then we were going to head over.
Is today okay? It's okay, but tomorrow would be better.
Deadline for the weekend section is tomorrow.
Will you be ready? I'll make sure of it.
Perhaps I can repay you for your kindness with dinner next week.
Eileen Rand, are you asking me out on a date? No.
That would be a conflict of interest.
That's right.
The New York Times frowns on those.
It's too bad, though.
That's the only reason I signed on for this, to spend some time with you.
Well, let me get back to you.
I'm sure I can figure something out.
Why isn't this working? They're being so polite, they're turning Norma Jeane and Gladys into the Gilmore girls.
They're both amazing actresses on their own.
You just need to find a way to get them there together.
How? Directors use a variety of methods to get what they want.
If you're not getting the performance you want, find another way.
I shouldn't just wait for them to find it themselves? First week of rehearsal? Sure.
Week before tech? Get in there.
I have an idea, but it isn't pretty.
Is everything okay? I hope you're not mad at me for making you leave this morning.
No, I'm not mad.
Good, 'cause this is really strange for me.
My dad's here.
He's asking me all these questions about my life, and then, in the middle of all that, there's what happened with us.
You haven't told anybody, right? Ana, Kyle, Derek? No.
Why? Well, we're working together.
It's better to keep it between us.
If that's what you want.
No, no.
I-I'm sorry.
No, it's It's not that, it's What? What is it? I have to go.
I'm sorry.
Not here.
Let's go.
- Pretty a nice place you guys here.
- What are you doing here? How'd you find me? You broke into my house, man.
I knew you was alive.
Did a little digging.
Here you are.
Dude, I don't have it.
Even with all these posters with your name on 'em? It's not anywhere near what I owe you.
Well, you'll find it.
I know where you live, and I know where you work.
You know, maybe I could meet some of your new friends? I need time.
I'll see you soon.
You're leaving already? Well, Karen's done, so I thought I'd go.
Call me Roger.
I've got a ticket for tonight's benefit.
I thought you might like to see the star of our show at her best.
You're you're very fond of my daughter, aren't you? Yeah.
She's a wonderful girl.
Look, give her a chance to show you what she left Bombshell for.
Nice jacket.
Thank you? Sam, I'm so glad to see you're back here.
I know how sad Ivy was when you left for the tour.
Isn't this a hoot? When I got the offer, I said to Tom, "go with your other options," but he insisted.
I thought it was Eileen's choice.
It was Eileen's idea, but Tom's decision.
I had to say yes just to get him off the phone.
Now what exactly happened between you two? Is there no chance of patching things up? Julia.
Are you free tonight, by any chance? I was just going to hang out here, at rehearsal.
Because Karen's performing a number from Derek's new show at a fund-raiser tonight, and I was thinking maybe we should go along and see what they left us for.
The fund-raiser for the Manhattan theatre workshop? - Correct.
- Sure.
I'll be by with my car at 8:00.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Bye, Tom.
All right.
I know it's late, and we all want to get home.
And we can, once we get this right.
Let's turn up the drama a little bit.
When you're ready.
Sweetheart, I won't let them adopt you Okay, so this is a mother-daughter scene.
You are mother and daughter.
Let's draw on that.
You grew up with your mother working on Broadway.
What was that like? I don't really remember.
What? Of course you do.
I was performing Anything goes the whole time I was pregnant with Ivy.
She tap-danced along right with me the whole first trimester.
And, you won a Tony for that role, right? Yep, yep.
I wasn't even 30 years old.
I'm sorry, what? I was 27 when I had you.
According to what calendar? Take what you're feeling now.
Do the scene.
Tom, Tom.
You'll love this.
When Ivy was eight years old She got fat all of a sudden.
- Mom.
- No, no, just briefly.
Then you got very thin, dear.
But don't be so uptight.
But anyway, in this brief moment in time, I was playing Maria in Sound of music, and I She just so desperately wanted to audition for one of the Von Trapp children, so I begged the producers, and they agreed to bring her in For for Kurt.
It was a boy.
You know what? Maybe we should Did I ever tell you about the time that my mother came to visit me at theater camp? I don't think I remember that one.
Sure you do.
It was the summer before eighth grade.
You came to see me in Into the woods.
It was my first real role, and she was upstaging me even then.
But that wasn't the worst part.
Ancient history, Ivy.
I was little red, and Christina Nicholson was Cinderella.
Christina got a standing ovation, and you said, "if you were born with the talent she has, "that could have been you.
"But you weren't.
So you're going to have to work that much harder.
" And you did work that much harder.
- The scene.
- And here we are.
I am here.
And you shouldn't be.
But of course, when I finally get my big shot, you have to show up and remind me that I'm still not good enough.
Well, guess what.
At least the best part of my career is still ahead of me.
Broadway, here I come Broadway, here I come Broadway, here I come Broadway, here I come and the last thing I hear as the impact grows near is it a scream or a cheer? Well, never mind I'll never find out 'cause, Broadway, I am here That right there is a star.
