The Secret Life of the American Teenager s02e10 Episode Script

Knocked Up, Who's There?

??? I still want a dog.
I've stiot our name on the list to get one of those guide dogs.
Did you tell Mom to ask Jack to do this Is that a problem? I'm the maof the house.
I fix things.
I think Tom's a little upset that we asked Jack to do this.
Throw the ball arounwith him and he'll be fine.
We actually get the keys in 30 days? So y've got 30 days to get everything straightened out with Amy.
Why can't you just tell her that's yr soon too and I can hold him? if you want me to hold him I think Jack??? I thought you and I were going to start over and try to make things work.
we can??? Think fast.
How was that, buddy? I'm really sorry you called me a slut and got suspended from school.
That's your idea of an apology? I ready know you don't want us to move back in here.
I don't.
You're about to move next door to the mother of your boyfriend's child.
So we're getting a brother? yeah???it's a boy Now we're having a son Hi.
I just wondering if maybe you waed to hang out this weekend.
- Me? - Yeah, you.
I'm a??? I just this seems kind of sudden.
Have we met bere? It's not you baby??? Oh???no??? It was a joke.
I just thought, you know, you must be into pregnant girls and I could use a friend.
You don't seem have any issues with single mothers.
I'm so sorry,what's you name? - Heather.
- Nice to meet you.
I'm Ben.
I know I have a girlfriend, and it sounds like you know I have a girlfriend.
Do you know I havea girlfriend? Amy Juer yeah,so??? She's probably going to end up with Ricky anyway no harm in coming out.
Well, I don't think she's going to end up with Ricky She could.
He's the father of her baby.
I love Amy.
we are??? Oh, I'm sure.
You and Amy and the baby and Ricky look??? You want to have a good time, right? Really, Heather, I can't.
You can't have a good time Well, I can, but only with Amy.
All right,if that's your idea of a good time, getting your heart broken.
My parents already kicked me out of my house, so I have my own place.
Here's my number.
You should give me a call.
Oh, and I heard you like to play cribbage.
So do I.
Maybe we coulde friends.
Doesn't it botheyou hanging out with Amy and Ricky and the baby all the time? Heather, it occurs t that even if I did want to hang out with you, wouldn't it just be me with the father of your baby anyour baby? Wouldn't it be the same thing? Ye, only way better.
I'll see you around.
I'm seeing a pattern here.
You're not going to go out with her, are you? Are you going to be friends with her? No.
Come on.
That was a cry for help if I've ever seen one.
I could be her friend,I guess.
No, you can't.
Not and be Amy's boyfriend.
All right,Amy knows our friends.
oh,the two of us Okay, that's my t exactly.
Amy knows I'm friends with yAlison.
She doesn't mind.
What does that mean? It means that Amy is fine with my having friends of the opposite se - I??? - yeah Come on, Amy would be fine.
In fact, maybe Amy and I can be friends with-- Hather.
Her name is Heather.
Amy's not too happy about your beingends with Adrian.
What makes you think you can be friends with Heather? I'm not really friends with Adrian anymore.
We useto talk, but hardly ever anymore.
And I see your point, but this is different.
You don't even know this girl What girl? Me.
He was referring to me.
What girl? This girl named Heather.
The pregnant girl? Grace,I don't think??? It's time, Jack.
It's a mistake.
I really want to.
I think I uld feel better if I did.
I imagine that the Catholi confess in private for a reason.
??? become??? How is anyone in the teen abstinence grou going to know we regret what we did unle we tell them? We've just been sitting there week after school started.
I know they're waiting for us to speak.
They're look at us to be the leaders.
so???We're speaking, and I'm inviting everyone I know.
How is it a mistake to talk about a mistake? I don't know, Grace, but my gut tells me it is.
People don't want to know that we gret having sex.
They don't want to know that we regret i because then they can justify doing it because we did it.
It's time for us to witness.
Mistak-- Stop saying that.
How's the grn injury? I don't want talk about it Just so you know, everything's working just fine.
Jack Pappas, I hope you're not-- It was just the one time.
I wanted to make sure everything was okay.
it won't happen again All right, all right, it'll probably happen again.
This is why you need group support.
Oh, no, I'm not talking about that either.
- Too.
- Eith I'm not talking about either one of those th.
It'll be fine, Jack.
I promise.
- Hi.
- No.
No? I don't want something from you.
I want to give you something.
I want to give you my reasons for not having s.
I'm going to be speaking about that at my Troup at the church tonight.
- TAG? - Teen Abstinence Group.
You ow, I have a group of my own.
Teens Against Groups.
I love your sense of humor.
Anyway, just know that you're inted.
Why don't you bring Amy? She can bring the baby too, if she wants.
I'll ask her myself.
Bye, Ashley.
Want me to get rid of him? I don't know.
I'm thinking abo it.
- So - so So, neither of you are conversationalists.
Maybe ind it awkward having to talk in front of you.
would you yes??? I like that.
Ashl's made a commitment not to date in high school.
I don't wa to go out with her.
I just want to marry her and have children.
In that order.
Whoa, okay there, buddy.
no no no???You'reot getting anywhere near her.
I didn't say I was going to.
I just-- I wanted to.
but Who wouldn't? Other than you.
Is that a remark about my being gay I guess.
You are gay, aren't you? even the whole school know it's the something wrong It's kind of personal, isn't it? It's who I am.
Well, this is who I am.
I???and I just want to talk.
About sleeping with her Well, as flattering as all this , I'm getting boredand I have to get t - I'll walk you.
- I'm her walker.
I'll walk her.
Pleasem starting to feel very Scarlett O'Hara.
You can both walk me.
Scarlett who? Gone with the Wind.
Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh.
Tara, that green velvet dress ma from the curtains.
no??? It's essential you know this film in orde to get along with Ashley.
ough she wasn't named for Ashley Wilkes.
Never mind.
hey,if??? What mes you think I want to go out? I've been watching you wathat guy.
You want to go out.
So who's going to dre you? He's a freshman.
And unlike your sister's boyfriend, I doubt he has a driver.
Well, he hasn't asked me out, so??? Maybe he can't get past your friend.
Well, then he cat go out with me.
Don't you think guys are intimidated enouthout having to pass the bodyguard? Intimidated by me? How so? Don't play games with me.
You know what I'm talking ab What? Look, I was just trying to be nice.
If you want to go out, you can go out with Adrian and me.
- Do you go out? - We go out.
What's gng on? This guy's trying to date Ashley, and I told her if the two of them want to go out with us sometime, they can.
We're going out? We could go out.
Yeah, okay.
- Really? - Sure.
Want to go out tonight? How? You don't drive.
I could havey mom take us.
Oh, I don't know.
That might involve meeting my parents.
Oh, no.
My mom's trained.
She's going to sin the car in the driveway.
Why would we let her and her date go out with us? Because, Adr you need to find a way to make Amy your friend.
you makfriends with Ashley, Amy will come around.
They're sists.
ok???I've never had a sist Aryou sure that's how it works? I think I know a little bit more about women than you do.
Grace, Grace, okay.
Listen to this.
Rickand I are going to let Ashley and a guy double date with us.
So you're going out? Yeah, we're going out.
Okay, but don't you think Amy's going to hate you more if you make friends with Ashley? Yes.
Adrian, you're going in the wrong direction.
Turn around.
You can do it.
You and Amy can still be friends No, we can't.
Okay, I have an idea.
What if you and Ricky and Ashley and her dat and Amy and Ben come to myeen abstinence group tonight? I think it's too late for me to join that group.
It's never too late.
And I really want you all to hear what I say.
- About? - A-bout not ng sex before marriage.
Please, Adrian? Please come.
Just to support me.
And Jack.
As our friend.
It's going to take tremendous courage for Jack to speak tonight.
Um, excuse me.
I couldn't help but overhearing.
For Jack to speak about what? Oh, you ould come too, Madison.
I'm going to be speaking about not having sex my church tonight.
well???I've always thought that you should never have sex at church, at all.
- Ever - It's the first time I've talked about it, you know from the Dead Parents Club meetings th I deeply regret having sex.