Yeah, she could have been, if you'd let her.
Excuse me? I've been reading about you, how you treat the women who work for you.
My daughter threw away her Broadway dreams, dreams she's had since she was so little I could hold her, all to follow you down here.
I have nothing but respect for your daughter, sir.
It was entirely her decision.
It was nothing to do with me.
A man would stand up and admit his role in all this.
A boy would sneak out the window.
- That was great.
- Hey, thanks.
So I was I was I wanted to ask you for an advance on my money.
It's just it's hard to work shifts at the restaurant when I'm in rehearsal.
Sorry to break it to you, but this is nonprofit theater.
Well, I mean, what about all these people? Aren't they Aren't they supporting us? I mean, they don't look so hard up.
They keep the lights on.
Is there something wrong? No, hey, forget it.
Too bad my restraining order hasn't been processed yet.
I didn't come to see you.
I came to support your theater.
Is that why you bid on so many items in the silent auction? I just really think that that spa weekend is a good deal.
You're trying too hard.
- I feel terrible.
- I noticed.
Eileen Rand.
What a surprise.
- You missed Karen Cartwright.
- I did.
I'm glad you got a ticket.
Apparently, I'm at table four.
That's interesting, 'cause so am I.
It's a miracle.
My God.
You won't believe who's here.
Richard Francis, arts editor of the New York Times.
He is going to watch you shut it down.
I didn't think I could get more nervous.
Don't be.
You're going to be great.
Hey, where's Jimmy? I was kind of hoping he was in here.
I need to talk to him.
Yeah, he's been acting weird all day.
Yeah, I noticed.
Is everything okay? Did something happen? Ana, we're ready.
I could fall in love with you I could fall in love in my dreams your dreams come true say you'll dream of us at night when the bright stars are burning high over Manhattan all washed out in neon and hidden from view but when the power goes out and you look up from Brooklyn will you reach for me reaching out for you? Oh, will you reach for me reaching out for you? Reaching out for you I can tell you're unprepared for what will happen next nothing now could change my mind or make me want you less do you want this tonight? When the bright stars are burning high over Manhattan all washed out in neon and hidden from view but when the power goes out and you look up from Brooklyn will you reach for me reaching out for you? Oh, will you reach for me reaching out for you? Would you reach for me? I could wait for you would you reach for me? Bright stars are burning Hey, they need you downstairs, like, right away.
All washed out in neon and hidden from view but when the power goes out and you look up from Brooklyn will you reach for me reaching out for you? Oh, will you reach for me reaching out for you? Will you reach for me reaching out for you? Reaching out for you I'm reaching out for you I'm reaching out for you Hi, Jimmy.
Patek Philippe.
It's cool.
- I I can explain.
- I wouldn't bother.
It's pretty obvious.
Derek, I'm in trouble, okay? All right.
Go on.
I mean, it's this guy I know.
This dealer, I used to work for him and buy from him and crash with him and his friends.
Okay, but I got out of there, like, a year ago.
It's just, I needed some cash for a clean start.
How much did you take from him? - Why didn't you just ask me? - Are you kidding? Thought you and I are becoming friends.
And believe it or not, you don't have a monopoly on youthful indiscretion.
What are you doing in here? Fetching our coats in your absence.
Look at that.
They match.
Big night.
You could say that.
Were your patrons pleased? I hope so.
What'd you think? I thought it was extraordinary.
You and I used to try stuff like this.
Think about what we could have pulled off if we had stuck together.
I do think about it.
More and more lately.
But if what I did got you to this place, I no longer feel guilty.
You're on to something here.
I'm just glad I stalked you, so I could see it.
Well, I hope you don't stop.
I'm getting used to you.
There you are.
Hey, Roger.
You've met our composer, Jimmy Collins? Hello, Jimmy.
Karen, walk me out.
It's late.
- I'm going to get a cab.
- Okay.
You, my dear, were a vision.
I'm betting the house on you guys.
Well, she killed it, so Derek.
Great to see you, as usual.
Interesting show.
- Richard Francis, New York Times.
- Scott Nichols.
As I'm new in town, I've yet to have the pleasure.
- Is this the team behind that number? - Yes.
And this is the sprite, spinning in the air.
I'm Ana.
She plays the diva.
That was her song in the first act.
Well, I can't wait to see what she does in the second.
She is all over the place.
Well, we'll leave you to it.
I'm so looking forward to seeing where all this goes.
Let's talk.
- Sure.
- Soon.
Of course.
Okay, I am literally waiting to exhale.
Dude, all over the place? The diva only has one song.
Not anymore.
Forget the patrons.
That man is the only fan Hit list needs.
He says jump, we fly.
Here we are.
Well, that was fun.
And see? No conflict of interest.
Let's keep it that way.
Look, I want to spend time with you.
So I had a thought.
Why don't I give the Bombshell story to another writer? Do I still get the cover? Sure.