Grace, we all deeply regret you having sex.
I'll let you know about the church thing.
Jeeze, GraYou're a member of the no sex group.
The Dead Parents Club.
Maybe you should go back to cheerleading.
You know, try something a little more fun.
Hey, excuse me.
Lauren, can-- Do you know that pregnant girl, Heather? I know Heather, and I know she's pregnant.
But I don't refer to her as "that pregnant girl,eather," because I know you wouldn't appreciate people calling you"that preg girl, Amy.
" She asked Ben out.
Yeah, I kn.
Can you believe that? Amy, you never want to go out, you're always tired, and you can't think that a guy as cute and popular as B Boykewich is going to sit around every night watching you take care of Ricky Underwood's baby.
What? look???Get a babysitter.
Go out, have some fun, if??? Hand John over to me and Madison.
We'll baby-sit.
You cannot baby-sit.
Does that mean that Ben can co to my house and play? All???All right.
I'm???I guess you could baby-sit.
but no Madison.
Where's Amy going? class,I guess So what are we doing tonigh Grace wants us to come I'm busy.
I have something to do.
Is this role-play in case some guy you don't like asks you out? No??? Well then, what are you doing? I'm babysitting.
You are not.
if you come by??? I'll let you in.
Unless her mom stops me.
Bring something, like you're dropping something off.
- Like? - I don't know.
Candy for the baby.
ok???what kind candy Something you don't need teeth for.
Do you have to baby-sit tonight? I think we should go to that church thi.
Grace is going to talk about not having sex.
Oh, and what wJack be talking about? Hey.
umm???I want to go out tonigh Oh, just you and me? Mm-hm.
Are you going to g Ricky to baby-sit? No, I'm going to get Lauren to baby-sit.
Is that the nurser mom,what's wrong Did you pick Amy up at the nursery? Ye I picked up Amy at the nursery, I drive??? did you go??? Your mother's?o.
I got to change first and mentally prepare to go over.
Yeah, I know what you mean on Speaking of which, do you mind if I go out tonight? With your new friend Griffin? not at all.
You go out with your number oneay any time you want.
- Who's driving? - Ricky.
- Ricky? - Yeah, we're going out with Ricky and Adrian.
NoGriffin and me.
This guy named Mark.
Hi, George.
I need to speak to Ashley, if I y.
- Who's Mark? - A no goodnik.
I've to hear from someone else that you're going out? I mean, I thought you were thinking of going out, that I didn't know you were going out.
She's not going t.
- You just said I could go out.
- With him.
Mom's on bed rest.
What? look, it's no big deal.
We're just going to hang out with Ricky and Adrian.
You're just going to hang out with two sluts.
Hey, that slut happens to the father of my nephew.
And the other slut? Wh's wrong with Adrian? You know, I like Adrian.
She's kind of a bad influence.
umm???my sister would be? A cautionary tale.
Big difference.
you know??? - To the sex group? - It's the no sex grou No, thank you.
no no no??? Any talk ostinence in a group is trouble.
What's going o - what do you mean? - Is the baby okay? Yeah, he fine.
Then why are you in bed? Why'd e doctor put you on bed rest? why that you call me What were you going to do down there? Drive you to the hospital.
I don't need the hospital.
Just calm down.
He's fine, I'm fine, everything's fine.
Everything's not fine if you're on bed rest.
Everything is fine as long as I'm on bed rest.
We jusdon't want the baby to get here earlier than he should.
That's all.
What do you mean?Is he trying to sneak out early? Kind of.
All right, I am home for the duration.
That could be a month.
you can take??? - Yes.
- No, you can't.
We'll just get a housekeeper for a few eks.
No, I'm staying here, right here, and I'll take care of the house and you and the baby.
That's really nice of you, but I'd rather have a housekeeper.
You know how I feel about that.
Ye, I know how you feel about that, but there are a lot of people that need work, and we need someone to work, so we'll just get housekeeper to come in here for a few weeks.
All right.
Should I finish this, are we getting a housekeeper? Well, we're not getting one today.
oh???We could.
I ha the number for a service.
No, I'm not leaving your mother with some person in the house that we doknow.
You can take a few weeks off from the store and stay with her.
just???you and mom waitinfor the baby to come.
I'd do it, but I have school and work and I value my sanity.
I love her, but really? I could never, never, stay here for evy minute of the day for a few weeks of mouth Think about it.
A few weeks? I??? to stay with her for a few weeks.
Oh, I'm going out tonight.
Lauren's coming over to baby-sit.
No, no one's going anywhere tonight.
You,e and your sister, we're all staying right here.
Why? if you mother can't go anywhere, neither can we.
- I can go - No, you can't.
Dad, I have to go out.
pregnant girl is that No, but she thinks it is so I have to go out tonight and I have to be a lot of fun.
What does that mean? You have to have sex to keep him away from a pregnant gi? no???You're not going anywhere tonig.
We're family.
No, we're no You and Mom are speaking to each other but we're not a family.
??? Oh, really? You're 16, Amy,and you're my daughter.
You do what I tell you.
Tonight, you're staying home with your mother and me and Ashley.
And if I don't? - If you don't? - Dad, I'm 16 with a baby of my own.
I think I should be able to decide ether or not I'm going on a date.
You're 16 with a baby of your ow You don't make good decisions.
We've already established that.
I don't know who Mark is, but you're not going out with Mark tonight with anyone else Your mother's on bed rest, soe're all going to stay home tonight.
All right.
-So everything okay? - It will be.
Just tell me where you though you were going to go with some guy I never met? Well.
We we going to the church to hear Grace speak to the Teen Abstinence Group.
Didn't Grace and Jack-- Then you don't need to go.
You don't ed to hear teenagers talk about not having sex.
because all that does is make everyone want sex, and you are not having sex.
Oh,And you and your sister and your mother and I are going to be spending a lot more time together, so.
son to stay over there until the baby comes.
Oh, how can I get a housekeeper for your mother at's not really a housekeeper? - Ben? - I got it.
Let's take a picnic dinner to the beach, watch the sunset and listen to a little jaz Okay, how soon can you pick me up? I don't want to go.
I don't want to go.
well??? Mom says she wants us to be there.
Why She does not want us to have x.
Well, it's not her decision.
I know, but it might be funny.
What might be funn - You - I might be.
I may tell a joke or two to start out.
make people feel more comfortable.
that's when They tell a few jokes,put people at ease, then tell themhings they never want to hear otherwise.
Hey, Tom.
- Are they? - Yes.
Grace, could I talk to you for a minute, alone? we don't want go Tom's mother Hey, how's the old Fine.
They can't go with utonight.
??? Besides, my mom thinks it would be good for them.
why???I'm not saying anything I don't want to risk getting hit again.
I already missed one game as it is.
Maybe the Lord will move you to speak, Jack.
I don't think so, Grace.
and Do me a favo When you speak, don't mention me by name.
Be vague.
It'll be fine.
No, it won't.
Hey, we don't have tgo to this, you know.
Ashley??? ne's on bed rest, so George wants his girls home tonight.
Is she oka she Okay? She's resting in bed.
That means there's something wrong, doesn't it? I don't know But no one's home, and we don't have to chaperone yone, so the two of us n just stay here for a change.
I told Grace we would come.
Fine,we are go But we can have sex befo we go.
I don't know, Adrian.
I feel funny having sex and then just walking into a church.
Why? You don't think we'ring anything wrong, do you? No, but still-- I mean, sex and then church sex and church don't go together.
That's church and state.
Church and state n't go together.
Maybe when we get back Isn't her little speech supposed to talk us out of having sex.
Yeah, but Grace talking about sex ??? - With Grace? - I don't want to have sex with Grace.
She's got too many issues.
Issues with sex, huh? She thought it was great.
She really liked it.
It was more fun than she's ever had.
That's what she told me.
More fun than she's ever had? Compared to what? What fun has she ever had? What fun have we ever had outside of sex? Exactly.
We're going to have sex, then we're going to hear Grace tell us how wrong it is to have sex, and then we're going out and do something fun.