I thought you were looking forward to writing it.
I'll find something else to write about.
I'm sorry if things got a little tense back there.
I'm not.
It felt good to say the things that needed to be said.
You mean that terrible story about how I never missed your shows growing up and taught you to work hard? What a bad mother I've been.
You never should have taken this job.
They need me.
You need me.
No, I don't.
You may be a star in the making, but you're not there yet.
Your name can't open this show.
But ours can, the two of us together.
We may need you to open the show, but after that, I'll never need you again.
I finally understand about why you left Bombshell.
You left because of that composer, the one I saw sneaking out your window this morning.
Dad You never even mentioned him to your mom and me.
Who is he? What's his story? I just don't want you to make a mistake.
Jimmy's important to me.
This show is too.
So if this is all a mistake, it's too late.
I already made it.
I guess you did.
When I was a film cutter *** after where me and the girls were sometimes, drive all the ways down to the Santa Monica pier and go dancing.
I should have come to see you, but I knew you were better off where you were.
- Norma Jeane, I'm so sorry.
- Mama, I'm Marilyn now.
I haven't been Norma Jeane in years.
Baby, I wish I was back in the cutting room.
I'd take all these pieces of our lives, and I'd make something beautiful.
If our lives were a movie I'd know what to do I'd write every scene with my heart an R.
picture that stars me and you and this time I'd learn my part I'd paint you some scenery we'd sing and we'd dance from morning to late afternoon and when that scene is done then I'd take down the sun and for you, darling I'll hang the moon we'd wake up to sunshine like lights on a set you'd reach out and there'd be my hand all day there'd be music a perfect duet that flows from the white baby grand at night when you're frightened I'd play you to sleep that melody from Clair de lune and to fill up the sky past the clouds I would fly and for you darling, I'll hang the moon hang the moon forever so you'd never fear the darkness the darkness I've known moon, protect Norma Jeane so that she'll never be alone never alone if our lives were a movie then you'd be the star 'cause now I know the role I should play to applaud all you do all the things that you are and just be there on opening day I know in the past that the lines were all wrong and the music was never in tune but the wish that I make is for just one more take because then, darling I'll hang the moon I'll hang the moon above you so you never fear the darkness the darkness of night then you'll know I love you each time that you feel the light feel the light if our lives were a movie then I'd cut away all the moments when I wasn't there the scenes that are happy are all that will stay the rest will dissolve into air as the final reel ends we might both shed a tear for the ending is coming up soon but when the screen fades to black we can smile and look back and for you, darling I'll hang the moon Well, that should do it.
We've got some work we can get on with while you go and visit your friend.
He can wait.
Yeah, but he shouldn't.
Handle it now.
I was awful hard on you last night.
I just want you to be happy, and if that boy makes you happy, then that's all that matters to me.
Thank you.
Your show seems interesting.
I look forward to seeing the rest of it on opening night.
Maybe we could all have dinner? Yeah.
I'd I'd like that.
You're not staying for rehearsal? No, I was just saying good-bye to my daughter.
I've got to get to my conference.
Let's get you a cab.
So you told your dad? He saw you out my window.
Hey, look, I know that I've been weird lately.
I just want you to know it's not you.
I just I've had a lot on my mind.
But it's going to be all good now, okay? - Taxi! - Okay.
I owe you an apology, Derek.
No, there's no need.
No, I do.
I was wrong.
I thought you and my daughter were together, but it wasn't you I saw.
Good luck with the show.
- Hi.
- Hey.
I took the liberty of ordering your usual.
You remember from 15 years ago? You do.
Hey, let me ask you something.
How do you turn an ancillary character into a second lead? Well, off the top of my head, he She.
Would have to play off the hero, so you make her a villain or a cautionary tale.
I'd have to look at the material.
Why do you ask? I want to give you the chance you so desperately want to make it up to me.
My show needs your help.
How do you feel about being a dramaturg? If you had asked me six months ago, I would have said, "not good.
" Look, I'm not asking you to be one.
I'm just asking you to read it and give me your thoughts.
I know you have your own show.
I thought this was sung through.
It's the story that needs help, not the music.
And you know story.
Does Derek know? You'd be doing this for me, not him.
That was amazing.
Who's going to love that? I know.
How about everyone who has a mother? I know bringing Leigh on board has been a challenge for you, but you got to admit, it's been worth it so far.
Maybe for the show, but it's been torture for me.
Sam told me everything.
You knew how hard it was going to be for me to work with the woman whose shadow I've spent my entire life trying to escape.
And you still hired her.
I'm doing what's right for the show.
Then so am I.
We're not friends.
I work for you now, and that's it.
Look at that.
It's all there.
Yeah, we good? Better than.
Man, the last thing I ever thought I'd see from you is $8,000 cash.
You want to come inside, hang out? Old times' sake.
I never want to see you again.
Well, you want a little something for the road? Have a good one, Collins.
It's Collins now, right? Don't worry.
Your secret's safe with me.

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