Something more fun than having sex.
- Like? - I don't know, but maybe those abstinent Christians will tell us.
Look, we've got plenty of time.
Now get in there Yes, ma'am.
What are you doing? Why do you look good? Gee, thanks, Ashley.
I need you to watch the baby.
Lauren's on her way, but she's not here yet.
??? But Dad said we all have to stay home tonight, so why is Lauren coming over to baby-sit? Because I'm not staying home.
I'm going out with Ben.
Well, did Dad say you could? Please, you live with him.
He tells you what to do.
He doesn live here.
He can't tell me what to do.
What? I'm going out tonight.
Watch John till Lauren gets here.
Hold it.
Hold it, hold it.
Amy, what are you doing.
I told you, I'm going out.
If Dad told you not to go out, and you're going out anyway, he's going to kill you.
Noe's not.
I'm a grown woman.
I'm a mother.
I have a baby.
??? But you are not a grown woman, Amy You're a teenager.
You're 16.
Hey, Amy.
I get here as quick as I could.
Hey, Ashley.
You're really going to baby-sit.
Yeah, I can do it.
I'm not stupid.
You are if you baby-sit when Dad's told Amy she can't go out.
What? ??? And if he's not, he's not going to take it out on you, he's going to take it out on me.
Mom, wait.
??? My parents already don't like you.
Good night.
I'll being the TAG meeting with Madison.
We'll call you.
Now that you screwed th up for me, you baby-sit.
I feel like going out, and I'm going out.
Don't be stupid.
Ben's not going to run off ??? just because you can't go out one night.
You can take care of Mom, you and Dad.
She doesn't even need me here.
And I don'like him thinking he can come over and tell me what to do.
Ben, Dad told Amy she can't go out.
- Oh.
I didn't know.
- We're going out.
No, Amy.
What's going on? My dad suddenly thin he's the boss of me.
??? Amy, we don't have to go out.
We can stay here.
Or, Ben, you could just go home.
You won't believe what this guy can do.
He flunked out of the guide dog program, but really, he's unbelievable.
George, we don't need a dog.
We need person.
A person who can do laundry and clean house, and keep me company and bring me food and water.
He could be trained to do all that.
But the most important thing is, if there's an emergey-- Watch this.
Moose, call 911.
George, he called 911.
People calling 911 who don't need 911 keep people who do need 911 from getting help.
A boy needs a dog.
Are we talking about you or the baby.
We don't need a dog.
And now, I turn tonight's program over ??? ??? Hey, Adrian.
Now my mom thinks I'm going on a date with you.
- You could do a lot worse.
- ??? Don't worry.
No one here cares who's gay or not gay I first want to start by welcoming all the newcomers here tonight, especially Griffin.
Especially? What's that supposed to mean.
??? Oh, almost forgot.
And Mark.
Welcome, Mark.
What's that supposed to mean? That you're with me.
Embrace the challenge, dude.
Let me start with a little poem I've written called "I'm Sorry, Jesus.
" - ??? - ??? Better hope Jack doest tell Jesus how sorry he is.
I'm sorry, Jesus, but I had sex.
I don't know what happened.
It's so complex.
I promised I would wait until I was wed.
and then dte that promise, I ended up in bed.
I never thought anything could feel so good I thought maybe wives just do it cause they think they should.
But after all was said and done, I did feel guilty for having so much fun.
So now I'm focused on being a surgeon, as a way to not think about not being a virgin.
It's not really a serious poem.
It's more of a limerick.
I wanted to open with a joke, but when I Googled "Christian jokes on sex," I couldn't find anything.
Lighten up, people.
??? I'm laughing.
??? Boo.
Come on I'm just trying to use humor before getting to the more serious stuff that I wanted to talk toou about.
- You failed - Boo.
I'm not afraid to fail.
I'm not afraid to fall.
because I believe somebody greater will catch me.
Is that how Jack got the groin injury? Nice, new guy.
Get off the stage.
I'm just getting started Oh, no I suddenly got really turned on.
From what? I knew this would happen.
No, you didn't.
No one knew this would happen.
??? because even if one person is helped-- Shut up, okay? Let Grace talk.
Thank you.
Don't touch me.
- You called 911.
- No, I didn't call 911.
The dog is learning how to call 911.
He isn't just learning.
He dialed 911.
Over and over and over.
Well, he didn't mean to.
He's a drop-out.
Just go.
Good night.
- Good night.
- Night.
There's nothing really good about it.
You're you don't want to come inside? Uh, no.
I better not.
It's a nice night, though.
Enjoy the fresh air.
I could just really use somebody to talk to.
??? Just to talk.
??? Tell me what you told Amy.
Everything's going to be okay.
It's just scary, you know? It's really scary, not having anybody.
What about the dad? Please.
You think every pregnant girl has a Ben and a Ricky? I haven't talked to the father since I told him he was a father.
Are you going to keep the baby? I can't keep the baby.
My parents just kicked me out of my house.
I spent the last 16 year of birthday money on my first and last month's rent, and I have no idea what going to do.
That's not me asking for money.
I-- I could just really use a friend, you know? Everytng's going to be fine.
It's going to be all right.
??? Need something? I was just goingo get some juice for John.
- Let's talk.
- I don't want to talk.
I do.
Now, I'm your dad, and would think after all we've been through with you this year that you'd want to talk to me.
but whether or not you talk to me, I'm going talk to you.
Ames, you can't just do whatever you want.
I'm really impressed with how much you've grown up this past year, and how well you care for a baby at 16, but still you're not grown up.
You're not 18.
You can't do whatever you want.
You and your sister and your mother and me, we're a family.
And a family really isn't about letting each person do whatever they want.
It's about each person doing what's good for the family.
And that's how we learn to do what's good for the world, and I know you're all into doing what's good for the world.
But guess what, sweetie? It starts by doing what's good for the family.
It wasn't good for you to run off and be with Ben tonight.
We need to be with your mother.
And I would hope, at this point, once you saw that she was on bed rest, ??? "Hey, I was supposed to go out with Ben tonight, but I see Mom needs me.
She needs all of us.
So I'll stay home.
" Then I would know you were growing up, if you said something like that.
Ames, when you disrespect me, I lose respect for you.
??? And you're only choosing to do something that's not right ??? or just out of spite.
You've done a few things out of your own selfish inrest, or out of spite.
We're talking about you.
I apologize for just dropping by.
- I called.
- Yeah.
I couldn't pick up my phone.
Someone was talking to me.
George, I stopped by your house to ask if I could just have a minute with Amy.
She's all yours.
What's going on? What's going on is that I called Heather and went out with her as a friend.
Yeah, I did, Amy.
But after listening to her, I realized that I'm not really the friend that she needs.
I went up against my dad to go out with you, and then you betrayed me? You went up against your dad because you were feeling insecure about our relationsh.
And you wanted to keep me fromoing out with another girl so much, that you risked losing the respect of your entire family.
Truth or dare? I guess you just said the truth for me, so I'll take the dare.
So in closing, I just want to say that I take full responsibity for my decision to have sex with Jack.
I seduced him.
I tempted him.
I went against my own beliefs for a few moments of passion, ill-expressed through meaningless sex.
And once you go to that place, you can never, ever go back to where you were before.
And though I feel certain that God has forgiven me and Jack, I also live with regret.
??? Yes, I do.
No, I don't think so.
I think you wish you did because if you could regret it really regret it, then you'd feel better.
??? that you regret it, then you'd actually regret it.
But as i ???, you're thinking about doing it again.
I'm sorry, Grace, but despite the pain of the past few months, the emotional pain as well as the groin injury, I'm still thking about doing it again.
And so are you.
I can tell.
That's the real problem.
And you didn't say anything about that to anyone.
So, you going to close with a joke? Tom and Tammy are waiting in the car.
I'm sorry, Jesus.
He might be right.
I guess I was moved to speak.
You were definitely right about having sex before that lecture and not after.
More right than I ever dreamed.
How's that I don't know.
She keeps getting to me.
She keeps coming back to me with this "it's wrong to have sex" over and over again.
Once in a while, she seems to get through, and all that talk about why you should be married first and why sex is better when you're married-- I don't know.
It's like she snuck into my brain and planted a seed that's starting to take over.
Either what she's saying is starting to make a lot of sense, or I'm hypnotized.
Oh, come on.
No, I mean it.
Just tell me, you think there's any way the two of us would ever get married sometime in the distant future, or even near future? You ever see us getting married and raising a family? Yeah, I didn't think so.
??? but I can't even hold on to the fantasy for a few minutes in my head, so I just don't think about it.
It's probably best.
How is it probably best? Because, Adrian, I care about you.
But I don't see myself as ever married to anyone.
Not even Amy.
Not even Amy? ??? So therefore, you don't ever see yourself marrying anyone and raising a family.
All right,as long as you're keeping it real.
??? I want to see other people.
You see other people.
Yeah, but now I want to be honest about it.
I don't wanto hide it because why should I? You don't want to be the guy I'm with the rest of my life, fine.
But that guy is out there, and out of respect for myself, and no disrespect to you, I'm going to find him.
You just had your dad buy a house next to Amy ??? ??? It was a mistake.
But you're moving in.
I just wanted to come by and say I'm sorry we didn't get to go out tonight.
??? ??? ??? with Griffin right now, and I'm kind of nervous she's going to think I'm gay, so I was hoping I could make a display of affection towards you.
I'm not going to kiss you just so your mother won't think you're gay.
??? I just came from church with an openly guy.
How can you accuse me of being homophobic? Wait a minute.
You're not using this mother excuse to try to get me to kiss you, are you? Would that work.
You have a really healthy attitude.
How'd you come by that? I got the crap beat out of me for having a crush on Al Gore.
It's true.
I think he's really cute.
I don't agree with his politics, but ??? that smile.
So my dad ??? put me in the ring.
Made me take boxing.
And people he paid beat the crap out of me, but I got a little self-confidence out of it.
You have more than a little self-confidence.
I think you've got self-esteem, self-respect.
Well, that's good.
What I want is a boyfriend.
No, not Mark.
Mark's in love with Ashley.
And he's not gay.
He's not.
You're supposed to say it's okay if he is, though.
Wouldn't matter.
Doesn't define what kind of person you are, your attraction to the same sex or the opposite sex.
It's just who you are.
Is that what your parents said to you? yep.
And my older brother, and my brother older than that.
By the time I realized I was gay, too, it was really okay with the entire family.
So, Mark's in love, huh? ??? But then they give you that shot.
Does that hurt? Not that much.
Besides, you don't even care at that point.
Who's going to be there with you? I didn't ask Ben, if that's what you're getting at.
No, that's not what I was getting a I was just going to let you know that you can call me.
My family and I will come with you, if you want.
Thanks, but-- I mean, really? If you don't have anyone.
??? when do they take it? When you go home from the hospital.
And if I can't find anybody by then, what happens to her? Here in California, you can abandon her at the hospital, so don't think about not going to the hospital.
They'll help you with it.
I could help you, too.
I know lots of information about social services and private adoption.
Ricky's mom will help you.
Jack's dad will help you.
??? I can't keep her.
I can't even provide a home for her.
I can baly provide a home for myself.
Your parents won't let you come back home? No.
They told me to get out and never come back.
I'm all grown up.
I'm having a baby.
I have to do it on my own.
She's driving me crazy, Amy.
??? The way she can drive me crazy.
She just gets so wound up, then goes off in all different directions.
One minute, she's a girl.
And one minute, she's a won.
She's totally unpredtable.
And sometimes, completely unreasonable.
But she's got a heart of gold.
If she just channels that all in the right direction, she is going to be a hell of a-- - Um.
- Wife? She's just like her mother.
Oh, uh, I'll say good night.
Good night.
??? Thanks for standing by me this past year.
??? My whole life.
We got a lot of years ahead of us, kid.
Where's Ashley? Making out with some guy on the porch.
It's going to be nice for you to have a son, isn't it? Yup.

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